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Presence of phenotypic variation is necessary for selection to occur, yet processes affecting variation in sexually selected characters in natural populations are poorly understood. Here we examine whether variation in a sexual ornament (badge size) of male house sparrows ( Passer domesticus ) is dependent on individual variation in the conditions during early ontogenetic stages, and whether this variation and the population-wide effects of external variables such as weather or population size jointly will generate consistent differences among cohorts later in life. Variation in badge size was independent of adult body size, whereas heavier fledglings and fledglings in good body condition developed smaller visible badges as adults. Furthermore, strong cohort-effects were present, caused by a combined effect of density-dependence and weather during the early development in the moulting period and autumn after hatching. Thus, badge size is an environmentally-dependent trait in house sparrows, and likely to be under the influence of both natural and sexual selection.  相似文献   

The relative contribution of sexual and natural selection to evolution of sexual ornaments has rarely been quantified under natural conditions. In this study we used a long-term dataset of house sparrows in which parents and offspring were matched genetically to estimate the within- and across-sex genetic basis for variation and covariation among morphological traits. By applying two-sex multivariate "animal models" to estimate genetic parameters, we estimated evolutionary changes in a male sexual ornament, badge size, from the contribution of direct and indirect selection on correlated traits within males and females, after accounting for overlapping generations and age-structure. Indirect natural selection on genetically correlated traits in males and females was the major force causing evolutionary change in the male ornament. Thus, natural selection on female morphology may cause indirect evolutionary changes in male ornaments. We observed however no directional phenotypic change in the ornament size of one-year-old males during the study period. On the other hand, changes were recorded in other morphological characters of both sexes. Our analyses of evolutionary dynamics in sexual characters require application of appropriate two-sex models to account for how selection on correlated traits in both sexes affects the evolutionary outcome of sexual selection.  相似文献   

In many species, females prefer older males as social and genetic mates, and male secondary sexual traits often act as age indictor mechanisms. It has been reported that almost all the extra-pair paternity in one population and recently in another population of house sparrows Passer domesticus , was achieved by males more than one year old. We aimed to determine whether there is a morphological trait that distinguishes yearlings from older males in house sparrows. Here, we report that such a trait – the extent of black around a male's eye, which we term the 'mask' or 'mask of seniority', is a reasonable indicator of male age, being adequate to assign yearlings and older males correctly 81% of the time. It is well known that a male's black throat patch, often called the 'badge' or 'badge of status', signals fighting ability. We speculate that badge size signals dominance, and is therefore often used in male–male competition, whereas mask size may play a key role as an age indicator mechanism, potentially used in female choice. It is surprising that this important trait evaded researchers' attention during 20 years of house sparrows being a model organism for sexual selection.  相似文献   

In this study, assortative mating for different morphological traits was studied in a captive population of house sparrows (Passer domesticus). Males were larger than females. Assortative mating was found for tail length, wing length and general body size. Males with larger badge size mated with females with longer tails. The strongest assortative mating occurred for tail length (r=0.77), and this assortative mating remained significant after controlling for wing length, mass and tarsus length, suggesting that it was not an artefact of assortative mating for body size. The possibility of sexual selection for tail length in the house sparrow is discussed.  相似文献   

Sexual selection models usually predict directional selection for ornamental traits because of intra‐ as well as inter‐sexual selection. Animals frequently face reproductive trade‐offs, such as between mating and parental effort. Provided that both are essential and have opposite effects on ornament expression, we may however not necessarily expect directional selection for ornament size. The house sparrow is an ideal species to study such a trade‐off, as the size of the male ornament, the black throat badge, seems to be inversely related to mating and parental effort. It has been suggested that large‐badged males invest more in female attraction and territory defence, while small‐badged males may invest more in parental care. In a nest‐box study, we show that females started to breed earliest and produced the largest clutches when mated to males with average‐sized badges that invested in paternal care more than other males. These results are discussed in view of inter‐ as well intra‐sexual selection. Overall, average‐badged males experienced the highest hatching failures, their chicks were in the poorest physical condition and they did not fledge more chicks than other males. It is therefore unlikely that the mating advantages that we observed could by themselves lead to stabilizing selection for badge size. Our results rather suggest that badge size in male house sparrows signals different reproductive tactics, which are adapted flexibly according to their physical condition and socio‐ecological situations.  相似文献   

