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Abstract: Two membrane glycoproteins acting as energy-dependent efflux pumps, mdr -encoded P-glycoprotein (P-gp) and the more recently described multidrug resistance-associated protein (MRP), are known to confer cellular resistance to many cytotoxic hydrophobic drugs. In the brain, P-gp has been shown to be expressed specifically in the capillary endothelial cells forming the blood-brain barrier, but localization of MRP has not been well characterized yet. Using RT-PCR and immunoblot analysis, we have compared the expression of P-gp and Mrp1 in homogenates, isolated capillaries, primary cultured endothelial cells, and RBE4 immortalized endothelial cells from rat brain. Whereas the mdr1a P-gp-encoding mRNA was specifically detected in brain microvessels and mdr1b mRNA in brain parenchyma, mrp1 mRNA was present both in microvessels and in parenchyma. However, Mrp1 was weakly expressed in microvessels. Mrp1 expression was higher in brain parenchyma, as well as in primary cultured brain endothelial cells and in immortalized RBE4 cells. This Mrp1 overexpression in cultured brain endothelial cells was less pronounced when the cells were cocultured with astrocytes. A low Mrp activity could be demonstrated in the endothelial cell primary monocultures, because the intracellular [3H]vincristine accumulation was increased by several MRP modulators. No Mrp activity was found in the cocultures or in the RBE4 cells. We suggest that in rat brain, Mrp1, unlike P-gp, is not predominantly expressed in the blood-brain barrier endothelial cells and that Mrp1 and the mdr1b P-gp isoform may be present in other cerebral cells.  相似文献   

Abstract: Classically, drug penetration through the blood-brain barrier depends on the lipid solubility of the substance, except for some highly lipophilic drugs, like colchicine and vinblastine, both substrates of P-glycoprotein, a drug efflux pump present at the luminal surface of the brain capillary endothelial cells. Colchicine and vinblastine uptake into the brain was studied in the rat using the in situ brain perfusion technique and two inhibitors of P-glycoprotein, verapamil and SDZ PSC-833. When rats were pretreated with PSC-833 (10 mg/kg, intravenous bolus), colchicine and vinblastine uptake was enhanced 8.42- and 9.08-fold, respectively, in all the gray areas of the rat brain studied. The mean colchicine distribution volume was increased from 0.67 ± 0.41 to 5.64 ± 0.70 µl/g and vinblastine distribution volume from 2.74 ± 1.15 to 24.88 ± 4.03 µl/g. When rats were pretreated with verapamil (1 mg/kg, intravenous bolus), colchicine distribution volume was increased 3.70-fold. The increase in colchicine and vinblastine did not differ between the eight brain gray areas. PSC-833 and verapamil pretreatment had no influence on the distribution volume of either drug in the choroid plexus. Nevertheless, distribution volumes remained small, considering the highly lipophilic nature of the substances. We suggest that P-glycoprotein is either only partially inhibited (difficulty of fully saturating P-glycoprotein, especially under in vivo conditions) or not the only barrier to these two drugs.  相似文献   


The content and distribution of transferrin receptors in an immortalized cell line, RBE4, derived from rat cerebral capillary endothelial cells was investigated using the monoclonal antibody MRC OX-26 (OX-26 mAb) specific for the rat transferrin receptor. An ELISA assay was developed with which the OX-26 mAb can be determined quantiatively. The detection limit of the assay was 10 pg or 0.07 fmol of murine antibody. With this technique accurate measurement of native antibody is now possible without the need for isotope labeling (iodination). Immunostaining of confluent monolayers of RBE4 cells using an antibody directed against the tight junction associated protein ZO-1 was indicative for structural intactness of RBE4 cell mono-layers. OX-26 immunostaining demonstrated localization of the transferrin receptor at the plasma membrane and/or in the cytosol. Binding studies showed saturation of OX-26 mAb binding. The antibody binding analysis gave a dissociation constant (KD) of 17.1 ± 1.2 nmol/l. The total amount of transferrin receptors present per cell was 70,800 ± 17,000. Our results indicate that receptor binding of OX-26 mAb can be studied using an in vitro cell culture model of rat brain mircrovessel endothelium in conjunction with an ELISA technique for detection of native antibody. This approach will be used to investigate mechanisms of transendothelial transport of OX-26 in vitro.  相似文献   

