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The E1 protein is a multifunctional, origin-binding helicase that is essential for replication of papillomaviruses. Recently, bovine papillomavirus E1 was shown to be post-translationally modified by the addition of the SUMO-1 polypeptide. Here we show that the site of sumoylation maps to lysine residue 514. This lysine and the flanking sequences are well conserved in human papillomavirus (HPV) E1 proteins. Both HPV1a and HPV18 E1 proteins are substrates for sumoylation in vitro, which is consistent with this modification being a general property of E1 proteins. Mutations, which impair the sumoylation of bovine papillomavirus E1, prevent normal nuclear accumulation of E1 with a concomitant loss of replication capacity. These results suggest that sumoylation plays a role in nuclear transport and could regulate the E1 replication function by controlling access to the nuclear replication domains.  相似文献   

Reelin is a very large secreted glycoprotein essential for correct development of the mammalian brain. It is also implicated in higher functions and diseases of human brain. However, whether or not secretion of Reelin is regulated and how Reelin transmits signals remain largely unknown. Reelin protein is composed of an N-terminal F-spondin-like domain, Reelin repeats, and a short and highly basic C-terminal region (CTR). The primary sequence of CTR is almost completely conserved among vertebrates except fishes, indicating its importance. A prevailing idea regarding the function of CTR is that it is required for the secretion of Reelin, although this remains unproven. Here we aimed to clarify the function of Reelin CTR. Neither deleting most of CTR nor replacing CTR with unrelated amino acids affected secretion efficiency, indicating that CTR is not absolutely required for the secretion of Reelin. We also found that Reelin mutants without CTR were less potent in activating the downstream signaling in cortical neurons. Although these mutants were able to bind to the Reelin receptor ectodomain as efficiently as wild-type Reelin, quite interestingly, their ability to bind to the isolated cell membrane bearing Reelin receptors or receptor-expressing cells (including cortical neurons) was much weaker than that of wild-type Reelin. Therefore, it is concluded that the CTR of Reelin is not essential for its secretion but is required for efficient activation of downstream signaling events, presumably via binding to an unidentified "co-receptor" molecule(s) on the cell membrane.  相似文献   

The DNA damage/replication checkpoints act by sensing the presence of damaged DNA or stalled replication forks and initiate signaling pathways that arrest cell cycle progression. Here we report the cloning and characterization of Xenopus orthologues of the RFCand PCNA-related checkpoint proteins. XRad17 shares regions of homology with the five subunits of Replication factor C. XRad9, XRad1, and XHus1 (components of the 9-1-1 complex) all show homology to the DNA polymerase processivity factor PCNA. We demonstrate that these proteins associate with chromatin and are phosphorylated when replication is inhibited by aphidicolin. Phosphorylation of X9-1-1 is caffeine sensitive, but the chromatin association of XRad17 and the X9-1-1 complex after replication block is unaffected by caffeine. This suggests that the X9-1-1 complex can associate with chromatin independently of XAtm/XAtr activity. We further demonstrate that XRad17 is essential for the chromatin binding and checkpoint-dependent phosphorylation of X9-1-1 and for the activation of XChk1 when the replication checkpoint is induced by aphidicolin. XRad17 is not, however, required for the activation of XCds1 in response to dsDNA ends.  相似文献   

Xin Yu Liu 《FEBS letters》2008,582(29):4023-4031
The protein kinase transforming-growth-factor-β-activated kinase-1 (TAK1) is a key regulator in the pro-inflammatory signaling pathway and is activated by tumor necrosis factor-α, interleukin-1 (IL-1) and lipopolysaccharide (LPS). We describe the identification of TAK1 as a client protein of the 90 kDa heat-shock protein (Hsp90)/cell division cycle protein 37 (Cdc37) chaperones. However, Hsp90 is not required for the activation of TAK1 as short exposure to the Hsp90 inhibitor, 17-(allylamino)-17-demethoxygeldanamycin (17-AAG) did not affect its activation by LPS or IL-1. Prolonged treatment of cells with 17-AAG inhibits Hsp90 and downregulates TAK1. Our results suggest that Hsp90 is required for the folding and stability of TAK1 but is displaced and no longer required when TAK1 is complexed to TAK1-binding protein-1 (TAB1).

