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自噬相关基因Becn1在肺癌等多种肿瘤中处于低表达状态,具有抑制肿瘤发生发展的作用。目前,已有研究发现Becn1可以通过自噬途径参与调控肺癌的发生发展过程,且细胞自噬还与凋亡关系密切。但是,Becn1在调控肺癌发生发展过程中涉及的凋亡过程和相关机制尚未完全阐明。本研究选用肺癌细胞系PC9和A549,建立Becn1高表达的肺癌细胞模型,采用蛋白质免疫共沉淀实验和GFP-BECLIN1、DsRed-Mit荧光共定位实验首次证实了Becn1可通过线粒体途径参与调控肺癌细胞的凋亡过程。  相似文献   

Cell-death can be necrosis and apoptosis. We are investigating the mechanisms regulating the cell death that occurs on treatment of mouse cancer cell-line FM3A with antitumor 5-fluoro-2''-deoxyuridine (FUdR): necrosis occurs for the original clone F28-7, and apoptosis for its variant F28-7-A. Here we report that a microRNA (miR-351) regulates the cell death pattern. The miR-351 is expressed strongly in F28-7-A but only weakly in F28-7. Induction of a higher expression of miR-351 in F28-7 by transfecting an miRNA mimic into F28-7 resulted in a change of the death mode; necrosis to apoptosis. Furthermore, transfection of an miR-351 inhibitor into F28-7-A resulted in the morphology change, apoptosis to necrosis, in this death-by-FUdR. Possible mechanism involving lamin B1 in this miR-351’s regulatory action is discussed.  相似文献   

The elevation of intracellular cAMP content is accompanied by expression of genes whose promoter contains a Ca2+-cAMP responsive element. In vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC), activation of cAMP signaling blocks apoptosis triggered by serum deprivation. In the present study we investigated the role of gene expression in the inhibition of apoptosis by cAMP. In VSMC transfected with E1A adenovirus, incubation in the absence of serum for 6 h led to 20-fold elevation of chromatin fragmentation and 10-fold activation of caspase-3 activity, these being employed as markers of apoptosis. Forskolin induced activation of cAMP signaling was accompanied by 50% elevation of RNA synthesis and completely abolished the development of apoptosis during the initial 6 h incubation in growth factor-free medium. In 12 h apoptosis in forskolin-treated VSMC was slowly developed and after 24 h the content of chromatin fragments was 2-fold less than in control cells. Addition of actinomycin D and cycloheximide completely blocked RNA synthesis and decreased protein synthesis by 80%, respectively. Neither compound affected baseline apoptosis or its inhibition by forskolin. More than 70 newly phosphorylated proteins were observed by 2D-electrophoresis of VSMC after incubation with forskolin for 3 h; in 24 h the number of phosphoproteins triggered by forskolin was decreased by 2-3-fold. These results show that suppression of VSMC apoptosis under activation of cAMP signaling is mediated via posttranslational modification of pre-existing intermediates of the apoptotic machinery rather than by de novo synthesis of inhibitors of programmed cell death.  相似文献   

Apoptosis: Genetically Programmed Cell Death   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Extensively and successfully studied problems of programmed cell death are considered. Recent evidence on apoptosis genes is presented, including the bcl-2 family and other genes with similar functions. A scheme of pathways of the main apoptosis mechanism is constructed. Examples of associations of apoptosis and diseases are presented in a special section.  相似文献   

Many viruses express inhibitors of programmed cell death (apoptosis), thereby countering host defenses that would otherwise rapidly clear infected cells. To counter this, viruses such as adenoviruses and herpesviruses express recognizable homologs of the mammalian prosurvival protein Bcl-2. In contrast, the majority of poxviruses lack viral Bcl-2 (vBcl-2) homologs that are readily identified by sequence similarities. One such virus, myxoma virus, which is the causative agent of myxomatosis, expresses a virulence factor that is a potent inhibitor of apoptosis. In spite of the scant sequence similarity to Bcl-2, myxoma virus M11L adopts an almost identical 3-dimensional fold. We used M11L as bait in a sequence similarity search for other Bcl-2-like proteins and identified six putative vBcl-2 proteins from poxviruses. Some are potent inhibitors of apoptosis, in particular sheeppox virus SPPV14, which inhibited cell death induced by multiple agents. Importantly, SPPV14 compensated for the loss of antiapoptotic F1L in vaccinia virus and acts to directly counter the cell death mediators Bax and Bak. SPPV14 also engages a unique subset of the death-promoting BH3-only ligands, including Bim, Puma, Bmf, and Hrk. This suggests that SPPV14 may have been selected for specific biological roles as a virulence factor for sheeppox virus.  相似文献   

