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Hyperphosphorylation of the microtubule-associated protein tau is believed to play a crucial role in the neurofibrillary tangles formation in Alzheimer’s disease brain. In this study, fibril formation of peptides containing the critical sequences for tau aggregation VQIINK and a plausible serine phosphorylation site of tau at its C-terminal was investigated. All the peptides formed fibrils with the typical cross-β structural core. However, stability of the fibrils was highly sensitive to the pH conditions for the phosphorylated VQIINK peptide, suggesting a regulatory role of phosphorylation for the amyloid-formation of tau.  相似文献   

The role of the VQIVYK peptide in tau protein phosphorylation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although it remains unclear whether they are related to one another, tau aggregation and phosphorylation are the main pathological hallmarks of the neuronal disorders known as tauopathies. The capacity to aggregate is impaired in a variant of the tau 3R isoform that lacks residues 306–311 (nomenclature for the largest CNS tau isoform) and hence, we have taken advantage of this feature to study how phosphorylation and aggregation may be related as well as the role of this six amino acid peptide (VQIVYK). Through these analyses, we found that the phosphorylation of the tau variant was higher than that of the complete tau protein and that not only the deletion of these residues, but also the interaction of these residues, in tau 3R, with thioflavin-S augmented tau phosphorylation by glycogen synthase kinase 3. In addition, the binding of the peptide containing the residues 306–311 to the whole tau protein provoked an increase in tau phosphorylation. This observation could be physiologically relevant as may suggest that tau–tau interactions, through those residues, facilitate tau phosphorylation. In summary, our data indicate that deletion of residues VQIVYK, in tau protein produces an increase in tau phosphorylation, without tau aggregation, because the VQIVYK peptide, that favors aggregation, is missing. On the other hand, when the whole tau protein interacts with thioflavin-S or the peptide VQIVYK, an increase in both aggregation and phosphorylation occurs.  相似文献   

Amino acid residues with aromatic side chains, such as Tyr and Phe, are known to play essential roles in forming and stabilizing the amyloid fibrils of pathogenic polypeptides by affecting their amyloid forming propensity. We have studied the amyloid-type aggregation of peptides containing non-natural amino acid derived from a core part of human pathogenic protein, tau. The hydrophobic nature of the biphenyl group and its intermolecular aromatic interactions strongly alter their amyloid formation properties.  相似文献   

Intraneuronal accumulation of hyperphosphorylated protein tau in paired helical filaments together with amyloid-beta peptide (Abeta) deposits confirm the clinical diagnosis of Alzheimer disease. A common cellular mechanism leading to the production of these potent toxins remains elusive. Here we show that, in cultured neurons, membrane depolarization induced a calcium-mediated transient phosphorylation of both microtubule-associated protein tau and amyloid precursor protein (APP), followed by a dephosphorylation of these proteins. Phosphorylation was mediated by glycogen synthase kinase 3 and cyclin-dependent kinase 5 protein kinases, while calcineurin was responsible for dephosphorylation. Following the transient phosphorylation of APP, intraneuronal Abeta accumulated and induced neurotoxicity. Phosphorylation of APP on Thr-668 was indispensable for intraneuronal accumulation of Abeta. Our data demonstrate that an increase in cytosolic calcium concentration induces modifications of neuronal metabolism of APP and tau, similar to those found in Alzheimer disease.  相似文献   

We perform Monte Carlo simulations of tau proteins bound to a cylinder that mimics a microtubule (MT), and then study them in solution. Tau protein binds to a highly anionic MT surface to stabilize the cylindrical structure of MT. The negatively charged tail domain floats away from the anionic MT surface while positively charged tau segments localize near the MT surface. Monte Carlo simulations demonstrate that, in 3RS tau isoform (which has three imperfect repeats (R) short (S) isoform), amino acids are more condensed near a highly charged interface compared to 4RL isoform (which has four imperfect repeats (R) long (L) isoform). In 4RL isoform, amino acids in tail domain stay mostly apart from the MT surface. In the bulk solution, dephosphorylated taus are separated due to Coulomb repulsion between similarly charged isoforms. Moderate phosphorylation of 3RS isoform decreases average intermolecular distance between dephosphorylated and phosphorylated taus and lead to their overlap. Further phosphorylation does not change noticeably the intermolecular distances.  相似文献   

