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Neisseria gonorrhoeae is a facultative intracellular bacterium capable of penetrating into certain human epithelial cell types. In order to identify gonococcal factors essential for invading Chang human conjunctiva cells, a gentamicin selection assay for the quantification of viable intracellular bacteria was used in conjunction with microscopy. The results demonstrate a correlation between the invasive behaviour of gonococci and the expression of Opa proteins, a family of variable outer membrane proteins present in all pathogenic Neisseria species. However, only particular Opa proteins supported invasion into Chang cells as indicated by the use of two unrelated gonococcal strains. Invasion was sensitive to cytochalasin D, and strong adherence mediated by the Opa proteins appeared to be essential for the internalization of gonococci. In contrast pili, which also conferred binding to Chang conjunctiva cells, did not support cellular invasion but rather were inhibitory.  相似文献   

The arrangement of proteins in the outer membrane of Neisseria gonorrhoeae was investigated through the use of cleavable chemical cross-linking reagents and two-dimensional sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Cross-linking of isolated outer membranes yielded dimers and trimers of the major outer membrane protein. In addition, data were obtained suggesting that a stable interaction exists between the major protein I and protein II, the second most prevalent protein in the gonococcal outer membrane.  相似文献   

Outer membranes from opaque colonia variants of Neisseria gonorrhoeae P9 contain a major outer membrane protein (protein I) together with one or more of a series of heat-modifiable proteins (proteins II). Proteins I. II, and IIa have been isolated by detergent extraction of outer membranes. Amino acid analysis showed proteins II and IIa to have a very similar composition. Cyanogen bromide cleavage of proteins II and IIa produced a pair of fragments with identical molecular weight and a pari which differed by an amount (0.5K) equivalent to the difference between the intact proteins. Tryptic peptide maps of 125I-labeled proteins II, IIa, and IIb showed many similarities, with only a few peptides unique to any one protein. Peptide maps of protein IIa from cells which had been surface labeled showed that the unique peptides were exposed on the surface. The heat-modifiable proteins thus appear to form a family of proteins with closely related structure probably differing in that part which is exposed on the bacterial surface.  相似文献   

A system of protein purification, using sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and electroblotting, that results in purified outer membrane proteins of the gram-negative bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae is described. The proteins, which ranged in apparent molecular mass from approximately 31,000 to approximately 92,000 Da, were located by naphthol blue black staining, eluted from nitrocellulose membranes using 88% formic acid, and precipitated by the addition of concentrated ammonium hydroxide. Up to 65% of the original protein present was recovered by this procedure. The resultant purified protein could then be resuspended in aqueous buffer by brief sonication, making it available for further structural and in vivo immunological analyses. Proteins purified in this manner retain their original antigenicity when probed with polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies, and are structurally unaltered by the purification process. This procedure makes it possible to acquire easily usable quantities of highly insoluble outer membrane proteins of gram-negative bacteria.  相似文献   

Naturally elaborated membrane bleb fractions BI and BII of Neisseria gonorrhoeae contain both linear and circular DNAs. Because little is known about the interactions between DNA and blebs, studies were initiated to identify specific proteins that bind DNA in elaborated membrane blebs. Western immunoblots of whole-cell and bleb proteins from transformation-competent and DNA-uptake-deficient (dud) mutants were probed with single- or double-stranded gonococcal DNA, pBR322, or synthetic DNA oligomers containing intact or altered gonococcal transformation uptake sequences. The specificity and sensitivity of a nonradioactive DNA-binding protein assay was evaluated, and the assay was used to visualize DNA-protein complexes on the blots. The complexes were then characterized by molecular mass, DNA-binding specificity, and expression in bleb fractions. The assay effectively detected blotted DNA-binding proteins. At least 17 gonococcal DNA-binding proteins were identified; unique subsets occurred in BI and BII. Certain DNA-binding proteins had varied affinities for single- and double-stranded DNA, and the intact transformation uptake sequence competitively displaced the altered sequence from a BI protein at 11 kilodaltons (kDa). A dud mutant, strain FA660, lacked DNA-binding activity at the 11-kDa protein in BI. The segregation of DNA-binding proteins within BI and BII correlates with their distinct protein profiles and suggests that these vesicles may play different roles. Although the DNA-binding proteins expressed in BII may influence the nuclease-resistant export of plasmids within BII vesicles, the BI 11-kDa protein may bind transforming DNA.  相似文献   

