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Peripheral blood lymphocytes were isolated from broiler chicks that had ingested feed amended with autoclavedFusarium proliferatum culture material containing fumonisin B1 (FB1), fumonisin B2 (FB2) and moniliformin. Lymphocyte viability was determined for birds that were placed on amended rations at day 1 or day 7 of age at three different levels of mycotoxins, ranging from 61–546 ppm FB1, 14–94 ppm FB2 and 66–367 ppm moniliformin. Reduction of the tetrazolium salt, MTT [3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide], to yield MTT formazan, based on mitochondrial metabolic activity, was used to assess cell viability. Lymphocyte cytotoxic effects were observed in all treatment groups on day 21; chicks that started on amended feed at day 1 of age were affected more than those that started at day 7. Abnormal erythrocytes resembling early stages of erythroblasts were observed in peripheral blood from test chicks. Abnormally shaped red cells (poikilocytes) having a spindle-shape with one or both ends pointed were present. Some red cells appeared to be undergoing mitosis. Both reduced lymphocyte viability and abnormal erythrogenesis occurred in chicks given feed amended withF. proliferatum culture material containing FB1, FB2 and moniliformin.  相似文献   

Two hundred twenty-eight male chicks (Columbia × New Hampshire) were given feed amended with autoclaved culture material (CM) ofFusarium proliferatum Containing fumonisin B1 (FB1), fumonisin B2 (FB2) and moniliformin in 3 separate feeding trials. Purified FB1 and moniliformin were given separately and in combination in a fourth feeding trial. Birds were given amended rations at day 1 (Trial 1 and 4), day 7 (Trial 2), and day 21 (Trial 3) and their respective ration was given for 28 days (Trial 1), 21 days (Trial 2), 7 days (Trial 3), and 14 days (Trial 4). FB1 concentrations were 546, 193, and 61 ppm; FB2 were 98, 38 and 14 ppm; and moniliformin were 367, 193, and 66 ppm in the first 3 feeding trial regimens. Chicks in Trial 4 were given dietary concentrations of purified FB1 at 274 and 125 ppm, and moniliformin at 154 and 27 ppm. FB1 and moniliformin, both alone and in combination, produced dose-responsive clinical signs, reduced weight gains and mortality in chicks. Age of birds given amended feeds had little difference in the clinical response; however, those given the rations from days 7 or 21 were slightly less susceptible than those given rations beginning at 1 day of age. Additive effects were noted when the toxins were given in combination. When toxins were given separately, adverse effects took longer to occur. A system to monitor pattern and rate of defecation (RD) was developed for assessing the chicks' approach to feed, water and heat source as illness progressed. Our results indicate that chicks fed corn heavily infected withF. proliferatum under field conditions could suffer acute death similar to that described for spiking mortality syndrome during the first 3 weeks of age.  相似文献   

One hundred eight fertile eggs (Columbia × New Hampshire) were assigned to 10 groups of 10 eggs each (2 control groups had 14 eggs each). Five groups of eggs were inoculated on day 1 of incubation, while the other 5 groups were inoculated on day 10. The inoculum of the 4 treatment groups on both day 1 and 10 consisted of 1,10, or 100 µM purified fumonisin B1 (FB1) or a culture material extract (CME) ofFusarium proliferatum, having known amounts of FB1, FB2 and moniliformin (FB1 20 µM; FB2 4 µM and moniliformin 7 µM). Inoculum consisted of the respective toxin(s) dissolved in 100 µl double distilled, autoclaved water (diluent). Control eggs were inoculated with diluent only. Mortality was both dose- and time-responsive in all treatments. Eggs inoculated on day 1 with 1 µM FB1 had 50% mortality; 10 µM FB1 had 70% mortality; 100 µM FB1 had 100% mortality; and CME had 100% mortality. Eggs inoculated on day 10 with 1,10 or 100 µM FB1 or CME had 30, 60, 90 and 80% mortality, respectively. Normal chicks were hatched from all control eggs. The median death times (MDT50) were inversely dose-responsive in all treatments, ranging from 3.0 to 7.4 days in embryos exposed on day 1 and from 3.2 to 9.0 days in those exposed on day 10. Early embryonic changes in exposed embryos included hydrocephalus, enlarged beaks and elongated necks. Pathologic changes were noted in liver, kidneys, heart, lungs, musculoskeletal system, intestines, testes and brain toxin-exposed embryos.  相似文献   

