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贾宝全  张文  李晓婷  李彤 《生态学报》2020,40(3):874-887
城市林木树冠覆盖(urban tree canopy,UTC)既是衡量一个城市生态状况的标志性指标,也是衡量森林城市建设成就的关键指标,其中的潜在林木树冠覆盖(possible urban tree canopy,简称PUTC)又与城市森林建设目标的科学制定息息相关。在国外文献与实践案例研究的基础上,以北京市六环外1km以内范围为研究对象,利用2002和2013年的0.5m分辨率航、卫片影像,通过其解译的地表覆盖数据,对其两个年度的潜在林木树冠覆盖的区域分布和动态变化进行分析,并利用人口密度、道路密度和现实林木树冠覆盖率等指标,以村(社区)为单元对其潜在林木树冠覆盖的优先度进行了分析评价。结果显示,11年间,研究区域的PUTC从40882.18hm^2减少到了18845.82hm^2,空间分布也呈现出沿环路越是靠近城市中心区域,其分布也越少的格局,从其类型上看,随着时间的推移,其类型的丰富度也越来越低,到2013年,则呈现出荒草地类型绝对占优的格局。PUTC的斑块数量从109892个减少为7793个,但斑块平均面积从2002年的0.37hm^2增加到了2013年的2.36hm^2,斑块大小格局也从2002年的小斑块占绝对优势演变为各种类型"平分秋色"的状况。以PUTC为核心的村(社区)区域潜力评价结果显示,整个研究区域在2002年时低潜力和中潜力区域范围最大,分别占到了研究区域的32.39%和28.83%,2013年时潜力格局改变为极低潜力和低潜力区域面积最大,分别占研究区域总面积的25.83%和50.94%。极高优先度和高优先度区域应该是北京城市未来重点发展城市森林的区域,目前的潜在优先度评价结果表明,其面积占比分别达到了研究区域面积的13.11%和41.79%,其中极高优先度区域主要分布在构成城市核心区的东城区和西城区,因此北京城区未来的林木树冠发展策略应该走植被潜在斑块与不透水地表潜在斑块共同开发之路。  相似文献   

北京市主城区城市森林景观格局特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
佟济宏  王新杰  汪锦  傅锋 《广西植物》2019,39(10):1370-1378
城市森林是城市生态文明建设的重要组成部分。该文以北京市五环内城市森林为研究对象,以2016年9月16日的GF-2遥感影像为数据源,依据景观和生态服务功能将城市森林划分为附属庭院美化林、道路河流防护林、城区公园休闲林和城市郊野游憩林四个类型,并运用面向对象法提取不同类型的城市森林数据信息,制作生成专题图,同时运用Fragstats 4.2软件对景观斑块数量和构成、破碎度指数、分维数、辛普森多样性指数、辛普森均匀度指数、聚合指数等指标进行计算。结果表明:高分影像在城市森林信息提取上具有优势,分类总体精度高达90.36%,Kappa系数达0.88;北京主城区城市森林总面积为22 514.79 hm 2 ,林木覆盖率为32.35%;城市森林斑块分布不均,大型、特大型斑块数量占总数比例13.62%,但面积占比高达73.20%,中小斑块的生态价值有待挖掘;不同城市森林类型特征存在差异,附属庭院美化林和道路河流防护林为优势景观类型,但两者破碎度高,聚合度差,分布零散,城区公园休闲林和城市郊野游憩林面积占比相对较小,南部城区公园建设薄弱;城市森林景观指数随城市拓展呈规律性变化,景观破碎度自市中心向外逐渐减小,二环内破碎度高达183.50。基于研究结果,建议北京市在城市森林建设中加强对中小斑块的资源整合,增建口袋公园;加强道路河流防护林建设,用以连接城区公园休闲林和城市郊野游憩林等大型斑块,同时加强南部城区公园建设;加强城市森林整体空间调控,对三环内老城区进行补植,对三环以外城市森林优化经营技术,提高整体城市森林覆盖度和质量。  相似文献   