Structured summary

TAK1 (uniprotkb:O43318-2) physically interacts (MI:0218) with CDC37 (uniprotkb:Q16543) and HSP90 (uniprotkb:P07900) by anti bait coimmunoprecipitation (MI:0006)
TAK1 (uniprotkb:O43318-2) physically interacts (MI:0218) with TAB1 (uniprotkb:Q15750), HSP90 (uniprotkb:P07900) and CDC37 (uniprotkb:Q16543) by anti bait coimmunoprecipitation (MI:0006)
TAK1 (uniprotkb:Q62073) physically interacts (MI:0218) with HSP90 (uniprotkb:P07901), CDC37 (uniprotkb:Q61081), TAB2 (uniprotkb:Q99K90) and TAB1 (uniprotkb:Q8CF89) by anti bait coimmunoprecipitation (MI:0006)
TAK1 (uniprotkb:O43318-2) physically interacts (MI:0218) with HSP90 (uniprotkb:P07900) and CDC37 (uniprotkb:Q16543) by pull down (MI:0096)
TAK1 (uniprotkb:O43318-2) physically interacts (MI:0218) with TAB2 (uniprotkb:Q9NYJ8), CDC37 (uniprotkb:Q16543), HSP90 (uniprotkb:P07900) and TAB1 (uniprotkb:Q15750) by anti bait coimmunoprecipitation (MI:0006)

BACKGROUND: The Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) signaling pathway has been implicated in cell proliferation and apoptosis, but its function seems to depend on the cell type and inducing signal. In T cells, JNK has been implicated in both antigen-induced activation and apoptosis. RESULTS: We generated mice lacking the JNK2 isozymes. The mutant mice were healthy and fertile but defective in peripheral T-cell activation induced by antibody to the CD3 component of the T-cell receptor (TCR) complex - proliferation and production of interleukin-2 (IL-2), IL-4 and interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) were reduced. The proliferation defect was restored by exogenous IL-2. B-cell activation was normal in the absence of JNK2. Activation-induced peripheral T-cell apoptosis was comparable between mutant and wild-type mice, but immature (CD4(+) CD8(+)) thymocytes lacking JNK2 were resistant to apoptosis induced by administration of anti-CD3 antibody in vivo. The lack of JNK2 also resulted in partial resistance of thymocytes to anti-CD3 antibody in vitro, but had little or no effect on apoptosis induced by anti-Fas antibody, dexamethasone or ultraviolet-C (UVC) radiation. CONCLUSIONS: JNK2 is essential for efficient activation of peripheral T cells but not B cells. Peripheral T-cell activation is probably required indirectly for induction of thymocyte apoptosis resulting from administration of anti-CD3 antibody in vivo. JNK2 functions in a cell-type-specific and stimulus-dependent manner, being required for apoptosis of immature thymocytes induced by anti-CD3 antibody but not for apoptosis induced by anti-Fas antibody, UVC or dexamethasone. JNK2 is not required for activation-induced cell death of mature T cells.  相似文献   

Wnt signaling functions in axis formation and morphogenesis in various animals and organs. Here we report that Wnt signaling is required for proper brain patterning during planarian brain regeneration. We showed here that one of the Wnt homologues in the planarian Dugesia japonica, DjwntA, was expressed in the posterior region of the brain. When DjwntA-knockdown planarians were produced by RNAi, they could regenerate their heads at the anterior ends of the fragments, but formed ectopic eyes with irregular posterior lateral branches and brain expansion. This suggests that the Wnt signal may be involved in antero-posterior (A-P) patterning of the planarian brain, as in vertebrates. We also investigated the relationship between the DjwntA and nou-darake/FGFR signal systems, as knockdown planarians of these genes showed similar phenotypes. Double-knockdown planarians of these genes did not show any synergistic effects, suggesting that the two signal systems function independently in the process of brain regeneration, which accords with the fact that nou-darake was expressed earlier than DjwntA during brain regeneration. These observations suggest that the nou-darake/FGFR signal may be involved in brain rudiment formation during the early stage of head regeneration, and subsequently the DjwntA signal may function in A-P patterning of the brain rudiment.  相似文献   

