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洋县绿豆梁遗址位于汉水北部一级支流金水河左岸的第四级阶地上。为了配合国家重点工程项目——南水北调西线“引汉济渭”工程的建设,2014~2015年对该地点进行了发掘,揭露面积126 m2,出土和采集不同类型的石制品656件。研究显示,早期人类加工石制品的原料来自于河漫滩或阶地古老砾石层中的砾石,岩性包括石英、石英岩、硅质灰岩、石英砂岩、花岗岩等。硬锤打击法是最主要的剥片方式。石制品包含石锤、石核、石片、石器、断块和碎屑等类型。遗址石器组合中既包括刮削器、尖状器、石钻等尺寸较小的轻型石器,也包含重型刮削器、砍砸器等重型石器。通过与位于相同阶地部位、相距2 km的金水河口遗址的测年数据和地层堆积序列对比,绿豆梁遗址的年代属于中更新世时期或更早的时段。  相似文献   

位于汉水左岸一级支流金水河第四级阶地的金水河口遗址是汉水流域发现较早的一处旧石器遗址。2014年6月~2015年2月,为了配合国家重点建设工程——南水北调西线“引汉济渭”项目的实施,我们对金水流域金水镇附近的3个旧石器遗址进行了正式发掘,金水河口遗址即为其中之一。该遗址发掘面积370m2,出土不同类型石制品1210件。研究显示在金水河口遗址生活的古人类主要选取附近河滩砾石为原料进行剥片及工具加工。石制品的岩性以石英和石英岩为主,硅质灰岩次之,并少量使用了石英砂岩和花岗岩原料。古人类主要使用锤击法剥片。遗址中石核的利用效率较低,近半数石片有直接使用的痕迹。加工工具的毛坯以石片为主。工具类型除了刮削器、凹缺器、石锥等小型工具之外,还有砍砸器、手镐、重型刮削器等重型工具。遗址中碎屑数量很少。石制品组合以刮削器等小型工具为主,也包含少量重型工具。相较于汉中盆地已发现的遗址,金水河口遗址的文化面貌与洛南盆地中更新世的龙牙洞遗址更相似,但是重型工具的比例更高。由于遗址堆积物已超出了钾长石红外后释光测年法(post-IR IRSL)的测年范畴,目前只能给出遗址的埋藏时间下限,即埋藏石制品地层的年代不晚于150 ka。作为汉中盆地有明确测年的中更新世晚期遗址,金水河口遗址为我们系统了解汉江支流金水河流域和秦岭地区的石器工业特点、遗址地层堆积及年代等提供了新的、丰富的材料。  相似文献   

Recent research suggests that variation exists among and between Oldowan stone tool assemblages. Oldowan variation might represent differential constraints on raw materials used to produce these stone implements. Alternatively, variation among Oldowan assemblages could represent different methods that Oldowan producing hominins utilized to produce these lithic implements. Identifying differential patterns of stone tool production within the Oldowan has implications for assessing how stone tool technology evolved, how traditions of lithic production might have been culturally transmitted, and for defining the timing and scope of these evolutionary events. At present there is no null model to predict what morphological variation in the Oldowan should look like. Without such a model, quantifying whether Oldowan assemblages vary due to raw material constraints or whether they vary due to differences in production technique is not possible. This research establishes a null model for Oldowan lithic artifact morphological variation. To establish these expectations this research 1) models the expected range of variation through large scale reduction experiments, 2) develops an algorithm to categorize archaeological flakes based on how they are produced, and 3) statistically assesses the methods of production behavior used by Oldowan producing hominins at the site of DK from Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania via the experimental model. Results indicate that a subset of quartzite flakes deviate from the null expectations in a manner that demonstrates efficiency in flake manufacture, while some basalt flakes deviate from null expectations in a manner that demonstrates inefficiency in flake manufacture. The simultaneous presence of efficiency in stone tool production for one raw material (quartzite) and inefficiency in stone tool production for another raw material (basalt) suggests that Oldowan producing hominins at DK were able to mediate the economic costs associated with stone tool procurement by utilizing high-cost materials more efficiently than is expected and low-cost materials in an inefficient manner.  相似文献   

