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Most competition studies between species are conducted from a population-level approach. Few studies have examined inter-specific competition in conjunction with intra-specific competition, with an individual-based approach. To our knowledge, none has been conducted on marine top predators. Sympatric Galapagos fur seals (Arctocephalus galapagoensis) and sea lions (Zalophus wollebaeki) share similar geographic habitats and potentially compete. We studied their foraging niche overlap at Cabo Douglas, Fernandina Island from simultaneously collected dive and movement data to examine spatial and temporal inter- and intra-specific competition. Sea lions exhibited 3 foraging strategies (shallow, intermediate and deep) indicating intra-specific competition. Fur seals exhibited one foraging strategy, diving predominantly at night, between 0–80 m depth and mostly at 19–22 h. Most sea lion dives also occurred at night (63%), between 0–40 m, within fur seals'' diving depth range. 34% of sea lions night dives occurred at 19–22 h, when fur seals dived the most, but most of them occurred at dawn and dusk, when fur seals exhibited the least amount of dives. Fur seals and sea lions foraging behavior overlapped at 19 and 21 h between 0–30 m depths. Sea lions from the deep diving strategy exhibited the greatest foraging overlap with fur seals, in time (19 h), depth during overlapping time (21–24 m), and foraging range (37.7%). Fur seals foraging range was larger. Cabo Douglas northwest coastal area, region of highest diving density, is a foraging “hot spot” for both species. Fur seals and sea lions foraging niche overlap occurred, but segregation also occurred; fur seals primarily dived at night, while sea lions exhibited night and day diving. Both species exploited depths and areas exclusive to their species. Niche breadth generally increases with environmental uncertainty and decreased productivity. Potential competition between these species could be greater during warmer periods when prey availability is reduced.  相似文献   

Although energetics is fundamental to animal ecology, traditional methods of determining metabolic rate are neither direct nor instantaneous. Recently, continuous blood oxygen (O2) measurements were used to assess energy expenditure in diving elephant seals (Mirounga angustirostris), demonstrating that an exceptional hypoxemic tolerance and exquisite management of blood O2 stores underlie the extraordinary diving capability of this consummate diver. As the detailed relationship of energy expenditure and dive behavior remains unknown, we integrated behavior, ecology, and physiology to characterize the costs of different types of dives of elephant seals. Elephant seal dive profiles were analyzed and O2 utilization was classified according to dive type (overall function of dive: transit, foraging, food processing/rest). This is the first account linking behavior at this level with in vivo blood O2 measurements in an animal freely diving at sea, allowing us to assess patterns of O2 utilization and energy expenditure between various behaviors and activities in an animal in the wild. In routine dives of elephant seals, the blood O2 store was significantly depleted to a similar range irrespective of dive function, suggesting that all dive types have equal costs in terms of blood O2 depletion. Here, we present the first physiological evidence that all dive types have similarly high blood O2 demands, supporting an energy balance strategy achieved by devoting one major task to a given dive, thereby separating dive functions into distinct dive types. This strategy may optimize O2 store utilization and recovery, consequently maximizing time underwater and allowing these animals to take full advantage of their underwater resources. This approach may be important to optimizing energy expenditure throughout a dive bout or at-sea foraging trip and is well suited to the lifestyle of an elephant seal, which spends > 90% of its time at sea submerged making diving its most “natural” state.  相似文献   

When hunting at sea, pinnipeds should adapt their foraging behaviors to suit the prey they are targeting. We performed captive feeding trials with two species of otariid seal, Australian fur seals (Arctocephalus pusillus doriferus) and subantarctic fur seals (Arctocephalus tropicalis). This allowed us to record detailed observations of how their foraging behaviors vary when presented with prey items that cover the full range of body shapes and sizes encountered in the wild. Small prey were captured using suction alone, while larger prey items were caught in the teeth using raptorial biting. Small fish and long skinny prey items could then be swallowed whole or processed by shaking, while all prey items with body depths greater than 7.5 cm were processed by shaking at the water's surface. This matched opportunistic observations of feeding in wild Australian fur seals. Use of “shake feeding” as the main prey processing tactic also matches predictions that this method would be one of the only tactics available to aquatic tetrapods that are unable to secure prey using their forelimbs.  相似文献   