贴块法培养脑微血管内皮细胞(BMECs),倒置显微镜动态观察细胞生长及形态,Ⅷ因子相关抗原、CD34免疫细胞化学联合鉴定细胞并确定纯度。免疫细胞化学和Western印迹法检测药物转运体有机阴离子转运多肽亚型2(Oatp2)及P-糖蛋白(P-gp)在培养内皮细胞上的表达。结果显示,获得的BMECs呈多角形或铺路石形,单层贴壁生长;培养细胞Ⅷ因子相关抗原免疫细胞化学、CD34免疫荧光染色均为阳性,细胞纯度90%;培养细胞有Oatp2及P-gp表达,且二者均主要表达于BMECs细胞膜。提示贴块法可获得原代培养BMECs,方法简便易行,细胞纯度较高。原代培养的BMECs上有药物转运体Oatp2及P-gp的表达,为血脑屏障上药物转运体的体外研究提供了可能途径。  相似文献   

The blood-brain barrier (BBB) plays an important role in controlling the passage of molecules from the blood to the extracellular fluid environment of the brain. The multidrug efflux pump P-glycoprotein (P-gp) is highly expressed in the luminal membrane of brain capillary endothelial cells, thus forming a functional barrier to lipid-soluble drugs, notably, antitumor agents. It is of interest to develop an in vitro BBB model that stably expresses P-gp to investigate the mechanisms of regulation in expression and activity. The rat brain endothelial cell line, GPNT, was derived from a previously characterized rat brain endothelial cell line. A strong expression of P-gp was found in GPNT monocultures, whereas the multidrug resistance-associated pump Mrp1 was not expressed. The transendothelial permeability coefficient of the P-gp substrate vincristine across GPNT monolayers was close to the permeability coefficient of bovine brain endothelial cells cocultured with astrocytes, a previously documented in vitro BBB model. Furthermore, the P-gp blocker cyclosporin A induced a large increase in apical to basal permeability of vincristine. Thus, P-gp is highly functional in GPNT cells. A 1-h treatment of GPNT cells with dexamethasone resulted in decreased uptake of vincristine without any increase in P-gp expression. This effect could be mimicked by protein kinase C (PKC) activation and prevented by PKC inhibition, strongly suggesting that activation of P-gp function may involve a PKC-dependent pathway. These results document the GPNT cell line as a valuable in vitro model for studying drug transport and P-gp function at the BBB and suggest that activation of P-gp activity at the BBB might be considered in chemotherapeutic treatment of cancer patients.  相似文献   

Epithelial and endothelial cells (EC) are building paracellular barriers which protect the tissue from the external and internal environment. The blood-brain barrier (BBB) consisting of EC, astrocyte end-feet, pericytes and the basal membrane is responsible for the protection and homeostasis of the brain parenchyma. In vitro BBB models are common tools to study the structure and function of the BBB at the cellular level. A considerable number of different in vitro BBB models have been established for research in different laboratories to date. Usually, the cells are obtained from bovine, porcine, rat or mouse brain tissue (discussed in detail in the review by Wilhelm et al. 1). Human tissue samples are available only in a restricted number of laboratories or companies 2,3. While primary cell preparations are time consuming and the EC cultures can differ from batch to batch, the establishment of immortalized EC lines is the focus of scientific interest.Here, we present a method for establishing an immortalized brain microvascular EC line from neonatal mouse brain. We describe the procedure step-by-step listing the reagents and solutions used. The method established by our lab allows the isolation of a homogenous immortalized endothelial cell line within four to five weeks. The brain microvascular endothelial cell lines termed cEND 4 (from cerebral cortex) and cerebEND 5 (from cerebellar cortex), were isolated according to this procedure in the Förster laboratory and have been effectively used for explanation of different physiological and pathological processes at the BBB. Using cEND and cerebEND we have demonstrated that these cells respond to glucocorticoid- 4,6-9 and estrogen-treatment 10 as well as to pro-infammatory mediators, such as TNFalpha 5,8. Moreover, we have studied the pathology of multiple sclerosis 11 and hypoxia 12,13 on the EC-level. The cEND and cerebEND lines can be considered as a good tool for studying the structure and function of the BBB, cellular responses of ECs to different stimuli or interaction of the EC with lymphocytes or cancer cells.  相似文献   