泥河湾盆地是早期人类扩散至东北亚最早证据所在地,越来越多的早更新世遗址的发现使得该地区在研究中国北方早更新世人类演化与生存行为领域备受学术界关注。麻地沟遗址群(MDG)是近年来新发现的早更新世遗址群,它位于泥河湾盆地岑家湾台地古人类活动集中区域,由包括E6和E7在内的9个地点组成。MDG-E6与MDG-E7地点发现于2007年,2012-2013年正式发掘,揭露面积分别为30m2和20m2,出土遗物分别有184件和174件。石制品原料主要取自遗址周边的燧石、白云岩和火山岩,类型包括石核、石片和石器等,剥片和修理技术为硬锤直接打击法且简单随意,组合特征与非洲奥杜威工业(Oldowan)相似。动物化石均很破碎,难以鉴定动物种属。根据地层和初步古地磁测年资料,推测古人类在遗址活动的年龄大致为1.07 Ma BP。  相似文献   

作为广义泥河湾盆地的重要组成部分,蔚县盆地也曾是更新世期间古人类生存活动的重要地区。2019-2020年度在蔚县盆地开展了新一轮的旧石器考古调查工作,发现并确认18处旧石器和动物化石地点,获得35件石制品以及少量动物化石。从文化遗存的出露层位来看,泥河湾河湖相地层和黄土堆积是遗物埋藏的主要地貌部位。石制品类型包括石锤、石核(含细石核)、废片和工具;原料以火山岩、燧石和石英岩为主;石核剥片和工具修理均主要采用锤击法。技术类型总体上包含了简单石核石片技术和细石叶技术两套组合。结合相关地貌、地层对比资料以及石制品的类型特征,初步推测新地点的时代分别为中更新世和晚更新世,其中含细石叶技术制品地点的年代应为晚更新世晚期。  相似文献   

The lithic assemblage of the Early Pleistocene site of Bizat Ruhama, Israel demonstrates the earliest evidence for systematic secondary knapping of flakes. The site, dated to the Matuyama chron, is one of the earliest primary context Oldowan occurrences in Eurasia. According to the experimental replication of the stone-tool production sequence, the secondary knapping of flakes was a part of a multi-stage operational sequence targeted at the production of small (<2 cm) flakes. This sequence included four stages: acquisition of chert pebbles, production of flakes, deliberate selection of flakes of specific morphologies, and their secondary knapping by free-hand or bipolar methods. The results suggest that flakes with retouch-like scars that were produced during this sequence and which commonly are interpreted as shaped tools are unintentional waste products of the small flake production. The intentional manufacture of very small flakes at Bizat Ruhama was probably an economic response to the raw material constrains. Systematic secondary knapping of flakes has not yet been reported from other Early Pleistocene sites. Systematic secondary knapping for small flake production became increasingly important only in the lithic industries of the second half of the Middle Pleistocene, almost a million years later. The results from Bizat Ruhama indicate that Oldowan stone-tool production sequence was conceptually more complex than previously suggested and offer a new perspective on the capabilities for invention and the adaptive flexibility of the Oldowan hominins.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2002,1(3):181-189
The exceptional prehistoric site of Dmanisi, in the South of Georgia, has yielded several hominid fossil remains, including three skulls and three mandibles assigned to Homo ergaster, in volcanic ashes and fluvio-lacustrine sands lying directly on a basalt flow. These levels also contain an archaic lithic industry consisting of pebble tools, cores and flakes, and large mammal remains attributed to the beginning of the Lower Pleistocene (Biharian). The basalt flow has been previously dated to about 1.85 Ma, but the overlying volcanic ash level had not yet been dated. In this paper, we present 40Ar/39Ar dating of plagioclase and glass from the volcanic ash level that has yielded Quaternary fauna, lithic artefacts and several human remains, which gives an age of 1.81±0.05 Ma. The subcontemporaneity of Hominid presence and volcanic ash deposition makes Dmanisi the oldest prehistoric site currently known in Europe and proves human presence at the gates of Europe 1.81 Ma ago. To cite this article: H. de Lumley et al., C. R. Palevol 1 (2002) 181–189.  相似文献   

