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Derivatives of cytochrome c having S-methyl cysteine and ethionine substituted for methionine residue 80 have been synthesized in order to study the effects of structural perturbations near the heme on the biological function of cytochrome c. The etionine derivative has 96% as much activity as native cytochrome c in the succinate oxidase system, whereas the S-methyl cysteine analog is totally inactive.  相似文献   

Modeling studies suggest that electrons are transferred from cytochrome c to cytochrome c peroxidase (CcP) with cytochrome c predominantly bound at a site facing the gamma-meso edge of the CcP prosthetic heme group (Poulos, T.L., and Kraut, J. (1980) J. Biol. Chem. 255, 10322-10330). As shown here, guaiacol and ferrocyanide are oxidized at a different site of CcP. Thus, the oxidations of cytochrome c and guaiacol are differentially inactivated by phenylhydrazine and sodium azide. The loss of guaiacol oxidation activity correlates with covalent binding of 1 equivalent of [14C]phenylhydrazine to the protein, whereas the slower loss of cytochrome c activity correlates with the appearance of a 428-nm absorbance maximum attributed to the formation of a sigma-phenyl-iron heme complex. The delta-meso-phenyl and 8-hydroxymethyl derivatives of heme are formed as minor products. Catalytic oxidation of azide to the azidyl radical results in inactivation of CcP and formation of delta-meso-azidoheme. Reconstitution of apo-CcP with delta-meso-azido-, -ethyl-, and -(2-phenylethyl)heme yields holoproteins that give compound I species with H2O2 and exhibit 80, 59, and 31%, respectively, of the control kcat value for cytochrome c oxidation but little or no guaiacol or ferrocyanide oxidizing activity. Conversely, CcP reconstituted with gamma-meso-ethylheme is fully active in the oxidation of guaiacol and ferrocyanide but only retains 27% of the cytochrome c oxidizing activity. These results indicate that guaiacol and ferrocyanide are primarily oxidized near the delta-meso-heme edge rather than, like cytochrome c, at a surface site facing the gamma-meso edge.  相似文献   

Dilatometry is a sensitive technique for measuring volume changes occurring during a chemical reaction. We applied it to the reduction-oxidation cycle of cytochrome c oxidase, and to the binding of cytochrome c to the oxidase. We measured the volume changes that occur during the interconversion of oxidase intermediates. The numerical values of these volume changes have allowed the construction of a thermodynamic cycle that includes many of the redox intermediates. The system volume for each of the intermediates is different. We suggest that these differences arise by two mechanisms that are not mutually exclusive: intermediates in the catalytic cycle could be hydrated to different extents, and/or small voids in the protein could open and close. Based on our experience with osmotic stress, we believe that at least a portion of the volume changes represent the obligatory movement of solvent into and out of the oxidase during the combined electron and proton transfer process. The volume changes associated with the binding of cytochrome c to cytochrome c oxidase have been studied as a function of the redox state of the two proteins. The volume changes determined by dilatometry are large and negative. The data indicate quite clearly that there are structural alterations in the two proteins that occur on complex formation.  相似文献   

Mouse contains two functional, but differentially expressed, cytochrome c genes. One of these genes is expressed in all somatic tissues so far examined. The other gene is expressed only in testis and is assumed to be spermatogenesis-specific. The nucleotide sequence of four mouse cytochrome c-like genes has been determined. One of these genes (MC1) contains an intron and encodes a polypeptide sequence identical to the published mouse somatic cytochrome c amino acid sequence. The other three genes can not properly encode a mouse cytochrome c protein and appear to be pseudogenes which have arisen via an insertion into the mouse genome of a cDNA copy of a cytochrome c mRNA molecule.  相似文献   

To examine whether valinomycin induces a mitochondrial permeability transition (PT), we investigated its effects on mitochondrial functions under various conditions. The acceleration of mitochondrial respiration and swelling, induced by valinomycin, were found to be insensitive to inhibitors of the ordinary PT, indicating that valinomycin does not induce the ordinary PT. Results of experiments using mitochondria isolated from transgenic mice expressing human bcl-2 also supported this conclusion. Furthermore, evidence for induction of PT pores by valinomycin was not obtained by either electron microscopic analysis of mitochondrial configurations or by measurement of the permeability of the inner mitochondrial membrane by use of polyethylene glycol. However, valinomycin did induce a significant release of cytochrome c, and thus it may be a nice tool to study the processes of mitochondrial cytochrome c release.  相似文献   

