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植被原生演替研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
许中旗  李文华  鲍维楷  许晴 《生态学报》2005,25(12):3383-3389
对植被原生演替的国内外研究进展进行了评述。植被原生演替过程受到生物因素和非生物因素的共同影响。生物因素包括种子的传播方式、对原生环境的适应能力及物种之间的关系等,依靠风力传播、对裸地的极端环境具有较强适应能力的物种更容易成为原生裸地的早期定居者,某些微生物在植物的定居具有非常重要的作用。非生物因素则包括裸地表面的形状(凹、凸、平)、粗糙度、与岩石的距离等,一些特殊的微环境能够为植物的定居创造更为优越的水分、养分条件,促进植物的定居。植被原生演替是生物驱动因素与环境阻力相互作用的结果,二者的消长决定原生演替进行的模式。大量的研究表明,植被原生演替过程并不完全遵循地衣-苔藓-草本植物-木本植物的顺序,不同环境条件下的植被原生演替过程表现出明显的复杂性,这种复杂性与原生裸地环境条件的复杂性有关。该领域的研究将侧重于以下两个方面:早期定居种的适生特征(包括解剖的和生理的)以及各种微生物对植物定居过程的影响;各种非生物环境因素对植物定居的影响。  相似文献   

大保高速公路老营段路域植被生态恢复   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
路域植被生态系统的恢复与重建不仅是道路生态学的重要研究内容,而且也是恢复生态学的重要研究领域.以大保高速公路老营段路域植被生态系统为对象,对比分析了8种植被恢复模式的作用效果与作用机理.研究结果表明,在相同的恢复时间内,自然恢复的植物群落中本土植物的比例相对较高,自然恢复是该区路域植被恢复的理想模式之一.随着恢复演替时间的推移,所有群落中木本植物的比例不断增加,草本植物的比例不断下降,植物群落分层现象明显,植物群落向原生植被发生进展或偏途演替.补播本土植物是促进植被恢复演替进程的主要途径之一,不仅可以增加乡土物种的比例、增加植物群落的多样性和均匀度,而且随着恢复时间的推移,可以形成层次明显、功能群组合合理的植物群落.人工蓝桉经济林不仅降低了植物群落及各功能群的多样性、丰富度和均匀度,而且在一定程度上增加了潜在生态风险.研究结果还表明,植物群落中当地物种的比例、植物群落的物种多样性和植物群落的盖度可以作为植被恢复成功与否的重要判定指标.  相似文献   

论述了丹霞地貌区生态演替的特征及其科学价值.认为植被演替由于时间漫长、过程复杂而对其研究具极大的难度,时空互代成为演替研究的重要手段,而这需要有完整的空间序列.丹霞地貌区存在着完整的原生演替与次生演替系列.典型丹霞地貌的山顶为原生演替的矮灌木林和乔木林,周围斜坡仍然受季节性降水侵蚀、风化、重力崩塌等作用,原生演替不断从裸露的岩石开始,故形成原生演替早期的苔藓、草本群落,随着岩石的进一步风化和苔藓、地衣等植物的作用,土壤层增厚,将原生演替继续往前推进.特殊的地质地貌过程使之不断有新的崩塌,从裸露的岩石开始的新的原生演替,如此形成不同时间系列的原生演替阶段.丹霞地貌区也存在着完整的次生演替系列,同时存在演替先锋林、演替过渡林和演替基本稳定林.这两个演替系列提供了一个非常难得的理想场所,使得生态学工作者在一个地点就可以观察到一个完整的植被演替系列.其研究可为该区域植被的经营管理和保护措施提供必要的依据.作为生态恢复参照系,对区域的植被生态恢复具有重要的指导意义.#  相似文献   

