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The highly conserved Saccharomyces cerevisiae Rad51 protein plays a central role in both mitotic and meiotic homologous DNA recombination. Seven members of the Rad51 family have been identified in vertebrate cells, including Rad51, Dmc1, and five Rad51-related proteins referred to as Rad51 paralogs, which share 20 to 30% sequence identity with Rad51. In chicken B lymphocyte DT40 cells, we generated a mutant with RAD51B/RAD51L1, a member of the Rad51 family, knocked out. RAD51B(-/-) cells are viable, although spontaneous chromosomal aberrations kill about 20% of the cells in each cell cycle. Rad51B deficiency impairs homologous recombinational repair (HRR), as measured by targeted integration, sister chromatid exchange, and intragenic recombination at the immunoglobulin locus. RAD51B(-/-) cells are quite sensitive to the cross-linking agents cisplatin and mitomycin C and mildly sensitive to gamma-rays. The formation of damage-induced Rad51 nuclear foci is much reduced in RAD51B(-/-) cells, suggesting that Rad51B promotes the assembly of Rad51 nucleoprotein filaments during HRR. These findings show that Rad51B is important for repairing various types of DNA lesions and maintaining chromosome integrity.  相似文献   

In addition to the recombinase Rad51, vertebrates have five paralogs of Rad51, all members of the Rad51-dependent recombination pathway. These paralogs form two complexes (Rad51C/Xrcc3 and Rad51B/C/D/Xrcc2), which play roles in somatic recombination, DNA repair and chromosome stability. However, little is known of their possible involvement in meiosis, due to the inviability of the corresponding knockout mice. We have recently reported that the Arabidopsis homolog of one of these Rad51 paralogs (AtXrcc3) is involved in DNA repair and meiotic recombination and present here Arabidopsis lines carrying mutations in three other Rad51 paralogs (AtRad51B, AtRad51C and AtXrcc2). Disruption of any one of these paralogs confers hypersensitivity to the DNA cross-linking agent Mitomycin C, but not to gamma-irradiation. Moreover, the atrad51c-1 mutant is the only one of these to show meiotic defects similar to those of the atxrcc3 mutant, and thus only the Rad51C/Xrcc3 complex is required to achieve meiosis. These results support conservation of functions of the Rad51 paralogs between vertebrates and plants and differing requirements for the Rad51 paralogs in meiosis and DNA repair.  相似文献   

Chromosomal double-strand breaks (DSBs) have the potential to permanently arrest cell cycle progression and endanger cell survival. They must therefore be efficiently repaired to preserve genome integrity and functionality. Homologous recombination (HR) provides an important error-free mechanism for DSB repair in mammalian cells. In addition to RAD51, the central recombinase activity in mammalian cells, a family of proteins known as the RAD51 paralogs and consisting of five proteins (RAD51B, RAD51C, RAD51D, XRCC2 and XRCC3), play an essential role in the DNA repair reactions through HR. The RAD51 paralogs act to transduce the DNA damage signal to effector kinases and to promote break repair. However, their precise cellular functions are not fully elucidated. Here we discuss recent advances in our understanding of how these factors mediate checkpoint responses and act in the HR repair process. In addition, we highlight potential functional similarities with the BRCA2 tumour suppressor, through the recently reported links between RAD51 paralog deficiencies and tumorigenesis triggered by genome instability.  相似文献   

