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Winged queens are the most common reproductives in ants. They are morphologically specialized for independent colony foundation, with wings for long-range dispersal and metabolic reserves to raise the first brood. However independent foundation can sometimes be selected against and replaced by fission, featuring short-range dispersal on the ground and reproductives that are dependent on the wingless workers for all non-reproductive tasks. We investigated the evolutionary consequences of this transition on the morphology of the reproductives by collecting 30 colonies of Odontomachus coquereli from Madagascar, the only species in the genus where winged queens have never been found. Data about colony demography, morphometry, allometry and ovarian dissections showed that the winged queen caste has been replaced by a wingless reproductive caste with distinct body proportions relative to the workers or to congeneric winged queens. The 17 reproductives that we measured exhibited little size variability. A single wingless reproductive was found in each colony, corresponding to ‘ergatoids’ in literature. Several facts suggest that colonies reproduce by fission, notably the relatively constant colony size (19±11 workers). The developmental origins of wingless reproductive phenotypes need investigation; little genetic change may be involved, as seen when Odontomachus larvae are parasitized by nematodes. The sole function of wingless reproductives in O. coquereli is reproduction, and they contrast with multi-purpose wingless reproductives found in other ants, where numerous intermorphs occur in each colony and contribute to sterile tasks. Received 15 December 2006; revised 26 February 2007; accepted 1 March 2007.  相似文献   

Many colonies of the North American ant Crematogaster smithi contain a “third female caste” in addition to queens and workers. These “intermorphs” are morphological intermediate of queens and workers and have well-developed ovaries but lack a spermatheca for the storage of sperm. They are specialised for laying large numbers of unfertilised, viable eggs, most of which serve as food for larvae and adults, though a few may eventually develop into males. Based on the assumption that cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs) in social insects honestly signal the reproductive status of an individual we investigated the CHC of mated mature queens, virgin queens, intermorphs and workers. We expected intermorphs to show chemical profiles intermediate between those of mated queens and non-reproductive workers. A discriminant analysis of the chemical profiles reliably separated queens, virgin queens, and workers, but failed to distinguish between queens and intermorphs even though workers were apparently capable of doing so.  相似文献   

Aron S  Passera L 《Animal behaviour》1999,57(2):325-329
In ants, young queens can found new colonies independently (without the help of workers) or dependently (with the help of workers). It has been suggested that differences in the mode of colony founding strongly influence queen survival and colony development. This is because independent queens are constrained to produce a worker force rapidly, before they deplete their body reserves and to resist the intense intercolony competition during the founding stage. By contrast, queens that found colonies dependently remain with the workers, which probably results in a lower mortality rate and earlier production of reproductive offspring. Consequently, in species that found independently, queens of incipient colonies are expected to produce mostly worker brood by laying a lower fraction of haploid (male) eggs than queens in mature colonies; such a difference would not occur in species founding dependently. We compared the primary sex ratio (proportion of male-determined eggs) laid by queens in incipient and mature colonies of two ant species Lasius nigerLinepithema humile, showing independent and dependent modes of colony founding, respectively. As predicted L. niger queens of incipient colonies laid a lower proportion of haploid eggs than queens from mature colonies. By contrast, queens of L. humile laid a similar proportion of haploid eggs in both incipient and mature colonies. These results provide the first evidence that (1) the primary sex ratio varies according to the mode of colony foundation, and (2) queens can adjust the primary sex ratio according to the life history stage of the colony in ants. Copyright 1999 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Social insect colonies are like fortresses, well protected and rich in shared stored resources. This makes them ideal targets for exploitation by predators, parasites and competitors. Colonies of Myrmica rubra ants are sometimes exploited by the parasitic butterfly Maculinea alcon. Maculinea alcon gains access to the ants' nests by mimicking their cuticular hydrocarbon recognition cues, which allows the parasites to blend in with their host ants. Myrmica rubra may be particularly susceptible to exploitation in this fashion as it has large, polydomous colonies with many queens and a very viscous population structure. We studied the mutual aggressive behaviour of My. rubra colonies based on predictions for recognition effectiveness. Three hypotheses were tested: first, that aggression increases with distance (geographical, genetic and chemical); second, that the more queens present in a colony and therefore the less-related workers within a colony, the less aggressively they will behave; and that colonies facing parasitism will be more aggressive than colonies experiencing less parasite pressure. Our results confirm all these predictions, supporting flexible aggression behaviour in Myrmica ants depending on context.  相似文献   

