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The strength of plant‐herbivore interactions varies spatially and through plant ontogeny, which may result in variable selection on plant defense, both among populations and life‐history stages. To test whether populations have diverged in herbivore resistance at an early plant stage, we quantified oviposition preference and larval feeding by Plutella xylostella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae) on young (5–6 weeks old) Arabidopsis lyrata (L.) O'Kane & Al‐Shehbaz (Brassicaceae) plants, originating from 12 natural populations, six from Sweden and six from Norway. Arabidopsis lyrata can be trichome‐producing or glabrous, with glabrous plants usually receiving more damage from insect herbivores in natural populations. We used the six populations polymorphic for trichome production to test whether resistance against P. xylostella differs between the glabrous and the trichome‐producing morph among young plants. There was considerable variation among populations in the number of eggs received and the proportion of leaf area consumed by P. xylostella, but not between regions (Sweden vs. Norway) or trichome morphs. Rosette size explained a significant portion of the variation in oviposition and larval feeding. The results demonstrate that among‐population variation in resistance to insect herbivory can be detected among very young individuals of the perennial herb A. lyrata. They further suggest that trichome densities are too low at this plant developmental stage to contribute to resistance, and that the observed among‐population variation in resistance is related to differences in other plant traits.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. The annual herb Arabidopsis thaliana is a prime model organism of plant molecular genetics, and is currently used to explore the molecular basis of resistance to herbivores. However, both the magnitude and the causes of variation in resistance among natural populations of A. thaliana are poorly known. The hypotheses (a) that resistance to a specialist herbivore, the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae), is positively related to the density of leaf trichomes, and (b) that oviposition preference by female moths is positively correlated to larval performance on different populations and maternal lines of the host plant were examined.
2. Variation in leaf trichome density and resistance to P. xylostella within and among six natural populations of A. thaliana in Sweden was quantified . Resistance was quantified by examining the number of eggs laid on plants exposed to ovipositing female moths and by monitoring larval development on plants of different origin.
3. Trichome density varied significantly among populations; for 4-week-old plants (exposed to ovipositing moths), it also varied significantly among maternal families within populations. The rate of oviposition varied significantly both among populations and among families within populations. This variation could partly be explained by a negative relationship between trichome density and egg number, and a positive relationship between plant size and egg number. Time to pupation, pupal mass, and time to adult eclosion did not vary among populations or maternal lines of the host plant, and offspring performance was not related to P. xylostella oviposition preference . The results indicate that A. thaliana populations may respond to selection for increased resistance to P. xylostella , and suggest that trichome production contributes to resistance against this specialist herbivore.  相似文献   

Oviposition site preference and larval mortality in a leaf-mining moth   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. 1. The univoltine leaf-mining moth, Lithocolletis quercus Ams., is endemic to Israel, where it spends its 10.5 month larval period feeding only in the leaves of Quercus calliprinos Webb.
2. We compared patterns of egg deposition and sources of larval mortality to test whether oviposition patterns and site preferences confer an enhanced likelihood of larval survival.
3. Dominant sources of larval mortality were premature leaf abscission and death from unknown causes, whereas predation, parasitism and intraspecific interference accounted for relatively little larval mortality.
4. Eggs, and thus mines, were aggregated among leaves of host trees even though premature leaf abscission was positively correlated with density of mines per leaf. Interference competition among larvae was the only other density-dependent mortality factor.
5. Oviposition patterns within leaves mitigated the probability of death from larval interference, and probably also from early leaf abscission.
6. Despite these density-dependent mortality factors, overall probability of larval survival to pupation was independent of initial density of mines on a leaf.
7. The long larval period allows synchrony between oviposition flights and times of predictable resource availability.  相似文献   

Plant volatiles mediate host finding in insect herbivores and lead to host fidelity and habitat‐specific mating, generating premating reproductive isolation and facilitating sympatric divergence. The apple fruit moth, Argyresthia conjugella Zeller (Lepidoptera: Argyresthiidae), is a particularly suitable species to study the cues and behavioural mechanisms leading to colonization of a new host: it recurrently oviposits on the non‐host plant, apple Malus domestica Borkh. (Rosaceae), where the larvae cannot complete their development. The larval host of the apple fruit moth (Lepidoptera, Argyresthiidae), is rowan Sorbus aucuparia L. (Rosaceae). Fruit setting in rowan, however, fluctuates strongly over large areas in Scandinavia. Every 2–4 years, when too few rowanberries are available for egg laying in forests, apple fruit moth females oviposit instead on apple in nearby orchards, but not on other fruits, such as pear or plum. This poses the question of which cues mediate attraction to rowan and apple, and how apple fruit moth discriminates rowan from apple. Chemical analysis and antennal recordings showed that 11 out of 15 rowan volatiles eliciting an antennal response in A. conjugella females co‐occur in rowan and apple headspace, in a different proportion. In the field, A. conjugella was attracted to several of these plant volatiles, especially to 2‐phenyl ethanol, methyl salicylate, and decanal. Addition of anethole to 2‐phenyl ethanol had a strong synergistic effect, the 1 : 1 blend is a powerful attractant for A. conjugella males and females. These results confirm that volatiles common to both plants may account for a host switch in A. conjugella from rowan to apple. Some of the most attractive compounds, including 2‐phenyl ethanol, anethole, and decanal, which have been found in several apple cultivars, were not present in the headspace of the apple cultivar, Aroma, which is also susceptible to attack by A. conjugella. This supports the idea that the odour signal from apple is suboptimal for attraction of A. conjugella, but is nonetheless sufficient for attraction, during times when rowan is not available for egg laying.  相似文献   