Homologous recombinational repair of DNA double-strand breaks and crosslinks in human cells is likely to require Rad51 and the five Rad51 paralogs (XRCC2, XRCC3, Rad51B/Rad51L1, Rad51C/Rad51L2 and Rad51D/Rad51L3), as has been shown in chicken and rodent cells. Previously, we reported on the interactions among these proteins using baculovirus and two- and three-hybrid yeast systems. To test for interactions involving XRCC3 and Rad51C, stable human cell lines have been isolated that express (His)6-tagged versions of XRCC3 or Rad51C. Ni2+-binding experiments demonstrate that XRCC3 and Rad51C interact in human cells. In addition, we find that Rad51C, but not XRCC3, interacts directly or indirectly with Rad51B, Rad51D and XRCC2. These results argue that there are at least two complexes of Rad51 paralogs in human cells (Rad51C–XRCC3 and Rad51B–Rad51C–Rad51D–XRCC2), both containing Rad51C. Moreover, Rad51 is not found in these complexes. X-ray treatment did not alter either the level of any Rad51 paralog or the observed interactions between paralogs. However, the endogenous level of Rad51C is moderately elevated in the XRCC3-overexpressing cell line, suggesting that dimerization between these proteins might help stabilize Rad51C.  相似文献   

One of the earliest events in the signal transduction cascade that initiates a DNA damage checkpoint is the phosphorylation on serine 139 of histone H2AX (gammaH2AX) at DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs). However, the role of gammaH2AX in DNA repair is poorly understood. To address this question, we generated chicken DT40 cells carrying a serine to alanine mutation at position 139 of H2AX (H2AX(-/S139A)) and examined their DNA repair capacity. H2AX(-/S139A) cells exhibited defective homologous recombinational repair (HR) as manifested by delayed Rad51 focus formation following ionizing radiation (IR) and hypersensitivity to the topoisomerase I inhibitor, camptothecin (CPT), which causes DSBs at replication blockage. Deletion of the Rad51 paralog gene, XRCC3, also delays Rad51 focus formation. To test the interaction of Xrcc3 and gammaH2AX, we disrupted XRCC3 in H2AX(-/S139A) cells. XRCC3(-/-)/H2AX(-/S139A) mutants were not viable, although this synthetic lethality was reversed by inserting a transgene that conditionally expresses wild-type H2AX. Upon repression of the wild-type H2AX transgene, XRCC3(-/-)/H2AX(-/S139A) cells failed to form Rad51 foci and exhibited markedly increased levels of chromosomal aberrations after CPT treatment. These results indicate that H2AX and XRCC3 act in separate arms of a branched pathway to facilitate Rad51 assembly.  相似文献   

Genetic studies in rodent and chicken mutant cell lines have suggested that Rad51 paralogs (XRCC2, XRCC3, Rad51B/Rad51L1, Rad51C/Rad51L2 and Rad51D/Rad51L3) play important roles in homologous recombinational repair of DNA double-strand breaks and in maintaining chromosome stability. Previous studies using yeast two- and three-hybrid systems have shown interactions among these proteins, but it is not clear whether these interactions occur simultaneously or sequentially in vivo. By utilizing immunoprecipitation with extracts of human cells expressing epitope-tagged Rad51 paralogs, we demonstrate that XRCC2 and Rad51D, while stably interacting with each other, co-precipitate with Rad51C but not with XRCC3. In contrast, Rad51C is pulled down with XRCC3, whereas XRCC2 and Rad51D are not. In addition, Rad51B could be pulled down with Rad51C and Rad51D, but not with XRCC3. These results suggest that Rad51C is involved in two distinct in vivo complexes: Rad51B–Rad51C–Rad51D–XRCC2 and Rad51C–XRCC3. In addition, we demonstrate that Rad51 co-precipitates with XRCC3 but not with XRCC2 or Rad51D, suggesting that Rad51 can be present in an XRCC3–Rad51C–Rad51 complex. These complexes may act as functional units and serve accessory roles for Rad51 in the presynapsis stage of homologous recombinational repair.  相似文献   

