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中国东北样带草地群落放牧干扰植物多样的变化   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33       下载免费PDF全文
放牧干扰是草地群落植物多样性变化的主要影响因素之一。中国东北样带9个草地群落放牧干扰植物多样性性变化的研究结果表明:中牧或重牧阶段Shannon指数达最大值。形成中牧(重牧)>重牧(中牧)>轻牧>过牧的规律。群落物种丰富度、均匀度与多样性的相关分析表明,均匀度变化对多样性变化具有更大的贡献率。而丰富度呈下降趋势,即轻牧(中牧)>中牧(轻牧)>重牧>过牧。生活型功能群多样性也表现出明显的变化。中国东北样带草地群落植物多样性的分布格局是:草甸草原>典型草原>典型草原>荒漠草原>碱化草甸,并且群落物种丰富度对多样性有更大贡献率。  相似文献   

中国东北样带草地群落放牧干扰植物多样性的变化   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20       下载免费PDF全文
放牧干扰是草地群落植物多样性变化的主要影响因素之一。中国东北样带9个草地群落放牧干扰植物多样性变化的研究结果表明:中牧或重牧阶段Shannon指数达最大值,形成中牧(重牧)>重牧(中牧)>轻牧>过牧的规律。群落物种丰富度、均匀度与多样性的相关分析表明,均匀度变化对多样性变化具有更大的贡献率,而丰富度呈下降趋势,即轻牧(中牧)>中牧(轻牧)>重牧>过牧。生活型功能群多样性也表现出明显的变化。中国东北样带草地群落植物多样性的分布格局是:草甸草原>典型草原>典型草原 >荒漠草原>碱化草原,并且群落物种丰富度对多样性有更大贡献率。  相似文献   

茂县土地岭植被恢复过程中物种多样性动态特征   总被引:20,自引:3,他引:17  
植被恢复是退化生态系统重建的重要途径,植被恢复过程物种多样性的变化反映了植被的恢复程度.通过群落调查和多样性分析,研究了岷江上游土地岭植被恢复过程中群落物种多样性特征.结果表明: 恢复过程中6类不同类型群落分别表现其对于不同环境特征、干扰及更新方式等的响应;森林是较灌丛更适合当地环境状况的植被类型;人工恢复无干扰和轻度干扰群落的多样性相对较高,是较好的恢复模式.重度干扰使得1年生植物与地下芽植物比例增加,其它口食性较好的多年生草本减少.较强的干扰是群落无法更新、长期处于灌丛阶段且多样性较低的重要原因.本地区人工恢复群落在更新进程和多样性维持上优于自然更新群落,种植华山松加速了本地区植被演替进程.建议以适合恢复区域的多种恢复配置方式进行造林,并避免较强干扰,可以加速群落演替进程并保持恢复群落较高的物种丰富度与多样性.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of temporal variability in a disturbance regime on fouling communities at two study sites in a northern-central Chilean bay. Fouling assemblages grown on artificial settlement substrata were disturbed by mechanical removal of biomass at different time intervals. Using one single disturbance frequency (10 disturbance events over 5 months) we applied 7 different temporal disturbance treatments: a constant disturbance regime (identical intervals between disturbance events), and 6 variable treatments where both variableness and sequences of intervals between disturbance events were manipulated. Two levels of temporal variableness (low and high, i.e. disturbance events were either dispersed or highly clumped in time) in the disturbance regime were applied by modifying the time intervals between subsequent disturbance events. To investigate the temporal coupling between disturbance events and other ecological processes (e.g. larval supply and recruitment intensity), three different sequences of disturbance intervals were nested in each of the two levels of temporal variableness. Species richness, evenness, total abundance, and structure of communities that experienced the various disturbance regimes were compared at the end of the experiment (15 days after the last disturbance event). Disturbance strongly influenced the community structure and led to a decrease in evenness and total abundance but not species richness. In undisturbed reference communities, the dominant competitor Pyura chilensis (Tunicata) occupied most available space while this species was suppressed in all disturbed treatments. Surprisingly, neither temporal variableness in the disturbance regime nor the sequence of intervals between disturbance events had an effect on community structure. Temporal variability in high disturbance regimes may be of minor importance for fouling communities, because they are dominated by opportunistic species that are adapted to rapidly exploit available space.  相似文献   