Sexual selection is generally held responsible for the exceptional diversity in secondary sexual traits in animals. Mating system evolution is therefore expected to profoundly affect the covariation between secondary sexual traits and mating success. Whereas there is such evidence at the interspecific level, data within species remain scarce. We here investigate sexual selection acting on the exaggerated male fore femur and the male wing in the common and widespread dung flies Sepsis punctum and S. neocynipsea (Diptera: Sepsidae). Both species exhibit intraspecific differences in mating systems and variation in sexual size dimorphism (SSD) across continents that correlates with the extent of male–male competition. We predicted that populations subject to increased male–male competition will experience stronger directional selection on the sexually dimorphic male foreleg. Our results suggest that fore femur size, width and shape were indeed positively associated with mating success in populations with male‐biased SSD in both species, which was not evident in conspecific populations with female‐biased SSD. However, this was also the case for wing size and shape, a trait often assumed to be primarily under natural selection. After correcting for selection on overall body size by accounting for allometric scaling, we found little evidence for independent selection on any of these size or shape traits in legs or wings, irrespective of the mating system. Sexual dimorphism and (foreleg) trait exaggeration is therefore unlikely to be driven by direct precopulatory sexual selection, but more so by selection on overall size or possibly selection on allometric scaling.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that traits which signal parental quality might evolve in males of species with biparental care. In avian species, male ornaments may be the most likely candidates for such signals. Male house sparrows (Passer domesticus) possess a black throat patch often referred to as a “badge” or a “badge of status”. By assuming a trade-off between male attractiveness (reflected in male ornaments) and parental care under the differential allocation hypothesis, we predicted that badge size would be negatively correlated with male parental investment. An experiment in which the badge was enlarged in one group and unchanged in a control group was conducted. Our manipulation was predicted to affect female as well as male parental investment. However, we found that eight variables associated with parental investment—the start date for breeding, clutch size, male and female incubation time, male and female food provisioning rate, and average chick weight and the number of fledglings—barely differed between treatments. Also, little evidence for correlations between natural variation in badge size and any of these eight variables was found. Instead, the start date for breeding and the number of fledglings were significantly correlated with both male and female age, while clutch size increased with female age. Female condition was a positive predictor of clutch size and number of fledglings. Female tarsus length, unexpectedly, is related to both male and female incubation time. Badge size was also positively correlated with male age. However, parental age (male or female) was not related to parental care. We conclude that badge size does not signal parental quality, but that the ages of both sexes and the condition of the female play significant roles in the reproductive performance of this species.  相似文献   

Sexual size dimorphism results when female and male body size is influenced differently by natural and sexual selection. Typically, in polygynous species larger male body size is thought to be favored in competition for mates and constraints on maximal body size are due to countervailing natural selection on either sex; however, it has been postulated that sexual selection itself may result in stabilizing selection at an optimal mass. Here we test this hypothesis by retrospectively assessing the influence of body mass, one metric of body size, on the fitness of 113 wild‐derived house mice (Mus musculus) residing within ten replicate semi‐natural enclosures from previous studies conducted by our laboratory. Enclosures possess similar levels of sexual selection, but relaxed natural selection, relative to natural systems. Heavier females produced more offspring, while males of intermediate mass had the highest fitness. Female results suggest that some aspect of natural selection, absent from enclosures, acts to decrease their body mass, while the upper and lower boundaries of male mass are constrained by sexual selection.  相似文献   

We know very little about male mating preferences and how they influence the evolution of female traits. Theory predicts that males may benefit from choosing females on the basis of traits that indicate their fecundity. Here, we explore sexual selection generated by male choice on two components of female body size (wing length and body mass) in Drosophila serrata. Using a dietary manipulation to alter female size and 828 male mate choice trials, we analysed linear and nonlinear sexual selection gradients on female mass and wing length. In contrast to theoretical expectations and prevailing empirical data, males exerted stabilizing rather than directional sexual selection on female body mass, a correlate of fecundity. Sexual selection was detected only among females with access to standard resource levels as an adult, with no evidence for sexual selection among resource-depleted females. Thus the mating success of females with the same body mass differed depending upon their access to resources as an adult. This suggests that males in this species may rely on signal traits to assess body mass rather than assessing it directly. Stabilizing rather than directional sexual selection on body mass together with recent evidence for stabilizing sexual selection on candidate signal traits in this species suggests that females may trade-off resources allocated to reproduction and sexual signalling.  相似文献   

