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The relationship between the 24 h rhythm in 5-hydroxy-tryptamine (5HT) levels in rat brain, the availability of precursors of 5HT and the concentration of its major metabolite, 5-hydroxyindole acetic acid (5HIAA) has been investigated. Serum total and "free" tryptophan (TRY) levels and brain TRY levels all show a 24 h rhythm with highest concentrations in the middle of the dark phase i.e. 12 h displaced from that of the 5HT rhythm. No 24 h variation in either tryptophan-5-hydroxylase or monoamine oxidase activity was detected, nor did brain 5-hydroxytryptophan (5HTP) levels vary with clock hour. Changes in 5HIAA concentration paralleled those of 5Ht. The uptake of 14C-5HTP, 14C-TRY and 14C-5HT into homogenates of the septal region of rat brain did not display a circadian rhythm, although there was evidence that uptake of 14C-TRY in an isolated synaptosomal preparation from the same region was greater during the light phase, indicating the possibility that uptake of the precursor into the nerve ending may be, in part, responsible for the 24 h rhythm in brain 5HT. It is concluded that brain 5HT levels are independent of the serum or brain TRY concentrations measured. Since changes in 5HT with clock hour are paralleled by changes in 5HIAA, it also seems unlikely that the increase in brain 5HT during the light phase is caused by a decreased release of 5HT from nerve endings.  相似文献   

The effect of Freund's adjuvant injection on 24-hour variation of hypothalamic corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH), thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH), GH-releasing hormone (GRH) and somatostatin levels was examined in adult rats kept under light between 0800 and 2000 h daily. Groups of rats receiving Freund's complete adjuvant or its vehicle 3 days before sacrifice were killed at six different time intervals throughout a 24-hour cycle. In the median eminence, adjuvant vehicle-injected rats exhibited significant 24-hour variations for the four hormones examined, with maxima at noon. These 24-hour rhythms were inhibited or suppressed by Freund's adjuvant injection. In the anterior hypothalamus of adjuvant vehicle-treated rats, CRH content peaked at 1600 h, while two peaks were found for TRH and GRH levels, i.e., at 2400-0400 h and 1600 h. Freund's adjuvant injection suppressed 24-hour rhythm of anterior hypothalamic CRH, TRH and GRH content and uncovered a peak in anterior hypothalamic somatostatin levels at 0400 h. In the medial hypothalamus of adjuvant vehicle-treated rats, significant 24-hour variations were detectable for TRH (peaks at 1600 and 2400 h) and somatostatin (peak at 2400 h) which disappeared after Freund's adjuvant injection. In the posterior hypothalamus of adjuvant vehicle-treated rats, two peaks were apparent for CRH, TRH and somatostatin levels, i.e. at 1600 h and 2400-0400 h, this hormonal profile remaining unmodified after Freund's adjuvant administration. The administration of the immunosuppressant drug cyclosporine (5 mg/kg, 5 days) impaired the depressing effect of Freund's adjuvant injection on CRH, TRH and somatostatin content in median eminence, but not that on GRH. In the anterior hypothalamus, cyclosporine generally prevented the effect of immunization on hormone levels an revealed a second maximum in TRH at 0400 h. Cyclosporine also restored 24-hour variations in TRH and somatostatin levels of medial hypothalamus of Freund's adjuvant-injected rats but was unable to modify them in the posterior hypothalamus. The results further support the existence of a significant effect of immune-mediated inflammatory response at an early phase after Freund's adjuvant injection on hypothalamic levels which was partially sensitive to immunosuppression by cyclosporine.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in the timing of circadian activity rhythms have been recorded in mammals, birds, reptiles and arthropods. There are probably far more wide spread than is generally realised and are especially important in desert regions with large daily temperature fluctuations. Synchronisation of the onset of circadian activity with changes in the times of dusk and dawn is achieved mainly by responses to changes in photoperiod.
Zusammenfassung An Beispielen wird gezeigt,dass jahreszeitliche Veränderungen in der Steuerung der circadianen Aktivitäts-Rhythmen bei Säugern, Vögeln,Reptilien und Arthropoden bestehen. Sie sind wahrscheinlich viel häufiger, als im allgemeinen erkannt wird und sind besonders wichtig in Wüstenregionen mit grossen täglichen Temperaturschwankungen. Die Synchronisation des Beginns der circadianen Aktivität mit Veränderungen der Zeiten der Abend- und Morgendämmerung wird hauptsächlich durch Reaktionen auf Veränderungen der Tageslänge erreicht.

