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水资源利用效率是落实最严水资源管理制度和水生态文明建设的重要内容,是中国国民经济社会发展的重要战略问题。通过分类数据包络分析模型对2007-2016年中国生态地理区城市水资源利用效率进行测算,分析全国和生态地理区城市水资源利用效率特征,采用Tobit回归模型探讨中国和生态地理区城市用水效率的影响因素。研究结果表明:我国城市水资源利用效率普遍较低,全国水资源效率均值呈现先下降后上升波动式发展,全国城市间用水效率差距在缩小。生态地理区水资源利用效率差异显著,温带干旱区、温带半干旱区、温带半湿润区、温带湿润区和亚热带湿润区用水效率依次递减,区域间水资源效率差异在逐渐减小。城市人口、土地利用结构、经济发展水平、产业结构与全国城市水资源利用效率呈显著正相关,而城市供水、用水结构、水资源管理政策则表现为显著负相关性。  相似文献   

基于人水关系的京津冀城市群水资源安全格局评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鲍超  邹建军 《生态学报》2018,38(12):4180-4191
京津冀城市群是我国乃至全世界人类活动对水循环扰动强度最大的地区之一,水资源过度开发利用不仅严重影响生态环境安全,而且制约着经济社会的可持续发展。基于人水关系协调视角,从水资源本底条件、水资源开发利用程度、水资源开发利用效率等3个方面建立了水资源安全综合评价指标体系,并根据国内外发展经验和相关标准确定了评价标准阈值,使得评价结果在不同的时空尺度上均具有可比性。然后通过熵技术支持下的层次分析法和多目标模糊隶属度函数,对2000—2014年京津冀城市群水资源安全的时空格局进行了定量评价。结果表明:(1)整个京津冀城市群的水资源安全指数多在0.2—0.4之间,属于不安全类型,但总体向临界安全类型转变;(2)各城市的水资源安全指数在时空尺度上表现出较大差异,总体表现为南低北高且随着时间的推移普遍提高的格局;(3)整个京津冀城市群及各城市水资源安全指数的次级指标在时空尺度上也表现出一定的差异性和地域一致性,它们交互作用,最终综合决定着水资源安全指数的时空变化。  相似文献   

基于流域尺度的甘肃省水资源承载力评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
资源承载力是评价水资源状况的重要指标, 基于流域尺度研究水资源承载力可为水资源规划管理、经济社会发展与人民生活提供参考依据。为得到更加符合实际的评价结果, 从水资源、居民生活、社会经济、生态环境等4个方面选取14个指标, 采用博弈论组合赋权法确定指标权重, 利用TOPSIS综合分析法对甘肃省2009—2018 年水资源承载力进行分析评价, 并对省内7个二级流域分别进行了水资源承载力评价。结果表明: (1)2009—2018 年甘肃省水资源承载力有升有降, 存在波动现象, 其中2012年承载力最强, 综合评价值为0.371, 处于略强承载状态; 2015年最弱, 为0.627, 处于略弱承载状态, 其余年份均处于均衡承载状态; (2)甘肃省水资源承载力在空间分布上总体表现出南强北弱的特点; (3)为增强甘肃省水资源承载力, 满足水资源可持续利用, 建议细化水资源管理方案、加大水利设施的建设强度、推进流域间水资源调度的实施、实施更为合理且有效的水资源配置方案, 以实现水资源的合理规划与管理。  相似文献   