Heme is covalently attached to cytochrome c by the enzyme cytochrome c heme lyase. To test whether heme attachment is required for import of cytochrome c into mitochondria in vivo, antibodies to cytochrome c have been used to assay the distributions of apo- and holocytochromes c in the cytoplasm and mitochondria from various strains of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Strains lacking heme lyase accumulate apocytochrome c in the cytoplasm. Similar cytoplasmic accumulation is observed for an altered apocytochrome c in which serine residues were substituted for the two cysteine residues that normally serve as sites of heme attachment, even in the presence of normal levels of heme lyase. However, detectable amounts of this altered apocytochrome c are also found inside mitochondria. The level of internalized altered apocytochrome c is decreased in a strain that completely lacks heme lyase and is greatly increased in a strain that overexpresses heme lyase. Antibodies recognizing heme lyase were used to demonstrate that the enzyme is found on the outer surface of the inner mitochondrial membrane and is not enriched at sites of contact between the inner and outer mitochondrial membranes. These results suggest that apocytochrome c is transported across the outer mitochondrial membrane by a freely reversible process, binds to heme lyase in the intermembrane space, and is then trapped inside mitochondria by an irreversible conversion to holocytochrome c accompanied by folding to the native conformation. Altered apocytochrome c lacking the ability to have heme covalently attached accumulates in mitochondria only to the extent that it remains bound to heme lyase.  相似文献   

The loop segment comprising residues 70-84 in mitochondrial cytochrome c serves to direct the polypeptide backbone to permit the functionally required heme Fe - S (Met-80) co-ordination. The primary sequence here is highly conserved, which is something rarely observed in surface loop segments and suggests that its purpose is more complex than its obvious structural role. The beta-II turn formed by Pro-76 and Gly-77 is postulated to be key to the redirection of the peptide backbone required to execute the loop. We assessed the importance of Pro-76 and Gly-77 by mutating 1 or both of these residues to alanine such that the range of allowable dihedral angles was altered, and this resulted in significant changes in physicochemical properties and biological activities. We observed structural perturbations using circular dichroism spectroscopy and thermal denaturation studies. Based on these changes, we propose that the Pro-76/Gly-77 beta-II turn precisely orients the 70s loop, not only to maintain the backbone orientation required for the formation of the axial heme ligand, but also to provide a complementary surface to physiological partners.  相似文献   

Cooperative effects are fundamental for electroprotonic energy transduction processes, crucial to sustain much of life chemistry. However, the primary cooperative mechanism by which transmembrane proteins couple the downhill transfer of electrons to the uphill activation (acidification) of protic groups is still a matter of great controversy. To understand cooperative processes fully, it is necessary to obtain the microscopic thermodynamic parameters of the functional centres and relate them to the relevant structural features, a task difficult to achieve for large proteins. The approach discussed here explores how this may be done by extrapolation from mechanisms used by simpler proteins operative in similar processes. The detailed study of small, soluble cytochromes performing electroprotonic activation has shown how they use anti-electrostatic effects to control the synchronous movement of charges. These include negative e(-)/H(+) (redox-Bohr effect) cooperativities. This capacity is the basis to discuss an unorthodox mechanism consistent with the available experimental data on the process of electroprotonic energy transduction performed by cytochrome c oxidase (CcO).  相似文献   

Oxidation of ferrocytochrome c by molecular oxygen catalysed by cytochrome c oxidase (cytochrome aa3) is coupled to translocation of H+ ions across the mitochondrial membrane. The proton pump is an intrinsic property of the cytochrome c oxidase complex as revealed by studies with phospholipid vesicles inlayed with the purified enzyme. As the conformation of cytochrome aa3 is specifically sensitive to the electrochemical proton gradient across the mitochondrial membrane, it is likely that redox energy is primarily conserved as a conformational "strain" in the cytochrome aa3 complex, followed by relaxation linked to proton translocation. Similar principles of energy conservation and transduction may apply on other respiratory chain complexes and on mitochondrial ATP synthase.  相似文献   