Many proteins that are implicated in human disease are posttranslationally modified. This includes the microtubule-associated protein tau that is deposited in a hyperphosphorylated form in brains of Alzheimer's disease patients. The focus of this review article is on the physiological and pathological phosphorylation of tau; the relevance of aberrant phosphorylation for disease; the role of kinases and phosphatases in this process; its modeling in transgenic mice, flies, and worms; and implications of phosphorylation for therapeutic intervention.  相似文献   

Tau is a neuronal microtubule-associated protein. Its hyperphosphorylation plays a critical role in Alzheimer disease (AD). Expression and phosphorylation of tau are regulated developmentally, but its dynamic regulation and the responsible kinases or phosphatases remain elusive. Here, we studied the developmental regulation of tau in rats during development from embryonic day 15 through the age of 24 months. We found that tau expression increased sharply during the embryonic stage and then became relatively stable, whereas tau phosphorylation was much higher in developing brain than in mature brain. However, the extent of tau phosphorylation at seven of the 14 sites studied was much less in developing brain than in AD brain. Tau phosphorylation during development matched the period of active neurite outgrowth in general. Tau phosphorylation at various sites had different topographic distributions. Several tau kinases appeared to regulate tau phosphorylation collectively at overlapping sites, and the decrease of overall tau phosphorylation in adult brain might be due to the higher levels of tau phosphatases in mature brain. These studies provide new insight into the developmental regulation of site-specific tau phosphorylation and identify the likely sites required for the abnormal hyperphosphorylation of tau in AD.  相似文献   

Amyloid aggregation of polypeptides is related to a growing number of pathologic states known as amyloid disorders. There is a great deal of interest in developing small molecule inhibitors of the amyloidogenic processes. In the present article, the inhibitory effects of some indole derivatives on amyloid fibrillation of hen egg white lysozyme (HEWL) are reported. Acidic pH and high temperatures were used to drive HEWL towards amyloid formation. A variety of techniques, ranging from thioflavin T fluorescence and Congo red absorbance assays to far-UV CD and transmission electron microscopy, were employed to characterize the HEWL fibrillation process. Among the indole derivatives tested, indole 3-acetic acid, indole 3-carbinol and tryptophol had the most inhibitory effects on amyloid formation, indole and indole 3-propionic acid gave some inhibition, and indole aldehyde and tryptophan showed no significant inhibition. Although indoles did not protect the HEWL native state from conformational changes, they were effective in diminishing HEWL amyloid fibril formation, delaying both the nucleation and elongation phases. Disaggregation of previously formed HEWL amyloid fibrils was also enhanced by indole 3-acetic acid. Various medium conditions, such as the presence of different anions and alcoholic cosolvents, were explored to gain an insight into possible mechanisms. These observations, taken together, suggest that the indole ring is likely to play the main role in inhibition and that the side chain hydroxyl group may contribute positively, in contrast to the side chain carbonyl and intervening methylene groups.  相似文献   

Caspase cleavage of amyloid precursor protein (APP) has been reported to be important in amyloid beta protein (Aβ)‐mediated neurotoxicity. However, the underlying mechanisms are not clearly understood. In this study, we explored the effect of caspase cleavage of APP on tau phosphorylation in relation to Aβ. We found that Asp664 cleavage of APP increased tau phosphorylation at Thr212 and Ser262 in N2A cells and primary cultured hippocampal neurons. Compared with wild‐type APP, protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) activity was significantly increased when Asp664 cleavage was blocked by the D664A point mutation. Furthermore, we found that over‐expression of C31 reduced PP2A activity. C31 binds directly to the PP2A catalytic subunit, through the asparagine, proline, threonine, tyrosine (NPTY) motif, which is essential for C31‐induced tau hyperphosphorylation. However, it appears that the other fragment produced by Asp664 cleavage, Jcasp, modulates neither PP2A activity nor tau hyperphosphorylation. Asp664 cleavage and accompanying tau hyperphosphorylation were remarkably diminished by blockage of Aβ production using a γ‐secretase inhibitor. Taken together, our results suggest that Asp664 cleavage of APP leads to tau hyperphosphorylation at specific epitopes by modulating PP2A activity as a downstream of Aβ. Direct binding of C31 to PP2A through the C31‐NPTY domain was identified as a mechanism underlying this effect.  相似文献   