天华洞旧石器遗址是金沙江中游地区财丰河流域旧石器地点群的代表性遗址之一。本文研究的材料来源于该遗址2010、2013和2016三年度的野外调查和试掘。天华洞遗址试掘位置为洞前缓坡区域,地层堆积可划分为5层,其中2-5层为遗址文化层,属红色亚黏土沉积。遗址文化层沉积结构稳定,年代数据分布在距今9.5-5万年之间。遗址共发现石制品1122件,以玄武岩为主要原料。石制品组合的内涵丰富,剥片技术和工具类型多样,一些特殊类型的石制品标本如预制石核、长石片、似-勒瓦娄哇石片、盘状石核石片、似-基纳型刮削器等代表了天华洞遗址石工业独特的技术文化面貌,也表现出西方旧石器时代中期文化的一些技术特点和因素。  相似文献   

延岭地点处于东秦岭洛南盆地南洛河第二级阶地上,属盆地西部“四十里梁塬”中部,紧邻支流县河。2012年10~11月对该地点进行发掘,揭露面积251 m2,在地表耕土层和平整土地扰动层、原生黄土和古土壤层出土石料、石核、石片、各类修理的石器、断块、碎屑等不同类型石制品856件。延岭地点加工石制品的主要原料为附近河流阶地砾石堆积中的砾石,以石英为主,石英岩次之,石英砂岩、砂岩、火成岩、硅质岩等偶有使用。剥片方式主要为锤击法,偶见砸击法。石制品以小型为主。石器组合包括刮削器、尖状器、石锥、凹缺器、薄刃斧和手镐。遗址地层光释光年代学研究显示该地点埋藏石制品的地层形成于中更新世晚期至晚更新世早期,其中距今12~7万年之间的晚更新世早期为石制品埋藏最为丰富的时段。  相似文献   

Prehistoric sites testifying to human presence older than one million years in Europe are rare, and in the current state of knowledge, the oldest of them have been dated to around 1.4–1.5 Ma. The Vallonnet cave at Roquebrune-Cap-Martin in the Alpes-Maritimes, on the Mediterranean border, is one of the oldest sites in France to have yielded evidence of human activity: a lithic assemblage of about a hundred pieces and traces of butchery on bones of an Epivillafranchian fauna. The archaeological levels of this small cave were recently dated between 1.1 and 1.2 Ma by U-Pb correlated with paleomagnetic data. The site was occupied alternately by large carnivores that used it as a den or a lair, and by hominins that stayed there briefly in bivouac. The lithic remains are mainly percussion tools, shaped pebbles, flakes and cores, whose raw materials are local, or even semi-local, and on the whole not very diversified with mainly limestone, and to a lesser extent sandstone, quartzite, flint and quartz. This assemblage is attributed to a Mode 1 technology (Oldowayen), among which macro-tools (hammerstones, shaped and fractured pebbles) are found alongside rarer elements resulting from debitage operating chains aimed at producing sharp-edged flakes, very rarely retouched. The bipolar-on-anvil flaking technique could be identified from the characteristics of some artifacts. Several refitting flakes on shaped pebbles or percussion tools attest to knapping and percussion activities in the cave. Hominins consumed the remains of large herbivore carcasses, as attested by the presence of cutting and fracturing marks on some bones. The presence of a freshwater source in the immediate vicinity, and the knapping and butchering activities here therefore document the subsistence behavior of Lower Pleistocene human groups, certainly in competition with the carnivores present.  相似文献   

A new vertebrate fauna associated with lithic artefacts from the Early Pleistocene of the Hérault Valley (southern France) dated around 1.57 Ma. Some lithic artefacts associated with an Early Pleistocene (Upper Villafranchian) vertebrate fossil assemblage have been found from a quarry exploited for basalt in the lower Hérault Valley (Languedoc, southern France) at the Lézignan-le-Cèbe locality. A preliminary patrimony expertise led us to identify about 20 vertebrate taxa, and the autumnal rainfalls revealed the presence of roughly 30 lithic artefacts of “pebble culture” type. A basalt layer dated at 1.57 My directly overlies the fossiliferous level, extends along the little hill (locus 2) yielding artefacts. These new promising data offer new perspectives to improve our understanding of Early Pleistocene ecosystems (and possibly ancient hominin occupation) of southern Europe.  相似文献   