The study of scats of adult male Antarctic fur seals Arctocephalus gazella (AFS) revealed occasional frequent capture of penguins. Although AFS adult males have been occasionally reported to kill king penguins Aptenodytes patagonicus at the shore, here we report the first observations of at-sea predation by AFS on adult king penguins in the Crozet archipelago, southern Indian Ocean. During our 20 days survey, we observed 17 penguins attacked and either severely injured or killed and consumed. Only AFS adult males were seen catching king penguins successfully. Some adult females and sub-adults also attempted to catch penguins, either at sea or in land, and so did subantarctic fur seals Arctocephalus tropicalis individuals. Our results confirm the ability of fur seals to catch and predate large seabirds, even at sea.  相似文献   

Diving animals offer a unique opportunity to study the importance of physiological constraint in their everyday behaviors. An important component of the physiological capability of any diving animal is its aerobic dive limit (ADL). The ADL has only been measured in a few species. The goal of this study was to estimate the aerobic dive limit from measurements of body oxygen stores and at sea metabolism. This calculated ADL (cADL) was then compared to measurements of diving behavior of individual animals of three species of otariids, the Antarctic fur seal, Arctocephalus gazella, the Australian sea lion, Neophoca cinerea, and the New Zealand sea lion, Phocarctos hookeri. Antarctic fur seals dove well within the cADL. In contrast, many individuals of both sea lion species exceeded the cADL, some by significant amounts. Australian sea lions typically dove 1.4 times longer than the cADL, while New Zealand sea lions on average dove 1.5 times longer than the cADL. The tendency to exceed the cADL was correlated with the dive pattern of individual animals. In both Antarctic Fur Seals and Australian sea lions, deeper diving females made longer dives that approached or exceeded the cADL (P<0.01, r(2)=0.54). Australian and New Zealand sea lions with longer bottom times also exceeded the cADL to a greater degree. The two sea lions forage on the benthos while the fur seals feed shallow in the water column. It appears that benthic foraging requires these animals to reach or exceed their aerobic dive limit.  相似文献   

This study reports some of the first foraging behavior data collected for male fur seals. A nonbreeding male Australian fur seal, Arctocephalus pusillus doriferus , captured at a commercial salmon farm in southern Tasmania, Australia, was relocated 450 km from the site of capture. The animal was equipped with a geolocating time-depth recorder that recorded diving behavior and approximate location for the 14.4 d that it took the seal to travel down the east coast of Tasmania and be recaptured at the salmon farm. During its time at sea, the seal spent most of its time over the relatively shallow shelf waters. It spent 30% of its time ashore on a number of different haul-out sites. The deepest dive was 102 m and the maximum duration was 6.8 min. "Foraging" type dives made up 31.2% of the time at sea and had a median duration of 2.5 min and a median depth of 14 m. The seal performed these dives more commonly during the latter part of its time at sea, while it was on the east coast. Unlike other fur seal species studied to date, there was no evidence of a diurnal foraging pattern; it made dives at all times of the day and night.  相似文献   

We tested a satellite Platform Transmitter Terminal (PTT) in the laboratory (on a float and on captive seals) and on a free-ranging harbor seal in the Southern California Bight to investigate the utility of satellite telemetry in documenting seals'at-sea behavior and movements. We used records from a microprocessor-based time-depth recorder (TDR) to interpret location and diving records from the PTT. For the free-ranging harbor seal, we obtained at least one uplink during 70% (while the seal was at sea) to 82% (while she was ashore) of satellite passes and at least one location each day. Of 62 locations determined by Service Argos for the free-ranging seal, 20 were verified from TDR records to have been at sea; these indicated that the seal may have ranged up to 48 km from the haul-out site, although most locations were within 5 km. The accuracies of locations calculated when the seal was at sea (±15 km) were substantially less than when it was ashore (±1.5 km), thus limiting at-sea tracking of seals by satellite to rather gross movements. Fewer transmissions were detected and locations calculated when the seal was actively diving than when it was swimming near the surface as it departed from or returned to the haul-out site. Consequently, average dive durations indicated by the PTT were substantially shorter than those calculated from TDR records. Documentation of foraging areas and detailed at-sea movements using satellite technology may not be possible for pinnipeds unless PTT-transmission rates are increased substantially from the 1 per 45 set maximum rate now permitted by Service Argos.  相似文献   