北京城区医院绿地林木树冠覆盖与城市森林结构分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李晓婷  刘佳  姜莎莎  贾宝全 《生态学报》2019,39(22):8392-8403
城市森林对人体健康的促进作用已经得到广泛的证实,医院是城市人流最聚集,生态健康需求最迫切的地区之一,急需加强对医院城市森林现状以及建设潜力的研究工作。利用2013年7-9月份0.5m分辨率的World View 2遥感影像以及基于面向对象解译平台eCognition软件解译得到的2013年北京市城区树冠覆盖栅格与矢量图,并结合实地调查,对北京城区医院绿地林木树冠覆盖与城市森林结构进行分析。结果显示:医院总体林木树冠覆盖率为18.59%,潜在树冠覆盖率为1.55%;无论是现实还是潜在林木树冠覆盖率,三级医院均高于二级医院;各环路现实树冠覆盖率表现为:五环-六环外1km(19.15%) > 三环-四环(13.03%) > 二环-三环(11.64%) > 四环-五环(11.18%) > 二环内(8.16%),潜在树冠覆盖率表现为五环-六环外1km(0.03%) > 四环-五环(0.01%),其他各环路均为0;六个行政区间现实树冠覆盖率表现为:石景山区(24.49%) > 海淀区(21.67%) > 朝阳区(20.11%) > 丰台区(19.43%) > 西城区(13.52%) > 东城区(10.55%),各行政区潜在林木树冠覆盖率值几乎均为0;本次调研共记录到植物62种,分属于33科54属,其中乔木层树种中雪松(Cedrus deodara)、紫玉兰(Magnolia liliflora)、银杏(Ginkgo biloba)的重要值以及应用频度较高;灌木层树种中榆叶梅(Amygdalus triloba)、石榴(Punica granatum)、金银木(Lonicera maackii)等观花观果树种重要值以及应用频度较高;医院城市森林群落的平均密度为55株/hm2,平均胸高断面积为2.23m2/hm2;平均胸径、冠幅、树高分别为17.69cm、4.65m、6.60m,树种规格整体较小。  相似文献   

济南城市森林景观生态格局   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市森林景观生态格局研究不仅是城市森林系统规划与城市生态建设的基础和前提,而且是优化城市空间结构、充分发挥城市森林生态功能以及创建生态宜居环境的重要途径和手段.本研究以RS和GIS技术为支撑,通过总体景观生态格局定量分析和梯度分析等研究方法,采用10个景观指数从斑块水平和景观水平两方面,对济南市建成区城市森林景观生态格局进行定量分析,并提出优化对策.结果表明: 济南市建成区城市森林覆盖率为15.8%;城市森林总体景观生态格局在景观水平上表现为城市森林景观斑块类型较齐全、景观破碎化程度较大、各类型城市森林所占面积存在差异、以大斑块为主且同种斑块高度连接,在斑块类型水平上表现为生态公益林以大斑块为主且占优势地位、风景游憩林形状较规则且以大中型斑块为主、道路林及附属林形状复杂且以小斑块为主、生产经营林缺乏;在斑块类型水平上,以风景游憩林为主导类型、生态公益林斑块面积最大、道路林及附属林破碎度大,在景观水平上,城市中心森林景观破碎度大、人为干扰严重、景观形状复杂;在城市森林景观生态格局分析基础上,提出“一环二网、三片四轴、多点棋布”的济南市城市森林生态网络构建方案,从而加强各类型城市森林的连接度,发挥大尺度生态系统的整体生态效益.  相似文献   