Fusarium proliferatum and Fusarium oxysporum are the causal agents of a destructive disease of asparagus called Fusarium crown and root rot. F. proliferatum from asparagus produces fumonisin B1 and B2, which have been detected as natural contaminants in infected asparagus plants. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays were developed for the rapid identification of F. proliferatum and F. oxysporum in asparagus plants. The primer pairs are based on calmodulin gene sequences. The PCR products from F. proliferatum and F. oxysporum were 526 and 534 bp long, respectively. The assays were successfully applied to identify both species from the vegetative part of the plants.  相似文献   

Feed amended with autoclaved culture material (CM) of Fusarium proliferatum containing fumonisin B1 (FB1) (61–546 ppm), fumonisin B2 (FB2) (14–98 ppm) and moniliformin (66–367 ppm) was given to 228 male chicks in three separate feeding trials. In a fourth feeding trial, purified FB1 (125 and 274 ppm) and moniliformin (27 and 154 ppm) were given separately and in combination (137 and 77 ppm, respectively). Chicks that died during the trial periods, survivors and controls were subjected to postmortem examination. Specimens (liver, kidney, pancreas, lung, brain, intestine, testis, bursa of Fabricius, heart and skeletal muscle) were examined grossly and preserved for subsequent histopathologic and ultrastructural examination. Prominent gross lesions in affected birds fed diets amended with CM or purified FB1 and moniliformin included ascites, hydropericardium, hepatopathy, nephropathy, cardiomyopathy, pneumonitis, gizzard ulceration, and enlarged bursa of Fabricius filled with caseous material. The various concentrations of FB1 and moniliformin in the amended rations produced well-defined dose–response lesions in all groups in all four trials. Histopathologic changes included hemorrhage, leucocytic infiltration, fatty change or infiltration, individual cell necrosis and fibrosis in liver, kidneys, lungs, heart, intestines, gizzard, bursa of Fabricius and pancreas. Edema and hemorrhage were prominent in brains of treated birds. Ultrastructural changes included cytoplasmic and nuclear enlargement of cells in affected liver, lungs, kidneys, heart and pancreas. There were thickened membranes of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum, dilation of the rough endoplasmic reticulum with loss of ribosomes and vacuolated or deformed mitochondria. Disclaimer: The mention of firm names or trade products in this article does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by the United States Department of Agriculture over other firms or similar products not mentioned.  相似文献   

Fusarium graminearum was isolated from several wheat samples of the 1985/86 Argentine crop, taken from lots that had suffered extensive invasion by this fungus. Previous chemical analysis of the cereal, had revealed contamination with deoxynivalenol (DON), but the presence of the other mycotoxins could not be excluded with certainty, due to the low sensitivity of the analytical methodology employed.Twenty four F. graminearum isolates were grown on white corn with 50% water, for 21 days at 28 °C, or in liquid medium (Sucrose 3%, Peptone 0,1% and Yeast Extract 0,1%) for 7 days at 28 °C without shaking, and tested for the production of mycotoxins. Eight isolates (33% of the total) were found to produce toxins in one or both media. Toxins detected were: DON (6 isolates), 15-AcetylDON (5), 3-AcetylDON (2) and Zearalenone (3). No traces of Nivalenol, Fusarenon-X or other trichothecenes were found.These results suggest that strains of F. graminearum, prevailing in Argentine wheat-growing regions, might belong to the DON/AcetylDON chemotype, since no organisms of the Nivalenol/Fusarenon-X chemotype were detected in this study.  相似文献   