Many systems are prone to both exotic plant invasion and frequent natural disturbances. Native species richness can buffer the effects of invasion or disturbance when imposed in isolation, but it is largely unknown whether richness provides substantial resistance against invader impact in the face of disturbance. We experimentally examined how disturbance (drought/burning) influenced the impact of three exotic invaders (Centaurea stoebe, Linaria dalmatica, or Potentilla recta) on native abundance across a gradient of species richness, using previously constructed grassland assemblages. We found that invaders had higher cover in experimentally disturbed plots than in undisturbed plots across all levels of native species richness. Although exotic species varied in cover, all three invaders had significant impacts on native cover in disturbed plots. Regardless of disturbance, however, invader cover diminished with increasing richness. Invader impacts on native cover also diminished at higher richness levels, but only in undisturbed plots. In disturbed plots, invaders strongly impacted native cover across all richness levels, as disturbance favoured invaders over native species. By examining these ecological processes concurrently, we found that disturbance exacerbated invader impacts on native abundance. Although diversity provided a buffering effect against invader impact without disturbance, the combination of invasion and disturbance markedly depressed native abundance, even in high richness assemblages.  相似文献   



Habitat fragmentation and alien species are among the leading causes of biodiversity loss. In an attempt to reduce the impact of forestry on natural systems, networks of natural corridors and patches of natural habitat are often maintained within the afforested matrix, yet these can be subject to degradation by invasion of non‐native species. Both habitat fragmentation and alien invasive species disrupt the complex interaction networks typical of native communities. This study examines whether an invasive plant and/or the fragmented nature of the forestry landscape influences natural flower visitation networks (FVNs), flower–visitor abundance and richness or flower/visitor species composition.


The species rich and diverse grasslands in the KwaZulu‐Natal Midlands, South Africa is under threat from transformation, particularly by commercial forestry plantations, restricting much of the remaining untransformed grasslands into remnant grassland patches (RGPs). Remaining patches are under additional threat from the invasive Rubus cuneifolius Pursh (bramble). Sites were established in RGPs and in a nearby protected area (PA), with and without brambles present for both areas.


Flower abundance and flower area of native plant species were greater within RGP than in PA, but only in the absence of R. cuneifolius. Flower–visitor assemblages differed between invaded and uninvaded sites and also differed between PA and RGP sites. Both areas lost specialist flower–visitor species in the presence of brambles. Network modularity was greatly reduced by the presence of bramble, indicating a reduction in complexity and organization. The structure of FVNs was otherwise unaffected by presence of bramble or being located in RGPs or the PA.

Main conclusions

The RPGs contribute to regional biodiversity conservation through additional compositional diversity and intact FVNs. Rubus cuneifolius reduces ecological complexity of both RGPs and PAs, however, and its removal must be prioritized to conserve FVNs.  相似文献   

Big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata Nutt.) plant communities are widespread in western North America and, similar to all shrub steppe ecosystems worldwide, are composed of a shrub overstory layer and a forb and graminoid understory layer. Forbs account for the majority of plant species diversity in big sagebrush plant communities and are important for ecosystem function. Few studies have explored geographic patterns of forb species richness and composition and their relationships with environmental variables in these communities. Our objectives were to examine the fine and broad-scale spatial patterns in forb species richness and composition and the influence of environmental variables. We sampled forb species richness and composition along transects at 15 field sites in Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, and Wyoming, built species-area relationships to quantify differences in forb species richness at sites, and used Principal Components Analysis, non-metric multidimensional scaling, and redundancy analysis to identify relationships among environmental variables and forb species richness and composition. We found that species richness was most strongly correlated with soil texture, while species composition was most related to climate. The combination of climate and soil texture influences water availability, which our results indicate has important consequences for forb species richness and composition, and suggests that climate change-induced modification of soil water availability may have important implications for plant species diversity in the future.  相似文献   