京津冀城市群用水效率及其与城市化水平的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
海霞  李伟峰  王朝  周伟奇  韩立建  钱雨果 《生态学报》2018,38(12):4245-4256
深入分析京津冀城市群用水效率与城市化水平的相互关系,揭示不同城市城市化水平对水资源利用效率的影响,有助于缓解水资源短缺问题。结合超效率数据包络模型,定量分析了京津冀城市群不同行业的用水效率,从人口、经济、社会与土地等不同城市化角度,全面分析了城市发展水平与生活、工业、农业三大行业用水效率之间的相互关系。主要结论为:(1)2006—2015年,京津冀城市群生活和工业用水效率总体上略微下降,而农业用水效率明显上升;不同城市之间存在明显差别,唐山、衡水与沧州市各行业用水效率均较高,邯郸和邢台市各行业用水效率均偏低。(2)城市发展水平对不同行业用水效率的影响存在明显差异。城市化水平的提升可以显著提高生活用水效率,但对工业和农业用水效率具有不同程度的负向影响。综合用水效率仅受到经济城市化的显著影响,相关系数达0.19,表明提高用水效率的关键是进一步调整经济产业结构。(3)城市化水平与用水效率梯度的匹配状态较差。一方面,京津冀13个城市中达到匹配的城市仅有4个,占京津冀城市总数的30.77%,匹配程度较低。另一方面,不存在城市化水平和用水效率双高型的城市,匹配层次较低。综上所述,针对京津冀城市化发展与用水效率的失衡关系,应审视水资源投入产出结构并尝试行业联动等节水发展模式。  相似文献   

黄初龙  于昌平  高兵  黄云凤 《生态学报》2016,36(22):7267-7278
自然水循环与社会水循环的关联研究是制定系统性水代谢对策的前提。从水资源代谢过程与格局角度,用物质流分析法(MFA)剖析了亚热带季风气候雨影区缺水城市枯水年份资源水与虚拟水耦合代谢的路径、数量,提取代谢效率评价所需的过程与结构指标,以社会、经济、生态环境效益最优化为评价原则构建了城市水资源代谢效率评价指标体系,采用层次分析法赋权,评价了近10年来枯水年份厦门市资源水与虚拟水耦合代谢效率。结果表明,厦门水资源代谢效率呈加速提高趋势,主要由用水效率类和水代谢过程与结构类指标驱动。说明提高水资源代谢效率的根本对策在于用水行为和用水过程与结构的改善。采用情景分析法设计主导驱动指标不同组合下水资源代谢效率情景方案,提高了方案的可操作性,可基于这些指标制定水资源管理对策。基于MFA结果提取指标丰富了指标体系构建理论。  相似文献   

效率视角下的省域生态文明建设评价研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李巍  郗永勤 《生态学报》2016,36(22):7354-7363
在界定生态文明概念的基础上,从省域层面入手,选取25个具有可操作性的评价指标,构建以国土空间优化、资源节约集约利用和生态环境保护为一级指标的生态文明建设评价指标体系,综合运用网络层次分析和集对分析等研究方法,定量研究我国省域生态文明建设绩效;在此基础上,将国土空间优化绩效、资源节约集约利用绩效和生态环境保护绩效作为产出指标,将就业人数、科学技术财政支出、节能环保财政支出作为投入指标,运用数据包络分析法测度各省(市)生态文明建设效率,分析指标投入冗余和产出不足情况,并修正评价绩效。研究表明:(1)规模效率低于0.6的省份共24个,占80%,规模效率不高是制约生态文明建设水平提升的重要障碍;(2)在生态文明建设投入冗余和产出不足方面,数值较高的省(市)在地理分布上具有明显的区域聚集性;(3)领先地区资源节约集约利用绩效平均分高达3.92,落后地区平均分仅为0.84,生态文明建设绩效的差异性在资源节约集约利用方面表现的尤为明显;(4)人口规模偏大、绿色生态空间建设滞后于经济发展、水资源利用效率不高是多数生态强省(市)的薄弱环节。  相似文献   