Pili confer the initial ability of Neisseria gonorrhoeae to bind to epithelial cells. Pilin (PilE), the major pilus subunit, and a minor protein termed PilC, reportedly essential for pilus biogenesis, undergo intra-strain phase and structural variation. We demonstrate here that at least two different adherence properties are associated with the gonococcal pili: one is specific for erythrocytes, which is virtually unaffected by PilE variation, and another is specific for epithelial cells, and is modulated in response to the variation of PilE. Based on this finding, mutants of a recA- strain were selected that had lost the ability to bind to human cornea epithelial cells (A-) but retained the ability to form pili (P+) and to agglutinate human erythrocytes (H+). The adherence-negative mutants failed to produce detectable levels of PilC1 or PilC2 proteins, representing piIC phase variants generated in the absence of RecA. The A- pilC phase variants were indistinguishable from their A+ parents and spontaneous A+ revertants with regard to the amount of PilE produced and its electrophoretic mobility, the degrees of piliation and haemagglutination, and the pilE nucleotide sequence. These data demonstrate a central role for PilC in pilus-mediated adherence of N. gonorrhoeae to human epithelial cells and further indicate that neither PilC1 nor PilC2 is obligatory for the assembly of gonococcal pili.  相似文献   

Using COS (African green monkey kidney) cells transfected with cDNAs encoding human cell surface molecules, we have identified human cellular receptors for meningococcal virulence-associated Opa proteins, which are expressed by the majority of disease and carrier isolates. These receptors belong to the immunoglobulin superfamily of adhesion molecules and are expressed on epithelial, endothelial and phagocytic cells. Using soluble chimeric receptor molecules, we have demonstrated that meningococcal Opa proteins bind to the N-terminal domain of biliary glycoproteins (classified as BGP or CD66a) that belong to the CEA (CD66) family. Moreover, the Opa proteins of the related pathogen Neisseria gonorrhoeae , responsible for urogenital infections, also interact with this receptor, making CD66a a common target for pathogenic neisseriae. Over 95% of Opa-expressing clinical and mucosal isolates of meningococci and gonococci were shown to bind to the CD66 N-domain, demonstrating the presence of a conserved receptor-binding function in the majority of neisserial Opa proteins.  相似文献   

An increase in the apparent molecular weight of the principal outer membrane protein (POMP) of Neisseria gonorrhoeae is associated with introduction of the penB2 genetic marker, which results in low-level, relatively nonspecific antibiotic resistance. Limited proteolysis of the two forms of POMP showed that they had few if any peptides in common. The nonspecific antibiotic resistance of penB2 was separated from the change in POMP by genetic transformation and by isolation of spontaneous penB mutants that showed no change in POMP. The genetic locus involved in the change from one POMP to another, which we have designated nmp-1, is closely linked to, but not identical with, penB2.  相似文献   

The cell envelope of Neisseria gonorrhoeae strain 2686, colonial type 4, was isolated from spheroplasts formed by the action of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid and lysozyme. Isopycnic centrifugation of osmotically ruptured spheroplasts resolved the cell envelope into two main membrane fractions. Chemical and enzymatic analyses were used to characterize these isolated membranes. Succinic dehydrogenase, reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide oxidase, and d-lactate dehydrogenase were localized in the membrane fraction of buoyant density, rho degrees = 1.141 g/cm(3). Lipopolysaccharide and over half of the cell envelope protein were associated with the membrane that banded in sucrose at rho degrees = 1.219 g/cm(3). These fractions were consequently designated cytoplasmic and outer or L-membrane, respectively. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide electrophoresis of isolated membranes demonstrated the relative simplicity of the protein spectrum of the outer membrane. The majority of the protein in this membrane could be accounted for by proteins of molecular weights 34,500, 22,000, and 11,500. The protein of molecular weight 34,500 accounted for 66% of the total protein of the L-membrane. Isoelectric precipitation at pH 4.6 with 10% acetic acid selectively removed this protein from a 150 mM NaCl in 10 mM tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane-hydrochloride, pH 7.4, extract of purified outer membrane. At pH 4.0, the other proteins of the L-membrane were precipitated. It was concluded that the membrane components of the cell envelope of N. gonorrhoeae were similar to those of other gram-negative bacteria. The cell envelope fractions described here, in particular the outer membrane, are sufficiently well defined to provide a valuable tool for future biochemical and immunological studies on N. gonorrhoeae.  相似文献   