SUMO-1 is a member of a family of ubiquitin-like molecules that are post-translationally conjugated to various cellular proteins in a process that is mechanistically similar to ubiquitylation. To identify molecules that bind noncovalently to SUMO-1, we performed yeast two-hybrid screening with a SUMO-1 mutant that cannot be conjugated to target proteins as the bait. This screening resulted in the isolation of cDNAs encoding the b isoform of thymine DNA glycosylase (TDGb). A deletion mutant of TDGb (TDGb(Delta11)) that lacks a region shown to be required for noncovalent binding of SUMO-1 was also found not to be susceptible to SUMO-1 conjugation at an adjacent lysine residue, suggesting that such binding is required for covalent modification. In contrast, another mutant of TDGb (TDGb(KR)) in which the lysine residue targeted for SUMO-1 conjugation is replaced with arginine retained the ability to bind SUMO-1 non-covalently. TDGb was shown to interact with the promyelocytic leukemia protein (PML) in vitro as well as to colocalize with this protein to nuclear bodies in transfected cells. TDGb(KR) also colocalized with PML, whereas TDGb(Delta11) did not, indicating that the noncovalent SUMO-1 binding activity of TDGb is required for colocalization with PML. Furthermore, SUMO-1 modification of TDGb and PML enhanced the interaction between the two proteins. These results suggest that SUMO-1 functions to tether proteins to PML-containing nuclear bodies through post-translational modification and noncovalent protein-protein interaction.  相似文献   

Yin A  Korzh S  Winata CL  Korzh V  Gong Z 《PloS one》2011,6(3):e18431
BACKGROUND: Wnt signaling plays critical roles in mammalian lung development. However, Wnt signaling in the development of the zebrafish swimbladder, which is considered as a counterpart of mammalian lungs, have not been explored. To investigate the potential conservation of signaling events in early development of the lung and swimbladder, we wish to address the question whether Wnt signaling plays a role in swimbladder development. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: For analysis of zebrafish swimbladder development, we first identified, by whole-mount in situ hybridization (WISH), has2 as a mesenchymal marker, sox2 as the earliest epithelial marker, as well as hprt1l and elovl1a as the earliest mesothelial markers. We also demonstrated that genes encoding Wnt signaling members Wnt5b, Fz2, Fz7b, Lef1, Tcf3 were expressed in different layers of swimbladder. Then we utilized the heat-shock inducible transgenic lines hs:Dkk1-GFP and hs:ΔTcf-GFP to temporarily block canonical Wnt signaling. Inhibition of canonical Wnt signaling at various time points disturbed precursor cells specification, organization, anterioposterior patterning, and smooth muscle differentiation in all three tissue layers of swimbladder. These observations were also confirmed by using a chemical inhibitor (IWR-1) of Wnt signaling. In addition, we found that Hedgehog (Hh) signaling was activated by canonical Wnt signaling and imposed a negative feedback on the latter. SIGNIFICANCE/CONCLUSION: We first provided a new set of gene markers for the three tissue layers of swimbladder in zebrafish and demonstrated the expression of several key genes of Wnt signaling pathway in developing swimbladder. Our functional analysis data indicated that Wnt/β-catenin signaling is required for swimbladder early development and we also provided evidence for the crosstalk between Wnt and Hh signaling in early swimbladder development.  相似文献   