陈思含  邵超峰  高俊丽  赵润  杨岭 《生态学报》2022,42(12):4807-4822
资源型城市作为我国重要战略保障基地,面临较为突出的不可持续问题,定量化开展可持续发展水平监测评估是推动其绿色转型发展、激活再生动力的重要途径。基于联合国可持续发展目标体系(SDGs),结合行星边界理论,从资源型城市可持续发展特征出发,建立了由2个系统、4个支柱、12个领域和48项指标组成的资源型城市可持续发展评价指标体系。借鉴全球SDGs监测评估实践经验,考虑指标属性,综合确定各指标的阈值,并采用改进的离差标准化、障碍度分析及耦合协调度分析等方法建立综合评价技术体系。以拥有“有色金属之乡”称号的郴州市国家可持续发展议程创新示范区为评价对象,对其2005—2019年连续15年的可持续发展水平进行实证分析。结果表明:(1)郴州市可持续发展水平整体上呈现稳步上升趋势,得分由0.398上升到0.610。(2)4个支柱中,自然资源支柱的得分进步幅度最大,高达71.3%,说明郴州市已经逐步提高对资源利用效率的重视,同时意识到挖掘替代资源的重要性,资源保障与利用能力不断提升;而发展动力支柱得分始终处于较弱或中等水平,已成为制约郴州市可持续发展和绿色转型的主要因素,其中科技创新驱动是该支柱发展关键障碍...  相似文献   

武昊彤  冼超凡  刘晶茹 《生态学报》2021,41(22):8709-8717
城市代谢是城市可持续发展研究的重要部分,其有序运行为城市发展与居民生活提供重要保障,代谢效率的提高有助于缓解资源利用与环境保护间的矛盾。通过分析国内外近30年的城市代谢效率的研究进展,整合代谢效率研究热点选取综合效率评估所需指标,并以深圳市为案例研究,结合数据包络分析(DEA)模型对城市物质代谢综合效率进行评估。结果表明:(1)近30年城市代谢研究处于蓬勃发展阶段,中国在相关研究领域中的影响力凸显,而城市代谢效率研究主要关注能源、水资源、碳氮元素及耐用物质(主要为建筑材料)等要素及其环境效应;(2)基于上述要素对深圳城市代谢的综合效率进行评估,其综合效率在2005-2017年间呈波动状态,多数年份城市代谢过程取得了高效运行(效率值大于1),但仍存低效年份,包括2006(0.96)、2007(0.76)、2011(0.85)和2013(0.97)年,研究期间综合效率提高不明显。在资源投入与效益产出方面,深圳市在水资源利用效率方面需进一步提高;在当前资源消耗水平下经济效益仍有提高潜力;在减少碳氮元素的环境排放及建筑垃圾产生的效率方面有一定程度的提高。(3)通过城市代谢效率研究的热点识别,可明晰目前城市代谢综合效率评估所需涵盖的要素,由此建立评估体系可用于综合效率评估的实践,通过案例分析研究其反映城市资源利用效率动态的可行性,以期为城市可持续发展评估提供科学参考。  相似文献   

中国生态地理区城市水资源利用效率时空分异特征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
我国水资源面临的形势十分严峻,水资源短缺、水污染严重、水生态环境恶化等问题突出,已成为制约社会经济可持续发展的主要瓶颈。基于分类数据包络分析(Categorical DEA)对2007-2016年中国生态地理区城市水资源利用效率进行测算,对其时间变化、空间分布以及空间收敛性进行分析。结果表明:1)2007-2016年期间全国城市水资源利用效率总体处于低效率状态,随时间高低交错波动式发展,整体呈先降后升势态;2)生态地理区城市水资源利用综合效率由高到低依次为温带干旱区、温带半干旱区、温带半湿润区、温带湿润区、亚热带湿润区,呈西北向东南逐渐递减的空间分布格局,生态地理区纯技术效率区间差异较大,但空间分布规律不显著,区域规模效率间差距小,且无明显空间分布规律;3)纯技术效率低效是制约全国水资源利用综合效率提升的主要因素,生态地理区间纯技术效率巨大差距导致全国纯技术效率整体低效,也是全国水资源利用综合效率低效的根本原因;4)生态地理区水资源利用综合效率区域差距逐渐缩小,主要是因为高效率区域效率值向低效率区域靠拢,区域间低效向高效的"追赶效应"不明显。  相似文献   

