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Experimental conditions for the preparation of [LeuB30] insulin by coupling of des-AlaB30 insulin with Leu-OBu(t) were determined using Achromobacter protease I and trypsin as catalysts. Successful coupling required a large excess of the amine component (0.8 M), a high concentration of organic cosolvent (35-50%) and neutral pH of the reaction mixture. The coupling yield of Achromobacter protease I after 24 h at 37 degrees C was almost the same or a little higher than that at 25 degrees C. With trypsin, the coupling yield at 37 degrees C after 24 h was considerably lower than at 25 degrees C. This was partly ascribed to the difference in concentration of organic cosolvent at 37 degrees C and 25 degrees C; 35% and 50%, respectively, or possibly of enzyme stability at these temperatures. The maximum product yield was about 90% with both enzymes under optimal conditions. A preparative scale experiment was performed with Achromobacter protease I; the yield of [LeuB30] insulin was 51% using porcine insulin as the starting material. This semisynthetic insulin was identified by HPLC and amino acid analysis. No difference was observed in CD spectra between [LeuB30] insulin and human insulin.  相似文献   

Several semisynthetic analogues of human insulin were prepared by enzyme-assisted coupling of synthetic octapeptides to the C-terminal of porcine desoctapeptide insulin. We report the receptor-binding and biological properties of [LeuB24]- and [LeuB25]-insulins, one of which has the same sequence as a “mutant” insulin recently found in a diabetic patient (Tager, H. et al.(1979) Nature 28:121–125). [LeuB24]- and [LeuB25]-insulins had, respectively, 8–12% and 0.9–1.1% of the binding affinity of human insulin, and 11% and 2.7% of its potency in stimulating lipogenesis in isolated rat fat cells. Neither one was an antagonist of the biological effects of native insulin. While the ability of [LeuB24]-insulin to induce negative cooperativity was clearly impaired, that of [LeuB25]-insulin was almost abolished. [LeuB25]-insulin was also a potent antagonist of the negative cooperativity induced by native insulin.  相似文献   

We studied the binding of mutant insulins to both the normal human insulin receptor and an insulin receptor in which the sequence 240-250 of the receptor alpha subunit was mutated to provide an additional net positive charge. One mutant insulin (AspB10), which has an additional negative charge, bound to both types of receptors with a higher affinity than native insulin. Moreover, this mutant insulin was more effective in activating the tyrosine kinase activity of both types of receptors. This study suggests, therefore, that charge interactions between insulin and its receptor may play a role in insulin receptor binding and action.  相似文献   

Since the discovery that, despite the active site complexity, only three gene products suffice to obtain active recombinant [FeFe]-hydrogenase, significant light has been shed on this process. Both the source of the CO and CN(-) ligands to iron and the assembly site of the catalytic subcluster are known, and an apo structure of HydF has been published recently. However, the nature of the substrate(s) for the synthesis of the bridging dithiolate ligand to the subcluster remains to be established. From both spectroscopy and model chemistry, it is predicted that an amine function in this ligand plays a central role in catalysis, acting as a base in the heterolytic cleavage of hydrogen.  相似文献   

Insulin has been successfully used in clinic treatment of diabetes for more than 80 years. However, the clinic practice has shown that regular insulin preparation used in clinic exhibits several intrinsic problems that have existed for a long time. One of the major problems is that insulin has a potency of self-association when its concentration is higher than physiological concentration (10-8—10-10 mol/L)[1,2]. The concentration of the regular insulin is higher than 10-4 mol/L. At such a hi…  相似文献   

Blood glucose lowering assay proved that [B16Ala]insulin and [B26Ala]insulin exhibit potency of acute blood glucose lowering in normal pigs, which demonstrates that they are fast- acting insulin. Single-chain precursor of [B16Ala]insulin and [B26Ala]insulin is [B16Ala]PIP and [B26Ala]PIP, respectively, which are suitable for gene expression. Secretory expression level of the precursors in methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris was quite high, 650 mg/L and 130 mg/L, respectively. In vivo biological assay showed that the two fast-acting insulins have full or nearly full biological activity. So both [B16Ala]insulin and [B26Ala]insulin can be well developed as fast-acting insulin for clinic use.  相似文献   