高雅  陆兆华  魏振宽  付晓  吴钢 《生态学报》2014,34(11):2844-2854
煤矿露天开采行为导致矿区岩体剥离、植被破坏和土壤物理化学性质的巨大改变,对采矿区土壤生态系统造成剧烈扰动,使其成为水土流失、滑坡等矿区潜在生态风险的主要受体。以内蒙古平庄西露天煤矿区土壤生态系统为研究对象,通过分析矿区主要景观单元的土壤理化性质、植被演替规律与土壤线虫群落结构特征,研究其生态脆弱性分布与变化规律。结果表明矿区土壤系统的成熟度与稳定度与其形成年限具有相关性,但与农田生态系统和未受扰动的自然生态系统相比,煤矿开采区与排弃物堆放区的土壤结构较差、土壤肥力偏低、动、植物群落成熟度和稳定性较差。受土壤养分条件及土壤微生物数量等因素的限制,其植被自然恢复速度慢,生态系统脆弱,需通过土壤改良、合理选种适生植物、改善土壤养分条件,促进植被重建。  相似文献   

针对世界性的草原普遍退化,以及人类利用的影响问题,该文阐述了生态系统恢复、生态演替中气候顶极、环境变化与草原状态转移、放牧利用与干扰顶极,以及人工辅助干预恢复,提出了退化草原生态系统恢复的路径与状态模式。该文特别强调:应该以生态系统为视角开展退化草原恢复,而非仅考虑植被或土壤等单一过程;同时注重干扰下的退化草原恢复,其恢复状态可能存在多个选择。退化草原恢复包括3种基本方式:1)依渐进式恢复的生态演替理论,在环境条件较好,退化程度处于中轻度的草原,借助系统自组织性,以“自然演替”能够达到顶极或近顶极状态; 2)人工辅助干预恢复:对重度或极度退化草原,突破由于非生物(土壤物理、养分等)与生物(植物定植、物种相互作用等)因素带来的限制,使用工程、物理、化学及生物生态等方法,可以恢复到某种平衡或稳定状态,或者顶极状态;3)放牧干扰恢复:通过适度家畜放牧,调控生态系统基本结构(物种组成、多样性)、主要过程(生产力形成、养分循环、反馈作用),进而促进与维持较高的草原生态系统多功能性与稳定性,对于处于中轻度的退化草原可以选择这种恢复方式。总之,退化草原恢复的目标是实现其长期稳定的生态系统多功能性。  相似文献   

海岛矿区岩质边坡植物群落演替中物种多样性的变化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过植物群落调查,采用Shannon多样性指数、Simpson优势度指数、Margalef丰富度指数和Pielou均匀度指数,结合DCA排序和一元线性回归分析,考察了舟山海岛矿区岩质边坡植物物种构成特征,研究了植物群落演替过程中生物多样性的变化。结果表明:研究区可划分为3个植物群落演替阶段(草本植物群落阶段、灌丛群落阶段和灌乔群落阶段);演替过程中,物种丰富度指数显著上升,多样性指数和优势度指数逐渐升高;具有矿区特殊生境适应性的植物配置在边坡植被恢复进程中与自然植被表现出一定的差异,演替过程依次为迁入物种生长期、迁入物种与人工导入种竞争期、迁入物种与人工导入种稳定共存期;人工导入群落演替后期的植物种大大加速了群落演替进程;合理的植物配置更能促进群落向正演替方向发展。  相似文献   

茂县土地岭植被恢复过程中物种多样性动态特征   总被引:20,自引:3,他引:17  
植被恢复是退化生态系统重建的重要途径,植被恢复过程物种多样性的变化反映了植被的恢复程度.通过群落调查和多样性分析,研究了岷江上游土地岭植被恢复过程中群落物种多样性特征.结果表明: 恢复过程中6类不同类型群落分别表现其对于不同环境特征、干扰及更新方式等的响应;森林是较灌丛更适合当地环境状况的植被类型;人工恢复无干扰和轻度干扰群落的多样性相对较高,是较好的恢复模式.重度干扰使得1年生植物与地下芽植物比例增加,其它口食性较好的多年生草本减少.较强的干扰是群落无法更新、长期处于灌丛阶段且多样性较低的重要原因.本地区人工恢复群落在更新进程和多样性维持上优于自然更新群落,种植华山松加速了本地区植被演替进程.建议以适合恢复区域的多种恢复配置方式进行造林,并避免较强干扰,可以加速群落演替进程并保持恢复群落较高的物种丰富度与多样性.  相似文献   