Resume On démontre au moyen d'exemples qu'il existe des modifications saisonnières dans la dispersion des rythmes circadiens de l'activité des mammifères, des oiseaux, des reptiles et des arthropodes.Ces modifications sont probablement beaucoup plus fréquentes qu'on ne l'admet généralement et sont importantes surtout dans les régions désertiques où l'on rencontre de très grandes variations de température. La synchronisation du début de l'activité circadienne avec les changements de l'heure de l'aube et du crépuscule est due, en général,à des réactions aux modifications du photopériodisme.

Parts of this paper were presented during the Fourth International Biometeorological Congress, New Brunswick, N.J., 26 August–2 September 1966.  相似文献   

The 24-h secretory pattern of GH was evaluated in normal women (n = 4) and hyperprolactinemic-amenorrheic women with pituitary microadenoma (n=6). Serum GH concentrations significantly differed according to the time of day, and there were nocturnal rises in normal women and hyperprolactinemic women. However, episodic fluctuations in serum GH levels were almost absent during the day time in hyperprolactinemic women, and the mean 24-h GH concentration was significantly lower in these women than in normal women. Thus, GH secretion was diminished in hyperprolactinemic women with pituitary microadenoma, though a nocturnal increase in GH secretion continued.  相似文献   

In order to determine whether endogenous dopaminergic tone has any role in the diurnal variation in TSH secretion, the 24-h secretory pattern of TSH and the TSH response to a dopamine antagonist, metoclopramide (MCP), were evaluated in normal women (n = 4) and in hyperprolactinemic-amenorrheic women with pituitary microadenoma (n = 6). TSH concentrations expressed as percent deviation from the 24-h mean significantly differed with respect to time of day in normal women and hyperprolactinemic women. They were significantly higher during the night (2000-0700 h) than during the daytime (0800-1900 h). Whereas MCP administration induced no significant changes in serum TSH levels in normal women, it significantly increased serum TSH levels in hyperprolactinemic women. Thus, the diurnal variation in TSH secretion was demonstrated in hyperprolactinemic women with pituitary microadenoma in the face of an increased dopaminergic inhibition of TSH secretion. The present study did not provide evidence that the diurnal pattern of TSH secretion is related to the endogenous dopaminergic tone.  相似文献   

Jia X  Kohn A 《PLoS biology》2011,9(4):e1001045

We studied the plasma GH profiles in 6 patients with Turner's syndrome and 6 normal girls of short stature by sampling every 20 min for 24 hours. We observed episodic secretion of GH in these subjects. The mean plasma 24 h GH level in patients with Turner's syndrome was 3.6 +/- 1.4 (SD) ng/ml which was significantly lower than that of normal short girls (7.1 +/- 2.2 ng/ml, p less than 0.01). The GH secretion during both nighttime and daytime was decreased in the patients with Turner's syndrome, however the number of pulses did not differ significantly. There were no correlations between the mean plasma 24 h GH level on one hand and peak GH level obtained after GH provocative test and plasma somatomedin C on the other. Plasma FSH and LH levels were also measured in 4 patients with Turner's syndrome. Both levels were elevated and there observed no clear pulsatile secretion of FSH, but, some pulsatile secretion of LH was observed in two patients. These data indicate that patients with Turner's syndrome have decreased endogenous GH secretion, even though they show normal GH responses to GH provocative tests.  相似文献   