The timing of milk production in Antarctic fur seals was studied at Bird Island, South Georgia. Like all lactating otariid seals (Pinnipedia: Otariidae), Antarctic fur seal females alternate between short nursing periods ashore and regular foraging trips to sea. Females do not necessarily return to the colony with full mammae, which indicates that mammary volume capacity is unlikely to limit foraging trip duration. Upon arrival at the colony, milk fat (r2= 0.33, P < 0.04) and protein (r2= 0.60, P < 0.002) content were positively correlated to the time spent at sea. A similar trend was observed in the milk produced on land. The rate of milk energy production was much lower at sea (5.02 ± 0.05 MJ day-1) than on land (23.66 ± 4.4 MJ-1 day-1). The rate of milk energy production during the foraging trip was negatively correlated to the time spent at sea (r2= 0.29, P < 0.05), whereas the rate of milk energy production on land was positively correlated (r2= 0.61, P < 0.001) to the duration of the preceding foraging trip. The total amount of milk energy delivered to the pup during each twoday nursing period was positively correlated (r2= 0.60, P < 0.002) to the duration of the previous foraging trip. The overall rate of milk energy delivery, however, was independent of foraging trip duration. This accords with previous observations that the growth rates of Antarctic fur seal pups are unaffected by maternal foraging trip duration patterns.  相似文献   

The Guadalupe fur seal (Arctocephalus townsendi) is a specialist predator feeding on prey present in one trophic level. Data related to the diet of the Guadalupe fur seal are few. It is still unknown where most of the individuals forage or the composition of their diet. On Isla Guadalupe, the San Benito Archipelago and the Farallon Islands, fur seals primarily feed on pelagic and coastal squids. However, differences between colonies were found probably caused by differences in diversity and abundance of prey species over the continental shelf and the pelagic environment, and maybe due to the plasticity of the species in their foraging behavior. Diet composition of the Guadalupe fur seal might reflect adaptations to local and temporal environmental conditions. The aim of this work was to consider historical information, add new information, identify main prey species, and determine where in the marine regions the Guadalupe fur seals feed.  相似文献   

We investigated the impact of foraging location (nearshore vs offshore) and foraging latitude (high vs middle) on the carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) isotope compositions of bone collagen of northern fur seals (Callorhinus ursinus), harbor seals (Phoca vitulina), California sea lions (Zalophus californianus), and northern elephant seals (Mirounga angustirostris). Nearshore-foraging harbor seals from California had δ13C values 2.0‰ higher than female northern elephant seals foraging offshore at similar latitudes. Likewise, nearshore-foraging harbor seals from Alaska had values 1.7‰ higher than male northern fur seals, which forage offshore at high latitudes. Middle-latitude pinnipeds foraging in either the nearshore or offshore were 13C enriched by ∼1.0‰ over similar populations from high latitudes. Male northern elephant seals migrate between middle and high latitudes, but they had δ13C values similar to high-latitude, nearshore foragers. Female northern fur seal δ13C values were intermediate between those of high- and middle-latitude offshore foragers, reflecting their migration between high- and middle-latitude waters. The δ13C values of California sea lions were intermediate between nearshore- and offshore-foraging pinnipeds at middle latitudes, yet there was no observational support for the suggestion that they use offshore food webs. We suggest that their “intermediate” values reflect migration between highly productive and less-productive, nearshore ecosystems on the Pacific coasts of California and Mexico. The relative uniformity among all of these pinnipeds in δ15N values, which are strongly sensitive to trophic level, reveals that the carbon isotope patterns result from differences in the δ13C of organic carbon at the base of the food web, rather than differences in trophic structure, among these regions. Finally, the magnitude and direction of the observed nearshore-offshore and high-to middle-latitude differences in δ13C values suggest that these gradients may chiefly reflect differences in rates and magnitudes of phytoplankton production as well as the δ13C value of inorganic carbon available for photosynthesis, rather than the input of 13C-enriched macroalgal carbon to nearshore food webs. Received: 8 September 1998 / Accepted: 24 February 1999  相似文献   