石漠化是我国西南喀斯特地区生态修复最严重的障碍,植被恢复是石漠化治理的重要途径。近50年来,我国开展了大量石漠化植被恢复的实践与研究,包括自然恢复与人工修复。但是,长期以来缺乏对已完成人工修复的植被的演替特征和修复效果的研究,而人工修复植被的效果评价能为石漠化生态修复提供理论依据与实践经验。以石林风景区中两类人工修复植被——栽植植被(PV)与飞播植被(ASV)为研究对象,以地带性自然植被(ZNV)为对照,研究人工修复植被中木本植物群落组成、群落多样性和种群生态位特征,以期揭示不同人工修复方式下的植被构成规律以及对有限资源的利用程度。结果表明:(1)在地带性自然植被、栽植植被和飞播植被3种植被类型中分别记录到木本植物92种(45科80属)、138种(50科101属)与44种(26科37属),3种植被类型中的共有种12种。(2)3种植被类型的Patrick丰富度指数与Shannon-Wiener多样性指数排序均呈现为地带性自然植被栽植植被飞播植被(P0.01),栽植植被与地带性自然植被之间的Jaccard相似性指数为0.14,飞播植被与地带性自然植被之间的Jaccard相似性指数为0.12;(3)3种植被类型中任意两者之间的生态位宽度均存在较大差异,但是清香木(Pistacia weinmannifolia)在3种植被类型中生态位宽度排位均靠前,利用资源能力较强;(4)生态位重叠程度的排序为地带性自然植被飞播植被栽植植被。综上,与地带性自然植被相比,人工修复植被物种多样性较低,但是人工修复植被的优势种中乡土植物占89.33%,乡土植物生态位较广,生态位重叠值偏低,植被较为稳定。在人工修复植被中,栽植植被的修复效果优于飞播植被。研究结果对未来喀斯特石漠化地区进行人工植被修复的物种规划与群落构建时具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

以典型草原大型露天煤矿排土场为研究对象, 研究不同水土保持工程措施与植物措施配置形式下排土场人工、半人工植物群落的植物种类组成、结构及物种多样性变化, 结果表明, 自然恢复的人工裸露边坡草层低矮、植物种类单一, 水土保持工程措施与植物措施相结合进行植被恢复的试验小区植物种类明显增加, 项目实施第三年试验区内共出现23 种植物, 分属10 科22 属, 单种科和单种属占优势; “生态袋一字型布设+撒播种草”试验小区出现的植物种类最多, 植物成活率高、Shannon-wiener 多样性指数、Margalef 丰富度指数较大, 这一措施配置形式在草原矿区排土场边坡植物群落快速建植和水土流失防治等方面效果均显著; 抗逆性强、具有固氮功能、性状优良的豆科牧草可作为草原矿区人工扰动后植被恢复重建的先锋物种。  相似文献   

侵蚀退化红壤自然恢复下土壤生物学质量演变特征   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
为了探讨严重侵蚀退化红壤区自然植被恢复过程中土壤生物学质量演变特征,对南方严重侵蚀退化红壤自然植被恢复的4个演替阶段(裸地,地衣地,苔藓地和草地),以及该地区人工马尾松林地的土壤微生物量、酶活性和线虫数量进行了比较研究。结果表明:在侵蚀红壤自然恢复过程中土壤生物学性质演变特征明显。在恢复初期,地衣和苔藓对土壤生物学性质的改善主要体现在土壤表层。在0~2cm土层地衣地土壤微生物量碳、氮、蔗糖酶和脲酶活性高于裸地,但差异不显著;苔藓地表层微生物量氮、脲酶和酸性磷酸酶活与人工马尾松林地已无显著差异,表明苔藓地是严重侵蚀退化红壤自然恢复过程中土壤质量改善的重要阶段。裸地、地衣地和苔藓地土壤线虫恢复程度低于微生物量和酶活性。草地土壤微生物量碳、氮和3种酶活性以及线虫数量则显著高于自然恢复初期各阶段。与人工恢复林相比较,自然恢复草地表层土壤生物学质量优于人工马尾松林地,但对深层土壤的改善效果不如林地。相关分析表明自然恢复过程中土壤微生物与酶活性的改善程度比较一致,而土壤线虫对自然植被恢复响应与微生物和酶活性不尽相同。  相似文献   