(1) The blood–brain barrier (BBB) characteristics of cerebral endothelial cells are induced by organ-specific local signals. Brain endothelial cells lose their phenotype in cultures without cross-talk with neighboring cells. (2) In contrast to astrocytes, pericytes, another neighboring cell of endothelial cells in brain capillaries, are rarely used in BBB co-culture systems. (3) Seven different types of BBB models, mono-culture, double and triple co-cultures, were constructed from primary rat brain endothelial cells, astrocytes and pericytes on culture inserts. The barrier integrity of the models were compared by measurement of transendothelial electrical resistance and permeability for the small molecular weight marker fluorescein. (4) We could confirm that brain endothelial monolayers in mono-culture do not form tight barrier. Pericytes induced higher electrical resistance and lower permeability for fluorescein than type I astrocytes in co-culture conditions. In triple co-culture models the tightest barrier was observed when endothelial cells and pericytes were positioned on the two sides of the porous filter membrane of the inserts and astrocytes at the bottom of the culture dish. (5) For the first time a rat primary culture based syngeneic triple co-culture BBB model has been constructed using brain pericytes beside brain endothelial cells and astrocytes. This model, mimicking closely the anatomical position of the cells at the BBB in vivo, was superior to the other BBB models tested. (6) The influence of pericytes on the BBB properties of brain endothelial cells may be as important as that of astrocytes and could be exploited in the construction of better BBB models.  相似文献   

The effects of ganglioside supplementation of culture medium on monoamine oxidase (MAO) type A and B activities in a rat clonal pheochromocytoma cell line, PC12h, were examined. The MAO activity in PC12h cells proved to be mainly due to type A MAO, and type B MAO activity was negligible. After supplementation of the culture medium with ganglioside GM1, the PC12 cells were found to express type B MAO activity after 4 days of culture, and the amount of type B activity increased with the number of days of culture. After 3 weeks of culture in the presence of GM1, type B activity was about 10% of the total, whereas in control cells type B MAO activity was only about 0.6% of the total. By kinetic analyses of type A and B MAO in PC12h cells after 3 weeks of culture, the increase of type B MAO activity was found to be due to the increase in amount of type B MAO; the Km values were almost the same and only the Vmax values were increased in the cells supplemented with GM1. Among gangliosides tested GM1 was the most effective in causing expression of type B MAO activity, whereas nerve growth factor was not effective. These results suggest that GM1 and other gangliosides may be involved in the expression of type B MAO in nerve cells and in the regulation of levels of the biogenic amines in the brain.  相似文献   

The effects of the neurotoxin N-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium ion (MPP+) on the enzymes involved in synthesis and catabolism of catecholamines were examined using a clonal rat pheochromocytoma cell line, PC12h, as a model of dopaminergic neurons. MPP+ added in the culture medium was found to be accumulated in PC12h cells after 30-min incubation. Monoamine oxidase (MAO) activity in PC12h cells was inhibited by MPP+ in a dose-dependent way from 10 nM to 10 microM, but concentrations of MPP+ higher than 100 microM were found to increase the MAO activity. At the lower concentrations MPP+ inhibited MAO noncompetitively with respect to the substrate, kynuramine, and at the higher concentrations it increased both the Km and the Vmax values of MAO toward the substrate. On the other hand, tyrosine hydroxylase activity and the dopamine concentrations in PC12 cells were not changed by incubation with MPP+ for 30 min, 60 min, or 24 h.  相似文献   

We determined the expression of three myelin-typical lipids in the continuous CG-4 glial cell line of oligodendrocyte progenitor cells, as the cells differentiated into oligodendrocytes. On 6 different days during the first 9 days of oligodendrocyte development, cells were labeled for 24 h with [3H]ethanolamine to label ethanolamine plasmalogens or with [3H]galactose to label the galactocerebroside and sulfogalactocerebroside; and the amount of labeled lipid expressed on each day was determined. Each labeled lipid was expressed with its own specific time course and in a defined amount on each day of differentiation. Increased labeling of plasmalogens and sulfogalactocerebroside started at early developmental stages, and increased labeling of galactocerebroside started at later stages. The results indicate that the differentiating CG-4 cell line provides a valuable system to investigate factors affecting the early time course of myelin-lipid expression and the amounts expressed.  相似文献   

Fingolimod (FTY720) and siponimod (BAF312) are selective agonists for sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) receptors approved for the treatment of relapsing–remitting (RR) and secondary progressive (SP) multiple sclerosis (MS), respectively. BAF312 exerts pro-myelination and neuro-protective functions on CNS resident cells, although the underlying molecular mechanism is not yet fully understood. NR4A2 is an anti-inflammatory gene, belonging to the NR4A family, whose expression is reduced in blood from treatment-naïve patients with RRMS, but is restored in patients treated with FTY720 for more than two years. We performed an in vitro study to investigate the potential involvement of the NR4A genes in the protective and restorative effects of BAF312. We showed that BAF312 enhances the expression of NR4A1 and NR4A2 in the N9 microglial cell line, but has no effect in the peripheral blood mononuclear cells and oligodendrocytes. This study suggests a novel molecular mechanism of action for the selective agonists for S1P receptors within the CNS.  相似文献   

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