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四种蛾类灯下行为特点初步研究   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
经过1991~1994年4年的田间调查与观察,比较了棉铃虫、粘虫、稻纵卷叶螟和玉米螟4种蛾类在灯下的行为特点,发现一个共同现象,即虫卵与为害随灯距的增加而增加,随灯距的缩短而减少。作者分析,这一现象的产生可能是光源对夜行蛾类诱捕和驱避共同作用的结果。  相似文献   

施氮对几种草地植物生物量及其分配的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
祁瑜  黄永梅  王艳  赵杰  张景慧 《生态学报》2011,31(18):5121-5129
为了研究施氮对不同草地植物生物量及其分配的影响,以及温带草地生态系统碳交换过程对氮素的响应,在内蒙古太仆寺旗农田-草地生态系统野外站,以4种草地植物:紫花苜蓿(Medicago sativa L.)、高丹草(Sorghum bicolor L.) 、羊草(Leymus chinensis T.)和小叶锦鸡儿(Caragana microphylia L.)为材料,进行了3种氮素水平 的盆栽控制实验。研究结果表明:施氮显著促进了4种植物地上生物量的积累,紫花苜蓿在中氮水平地上生物量最大,较对照增加了24.8%,高丹草、羊草、小叶锦鸡儿在高氮水平地上生物量最大,分别较对照增加了45.6%、39.3%和72.2%。4种植物在中氮水平地下生物量最大,而细根(直径≤2mm)生物量随施氮量的增加显著减少。羊草根茎生物量及其分配比例随施氮量的增加而增大。施氮显著降低了4种植物的根冠比,紫花苜蓿的根冠比在中氮水平时最小,为1.62,高丹草、羊草、小叶锦鸡儿的根冠比在高氮水平时最小,分别为0.57、1.02和0.41。随施氮量的增加,植物地下部分特别是细根的分配比例显著降低,地上部分分配比例显著增加。不同植物对施氮水平的响应不同,相比豆科植物,施氮显著促进禾本科植物生物量积累,并使其生物量分配格局发生显著改变。  相似文献   

Study of the chronotoxicity of cyclophosphamide injected to mice at 18, 24, 6 and 12 o'clock has shown that animals kept under the conditions of natural changes of day and night showed the circadian rhythm of the drug toxicity with the maximal survival of the animals after injection at 24 and 6 o'clock and with the minimal survival after injection at 18 o'clock. In animals maintained under the conditions of artificial constant light the toxicity rhythm was perversed within the first hours after injection and improved on subsequent observation. Moreover the earlier death was marked in these animals.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine the effects of predictable vs. unpredictable management routines on the behaviour, production and health of dairy calves. Three different feeding schedules for milk-fed dairy calves were compared. All calves received milk twice a day, and had free access to concentrate, hay and water. Three groups of 12 calves (divided on two trials) were exposed to one of the following treatments from the age of 5 days to 9 weeks: group C (control) received milk at the same time every day, at 0700 and 1400. Group OD (occasional deviation) received the milk at the same time every day except on treatment days, one in week 5 and one in week 8, where they were fed 3 h later. Group IR (irregular schedule) received milk at irregular times throughout the experimental period. The first daily feeding took place between 0600 and 1300 and the second one between 1300 and 2100. When the calves were 5 and 8 weeks old, the behaviour of eight calves from each group was videorecorded for two days (48 h). The following behaviour was recorded: frequency and duration of lying bouts and frequency of comfort behaviour (defined as licking or scratching own body), eating, drinking, other oral behaviour and extending the head through the feeding barrier (HTB). The milk and concentrate consumption of the calves was measured and the calves were weighed weekly. Diseases were recorded.The results showed that at the age of 5 weeks, the calves in group IR differed from the control group C by performing more eating behaviour both on the control day (27.5 vs. 15.5; p<0.05) and the treatment day (28.8 vs. 18.3; p<0.05). At the age of 8 weeks, no differences were found in the behaviour between groups IR and C. When the OD calves were 5 weeks old, they responded to the delayed feeding by increasing drinking behaviour (14.5 vs. 9.0; p<0.05). When they were 8 weeks old, they showed increased frequency of comfort (195 vs. 122; p<.05), eating (37.5 vs. 27.9; p<0.05) and HTB behaviour (19.8 vs. 7.4; p<0.001) on the treatment day compared to the control day. The IR group did not respond to the same treatment except for a slight increase in drinking behaviour (9.6 vs. 6.5; p<0.05) at the age of 8 weeks. No differences were observed in the frequency or length of lying bouts, nor health or production parameters between the three groups.It is concluded that a predictable feeding schedule may not be very important for milk-fed dairy calves. However, when the calves are customised to predictable feeding times, occasional deviations from that schedule may cause frustration when their expectations are not fulfilled.  相似文献   

