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本文记述了我国为害园林树种的二个蚧虫新种,其中一个新种取名为刺蜡链蚧,它属于链蚧科(Asterolecaniidae)的蜡链蚧属(Cerococcus Comstock),为害八角枫。另一新种取名贵盘蚧,它属于盘蚧科(Lecanodiaspididae)的盘蚧属(Lecanodiaspis Targioni-Tozzetti),为害枹栎树。新种的正模和副模标本均保存在中国科学院动物研究所。  相似文献   

在室内条件下采用机械损伤叶片(MW)、外源水杨酸诱导(Me SA)、扶桑绵粉蚧短期(S-MF)及长期为害(L-MF)4种方式处理棉花,对棉花植株释放的萜类化合物进行了定性与定量研究。结果表明,共有5种萜类化合物被定性检出,分别为α蒎烯、β蒎烯、长叶烯、A-柏木烯与雪松烯;扶桑绵粉蚧的取食为害显著提高了棉花α蒎烯、β蒎烯及A-柏木烯的释放量,并且新增加雪松烯与长叶烯的释放;而叶片机械损伤与外源水杨酸诱导处理在一定程度上也提高了α蒎烯、β蒎烯及A-柏木烯的释放量。本研究结果为合理利用虫害诱导植物挥发物进行扶桑绵粉蚧的生物防治提供科学依据。  相似文献   

2013-2014年调查了扶桑绵粉蚧Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley对广东城镇绿化带、公园、高速(国道)公路等园林植物的危害及其天敌种类,结果表明,广州、珠海、深圳等17个地级市均有扶桑绵粉蚧发生,呈点片分布,主要为害扶桑、驳骨丹、蟛蜞菊等9种园林植物,高速(国道)公路绿化带的园林植物受扶桑绵粉蚧为害最严重,其次是公园(景点)绿化带的园林植物,而城区绿化带、苗木花卉基地(市场)由于管理较好,园林植物受到扶桑绵粉蚧为害最轻。调查过程中,共采集到了7种天敌昆虫,分别是孟氏隐唇瓢虫Cryptolaemus montrouzineri Mulsant、圆斑弯月毛瓢虫Nephus quadrimaculatus(Kamiya)、六斑月瓢虫Menochilus sexmaculata(Fabricius)、草蛉Chrysopa sp.、班氏跳小蜂Aenasius bambawalei Hayat、粉蚧抑虱跳小蜂Acerophagus coccois Smith和粉蚧广腹细蜂Allotropa sp.。  相似文献   

一、前言 近几年来,在我区桂西南部咖啡植区调查,发现为害小粒种咖啡(Coffea arbica)的蚧虫种类很多。经初步鉴定有:绿蚧(Coccus viridis Green)、绿绵蚧(Pulvi-naria psidii Mask)、褐盔蚧(Saisstia nigra Nietn)、土字盔蚧(Saisstiu oleae Bern)、吹绵蚧(Icerya sp)、粉蚧(Pseudococcus sp.)、咖啡根粉蚧(planococcus lilacinus C.)等7种。它们主要寄生在咖啡的嫩梢、芽、叶背、果柄和根等部位。其中特别值得注意的是为害根部的根粉蚧,发生较普遍而严重,是一种带毁灭性的害虫。本文系作者1959—1960年对该虫调查和防治试  相似文献   

