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Plastids (the photosynthetic organelles of plants and algae) originated through endosymbiosis between a cyanobacterium and a eukaryote and subsequently spread to other eukaryotes by secondary endosymbioses between two eukaryotes. Mounting evidence favors a single origin for plastids of apicomplexans, cryptophytes, dinoflagellates, haptophytes, and heterokonts (together with their nonphotosynthetic relatives, termed chromalveolates), but so far, no single molecular marker has been described that supports this common origin. One piece of evidence comes from plastid-targeted glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH), which originated by a gene duplication of the cytosolic form. However, no plastid GAPDH has been characterized from haptophytes, leaving an important piece of the puzzle missing. We have sequenced genes encoding cytosolic, mitochondrion-targeted, and plastid-targeted GAPDH proteins from a number of haptophytes and heterokonts and found haptophyte homologs that branch within a strongly supported clade of chromalveolate plastid-targeted genes, being more closely related to an apicomplexan homolog than was expected. The evolution of plastid-targeted GAPDH supports red algal ancestry of apicomplexan plastids and raises a number of questions about the importance of plastid loss and the possibility of cryptic plastids in nonphotosynthetic lineages such as ciliates.  相似文献   

Plastids (photosynthetic organelles of plants and algae) are known to have spread between eukaryotic lineages by secondary endosymbiosis, that is, by the uptake of a eukaryotic alga by another eukaryote. But the number of times this has taken place is controversial. This is particularly so in the case of eukaryotes with plastids derived from red algae, which are numerous and diverse. Despite their diversity, it has been suggested that all these eukaryotes share a recent common ancestor and that their plastids originated in a single endosymbiosis, the so-called "chromalveolate hypothesis." Here we describe a novel molecular character that supports the chromalveolate hypothesis. Fructose-1,6-bisphosphate aldolase (FBA) is a glycolytic and Calvin cycle enzyme that exists as two nonhomologous types, class I and class II. Red algal plastid-targeted FBA is a class I enzyme related to homologues from plants and green algae, and it would be predicted that the plastid-targeted FBA from algae with red algal secondary endosymbionts should be related to this class I enzyme. However, we show that plastid-targeted FBA of heterokonts, cryptomonads, haptophytes, and dinoflagellates (all photosynthetic chromalveolates) are class II plastid-targeted enzymes, completely unlike those of red algal plastids. The chromalveolate enzymes form a strongly supported group in FBA phylogeny, and their common possession of this unexpected plastid characteristic provides new evidence for their close relationship and a common origin for their plastids.  相似文献   

The phylum Apicomplexa encompasses a large number of intracellular protozoan parasites, including the causative agents of malaria (Plasmodium), toxoplasmosis (Toxoplasma), and many other human and animal diseases. Apicomplexa have recently been found to contain a relic, nonphotosynthetic plastid that has attracted considerable interest as a possible target for therapeutics. This plastid is known to have been acquired by secondary endosymbiosis, but when this occurred and from which type of alga it was acquired remain uncertain. Based on the molecular phylogeny of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) genes, we provide evidence that the apicomplexan plastid is homologous to plastids found in dinoflagellates-close relatives of apicomplexa that contain secondary plastids of red algal origin. Surprisingly, apicomplexan and dinoflagellate plastid-targeted GAPDH sequences were also found to be closely related to the plastid-targeted GAPDH genes of heterokonts and cryptomonads, two other groups that contain secondary plastids of red algal origin. These results address several outstanding issues: (1) apicomplexan and dinoflagellate plastids appear to be the result of a single endosymbiotic event which occurred relatively early in eukaryotic evolution, also giving rise to the plastids of heterokonts and perhaps cryptomonads; (2) apicomplexan plastids are derived from a red algal ancestor; and (3) the ancestral state of apicomplexan parasites was photosynthetic.  相似文献   

The chlorophyll c-containing algae comprise four major lineages: dinoflagellates, haptophytes, heterokonts, and cryptophytes. These four lineages have sometimes been grouped together based on their pigmentation, but cytological and rRNA data had suggested that they were not a monophyletic lineage. Some molecular data support monophyly of the plastids, while other plastid and host data suggest different relationships. It is uncontroversial that these groups have all acquired plastids from another eukaryote, probably from the red algal lineage, in a secondary endosymbiotic event, but the number and sequence of such event(s) remain controversial. Understanding chlorophyll c-containing plastid relationships is a first step towards determining the number of endosymbiotic events within the chromalveolates. We report here phylogenetic analyses using 10 plastid genes with representatives of all four chromalveolate lineages. This is the first organellar genome-scale analysis to include both haptophytes and dinoflagellates. Concatenated analyses support the monophyly of the chlorophyll c-containing plastids and suggest that cryptophyte plastids are the basal member of the chlorophyll c-containing plastid lineage. The gene psbA, which has at times been used for phylogenetic purposes, was found to differ from the other genes in its placement of the dinoflagellates and the haptophytes, and in its lack of support for monophyly of the green and red plastid lineages. Overall, the concatenated data are consistent with a single origin of chlorophyll c-containing plastids from red algae. However, these data cannot test several key hypothesis concerning chromalveolate host monophyly, and do not preclude the possibility of serial transfer of chlorophyll c-containing plastids among distantly related hosts.  相似文献   