A method of vegetation establishment with rocky slopes was conducted by planting three climbing plant species (Parthenocissus tricuspidata (Sieb.et Zucc) Planch, Hedera helix and Euonymus fortunei (f. minimus)) an artificial hole drilled on a rocky slope surface of an abandoned quarry. During the experiment period for 18 months, plant growth and dynamics of soil moisture content in holes were surveyed. The results indicated that artificial holes may save soil on the rocky slope for plant growth, but water deficit was the key limiting factor to plant growth in the hot summer. P. tricuspidata and E. fortunei had higher survival and growth rates than H. helix. They showed good adaptability to the disadvantageous growing conditions of rocky slope. The experiment demonstrated that P. tricuspidata and E. fortunei could be used as pioneer plant species for revegetation of rocky slopes.  相似文献   

The large number of abandoned quarries in many countries presents challenges for restoration of these extremely degraded habitats. To understand soil and plant development in these extreme habitats at a most critical stage of restoration, we evaluated the edaphic conditions and natural vegetation of three large quarries in southern China 3, 5, and 7 years following abandonment. Although soil fertility (organic matter, and N, P, K concentrations) did not differ significantly over a few years, it was much higher than would be expected from newly weathered soil and was comparable to that of the adjacent garden soil on level ground with no slope. This suggests that soil formation on the steep slopes of quarry cliffs is a secondary migration process rather than a primary weathering process. Vegetation cover increased from 10.6 to 18.6 and 23.4%, and species abundance increased from 8 to 11 and 12 species, and from 3 to 6 and 7 families. Plant species composition changed from predominantly annual and perennial herbaceous species to a more diverse community with drought-tolerant and heliophilous shrubs. The vegetation cover was highly positively correlated with soil depth and soil volume ( p < 0.001), and also significantly correlated with soil organic matter, total N, and available N and P concentrations ( p < 0.05). This suggests that vegetation succession is more limited by available soil volume than by soil fertility during the early stages of quarry restoration.  相似文献   

矿区不同类型生态护坡工程植物多样性对环境因子的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以太原市西山矿区岩质边坡、土质边坡、岩土混合边坡3种类型生态护坡工程为对象,采用典范对应分析(CCA)排序研究不同类型边坡环境因子与物种分布的关系,并分析土壤和地形等环境因子对植物多样性的影响.结果表明:岩土混合边坡植被组成较为丰富(8科17属19种),以菊科、禾本科、豆科、葡萄科、唇形科、苦木科为主;物种丰富度指数、...  相似文献   

植被演替早期的优势物种是影响演替进程的重要因素。以半干旱黄土高原地区退化耕地植被的自然恢复为对照,于植被恢复的早期引入两年生豆科植物草木樨(Melilotus officinalis L.),在种植密度为11.3kg.hm-2条件下,考察了6年内引入草木樨对退化耕地植被恢复过程中植物群落演替进程的影响。结果表明,与自然恢复植被相比,草木樨的引入不仅可以提高地表植被覆盖度和加速植物群落演替进程,促使一些群落演替后期物种如冷蒿(Artemisia frigida)、阿尔泰狗哇花(Heteropappus altaicus)和短花针茅(Stipa breviflora)等在植被恢复的第3年出现,同时有利于提高植被生产力和稳定性。同自然恢复相比,试验期间引入草木樨后的植被地上平均生物量提高67.90%。同时,植被恢复早期生物多样性与土壤全氮含量呈显著正相关,而草木樨的引入有利于提高土壤全氮含量;在植被恢复初期(2003~2005)引入草木樨的土壤全氮平均含量比自然恢复高7.32%;试验期间土壤速效磷含量与物种丰富度呈显著负相关。因此,在半干旱区黄土高原退化耕地植被恢复早期阶段,两年生豆科植物草木樨的引入和磷肥的施用对于加快植被恢复有着积极作用。  相似文献   