Human immune serum recognition of outer membrane components from commensal and pathogenic Neisseria cultured under neutral and acidic conditions was investigated. Acid stress caused no detectable alterations in lipooligosaccharide migration and (or) staining, in outer membrane protein profiles, or in immune serum recognition of outer membrane components from Neisseria mucosa or Neisseria sicca. There was also no difference in the lipoologosaccharide electrophoretic pattern of acid- and neutral-grown Neisseria lactamica, but there were differences in outer membrane protein expression. The outer membrane protein alterations induced by acid stress in N. lactamica were not the same as those seen in isolates from patients with uncomplicated gonococcal infection, pelvic inflammatory disease, and disseminated gonococcal infection. Many differences were detected in the immune serum recognition of outer membrane components from acid- and neutral-cultured N. lactamica and from the clinical isolates of Neisseria gonorrhoeae, and these should be considered in vaccine design.  相似文献   

By using a method that labels sulfhydryl-containing proteins in situ, we have detected a major outer membrane protein of Neisseria gonorrhoeae at 41 kDa. A protein of this molecular mass has not previously been shown to be a major outer membrane protein in gonococci. In addition, a minor protein rich in cysteinyl residues was detected at 31.5 kDa.  相似文献   

Iron is an essential element for nearly all organisms. In mammals, iron is transported to body tissues by the serum glycoprotein transferrin. Transferrin-iron is internalized by binding to specific receptors followed by endocytosis. In vitro , Neisseria meningitidis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae can use iron from a variety of iron-containing compounds, including human transferrin. In vivo , transferrin is an important source of iron for N. gonorrhoeae : a mutant that is unable to bind and use transferrin-iron is unable to colonize the urethra of men or initiate disease at this site. As pathogenic Neisseria and its human host derive much of their iron from transferrin, we reasoned that a competition may exist between microbe and host epithelial cells for transferrin-iron at certain stages of infection. We therefore tested the hypothesis that N. meningitidis and N. gonorrhoeae may actively interfere with host transferrin-iron metabolism. We report that Neisseria-infected human epithelial cells have reduced levels of transferrin receptor messenger RNA and cycling transferrin receptors. The ability of infected cells to internalize transferrin receptor is also reduced. Finally, the relative distribution of surface and cycling transferrin receptors is altered in an infected cell. We conclude that Neisseria infection alters epithelial cell transferrin-iron homeostasis at multiple levels.  相似文献   

Antimicrobial-resistant gonococcus has been a major problem in sexually transmitted disease control . Outer membrane proteins (OMPs) of Neisseria gonorrhoeae were suggested to have influence on its resistance to antibiotics. So, in this work, we provide a proteomic analysis tool for examining the OMPs of N. gonorrhoeae and also provide a comparative analysis of the OMPs between the susceptible parent strain (92WT) and the resistance-induced isogenic mutant (92mu13) to determine the OMPs responsible for resistance. The 2-D gel spots of 92mu13 differed from 92WT particularly in porin, pilus secretion protein (PilQ) and enzymes. PilQ expression in 92mu13 was considerably reduced by abrupt termination at nucleotide 2,112. This made it difficult to form a high molecular mass (HMM) pore at the outer membrane; it is suspected that reduction of PilQ serves a role in antibiotic resistance in N. gonorrhoeae. The amount of porin was not changed but its isoelectric point (pI) shifted to a basic region, which is caused by the alteration of an amino acid of porin and it is suggested to relate to the development of antimicrobial resistance . Differential regulation of the enzymes involved in metabolism was found in 92mu13, believed to represent an adaptation of N. gonorrhoeae to the antibiotic environment.  相似文献   