In social animals, body size can be shaped by multiple factors, such as direct genetic effects, maternal effects, or the social environment. In ants, the body size of queens correlates with the social structure of the colony: colonies headed by a single queen (monogyne) generally produce larger queens that are able to found colonies independently, whereas colonies headed by multiple queens (polygyne) tend to produce smaller queens that stay in their natal colony or disperse with workers. We performed a cross‐fostering experiment to investigate the proximate causes of queen size variation in the socially polymorphic ant Formica selysi. As expected if genetic or maternal effects influence queen size, eggs originating from monogyne colonies developed into larger queens than eggs collected from polygyne colonies, be they raised by monogyne or polygyne workers. In contrast, eggs sampled in monogyne colonies were smaller than eggs sampled in polygyne colonies. Hence, eggs from monogyne colonies are smaller but develop into larger queens than eggs from polygyne colonies, independently of the social structure of the workers caring for the brood. These results demonstrate that a genetic polymorphism or maternal effect transmitted to the eggs influences queen size, which probably affects the social structure of new colonies.  相似文献   

Kin selection theory predicts potential conflict between queen and workers over male parentage in hymenopteran societies headed by one, singly mated queen, because each party is more closely related to its own male offspring. In ‘late-switching’ colonies of the bumblebee Bombus terrestris, i.e. colonies whose queens lay haploid eggs relatively late in the colony cycle, workers start to lay male eggs shortly after the queen lays the female eggs that will develop into new queens. It has been hypothesized that this occurs because workers recognize, via a signal given by the queen instructing female larvae to commence development as queens, that egg laying is now in their kin-selected interest. This hypothesis assumes that aggressive behaviour in egg-laying workers does not substantially reduce the production of new queens, which would decrease the workers' fitness payoff from producing males. We tested the hypothesis that reproductive activity inB. terrestris workers does not reduce the production of new queens. We used microsatellite genotyping to sex eggs and hence to select eight size-matched pairs of ‘late-switching’ colonies from a set of commercial colonies. From one colony of each pair we removed every egg-laying or aggressive worker observed. From the other colony, we simultaneously removed a nonegg-laying, nonaggressive worker. Removed workers were replaced with young workers from separate colonies at equal frequencies within the pair. There was no significant difference in queen productivity between colonies with reduced or normal levels of egg-laying or aggressive workers. Therefore, as predicted, reproductive B. terrestris workers did not significantly reduce the production of new queens.  相似文献   

Abstract.  The energetics of colony founding is investigated in the fungus gardening ants (Attini) Trachymyrmex septentrionalis and Cyphomyrmex rimosus . Similar to most ants, inseminated queens of these two species found nests independently unaccompanied by workers (haplometrosis). Whereas most ant founding queens seal themselves in a chamber and do not feed when producing a brood entirely from metabolic stores (claustral founding), the majority of fungus gardening ants must forage during the founding phase (semiclaustral founding). Laboratory-reared T. septentrionalis individuals comprise 84 dealate females collected after mating flights in June 2004. Twenty are immediately killed to obtain values for queen traits and another 20 after worker emergence for queen, fungus garden and worker traits. Cyphomyrmex rimosus comprise 22 dealate females collected in June 2005; ten of which are immediately killed and similarly prepared. Newly-mated T. septentrionalis queens have 25% of their dry weight as fat; whereas newly-mated C. rimosus queens contain 11% fat. These amounts are 50–75% less than most independently founding ant species. Trachymyrmex septentrionalis queens lose merely 5% of their energetic content during colony founding, whereas the total energetic content of their brood is more than three-fold the amount lost by the queen. Incipient T. septentrionalis colonies produce approximately half as much ant biomass per gram of fungus garden as do mature colonies. Similar to most ants, T. septentrionalis produces minim workers that are approximately 40% lighter than workers from mature colonies. Regardless of their size, T. septentrionalis workers contain much lower fat than do workers of claustral species. These data indicate that fungus gardening is adaptive because colonies can produce much cheaper offspring, making colony investment much lower.  相似文献   