The mechanisms by which tumor cells extravasate to form metastasis remain controversial. Previous studies performedin vivoandin vitrodemonstrate that the contact between tumor cells and the vascular wall impairs endothelium integrity. Here, we investigated the effect of breast adenocarcinoma MCF-7 cells on the apoptosis of human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC). TUNEL labeling, nuclear morphology, and DNA electrophoresis indicated that MCF-7 cells induced a two- to fourfold increase in HUVEC apoptosis. Caspase-3 activity was significantly enhanced. Neither normal cells tested (mammary epithelial cells, fibroblasts, leukocytes) nor transformed hematopoietic cells tested (HL60, Jurkat) induced HUVEC apoptosis. On the contrary, cells derived from solid tumors (breast adenocarcinoma, MDA-MB-231 and T47D; fibrosarcoma, HT 1080) had an effect similar to that of MCF-7 cells. The induction of apoptosis requires cell-to-cell contact, since it could not be reproduced by media conditioned by MCF-7 cells cultured alone or cocultured with HUVEC. Our results suggest that cells derived from solid tumors may alter the endothelium integrity by inducing endothelial cell apoptosis. On the contrary, normal or malignant leukocytes appear to extravasate by distinct mechanisms and do not damage the endothelium. Our data may lead to a better understanding of the steps involved in tumor cell extravasation.  相似文献   

Akt is a serine threonine kinase with a major role in transducing survival signals and regulating proteins involved in apoptosis. To find new interactors of Akt involved in cell survival, we performed a two-hybrid screening in yeast using human full-length Akt c-DNA as bait and a murine c-DNA library as prey. Among the 80 clones obtained, two were identified as Bcl-w. Bcl-w is a member of the Bcl-2 family that is essential for the regulation of cellular survival, and that is up-regulated in different human tumors, such as gastric and colorectal carcinomas. Direct interaction of Bcl-w with Akt was confirmed by immunoprecipitation assays. Subsequently, we addressed the function of this interaction: by interfering with the activity or amount of Akt, we have demonstrated that Akt modulates the amount of Bcl-w protein. We have found that inhibition of Akt activity may promote apoptosis through the downregulation of Bcl-w protein and the consequential reduction in interaction of Bcl-w with pro-apoptotic members of the Bcl-2 family. Our data provide evidence that Bcl-w is a new member of the Akt pathway and that Akt may induce anti-apoptotic signals at least in part through the regulation of the amount and activity of Bcl-w.  相似文献   

Dibucaine, a local anesthetic known to interact with cell membranes, induced apoptosis in SK-N-MC human neuroblastoma cells in a dose-dependent manner. Apoptosis was demonstrated by direct visualization of morphological nuclear changes using a DAPI staining technique and confirmed by the production of characteristic ladder patterns of DNA fragmentation on gel electrophoresis. At concentrations which induced apoptosis, dibucaine significantly altered membrane fluidity, indicating that fluidity may be a major target for the cytotoxic action of dibucaine. Also, dibucaine increased intracellular calcium levels more effectively in calcium-containing Krebs–Ringer buffer than in calcium-free Krebs–Ringer buffer. Removal of extracellular calcium or addition of antioxidants or protein synthesis inhibitor effectively blocked dibucaine-induced apoptosis. These results suggest that membrane damage, intracellular calcium levels, and oxygen free radicals may be involved in the apoptosis induced by dibucaine.  相似文献   

We have examined the effects of the CDK1 inhibitor CGP74514A on cell cycle- and apoptosis-related events in human leukemia cells. An 18-hr exposure to 5 mM CGP74514A induced mitochondrial damage (i.e., loss of Dym) and apoptosis in multiple human leukemia cell lines (e.g., U937, HL-60, KG-1, CCRF-CEM, Raji, and THP; range 30-95%). In U937 cells, CGP74514A- induced apoptosis (5 mM) became apparent within 4 hr and approached 100% by 24 hr. The pan- caspase inhibitor Boc-fmk and the caspase-8 inhibitor IETD-fmk opposed CGP74514A-induced caspase-9 activation and PARP degradation, but not cytochrome c or Smac/DIABLO release. CGP74514A-mediated apoptosis was substantially blocked by ectopic expression of full-length Bcl- 2, a loop-deleted mutant Bcl-2, and Bcl-xL. CGP74514A treatment (5 mM; 18 hr) resulted in increased p21CIP1 expression, p27KIP1 degradation, diminished E2F1 expression, and dephosphorylation of p34cdc2. It also induced early (i.e., within 2 hr) inhibition of CDK1 activity and dephosphorylation of pRb, followed by pRb degradation, but did not block pRb phosphorylation at CDK2- and CDK4- specific sites. These findings indicate that the selective CDK1 inhibitor, CGP74514A, induces complex changes in cell cycle-related proteins in human leukemia cells accompanied by extensive mitochondrial damage, caspase activation, and apoptosis.