烟墩堡遗址研究   总被引:11,自引:6,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
烟墩堡遗址位于三峡地区重庆市丰都县,地处长江干流的第四级阶地,出土1300余件石制品。遗址底部的似网纹红土层是石制品的原生层位;上部的粘土层和粉砂层是流水等从高处搬运、二次堆积形成的,除石制品外,还混入新石器时代的陶片。石制品应为一套文化组合,以磨圆度较高的河床砾石为原料,类型包括石锤、断块、碎屑、石核、石片和石器,以大型和中型者为主;石片占大多数;石器以刮削器和砍砸器为主,加工简单,属中国南方旧石器时代早期砾石石器工业。零台面石片的出现对“摔碰法”技术的起源提供了线索。  相似文献   

洛南花石浪龙牙洞1995年出土石制品研究   总被引:10,自引:5,他引:5  
1995─1997年,经过连续3年对洛南盆地花石浪龙牙洞遗址的发掘,获得20余种哺乳动物、鸟类和水生动物化石以及包括人类生活踩踏面、灰烬层、烧石、烧骨和77000余件石制品在内的大量的人类文化遗迹和遗物。本文是1995年度龙牙洞内顶部扰动层及第4层上部出土的18608件各类石制品的阶段性研究成果。研究结果显示石制品是以中小型石片和简单的石片工具为代表的旧石器时代早期文化,而龙牙洞是一处内涵丰富的早期人类居住类型遗址。  相似文献   

洛南盆地槐树坪旧石器地点最初发现于1999年,该地点位于南洛河左岸(北部)支流石门河及石门河的二级支流东麻坪河(石门河一级支流为麻坪河)之间的第四级阶地上,是洛南盆地高阶地旷野旧石器地点群的代表性遗址之一。2004年4~5月和2006年6~7月,槐树坪地点曾历经两次小规模试掘。2013年4~6月,我们对该遗址进行了较大规模的系统发掘,发掘面积56 m~2,出土石锤、石料、石核、石片、工具、断块、碎屑等不同类型石制品830件。本文对2013年发掘出土的石制品进行了初步研究,统计分析结果显示,槐树坪地点加工石制品的原料来自遗址附近河流阶地砾石层中的砾石,其中以石英和石英岩为主,石英砂岩和细砂岩也有使用。剥片方式主要采用锤击法,偶见砸击法和碰砧法。石制品以中型和小型为主。工具多为石片加工而成的刮削器,偶见手斧、薄刃斧、石刀等大型工具。石器加工方向以正向居多。光释光测年数据表明,槐树坪地点埋藏石制品地层堆积物形成年代大约为距今8~9万年到1.3万年之间,其中7~8万年段的地层堆积物中包含石制品较多。槐树坪地点发现的石制品丰富了洛南盆地旧石器遗址的材料,可以使我们更深刻的了解洛南盆地高阶地旧石器遗址群的地层埋藏情况、遗址年代和石器工业内涵。  相似文献   

董哲  战世佳 《人类学学报》2022,41(2):334-341
2003-2004年,安徽省文物考古研究所对地处水阳江流域的宁国安友庄遗址开展野外调查及考古发掘,发掘面积250 m2,调查采集石制品3件,发掘出土石制品49件。石制品原料以中津河(水阳江一级支流)二级阶地底部砾石层中产出的石英岩砾石为主,少量为石英。石制品类型包括石核、石片和石器。石制品均为使用硬锤直接剥片。石制品主要出自中国南方地区常见的网纹红土和均质红土中,根据长江中下游地区第四纪红土风化壳的相关研究结果,初步推断安友庄遗址古人类生存与活动的年代延续中更新世中、晚期一段时间。虽然安友庄遗址发现石制品数量不多,但其中存在模式2技术产品,如剥取大石片的大石核、长度大于或等于10 cm的大石片,以及以手斧、大型石刀等为代表的大型切割石器,特别是比较典型的两面加工手斧在水阳江流域尚不多见。安友庄遗址的发现,为进一步讨论早期人类在长江下游地区的扩散与技术发展具有重要的科学意义。  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2018,17(8):594-615
Bifaces dominate the Acheulean stone tools recovered during the archaeological excavation of layer X of Gruta da Aroeira, dated to 389–436 ka. Faunal remains and a human cranium were found in association with this lithic assemblage. The raw materials used are mostly quartz and quartzite cobbles available in the vicinity of the site. Technological and systematic analysis shows that there are no Levallois elements and suggests that on-site knapping consisted of the reduction of centripetal cores. Flake cleavers are absent. Use-wear analysis indicates the processing of hard materials, mainly wood. Gruta da Aroeira represents one of the few Middle Pleistocene sites that provide securely dated diagnostic human remains and associated Acheulean lithics, thus representing a major step forward in our understanding of the variability of westernmost Europe's Acheulean and of the human populations that made it.  相似文献   