The Brazilian South coast seasonally hosts numerous marine species, observed particularly during winter months. Some animals, including fur seals, are found dead or debilitated along the shore and may harbor potential pathogens within their microbiota. In the present study, a metagenomic approach was performed to evaluate the viral diversity in feces of fur seals found deceased along the coast of the state of Rio Grande do Sul. The fecal virome of two fur seal species was characterized: the South American fur seal (Arctocephalus australis) and the Subantarctic fur seal (Arctocephalus tropicalis). Fecal samples from 10 specimens (A. australis, n = 5; A. tropicalis, n = 5) were collected and viral particles were purified, extracted and amplified with a random PCR. The products were sequenced through Ion Torrent and Illumina platforms and assembled reads were submitted to BLASTx searches. Both viromes were dominated by bacteriophages and included a number of potentially novel virus genomes. Sequences of picobirnaviruses, picornaviruses and a hepevirus-like were identified in A. australis. A rotavirus related to group C, a novel member of the Sakobuvirus and a sapovirus very similar to California sea lion sapovirus 1 were found in A. tropicalis. Additionally, sequences of members of the Anelloviridae and Parvoviridae families were detected in both fur seal species. This is the first metagenomic study to screen the fecal virome of fur seals, contributing to a better understanding of the complexity of the viral community present in the intestinal microbiota of these animals.  相似文献   

By using time-depth recorders to measure diving activity and the doubly-labelled water method to determine energy expenditure, the relationship between foraging behaviour and energy expenditure was investigated in nine Antarctic fur seal females rearing pups. At-sea metabolic rate (MR) (mean of 6.34 ± 0.4 W. kg-1; 4.6 times predicted BMR) was positively correlated to foraging trip duration (mean of 4.21 ± 0.54 days; r2= 0.5, P < 0.04). There were no relationships between MR and the total number of dives, the total time spent diving or the total vertical distance travelled during the foraging trip. There was, however, a close negative sigmoidal relationship (r2= 0.93) between at-sea MR and the proportion of time at sea spent diving. This measure of diving behaviour may provide a useful, inexpensive means of estimating foraging energy expenditure in this species and possibly in other otariids. The rate of diving (m.h-1) was also negatively related to at-sea MR (r2= 0.69, P < 0.005). Body mass gain during a foraging trip had a positive relationship to the time spent at sea (r2= 0.58, P < 0.02) and the total amount of energy expended while at sea (r2= 0.72, P < 0.004) such that, while females undertaking long trips have higher metabolic rates, the energetic efficiency with which females gain mass is independent of the time spent at sea. Therefore, within the range of conditions observed, there is no apparent energetic advantage for females in undertaking foraging trips of any particular duration.  相似文献   

Diving physiology and at-sea behavior of a juvenile leopard seal (Hydrurga leptonyx) were opportunistically measured in the Antarctic Peninsula during winter 2002. Total body oxygen stores were estimated from measures of hematocrit, hemoglobin, myoglobin, and total blood volume and were used to calculate an aerobic dive limit (ADL). Movement patterns and diving behavior were measured by equipping the seal with a Satellite Relay Data Logger that transmitted data from 8–31 August 2002. The seal remained in a focal area, in contrast to crabeater seals tracked simultaneously. The seal displayed short, shallow dives (mean 2.0±1.4 min, 44±48 m) and spent 99.9% of its time within the estimated ADL of 7.4 min. The shallow diving behavior contradicts previous diet research suggesting Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) is the primary prey of leopard seals during the winter months as krill were found at deeper depths during this period. These measurements of diving and movement of a leopard seal provide valuable preliminary data necessary to develop future research on the at-sea behavior of an apex predator in the Antarctic ecosystem.  相似文献   