In colonies of primitively eusocial wasps, some dominant workers become successive queens and inherit queenship after the death of the foundress queens. Although workers in many species do not mate, workers of Polistes snelleni are capable of mating and female production. In this study, we removed foundress queens from colonies of P. snelleni to evaluate the effects of queen loss on the dominant–subordinate relationships among the remaining workers and the productivity of colonies in the species. The foundress queens were the sole egg layers in almost all of the queenright colonies. The frequency of dominance behaviour among the wasps in the queenright colonies was significantly less than in the orphan colonies. The frequency of dominance behaviour in the successive queens after queen removal was significantly more than in the foundress queens. Multiple workers had developed ovaries, including the successive queens in 66.7 % (10/15) of the orphan colonies after queen removal. The orphan colonies produced significantly more cells and eggs than the queenright colonies. Our results suggest that the reproductive potential of the successive queens in the orphan colonies is not lower than that of the foundress queens, and that the productivity of the orphan colonies is maintained rather than causing potential conflict over direct reproduction among workers.  相似文献   

Brown WD  Liautard C  Keller L 《Oecologia》2003,134(1):12-17
Formica exsecta has become an important model system for studying intraspecific variation in sex ratios. Patterns of sex allocation in polygynous (multiple queen per nest) populations of F. exsecta are generally consistent with the queen-replenishment hypothesis. This hypothesis states that colonies produce gynes (reproductive females) in order to increase queen number and enhance colony survival and/or productivity when the number of resident queens is low. However, the small proportion of colonies that raise gynes produce more than necessary for simple queen replenishment. It has been hypothesized that excess production of gynes may occur to reduce the frequency of accepting foreign unrelated gynes into the colony when workers cannot distinguish nestmate from non-nestmate queens. This explanation for excess gynes requires weak or no aggression between non-nestmates and is expected to lead to the selective execution of new queens by colonies that do not invest in the production of gynes. Experimental studies where gynes were introduced into natal and foreign colonies indeed suggested that polygynous populations of F. exsecta have a poor nestmate recognition system. Although gynes were significantly more likely to be accepted in their parental colony compared to another foreign female-producing colony, the difference was small. Moreover, encounters between workers from different colonies within the population showed very little aggression and were no more aggressive than encounters between nestmates, again suggesting a weak capacity for nestmate recognition. Our experiment also showed that colonies that produced only males executed most of the gynes that were experimentally introduced into the colony, whereas female-producing colonies accepted most gynes. This is consistent with ants using a simple rule of thumb to decrease parasitism by unrelated queens, whereby colonies selectively destroy gynes whenever gynes are not produced in the colonies.  相似文献   

短头熊蜂Bombus breviceps是云南省优势蜂种,为更好地挖掘本土熊蜂资源,繁育农业授粉蜂群,本研究从云南3个地区(屏边、个旧和昆明)收集短头熊蜂蜂王后,在相同条件下饲养,统计分析其蜂王产卵前期、工蜂发育期、蜂群生长特性、群势、产卵蜂王率及蜂群可应用率等繁育特性指标。结果表明:3个地区工蜂的发育期相同,屏边地区的蜂王产卵前期最长,蜂群始见工蜂时间及工蜂数量达到6头、30头和60头的时间也最长,均显著高于个旧地区和昆明地区(P<0.05)。3个地区短头熊蜂的群势差异不显著(P>0.05),但昆明地区的工蜂数量最少,显著低于屏边地区和个旧地区(P<0.05),而子代蜂王数量显著高于屏边地区和个旧地区(P<0.05),雄性蜂数量显著高于屏边地区(P<0.05)。昆明地区的产卵蜂王率和蜂群可应用率高于屏边地区和个旧地区。总体而言,云南的短头熊蜂群势强,产卵蜂王率75%以上,蜂群可应用率均在63%以上,易于人工繁育,具有重要的授粉利用价值。  相似文献   