Aims:  To test the fumonisin B1 - producing ability of Fusarium proliferatum strains isolated from Welsh onion ( Allium fistulosum ) plants and seeds of commercial cultivars in Japan and to examine the applicability of PCR-based assays to discriminate between fumonisin B1-producing and nonproducing isolates.
Methods and Results:  Fumonisin B1 levels in 20 Fusarium isolates obtained from Welsh onion plants and seeds of seven commercial cultivars were determined by HPLC. Thirteen of the 20 isolates produced fumonisin B1. PCR assay with FUM1 gene-specific primers amplified a DNA fragment (700 bp) only from fumonisin-producing isolates.
Conclusions:  Fusarium proliferatum isolates that can produce fumonisin B1 were often associated with wilted Welsh onion plants and seeds of some commercial cultivars. The PCR assay with FUM1 gene-specific primers has the potential to discriminate between fumonisin B1-producing and nonproducing isolates.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  This study revealed that F. proliferatum producing fumonisin B1 is associated with Welsh onion plants and that commercial cultivar seeds may be contaminated with the fungus. PCR amplification of FUM1 gene can be a useful tool for the rapid identification of fumonisin B1-producing F. proliferatum isolates.  相似文献   

AIMS: To test the ability of Fusarium proliferatum strains isolated from Pinus pinea to synthesize fumonisin B(1) (FB(1)) in pine nuts. METHOD AND RESULTS: Eleven strains were inoculated in moist sterile shelled pine nuts and whole pine nuts, and incubated for 28 days. Moist sterile maize was inoculated in parallel as an optimum substrate for FB(1) production by Fusarium species. CONCLUSIONS: Six of the strains produced FB(1) in shelled pine nuts, and two of them did so in whole pine nuts. IMPACT AND SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY: F. proliferatum is able to grow and produce FB(1) in the husk of pine nuts and the mycotoxin can be found in the nut once shelled. Consequently, FB(1) may be an important hazard in pine nuts.  相似文献   

During the 1989 corn harvest season, numerous reports of equine leukoencephalomalacia (ELEM) outbreaks and a pulmonary edema (PPE) syndrome in swine from several regions of the United States were received by the National Veterinary Services Laboratories (NVSL), Ames, Iowa. Previous and concurrent research linked Fusarium moniliforme and fumonisin-contaminated feeds to both diseases. Chemical and mycological investigations revealed fumonisin B1 (FB1) concentrations of 20 to 360 ppm in suspect swine feeds and 8 to 117 ppm in suspect equine feeds. Nonproblem feeds contained concentrations below 8 ppm. Fusarium moniliforme and Fusarium proliferatum were isolated from both problem and nonproblem equine and swine feeds. When cultured on autoclaved corn, the F. moniliforme and F. proliferatum isolates produced respective FB1 and fumonisin B2 (FB2) that range from less than 5 to more than 2450 ppm and less than 5 to more than 1000 ppm, respectively. Isolates from both problem and nonproblem feeds produced high levels (greater than 500 ppm) in culture. Reported here is a review of chemical and mycological data resulting from the study of several cases of PPE and ELEM.  相似文献   

After 6 weeks incubation on rice 2 strains of Fusarium crookwellense produced more zearalenone (6060–5010 mg/kg dry wt of culture) at ambient temperature (16–29°C) in daylight than at ambient temperature (18–23 °C) in darkness or at controlled temperatures of 11 °C, 20 °C or 25 °C in darkness. Yields at 25 °C were low. Incubation at 11 °C during the second 3 weeks incubation increased yields only when preliminary incubation had been at 25 °C. After 6 weeks incubation at controlled temperatures in darkness, 4 strains produced most zearalenone at 20 °C (2460-21 360 mg/kg), 1 strain at 11 °C (6570 mg/kg). Yields at a temperature oscillating daily from 10–20 °C were less than at 15 °C. One of the 5 strains produced appreciable amounts of a-zearalenol (1645 mg/kg at 20°C) and 2 of nivalenol (340 and 499 mg/kg at 20 °C).  相似文献   