测墒补灌对冬小麦氮素积累与转运及籽粒产量的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
2007-2009年,在田间条件下,以冬小麦品种济麦22为材料,以0-140 cm土层平均土壤相对含水量为指标设计4个测墒补灌试验处理:W0(土壤相对含水量为播种期80%+拔节期65%+开花期65%)、W1(土壤相对含水量为播种期80%+拔节期70%+开花期70%)、W2(土壤相对含水量为播种期80%+拔节期80%+开花期80%)和W3(土壤相对含水量为播种期90%+拔节期80%+开花期80%),研究不同水分处理对冬小麦氮素积累与转运、籽粒产量、水分利用效率及土壤硝态氮含量的影响。结果表明:(1)成熟期小麦植株氮素积累量为W1处理最高,W3处理次之,W0和W2处理最低,W0和W2处理间无显著差异;氮素向籽粒的分配比例为W2处理显著低于W1处理,W0、W1、W3处理间无显著差异。开花期和成熟期营养器官氮素积累量、营养器官氮素向籽粒中的转移量、成熟期籽粒氮素积累量均为W1>W3>W2>W0,各处理间差异显著。(2)随着小麦生育进程的推进,0-200 cm土层土壤硝态氮含量先降低后回升再降低,在拔节期最低。成熟期W0和W1处理0-200 cm土层土壤硝态氮含量较低,W2和W3处理120-200 cm土层土壤硝态氮含量较高。(3)W0处理小麦氮素吸收效率、利用效率和氮肥偏生产力最低;随灌水量的增加,氮素利用效率呈先升高后降低趋势;W1处理小麦对氮素的吸收效率和利用效率较高,氮肥偏生产力最高。W0处理水分利用效率较高,但籽粒产量最低;灌水处理籽粒产量、灌溉水利用效率和灌溉效益两年度均随测墒补灌量的增加而显著降低。在本试验条件下,综合氮素利用、籽粒产量、灌溉水利用效率及土壤中硝态氮的淋溶,W1是高产节水的最佳灌溉处理,在2007-2008年和2008-2009年度补灌量分别为43.83 mm和13.77 mm。  相似文献   

The colicine typing method of Shigella sonnei is described with experimental evidence supporting it as well as the manner of selection of eight indicator strains. The disparity of principle between this method and that of Abbott and Shannon's method is (1) selection of the indicators only from wild strains existing in this country, (2) employment of heart infusion broth for colicine production, (3) performance of the typing within 48 hours, and (4) determination of types and subtypes of test-strains by combining their colicinogenic activity against the indicators and their sensitivity to colicines produced by the indicators. A modification of the method is advocated which requires three days to extract colicine by cultivation and one day for sensitivity tests and which uses peptone as the sole nutriment in media. The efficiency of the technique of Abbott and Shannon, McGeachie and McCormick, and the authors' two methods was compared using the selected indicators. Only the technique of McGeachie and McCormick showed some discrepancies.  相似文献   

Water is one of many resources, wastes, and pollutants considered in life-cycle assessment (LCA). The widely used indicator for water resources, the total input of water used, is not adequate to assess water resources from a sustainability perspective. More detailed indicators are proposed for water resources in two areas essential to water sustainability: water quantity and water quality. The governing principles for a consideration of water quantity are that (1) the water sources or LCA inputs are renewable and sustainable and (2) the volume of water released or LCA outputs are returned to humans or ecosystems for further use downstream. The governing principle for a consideration of water quality is that the utility of the returned water is not impaired for either humans or ecosystems downstream. Water quantity indicators are defined for water use, consumption, and depletion to reveal the sustainable or nonsustainable nature of the sources. A flexible set of water quality indicators for various factors that may impair water quality are then discussed, including the LCA study choices, technical challenges, and trade-offs involved with such indicators. Indicator selection from this set involves the underlying concern or endpoint represented by the indicator and the level and accuracy of decision-making information that the indicator must provide. With significant differences in emissions among systems studied using LCA and different purposes of the LCA studies themselves, a single, default set of water quality indicators applicable to all systems studied with LCA is problematic. The proposed water quantity and quality indicators for LCA studies are also intended to be compatible with environmental management and reporting systems so that data needs are not duplicated and interpretation for one does not contradict or sow confusion for the other.  相似文献   