The black throat patch or bib of male house sparrows, Passerdomesticus, is often referred to as a "badge of status" or a"badge" because previous studies have shown bib size to be correlatedwith the social status of males. Yet, little is known abouthow strong and robust this relationship is and how the strengthof this relationship compares with that of other associations.We conducted a meta-analysis for 6 well-studied correlates ofbib size: fighting ability, parental ability (egg incubationand food provisioning), age, body condition, cuckoldry, andreproductive success. We introduce a flexible meta-analysismethod in this study that is better suited in the biologicalsciences than the methods usually employed in popular meta-analysissoftware because our method accounts for a common form of nonindependenceof the data. The relationship between fighting ability and bibsize was found to be strong and robust, and the relationshipbetween age and bib size was moderate and robust. Also, bodycondition was weakly but significantly correlated with badgesize. The other parameters showed nonsignificant small effectsand/or large confidence intervals. Therefore, we conclude thatbib size signals dominance and to a lesser extent age and possiblyreflects body condition in house sparrows. There was weak evidencethat bib size is currently under sexual selection because therewas little association between reproductive success and bibsize. This is surprising as the bib size probably affects theoutcome of male–male competition. Empirical data on sparrowbib size could not be reconciled with sexual selection theory,although there is ample evidence that it is a condition-dependenttrait.  相似文献   

We tested the differential maternal allocation hypothesis ina population of house sparrows. We experimentally altered theattractiveness of males by treating them with implants filledwith crystalline testosterone (T) or left empty (C). We subsequentlymonitored maternal investment as a function of male hormonaltreatment and the size of the black patch of feathers on thethroat (i.e., the badge), a sexually selected trait. The differentialallocation hypothesis predicts that females should adjust theirinvestment with respect to the benefits they receive by matingwith an attractive male. Given that both circulating levelsof T and badge size are condition-dependent traits, we expectedthat females mated with T males and/or with large-badged malesshould invest more into current reproduction. Contrary to thisprediction, we found no evidence that suggested differentialmaternal allocation in this population of house sparrows. Femaleinvestment in yolk T, yolk mass, clutch size, chick brooding,and feeding was not affected by male hormonal treatment or bymale badge size. As expected, T males invested less into chickbrooding and feeding. More surprisingly, females did not compensatethe reduced paternal contribution to chick feeding. As a consequence,the breeding success of T pairs was largely reduced comparedwith that of C pairs. The absence of differential allocationin a system in which it could have an adaptive role raises thequestion about the possible constraints or overriding factorsoperating on patterns of reproductive investment in this species.  相似文献   

Understanding temporal variation in selection in natural populations is necessary to accurately estimate rates of divergence and macroevolutionary processes. Temporal variation in the strength and direction of selection on sex‐specific traits can also explain stasis in male and female phenotype and sexual dimorphism. I investigated changes in strength and form of viability selection (via predation by wasps) in a natural population of male and female tree crickets over 4 years. I found that although the source of viability stayed the same, viability selection affected males and females differently, and the strength, direction and form of selection varied considerably from year to year. In general, males experienced significant linear selection and significant selection differentials more frequently than females, and different male traits experienced significant linear selection each year. This yearly variation resulted in overall weak but significant convex selection on a composite male trait that mostly represented leg size and wing width. Significant selection on female phenotype was uncommon, but when it was detected, it was invariably nonlinear. Significant concave selection on traits representing female body size was observed in some years, as the largest and smallest females were preyed on less (the largest may have been too heavy for flying wasps to carry). Viability selection was significantly different between males and females in 2 of 4 years. Although viability selection via predation has the potential to drive phenotypic change and sexual dimorphism, temporal variation in selection may maintain stasis.  相似文献   

