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Structure and hemimethylated CpG binding of the SRA domain from human UHRF1   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Human UHRF1 (ubiquitin-like PHD and RING finger 1) functions to maintain CpG DNA methylation patterns through DNA replication by co-localizing with the DNA methyltransferase DNMT1 at chromatin in mammals. Recent studies show that UHRF1 binds selectively to hemimethylated CpG via its conserved SRA (SET- and RING finger-associated) domain. However, the underlying molecular mechanism is not known. Here, we report a 1.95 A resolution crystal structure of the SRA domain of human UHRF1. Using NMR structure-guided mutagenesis, electrophoretic mobility shift assay, and fluorescence anisotropy analysis, we determined key amino acid residues for methyl-DNA binding that are conserved in the SRA domain.  相似文献   

Glutamate receptors are the most prevalent excitatory neurotransmitter receptors in the vertebrate central nervous system. Determining the structural differences between the binding sites of different subtypes is crucial to our understanding of neuronal circuits and to the development of subtype specific drugs. The structures of the binding domain (S1S2) of the GluR3 (flip) AMPA receptor subunit bound to glutamate and AMPA and the GluR2 (flop) subunit bound to glutamate were determined by X‐ray crystallography to 1.9, 2.1, and 1.55 Å, respectively. Overall, the structure of GluR3 (flip) S1S2 is very similar to GluR2 (flop) S1S2 (backbone RMSD of 0.30 ± 0.05 for glutamate‐bound and 0.26 ± 0.01 for AMPA‐bound). The differences in the flip and flop isoforms are subtle and largely arise from one hydrogen bond across the dimer interface and associated water molecules. Comparison of the binding affinity for various agonists and partial agonists suggest that the S1S2 domains of GluR2 and GluR3 show only small differences in affinity, unlike what is found for the intact receptors (with the exception of one ligand, Cl‐HIBO, which has a 10‐fold difference in affinity for GluR2 vs. GluR3). Proteins 2009. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The DMC1 protein, a eukaryotic homologue of RecA that shares significant amino acid identity with RAD51, exhibits two oligomeric DNA binding forms, an octameric ring and a helical filament. In the crystal structure of the octameric ring form, the DMC1 N-terminal domain (1-81 amino acid residues) was highly flexible, with multiple conformations. On the other hand, the N-terminal domain of Rad51 makes specific interactions with the neighboring ATPase domain in the helical filament structure. To gain insights into the functional role of the N-terminal domain of DMC1, we prepared a deletion mutant, DMC1-(82-340), that lacks the N-terminal 81 amino acid residues from the human DMC1 protein. Analytical ultracentrifugation experiments revealed that, whereas full-length DMC1 forms a octamer, DMC1-(82-340) is a heptamer. Furthermore, DNA binding experiments showed that DMC1-(82-340) was completely defective in both single-stranded and double-stranded DNA binding activities. Therefore, the N-terminal domain of DMC1 is required for the formation of the octamer, which may support the proper DNA binding activity of the DMC1 protein.  相似文献   

Mapping the DNA topoisomerase III binding domain of the Sgs1 DNA helicase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Several members of the RecQ family of DNA helicases are known to interact with DNA topoisomerase III (Top3). Here we show that the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Sgs1 and Top3 proteins physically interact in cell extracts and bind directly in vitro. Sgs1 and Top3 proteins coimmunoprecipitate from cell extracts under stringent conditions, indicating that Sgs1 and Top3 are present in a stable complex. The domain of Sgs1 which interacts with Top3 was identified by expressing Sgs1 truncations in yeast. The results indicate that the NH(2)-terminal 158 amino acids of Sgs1 are sufficient for the high affinity interaction between Sgs1 and Top3. In vitro assays using purified Top3 and NH(2)-terminal Sgs1 fragments demonstrate that at least part of the interaction is through direct protein-protein interactions with these 158 amino acids. Consistent with these physical data, we find that mutant phenotypes caused by a point mutation or small deletions in the Sgs1 NH(2) terminus can be suppressed by Top3 overexpression. We conclude that Sgs1 and Top3 form a tight complex in vivo and that the first 158 amino acids of Sgs1 are necessary and sufficient for this interaction. Thus, a primary role of the Sgs1 amino terminus is to mediate the Top3 interaction.  相似文献   

The RFX DNA binding domain (DBD) is a novel highly conserved motif belonging to a large number of dimeric DNA binding proteins which have diverse regulatory functions in eukaryotic organisms, ranging from yeasts to human. To characterize this novel motif, solid phase synthesis of a 76mer polypeptide corresponding to the DBD of human hRFX1 (hRFX1/DBD), a prototypical member of the RFX family, has been optimized to yield large quantities (approximately 90 mg) of pure compound. Preliminary two-dimensional1H NMR experiments suggested the presence of helical regions in this sequence in agreement with previously reported secondary structure predictions. In gel mobility shift assays, this synthetic peptide was shown to bind in a cooperative manner the 23mer duplex oligodeoxynucleotide corresponding to the binding site of hRFX1, with a 2:1 stoichoimetry due to an inverse repeat present in the 23mer. The stoichiometry of this complex was reduced to 1:1 by decreasing the length of the DNA sequence to a 13mer oligonucleotide containing a single half-site. Surface plasmon resonance measurements were achieved using this 5'-biotylinated 13mer oligonucleotide immobilized on an avidin-coated sensor chip. Using this method an association constant (K a = 4 x 10(5)/M/s), a dissociation constant (K d = 6 x 10(-2)/s) and an equilibrium dissociation constant (K D = 153 nM) were determined for binding of hRFX1/DBD to the double-stranded 13mer oligonucleotide. In the presence of hRFX1/DBD the melting temperature of the 13mer DNA was increased by 16 degreesC, illustrating stabilization of the double-stranded conformation induced by the peptide.  相似文献   