青藏高原多年冻土区不同草地生态系统恢复能力评价   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
草地生态系统恢复能力是评价人类工程活动对青藏高原多年冻土生态系统影响的重要组分.分析了不同草地生态系统干扰带和非干扰带群落特征、植物多样性、草地初级生产力和经济类群,综合评价了青藏高原多年冻土区地上植被在受工程活动干扰后的综合恢复能力.结果表明:经过近20多年的自然恢复,青藏苔草草原、紫花针茅草原、扇穗茅草原、高山嵩草草甸、矮蒿草草甸和藏蒿草沼泽化草甸6种草地的盖度和物种组成均有一定程度的恢复,且草原群落的恢复程度好于草甸群落,但干扰群落仍低于未干扰群落;紫花针茅草原分布区物种多样性恢复好于其他草地类型分布区;干扰带由最初的地上植物生物量全部为0恢复到148.8~489.6 g·m-2,其中藏嵩草沼泽化草甸干扰带恢复最好,生物量达489.6 g·m-2;除藏嵩草恢复群落的饲用植物类群组成相对稳定外,干扰后的其他5种草地类型饲用价值降低.高寒草原生态系统的植被综合恢复能力显著高于草甸生态系统.  相似文献   

Invasion by exotic plant species and herbivory can individually alter native plant species diversity, but their interactive effects in structuring native plant communities remain little studied. Many exotic plant species escape from their co-evolved specialized herbivores in their native range (in accordance with the enemy release hypothesis). When these invasive plants are relatively unpalatable, they may act as nurse plants by reducing herbivore damage on co-occurring native plants, thereby structuring native plant communities. However, the potential for unpalatable invasive plants to structure native plant communities has been little investigated. Here, we tested whether presence of an unpalatable exotic invader Opuntia ficus-indica was associated with the structure of native plant communities in an ecosystem with a long history of grazing by ungulate herbivores. Along 17 transects (each 1000 m long), we conducted a native vegetation survey in paired invaded and uninvaded plots. Plots that harboured O. ficus-indica had higher native plant species richness and Shannon–Wiener diversity H′ than uninvaded plots. However, mean species evenness J was similar between invaded and uninvaded plots. There was no significant correlation between native plant diversity and percentage plot cover by O. ficus-indica. Presence of O. ficus-indica was associated with a compositional change in native community assemblages between paired invaded and uninvaded plots. Although these results are only correlative, they suggest that unpalatable exotic plants may play an important ecological role as refugia for maintenance of native plant diversity in intensely grazed ecosystems.  相似文献   

The drivers of plant richness at fine spatial scales in steppe ecosystems are still not sufficiently understood. Our main research questions were: (i) How rich in plant species are the natural steppes of Southern Siberia compared to natural and semi-natural grasslands in other regions of the Palaearctic? (ii) What are the main environmental drivers of the diversity patterns in these steppes? (iii) What are the diversity–environment relationships and do they vary between spatial scales and among different taxonomic groups? We sampled the steppe vegetation (vascular plants, bryophytes and lichens) in Khakassia (Russia) with 39 nested-plot series (0.0001–100-m2 plot size) and 54 additional 10-m2 quadrats across the regional range of steppe types and measured various environmental variables. We measured β-diversity using z-values of power-law species–area relationships. GLM analyses were performed to assess the importance of environmental variables as predictors of species richness and z-value. Khakassian steppes showed both high α- and β-diversity. We found significant scale dependence for the z-values, which had their highest values at small spatial scales and then decreased exponentially. Total species richness was controlled predominantly by heat load index, mean annual precipitation, humus content and soil skeleton content. The positive role of soil pH was evident only for vascular plant species richness. Similar to other studies, we found that the importance of environmental factors strongly differed among taxonomic groups and across spatial scales, thus highlighting the need to study more than one taxon and more than one plot size to get a reliable picture.  相似文献   