Phenotypic variation, measured as the coefficient of variation (CV), is usually larger in secondary sexual characters than in ordinary morphological traits. We tested if intraspecific differences in the CV between ornamental and non-ornamental feather traits in 67 evolutionary events of feather ornamentation in birds were due to differences in (1) the allometric pattern (slope of the regression line when regressing trait size on an indicator of body size), or (2) the dispersion of observations around the regression line. We found that only dispersion of observations around the regression line contributed significantly to total variation. A large dispersion of observations around the regression line for ornamental feathers is consistent with these characters showing condition-dependence, supporting indicator models of sexual selection more strongly than a pure Fisher process. Ornamental feathers in males demonstrated negative allometry when regressed on tarsus length, which is a measure of skeletal body size. This finding is consistent with ornamental feather traits being subject to directional selection due to female mate preferences, where large body size is less important than in male–male competition. This pattern of phenotypic variation for avian secondary sexual characters contrasts with patterns of variation for insect genitalia, supposedly subject to sexual selection, since the latter traits only differ from ordinary morphology traits in allometry coefficient. The prevailing regime of selection (directional or stabilizing) and the effects of environmental factors are proposed to account for these differences among traits.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphism evolves when selection favors different phenotypic optima between the sexes. Such sexually antagonistic selection creates intralocus sexual conflict when traits are genetically correlated between the sexes and have sex‐specific optima. Brown anoles are highly sexually dimorphic: Males are on average 30% longer than females and 150% heavier in our study population. Viability selection on body size is known to be sexually antagonistic, and directional selection favors large male size whereas stabilizing selection constrains females to remain small. We build on previous studies of viability selection by measuring sexually antagonistic selection using reproductive components of fitness over three generations in a natural population of brown anoles. We estimated the number of offspring produced by an individual that survived to sexual maturity (termed RSV), a measure of individual fitness that includes aspects of both individual reproductive success and offspring survival. We found directional selection on male body size, consistent with previous studies of viability selection. However, selection on female body size varied among years, and included periods of positive directional selection, quadratic stabilizing selection, and no selection. Selection acts differently in the sexes based on both survival and reproduction and sexual conflict appears to be a persistent force in this species.  相似文献   

Studies of sexual selection show that both female choice and male-male competition can influence the evolution and expression of male phenotypes. In this regard, it is important to determine the functional basis through which male traits influence variation in male reproductive success. In this study, we estimate the strength and type of sexual selection acting on adult males in a population of wild lemur, Verreaux's sifaka (Propithecus verreauxi verreauxi). The data used in this study were collected at Beza Mahafaly Special Reserve, southwest Madagascar. We conducted paternity analyses on 70 males in order to estimate the distribution of reproductive success in this population. Paternity data were combined with morphometric data in order to determine which morphological traits covary with male fitness. Five morphological traits were defined in this analysis: body size, canine size, torso shape, arm shape, and leg shape. We utilized phenotypic selection models in order to determine the strength and type of selection acting directly on each trait. Our results show that directional selection acts on leg shape (a trait that is functionally related to locomotor performance), stabilizing selection acts on body mass and torso shape, and negative correlational selection acts on body mass and leg shape. We draw from biomechanical and kinematic studies of sifaka locomotion to provide a functional context for how these traits influence male mating competition within an arboreal environment. Verreaux's sifaka and many other gregarious lemurs are sexually monomorphic in body mass and canine size, despite a high frequency and intensity of male-male aggressive competition. Our results provide some insight into this paradox: in our population, there is no directional selection acting on body mass or canine size in males. The total pattern of selection implicates that behaviors relating to locomotor performance are more important than behaviors relating to fighting ability during intrasexual contests.  相似文献   

The maintenance of honesty in a badge-of-status system is not fully understood, despite numerous empirical and theoretical studies. Our experiment examined the relationship between a status signal and winter survival, and the long-term costs of cheating, by manipulating badge size in male house sparrows, Passer domesticus. The effect of badge-size manipulation on survival was complex owing to the significant interactions between the treatments and original (natural) badge size, and between the treatments and age classes (yearlings and older birds). Nevertheless, in the experimental (badge-enlargement) group, males with originally large badges had increased winter survival, while males with originally small badges had decreased survival. This indicates that differential selection can act on a trait according to the degree of cheating.  相似文献   