Pathogenic microorganisms, such as Neisseria gonorrhoeae, have developed mechanisms to alter epithelial barriers in order to reach subepithelial tissues for host colonization. The aim of this study was to examine the effects of gonococci on cell junction complexes of genital epithelial cells of women. Polarized Ishikawa cells, a cell line derived from endometrial epithelium, were used for experimental infection. Infected cells displayed a spindle-like shape with an irregular distribution, indicating potential alteration of cell-cell contacts. Accordingly, analysis by confocal microscopy and cellular fractionation revealed that gonococci induced redistribution of the adherens junction proteins E-cadherin and its adapter protein β-catenin from the membrane to a cytoplasmic pool, with no significant differences in protein levels. In contrast, gonococcal infection did not induce modification of either expression or distribution of the tight junction proteins Occludin and ZO-1. Similar results were observed for Fallopian tube epithelia. Interestingly, infected Ishikawa cells also showed an altered pattern of actin cytoskeleton, observed in the form of stress fibers across the cytoplasm, which in turn matched a strong alteration on the expression of fibronectin, an adhesive glycoprotein component of extracellular matrix. Interestingly, using western blotting, activation of the ERK pathway was detected after gonococcal infection while p38 pathway was not activated. All effects were pili and Opa independent. Altogether, results indicated that gonococcus, as a mechanism of pathogenesis, induced disruption of junction complexes with early detaching of E-cadherin and β-catenin from the adherens junction complex, followed by a redistribution and reorganization of actin cytoskeleton and fibronectin within the extracellular matrix.  相似文献   

Neisseria meningitidis group B serotype 2 strain M986 contains two predominant outer membrane proteins, with apparent molecular weights of 41,000 (protein b) and 28,000 (protein e). Heating of outer membrane vesicles at 56 degrees C for 20 min caused much of b** to disaggregate and denature into b (41,000 daltons). In contrast, protein e could be rapidly solubilized by SDS at room temperature into its monomeric state (e*), but it was not converted to its final higher apparent molecular weight of 28,000 (e) unless heated at 100 degrees C for 2 min. We propose that protein b exists in the membrane as trimers or tetramers in a transmembrane configuration and that protein e exists as subunits on the exterior surface of the outer membrane and has a highly ordered tertiary structure.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic membranes were isolated and examined from two spectinomycin-susceptible and three spectinomycin-resistant clinical strains of Neisseria gonorrhoeae. A laboratory-derived spectinomycin-resistant mutant, obtained by serial passage on gradually increasing concentrations of the antibiotic, and a susceptible revertant, spontaneously arising from one of the resistant clinical strains, were also studied. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide slab gel electrophoresis revealed that a major protein, comprising about 7% of total cytoplasmic membrane protein (molecular weight 24,000), was absent in the three clinically isolated spectinomycin-resistant strains. In a revertant, this protein reappeared. During treatment of one of the susceptible strains with spectinomycin, the protein disappeared. However, this correlation was not maintained in the laboratory-derived spectinomycin-resistant mutant. This mutant was of comparable resistant to the clinical isolates, but the 24,000-molecular-weight protein was present in normal quantities. In addition, spectinomycin resistant in clinical isolates was variable compared with stable resistance exhibited by the laboratory-derived mutant. These findings suggested that differences in laboratory-derived versus clinical spectinomycin resistance may be due to different types of resistance mutations.  相似文献   