Consumption by animals remains one of the key points to assess the effectiveness of grazing impacts in woodland for increasing understorey plant diversity. To limit the spread of the brambles and restore understorey plant diversity on an artificial embankment an original system of clearings connected by paths was created by mechanically crushing brambles and allowing them to be grazed by rustic goats. The analysis of the indices of consumption of bramble under GIS has been used to provide an estimation of the volume ingested and an estimation of the effectiveness of the goats. The impacts of three different managements (goat grazing, brush clearing and grazing, clearing and exclusion of grazing) and control without management were then tested during a three-year period. The monitoring of the vegetation on permanent plots provided evidence that goat grazing significantly increased in the short term the species-richness and heterogeneity of herbaceous plants communities, in complement with prior clearing. Thus, the objectives of the managers to open up the area and reduce the bramble cover were achieved, but the prior introduction of goats and the installation of mobile enclosures would be advisable in order to ensure the sustainability of these measures on plant diversity in the long term.  相似文献   

Severity is recognized as an important attribute of disturbance in many plant communities. However, the effects of disturbances of different severity on patterns of regeneration in oligohaline marsh vegetation have not been experimentally examined. In these communities, a critical difference in the effects of disturbance severity may be whether the vegetation dies as a result of the disturbance or is merely damaged and hence capable of resprouting. We described the regeneration of vegetation in two Louisiana marsh community types, one dominated by Sagittaria lancifolia L. and the other by Spartina patens (Ait.) Muhl., following three levels of disturbance: no disturbance, a nonlethal disturbance, and a lethal disturbance. In the nonlethal disturbance, aboveground vegetation was clipped to simulate common disturbances such as fire and herbivory that remove aboveground vegetation but leave rhizomes intact. In the lethal disturbance vegetation was killed using herbicide to simulate disturbances causing plant mortality such as wrack deposition, sedimentation, scouring, and flooding following fire or herbivory. Regeneration was assessed over a 2-year period by measuring plant species richness, relative abundance, relative dominance, cover, and final biomass. To elucidate mechanisms for observed responses of vegetation, the species composition of the seed bank, light penetration, water level, salinity, and soil redox potential were evaluated. Despite differences in the structure of undisturbed vegetation in the two community types, they exhibited the same overall pattern of regeneration. Following nonlethal disturbance, the dominant species resprouted and quickly reestablished the structure of the vegetation. In contrast, recolonization following lethal disturbance occurred primarily via seedling recruitment, which resulted in marked shifts in community structure that persisted throughout the study. While the two communities responded similarly overall to disturbance, the response of individual species was not uniform; abundance, dominance, biomass, or cover increased for some species but decreased for others in response to disturbance. Seed bank species occurred in the vegetation following lethal disturbance in the Spartina community and in both disturbed and undisturbed plots in the Sagittaria community, indicating that the seed bank is a source of propagules for regeneration and maintenance of oligohaline marshes. Of the environmental variables measured, light level was most closely related to the effect of disturbance severity on community structure. Our results suggest that lethal and nonlethal disturbances have differential effects on regeneration of vegetation that can create pattern in oligohaline marshes communities. Received: 29 September 1997 / Accepted: 12 May 1998  相似文献   

Plant communities are structured by both competition and facilitation. The interplay between the two interactions can vary depending on environmental factors, nature of stress, and plant traits. However, whether positive or negative interactions dominate in regions of high biotic and abiotic stress remains unclear. We studied herbaceous plant communities associated with a dwarf shrub Caragana versicolor in semi-arid, high altitude Trans-Himalayan rangelands of Spiti, India. We surveyed 120 pairs of plots (within and outside shrub canopies) across four watersheds differing in altitude, aspect, and dominant herbivores. Herbaceous communities within shrub canopies had 25% higher species richness, but similar abundance when compared to communities outside the canopy, with the shrub edge having higher diversity than the centre of the canopy. Grasses and erect forbs showed positive associations with the shrub, while prostrate plants occurred at much lower abundance within the canopy. Rare species showed stronger positive associations with Caragana than abundant species. Experimental removal of herbaceous vegetation from within shrub canopies led to 42% increase in flowering in Caragana, indicating a cost to the host shrubs. Our study indicates a robust pattern of a dwarf shrub facilitating local community diversity across this alpine landscape, increasing diversity at the plot level, facilitating rare species, and yet incurring a cost to hosts from the presence of herbaceous plants. Given these large influences of this shrub on the vegetation of these high altitude rangelands, we suggest that the shrub microhabitat be explicitly considered in any analyses of ecosystem health in such rangelands.  相似文献   