Lu Z  Liu W  Huang H  He Y  Han Y  Rui Y  Wang Y  Li Q  Ruan K  Ye Z  Low BC  Meng A  Lin SC 《The Journal of biological chemistry》2008,283(19):13132-13139
Axin plays an architectural role in many important signaling pathways that control various aspects of development and tumorigenesis, including the Wnt, transforming growth factor-beta, MAP kinase pathways, as well as p53 activation cascades. It is encoded by the mouse Fused (Fu) locus; the Axin(Fu) allele is caused by insertion of an IAP transposon. Axin(Fu/Fu) mice display varying phenotypes ranging from embryonic lethality to relatively normal adulthood with kinky tails. However, the protein product(s) has not been identified or characterized. In the present study, we conducted immunoprecipitation using brain extracts from the Axin(Fu) mice with specific antibodies against different regions of Axin and found that a truncated Axin containing amino acids 1-596 (designated as Axin(Fu-NT)) and the full-length complement of Axin (Axin(WT)) can both be generated from the Axin(Fu) allele. When tested for functionality changes, Axin(Fu-NT) was found to abolish Axin-mediated activation of JNK, which plays a critical role in dorsoventral patterning. Together with a proteomics approach, we found that Axin(Fu-NT) contains a previously uncharacterized dimerization domain and can form a heterodimeric interaction with Axin(WT). The Axin(Fu-NT)/Axin(WT) is not conducive to JNK activation, providing a molecular explanation for the dominant negative effect of Axin(Fu-NT) on JNK activation by wild-type Axin. Importantly, Axin(Fu-NT) exhibits no difference in the inhibition of Wnt signaling compared with Axin(WT) as determined by reporter gene assays, interaction with key Wnt regulators, and expression of Wnt marker genes in zebrafish embryos, suggesting that altered JNK signaling contributes, at least in part, to the developmental defects seen in Axin(Fu) mice.  相似文献   

Daxx is required for stress-induced cell death and JNK activation   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Daxx has been implicated in the modulation of apoptosis in response to various stimuli. In the nucleus, Daxx interacts and colocalizes with the promyelocytic leukemia protein (PML) into the PML-nuclear body. Moreover, overexpressed Daxx positively modulates FAS-ligand and TGFbeta-induced apoptosis. However, recent reports indicate that Daxx can also act as an antiapoptotic factor. As most studies on the role of Daxx in cell death have been conducted using tumour cell lines, we analysed the function of Daxx in physiological settings. We found that Daxx is induced upon exposure to ultraviolet (UV) irradiation and hydrogen peroxide treatment. We employed RNA interference to downregulate Daxx in primary fibroblasts. Remarkably, Daxx-depleted cells are resistant to cell death induced by both UV irradiation and oxidative stress. Furthermore, the downregulation of Daxx results in impaired MKK/c-Jun-N-terminal kinase (JNK) activation. This is the first evidence that Daxx promotes cell death and JNK activation in physiological conditions.  相似文献   

Angiogenesis, the process of new blood vessel formation, is important in wound healing, inflammation, tumorigenesis and metastases. During this process, it is a critical step of the loosening of cellular interactions between endothelial cells, which are dependent on the architecture of adherens junction constructed by homophilic interactions of cell surface cadherins. Several studies suggested that the dynamic changes of cadherins are necessary during angiogenesis. However, the mechanism of cadherins regulation on endothelial cells requires further delineation. Here, we showed that basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), a pivotal pro-angiogenic factor, can downregulate typical cadherins (E-, N-, P- and VE-cadherin) expression on the surface of human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) via FGF receptor 1 (FGFR1) signaling. The bFGF-mediated surface cadherin downregulation was significantly reversed only when the HUVECs were treated with JNK inhibitor (SP600125), but not ERK (PD98059) or p38 inhibitor (SB203580). Infecting HUVECs with a dominant negative H-Ras mutant (Ras(S17N)) interferes bFGF-mediated cadherin downregulation, and the result suggests that bFGF attenuates surface cadherin expression on HUVECs via FGFR1 and intracellular Ras-JNK signaling. However, after growth factors withdrawal, FGFR1 blockade or JNK inhibition for 16 h, cadherins were re-expressed on cell surface of HUVECs. But the mRNA or total protein of cadherins had no significant change, suggesting that the effect of bFGF on cadherin expression may work through a post-translational control. Our data first suggest that JNK participates in bFGF-mediated surface cadherin downregulation. Loss of surface cadherins may affect the cell-cell interaction between endothelial cells and facilitate angiogenesis.  相似文献   