Amyloid fibrils are highly ordered protein aggregates associated with many diseases affecting millions of people worldwide. Polyphenols such as Curcumin, Exifone, and Myricetin exhibit modest inhibition toward fibril formation of tau peptide which is associated with Alzheimer’s disease. However, the molecular mechanisms of this inhibition remain elusive. We investigated the binding of three polyphenol molecules to the protofibrils of an amyloidogenic fragment VQIVYK of tau peptide by molecular dynamics simulations in explicit solvent. We find that polyphenols induce conformational changes in the oligomer aggregate. These changes disrupt the amyloid H bonding, perturbing the aggregate. While the structural evolution of the control oligomer with no ligand is limited to the twisting of the β-sheets without their disassembly, the presence of polyphenol molecule pushes the β-sheets apart, and leads to a loosely packed structure where two of four β-sheets dissociate in each of the three cases considered here. The H-bonding capacity of polyphenols is responsible for the observed behavior. The calculated binding free energies and its individual components enabled better understanding of the binding. Results indicated that the contribution from Van der Waals interactions is more significant than electrostatic contribution to the binding. The findings from this study are expected to assist in the development of aggregation inhibitors. Significant binding between polyphenols and aggregate oligomer identified in our simulations confirms the previous experimental observations in which polyphenols refold the tau peptide without forming covalent bonds.  相似文献   

Tau protein from Alzheimer disease (AD) brain is hyperphosphorylated by both proline-dependent protein kinases (PDPKs) and non-PDPKs. It is presently unclear how PDPKs and non-PDPKs interact in tau hyperphosphorylation. Previously we have shown that non-PDPKs can positively modulate the activity of a PDPK (GSK-3) in tau phosphorylation (Singh et al. (1995) FEBS Lett. 358, 267-272). In this study we have investigated whether (A) non-PDPKs can also modulate the activity of the PDPK, cdk5, (B) a PDPK can modulate the activities of another PDPK, as well as non-PDPKs. We found that, like GSK-3, the activity of cdk5 is stimulated if tau were first prephosphorylated by any of several non-PDPKs (A-kinase, C-kinase, CK-1, CaM-kinase II). Prephosphorylation of tau by cdk5 stimulated both the rate and extent of a subsequent phosphorylation catalyzed by GSK-3. Under these conditions thr 231 phosphorylation was especially enhanced (9-fold). No significant stimulation of phosphorylation was obser ved when the order of these kinases was reversed (i.e. GSK-3 followed by cdk5). By contrast, prephosphorylation of tau by cdk5 served to inhibit subsequent phosphorylation catalyzed by C-kinase and CK-1, but not by A-kinase or CaM-kinase II. Our results suggest that in tau hyperphosphorylation in AD brain, cdk5-catalyzed phosphorylation may serve to up-regulate the activity of GSK-3 and down-regulate the activities of C-kinase and CK-1. (Mol Cell Biochem 167: 99-105, 1997)  相似文献   

We describe our efforts to combine in vitro enzymatic reactions with recombinant kinases to phosphorylate the neuronal tau protein, and NMR spectroscopy to unravel the resulting phosphorylation pattern in both qualitative and quantitative manners. This approach, followed by functional assays with the same samples, gives access to the complex phosphorylation code of tau. As a result, we propose a novel hypothesis for the link between tau (hyper)phosphorylation and aggregation.  相似文献   