Key Words:

Leukemia, CDK1 Inhibitor, Apoptosis, CGP74514A  相似文献   

死亡受体DR5(death receptor 5)属于肿瘤坏死因子受体(tumor necrosis factor receptor,TNFR)超家族的成员,其胞质区部分含有死亡结构域(death domain,DD),广泛分布于各种肿瘤细胞和正常组织细胞的膜上.配体TRAIL与肿瘤细胞表面的DR5结合,可诱导大多数肿瘤凋亡,而对正常的组织几乎没有作用.近年来死亡受体DR5与细胞凋亡的关系已成为研究热点之一,对DR5介导细胞凋亡的机制和应用进展作一综述.  相似文献   

Clusterin, a protein associated with multiple functions, is expressed in a wide variety of mammalian tissues. Although clusterin is known to be involved in neurodegenerative diseases, ageing, and tumorigenesis, a detailed analysis of the consequences of gain- or loss-of-function approaches has yet to be performed to understand the underlying mechanisms of clusterin functions. Since clusterin levels change in neurological diseases, it is likely that clusterin contributes to cell death and degeneration in general. Zebrafish was investigated as a model system to study human diseases. During development, zebrafish clusterin was expressed in the notochord and nervous system. Embryonic overexpression of clusterin by mRNA microinjection did not affect axis formation, whereas its knock-down by anti-sense morpholino treatment resulted in neuronal cell death. To analyze the function of clusterin in neurodegeneration, a transgenic zebrafish was investigated, in which nitroreductase expression is regulated under the control of a neuron-specific huC promoter which is active between the stages of early neuronal precursors and mature neurons. Nitroreductase turns metronidazole into a cytotoxic agent that induces cell death within 12 h. After metronidazole treatment, transgenic zebrafish showed neuron-specific cell death. Interestingly, we also observed a dramatic induction of clusterin expression in the brain and spinal cord in these fish, suggesting a direct or indirect role of clusterin in neuronal cell death and thus, more generally, in neurodegeneration.  相似文献   

何光明  邓兴旺 《植物学报》2018,53(4):441-444
程序性细胞死亡(PCD)是生物体受遗传调控的自主细胞死亡现象, 在植物生长发育和抵抗环境胁迫中起重要作用。PCD的发生可受线粒体中活性氧(ROS)诱导。中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所李家洋研究组早期的研究发现了1个拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)细胞死亡突变体mod1, 并暗示植物细胞中存在叶绿体与线粒体之间的信号交流调控PCD, 但其中的具体作用机制尚不清楚。最近, 他们通过大规模筛选mod1突变体的抑制突变体, 克隆了3个新的抑制基因plNAD- MDHDiT1mMDH1。此3个基因分别编码质体定位的NAD依赖的苹果酸脱氢酶、叶绿体被膜定位的二羧酸转运蛋白1和线粒体定位的苹果酸脱氢酶1, 突变后都可抑制mod1中ROS的积累及PCD的发生。通过对这些基因进行深入的功能分析, 他们论证了苹果酸从叶绿体到线粒体的转运对线粒体中ROS的产生及随后PCD的诱导起重要作用。该研究拓展了我们对植物细胞中细胞器间交流的认识, 为我们深入理解植物PCD发生机制提供了新线索, 是该领域的一项突破性进展。  相似文献   

Limited information is available regarding the cellular mechanisms of oxaliplatin-induced painful neuropathy during exposure of patients to this drug. We therefore determined oxidative stress in cultured cells and evaluated its occurrence in C57BL/6 mice. Using both cultured neuroblastoma (SH-SY5Y) and macrophage (RAW 264.7) cell lines and also brain tissues of oxaliplatin-treated mice, we investigated whether oxaliplatin (OXA) induces oxidative stress and apoptosis. Cultured cells were treated with 2–200 µM OXA for 24 h. The effects of pharmacological inhibitors of oxidative stress or inflammation (N-acetyl cysteine, ibuprofen, acetaminophen) were also tested. Inhibitors were added 30 min before OXA treatment and then in combination with OXA for 24 h. In SH-SY5Y cells, OXA caused a significant dose-dependent decrease in viability, a large increase in ROS and NO production, lipid peroxidation and mitochondrial impairment as assessed by a drop in mitochondrial membrane potential, which are deleterious for the cell. An increase in levels of negatively charged phospholipids such as cardiolipin but also phosphatidylserine and phosphatidylinositol, was also observed. Additionally, OXA caused concentration-dependent P2X7 receptor activation, increased chromatin condensation and caspase-3 activation associated with TNF-α and IL-6 release. The majority of these toxic effects were equally observed in Raw 264.7 which also presented high levels of PGE2. Pretreatment of SH-SY5Y cells with pharmacological inhibitors significantly reduced or blocked all the neurotoxic OXA effects. In OXA-treated mice (28 mg/kg cumulated dose) significant cold hyperalgesia and oxidative stress in the tested brain areas were shown. Our study suggests that targeting P2X7 receptor activation and mitochondrial impairment might be a potential therapeutic strategy against OXA-induced neuropathic pain.  相似文献   