【目的】为明确辽宁省瓦房店市得利寺镇果园内蔷薇科果树上天牛的种类、危害特征和种群动态。【方法】采用笼养法和虫害木解析法进行研究。【结果】(1)共发现天牛8种,分别是家茸天牛Trichoferus campestris Faldermann、双隆短翅天牛Glaphyra kojimai Matsushita、多斑坡天牛Pterolophia multinotata Pic、拟蜡天牛Stenygrinum quadrinotatum Bates、樱桃虎天牛Chlorophorus diadema Motschulsky、桃红颈天牛Aromia bungii Faldermann、薄翅锯天牛Megopis sinica White和四点象天牛Mesosa myops Dalman。(2)桃红颈天牛为害果树活立木的主干;四点象天牛、樱桃虎天牛和多斑坡天牛主要为害衰弱的果树主干和树枝;薄翅锯天牛为害果树朽木;家茸天牛为害枯死的果树树干和树枝;双隆短翅天牛和拟蜡天牛为害细枝。(3)家茸天牛、双隆短翅天牛、多斑坡天牛、拟蜡天牛、桃红颈天牛和薄翅锯天牛一年中均有1个明显的羽化高峰,四点象天牛一年中有2个成虫出现高峰,樱桃虎天牛的羽化高峰不明显。【结论】不同果树上为害的天牛种类存在差异。8种天牛为害果树的健康程度存在差异,其中桃红颈天牛对果树的为害最严重。8种天牛的种群动态规律存在差异。  相似文献   

中国的松干蚧   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
松干蚧是在松树枝干上为害的珠蚧科(Margarodidae)、松蚧属(Matsucoccus)的蚧虫。关于我国松干蚧的种类和经济意义,在解放前一无所知。解放后,首先在山东崂山地区发现松干蚧为害严重,才开始进行防治研究。文化大革命以后,群众性的科学实验运动蓬勃发展,对于松干蚧的防治研究通过各地协作,进展很快。我们得到全国松干蚧防治研究协作组的帮助,研究了各地的标本,使我们对于我国松干蚧的种类有了一些了解。现将  相似文献   

蚁粉蚧属一新种记述(同翅目:粉蚧科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王子清 《昆虫学报》1985,(4):444-446
蚁粉蚧属(Formicococcus)于1928年为高桥良一(R.Takahashi)所建立。我国已知二种,其一是该属的模式种樟蚁粉蚧(Formicococcus cinnamomi Takahashi),此种产自我国台湾省,寄生在樟树的茎、枝缝隙以及根上为害,另一种也是高桥良一于1929年在我国台湾省发现的,名为木荷蚁粉蚧(Formicococcus schimae Takahashi),该种寄生在木荷枝上为害。本属还包括产自马达加斯加岛的第3种,名为格林蚁粉蚧(Formicococcus greeni(Vayssiere)),此种为害咖啡。1982年在我国福建省发现第4种,此种寄生在枇杷树根上为害,经鉴定后它是一个新种,订名为枇杷蚁粉蚧,现记述如下:  相似文献   

松干蚧种群变动和生物防治   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
松干蚧是松树主要害虫之一,其中以日本松干蚧(Matsucoccus matsumurae Kuwana)为害最严重。1973年南京地区松干蚧猖獗发生。我院校园连片的马尾松(Pinus massonianaLamb.)和千头赤松[Pinus densiflora f.umbraculifera(Mayr) Beissner]等也暴发了此虫,当时曾作为江苏省松干蚧防治会议的现场。但是,直到 1978年 3月,原来这些松干蚧大发生的松树,未发现有因松干蚧为害致死现象;相反,他们长势愈来愈旺,松干蚧数量也降低到稳定水平。整个群落趋于稳定。除我院以外,南京市晓庄林场,溧阳县东方红林场等也有此现象。尤其是后者,松干蚧分布面积千亩以上,部分地区种群密度很大,但是也没有  相似文献   

花翅跳小蜂属(Microterys Thomson,1876)是蜡蚧科昆虫的重要天敌,白蜡虫花翅跳小蜂(M.ericeri Ishii)因寄生于经济益虫白蜡虫(Ericerus pela Chavannes)而对人类有害,但绝大多数为益虫。本属是个大属,已描述了150多种,东洋区记载了20种。廖定熹教授在《中国经济昆虫志》[第三十四册,小蜂总科(一)]中记述了中国的花翅跳小蜂3种,即:白蜡虫花翅跳小蜂(M.ericeri Ishii)、球蚧花翅跳小蜂(M.clauseniCompere)和蜡蚧花翅跳小蜂(M.speciosus Ishii),黄春梅报道了采自福建的二带花翅跳小蜂(M.ditaeniatus Huang),姜德全描记了从白蜡虫雌虫卵囊中羽化的中华花翅跳小蜂  相似文献   