Physiological regulation of tau phosphorylation during hibernation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The microtubule-associated protein tau is abnormally hyperphosphorylated in the brains of individuals with Alzheimer disease and other tauopathies, and is believed to play a critical role in the pathogenesis of these diseases. While the mechanisms leading to abnormal tau phosphorylation remain elusive, the recent demonstration of reversible tau phosphorylation during hibernation provides an ideal physiological model to study this critical process in vivo . In this study, arctic ground squirrels (AGS) during hibernation were used to study mechanisms related to tau hyperphosphorylation. Our data demonstrate that tau is hyperphosphorylated at all six sites (S199, T205, S214, S262, S396, and S404) examined in hibernating AGS. Interestingly, only three of these sites (S199, S262, and S404) are dephosphorylated in aroused animals, suggesting a reversible phosphorylation at selective sites. Summer-active AGS demonstrated the lowest tau phosphorylation at all these sites. To explore the mechanisms underlying increased tau phosphorylation during hibernation, the expression level and enzyme activity of various potential tau kinases and protein phosphatases were examined. The kinetic analysis of enzyme activity at different temperatures revealed differential changes in enzyme activity with temperature decline. Specifically, increased protein kinase A activity, decreased protein phosphatase 2A activity, as well as substantial contribution from glycogen synthase kinase-3β, likely play a key role in increased tau phosphorylation during hibernation in AGS.  相似文献   

The well-ordered cross β-strand structure found in amyloid aggregates is stabilized by many different side chain interactions, including hydrophobic interactions, electrostatic charge and the intrinsic propensity to form β-sheet structures. In addition to the side chains, backbone interactions are important because of the regular hydrogen-bonding pattern. β-Sheet breaking peptide analogs, such as those formed by N-methylation, interfere with the repetitive hydrogen bonding pattern of peptide strands. Here we test backbone contributions to fibril stability using analogs of the 6-10 residue fibril core of human islet amyloid polypeptide, a 37 amino acid peptide involved in the pathogenesis of type II diabetes. The Phe-Gly peptide bond has been replaced by a hydroxyethylene or a ketomethylene group and the nitrogen-atom has been methylated. In addition, we have prepared peptoids where the side chain is transferred to the nitrogen atom. The backbone turns out to be extremely sensitive to substitution, since only the minimally perturbed ketomethylene analog (where only one of the -NH- groups has been replaced by -CH(2)-) can elongate wildtype fibrils but cannot fibrillate on its own. The resulting fibrils displayed differences in both secondary structure and overall morphology. No analog could inhibit the fibrillation of the parent peptide, suggesting an inability to bind to existing fibril surfaces. In contrast, side chain mutations that left the backbone intact but increased backbone flexibility or removed stabilizing side-chain interactions had very small effect on fibrillation kinetics. We conclude that fibrillation is very sensitive to even small modifications of the peptide backbone.  相似文献   

Ren QG  Liao XM  Chen XQ  Liu GP  Wang JZ 《FEBS letters》2007,581(7):1521-1528
Dysfunction of proteasome contributes to the accumulation of the abnormally hyperphosphorylated tau in Alzheimer's disease. However, whether tau hyperphosphorylation and accumulation affect the activity of proteasome is elusive. Here we found that a moderate tau phosphorylation activated the trypsin-like activity of proteasome, whereas further phosphorylation of tau inhibited the activity of the protease in HEK293 cells stably expressing tau441. Furthermore, tau hyperphosphorylation could partially reverse lactacystin-induced inhibition of proteasome. These results suggest that phosphorylation of tau plays a dual role in modulating the activity of proteasome.  相似文献   

Neurofibrillarytangle(NFT),primarilycom-posedofthehyperphosphorylatedmicrotubule-asso-ciatedproteintau[1],isoneofthemajorneuropa-thologichallmarksinAD.Intheaffectedneurons,themajormechanismoftauhyperphosphorylationistheabnormalregulationofproteinkinasesandproteinphosphatases.TherearemanyproteinkinasesthatcanphosphorylatetauatAD-relatedepitopessuchaspro-teinkinaseC(PKC),glycogensynthasekinase3b(GSK3b),Ca2+/calmodulin-dependentkinaseII(Ca-MKII).Amongthem,cdk-5isactivepredominantlyinneur…  相似文献   