Homologous recombination is of major importance for the prevention of genomic instability during chromosome duplication and repair of DNA damage, especially double-strand breaks. Biochemical experiments have revealed that during the process of homologous recombination the RAD52 group proteins, including Rad51, Rad52 and Rad54, are involved in an essential step: formation of a joint molecule between the broken DNA and the intact repair template. Accessory proteins for this reaction include the Rad51 paralogs and BRCA2. The significance of homologous recombination for the cell is underscored by the evolutionary conservation of the Rad51, Rad52 and Rad54 proteins from yeast to humans. Upon treatment of cells with ionizing radiation, the RAD52 group proteins accumulate at the sites of DNA damage into so-called foci. For the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, foci formation of Rad51 and Rad54 is abrogated in the absence of Rad52, while Rad51 foci formation does occur in the absence of the Rad51 paralog Rad55. By contrast, we show here that in mammalian cells, Rad52 is not required for foci formation of Rad51 and Rad54. Furthermore, radiation-induced foci formation of Rad51 and Rad54 is impaired in all Rad51 paralog and BRCA2 mutant cell lines tested, while Rad52 foci formation is not influenced by a mutation in any of these recombination proteins. Despite their evolutionary conservation and biochemical similarities, S. cerevisiae and mammalian Rad52 appear to differentially contribute to the DNA-damage response.  相似文献   

Rec2 is the single Rad51 paralog in Ustilago maydis. Here, we find that Rec2 is required for radiation-induced Rad51 nuclear focus formation but that Rec2 foci form independently of Rad51 and Brh2. Brh2 foci also form in the absence of Rad51 and Rec2. By coprecipitation from cleared extracts prepared from Escherichia coli cells expressing the proteins, we found that Rec2 interacts physically not only with Rad51 and itself but also with Brh2. Transgenic expression of Brh2 in rec2 mutants can effectively restore radiation resistance, but the frequencies of spontaneous Rad51 focus formation and allelic recombination are elevated. The Dss1-independent Brh2-RPA70 fusion protein is also active in restoring radiation sensitivity of rec2 but is hyperactive to an extreme degree in allelic recombination and in suppressing the meiotic block of rec2. However, the high frequency of chromosome missegregation in meiotic products is an indicator of a corrupted process. The results demonstrate that the importance of Rec2 function is not only in stimulating recombination activity but also in ensuring that recombination is properly controlled.  相似文献   

Mozlin AM  Fung CW  Symington LS 《Genetics》2008,178(1):113-126
Rad51 requires a number of other proteins, including the Rad51 paralogs, for efficient recombination in vivo. Current evidence suggests that the yeast Rad51 paralogs, Rad55 and Rad57, are important in formation or stabilization of the Rad51 nucleoprotein filament. To gain further insights into the function of the Rad51 paralogs, reporters were designed to measure spontaneous or double-strand break (DSB)-induced sister or nonsister recombination. Spontaneous sister chromatid recombination (SCR) was reduced 6000-fold in the rad57 mutant, significantly more than in the rad51 mutant. Although the DSB-induced recombination defect of rad57 was suppressed by overexpression of Rad51, elevated temperature, or expression of both mating-type alleles, the rad57 defect in spontaneous SCR was not strongly suppressed by these same factors. In addition, the UV sensitivity of the rad57 mutant was not strongly suppressed by MAT heterozygosity, even though Rad51 foci were restored under these conditions. This lack of suppression suggests that Rad55 and Rad57 have different roles in the recombinational repair of stalled replication forks compared with DSB repair. Furthermore, these data suggest that most spontaneous SCR initiates from single-stranded gaps formed at stalled replication forks rather than DSBs.  相似文献   

Rad54 protein is a member of the Swi2/Snf2-like family of DNA-dependent/stimulated ATPases that dissociate and remodel protein complexes on dsDNA. Rad54 functions in the recombinational DNA repair (RAD52) pathway. Here we show that Rad54 protein dissociates Rad51 from nucleoprotein filaments formed on dsDNA. Addition of Rad54 protein overcomes inhibition of DNA strand exchange by Rad51 protein bound to substrate dsDNA. Species preference in the Rad51 dissociation and DNA strand exchange assays underlines the importance of specific Rad54-Rad51 protein interactions. Rad51 protein is unable to release dsDNA upon ATP hydrolysis, leaving it stuck on the heteroduplex DNA product after DNA strand exchange. We suggest that Rad54 protein is involved in the turnover of Rad51-dsDNA filaments.  相似文献   