杨笠圆盾蚧的生物学及其防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> 杨笠圆盾蚧Quadraspidiotus ostreaeformis(Curtis)属同翅目、盾蚧科,笠圆盾蚧属。此蚧是宁夏杨树的主要害虫之一。近几年来,发生面积逐年扩大,为害也越来越严重,有的地区有虫株率达100%。1981年我们在中卫县对此虫进行了专题研究,现将研究结果整理如下。 一、分布及为害情况 此虫分布于东北、新疆、内蒙、宁夏等地,在我区中卫县各林场业已成灾。主要为害箭杆杨、合作杨、群众杨、大官杨等杨树品种,还为害苹果、梨、桃等果树。在中卫县以箭杆杨和合  相似文献   

为了使广东省的兰科植物及其遗传多样性得到有效的保育, 保存我国重要野生植物资源, 在2017-2019年间, 采用样线和样地相结合的调查手段、专家快速评估和野外调查相结合的评估技术以及Wilcoxon符号秩检验和Friedman检验的统计方法, 对广东省自然分布的兰科植物进行了全面的调查和濒危等级评估, 并对其在广东省自然保护区中的就地保育情况和全国植物园中的迁地保育情况进行了综合分析。结果表明, 广东省分布有兰科植物80属235种, 其中广东特有种20种; 广东兰科植物受威胁物种有186种, 其中极危11种、濒危114种、易危61种; 就地保育的兰科植物有111种, 迁地保育的兰科植物有156种, 就地和迁地共同保育的兰科植物有96种, 保育的有效程度较低; 另外, 就地、迁地、就地和迁地共同保育的兰科植物之间没有体现出明显的差异, 保育工作缺乏选择性和针对性。基于此, 我们建议广东兰科植物的保育工作应重视基础数据的收集和持续的野外监测、提高保育物种的数量、优化迁地保育物种的选择性和针对性、完善迁地保育和就地保育之间的协同性, 同时也应重视立法和公众教育, 并构建广东兰科植物保育的网络系统。  相似文献   

于2019~2022年对广东象头山国家级自然保护区内的兰科植物进行专项调查,记录兰科植物种类、数量、生活型、海拔、生境等信息,分析保护区内兰科植物的垂直分布格局,并根据《广东高等植物红色名录》和《国家重点保护野生植物名录》对各海拔高度兰花濒危等级的物种数量进行统计。结果显示:(1) 实地记录兰科植物33属48种,多数种类种群数量较少;(2) 随着海拔上升,各海拔梯度的兰科植物总种数和不同生活型的种数均呈现“中间高度膨胀型”分布特点,峰值在中低海拔区域;(3) 濒危物种主要集中在海拔200~500 m区间;(4) 相邻海拔段的兰科植物种类相似性系数较高,垂直梯度差异越大,相似性系数越小。低海拔地区可能由于人为干扰频繁,兰科植物物种多样性较低;中海拔物种多样性最丰富;高海拔地区生长环境较苛刻,物种数量较少。  相似文献   

It is important to understand the interactions between orchids and their herbivores, especially considering the rarity of most orchids and the potential negative effects of pests on orchid reproduction. Here, we report the infestation of leaves of Cephalanthera spp. orchids by Parallelomma vittatum (Scathophagidae) in Japan. The present study represents the first report of P. vittatum on orchid hosts in Asia.  相似文献   

Li Li-Ying 《BioControl》1982,27(1):81-88
There are about 13 species of rice insect pests which are common and of major significance in Guangdong Province, China. Rice pest management in China is based on cultural practices, biological control, insecticides, light traps, varietal resistance and other control methods. Natural control by preservation of natural enemies of pests plays a very positive role in the integrated control of rice pests. The major measures and techniques of these control methods are mentioned in this paper. A list of main insect pests of rice, their natural enemies and some examples of the results of rice pest integrated control in Guangdong Province, China, are also given.  相似文献   