朱耀军  王成  贾宝全  粟娟 《生态学报》2011,31(20):5910-5917
城市树冠覆盖是城市森林在小尺度上的景观表达,是衡量城市森林生态功能服务质量的重要指标.通过在ArcGIS9.2中对广州市中心城区的高分辨率航片进行目视解译,对形成的树冠覆盖专题图分析并生成栅格数据,利用Fragstats3.3软件分别选择标准方法和移动窗口方法分析研究区景观格局特征.其中基于移动窗口法形成了一系列基于所选择格局特征的连续栅格表面,每一个栅格单元代表的是设定的移动窗口半径尺度下景观类型的格局特征.分析表明,研究区景观格局呈现明显的空间异质性梯度特征.基于样带区尺度效应分析的结果表明,粒度3-5m和移动窗口半径400-600m可适合于研究区的景观格局梯度分析,选择的景观指数能够形成较为平滑的栅格表面.基于移动窗口的分析结果以连续变量图的形式对景观格局空间异质性进行可视化表达,能够为小尺度上的城市森林景观格局优化提供重要的参考.  相似文献   

四个可持续发展实验区绿地系统可达性比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
董仁才  张娜娜  李思远  张永霖  王韬  付晓 《生态学报》2017,37(10):3256-3263
我国可持续发展实验区所在城市均十分重视绿地系统对其可持续发展的重要支撑作用。布局合理的城市绿地系统不但能提高城市生态空间容量,也能充分满足不同位置城市居民的需求,这使得城市绿地与其被服务对象——城市居民之间的可达性成为评价城市绿地系统服务价值的重要指标。以高德公司生产的电子导航地图中居民区点和绿地系统数据为基础,采用GIS缓冲区分析法,分别探讨了我国4个有代表性的国家可持续发展实验区西城区、石景山区、绍兴市和日照市这4个城市的城市绿地系统斑块特征,以及5,5—15,15—30min时间距离内所覆盖城市居民点数量,对其绿地可达性及其服务能力进行比较分析和研究。研究结果表明:4个可持续发展实验区内的绿地系统分布均比较合理,覆盖面广,尤其是30min时间距离内可达的绿地满足了95%的住区;80%以上的住区居民可以在15min内到达周边任意绿地,为城市绿地管理部门打造"一刻钟生活圈"提供了良好的基础。但同时也发现,提供服务的绿地斑块面积比较细碎,大型绿地的配置率相对较低;而且多数绿地斑块从属于多个时间距离半径内,承受较大人口压力。最后,建议城市规划过程中,注重绿地系统与住区从时间尺度上的协调分析。此外,尝试性地采用日常生活中普遍使用的电子导航地图开展城市绿地系统可达性分析,研究结果与城市居民的生产生活密切相关,对城市绿地系统规划具有实际指导意义。  相似文献   

北京市域乡村人居林树冠覆盖及其区域差异分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
李彤  贾宝全  王成  邱尔发  李晓婷 《生态学报》2021,41(14):5598-5610
乡村人居林建设是落实新农村建设、实施乡村振兴战略和振兴农村生态文明的重要举措。以北京市为对象,基于北京市域2017年0.5m分辨率航空影像与2017年1:10万土地利用(LUCC)图等基础资源,在全市范围内随机选择260个行政村,从研究区域内乡村人居林树冠覆盖率、功能类型、斑块等级和景观格局特征四个层面展开区域差异特征分析。研究结果显示,北京市整体乡村人居林树冠覆盖率为18.32%,其中平原区和山区分别为18.40%和17.83%。在平原区范围内,乡村人居林树冠覆盖率呈近郊区(21.70%) > 远郊区(13.87%) > 延庆盆地区域(16.34%);在山区内部,乡村人居林树冠覆盖率呈现低山区(24.45%) > 浅山区(16.55%) > 深山区(12.41%),太行山区(20.98%) > 燕山区(14.11%)。在乡村人居林功能类型分布中,片林为各分区最主要类型,在平原区和山区中分别占比55.75%和57.15%。在斑块等级结构方面,乡村人居林斑块总体呈现小而分散的特点,其中小斑块数目在区域中占比达93.03%,而各等级斑块在规模大小方面呈现"平分秋色"的特点。就景观格局指数特点而言,平原区内近郊区,山区内的深山区和燕山区乡村人居林斑块复杂程度、受人为干扰强度和多样性更高。综上特征,究其动因,农村居民点聚落规模、集聚形式和建设类型以及森林资源本底是影响乡村人居林建设条件的重要原因。  相似文献   