ATP influences the kinetics of electron transfer from cytochrome c to mitochondrial oxidase both in the membrane-embedded and detergent-solubilized forms of the enzyme. The most relevant effect is on the so-called "high affinity" binding site for cytochrome c which can be converted to "low affinity" by millimolar concentrations of ATP (Ferguson-Miller, S., Brautigan, D. L., and Margoliash, E. (1976) J. Biol. Chem. 251, 1104-1115). This phenomenon is characterized at the molecular level by the following features. ATP triggers a conformational change on the water-exposed surface of cytochrome c oxidase; in this process, carboxyl groups forming the cluster of negative charges responsible for binding cytochrome c change their accessibility to water-soluble protein modifier reagents; as a consequence the electrostatic field that controls the enzyme-substrate interaction is altered and cytochrome c appears to bind differently to oxidase; photolabeling experiments with the enzyme from bovine heart and other eukaryotic sources show that ATP cross-links specifically to the cytoplasmic subunits IV and VIII. Taken together, these data indicate that ATP can, at physiological concentration, bind to cytochrome c oxidase and induce an allosteric conformational change, thus affecting the interaction of the enzyme with cytochrome c. These findings raise the possibility that the oxidase activity may be influenced by the cell environment via cytoplasmic subunit-mediated interactions.  相似文献   

The isolated complexes of ferricytochrome c with cytochrome c oxidase, cytochrome c reductase (cytochrome bc1 or complex III), and cytochrome c1 (a subunit of cytochrome c reductase) were investigated by the method of differential chemical modification (Bosshard, H.R. (1979) Methods Biochem. Anal. 25, 273-301). By this method the chemical reactivity of each of the 19 lysyl side chains of horse cytochrome c was compared in free and in complexed cytochrome c and binding sites were deduced from altered chemical reactivities of particular lysyl side chains in complexed cytochrome c. The most important findings follow. 1. The binding sites on cytochrome c for cytochrome c oxidase and cytochrome c reductase, defined in terms of the involvement of particular lysyl residues, are indistinguishable. The two oxidation-reduction partners of cytochrome c interact at the front (exposed heme edge) and top left part of the molecule, shielding mainly lysyl residues 8, 13, 72 + 73, 86, and 87. The chemical reactivity of lysyl residues 22, 39, 53, 55, 60, 99, and 100 is unaffected by complex formation while the remaining lysyl residues in positions 5, 7, 25, 27, 79, and 88 are somewhat less reactive in the complexed molecule. 2. When bound to cytochrome c reductase or to the isolated cytochrome c1 subunit of the reductase the same lysyl side chains of cytochrome c are shielded. This indicates that cytochrome c binds to the c1 subunit of the reductase during the electron transfer process.  相似文献   

A 15-base pair, in-frame, deletion (9480del15) in the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA)-encoded cytochrome c oxidase subunit III (COX III) gene was identified previously in a patient with recurrent episodes of myoglobinuria and an isolated COX deficiency. Transmitochondrial cell lines harboring 0, 97, and 100% of the 9480del15 deletion were created by fusing human cells lacking mtDNA (rho(0) cells) with platelet and lymphocyte fractions isolated from the patient. The COX III gene mutation resulted in a severe respiratory chain defect in all mutant cell lines. Cells homoplasmic for the mutation had no detectable COX activity or respiratory ATP synthesis, and required uridine and pyruvate supplementation for growth, a phenotype similar to rho(0) cells. The cells with 97% mutated mtDNA exhibited severe reductions in both COX activity (6% of wild-type levels) and rates of ATP synthesis (9% of wild-type). The COX III polypeptide in the mutant cells, although translated at rates similar to wild-type, had reduced stability. There was no evidence for assembly of COX I, COX II, or COX III subunits in a multisubunit complex in cells homoplasmic for the mutation, thus indicating that there was no stable assembly of COX I with COX II in the absence of wild-type COX III. In contrast, the COX I and COX II subunits were assembled in cells with 97% mutated mtDNA.  相似文献   

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