By using a multiply marked supernumerary chromosome III as an indicator, we isolated mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae that display increased rates of chromosome loss. In addition to mutations in the tubulin-encoding TUB genes, we found mutations in the CIN1, CIN2, and CIN4 genes. These genes have been defined independently by mutations causing benomyl supersensitivity and are distinct from other known yeast genes that affect chromosome segregation. Detailed phenotypic characterization of cin mutants revealed several other phenotypes similar to those of tub mutants. Null alleles of these genes caused cold sensitivity for viability. At 11 degrees C, cin mutants arrest at the mitosis stage of their cell cycle because of loss of most microtubule structure. cin1, cin2, and cin4 mutations also cause defects in two other microtubule-mediated processes, nuclear migration and nuclear fusion (karyogamy). Overproduction of the CIN1 gene product was found to cause the same phenotype as loss of function, supersensitivity to benomyl. Our findings suggest that the CIN1, CIN2, and CIN4 proteins contribute to microtubule stability either by regulating the activity of a yeast microtubule component or as structural components of microtubules.  相似文献   

Repair of DNA double-strand break (DSB) is an evolutionary conserved Rad51-mediated mechanism. In yeasts, Rad51 paralogs, Saccharomyces cerevisiae Rad55-Rad57 and Schizosaccharomyces pombe Rhp55-Rhp57 are mediators of the nucleoprotein RadS1 filament formation. As shown in this work, a novel RAD51Sp-dependent pathway of DSB repair acts in S. pombe parallel to the pathway mediated by Rad51 paralogs. A new gene dds20+ that controls this pathway was identified. The overexpression of dds20+ partially suppresses defects of mutant rhp55delta in DNA repair. Cells of dds20delta manifest hypersensitivity to a variety of genotoxins. Epistatic analysis revealed that dds20+ is a gene of the recombinational repair group. The role of Dds20 in repair of spontaneous damages occurring in the process of replication and mating-type switching remains unclear. The results obtained suggest that Dds20 has functions beyond the mitotic S phase. The Dds20 protein physically interacts with Rhp51 (Rad51Sp). Dds20 is assumed to operate at early recombinational stages and to play a specific role in the Rad51 protein filament assembly differing from that of Rad51 paralogs.  相似文献   

To achieve drug resistance Leishmania parasite alters gene copy number by using its repeated sequences widely distributed through the genome. Even though homologous recombination (HR) is ascribed to maintain genome stability, this eukaryote exploits this potent mechanism driven by the Rad51 recombinase to form beneficial extrachromosomal circular amplicons. Here, we provide insights on the formation of these circular amplicons by analyzing the functions of the Rad51 paralogs. We purified three Leishmania infantum Rad51 paralogs homologs (LiRad51-3, LiRad51-4 and LiRad51-6) all of which directly interact with LiRad51. LiRad51-3, LiRad51-4 and LiRad51-6 show differences in DNA binding and annealing capacities. Moreover, it is also noteworthy that LiRad51-3 and LiRad51-4 are able to stimulate Rad51-mediated D-loop formation. In addition, we succeed to inactivate the LiRad51-4 gene and report a decrease of circular amplicons in this mutant. The LiRad51-3 gene was found to be essential for cell viability. Thus, we propose that the LiRad51 paralogs play crucial functions in extrachromosomal circular DNA amplification to circumvent drug actions and preserve survival.  相似文献   