The ubiquitin-like protein SUMO-1 is conjugated to a variety of proteins including Ran GTPase-activating protein 1 (RanGAP1), IkappaBalpha, and PML. SUMO-1-modified proteins display altered subcellular targeting and/or stability. We have purified the SUMO-1-activating enzyme from human cells and shown that it contains two subunits of 38 and 72 kDa. Isolation of cDNAs for each subunit indicates that they are homologous to ubiquitin-activating enzymes and to the Saccharomyces cerevisiae enzymes responsible for conjugation of Smt3p and Rub-1p. In vitro, recombinant SAE1/SAE2 (SUMO-1-activating enzyme) was capable of catalyzing the ATP-dependent formation of a thioester linkage between SUMO-1 and SAE2. The addition of the SUMO-1-conjugating enzyme Ubch9 resulted in efficient transfer of the thioester-linked SUMO-1 from SAE2 to Ubch9. In the presence of SAE1/SAE2, Ubch9, and ATP, SUMO-1 was efficiently conjugated to the protein substrate IkappaBalpha. As SAE1/SAE2, Ubch9, SUMO-1, and IkappaBalpha are all homogeneous, recombinant proteins, it appears that SUMO-1 conjugation of IkappaBalpha in vitro does not require the equivalent of an E3 ubiquitin protein ligase activity.  相似文献   

The p53 protein plays a major role in the maintenance of genome stability in mammalian cells. Mutations of p53 occur in over 40% of breast cancers and are indicative of tumor resistance to chemotherapeutic agents. Recently, there has been a high degree of interest in pharmacological approaches for restoring the normal function to mutant p53. The low molecular weight compound p53 reactivation and induction of massive apoptosis (PRIMA-1) was shown to induce cytotoxic effects and apoptosis in human tumor cells with mutant p53. Here, we studied the molecular mechanisms of PRIMA-1-induced apoptosis in human breast cancer cells with p53 mutations such as MDA-231 and GI-101A as compared to MCF-7 cells. We show that PRIMA-1 selectively induces apoptosis in human breast cancer cells MDA-231 and GI-101A compared to the MCF-7. This effect was paralleled by an increase in total p53 level in the nucleus and the induction of its phosphorylation at Ser-15 site. Using the chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) assays, we show that PRIMA-1 restored p53 DNA binding activity to the promoters of the proapoptotic genes such as Bax and PUMA, but inhibited the binding activity to the promoters of the MAP4K4 gene. Knockdown of p53 protein in breast cancer cells using siRNA followed by PRIMA-1 treatment resulted in decline of Bax and PUMA proteins expression. Cell incubation with either PRIMA-1 or SP600125 (c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase inhibitor) resulted in the abrogation of adriamycin-induced c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase (JNK) activation, whereas Bax activation was not inhibited. We conclude that both Bax and PUMA but not JNK signaling are involved in PRIMA-1-induced apoptosis in breast cancer cells with p53 mutation.  相似文献   



Canonical Wnt signals, transduced by stabilized β-catenin, play similar roles across animals in maintaining stem cell pluripotency, regulating cell differentiation, and instructing normal embryonic development. Dysregulated Wnt/β-catenin signaling causes diseases and birth defects, and a variety of regulatory processes control this pathway to ensure its proper function and integration with other signaling systems. We previously identified GTP-binding protein 2 (Gtpbp2) as a novel regulator of BMP signaling, however further exploration revealed that Gtpbp2 can also affect Wnt signaling, which is a novel finding reported here.