Abstract Many grassland restoration projects on former arable land face problems because early successional grassland species establish vigorously and persistently but late successional grassland species fail to establish. Differences in establishment characteristics of early and late successional species might provide an explanation for the failure of many late successional species to colonize grasslands on ex‐arable land. I examined whether early and late successional species had different establishment rates in the initial years of a grassland succession, whether a specific establishment stage (seedling emergence, mortality or growth) could be identified as the key process controlling establishment, and what management would enhance the establishment of late successional grassland species. Seeds of three early and three late successional species were sown separately in ex‐arable plots with bare soil, 1‐year‐old vegetation, and 2‐year‐old vegetation. Emergence, mortality, and seedling growth were monitored for 1 year. Early successional species established successfully in the bare soil plots but failed to establish in plots with 1‐ and 2‐year‐old vegetation. Late successional species showed either lower establishment rates in the younger succession stages or decreased establishment with succession that nevertheless resulted in significant establishment in the oldest plots. Seedling emergence proved to be the key factor determining the establishment pattern of early and late successional species. In absolute numbers, emergence of late successional species was, however, similar or higher than that of early successional species, even in the earliest succession stage. The poor establishment of late successional species on former arable land could therefore not be explained solely by differences in establishment characteristics between early and late successional grassland species. Competitive processes between early and late successional species later in the life cycle probably play an important role. The results do point out that establishment of late successional species can be promoted by creating vegetative cover from the start of the restoration effort.  相似文献   

Question: Are the biophysical conditions of abandoned limestone quarry floors and natural alvars sufficiently similar to each other for alvars to be used as a model for quarry floor restoration? Location: Ontario, Canada. Methods: We measured plant species frequency and environmental and soil variables in 13 abandoned limestone quarries and used ANOVA to compare them with data previously collected from seven natural alvars. We used multivariate ordinations on the quarry floor data alone and on the combined quarry floor and alvar data to determine how plant community structure was controlled by the abiotic environment in both habitats. Results: Except for higher levels of many nutrients, the physical characteristics were similar between quarry floors and alvars. 246 plant species were found on quarry floors as compared to 283 on alvars, with 79 species in common between the two habitat types. While quarry floors supported fewer bryophytes and more exotic vascular plants compared with alvars, five alvar endemics and 24 characteristic alvar species were found to grow there. The age of the site, nutrient levels, and presence of standing water and bare rock were important factors influencing species composition in both habitats. Conclusions: Through natural revegetation alone, the abandoned quarry floors surveyed in this study have already taken on many physical and vegetation characteristics of natural alvars. This makes alvars very suitable as the restoration goal for abandoned limestone quarries.  相似文献   

张琳  陆兆华  唐思易  张萌  张润廷  黄玉凯  尚志 《生态学报》2021,41(14):5764-5774
研究植被恢复过程中植物群落组成、结构及稳定性的变化,可进一步了解到植物群落的演替过程及规律。采用空间代时间的方法对内蒙古锡林郭勒盟北电胜利露天煤矿4个排土场边坡人工恢复植被进行群落调查,在此基础上采用多样性指数与优化后的M.Godron稳定性指数对植物物种组成、物种多样性及其群落稳定性进行分析,探究不同恢复年限排土场边坡植被在恢复过程中群落特征及稳定性变化特征。结果表明:(1)排土场边坡植物物种组成共有16科44属56种,植物群落组成较简单,其中禾本科种类最多,生长型以草本植物为主。(2)随着恢复年限的增加,植物生活型由一、二年生转变为多年生,坡面优势种由人工种植植物转变为本土植物。(3)整体看,随着恢复年限增加,物种多样性呈下降趋势,群落稳定性整体呈上升趋势。(4)由于不同坡向土壤微环境差异,北坡恢复效果及稳定性好于南坡。本研究在一定程度上可为露天煤矿排土场边坡人工修复过程中植物物种及合理配置模式的选择提供科学依据。  相似文献   