In ant–plant protection mutualisms, plants provide nesting space and nutrition to defending ants. Several plant–ants are polygynous. Possessing more than one queen per colony can reduce nestmate relatedness and consequently the inclusive fitness of workers. Here, we investigated the colony structure of the obligate acacia‐ant Pseudomyrmex peperi, which competes for nesting space with several congeneric and sympatric species. Pseudomyrmex peperi had a lower colony founding success than its congeners and thus, appears to be competitively inferior during the early stages of colony development. Aggression assays showed that P. peperi establishes distinct, but highly polygynous supercolonies, which can inhabit large clusters of host trees. Analysing queens, workers, males and virgin queens from two supercolonies with eight polymorphic microsatellite markers revealed a maximum of three alleles per locus within a colony and, thus, high relatedness among nestmates. Colonies had probably been founded by one singly mated queen and supercolonies resulted from intranidal mating among colony‐derived males and daughter queens. This strategy allows colonies to grow by budding and to occupy individual plant clusters for time spans that are longer than an individual queen’s life. Ancestral states reconstruction indicated that polygyny represents the derived state within obligate acacia‐ants. We suggest that the extreme polygyny of Pseudomyrmex peperi, which is achieved by intranidal mating and thereby maintains high nestmate relatedness, might play an important role for species coexistence in a dynamic and competitive habitat.  相似文献   

In order to elucidate the dominant–subordinate relationship between the foundress and workers, five colonies of the paper wasp Polistes japonicus were observed in a netted and covered cage located outdoors. The number of workers in each colony ranged from four to eight. Workers were divided into first and second broods. Abdominal wagging and ovipositing were performed almost exclusively by the foundress throughout colony development. However, an analysis of aggressive encounters indicated that although the foundress hardly received dominance behaviors (aggression) from workers, it lacked either partially or completely the following characteristics of the queen that are usually seen in paper-wasp colonies with independent-founding queens (except in one colony that produced no second brood): the queen being socially dominant over any worker (the queen had more wins than losses in one-on-one dominance contests with any worker), exhibiting the highest frequency of dominance behaviors, and directing dominance behaviors primarily toward the socially most-dominant worker. In particular, during the mixed-brood period (when all first- and second-brood workers were present on the nest) the foundress hardly exhibited dominance behaviors toward socially dominant workers (mainly second brood) but frequently directed dominance behaviors toward socially subordinate workers (mainly first brood). The foundress disappeared in two colonies before the reproductives emerged; in these colonies the socially most-dominant worker inherited the colony and laid many eggs. The frequency of abdominal wagging by these two foundresses decreased during colony development, while it did not in the other colonies. This suggests that abdominal wagging provides information about the vigor of the performer. The superseder was socially dominant over all other workers, but spent little time wagging its abdomen and allowed some workers to lay eggs.  相似文献   

In southern Taiwan, most colonies (13 out of 14) ofParapolybia varia were founded by multiple females. Several females were present at the founding and increased up to 25 about one week after it. Observations on 2 pre-emergence colonies (in a total of 21 h) and those on 4 postemergence colonies (in 62 h) revealed the following facts: In the pre-emergence period, the top-ranking female dominated all others like a despot. Some females attending from the founding also dominated other females who joined later. Interactions among females gradually decreased in frequency after the founding and became milder. The top-dominant rarely left the nest and monopolized most of ovipositions by physically disturbing the subordinates' attempts to oviposit. Differential oophagy was not observed even when the subordinates succeeded in laying (6 cases). After the emergence of workers, the subordinate associates gradually disappeared and the colonies became monogynous (one egg-layer or queen per colony). Monogyny was also confirmed in October on 3 big colonies which had already produced reproductive forms. Eighty-six percent of females (n=50) taken from nests of early stage containing nothing or eggs alone were inseminated and 66% of them had well developed ovaries, while 90% of those (n=20) from more developed nests containing mature larvae and/or pupae were inseminated and only 25% had developed ovaries. This suggests that the ovaries of the subordinates had possibly, though not completely, degenerated through dominance interactions. Social biology ofParapolybia wasps in Taiwan. II. Based on part of a thesis presented to Hokkaido University in partial fulfillment of the Doctoral degree.  相似文献   