Ovipositional responses of gravid female Crocidosema plebejana Zeller (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) to all stages of development of its host plants Malva parviflora L. and cotton, Gossypium hirsutum L., were studied in no-choice and choice experiments. In no-choice experiments the site of oviposition and the number of eggs laid reflected the suitability of the host plant for larval survival and development. The same was true of choice experiments although conclusions drawn from these are more tentative due to high levels of heterogeneity. Results from a natural (unplanned) choice experiment in the field, suggested flowering cotton was rejected as a site for oviposition by gravid females. Results from this paper and a previous paper by the authors are combined to explain the failure of tipworm populations to persist on cotton crops after flowering.  相似文献   

Evolutionary biologists typically assume that the number of eggs fertilized or developing embryos produced is correlated with an individual's fitness. Using microsatellite markers, we document for the first time estimates of realized fitness quantified as the number of offspring surviving to adulthood in an insect under field conditions. In a territorial damselfly whose males defend tree hole oviposition sites, patterns of offspring survivorship could not be anticipated by adults. Fewer than half of the parents contributing eggs to a larval habitat realized any reproductive success from their investment. The best fitness correlate was the span over which eggs in a clutch hatched. Among parents, female fecundity and male fertilization success were poor predictors of realized fitness. Although body size was correlated with female clutch size and male mating success, larger parents did not realize greater fitness than smaller ones. The uncoupling of traditional fitness surrogates from realized fitness provides strong empirical evidence that selection at the larval stage constrains selection on mated adults.  相似文献   

Defense against natural enemies constitutes an important driver of herbivore host range evolution in the wild. Populations of the Baltimore checkerspot butterfly, Euphydryas phaeton (Nymphalidae), have recently incorporated an exotic plant, Plantago lanceolata (Plantaginaceae), into their dietary range. To understand the tritrophic consequences of utilizing this exotic host plant, we examined immune performance, chemical defense, and interactions with a natural entomopathogen (Junonia coenia densovirus, Parvoviridae) across wild populations of this specialist herbivore. We measured three immune parameters, sequestration of defensive iridoid glycosides (IGs), and viral infection load in field‐collected caterpillars using either P. lanceolata or a native plant, Chelone glabra (Plantaginaceae). We found that larvae using the exotic plant exhibited reduced immunocompetence, compositional differences in IG sequestration, and higher in situ viral burdens compared to those using the native plant. On both host plants, high IG sequestration was associated with reduced hemocyte concentration in the larval hemolymph, providing the first evidence of incompatibility between sequestered chemical defenses and the immune response (i.e., the “vulnerable host” hypothesis) from a field‐based study. However, despite this negative relationship between IG sequestration and cellular immunity, caterpillars with greater sequestration harbored lower viral loads. While survival of virus‐infected individuals decreased with increasing viral burden, it ultimately did not differ between the exotic and native plants. These results provide evidence that: (1) phytochemical sequestration may contribute to defense against pathogens even when immunity is compromised and (2) herbivore persistence on exotic plant species may be facilitated by sequestration and its role in defense against natural enemies.  相似文献   

We measured adult oviposition preference, larval growth, and feeding behaviour of the crucifer specialist Plutella xylostella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae) on plants of Brassica napus (L.) cv. Express (Brassicaceae), grown under three different sulphur regimes. The nutrient solutions used were the following: one sulphur‐free (S0), one normal sulphur (Sn, normal field concentration), and one sulphur‐rich (S+, double concentration of Sn). Females laid more eggs on Sn than on S0 plants, while only a slight, non‐significant difference was observed between Sn and S+ plants. Moreover, the development time from hatching to emergence was significantly shorter, and adults were heavier on Sn than on S0 plants. Comparing these same two parameters from Sn and S+ plants, we found a shorter development time on plants rich in sulphur, although this trend was not statistically significant. Larval feeding preferences were tested in a dual choice assay using leaf discs. A significantly higher number of larvae preferred leaf discs of Sn plants than those of S0 plants. Furthermore, the larvae preferred S+ to Sn discs. An optimal supply of sulphur to oilseed rape is necessary for a good seed harvest, and it also plays an important role in acceptance by P. xylostella of the host plant. Maintaining higher levels of sulphur in the plant nutrient solution benefits insect performance, both at the adult and larval stage.  相似文献   

