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Ganoderma boninense is a white rot basidiomycete that causes basal stem rot disease of oil palm (Elaeis guineensis). The aims of this study were to identify endophytic basidiomycetes occurring naturally within oil palm and to assess their potential as biocontrol agents against G. boninense strain PER71 in vitro. In total, 376 isolates were recovered from samples collected from the root, stem and leaves of oil palm using Ganoderma‐selective medium. Ten of these isolates (2.7% of the total 376 isolates) were identified as basidiomycetes on the basis of clamp connections and the production of poroid basidiomes after incubation in glass jars containing PDA medium for 7–12 days. The isolates were identified using ITS rDNA sequencing as Neonothopanus nambi (five isolates), Schizophyllum commune (four isolates) and Ganoderma orbiforme (one isolate). The N. nambi isolates showed the greatest antagonistic activity against G. boninense, based on 73–85% inhibition of the radial growth measurements of G. boninense in dual culture and 76–100% inhibition of G. boninense growth in a culture filtrate assay. Possible modes of action for the antagonism shown by N. nambi against G. boninense in vitro include competition for substrate availability, space and the production of non‐volatile metabolites or antibiotics that inhibited the growth of G. boninense. Further in vivo investigations are required to determine the ability of N. nambi isolates to colonize oil palm seedlings and to protect oil palm from infection when challenged with G. boninense.  相似文献   

During January 2010, severe stunting symptoms were observed in clonally propagated oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) in West Godavari district, Andhra Pradesh, India. Leaf samples of symptomatic oil palms were collected, and the presence of phytoplasma was confirmed by nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using universal phytoplasma‐specific primer pairs P1/P7 followed by R16F2n/R16R2 for amplification of the 16S rRNA gene and semi‐nested PCR using universal phytoplasma‐specific primer pairs SecAfor1/SecArev3 followed by SecAfor2/SecArev3 for amplification of a part of the secA gene. Sequencing and BLAST analysis of the ~1.25 kb and ~480 bp of 16S rDNA and secA gene fragments indicated that the phytoplasma associated with oil palm stunting (OPS) disease was identical to 16SrI aster yellows group phytoplasma. Further characterization of the phytoplasma by in silico restriction enzyme digestion of 16S rDNA and virtual gel plotting of sequenced 16S rDNA of ~1.25 kb using iPhyClassifier online tool indicated that OPS phytoplasma is a member of 16SrI‐B subgroup and is a ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma asteris’‐related strain. Phylogenetic analysis of 16S rDNA and secA of OPS phytoplasma also grouped it with 16SrI‐B. This is the first report of association of phytoplasma of the 16SrI‐B subgroup phytoplasma with oil palm in the world.  相似文献   

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