To understand vegetation development during the ecological succession of rehabilitated quarries, floristic composition and structure were evaluated at different restoration phases on three quarries in Hong Kong that were planted with exotic woody species over the course of 2–14 years. A total of 113 species, of which 82 were woody species, were recorded. Exotic species dominated the overstory, and species number, richness, and diversity increased with age. Some light‐demanding early successional species were becoming dominant in the overstory vegetation at the older phases of revegetation. These species could be potential candidates for early enrichment planting with Acacia spp. Common secondary forest species occurred naturally in the understory vegetation, and were more abundant and dominant after 10 years of ecological development. The most successful restorations were on scree slopes using leguminous Acacia spp. as nurse species.  相似文献   

Based on field investigations in the East River basin in Guangdong Province, south China, the processes of vegetation development and vegetation succession on bare slopes with high erosion rates are studied. Different reforestation measures have been applied to the slopes, which have resulted in very different processes of vegetation development and succession. On an experimental plot with burned forest but surviving roots, the vegetation restored naturally and quickly because there was little soil erosion. However, in the plots suffering from long-term severe soil erosion, natural vegetation recovery on these barren slopes is very slow. After 26 years, a barren slope has only been partly colonized by poorly developed vegetation composed of heliophilous herbages and scattered shrubs. On the other hand, plantation of some selected wood species on the slope land has dramatically accelerated the vegetation recovery and succession. The plots were reforested with plantation of Acacia auriculiformis in the early 1980s. Twelve years later, the vegetation cover of the artificial forests reached 90% and an understory vegetation community consisting of local species had naturally developed. Reforestation with suitable strategies may control erosion and greatly accelerate vegetation succession in the eroded slope land in the subtropical zones.  相似文献   

Floristic composition and soil characteristics (moisture, pH, nutrient contents) in abandoned upland rice paddies of different ages were analyzed to clarify the regenerative aspects of succession as a tool for habitat restoration. The study sites represented five seral stages: newly abandoned paddy fields; successional paddy fields abandoned for 3, 7, and 10 years; and a 50‐year‐old Alnus japonica forest. A vegetation sere was apparent in changes of dominant plant species in the order Alopecurus aequalis var. amurensis (annual grass), Aneilema keisak (annual forb), Juncus effusus var. decipiens (rush), Salix koriyanagi (willow), and Alnus japonica (alder) communities. These temporal stages resemble the spatial zonation of vegetation in local riparian floodplain ecosystems, indicating a hydrosere, with soil moisture decreasing over time. Age distributions and life forms of the dominant plant species support a “tolerance” model of secondary succession, in which the established species persist into later successional stages. Persistence of earlier colonizers led to a net cumulative increase in species richness and a more even distribution of species cover with increasing field age. Between 10 and 50 years, vegetation stabilizes as an alder community. Soil moisture content decreased steadily with paddy field age after an initial rise immediately after their abandonment, whereas pools of organic matter, N, P, K, Ca, and Mg, increased with field age. The pace and direction of recovery of native vegetation and natural soil properties in these abandoned rice paddies resembled classic old field succession, a form of secondary succession that often serves as a template for guiding restoration efforts. Active intervention, in particular dismantling artificial levees, could accelerate the recovery process, but natural habitat recovery generally appears sufficiently robust to achieve “passive” restoration of this rare community without intervention.  相似文献   

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