Pollinator specificity has traditionally been considered the main reproductive isolation mechanism in orchids. Among Mediterranean orchids, however, many species attract and deceive pollinators by mimicking nectar-rewarding plants. To test the extent to which deceptive orchid species share pollinators, we collected and identified hemipollinaria-carrying insects, and used ribosomal sequences to identify the orchid species from which hemipollinaria were removed. We found that social and solitary bees, and also flies, carried hemipollinaria belonging to nine orchid species with different degrees of specialization. In particular, Anacamptis morio, Dactylorhiza romana and Orchis mascula used a large set of pollinator species, whereas others such as Orchis quadripunctata seemed to be pollinated by one pollinator species only. Out of the insects with hemipollinaria, 19% were found to carry hemipollinaria from more than one orchid species, indicating that sympatric food-deceptive orchids can share pollinators. This sharing was apparent even among orchid sister-species, thus revealing an effective overlap in pollinator sets among closely related species. These results suggest varying degrees of pollinator specificity in these orchids, and indicate that pollinator specificity cannot always act as the main isolation mechanism in food-deceptive temperate orchids.  相似文献   

Orchidaceae is one of the most species-rich angiosperm families, and all orchids are fully dependent on fungi for their seed germination and their life cycle. The level of specificity of the association between orchid species and fungi can be related to the number of co-occurring orchid species. To investigate orchid mycorrhizal associations in adult-photosynthetic orchids, 16 Mediterranean orchid species belonging to 4 genera (Anacamptis, Ophrys, Orchis, and Serapias) at 11 different sites were subjected to DNA-based analysis. Eighteen operational taxonomic units representing two fungal families, Tulasnellaceae and Ceratobasidiaceae, were identified. All examined orchid species associated with different mycorrhizal fungi. Interestingly, there was a positive correlation between number of orchid species and number of mycorrhizal. Monospecific populations showed a lower number of fungi, while sympatric populations had a higher number of mycorrhizal fungi. Our results showed that Mediterranean orchid species associated with a higher number of mycorrhizal fungi confirming as photosynthetic orchids are typically generalists toward mycorrhizal fungi. Thus, photosynthetic orchids exhibit low specificity for fungal symbionts showing the potential for opportunistic associations with diverse fungi reducing competition for nutrient. We suggest that these characteristics could confer symbiotic assurance particularly in habitat with resource limitations or prone to stressful conditions.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2019,22(3):816-819
To protect endangered and commercially important orchid species, it is important to monitor and accurately identify orchid pests. Japanagromyza tokunagai (Sasakawa) larvae are known to infest the flower buds, stems, and ovaries of various Japanese orchid species. Given that J. tokunagai can infest diverse orchid hosts, J. tokunagai has the potential to be an economically important orchid pest in greenhouses. However, damage by J. tokunagai has previously only been reported in outdoor habitats. Here we revealed that the dipteran larvae infesting the flower buds of Phalaenopsis aphrodite Rchb.f. (Orchidaceae) cultivated in a greenhouse are J. tokunagai based on DNA barcoding, using COI sequences. Infested flower buds remained closed and eventually dropped to the ground, making the P. aphrodite plants commercially worthless. Phalaenopsis aphrodite is one of the most economically important ornamental orchids. Therefore, J. tokunagai is a potential threat to orchid production and we recommend taking precautions to prevent its spread.  相似文献   