Tankyrases are recently discovered proteins implicated in many important functions in the cell including telomere homeostasis and mitosis. Tankyrase modulates the activity of target proteins through poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation, and here we report the structure of the catalytic poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) domain of human tankyrase 1. This is the first structure of a PARP domain from the tankyrase subfamily. The present structure reveals that tankyrases contain a short zinc-binding motif, which has not been predicted. Tankyrase activity contributes to telomere elongation observed in various cancer cells and tankyrase inhibition has been suggested as a potential route for cancer therapy. In comparison with other PARPs, significant structural differences are observed in the regions lining the substrate-binding site of tankyrase 1. These findings will be of great value to facilitate structure-based design of selective PARP inhibitors, in general, and tankyrase inhibitors, in particular.  相似文献   

The human DNA methyltransferase 3A (DNMT3A) is essential for establishing DNA methylation patterns. Knowing the key factors involved in the regulation of mammalian DNA methylation is critical to furthering understanding of embryonic development and designing therapeutic approaches targeting epigenetic mechanisms. We observe substrate inhibition for the full length DNMT3A but not for its isolated catalytic domain, demonstrating that DNMT3A has a second binding site for DNA. Deletion of recognized domains of DNMT3A reveals that the conserved PWWP domain is necessary for substrate inhibition and forms at least part of the allosteric DNA binding site. The PWWP domain is demonstrated here to bind DNA in a cooperative manner with μM affinity. No clear sequence preference was observed, similar to previous observations with the isolated PWWP domain of Dnmt3b but with one order of magnitude weaker affinity. Potential roles for a low affinity, low specificity second DNA binding site are discussed.  相似文献   

The participation of the DNA ligase (hLigI) encoded by the human LIG1 gene in DNA replication and repair is mediated by an interaction with proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), a homotrimeric DNA sliding clamp. Interestingly, the catalytic fragment of hLigI encircles a DNA nick forming a ring that is similar in size and shape to the PCNA ring. Here we show that the DNA binding domain (DBD) within the hLigI catalytic fragment interacts with both PCNA and the heterotrimeric cell-cycle checkpoint clamp, hRad9-hRad1-hHus1 (9-1-1). The DBD preferentially binds to trimeric PCNA and the hRad1 subunit of 9-1-1. Unlike the majority of PCNA interacting proteins, the DBD does not interact with the interdomain connector loop region of PCNA but instead appears to interact with regions adjacent to the intersubunit interfaces within the PCNA trimer. Notably, the DBD not only binds specifically to DNA nicks but also mediates the formation of DNA protein complexes with PCNA. Based on these results, we suggest that the interface between the DBD and PCNA acts as a pivot facilitating the transition of the hLigI catalytic region fragment from an extended conformation to a ring structure when it engages a DNA nick.  相似文献   

Two families of actin regulatory proteins are the tropomodulins and tropomyosins. Tropomodulin binds to tropomyosin (TM) and to the pointed end of actin filaments and "caps" the pointed end (i.e., inhibits its polymerization and depolymerization). Tropomodulin 1 has two distinct actin-capping regions: a folded C-terminal domain (residues 160-359), which does not bind to TM, and a conserved, N-terminal region, within residues 1-92 that binds TM and requires TM for capping activity. NMR and circular dichroism were used to determine the structure of a peptide containing residues 1-92 of tropomodulin (Tmod1(1-92)) and to define its TM binding site. Tmod1(1-92) is mainly disordered with only one helical region, residues 24-35. This helix forms part of the TM binding domain, residues 1-35, which become more ordered upon binding a peptide containing the N-terminus of an alpha-TM. Mutation of L27 to E or G in the Tmod helix reduces TM affinity. Residues 49-92 are required for capping but do not bind TM. Of these, residues 67-75 have the sequence of an amphipathic helix, but are not helical. Residues 55-62 and 76-92 display negative 1H-15N heteronuclear Overhauser enhancements showing they are flexible. The conformational dynamics of these residues may be important for actin capping activity.  相似文献   

Wang D  Song Y  Li J  Wang C  Li F 《Biochimica et biophysica acta》2011,1808(6):1639-1644
DMT1 is an integral membrane protein with 12 putative transmembrane domains. As a divalent metal ion transporter, it plays an important role in metal ion homeostasis from bacteria to human. Loss-function mutations at the conserved motif DPGN located within the first transmembrane domain (TMD1) of DMT1 indicate the significance of TMD1 in the biological function of the protein. In the present work, we study the structure, topology and metal ion binding of DMT1-TMD1 peptide by nuclear magnetic resonance using sodium dodecyl sulfate and dodecylphosphocholine micelles as membrane mimics. We find that the peptide forms an α-helix-extended segment-α-helix configuration in which the motif DPGN locates at the central flexible region. The N-terminal part of the peptide is deeply embedded in micelles, while the motif section and the C-terminal part are close to the surface of micelles. The peptide can bind to Mn2+ and Co2+ ions by the side chains of the negatively charged residues in the motif section and the C-terminal part of TMD1. The crucial role of the central flexible region and the C-terminal part of TMD1 in metal ion capture is confirmed by the binding of the N-terminal part truncated TMD1 to metal ions.  相似文献   

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