Relatively little work has been done on the ontogeny of feeding behaviour in fish. One of the aims of this study was to compare the ontogeny of feeding behaviour in four species of centrarchid fish of diverse feeding guilds. A second aim was to test Mayr's hypothesis that the locomotory acts involved in the ontogeny of feeding behaviour would be stereotyped. All four species initially displayed five feeding acts, with three of the acts disappearing from the repertoire at various intervals. The disappearance of the acts appeared to be related to the size and not to the age of the fry. The acts decreased in frequency as the fry aged and differences among the species in frequencies were minimal. The data supported Mayr's hypothesis but a modifying corollary was added to account for changes due to maturation.  相似文献   

RNA molecules lighting up under the microscope   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

Effects of different conditions of environmental lighting on the appearance of the muricidal behaviour in male Wistar rats have been studied. The animals were kept under different conditions of environmental lighting: 1) natural day light alternated with the dark of the night; 2) sodium, continuous light emitted by a sodium steam lamp; 3) neon, continuous light emitted by fluorescent neon tubes. The continuous sodium steam light increased the percentage of animals becoming muricide when compared to animals bred in a natural environment with a normal succession of day-night lighting. On the contrary, this percentage decreased if the rats of the same group are exposed to continuous light emitted by fluorescent neon tubes. As the exposure of rats to an environment under continuous light causes a reduction of the cerebral content of serotonin, the muricidal behaviour provoked in naturally non-muricide rats by this type of lighting could be related to this depletion.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the zinc levels in calves with trichophytosis and to research the importance of zinc for fungi. The sera of 20 calves with trichophytosis and 10 healthy calves were used in this study. Zinc levels of the sera were measured by the atomic absorption spectrophotometer method. Serum zinc levels of diseased and healthy animals were found to be 42.0±16.6 μg/dL and 75.8±5.9 μg/dL, respectively. Serum zinc levels of diseased calves were lower than healthy ones and this difference were found to be important statistically (p<0.001), whereas there is no statistical difference on the levels of lymphocyte, monocyte, granulocyte, erythrocyte, hemoglobin, hematocrit, and mean corpuscular volume between groups. These parameters were not influenced by low zinc levels.  相似文献   

A four-dimensional food-web system consisting of a bottom prey, two middle predators and a generalist predator has been developed with modified functional response. The system is well posed and dissipative. Some results on uniform persistence have been developed. The dynamics of the system is found to be chaotic for certain choice of parameters. The coexistence of all four species is possible in the form of periodic orbits/strange attractors for suitably chosen set of parameters.  相似文献   

A four-dimensional food-web system consisting of a bottom prey, two middle predators and a generalist predator has been developed with modified functional response. The system is well posed and dissipative. Some results on uniform persistence have been developed. The dynamics of the system is found to be chaotic for certain choice of parameters. The coexistence of all four species is possible in the form of periodic orbits/strange attractors for suitably chosen set of parameters.  相似文献   

Five ewes of each of four breed types were kept in each of two environmentally-controlled rooms over a period of 2.5 years. The daylength varied between 20 and 9 h on a 6-monthly cycle, including a period of 22 weeks during which daylength was decreased by 0.5 h per week, 2 weeks in which it increased from 9 to 20 h, and 2 weeks at 20 h; each room operated 3 months out of phase with the other. Towards the end of the period of decreasing daylength each ewe was synchronised with a progestagen sponge for 12 days, given an injection (i.m.) of 750 I.U. pregnant mares' serum gonadotrophin (PMSG) on withdrawal, and inseminated 48 and 58 h later (500 million fresh undiluted sperm per insemination). Thus, insemination occurred at a single synchronised oestrus every 6 months. Progesterone pregnancy diagnosis was performed on blood samples taken 18 days later and parturition was induced by an injection (i.m.) of 16 mg dexamethasone on day 143 of gestation. Lambs were weaned at birth, allowing the ewes approximately 5.5 weeks to recover before the next insemination and a ‘successive’ conception.The performance of the four types of ewe, starting as maidens, is tabulated.