The use of Jet injection in insulin administration pointed out the question whether this route could affect insulin absorption and plasma insulin profiles. To compare plasma insulin profiles following an administration of an identical insulin dose by jet injection or by conventional subcutaneous route (syringe with needle) 8 healthy subjects (age 24-28 yrs., non obese) were given at 09.00 h of two different days 200 mU/kg/BW of human semisynthetic regular insulin (Novo Actarapid) alternatively subcutaneously by a syringe with needle or transcutaneously by jet injection (DG 77 - Sicim - Gorizia). Before insulin administration and then 15, 30, 60, 90, 120 and 180 minutes after, blood samples were drawn for plasma insulin and C-peptide determination. Higher plasma insulin levels after administration by jet were found at 15' and 30' minutes (62,58 +/- 6,31 v.s. 36,94 +/- 3,31 microunits/ml at 15' and 76,51 +/- 9,60 v.s. 51,65 +/- 9,95 at 30', p less than 0,01 and p less than 0,005, paired Student t test). No difference could be observed for the other times. C-peptide was found to fall to undetectable values, confirming the nearly total suppression of endogenous insulin production. It is concluded that total regular insulin absorption does not differ after transcutaneous jet injection or administration by syringe with needle, but in the first case it is faster. This last finding should be considered in planning insulin treatment schedules.  相似文献   

In Halobacterium halobium tactic responses towards light and chemoeffectors are accompanied by changes in the methylation level of methyl-accepting chemotaxis proteins (MCP). Taxis towards green light absorbed by the bacteriorhodopsin proton pump appears to be governed by ΔμH+-sensing. The addition of CCCP, an uncoupler, prevented the increase of MCP methylation in response to green light illumination, but had no effect on CH3-incorporation followed by the addition of the attractants glucose, leucine and histidine. Similarly, CCCP did not change MCP demethylation in response to blue light illumination, a repelling stimuli.The sensitivity to an uncoupler of methylation linked to ΔμH+-mediated green light taxis is to be expected, while the independence of demethylation caused by the blue light of CCCP is an indication that in the latter case a specific photoreceptor governs phototaxis. Informed processing from the blue light receptor to MCP does not involve a change in the membrane potential.  相似文献   

Structure-function relationships of human C5a and C5aR   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Using peptides that represent linear regions of the powerful complement activation product, C5a, or loops that connect the four alpha helices of C5a, we have defined the ability of these peptides to reduce binding of (125)I-C5a to human neutrophils, inhibit chemotactic responses of neutrophils to C5a, and reduce H(2)O(2) production in neutrophils stimulated with PMA. The data have defined likely sites of interaction of C5a with C5aR. The peptides had no functional activity per se on neutrophils and did not interfere with neutrophil responses to the unrelated chemotactic peptide, N-formyl-Met-Leu-Phe. Although previous data have suggested that there are two separate sites on C5a reactive with C5aR, the current data suggest that C5a interacts with C5aR in a manner that engages three discontinuous regions of C5a.  相似文献   

In an attempt to delineate the binding site(s) of monellin to the receptor by means of a structure-taste relationship, we synthesized four monellin analogues, [AsnA16]-, [AsnA22]-, [GlnA25]-, and [AsnA26]-monellin, which were 7500, 750, 2500, and 5500 times as sweet as sucrose on a weight basis, respectively. Among them, [AsnA22]monellin and [GlnA25]monellin were less sweet than monellin, and were susceptible to the HPLC conditions used. It can be concluded that Asp16, Asp22, Glu25, and Asp26 residues of the A chain did not participate in binding with the receptor, since the sweet taste was not removed by replacing the amino acid residues with Asn or Gln. It can also be concluded that Asp22 and Glu25 of the A chain may have participated in intramolecular binding, as was pointed out by Kim et al., since exchanging Asp22 and Glu25 of the A chain with Asn and Gln significantly decreased the stability in solution.  相似文献   

The origins of differentiation of insulin from insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) are still unknown. To address the problem of a structural and biological switch from the mostly metabolic hormonal activity of insulin to the predominant growth factor activities of IGF-I, an insulin analogue with IGF-I-like structural features has been synthesized. Insulin residues Phe(B25) and Tyr(B26) have been swapped with the IGF-I-like Tyr(24) and Phe(25) sequence with a simultaneous methylation of the peptide nitrogen of residue Phe(B26). These modifications were expected to introduce a substantial kink in the main chain, as observed at residue Phe(25) in the IGF-I crystal structure. These alterations should provide insight into the structural origins of insulin-IGF-I structural and functional divergence. The [Tyr(B25)NMePhe(B26)] mutant has been characterized, and its crystal structure has been determined. Surprisingly, all of these changes are well accommodated within an insulin R6 hexamer. Only one molecule of each dimer in the hexamer responds to the structural alterations, the other remaining very similar to wild-type insulin. All alterations, modest in their scale, cumulate in the C-terminal part of the B-chain (residues B23-B30), which moves toward the core of the insulin molecule and is associated with a significant shift of the A1 helix toward the C-terminus of the B-chain. These changes do not produce the expected bend of the main chain, but the fold of the mutant does reflect some structural characteristics of IGF-1, and in addition establishes the CO(A19)-NH(B25) hydrogen bond, which is normally characteristic of T-state insulin.  相似文献   