1. Bumblebee colonies show much variation in the number of workers, drones, and queens produced. Because this variation prevails even when colonies are kept under identical conditions, it does not seem to be caused by extrinsic factors but rather by differences between founding queens. 2. The most likely factor that could cause differences between queens is diapause. Although colonies are raised under standardised conditions, the queens often experience diapause of different length. If there are costs associated with diapause that influence post‐diapause reproduction, the diapause history of the queens could affect colony characteristics. 3. Here, several colony characteristics are compared: number of first and second brood workers; total number of workers, drones, and queens; energy spent on sexuals; sex ratio; rate of worker production; time to emergence of first reproductive; and colony lifetime. Colonies were used where the queens experienced a diapause treatment of 0 (nondiapause queens), 2, and 4 months. 4. Although no proof was found for the existence of costs associated with diapause, the colony characteristics of nondiapause queens were significantly different from those of diapause queens. Colonies of nondiapause queens produced the lowest number of workers but the highest number of young queens. 5. It is argued that these nondiapause colonies are more time‐constrained than diapause colonies because nondiapause colonies produce two generations within the same season and should therefore be more efficient in producing sexual offspring. 6. Moreover, nondiapause colonies should rear a more female‐biased sex ratio because they can be certain of the presence of males produced by other (diapause) colonies.  相似文献   

Until recently, morphological differences between castes in independent-founding polistine wasps were considered absent. This paper investigates the extent of morphological and physiological differences between reproductive (foundress and gyne) and worker castes of Belonogaster petiolata, and tests the hypothesis that caste differentiation in this species occurs pre-imaginally.Foundresses were significantly larger than workers, to the extent that foundress/worker ratios were comparable with those between queens and workers in some swarm-founding Polistinae. Early emerging workers were small, but body size increased over the colony cycle such that late-season workers were similar in size to gynes. In proportion to body size, workers possessed broader heads while foundresses and gynes had broader thoraces and gasters. All queens, 98% of subordinate foundresses, and 95% of over-wintering gynes were inseminated. Workers were never inseminated and lacked mature ovaries in colonies with active queens. However, in the absence of the queen (and other foundresses), 11% of workers developed mature ovaries. Ovarian size and fat content of foundresses and gynes was significantly greater than that of workers. The differences in external morphology and reproductive physiology between castes support the hypothesis that differentiation occurs pre-imaginally. However, imaginal factors, in particular social dominance of the queen, maintain the reproductive subordinance of workers.  相似文献   

There are five larval instars in the temperate, subterranean ponerine ant, Amblyopone silvestrii (Wheeler). An examination of the seasonal developmental patterns of immatures collected from more than 100 colonies collected in the field revealed that most or all of the newly hatched individuals overwintered as second to fifth instar larvae and emerged as adults in the next summer. The fifth instar larvae were most abundant in the colony's larval population all year round. The number of eggs present in the nest diminished temporarily in midsummer, although queens collected during this period maintained fully developed ovaries with mature oocytes. When the larvae matured, they were usually moved to temporary nests away from the nest area of the colony and finished pupation and eclosion there, while accompanied by a small number of workers. Pupation of sexuals occurred in the more distant cocoon chambers compared with pupation of workers.  相似文献   