同型半胱氨酸诱导血管内皮细胞凋亡的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
观察不同浓度同型半胱氨酸(homocysteine,HCY)在Cu2 介导下,能否诱导培养的人脐静脉内皮细胞凋亡,以揭示HCY致血管内皮损伤的机制。采用细胞计数板检测脱落细胞量;比色法分别测定乳酸脱氢酶释放率、细胞内丙二醛含量和超氧化物歧化酶、谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶活力的改变;Hoechst 33258染色观察凋亡细胞核形态变化及流式细胞术定量测定细胞凋亡。结果表明HCY在生理浓度Cu2 的介导下,可能通过氧化应激损伤的机制而导致血管内皮细胞凋亡,这提示在体内可能通过此途径诱发动脉粥样硬化。  相似文献   

The proapoptotic Bcl-2 protein Bax by itself is sufficient to initiate apoptosis in almost all apoptotic paradigms. Thus, compounds that can facilitate disruptive Bax insertion into mitochondrial membranes have potential as cancer therapeutics. In our study, we have identified small-molecule compounds predicted to associate with the Bax hydrophobic groove by a virtual-screen approach. Among these, one lead compound (compound 106) promotes Bax-dependent but not Bak-dependent apoptosis. Importantly, this compound alters Bax protein stability in vitro and promotes the insertion of Bax into mitochondria, leading to Bax-dependent permeabilization of the mitochondrial outer membrane. Furthermore, as a single agent, compound 106 inhibits the growth of transplanted tumors, probably by inducing apoptosis in tumors. Our study has revealed a compound that activates Bax and induces Bax-dependent apoptosis, which may lead to the development of new therapeutic agents for cancer.  相似文献   

The insulin-like growth factor binding protein 6 (IGFBP6), as an inhibitor of IGF-II actions, plays an important role in inhibiting survival and migration of tumor cells. In our study, we intended to demonstrate the biological function of IGFBP6 in the development of glioma and its clinical significance. Firstly, Western blot and immunohistochemistry revealed that the expression of IGFBP6 inversely correlated with glioma grade. Secondly, multivariate analysis with the Cox proportional hazards model and Kaplan–Meier analysis indicated that IGFBP6 could be an independent prognostic factor for the survival of glioma patients. In addition, overexpression of IGFBP6 induced glioma cell apoptosis, and depletion of IGFBP6 had the opposite action. Finally, overexpression of IGFBP6 inhibited migration of glioma cells, and depletion of IGFBP6 had the opposite action. Together our findings suggest that IGFBP6 might be an important regulator and prognostic factor for glioma.  相似文献   

细胞培养过程中的细胞凋亡是细胞受环境因素的影响而发生的现象。随着对细胞凋亡的分子生物学和细胞生物学了解的深入,显示了有效地控制动物细胞培养中细胞凋亡的巨大潜力。包括采用DNA重组技术把抗细胞凋亡的基因导入细胞和在培基中加入具有抗细胞凋亡的生存因子或化合物等手段已用于控制细胞培养过程中的细胞凋亡。这些技术将大大延长细胞达到饱和密度后的培养时间,提高细胞培养系统的生产效率。  相似文献   

TRAIL ligand induces selectively apoptosis in tumor cells by binding to two death receptors (DR4 and DR5) and holds promise as a potential therapeutic agent against cancer. While it has been known for long time that TRAIL receptors are commonly expressed in wide variety of normal tissues, it is not well understood why TRAIL kills tumor cells but leaves normal cells unharmed. The prototypic oncogene c-Myc promotes the cell cycle and simultaneously primes activation of the Bcl-2 family controlled mitochondria apoptosis pathway. A striking reflection of the c-Myc-dependent apoptotic sensitization is the dramatic c-Myc-induced vulnerability of cells to TRAIL and other death receptor ligands. Here we summarize the recent findings regarding the death mechanisms of TRAIL/TRAIL receptor system and the connection of c-Myc to the mitochondrial apoptosis pathway, focusing on our work that couples c-Myc via Bak to the TRAIL death receptor pathway. Finally, we present a mitochondria-priming model to explain how c-Myc-Bak interaction amplifies the TRAIL-induced caspase 8-Bid pathway to induce fullblown apoptosis. We discuss the implications of these findings for understanding the selective cytotoxicity of TRAIL and for the therapeutic exploitation of the death receptor pathway.  相似文献   

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