Although genetic variation in characters closely related to fitness is expected to either become depleted by selection or masked by environmental variation, “good gene” models of sexual selection require moderate to high heritabilities of secondary sexual characters to explain the occurrence of costly female mate preferences. In this study, I investigated whether the estimated heritability of a condition-dependent secondary sexual character (i.e., the white forehead badge) in the collared flycatcher varied depending on environmental conditions experienced during offspring growth. The data were collected over a period of 14 years making it possible to exploit natural variation in natal conditions. In addition, natal conditions were experimentally altered through brood size manipulations. During unfavorable conditions caused by generally poor weather or experimentally enlarged brood size, no significant heritability based on father-sons regressions could be demonstrated (0.19 ? h2 ? 0.27). In contrast, sons reared during years with favorable weather or in experimentally reduced broods significantly resembled their fathers (0.44 ? h2 ? 0.65). In addition, the heritability estimates declined with increasing maternal age. The strong effect of natal environmental condition on the estimated heritability of forehead badge size suggests that the potential genetic benefit from mate choice vary according to environmental conditions (e.g., the benefit is reduced during unfavorable rearing conditions). Because sons reared during poor conditions have probably experienced a natal environment different from that experienced by their fathers, the low heritability estimates obtained under poor conditions seem to be caused by low additive genetic variation expressed in such environments and/or a low genetic correlation between the expression of the trait in the two different environments (i.e., good vs. bad). Both of these explanations imply the presence of genotype-by-environment interactions. If such interactions frequently affect the expression of secondary sexual characters, this may offer an explanation of the high heritabilites sometimes reported for such traits, despite their exposure to long-term directional selection.  相似文献   

Studies of phenotypic selection in natural populations are often concerned with simply detecting selection. In adopting a more mechanistic approach, this study compares the sexual selection regimes in natural populations of the water strider Gerris odontogaster with a priori predictions of selection, based on a number of previous field and laboratory studies of the behavioral mechanisms of selection. In this species, a general reluctance of females to mate allows for intersexual selection for ability to subdue reluctant females in males. Female reluctance to mate has been shown to decrease with increasing population density, suggesting that sexual selection should be weaker in high density populations. Three different populations with large differences in population density were studied. A number of traits including parasite load, body mass, body size and male abdominal process length were found to experience significant sexual selection. The investigated populations differed considerably with regard to the total strength of selection on the measured traits and the form of selection on single traits. In general, males in the population with the highest density experienced the weakest selection for grasping ability. This pattern is ascribed to density-related alterations of female mating behavior. Selection for male grasping ability, as reflected by selection on male abdominal process length, is reduced in high-density populations where reluctant females are more easily subdued. Further, the studied populations differed significantly in mean phenotype and phenotypic variance for male abdominal process length. It is suggested that interpopulational differences in selective regimes may generate local adaptations with respect to male abdominal process length, and that gene flow may contribute to the maintenance of the high genetic variation in this trait. It is further suggested that more empirical effort should be made in quantifying and understanding spatial and temporal variation in selection in natural populations, since this may provide information on the prevalence of local adaptations in metric traits and on the mechanisms of selection.  相似文献   

Models reveal that sexually antagonistic co‐evolution exaggerates female resistance and male persistence traits. Here we adapt an established model by including directional sexual selection acting against persistence. We find similar equilibria to previous models showing that sexually antagonistic co‐evolution can be limited by counteracting sexual, as well as, natural selection. We tested the model using empirical data for the seaweed fly, Coelopa ursina, in which body size acts as a persistence and a resistance trait. Our model can generate continuous co‐evolutionary cycles and stable equilibria, however, all simulations using empirically derived parameter estimates reach stable equilibria. Thus, stable equilibria might be more common in nature than continuous co‐evolutionary cycles, suggesting that sexual conflict is unlikely to promote speciation. The model predicts male biased sexual size dimorphism for C. ursina, comparable with empirically observed values. Male persistence is shown to be more sensitive than female resistance to changes in model parameters.  相似文献   

The relationship between dominance and throat badge size, body size, and body condition was examined in three small island populations of house sparrows, Passer domesticus, on the coast of northern Norway. Individual dominance rank in males was determined by observation of agonistic interactions in an artificial observation cage (one replicate in Dec. and one in Mar. in two populations and one replicate in Mar. in the third population). Previous studies had indicated that badge size signals status in house sparrows. In this study, because of the small population sizes and stability in their membership, we expected that prior information about fighting ability would reduce the importance of badge size for the outcome of conflicts in favour of traits most directly associated with fighting ability. In two of five replicates, significant relationships were found between components of body size and dominance rank, but in opposite directions. The relationship between badge size and dominance rank was consistently positive, but non-significant. In a pooled sample of the three independent replicates, badge size was the best predictor of dominance, and no other variable explained any variance in dominance. However, the coefficient of determination was low and linearity of dominance hierarchies was poor. We therefore suggest that individual recognition may influence the dominance relationships.  相似文献   

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