城市林木树冠覆盖研究进展   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
随着城市化进程的加快以及人们对由此产生的大量环境问题认识的不断加深,城市森林受到了越来越多的关注,它被越来越多的普通市民和科学家看做是有效解决城市环境与生态问题的最根本途径.在城市森林的维护、规划与建设过程中,城市林木树冠覆盖被认为是城市森林最重要的结构与功能衡量指标.针对我国城市森林研究与实践起步较晚的现实需求,从城市林木树冠覆盖的概念、分类与评价、城市林木树冠覆盖与城市森林服务功能、城市林木树冠覆盖的研究方法和城市林木树冠覆盖率与城市森林规划等4个方面,对国内外城市林木树冠覆盖研究的现状进行了评述.指出了该方面研究的未来趋势包括4个方面,首先,城市林木树冠覆盖研究,已经与城市的生态建设和日常生态、生产管理紧密结合.其次,高分辨率(米级以下)卫星影像在城市森林树冠调查与制图过程中的应用越来越普遍.第三,像面向对象的影像解译方法与激光雷达(LIDAR)等新技术将会得到更广泛的使用.第四,为了最终实现城市森林建设规划能够落地的目标,在城市森林建设的规划实施决策过程中,计算机辅助人工智能的应用将会普及.  相似文献   

熊畅  吴卓  曾梓瑶  龚建周  李江涛 《生态学报》2023,43(8):3032-3044
森林景观格局的时空演变研究能够帮助理解区域森林变化过程。传统的景观指数方法多以均值为计算结果且空间信息表达不足,基于形态学方法能够从空间上直观辨别景观类型,综合破碎化和聚集度的定量分析有助于进一步认识森林景观格局的演变特征。以1990、2000、2010、2020年粤港澳大湾区土地利用数据为基础,建立基于“空间形态-破碎化-聚集度”的综合研究框架,开展大湾区森林景观格局的时空演变研究。结果表明:(1)近30年大湾区森林形态以核心区为主,森林面积逐渐减少,而2010—2020年减少速率降低,各类型森林斑块均有所恢复;(2)整体破碎化程度较低,中部破碎化地区表现为先上升后下降的变化趋势;(3)聚集度结果表明,距离森林边界500 m内的森林斑块面积最大,约占研究区总面积的30%,而距离大于4.5 km的非森林斑块面积几乎翻倍增加,应重点关注该区域的森林损失。研究有助于全面理解森林景观格局的变化特征,相关结果可为粤港澳大湾区的森林生态修复工程、国土空间规划以及城市可持续发展提供科学依据。  相似文献   

基于景观可达性的城市绿地系统承载力估算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭微  陈平  唐洁  俞龙生 《生态学杂志》2012,31(1):165-171
选取佛山市顺德区中心城区为研究样区,以景观可达性分析为基础,评价了城市绿地系统的生态服务功能等级服务范围,并结合街区人口密度估算绿地系统服务人口和承载力。结果表明:研究区城市绿地类型和斑块布局不均匀,绿地主要分布在中西部,而东部和北部较少;根据不同绿地类型的生态服务功能差异,采用费用加权距离法将研究区绿地系统服务范围划分为Ⅰ~Ⅴ级服务区,综合反映出绿地系统的空间可达性和生态服务功能差异;绿地系统服务人口大部分处于Ⅰ~Ⅲ级服务区内。基于人均绿地面积标准推算适宜的人口密度,并与绿地系统服务人口比较表明,研究区绿地系统服务人口已超过绿地承载能力。  相似文献   