In highly dynamic and unpredictable environments such as the Southern Ocean, species that have evolved behaviors that reduce the effects of intra-specific competition may have a selective advantage. This is particularly true when juveniles face disadvantages when foraging due to morphological or physiological limitation, which is the case for many marine mammals. We tracked the at-sea movements of 48 juvenile southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina) between the ages of 1 and 4 years from the population at Macquarie Island using locations derived from recorded light levels. There were significant differences in the total amount of the Southern Ocean covered by the different age-groups. The younger seals used a smaller area than the older seals. On average, the younger individuals also made more trips to sea than the older seals and did not travel as far on each trip. Females spent more time at sea than males and there were no significant differences between the total areas used by male and females. In summary, younger seals remained closer to the island at all times, and they spent more time in more northerly regions that older seals. These differences in behavior created temporal and spatial segregation between juveniles of different ages. Therefore, we suggest that these temporal and spatial separations help to avoid intra-specific competition for resources on land, space on beaches, and at-sea foraging areas. Such modifications of haul-out timing and behavior enable them to exploit a patchy and unpredictable environment.  相似文献   

Individual follows and instantaneous sampling were used to examine the behavior of adult male sea otters (Enhydra lutris) in Simpson Bay, Prince William Sound, Alaska, during the summer (May to August) of 2005 and 2006. Six behaviors (foraging, grooming, interacting with other otters, patrolling, resting, and swimming at the surface) were observed during four time periods (dawn, day, dusk, and night) to create 24-h activity budgets. Adult male sea otters were observed during 190 focal follows, representing 98 h of observation. Male otters allocated 27% of their time (over a 24-h period) to resting, 26% to swimming, 19% to grooming, 14% foraging, 9% to patrolling and 5% to interacting with other otters. Field Metabolic Rate (FMR) was estimated by combining the energetic costs for foraging, grooming, resting, and swimming behavior of captive otters from Yeates et al. (2007) with our activity budgets. Our study considered ‘patrolling’ to be energetically similar to ‘swimming’ and therefore the two categories were combined. This combined category accounted for the greatest percentage (43%) of energy expended each day followed by grooming (23%), resting (15%), feeding (13%) and other (5%). The estimated weight specific FMR for all activities was 686.7 kJ day− 1 kg− 1 and the total FMR was 19.04 MJ day− 1. The FMR was 6.6 times the resting metabolic rate and 2.2 times greater than the allometric prediction for terrestrial mammals of similar size but similar to other marine mammals. With a peak summer sea otter density in 5.6 otters km− 2, the low percentage of time spent foraging (even after correction for possible sampling biases) indicates that Simpson Bay is still below equilibrium density.  相似文献   

We combined observations of individual male bearded seal, Erignathus barbabus, behaviour at sea with acoustic localization techniques to investigate their reproductive strategies. Data on trill vocalizations and dive behaviour were collected over consecutive years during the seals' mating season in Svalbard, Norway. Males showed stereotypical dive and vocal displays, with clear individual variation. Acoustic localization provided at-sea locations for 17 males based on variation in trill parameters. Kernel home range analyses showed that 12 individuals displayed at set locations (95% kernels=0.27-1.93 km2) and five other males displayed within considerably larger geographical areas (95% kernels=5.31-12.5 km2). Males that used the set locations maintained single discrete core areas (50% kernels), while males with large areas moved between multiple core areas. Movement patterns of males suggest that those with small areas patrolled aquatic territories, while those that used larger areas appeared to ‘roam’. Territorial males showed little spatial overlap, while roaming males overlapped substantially with both territorial and other males' areas. Territorial males had significantly longer trills than roamers. We suggest that trill duration may be a useful indicator of male ‘quality’. Territorial male bearded seals may be ‘successful’ individuals while roaming males may be younger animals or males in poorer condition that are unable to maintain an aquatic territory. Our data on underwater vocalizations and movements of male bearded seals thus provide evidence for the use of alternative mating tactics in this species.Copyright 2003 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.   相似文献   