The well-ordered cross β-strand structure found in amyloid aggregates is stabilized by many different side chain interactions, including hydrophobic interactions, electrostatic charge and the intrinsic propensity to form β-sheet structures. In addition to the side chains, backbone interactions are important because of the regular hydrogen-bonding pattern. β-Sheet breaking peptide analogs, such as those formed by N-methylation, interfere with the repetitive hydrogen bonding pattern of peptide strands. Here we test backbone contributions to fibril stability using analogs of the 6-10 residue fibril core of human islet amyloid polypeptide, a 37 amino acid peptide involved in the pathogenesis of type II diabetes. The Phe-Gly peptide bond has been replaced by a hydroxyethylene or a ketomethylene group and the nitrogen-atom has been methylated. In addition, we have prepared peptoids where the side chain is transferred to the nitrogen atom. The backbone turns out to be extremely sensitive to substitution, since only the minimally perturbed ketomethylene analog (where only one of the − NH − groups has been replaced by − CH2−) can elongate wildtype fibrils but cannot fibrillate on its own. The resulting fibrils displayed differences in both secondary structure and overall morphology. No analog could inhibit the fibrillation of the parent peptide, suggesting an inability to bind to existing fibril surfaces. In contrast, side chain mutations that left the backbone intact but increased backbone flexibility or removed stabilizing side-chain interactions had very small effect on fibrillation kinetics. We conclude that fibrillation is very sensitive to even small modifications of the peptide backbone.  相似文献   

In Alzheimer’s disease (AD), hyperphosphorylation of tau may be the underlying mechanism for the cytoskeletal abnormalities and neuronal death. It was reported that cyclin-dependent kinase5 (cdk-5) could phosphorylate tau at most AD-related epitopesin vitro. In this study, we investigated the effect of cdk-5 overexpression on tau phosphorylation and spatial memory in rat. We demonstrated that 24 h after transfection into rat hippocampus, cdk-5 was overexpressed and induced a reduced staining with antibody tau-1 and an enhanced staining with antibodies 12e8 and PHF-1, suggesting hyperphosphorylation of tau at Ser199/202, Ser262/356 and Ser396/404 sites. Additionally, the cdk-5 transfected rats showed long latency to find the hidden platform in Morris water maze compared to the control rat. 48 h after transfection, the level of cdk-5 was decreased significantly, and the latency of rats to find the hidden platform was prolonged. It implies thatin vivo overexpression of cdk-5 leads to impairment of spatial memory in rat and tau hyperphosphorylation may be the underlying mechanism.  相似文献   

The stability and dynamics of the human calcitonin-derived peptide DFNKF (hCT(15-19)) are studied using molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. Experimentally, this peptide is highly amyloidogenic and forms fibrils similar to the full length calcitonin. Previous comparative MD studies have found that the parallel beta-stranded sheet is a stable organization of the DFNKF protofibril. Here, we probe the stability and dynamics of the small parallel DFNKF oligomers. The results show that even small DFNKF oligomers, such as trimers and tetramers, are stable for a sufficient time in the MD simulations, indicating that the crucial nucleus seed size for amyloid formation can be quite small. The simulations also show that the stability of DFNKF oligomers increases with their sizes. The small but stable seed may reflect the experimental rapid formation of the DFNKF fibrils. Further, a noncooperative process of parallel beta-sheet formation from the out-of-register trimer is observed in the simulations. In general, the residues of DFNKF peptides near the N-/C-termini are more flexible, whereas the interior residues are more stable. Simulations of mutants and capped peptides show that both interstrand hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions play important roles in stabilizing the DFNKF parallel oligomers. This study provides insights into amyloid formation.  相似文献   

Proteins can interact with biological surfaces such as cell membrane, chaperones, cornea, bone, arteries, veins, and heart cavities of the cardiovascular system and also with non-biological surfaces including dialysis membranes and tubing, catheters, invasive surgical instruments, needles, and artificial implants. Fibrillation of amyloid proteins is implicated in many human diseases, including Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and type II diabetes. Here, we show that heterogeneous surfaces accelerate the human insulin nucleation process that is the rate-determining step during amyloid fibril formation. The observed shorter lag (nucleation) phase correlates both with surface wettability and surface roughness. Surfaces promote faster nucleation possibly by increasing the local concentration of protein molecules. A composite parameter combining both surface wettability and roughness suggests that the ideal surface for slower nucleation should be hydrophilic and smooth. These findings provide a basis for designing suitable biomaterials and biomedical devices, especially those to resist amyloidosis.  相似文献   

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