南宁市几个功能区的植被群落结构特征分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
借助数量分析技术分析了广西南宁市植被结构特征。结果表明:(1)主要的绿化乔木有45种,灌木24种。这些植物基本上代表了南宁市绿化植物的主体,但在生物量比重等方面,还是少数种类占主要优势,亟待调整。(2)绿地植被群落的平均胸径与密度成极显著负相关,显示城市植被与自然植被的相似性,而总冠幅盖度与总密度和综合重要值之间成极显著正相关,则显示了城市人工植被的特殊性;(3)绿地面积与胸径成显著正相关,而与密度、冠幅盖度成极显著与近显著的负相关,与重要值成负相关,则显示空间资源对群落特征的影响与自然植被是相似的;(4)聚类分析与主分量分析反映了人工绿地的群体特征,分类结果与功能区划分基本一致,个别样地则不一致;无论格局多样化,还是格调较为均一的绿色景观,均反映了人文美学价值取向对绿地建设的影响;(5)整体上看,南宁市植被结构还存在较大的优化空间。  相似文献   

Tree communities of secondary deciduous oak forests were surveyed in 13 forests (two in residential and 11 in rural areas) in the warm temperate Hokuriku District of Japan to understand the effects of fragmentation, location (residential or rural), and logging history. The rural forest logged most recently, where diameter at breast height was smallest, had a distinct canopy tree (>12 m) community due to an increase of trees from wind-dispersed seeds. The rural forest with gaps and the two residential forests also had different canopy tree communities from the other rural forests. In contrast, the tree community in the shrub layer (≤6 m) was not influenced by logging history and the existence of gaps but by location only. This was caused by an increase in evergreen trees (consequently causing poor light conditions on the forest floor) and a decrease in trees from wind-dispersed seeds in the residential forests. Among the rural forest patches, no negative effects of forest size and isolation on density of tree individuals were detected for any seed dispersal mode. This may be because many forest patches were arranged at distances of 10–50 m from neighboring patches in rural areas, which enables tree species with low dispersal ability to disperse their seeds to neighboring forests. However, as found in the residential forests, long-term abandonment and extensive fragmentation may gradually reduce tree diversity through loss of tree species with shade intolerance and low seed dispersal ability.  相似文献   

Abstract. Successional patches are a large component of forest ecosystems throughout the world and their vegetation composition is conditioned by multiple factors such as land use history, disturbances, environmental conditions and landscape context. We investigated the relative contribution of historical, environmental, biotic and spatial factors in determining vegetation composition and invasion by exotic species in secondary forest patches of Sierra de San Javier, Tucumán, Argentina. We estimated canopy cover for shrub, vine and tree species distributed over 51 patches with known land use history. We also recorded environmental, historical and spatial variables and used multivariate techniques to explore the relationship between forest composition and explanatory variables. Land use, time since abandonment, altitude, slope and cover of different strata were related to the vegetation pattern in the study site, and they were all significantly structured over space. Exotic species appeared to differ from natives in their response to explanatory variables. Overall, exotic species were dominant on the edges of young patches originated from herbaceous crops, but the total number of exotic species was related to the distance to urban areas and small farms identified as potential sources of exotic propagules. Vegetation composition of secondary forests in NW Argentina was related to historical and environmental factors, but spatial variables strongly influenced vegetation composition as well as the variation in explanatory variables.  相似文献   

The persistence of rainforest patches at Fray Jorge National Park (FJNP) in semiarid Chile (30°40′S), a region receiving approximately 147 mm of annual rainfall, has been a source of concern among forest managers. These forests are likely dependent on water inputs from oceanic fog and their persistence seems uncertain in the face of climate change. Here, we assessed tree radial growth and establishment during the last two centuries and their relation to trends in climate and canopy disturbance. Such evaluation is critical to understanding the dynamics of these semiarid ecosystems in response to climate change. We analyzed forest structure of six forest patches (0.2–22 ha) in FJNP based on sampling within 0.1 ha permanent plots. For the main canopy species, the endemic Aextoxicon punctatum (Aextoxicaceae), we used tree‐ring analysis to assess establishment periods, tree ages, growing trends and their relation to El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO), rainfall, and disturbance. The population dynamics of A. punctatum can be described by a continuous regeneration mode. Regeneration of A. punctatum was sensitive to different canopy structures. Growth release patterns suggest the absence of large scale human impact. Radial growth and establishment of A. punctatum were weakly correlated with rainfall and ENSO. If water limits forests patch persistence, patches are likely dependent on the combination of fog and rain water inputs. Forest patches have regenerated continuously for at least 250 years, despite large fluctuations in rainfall driven by ENSO and a regional decline in rainfall during the last century. Because of the positive influence on fog interception, forest structure should be preserved under any future climate scenario. Future research in FJNP should prioritize quantifying the long‐term trends of fog water deposition on forests patches. Fog modeling is crucial for understanding the interplay among physical drivers of water inputs under climate change.  相似文献   