Apolipoprotein D (apoD), a 169 amino acid member of the lipocalin family, is thought to be a transporter of small, hydrophobic ligands. A panel of 10 anti-apoD monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) was prepared and characterized in order to define apoD structure-function relationships. An apoD epitope map was constructed based on reactivity of the mAbs with apoD fragments. Three mAbs react with epitopes between apoD residues 7-78, seven mAbs with epitopes between residues 128-169, one mAb recognizes an epitope that straddles residues 99-102 and one mAb is specific for an epitope composed of non-contiguous apoD residues. Several pairs of mAbs whose respective epitopes are widely separated in apoD primary structure can compete for binding to immobilized apoD. This would be consistent with the compact beta-barrel tertiary structure that apoD is thought to adopt. None of the mAbs block the interaction of apoD with pregnenolone, a putative physiological ligand for apoD.  相似文献   

Albumin Venezia is a fast migrating genetic variant of human serum albumin which, in heterozygous subjects, represents about 30% of the circulating protein. The molecular defect in this variant was studied in a subject possessing an atypical level of the mutant (80% of the total protein) and in other members of his family. Albumins, isolated from the sera of the propositus and his heterozygous relatives, were treated with CNBr and the resulting fragments analyzed by isoelectric focusing. The peptides were then isolated in a homogeneous form by reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography and submitted to sequence analysis. The results show that albumin Venezia possesses a shortened polypeptide chain, 578 residues instead of 585, completely variant from residue 572 to the COOH-terminal end: sequence: (see text). This extensive modification may be accounted for by the deletion of exon 14 and translation to the first terminator codon of exon 15, which normally does not code for protein. The absence of a basic COOH-terminal dipeptide in the mature molecule can be explained by the probable action of serum carboxypeptidase N. Additional support for such action comes from examination of the remaining 20% of the total albumin of the propositus, which is found to contain an extra Arg at its COOH terminus, probably due to partial digestion by carboxypeptidase N. The low serum level of the variant in heterozygous subjects suggests that the COOH-terminal end of the molecule is critical for albumin stability.  相似文献   

Phosphatidylinositol transfer protein alpha (PITPalpha) selectively transports and promotes exchange of phosphatidylinositol (PI) and phosphatidylcholine (PC) between lipid bilayers. In higher eukaryotes PITPalpha is required for cellular functions such as phospholipase C-mediated signaling, regulated exocytosis, and secretory vesicle formation. We have determined the crystal structure of human PITPalpha bound to its physiological ligand, PI, at 2.95 A resolution. The structure identifies the critical side chains within the lipid-headgroup binding pocket that define the exquisite specificity for PI. Mutational analysis of the PI binding pocket is in good agreement with the structural data and allows manipulation of functional properties of PITPalpha. Surprisingly, there are no major conformational differences between PI- and PC-loaded PITPalpha, despite previous predictions. In the crystal, PITPalpha-PI is dimeric, with two identical dimers in the asymmetric unit. The dimer interface masks precisely the sequence we identify as contributing to PITPalpha membrane interaction. Our structure represents a soluble, transport-competent form of PI-loaded PITPalpha.  相似文献   

[SerB24]-insulin, the second structurally abnormal mutant insulin, and [SerB25]-insulin were semisynthesized and were studied for receptor binding and biological activity. Receptor binding and biological activity determined by its ability to increase 2-deoxy-glucose uptake in rat adipocytes were 0.7-3% of native insulin for [SerB24]-insulin and 3-8% for [SerB25]-insulin. Negative cooperative effect of these analogues was also markedly decreased. Immunoreactivity of [SerB24]-insulin was decreased whereas that of [SerB25]-insulin was normal. Markedly decreased receptor binding of [SerB24]-insulin appeared to be due to substitution of hydrophobic amino acid, Phe, with a polar amino acid, Ser, at B24.  相似文献   