Inbreeding can profoundly affect the interactions of plants with herbivores as well as with the natural enemies of the herbivores. We studied how plant inbreeding affects herbivore oviposition preference, and whether inbreeding of both plants and herbivores alters the probability of predation or parasitism of herbivore eggs. In a laboratory preference test with the specialist herbivore moth Abrostola asclepiadis and inbred and outbred Vincetoxicum hirundinaria plants, we discovered that herbivores preferred to oviposit on outbred plants. A field experiment with inbred and outbred plants that bore inbred or outbred herbivore eggs revealed that the eggs of the outbred herbivores were more likely to be lost by predation, parasitism or plant hypersensitive responses than inbred eggs. This difference did not lead to differences in the realized fecundity as the number of hatched larvae did not differ between inbred and outbred herbivores. Thus, the strength of inbreeding depression in herbivores decreases when their natural enemies are involved. Plant inbreeding did not alter the attraction of natural enemies of the eggs. We conclude that inbreeding can significantly alter the interactions of plants and herbivores at different life-history stages, and that some of these alterations are mediated by the natural enemies of the herbivores.  相似文献   

Most herbivorous insect species are restricted to a narrow taxonomic range of host plant species. Herbivore species that feed on mustard plants and their relatives in the Brassicales have evolved highly efficient detoxification mechanisms that actually prevent toxic mustard oils from forming in the bodies of the animals. However, these mechanisms likely were not present during the initial stages of specialization on mustard plants ~100 million years ago. The herbivorous fly Scaptomyza nigrita (Drosophilidae) is a specialist on a single mustard species, bittercress (Cardamine cordifolia; Brassicaceae) and is in a fly lineage that evolved to feed on mustards only in the past 10–20 million years. In contrast to many mustard specialists, S. nigrita does not prevent formation of toxic breakdown products (mustard oils) arising from glucosinolates (GLS), the primary defensive compounds in mustard plants. Therefore, it is an appealing model for dissecting the early stages of host specialization. Because mustard oils actually form in the bodies of S. nigrita, we hypothesized that in lieu of a specialized detoxification mechanism, S. nigrita may mitigate exposure to high GLS levels within plant tissues using behavioral avoidance. Here, we report that jasmonic acid (JA) treatment increased GLS biosynthesis in bittercress, repelled adult female flies, and reduced larval growth. S. nigrita larval damage also induced foliar GLS, especially in apical leaves, which correspondingly displayed the least S. nigrita damage in controlled feeding trials and field surveys. Paradoxically, flies preferred to feed and oviposit on GLS‐producing Arabidopsis thaliana despite larvae performing worse in these plants versus non‐GLS‐producing mutants. GLS may be feeding cues for S. nigrita despite their deterrent and defensive properties, which underscores the diverse relationship a mustard specialist has with its host when lacking a specialized means of mustard oil detoxification.  相似文献   

Abstract. Mated female Brachymeria intermedia (Hymenoptera: Chalcididae) deprived, since emergence, from pupae of their host Lymantria dispar (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae), accumulated eggs but had a very low rate of hostacceptance. Parasitoids that were host-deprived after encountering pupae early in life also accumulated eggs, but maintained a high acceptance rate. Thus early exposure to hosts promoted active reproductive behaviour. Total egg production depended on the total number of pupae encountered, indicating that B.intermedia adjust their egg production to host availability. Hence, in B. intermedia both the physiological state of the parasitoid (age and egg load) and the informational state (in this case host-availability and experience) interact to shape oviposition behaviour.  相似文献   