Activity budgets of captive ocelots (Leopardus pardalis) were assessed from over 547h of observational data obtained from six ocelots; two females at the Dallas Zoo (Dallas, TX), two females at the Caldwell Zoo (Tyler, TX) and a male and female at the Fossil Rim Wildlife Center (Glen Rose, TX). Data were examined for the percentage of active behaviors exhibited during the day and nighttime hours; temporal patterns of active, pace, exploratory and marking behavior, and for significance in pacing behavior between pre- and post-feeding times. The captive cats had a bimodal pattern of active behavior similar to field studies of wild ocelots, except that the timing of the active peaks were closer to the diurnal hours for the captive cats. The captive ocelots were less active than wild ocelots, and more diurnal. Also, the captive cats exhibited stereotypic pacing. When the percentage of time of active behavior was assessed for each cat, a strong variation between individuals and institution was not seen. Pacing behavior was highest prior to the feeding times for the cats. In assessing patterns of behavior, peaks in marking and exploratory behavior in the cats did not occur at the same time as the peaks in active behavior. However, we did see institutional differences in the pattern of exploratory and marking behavior, which may have been influenced by differing management practices.  相似文献   

Circadian rhythms reflect extensive programming of biological activity that meets and exploits the challenges and opportunities offered by the periodic nature of the environment. In the present investigation, we recorded the total activity of athletic horses kept at four different times of the year (vernal equinox, summer solstice, autumn equinox and winter solstice), to evaluate the presence of seasonal variations of daily activity rhythms. Athletic Thoroughbred horses were kept in individual boxes with paddock. Digitally integrated measure of total activity of each mare was continuously recorded by actigraphy-based data loggers. Horse total activities were not evenly distributed over the day, but they were mainly diurnal during the year. Daily activity rhythms showed clear seasonal variations, with the highest daily amount of activity during the vernal equinox and the lowest during the winter solstice. Interestingly, the amount of activity during either photophase or scotophase changed significantly throughout the year. Circadian analysis of horse activities showed that the acrophase, the estimated time at which the peak of the rhythm occurs, did not change during the year, it always occurred in the middle of the photoperiod. Analysing the time structure of long-term and continuously measured activity and feeding could be a useful method to critically evaluate athletic horse management systems in which spontaneous locomotor activity and feeding are severely limited. Circadian rhythms are present in several elements of sensory motor and psychomotor functions and these would be taken into consideration to plan the training schedules and competitions in athletic horses.  相似文献   

Stereotaxic surgery has been an invaluable tool in systems neuroscience, applied in many experiments for the creation of site-targeted lesions, injection of anatomical tracers or implantation of electrodes or microdialysis probes. In this protocol, we describe stereotaxic surgery optimized for gene delivery by recombinant adeno-associated viruses and lentiviruses in mice and rats. This method allows the manipulation of gene expression in the rodent brain with excellent spatiotemporal control; essentially any brain region of choice can be targeted and cells (or a subpopulation of cells) in that region can be stably genetically altered at any postnatal developmental stage up to adulthood. Many aspects of the method, its versatility, ease of application and high reproducibility, make it an attractive approach for studying genetic, cellular and circuit functions in the brain. The entire protocol can be completed in 1-2 hours.  相似文献   