Predictable sources of food underpin lifetime reproductive output in long lived animals. The most important foraging areas of top marine predators are therefore likely to be related to environmental features that enhance productivity in predictable spatial and temporal patterns. Even so, although productive areas within the marine environment are distributed patchily in space and time, most studies assess the relationships between feeding activity and proximate, not long term, environmental characteristics. In addition, individuals within a population may exploit different prey types, and these are often associated with different hydrographic features. Until now, models attempting to associate core foraging areas (CFAs) of marine predators with the environmental characteristics of those areas have not considered the diet of individual animals, despite the influence this could have on these relationships. We used bathymetry and multi‐year (n=24) mean sea surface temperature and variability as predictors of CFAs of lactating Antarctic fur seals Arctocephalus gazella at Heard Island. The effect of prey types on the predictability of these models was explored by matching diet and foraging trip data of individual seals (n=40 seals, n=1 trip each). Differences in diet between seals were mirrored by their spatial behaviour. Foraging strategies differed both between and within groups of seals consuming different diets. Long‐term environmental parameters were useful for predicting the foraging activity of seals that consumed a single prey type with relatively specific habitat preferences, but not for those that consumed single or multiple prey types associated with more varied habitats. Ignoring individual variation in predator diet probably contributes to the poor performance of foraging habitat models. These findings highlight the importance of incorporating individual specialization in foraging behaviour into ecological models and management of predator populations.  相似文献   

Potentially some of the biggest gaps in our knowledge about the ecology of Antarctic fur seals (Arctocephalus gazella) relate to juvenile animals. We investigated the at-sea distribution of five male and five female fur seal pups post-weaning. The study was carried out at Bird Island, South Georgia during two successive winters using satellite-linked platform transmitter terminals (PTTs). Our results are analysed in relation to pup sex and the physical environment and productivity of those 2 years, as well as in the context of our present knowledge of where post-breeding females and males forage. The available physical and biological data during both of the winters of this study suggest that both years were not unusual. We report marked differences between the sexes with male pups foraging significantly further away from land and their birth site than do females. The pups foraged in areas to the East of Bird Island seldom reported as foraging areas for the adult population. Also as winter progressed they showed a more oceanic distribution leaving the continental shelf, possibly to exploit a different prey source that was more readily available in the upper water column.  相似文献   

Infrared thermography (IRT) was assessed as a non-invasive tool to evaluate body condition in juvenile female harbor seals (Phoca vitulina), (n=6) and adult female Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus), (n=2). Surface temperature determined by IRT and blubber depth assessed with portable imaging ultrasound were monitored concurrently at eight body sites over the course of a year in long-term captive individuals under controlled conditions. Site-specific differences in surface temperature were noted between winter and summer in both species. Overall, surface temperature was slightly higher and more variable in harbor seals (9.8±0.6 °C) than Steller sea lions (9.1±0.5 °C). Limited site-specific relationships were found between surface temperature and blubber thickness, however, insulation level alone explained a very small portion of the variance. Therefore, while validated IRT data collection can potentially provide valuable information on the health, condition and metabolic state of an animal, it cannot provide a generalized proxy for blubber depth.  相似文献   

Variability in infaunal bivalve abundance in the Wadden Sea is largely determined by recruitment variability. Post-settlement, but pre-recruitment bivalve mortality is high and related to the occurrence of their most abundant predator, the brown shrimp Crangon crangon. To investigate if the mortality patterns of newly settled bivalves can be explained by the foraging behavior of brown shrimp, we carried out experiments on shrimp functional response to three size classes of juveniles of the Baltic Tellin Macoma balthica. The functional response curves for all three prey sizes (0.62 mm, 0.73 mm, and 0.85 mm) were the hyperbolic Holling's type II. The attack rate was highest for the smallest prey size (a = 0.31, medium and large prey a = 0.22); the handling time was longest for the largest prey size (Th = 29 s, small and medium prey Th = 15 s). Thus, a large body size is advantageous for the bivalves over the whole density range. Knowledge of individual foraging behavior is needed to model predation mortality of bivalves. The consumption rates in the experiment were theoretically high enough to account for M. balthica mortality in the field.  相似文献   

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