Incorporation of exotic plants into the diets of native herbivores is a common phenomenon, influencing interactions with natural enemies and providing insight into the tritrophic costs and benefits of dietary expansion. We evaluated how use of an exotic plant, Plantago lanceolata, impacted immune performance, development and susceptibility to pathogen infection in the neotropical herbivore Anartia jatrophae (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae). Caterpillars were reared on P. lanceolata or a native plant, Bacopa monnieri, and experimentally infected with a pathogenic virus, Junonia coenia densovirus. We found that virus-challenged herbivores exhibited higher survival rates and lower viral burdens when reared on P. lanceolata compared to B. monnieri, though immune performance and development time were largely similar on the two plants. These findings reveal that use of an exotic plant can impact the vulnerability of a native herbivore to pathogen infection, suggesting diet-mediated protection against disease as a potential mechanism facilitating the incorporation of novel resources.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. The hypotheses that genetic variation in host plant resistance of the arroyo willow affected leaf folder ( Phyllocolpa sp.) (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae) density and that genetic variation in shoot length and leaf length was correlated with resistance were tested.
2. Willows grown in pots and exposed to ovipojsition by the leaf folding sawfly in cages had significantly different densities among clones, indicating variation in resistance caused by genetic differences among conspecific host plants.
3. There was a general correspondence between leaf folder density on potted cuttings and on the plants in the field that were the sources of cuttings.
4. In behavioural choice experiments, susceptible clones (with highest leaf fold densities) had the highest oviposition activity of female leaf folders compared to clones that were resistant to the leaf folder.
5. Clones differed significantly in shoot length and leaf length among clones grown in pots, among clones in the field, and between shoots with galls and shoots without galls on clones in the field.
6. Leaf folder density was significantly positively correlated with mean shoot length on field clones in 1985 and 1986, but was not correlated with leaf length, although leaf length and shoot length were correlated.
7. Leaf length variation among willow clones accounted for a significant portion of the variation in resistance of potted willows, but shoot length was unimportant.  相似文献   

Specialist herbivores feed on a restricted number of related plant species and may suffer food shortage if overexploitation leads to periodic defoliation of their food plants. The density, size and quality of food plants are important factors that determine the host plant choice of specialist herbivores. To explore how all these factors influence their oviposition behaviour, we used the cinnabar moth Tyria jacobaeae and the hybrids of a cross between Jacobaea vulgaris and J. aquatica as a study system. While defoliation by the cinnabar moth is common in the coastal area of The Netherlands, it is relatively rare in inland ragwort population. Ragworts contain pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs) and those that are found in coastal areas are rich in jacobine-like PAs while those that occur inland are rich in erucifoline-like PAs. We tested how the oviposition preference was influenced by plant size, nitrogen and water content and PA composition. We used cinnabar moth populations from a regularly defoliated area, Meijendel, and Bertogne, a rarely defoliated area. Our results revealed no effects of nitrogen or water content on oviposition preference. Moths from both populations laid larger egg batches on the plants rich in jacobine-like PAs. Moths from Meijendel preferred larger plants and spread their eggs over more egg batches that were, on average, smaller than those of Bertogne moths. These results suggest that Meijendel moths adopted a oviposition strategy to cope with potential defoliation.  相似文献   

1. Specialisation in host plant use is strongly correlated with speciation in many plant‐feeding insects. Specialised taxa, however, could be restricted in host range due to limits in ecological availability of host plant species rather than trade‐offs in using alternate host species. 2. Moths in the genus Prodoxus are extreme specialists on Yucca and speciation is closely tied to host plant shifts. However, many Yucca ranges are allopatric. This study examined whether the bogus yucca moth Prodoxus decipiens is limited in host range because of biogeographic factors or due to differences in the characteristics of host plant species. 3. In a common garden, local P. decipiens moths that use Yucca filamentosa were exposed to individuals of five Yucca species, two that are known hosts of P. decipiens in other parts of its range and three that are used by its sister species, Prodoxus quinquepunctellus. 4. Local moths were attracted to flowers of all Yucca species and females attempted oviposition in the flowering stalks of all species. However, larvae successfully completed development to diapause in only one of the five host plant species. Larval development on non‐natal Yucca species was significantly reduced compared with the local host. 5. The results suggest that differences in host plant characteristics among Yucca species would result in strong natural selection during a host shift. Thus, specialisation in host plant use is probably due to trade‐offs involved with using novel host plant species as well as ecological availability.  相似文献   

Pine beauty moth (Panolis flammea D&S, Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) were reared individually from egg hatch to pupation on one of three host plants, Pinus sylvestris (native host plant), Pinus contorta (Central Interior seed origin – good quality introduced host) and P. contorta (Alaskan seed origin – poor quality introduced host). After emerging from the pupae the adult moths were confined to a Skeena River seed origin of P. contorta. Female pupal weight and adult life span were significantly higher on P. sylvestris than on the two lodgepole pine seed origins. Development time was, however, not significantly different between treatments, but larval mean relative growth rate was found to be negatively correlated with birth weight and positively correlated with pupal weight. The time to emerge from the pupa was also not significantly different between treatments. However, there were marked differences between the genders. Male moths lost a significantly greater proportion of their weight over the pupal stage but lived significantly longer as adults than the females. Female moths emerged from the pupal stage significantly sooner than male moths. There was no apparent advantage of large birth size when looked at in terms of subsequent performance. These results are discussed in light of current life history theory.  相似文献   

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