In tropical regions, fires propagate readily in grasslands but typically consume only edges of forest patches. Thus, forest patches grow due to tree propagation and shrink by fires in surrounding grasslands. The interplay between these competing edge effects is unknown, but critical in determining the shape and stability of individual forest patches, as well the landscape‐level spatial distribution and stability of forests. We analyze high‐resolution remote‐sensing data from protected Brazilian Cerrado areas and find that forest shapes obey a robust perimeter–area scaling relation across climatic zones. We explain this scaling by introducing a heterogeneous fire propagation model of tropical forest‐grassland ecotones. Deviations from this perimeter–area relation determine the stability of individual forest patches. At a larger scale, our model predicts that the relative rates of tree growth due to propagative expansion and long‐distance seed dispersal determine whether collapse of regional‐scale tree cover is continuous or discontinuous as fire frequency changes.  相似文献   

Species dynamics in an abandoned urban forest of Central Japan is described in this paper. The dominant species in the urban plantation were Cryptomeria japonica and Chamaecyparis obtusa. A variety of eight patches of the canopy was produced by previous forest management practices. Progressive and retrogressive species dynamics within these eight patches are investigated in this paper. The study elucidates the deterministic role of patchiness in the nature of species colonization and the maintenance of species diversity in an urban forest. Altogether 139 native and/or naturalized species, including 23 shrub and 35 tree species, were recorded in the study area of 3.2 ha. The performance of species varied according to their successional attributes indicating a selective canopy influence. Twenty percent of the tree species were shade-intolerant pioneers (e.g. Cornus spp., Rhus javanica var. roxburghii) re-established under selective tree-felling. Thirty percent were shade-tolerant climax species (e.g. Neolitsea sericea, Persea thunbergii) dominant in remnant closed patches. The remaining 50% belonged to various seral types with aggressive deciduous species (e.g. Aphananthe aspera, Celtis sinensis) in most of the patches. Some ruderal herbaceous species dominated heavily disturbed clear-felled patches. This study suggests that canopy modification influences the subsequent colonization pattern. Furthermore, heterogeneous patches contribute to greater species diversity and dynamics in isolated woodlands.  相似文献   

High Andean mountain forests, formed almost purely by trees of the genus Polylepis, occur nowadays as scattered remnant patches of a more continuous past distribution. Apparently, the destruction of Polylepis forests has mainly been caused by millennia of human disturbance, although forest distribution may also have fluctuated according to prevailing climatic conditions. Nowadays, the remaining Polylepis forest stands are still threatened by anthropogenic disturbance, which gradually degrades the forests. The aim of our study was to test if the structural variation of Polylepis forest patches, as an indication of forest degradation, can be predicted by accessibility to humans. The study was carried out in the Cordilleras Vilcanota and Vilcabamba, Cuzco, Peru. We used indices of forest biomass and proportion of vegetative regeneration as forest structural variables. First we examined the dependence of these variables on elevation with linear regressions. We did this separately for different Polylepis species and combining the species within humid and dry areas. Thereafter, we used the residual forest structural variation to assess possible relationships with accessibility, quantified as geographical distance to the nearest village, road or market centre. We found several significant relationships between the structural variables and accessibility, which may reflect different landscape related preferences in forest use. The results suggest accessibility can be used for rapid spatial prediction of Polylepis forest degradation, which facilitates identifying Polylepis forests that are potentially the most degraded and therefore in the most urgent need of restoration or conservation activities.  相似文献   

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