The unicellular green microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is a perspective model object for basic and applied research. However, its homologous recombination (HR) system which lies in the basis of double-strand DNA break repair have still not been studied. Last years the program of C. reinhardtii nuclear genome sequence is realized and different nucleotide repeats in the genome structure have been revealed that can explain a low level of HR relative to nonhomologous recombination events. Analyses of the C. reinhardtii EST (Expressed Sequence Tag)--and genome libraries permitted us to reconstruct and clone cDNA of the RAD51 gene. In present work, the cDNA was expressed, its product was purified and some basal biochemical activities were studied. The results show that Rad51C protein from lower eukaryote C. reinhardtii is identified as typical representative of the Rad51C-like subfamily of higher eukaryotes.  相似文献   

In eukaryotes, Rad51 and Rad52 are two key components of homologous recombination and recombinational repair. These two proteins interact with each other. Here we investigated the role of interaction between Rhp51 and Rad22, the fission yeast homologs of Rad51 and Rad52, respectively, on the function of each protein. We identified a direct association between the two proteins and their self-interactions both in vivo and in vitro. We also determined the binding domains of each protein that mediate these interactions. To characterize the role of Rhp51-Rad22 interaction, we used random mutagenesis to identify the mutants Rhp51 and Rad22, which cannot interact each other. Interestingly, we found that mutant Rhp51 protein, which cannot interact with either Rad22 or Rti1 (G282D), lost its DNA repair ability. In contrast, mutant Rad22 proteins, which cannot specifically bind to Rhp51 (S379L and P381L), maintained their DNA repair ability. These results suggest that the interaction between Rhp51 and Rad22 is crucial for the recombinational repair function of Rhp51. However, the significance of this interaction on the function of Rad22 remains to be characterized further.  相似文献   

In lower eukaryotes, Rad18 plays a crucial role in postreplication repair. Previously, we isolated a human homologue of RAD18 (hRAD18) and showed that human cells overexpressing hRad18 protein with a mutation in the RING finger motif are defective in postreplication repair. Here, we report the construction of RAD18-knockout mouse embryonic stem cells by gene targeting. These cells had almost the same growth rate as wild-type cells and manifested phenotypes similar to those of human cells expressing mutant Rad18 protein: hypersensitivity to multiple DNA damaging agents and a defect in postreplication repair. Mutation was not induced in the knockout cells with any higher frequencies than in wild-type cells, as shown by ouabain resistance. In the knockout cells, spontaneous sister chromatid exchange (SCE) occurred with twice the frequency observed in normal cells. After mild DNA damage, SCE was threefold higher in the knockout cells, while no increase was observed in normal cells. Stable transformation efficiencies were approximately 20-fold higher in knockout cells, and gene targeting occurred with approximately 40-fold-higher frequency than in wild-type cells at the Oct3/4 locus. These results indicate that dysfunction of Rad18 greatly increases both the frequency of homologous as well as illegitimate recombination, and that RAD18 contributes to maintenance of genomic stability through postreplication repair.  相似文献   

Davis AP  Symington LS 《Genetics》2001,159(2):515-525
The yeast RAD52 gene is essential for homology-dependent repair of DNA double-strand breaks. In vitro, Rad52 binds to single- and double-stranded DNA and promotes annealing of complementary single-stranded DNA. Genetic studies indicate that the Rad52 and Rad59 proteins act in the same recombination pathway either as a complex or through overlapping functions. Here we demonstrate physical interaction between Rad52 and Rad59 using the yeast two-hybrid system and co-immunoprecipitation from yeast extracts. Purified Rad59 efficiently anneals complementary oligonucleotides and is able to overcome the inhibition to annealing imposed by replication protein A (RPA). Although Rad59 has strand-annealing activity by itself in vitro, this activity is insufficient to promote strand annealing in vivo in the absence of Rad52. The rfa1-D288Y allele partially suppresses the in vivo strand-annealing defect of rad52 mutants, but this is independent of RAD59. These results suggest that in vivo Rad59 is unable to compete with RPA for single-stranded DNA and therefore is unable to promote single-strand annealing. Instead, Rad59 appears to augment the activity of Rad52 in strand annealing.  相似文献   

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