A fungus was isolated from the stem cuttings of Taxus celebica, which produced paclitaxel in liquid-grown cultures. The fungus was identified as Fusarium solani based on colony characteristics, morphology of conidia and the 26S rDNA sequence. Paclitaxel was identified by chromatographic and spectroscopic comparison with authentic paclitaxel and its cytotoxic activity towards Jurkat cells in vitro.  相似文献   

Two separate, extracellular proteolytic activities were demonstrated in four strains of Leuconostoc oenos isolated from Argentinian wines. The first took place in the early growth phase and the other had its maximum at the end of growth. The two proteolytic enzymes had different pH and temperature optima. Divalent metal ions had different effects not only on each L. oenos strain but also on each of the two proteases from each strain.  相似文献   

潘丹阳  刘帅  万芳芳  刘高强 《菌物学报》2018,37(9):1207-1214
对层生镰孢菌产甲壳素脱乙酰酶的发酵动力学进行了研究。通过Logistic方程分别构建层生镰孢菌细胞生长、甲壳素脱乙酰酶(CDA)合成及糖基质消耗的非结构动力学模型,并利用1stOpt软件对该模型进行了模拟,采用Origin8.0软件得到了非线性曲线拟合图形及各模型参数。结果表明,各模型预测值与实验数据能较好地拟合,层生镰孢菌细胞的比生长速率在第15.52h达到峰值(μm, x)0.160h-1;层生镰孢菌的底物比消耗速率在26.51h时达到峰值(μm, s)0.096h-1;层生镰孢菌的甲壳素脱乙酰酶比合成速率19.40h达到峰值(μm, p)0.548U/(mL·h)。模型拟合和实验数据具有良好的适应性,基本上反映了层生镰孢菌发酵产酶过程的动力学特征,为今后的工业化规模生产提供理论依据。  相似文献   

High percentages of micro-calli and micro-derived embryos were produced from isolated asparagus microspores at late uninucleate stage on MS liquid medium supplemented with 1.0 mg l–1 2,4-D and 0.5 mg l–1 BA. Two types of calli, namely compact callus (CC) and loose callus (LC), were found. Plantlets were regenerated via organogenesis, when these calli were transferred onto MS solid medium supplemented with 1.0 mg l–1 BA and 0.2 mg l–1 IBA 6 weeks. Embryos were produced from liquid cultured microspores, or from solid cultured micro-calli. The frequencies of haploid plant production from organogenesis and embryogenesis were compared. Effects of plant growth regulators on callus production, plantlet regeneration, and haploid plant production were tested. The combination of BA 1.0 mg l–1 and IBA 0.2 mg l–1 resulted the highest precentage of haploid plant production (7.7% from CC, 4.3% from LC).Abbreviations 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - IBA 3-indolybutyric acid - BA 6-binzyladinine - NAA naphtalene acetic acid - MS Murashige and Skoog  相似文献   

Fifty commercial corn hybrids with different endosperm characteristics, vegetative cycle length and cross class grown in the same geographical area (Cordoba Province, Argentina) were analysed for fumonisin accumulation. All hybrids analysed showed fumonisin B1 and B2 contamination ranging from 185 to 27,050 ng/g for FB1 and from 40 to 9950 ng/g for FB2. Although most of the hybrids analysed had flint-type endosperm, two hybrids with dent-type endosperm (e.g. Prozea 10 and AX 746) showed the highest level of fumonisin (37,000 ng/g) and more FB2 than FB1 (FB2/FB1 ratio 2.42), respectively. There was no correlation between fumonisin concentration and length of the vegetative cycle. Among 18 hybrids examined for Fusarium species contamination there was also no correlation between fumonisin contamination and the level of infection with Fusarium species (Section Liseola). Eighteen hybrids showed fumonisin levels lower than 1000 ng/g. This result suggests that there is some possibility of selecting hybrids resistant or less susceptible to fumonisin and Fusarium contamination.  相似文献   