Knockdown of Gtpbp2 in Xenopus embryos causes severe axial defects and reduces expression of Spemann-Mangold organizer genes. Gtpbp2 knockdown blocks responses to ectopic Wnt8 ligand, such as organizer gene induction in ectodermal tissue explants and induction of secondary axes in whole embryos. However, organizer gene induction by ectopic Nodal2 is unaffected by Gtpbp2 knockdown. Epistasis tests, conducted by activating Wnt signal transduction at sequential points in the canonical pathway, demonstrate that Gtpbp2 is required downstream of Dishevelled and Gsk3β but upstream of β-catenin, which is similar to the previously reported effects of Axin1 overexpression in Xenopus embryos. Focusing on Axin in Xenopus embryos, we find that knockdown of Gtpbp2 elevates endogenous or exogenous Axin protein levels. Furthermore, Gtpbp2 fusion proteins co-localize with Dishevelled and co-immunoprecipitate with Axin and Gsk3b.


We conclude that Gtpbp2 is required for canonical Wnt/β-catenin signaling in Xenopus embryos. Our data suggest a model in which Gtpbp2 suppresses the accumulation of Axin protein, a rate-limiting component of the β-catenin destruction complex, such that Axin protein levels negatively correlate with Gtpbp2 levels. This model is supported by the similarity of our Gtpbp2-Wnt epistasis results and previously reported effects of Axin overexpression, the physical interactions of Gtpbp2 with Axin, and the correlation between elevated Axin protein levels and lost Wnt responsiveness upon Gtpbp2 knockdown. A wide variety of cancer-causing Wnt pathway mutations require low Axin levels, so development of Gtpbp2 inhibitors may provide a new therapeutic strategy to elevate Axin and suppress aberrant β-catenin signaling in cancer and other Wnt-related diseases.

Non-canonical Wnt signaling plays important roles during vertebrate embryogenesis and is required for cell motility during gastrulation. However, the molecular mechanisms of how Wnt signaling regulates modification of the actin cytoskeleton remain incompletely understood. We had previously identified the Formin homology protein Daam1 as an important link between Dishevelled and the Rho GTPase for cytoskeletal modulation. Here, we report that Profilin1 is an effector downstream of Daam1 required for cytoskeletal changes. Profilin1 interacted with the FH1 domain of Daam1 and was localized with Daam1 to actin stress fibers in response to Wnt signaling in mammalian cells. In addition, depletion of Profilin1 inhibited stress fiber formation induced by non-canonical Wnt signaling. Inhibition or depletion of Profilin1 in vivo specifically inhibited blastopore closure in Xenopus but did not affect convergent extension movements, tissue separation or neural fold closure. Our studies define a molecular pathway downstream of Daam1 that controls Wnt-mediated cytoskeletal reorganization for a specific morphogenetic process during vertebrate gastrulation.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet (UV) exerts its biological activities by activating downstream effectors, including NF-kappaB, JNK, and caspases. Activation of JNK is required for UV-induced apoptosis. It is unknown whether any crosstalk occurs between NF-kappaB and JNK in response to UV and, if so, how it affects UV killing. Here we report that NF-kappaB promotes UV-induced JNK activation, thereby contributing to UV-induced apoptosis. UV-induced JNK activation is impaired in RelA/NF-kappaB null murine embryonic fibroblasts. In resting cells, the preexisting nuclear RelA has already been recruited to PKCdelta promoter and is essential for its expression. UV-induced rapid and robust activation of JNK requires PKCdelta, which augments JNK phosphorylation-activation by its upstream kinases. The RelA/NF-kappaB-PKCdelta-JNK pathway is critical for UV-induced apoptosis, as it induces the immediate expression of the proapoptotic Fas ligand. Thus, our results demonstrate that RelA/NF-kappaB via PKCdelta positively regulates UV-induced JNK activation and provide a mechanism by which NF-kappaB promotes UV-induced apoptosis.  相似文献   

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