黑土沟遗址是泥河湾盆地目前发现的时代较古老的一处早更新世旧石器时代考古遗址。根据磁性地层学资料判断,遗址位于Matsuyama反极性时的Olduvai正极性亚时阶段,其年龄为1.77-1.95Ma。2006年,在黑土沟遗址的考古地质勘探中,查明探坑文化层厚1.33m,由4个自然层组成;在大约7.6m~3的堆积中,出土遗物20585件,包括石制品20489件,哺乳动物骨牙碎片96件。石制品中,石核、石片、断块和器物分别占0.36%、97.90%、1.00%和0.74%,在石片中竟有87.74%的数量是碎屑。器物中出现旧石器晚期常见的圆盘状刮削器。石制品保存新鲜,发现拼合标本3组。石制品绝大部分属于微型和小型标本。砸击制品在地层中的密度较大,而且含有似棱柱状石核和似石叶薄长石片。  相似文献   

The site of Pirro Nord (also known as Cava Pirro or Cava Dell’Erba) is known in literature since the 1970's of the last century as a palaeontological site, of which the mammalian fossil association constitutes a reference (local) fauna for the European latest Villafranchian. This fossil association is also known for the occurrence of some African elements. During the 2005, a lithic industry has been found in three karst fissures, together with the typical elements of the Pirro Nord vertebrate assemblage. The biochronological assessment based on the vertebrate assemblage attributes it to a time interval bracketed between 1.3 Ma and 1.7 Ma. Thus the site of Pirro Nord represents the oldest human occupation of Europe so far known. The lithic assemblage, attributable to the Mode 1, is constituted by three cores and seven flakes, and is made only on flint. Lithic artefacts have been found in stratigraphic context during the preliminary surveys of the three fissures, that they will be the object of systematic excavations in the years to come.  相似文献   

The archaeological localities of Barranco León and Fuente Nueva 3 in Orce, Grenade, in actuality have the oldest lithic artifacts in Europe; they are the oldest evidence of human occupation in the east of Europe. When compared the results from faunal analysis and magnetostratigraphical study, notably through the presence of Allophaiomys lavocati allow for a date of around 1.3 Ma. The raw material used for developing these lithic industries are, basically limestone or siliceous rocks, these raw materials selected were smoothed down in situ. The techniques used are knapping at raised with a hammerstone, and we can find all the different elements of the “chaine opératoire”. Both localities are characterised by the predominance of flakes and debris, cores, and some knapped cobbles sowing mediocre aspect. The technical and typological features of both lithic assemblages have an opportunist character but they are relatively sophisticated too.  相似文献   

The largest collection of Acheulian artefacts in the Siwalik region is from the site of Atbarapur in north-western India. The artefacts occur in reworked sediments of the Pinjore Formation, starting with the onset of the Pleistocene and continuing at places in this region till 0.6 Ma. The technical study shows two similar “chaînes opératoires”: one based on cobbles for making small flakes and the second based on boulders for large flakes. Both are short and simple: cores are not prepared and each of them produced about seven flakes. Handaxes and cleavers, typical Acheulian tools, are made on the large flakes, often struck from the ventral face of larger flakes (Kombewa method) or from split boulders. The technology compares well with the Lower Pleistocene Acheulian of peninsular India, but with slightly more refined bifaces. It also compares with assemblages from Africa and East Asia: Atbarapur stands as a milestone on the diffusion route(s) of the Acheulian.  相似文献   

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