A comparative study on the extracellular ligninolytic enzymatic activity of five strains of Fusarium solani in a carbon-limited medium under shaking, revealed a differential production of these enzymes. Aryl alcohol oxidase (AAO) activity was observed only in the supernatant of strain CLPS no. 568 with levels higher than 57 mU ml−1. Free extracellular laccase activity was detected in strains CLPS nos. 493, 568 and 570, strain no. 568 being the one which showed the highest activity (over 8.6 mU ml−1). Free extracellular lignin peroxidase (LiP) activity was not detected in any isolate tested, whereas low levels of manganese-dependent peroxidase (MnP) and manganese-independent peroxidase (MIP) activities were detected in certain isolates used. The AAO activity of F. solani on primary α-alcohols such as veratryl alcohol, is reported for the first time; this enzyme activity is hydrogen-peroxide independent. This is also the first report for extracellular MnP and MIP activities of F. solani. This revised version was published online in November 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Fusarium crookwellense was isolated for the first time in Japan from scabby wheat harvested in Hokkaido in 1991. Four isolates were obtained and examined for their mycological features on culture media, mycotoxin production, and pathogenicity to wheat and barley. The texture of fungal colonies and the morphology of macroconidia on a potato dextrose agar medium were similar to those ofFusarium graminearum. AllF. crookwellense isolates examined produced nivalenol, 4-acetylnivalenol, and zearalenone on rice media at levels ranging from 0.9 to 22.5 µg/g, 0.5 to 25.0 µg/g, and 1.4 to 162.5 µg/g, respectively. All were pathogenic toward the wheat and barley strains tested, and scab symptoms were found on the heads and leaves of plants. This is the first report on domestic isolates ofF. crookwellense from the crop field in Japan.  相似文献   

The gibberellins are one of the major groups of growth promoting hormones and are secondary metabolites of the fungus Fusarium moniliforme (Perfect stage: Gibberella fujikuroi). Sixteen strains of Fusarium from different geographical regions and different hosts were analysed for their ability to produce gibberellins (GA) and for genetic relatedness by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD). Range of gibberellin production varied between 28.9 to 600.0 mg g-1 dry weight of mycelium in different strains of Fusarium. RAPD analysis showed completely different pattern between high, moderate and low producing strains. High producers formed nearly identical RAPD patterns, whereas the low and moderate producers gave heterologous amplification patterns. Since Fusarium pallidoroseum was in another group, it was possible to distinguish between different species of the genus Fusarium by RAPD. These investigations may find an application in the diagnosis of unknown Fusarium species and in distinguishing isolates of Gibberella fujikuroi within the section of Liseola. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Fumonisins: Isolation,chemical characterization and biological effects   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
The fumonisin B mycotoxins (FB1 and FB2) have been purified and characterized from corn cultures of Fusarium moniliforme strain MRC 826. Fumonisin B1 (FB1, the major fumonisin produced in culture, has been shown to be responsible for the major toxicological effects of the fungus in rats, horses and pigs. Recent investigations on the purification of compounds with chromatographic characteristics similar to FB1 have led to the identification of two new fumonisins, FB3 and FB4. Fumonisins A1 and A2, the N-acetyl derivatives of FB1 and FB2 respectively, were also purified and shown to be secondary metabolites of the fungus. Short-term carcinogenesis studies in a rat liver bioassay indicated that over a period of 15 to 20 days, at dietary levels of 0.05–0.1%, FB2 and FB3 closely mimic the toxicological and cancer initiating activity of FB1 and thus could contribute to the toxicological effects of the fungus in animals. In contrast, no biological activity could be detected for FA1 under identical experimental conditions. These studies and others have indicated that the fumonisin B mycotoxins, although lacking mutagenicity in the Salmonella test or genotoxicity in the DNA repair assays in primary hepatocytes, appear to induce resistant hepatocytes similar to many known hepatocarcinogens.  相似文献   

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