Distribution of ectonucleotidases in the rodent brain revisited   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Nucleotides comprise a major class of signaling molecules in the nervous system. They can be released from nerve cells, glial cells, and vascular cells where they exert their function via ionotropic (P2X) or metabotropic (P2Y) receptors. Signaling via extracellular nucleotides and also adenosine is controlled and modulated by cell-surface-located enzymes (ectonucleotidases) that hydrolyze the nucleotide to the respective nucleoside. Extracellular hydrolysis of nucleotide ligands involves a considerable number of enzymes with differing catalytic properties differentially affecting the nucleotide signaling pathway. It is therefore important to investigate which type of ectonucleotidase(s) contributes to the control of nucleotide signaling in distinct cellular and physiological settings. By using a classical enzyme histochemical approach and employing various substrates, inhibitors, and knockout animals, we provide, for the first time, a comparative analysis of the overall distribution of catalytic activities reflecting four ectonucleotidase families: ecto-5′-nucleotidase, alkaline phosphatases, ectonucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolases (E-NTPDases), and ectonucleotide pyrophyphatases/phosphodiesterases (E-NPPs). We place into perspective the earlier literature and provide novel evidence for a parenchymal localization of tissue non-specific alkaline phosphatase, E-NPPs, and E-NTPDases in the mouse brain. In addition, we specify the location of ectonucleotidases within the brain vasculature. Most notably, brain vessels do not express ecto-5′-nucleotidase. The preponderance of individual enzymes differs considerably between brain locations. The contribution of all types of ectonucleotidases thus needs to be considered in physiological and pharmacological studies of purinergic signaling in the brain. This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (140/17-3).  相似文献   

Energy metabolism, oxygen consumption rate (VO2), and respiratory quotient (RQ) in mice were monitored continuously throughout 12:12-h light-dark cycles before, during, and after time-restricted feeding (RF). Mice fed ad libitum showed robust daily rhythms in both parameters: high during the dark phase and low during the light phase. The daily profile of energy metabolism in mice under daytime-only feeding was reversed at the beginning of the first fasting night. A few days after daytime-only feeding began, RF also reversed the circadian core body temperature rhythm. Moreover, RF for 6 consecutive days shifted the phases of circadian expression patterns of clock genes in liver significantly by 8-10 h. When mice were fed a high-fat (HF) diet ad libitum, the daily rhythm of RQ dampened day by day and disappeared on the sixth day of RF, whereas VO2 showed a robust daily rhythm. Mice fed HF only in the daytime had reversed VO2 and RQ rhythms. Similarly, mice fed HF only in the daytime significantly phase shifted the clock gene expression in liver, whereas ad libitum feeding with HF had no significant effect on the expression phases of liver clock genes. These results suggested that VO2 is a sensitive indicator of entrainment in the mouse liver. Moreover, physiologically, it can be determined without any surgery or constraint. On the basis of these results, we hypothesize that a change in the daily VO2 rhythm, independent of the energy source, might drive phase shifts of circadian oscillators in peripheral tissues, at least in the liver.  相似文献   

Sex differences have been identified in a variety of circadian rhythms, including free-running rhythms, light-induced phase shifts, sleep patterns, hormonal fluctuations, and rates of reentrainment. In the precocial, diurnal rodent Octodon degus, sex differences have been found in length of free-running rhythm (tau), phase response curves, rates of reentrainment, and in the use of social cues to facilitate reentrainment. Although gonadal hormones primarily organize circadian rhythms during early development, adult gonadal hormones have activational properties on various aspects of circadian rhythms in a number of species examined. Gonadectomy of adult female O. degus did not influence tau, phase angle of entrainment, or activity patterns in previous experiments. The present experiment examined the role of gonadal hormones in adult male degus' circadian wheel-running rhythms. We predicted that male gonadal hormones would have an activational effect on some aspects of circadian rhythms, particularly those in which we see sex differences. Phase angles of entrainment, tau, length of the active period (alpha), maximum and mean activity levels, and activity amplitude were examined for intact and castrated males housed in LD 12:12. Responses to light pulses while housed in constant darkness (DD) were also compared. Castration had no significant effect on tau or light-induced phase shifts. However, castration significantly increased phase angle of entrainment and decreased activity levels. The data indicate that adult gonadal steroids are not responsible for the sex differences in endogenous circadian mechanisms of O. degus (tau, PRC), although they influence activity level and phase angle of entrainment. This is most likely due to masking properties of testosterone, similar to the activity-increasing effects of estrogen during estrus in O. degus females.  相似文献   

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