王广成  王欢欢  谭玲玲 《生态学报》2013,33(14):4515-4521
论述了煤炭矿区生态产业评价指标体系设置的理论依据,针对煤炭矿区生态产业链的特点和发展模式,从自然资源、经济效益、环境效益和社会效益四个角度出发选择筛选指标,构建了煤炭矿区生态产业评价指标体系.建立了模糊综合评价模型,探讨了运用层次分析法并通过熵值法修正的确定评价指标权重的新方法,构建了各因素指标的模糊隶属度函数.应用龙口矿区2010年的指标数据对所建模型和方法进行检验,对龙口矿区生态产业发展及生态产业链延伸提出了具体建议.  相似文献   

Many cities are experiencing rapid urbanization and ecological degradation, which has resulted in unsustainable development. It is essential to conduct a scientifically rigorous method to assess the regional sustainability. Among many indicators, eco-efficiency could be an effective instrument to promote a transformation towards sustainability. This study applied the emergy ecological footprint analysis and data envelopment analysis to evaluate the eco-efficiency using data collected from 1993 to 2012 for Jiangsu Province, China. The results showed that Jiangsu’s emergy ecological footprint and ecological deficit experienced an ascending trend in general during the period 1993–2012, indicating that the regional development of Jiangsu has been moving away from sustainability for a long time. In six types of biologically productive areas, fossil land and arable were the major parts of emergy ecological footprint. Furthermore, the growth of green gross domestic product was only about 52% of the conventional gross domestic product, and the pollutants emission, energy and resources consumption increased yearly as the gross domestic product increased. Finally, the result of the data envelopment analysis model showed that the effective years only accounted for 20% during the 20 years. In the inefficient years, biological resources, energy resources, pollutant emission (wastewater, gas and solid) and labor were overmuch, and the efficiency of fund usage achieved the optimal in Jiangsu Province. Therefore, improving the level of agricultural modernization, increasing the proportion of non-fossil energy, developing renewable energy and reducing pollutant emission are recommended to promote the regional sustainability.  相似文献   

doi: 10.1111/j.1741‐2358.2011.00597.x Relationships between Geriatric Oral Health Assessment Index scores and general physical status in community‐dwelling older adults Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the relationships between Geriatric Oral Health Assessment Index (GOHAI) and general physical status among community‐dwelling older adults. Background: Geriatric Oral Health Assessment Index is a patient‐centred assessment of oral health for older adults. We hypothesised that GOHAI is a significant indicator of general physical status of older adults. Methods: This study included 354 adults (age, ≥65 years) living independently. Body mass index, handgrip strength and one‐leg standing time with eyes open were used to evaluate the general physical status. Spearman’s rank correlation coefficients were calculated to examine the relationships between the GOHAI scores, its three subdivided categories (physical function, psychological function and pain and discomfort) and each physical status measurement. A stepwise linear regression model was applied with each physical status measurement as the dependent variable and the GOHAI scores and its subdivisions as the principal independent variable. Results: Positive correlations were found between the GOHAI scores, its three subdivided categories and handgrip strength. The physical function category positively correlated with one‐leg standing time. The GOHAI and the pain and discomfort category scores were retained in the final models of stepwise regression for handgrip strength, and significant relationships persisted after adjustments for demographic, psychosocial, medical and dental status. Conclusion: The GOHAI scores and its pain and discomfort category score may be significant indicators of body muscle strength.  相似文献   



Along with climate change-related issues, improved water management is recognized as one of the major challenges to sustainability. However, there are still no commonly accepted methods for measuring sustainability of water uses, resulting in a recent proliferation of water footprint methodologies. The Water Impact Index presented in this paper aims to integrate the issues of volume, scarcity and quality into a single indicator to assess the reduction of available water for the environment induced by freshwater uses for human activities.


The Water Impact Index follows life cycle thinking principles. For each unit process, a volumetric water balance is performed; water flows crossing the boundaries between the techno-sphere and environment are multiplied by a water quality index and a water scarcity index. The methodology is illustrated on the current municipal wastewater management system of Milan (Italy). The Water Impact Index is combined with carbon footprint to introduce multi-impact thinking to decision makers. The Water Impact Index is further compared to results obtained using a set of three life cycle impact indicators related to water, from the ReCiPe life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) methodology.