Human mannose-binding lectin (MBL) provides a first line of defense against microorganisms by complement activation and/or opsonization in the absence of specific Ab. This serum collectin has been shown to activate complement when bound to repeating sugar moieties on several microorganisms, including encapsulated serogroup B and C meningococci, which leads to increased bacterial killing. In the present study, we sought to identify the meningococcal cell surface components to which MBL bound and to characterize such binding. Outer membrane complex containing both lipooligosaccharide (LOS) and proteins and LOS from Neisseria meningitidis were examined for MBL binding by dot blot and ELISA. MBL bound outer membrane complex but not LOS. The binding to bacteria by whole-cell ELISA did not require calcium and was not inhibited by N-acetyl-glucosamine or mannose. With the use of SDS-PAGE, immunoblot analysis, and mAbs specific for meningococcal opacity (Opa) proteins and porin proteins, we determined that MBL bound to Opa and porin protein B (porB). The N-terminal amino acid sequences of the two MBL binding proteins confirmed Opa and PorB. Purified PorB inhibited the binding of MBL to meningococci. Escherichia coli with surface-expressed gonococcal Opa bound significantly more MBL than did the control strain. The binding of human factor H to purified PorB was markedly inhibited by MBL in a dose-dependent manner. Meningococci incubated with human serum bound MBL as detected by ELISA. We conclude that MBL binds to meningococci by a novel target recognition of two nonglycosylated outer membrane proteins, Opa and PorB.  相似文献   

Opas (protein IIs) are a family of surface-exposed proteins of Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Each strain of N. gonorrhoeae has multiple (10-11) genes encoding for Opas. Identifiable elements in opa genes include the coding repeat within the signal sequence, conserve 5' and 3' regions, and hypervariable regions (HV1 and HV2) located within the structural gene. N. gonorrhoeae strains appear to have many biological properties in common that are either HV-region-mediated or associated with the presence of specific HV regions, suggesting that HV regions could be found in many clinical isolates. Oligonucleotides from three source strains representing three conserved regions of opa, 12 HV1 regions, and 14 HV2 regions were used by dot blot analysis to probe 120 clinical isolates of N. gonorrhoeae. The probe for the coding repeat hybridized to all 120 strains, the 3' conserved-region probe reacted with 98% of the strains, and the 5' conserved-region probe with 90% of the strains. Nine HV1 probes hybridized to 3.3-39.2% of the strains, and 13 of the HV2 probes hybridized to 1.7-25% of the isolates. Analysis of the number of probes that hybridized to each of the isolates showed that 19% did not hybridize with any of the HV1 probes and 25% did not hybridize with any of the HV2 probes. Approximately three-quarters of the isolates hybridized with one, two or three of the HV1 probes or one, two or three of the HV2 probes; 89% of the isolates hybridized to least one HV1 or one HV2 probe. The data indicate that some genes encoding HV regions of N. gonorrhoeae Opa proteins are widely distributed in nature.  相似文献   

Two pilus receptors are identified for the pathogenic Neisseria, CD46 and complement receptor 3. An intimate association between the asialoglycoprotein receptor and gonococcal lipooligosaccharide mediates invasion of primary, male urethral epithelial cells (UECs); however, studies to identify pilus receptors on these cells have not been performed. Based on our previous studies we reasoned that the I-domain-containing (IDC), alpha(1)- and alpha(2)-integrins might serve as pilus receptors on UECs and on urethral tissue. Confocal microscopy revealed colocalization of pilus with alpha(1) and alpha(2) integrins on UECs and tissue. We found that recombinant I-domain and antibodies directed against the alpha(1)- and alpha(2)-integrins inhibited gonococcal association with UECs and with immortal cell lines of variable origin. Gonococcus-integrin colocalization occurred at early time points post infection, but this interaction dissociated with extended infection. Similarly, Western Blot analyses revealed that gonococcal pilin coimmunoprecipitates with alpha(1)- and alpha(2)-integrins. However, studies performed in parallel and that were designed to capture CD46-pilus immune complexes indicated that a CD46-pilus interaction did not occur. Collectively, these data suggest that while CD46 might be able to bind gonococcal pilus, IDC integrins are preferentially used as the initial docking site for gonococci on UECs, on urethral tissue and on some immortal cell lines.  相似文献   

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