鼎湖山植物群落多样性的研究   总被引:83,自引:1,他引:82  
根据鼎湖山自然保护区16个植物群落的样地调查资料,从种丰富度和不同类型的物种多样性指数、均匀度与植被类型、人为干扰程度、演替阶段等方面的关系进行了分析。本区植被类型的多样性指数、均匀率指数变化反映了其结构复杂程度、生境的差异。物种丰富和多样性随着人为干扰程度的增强而降低。群落内各层的物种丰富度的大小的顺序为“灌木层>草本层>乔木层”,而群落多样性指数的大小顺序为“灌木层>乔木层>草本层”。群落多样  相似文献   

Unplanned urban development threatens natural ecosystems. Assessing ecosystem recovery after anthropogenic disturbances and identifying plant species that may facilitate vegetation regeneration are critical for the conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem services in urban areas. At the periphery of Mexico City, illegal human settlements produced different levels of disturbance on natural plant communities developed on a lava field near the Ajusco mountain range. We assessed natural regeneration of plant communities 20 years after the abandonment of the settlements, in sites that received low (manual harvesting of non-timber forest products), medium (removal of aboveground vegetation), and high (removal of substrate and whole vegetation) disturbance levels. We also tested the potential facilitative role played by dominant tree and shrub species. Plant diversity and vegetation biomass decreased as disturbance level increased. Sites with high disturbance level showed poor regeneration and the lowest species similarity compared to the least disturbed sites. Six dominant species (i.e., those with the highest abundance, frequency, and/or basal area) were common to all sites. Among them, three species (the tree Buddleja cordata, and two shrubs, Ageratina glabrata and Sedum oxypetalum) were identified as potential facilitators of community regeneration, because plant density and species richness were significantly higher under their canopies than at open sites. We propose that analyzing community structural traits of the successional vegetation (such as species diversity and biomass) and identifying potential facilitator species are useful steps in assessing the recovery ability of plant communities to anthropogenic disturbances, and in designing restoration strategies.  相似文献   

根据晋、陕、宁、蒙地区13个样地的野外调查资料,采用丰富度指数、物种多样性指数以及均匀度指数,研究了柠条锦鸡儿群落物种多样性对放牧干扰和气象因子的响应。结果表明:(1)晋、陕、宁、蒙地区柠条锦鸡儿群落组成成分简单,共记录种子植物111种,分属25科,64属,灌木层优势种为柠条锦鸡儿,草本层优势种集中于禾本科、豆科、菊科蒿属和藜科;(2)受人为干扰、土壤和气候等影响,群落的组成、结构及其综合性质具有一定差异性,主要表现在群落的Patrick指数与Simpson指数、Shannon-wiener指数出现较大的波动,且波动趋势基本一致,Pielou指数表现较为稳定;(3)放牧干扰强度与群落Simpson指数、Shannon-wiener指数呈极显著相关(P<0.01),与Patrick指数、Pielou指数呈显著相关(P<0.05),群落丰富度随放牧干扰强度的增大而下降,群落多样性和均匀度指数在D2和D3时呈现峰值,表明适度干扰可以提高群落物种多样性和均匀度;(4)Patrick指数、Simpson指数和Shannon-wiener指数均与年均降水量呈极显著正相关(P<0.01),与相对湿度呈显著正相关(P<0.05),共同体现了水分条件是制约柠条锦鸡儿群落物种多样性的决定性因子。  相似文献   