Results and discussion

Onsite water use is the main contribution to the Water Impact Index for both wastewater management schemes. The release of better quality water is the main driver in favour of the scenario including a wastewater treatment plant, while the energy and chemicals consumed for the treatment increase the indirect water footprint and carbon footprint. Results obtained with the three midpoint indicators depict similar tendencies to the Water Impact Index.


This paper presents a simplified single-indicator approach for water footprinting, integrating volume, scarcity and quality issues, representing an initial step toward a better understanding and assessment of the environmental impacts of human activities on water resources. The wastewater treatment plant reduces the Water Impact Index of the wastewater management system. These results are consistent with the profile of the three midpoint indicators related to water from ReCiPe.  相似文献   

内蒙古自治区干旱脆弱性评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
干旱带来的环境影响及经济损失,阻碍了地区的可持续发展。开展干旱脆弱性评价是合理制定区域规划与管理措施的前提条件。然而,国内目前鲜有以省或自治区为研究区域,以市级行政区域为尺度的自然-社会-经济耦合的干旱脆弱性研究。根据IPCC提出的干旱脆弱性评价模型,选取19个指标,在3个维度上(暴露度、敏感度和适应能力)对内蒙古自治区的12个盟市开展了干旱脆弱性评价。采用熵值法确定各指标权重,并用综合指数法和系统分类法计算干旱脆弱性指数并进行分类。研究结果表明,内蒙古自治区的干旱脆弱性呈现由东向西递减的趋势,与干旱脆弱性相关性最强的三个指标分别是第一产业GDP比例、人均可支配收入和第一产业从业人员比例。导致盟市干旱脆弱性的主要贡献因素为人口与人力因素和生态与水资源因素。减缓内蒙古自治区干旱脆弱性可以从加强草原保护建设和管理,合理规划盟市建设,减少人口的集中分布,调整产业结构,提供更多的非农牧就业岗位,加强职业技能培训,完善金融服务和医疗服务等方面入手,从而促进干旱区自然生态和社会经济的可持续发展。  相似文献   

An indicator framework was designed as an operational science-based tool for the evaluation of the environmental aspects of sustainable forest management at stand level in Flanders (Belgium). The framework aims to assess the effects of forest management on forest composition, structure and functioning. It consists of seven principles and 19 criteria, to which 157 potential indicators, selected from literature, were assigned; 40 of these were considered as suitable by an expert panel, based on 10 operational selection criteria. All indicators were quantitative variables measurable in the field.After elaboration of a measurement protocol, the indicator framework was validated in 115 forest stands, distributed over the three main forest types of Flanders. The new indicator framework exhibited greater sensitivity to forest management practices and demonstrated better discriminating power than the method that is currently used by the Flemish forest administration to estimate the naturalness and environmental quality of a forest stand. Following a detailed cost calculation of each indicator and based on the sensitivity of each indicator to forest management practices, the indicator framework was further reduced to a final set of 29 indicators. This framework can also be applied in other regions, provided that local threshold values are defined to convert indicator values to indicator scores.The selection procedure and the possible contribution of this set to the forest management in Flanders are discussed.  相似文献   

基于数据包络分析的江苏省水资源利用效率   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
采用水足迹理论分析江苏省2000-2010年水资源的真实利用情况,同时从投入产出的角度出发,选取农业用水量、工业用水量、生活用水量、COD排放总量、固定资产投资总额和从业人员数作为投入指标,GDP和粮食产量作为产出指标,运用数据包络分析中的C2R和BC2模型对这11a间江苏省的水资源利用效率进行评价.研究表明:2010年江苏省的水足迹为778.28m3,总体呈缓慢上升趋势.农业用水、工业用水和虚拟水贸易是江苏省水资源利用中的主要组成部分.11a间DEA有效年份占64%,投入冗余和产出不足均为0,即投入和产出达到最优状态.在DEA无效年份中存在冗余,存在资源浪费和污染高排放的情况.可以通过DEA投影结果对其进行改进,实现资源的最优配置.  相似文献   

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