刘雨芳  杨荷  阳菲  谢美琦 《昆虫学报》2019,62(7):857-867
【目的】探索生境高异质度对稻田捕食性天敌及水稻害虫的生态调节有效性,了解这种策略是否会引起其他植食性昆虫成为水稻重要害虫的风险。【方法】2017-2018年连续2年种植单季稻,在稻田边缘种植花生与大豆,构建高异质性边缘生境稻田(rice paddy with high heterogeneous marginal habitats, HHR),调查HHR稻田与简单低异质性边缘生境稻田(rice paddy with low heterogeneous marginal habitats, LHR)中捕食性天敌与水稻害虫功能团的发生规律与相关性,计算益害比。【结果】2017年在HHR稻田中采集到捕食性天敌40种,1 667头;在LHR稻田中采集到捕食性天敌30种,991头。2018年在HHR稻田中采集到捕食性天敌33种,1 384头;在LHR稻田中采集到捕食性天敌34种,1 031头。HHR与LHR两类稻田中获得的捕食性天敌群落重要值Pi≥0.01的物种相似度很高,优势种相似。2017年HHR稻田的捕食性天敌物种丰富度明显高于LHR稻田,这种差异主要由群落重要值Pi<0.01的种类引起。2018年两类稻田的捕食性天敌物种丰富度没有差异。单位样方面积内的捕食性天敌个体数量,HHR中明显高于LHR,这种差异在2017年的分蘖期与成熟期达显著水平(P<0.05),在2018年的开花期极显著(P<0.01)。2017年在HHR中采集到水稻害虫22种,637头;在LHR中采集到水稻害虫19种,743头;物种相似性系数0.88。2018年在HHR中采集到水稻害虫16种,1 011头;在LHR中采集到水稻害虫16种,2 014头;物种相似性系数0.75;主要害虫物种组成结构相同。水稻害虫数量发生的时间动态分析表明,在分蘖期,虽然HHR稻田中的水稻害虫数量明显高于LHR(P<0.05),但此期害虫的数量不多,发生较轻。在孕穗期、开花期与成熟期,HHR稻田中的水稻害虫数量明显低于LHR稻田,这种差异在2017年的成熟期与2018年的孕穗期极显著(P<0.01),在2018年的成熟期差异显著(P<0.05)。2017年HHR和LHR中个体数量益害比Npi值分别为2.62和1.33;2018年分别为1.37和0.51。【结论】具有高异质性边缘生境的稻田,能提高系统对捕食性天敌物种的涵养潜力,显著提高稻田捕食性天敌个体数量,提高益害比,具有更好的控制害虫的物质基础,促进捕食性天敌对水稻害虫的生态控制效能,不会引起其他植食性昆虫演变为水稻重要害虫风险,可为保护稻田生态系统天敌发挥生态效能提供可借鉴的策略与方法。  相似文献   

China has over 1,200 species of native orchids in nearly 173 genera. About one fourth of native species are of horticultural merit. Some species are of Chinese medicinal value. In fact, the demand on orchid species with high Chinese medicinal values such as Gastrodia elata, Dendrobium offcinale, along with demands on species of cultural importance, such as those in the genus of Cymbidium, is a major factor causing wild populations to diminish and in some cases, drive wild populations to the brink of extinction. These market demands have also driven studies on the role of mycorrhizal fungi in orchid seed germination, seedling and adult growth, and reproduction. Most of these mycorrhizal studies of Chinese orchids, however, are published in Chinese, some in medical journals, and thus overlooked by the mainstream orchid mycorrhizal publications. Yet some of these studies contained interesting discoveries on the nature of the mycorrhizal relationships between orchids and fungi. We present a review of some of these neglected publications. The most important discovery comes from the mycorrhizal studies on G. elata, in which the researchers concluded that those fungi species required to stimulate seed germination are different from those that facilitate the growth of G. elata beyond seedling stages. In addition, presence of the mycorrhizal fungi associated with vegetative growth of post-seedling G. elata hindered the germination of seeds. These phenomena were unreported prior to these studies. Furthermore, orchid mycorrhizal studies in China differ from the mainstream orchid studies in that many epiphytic species (in the genus of Dendrobium, as medicinal herbs) were investigated as well as terrestrial orchids (mostly in the genus Cymbidium, as traditional horticultural species). The different responses between epiphytic and terrestrial orchid seeds to fungi derived from roots suggest that epiphytic orchids may have a more general mycorrhizal relationship with fungi than do terrestrial orchid species during the seed germination stage. To date, orchid mycorrhizal research in China has had a strongly commercial purpose. We suggest that this continuing research on orchid mycorrhizal relationships are a solid foundation for further research that includes more rare and endangered taxa, and more in-situ studies to assist conservation and restoration of the endangered orchids. Knowledge on the identities and roles of mycorrhizal fungi of orchids holds one of the keys to successful restoration and sustainable use of Chinese orchids.  相似文献   

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