The present study deals with the species abundance, diversity and species richness of avian communities in the Bangalore University Campus (BUC), Bengaluru, India. One hundred and six species of birds belonging to 42 families under 68 genera were recorded. Shannon–Wiener’s and Fisher’s alpha diversities, species evenness, species richness of bird communities, number of bird species and percentage of population density of birds between various seasons in the BUC differed significantly between the study years. Of these bird species, the relative abundance (6.96 %) and species distribution ratio (0.070) of Psittacula krameri were highest, whereas relative abundance (0.04 %) and species distribution ratio (0.002) of Coracias benghalensis were lowest. The existing 32 species of flowering plants/trees belonging to 29 genera under 14 families in the campus are used for perching by birds. Moreover 29 species of flowering plants/trees belonging to 24 genera under 16 families depend on birds for pollination and/or seed dispersal. Occurrence of greater bird diversity and abundance of avian communities were recorded highest in the winter season in the BUC premises. In the different seasons, the BUC had varying community structure of birds between the study years. BUC suffers from numerous threats namely grass cutting, fire and grazing of domestic animals. Conservation methods needed for habitat management are restoration of vegetation and wetlands, and increase plant and tree diversity to protect the ecosystem of BUC habitat and to preserve its diversity of avifauna.  相似文献   

Dominant plant species, or foundation species, are recognized to have a disproportionate control over resources in ecosystems, but few studies have evaluated their relationship to exotic invasions. Loss of foundation species could increase resource availability to the benefit of exotic plants, and could thereby facilitate invasion. The success of exotic plant invasions in sagebrush steppe was hypothesized to benefit from increased available soil water following removal of sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata), a foundation species. We examined the effects of sagebrush removal, with and without the extra soil water made available by exclusion of sagebrush, on abundance of exotic and native plants in the shrub steppe of southern Idaho, USA. We compared plant responses in three treatments: undisturbed sagebrush steppe; sagebrush removed; and sagebrush removed plus plots covered with “rainout” shelters that blocked winter-spring recharge of soil water. The third treatment allowed us to examine effects of sagebrush removal alone, without the associated increase in deep-soil water that is expected to accompany removal of sagebrush. Overall, exotic herbs (the grass Bromus tectorum and four forbs) were 3–4 times more abundant in shrub-removal and 2 times more abundant in shrub-removal + rainout-shelter treatments than in the control treatment, where sagebrush was undisturbed. Conversely, native forbs were only about half as abundant in shrub removal compared to control plots. These results indicate that removal of sagebrush facilitates invasion of exotic plants, and that increased soil water is one of the causes. Our findings suggest that sagebrush plays an important role in reducing invasions by exotic plants and maintaining native plant communities, in the cold desert we evaluated.  相似文献   

The natural expansion of forestry trees into habitats outside plantations is a concern for managers and conservationists. We studied seedling emergence and survival of the two main forestry species in Portugal: Eucalyptus globulus (exotic) and Pinus pinaster (native); using a seed addition experiment. Our main objective was to evaluate the combined effects of climate (mild-summer and warm-summer climate), habitat (oak forest and shrubland), and disturbance (vegetation removal and non-disturbance) on the seedling establishment of species in semi- and natural habitats. Furthermore, we tested the effect of the “sowing season” (autumn and spring) on seedling emergence and survival. Overall, seedling establishment of both species was enhanced by light and water. However, we found important interactions among climate, habitat, and disturbance on both species’ emergence and survival. The differences between habitats were more evident in the mild-summer climate than in the warm-summer climate. Our results also suggested that seedling survival may be enhanced by shrub cover in drier conditions (warm-summer climate). Eucalyptus globulus appears more sensitive to drought and disturbance changes than P. pinaster. In shrublands and mild-summer climate conditions, disturbance especially promoted E. globulus seedling establishment, while the forest canopy and the shade appeared to control it in both climatic conditions. After the first summer life, very low seedling survival was observed in both species, although the colonization of new areas appeared to be more limited for E. globulus. Our study suggests that climate conditions influence the effect (direction and intensity) of habitat and disturbance (plant–plant interactions) on seedling survival. Thus, the effect of light availability (forest canopy) and disturbance (vegetation removal) on these species establishment is climate context-dependent. This study presents very useful information to understand future shifts in these species distribution and has direct applications for the management of natural establishment outside the planted areas, and the management of the understorey to favor forest regeneration or limit forest colonization.  相似文献   

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