Calves were either isolated, spatially but not visually, or group-reared for eight months and then kept together. Rank orders based upon competitive interactions were similar at eight and 20 months. Almost all group-reared animals were higher in rank than all isolation-reared animals. The most frequent nearest neighbour associations were between group-reared animals especially those from the same rearing group. Also frequent at eight months were associations between calves which had been isolated in adjacent pens. Isolation-reared animals associated infrequently with group-reared animals and spent more time alone. Body weight was not correlated with rearing conditions or with behavioural measures. Increase, or decrease, in rank between eight and 20 months was associated with faster, or slower, than average weight gain.  相似文献   

The behaviour of some significance tests under experimental randomization   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Three separate 48 h observations were made of the suckling behaviour of
  • 1.(1) Hereford × Friesian cows under grazing conditions,
  • 2.(2) Blue Grey cows under grazing conditions, and
  • 3.(3) Blue Grey cows housed.
All the cows suckled Charolais cross calves. The mean suckling frequencies recorded were 5.5, 5.5 and 9.1 times per 24 h in the first, second and third study, respectively. A trend for older calves to be suckled less frequently was observed in all three studies, although this was not significant. Milk yield of the cow was considered a possible factor involved in determining suckling frequency. A relatively uniform distribution of suckling throughout the “day” was recorded in the second and third study, with three peaks of suckling activity apparent in the first study. The mean duration of suckling was 6.9, 10.7 and 10.6 min in the first, second and third study, respectively.  相似文献   

Poor performance and ill-health of calves in the pre-wean period can affect future productivity. Increasing numbers of producers are opting to use calf jackets as a means of mitigating the potential negative effects of low ambient temperatures, wind speed and precipitation on growth and health. This study aimed to use a range of noninvasive monitoring technologies to investigate the effects of using calf jackets in the first 3 weeks of life on calf performance and behavioural and physiological parameters. Ninety Holstein-Friesian calves were allocated to one of the two treatments: (i) Jacketed until 21 days of age and (J; n = 44) ii. Nonjacketed (NJ; n = 46). Calves were group housed and fed milk replacer (MR) and concentrate solid feed via automatic feeders. Calves were weaned at day 56, and the experiment was completed at day 63. Health assessments were conducted on a daily basis throughout the experiment using predefined faecal and respiratory scoring protocols. A range of novel, noninvasive monitoring technologies were used to examine the activity, heart rate and thermal profiles of calves on an individual basis throughout the experimental period. There were no differences in calf live weight (LWT), average daily gain (ADG) or feed conversion efficiency (FCE) in J and NJ calves between days 5 to 20. However, NJ calves consumed more MR and had more unrewarded visits to the milk feeder than J calves during this period. Although calf LWT was comparable across treatments in the week following jacket removal (days 21 to 28), both ADG and FCE tended to be greater in NJ calves. There were no treatment differences in calf LWT at the end of the study (d63). When measured over a period of 24 h and at a mean ambient temperature of 7.7°C, skin surface temperature was 6.37°C higher in J calves. Core body temperature was higher in J calves between days 5 to 20; however, there were no differences in IR eye or IR rectal temperature. No differences in lying behaviour occurred, with calves spending 18 and 17 h/day lying between days 5 to 20 and days 21 to 28, respectively. Under the climatic and management conditions described, no significant benefits to calf performance were found as a result of the provision of calf jackets to group-housed calves in the first 3 weeks of life. The higher frequency of unrewarded visits to the milk feeder in NJ calves during the first 3 weeks of life could be suggestive of a lack of satiety in these calves.  相似文献   

ConceptionsMerinoDorset Horn × MerinoBorder Leic. × MerinoSouth Suffolk × MerinoP
Successive (%)20.012.511.147.6< 0.01
Non-successive (%)76.076.966.795.0< 0.05
Overall (%)51.152.444.470.7< 0.05
Mean litter size1.< 0.05
Mean lambs per ewe per year1.< 0.01
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