The addition of specific bulky hydrophobic groups to the insulin molecule provides it with affinity for circulating serum albumin and enables it to form soluble macromolecular complexes at the site of subcutaneous injection, thereby securing slow absorption of the insulin analogue into the blood stream and prolonging its half-life once there. N-Lithocholic acid acylated insulin [Lys(B29)-lithocholyl des-(B30) human insulin] has been crystallized and the structure determined by X-ray crystallography at 1.6 A resolution to explore the molecular basis of its assembly. The unit cell in the crystal consists of an insulin hexamer containing two zinc ions, with two m-cresol molecules bound at each dimer-dimer interface stabilizing an R(6) conformation. Six covalently bound lithocholyl groups are arranged symmetrically around the outside of the hexamer. These form specific van der Waals and hydrogen-bonding interactions at the interfaces between neighboring hexamers, possibly representing the kinds of interactions which occur in the soluble aggregates at the site of injection. Comparison with an equivalent nonderivatized native insulin hexamer shows that the addition of the lithocholyl group disrupts neither the important conformational features of the insulin molecule nor its hexamer-forming ability. Indeed, binding studies show that the affinity of N-lithocholyl insulin for the human insulin receptor is not significantly diminished.  相似文献   

The ability to overexpress [2Fe-2S] ferredoxins inEscherichia coli has opened up exciting research opportunities. High-resolution x-ray structures have been determined for the wild-type ferredoxins produced by the vegetative and heterocyst forms ofAnabaena strain 7120 (in their oxidized states), and these have been compared to structural information derived from multidimensional, multinuclear NMR spectroscopy. The electron delocalization in these proteins in their oxidized and reduced states has been studied by1H,2H,13C, and15N NMR spectroscopy. Site-directed mutagenesis has been used to prepare variants of these ferredoxins. Mutants (over 50) of the vegetative ferredoxin have been designed to explore questions about cluster assembly and stabilization and to determine which residues are important for recognition and electron transfer to the redox partnerAnabaena ferredoxin reductase. The results have shown that serine can replace cysteine at each of the four cluster attachment sites and still support cluster assembly. Electron transfer has been demonstrated with three of the four mutants. Although these mutants are less stable than the wild-type ferredoxin, it has been possible to determine the x-ray structure of one (C49S) and to characterize all four by EPR and NMR. Mutagenesis has identified residues 65 and 94 of the vegetative ferredoxin as crucial to interaction with the reductase. Three-dimensional models have been obtained by x-ray diffraction analysis for several additional mutants: T48S, A50V, E94K (four orders of magnitude less active than wild type in functional assays), and A43S/A45S/T48S/A50N (quadruple mutant).  相似文献   

In our earlier studies, bradykinin receptors (BRs) were identified as a potential target for the neuroexcitatory effects of dynorphin A (Dyn A) in the central nervous system (CNS), and [des-Arg7]-Dyn A-(4–11) (6) was discovered as a lead ligand to modulate Dyn A-(2–13) induced neuroexcitatory effects in the CNS as an antagonist. In an effort to gain insights into key structural features of the Dyn A for the BRs, we pursued further structure–activity relationships (SAR) study on the [des-Arg7]-Dyn A analogs and confirmed that all of the [des-Arg7]-Dyn A analogues showed good binding affinities at the BRs.  相似文献   

3alpha-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases (3alpha-HSDs) inactivate steroid hormones in the liver, regulate 5alpha-dihydrotestosterone (5alpha-DHT) levels in the prostate, and form the neurosteroid, allopregnanolone in the CNS. Four human 3alpha-HSD isoforms exist and correspond to AKR1C1-AKR1C4 of the aldo-keto reductase (AKR) superfamily. Unlike the related rat 3alpha-HSD (AKR1C9) which is positional and stereospecific, the human enzymes display varying ratios of 3-, 17-, and 20-ketosteroid reductase activity as well as 3alpha-, 17beta-, and 20alpha-hydroxysteroid oxidase activity. Their k(cat) values are 50-100-fold lower than that observed for AKR1C9. Based on their product profiles and discrete tissue localization, the human enzymes may regulate the levels of active androgens, estrogens, and progestins in target tissues. The X-ray crystal structures of AKR1C9 and AKR1C2 (human type 3 3alpha-HSD, bile acid binding protein and peripheral 3alpha-HSD) reveal that the AKR1C2 structure can bind steroids backwards (D-ring in the A-ring position) and upside down (beta-face inverted) relative to the position of a 3-ketosteroid in AKR1C9 and this may account for its functional plasticity. Stopped-flow studies on both enzymes indicate that the conformational changes associated with binding cofactor (the first ligand) are slow; they are similar in both enzymes but are not rate-determining. Instead the low k(cat) seen in AKR1C2 (50-fold less than AKR1C9) may be due to substrate "wobble" at the plastic active site.  相似文献   

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