Summary Colony composition and behavior of queens in the ponerine antOdontomachus rixosus were investigated in Bogor (West Java) and Ulu Gombak (Penisular Malaysia). The colonies had multiple dealate queens, with a maximum of 82 queens per colony. Majority of queens (92.4%) were inseminated and laid eggs, however, the degree of ovarian development slightly varied among individual queens. Queen behavior was observed for one colony in laboratory. Reproductive condition of individual queens was related with behavioral profiles. Virgin queens and mated queens having less developed ovaries engaged in foraging, larval care and grooming workers while fertile mated queens performed egg care and grooming queens. Aggressive interactions among coexisting queens were not observed.  相似文献   

Summary. Polygyny, the presence of several mated queens within the same colony, is widespread in insect societies. This phenomenon is commonly associated with ecological constraints such as limited nest sites. In habitats where solitary nest foundation is risky, monogynous colonies can reintegrate young daughter queens (secondary polygyny). We studied the reproductive structure (i.e. queen number) of the ectatommine ant Ectatomma tuberculatum from Bahia State, Brazil. This species was found to present facultative polygyny: out of a total of 130 colonies collected, 39.2% were monogynous, while 43.8% were polygynous. Polygynous colonies had significantly more workers than monogynous ones. Queen number in polygynous colonies ranged from 2 to 26, with an average of 4 ± 4 queens per colony. All nestmate queens were egg-layers with no apparent dominance hierarchy or agonistic behavior. Non-nestmate queens were adopted by monogynous colonies suggesting that polygyny is secondary, originating through queen adoption. This species is characterized by an open recognition system, which probably allows a switch from monogynous to polygynous colonies. The behavioral acts of queens showed that resident queens remained frequently immobile on or near the brood, contrarily to alien or adopted queens and gynes. In addition, monogynous queens showed no behavioral or physiological (i.e. by ovarian status) differences in comparison with polygynous ones. Secondary or facultative polygyny, probably associated with queen adoption, may have been favored in particular environmental conditions. Indeed, by increasing colony productivity (i.e. number of workers) and territory size (by budding and polydomy), polygyny could uphold E. tuberculatum as a dominant species in the mosaic of arboreal ants in Neotropical habitats.Received 7 April 2004; revised 11 November 2004; accepted 15 November 2004.  相似文献   

Females of the social wasp, Belonogaster petiolata,rub the secretion of van der Vecht's gland, located on their terminal gastral sternite, onto the nest pedicel. In bioassays, the secretion was repellent to two species of ants, while shortchain acids were effective releasers of rubbing behavior. Rubbing was associated with pedicel enlargement and departure from the nest in preemergence colonies. Its frequency was high where wasps were often exposed to ants and low where ants were rare or absent. Rubbing also decreased significantly from the pre-to the postemergence stage of the colony cycle. In both stages, subordinate foundresses rubbed more often than queens or workers. These observations support the hypothesis that rubbing behavior and the secretion of van der Vecht's gland function in chemical defense of the nest against ant predation. The general morphology of the gland in B. petiolataresembles that of the four other independent-founding polistine wasp genera.  相似文献   

Reproductive division of labour is an essential feature of insect sociality, but the regulation of sterility among colony members remains incompletely understood. Ant workers and queens are morphologically divergent and workers are only capable of producing males in a colony, although they usually do not do so. Worker policing is one mechanism proposed for their infertility and it can be expressed as either aggressive inhibition of ovarian activity among workers or destruction of worker-laid eggs. A few studies have shown that workers with developed ovaries are preferentially attacked by nest-mates, but adequate demonstration of worker policing also requires evidence that these attacks result in the suppression of ovarian activity or death. We investigated worker policing in the ponerine ant Harpegnathos saltator in which workers are able to mate and replace the founding queen. Five colonies were each divided into two groups, one of which consisted exclusively of infertile workers. Some individuals in the orphaned groups began laying eggs during the three-week separation and upon reunification these were vigorously attacked by infertile workers of the other groups. The ovarian activity of these new egg layers became inhibited, as revealed by subsequent dissection of marked individuals. Worker policing in H. saltator appears to function primarily in preventing an excess of reproductive workers.  相似文献   

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