The dinoflagellate Lepidodinium chlorophorum possesses "green" plastids containing chlorophylls a and b (Chl a+b), unlike most dinoflagellate plastids with Chl a+c plus a carotenoid peridinin (peridinin-containing plastids). In the present study we determined 8 plastid-encoded genes from Lepidodinium to investigate the origin of the Chl a+b-containing dinoflagellate plastids. The plastid-encoded gene phylogeny clearly showed that Lepidodinium plastids were derived from a member of Chlorophyta, consistent with pigment composition. We also isolated three different glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) genes from Lepidodinium-one encoding the putative cytosolic "GapC" enzyme and the remaining two showing affinities to the "plastid-targeted GapC" genes. In a GAPDH phylogeny, one of the plastid-targeted GapC-like sequences robustly grouped with those of dinoflagellates bearing peridinin-containing plastids, while the other was nested in a clade of the homologues of haptophytes and dinoflagellate genera Karenia and Karlodinium bearing "haptophyte-derived" plastids. Since neither host nor plastid phylogeny suggested an evolutionary connection between Lepidodinium and Karenia/Karlodinium, a lateral transfer of a plastid-targeted GapC gene most likely took place from a haptophyte or a dinoflagellate with haptophyte-derived plastids to Lepidodinium. The plastid-targeted GapC data can be considered as an evidence for the single origin of plastids in haptophytes, cryptophytes, stramenopiles, and alveolates. However, in the light of Lepidodinium GAPDH data, we need to closely examine whether the monophyly of the plastids in the above lineages inferred from plastid-targeted GapC genes truly reflects that of the host lineages.  相似文献   

I discuss the evidence for a single origin of primary plastids in the context of a paper in this issue challenging this view, and I review recent evidence concerning the number of secondary plastid endosymbioses and the controversy over whether the relic plastid of apicomplexans is of red or green algal origin. A broad consensus has developed that the plastids of green algae, red algae, and glaucophytes arose from the same primary, cyanobacterial endosymbiosis. Although the analyses in this issue by Stiller and colleagues firmly undermine one of many sources of data, gene content similarities among plastid genomes used to argue for a monophyletic origin of primary plastids, the overall evidence still clearly favors monophyly. Nonetheless, this issue should not be considered settled and new data should be sought from better sampling of cyanobacteria and glaucophytes, from sequenced nuclear genomes, and from careful analysis of such key features as the plastid import apparatus. With respect to the number of secondary plastid symbioses, it is completely unclear as to whether the secondary plastids of euglenophytes and chlorarachniophytes arose by the same or two different algal endosymbioses. Recent analyses of certain plastid and nuclear genes support the chromalveolate hypothesis of Cavalier-Smith, namely, that the plastids of heterokonts, haptophytes, cryptophytes, dinoflagellates, and apicomplexans all arose from a common endosymbiosis involving a red alga. However, another recent paper presents intriguing conflicting data on this score for one of these groups—apicomplexans—arguing instead that they acquired their plastids from green algae.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The establishment of a new plastid organelle by secondary endosymbiosis represents a series of events of massive complexity, and yet we know it has taken place multiple times because both green and red algae have been taken up by other eukaryotic lineages. Exactly how many times these events have succeeded, however, has been a matter of debate that significantly impacts how we view plastid evolution, protein targeting, and eukaryotic relationships. On the green side it is now largely accepted that two independent events led to plastids of euglenids and chlorarachniophytes. How many times red algae have been taken up is less clear, because there are many more lineages with red alga‐derived plastids (cryptomonads, haptophytes, heterokonts, dinoflagellates and apicomplexa) and the relationships between these lineages are less clear. Ten years ago, Cavalier‐Smith proposed that these plastids were all derived from a single endosymbiosis, an idea that was dubbed the chromalveolate hypothesis. No one observation has yet supported the chromalveolate hypothesis as a whole, but molecular data from plastid‐encoded and plastid‐targeted proteins have provided strong support for several components of the overall hypothesis, and evidence for cryptic plastids and new photosynthetic lineages (e.g. Chromera) have transformed our view of plastid distribution within the group. Collectively, these data are most easily reconciled with a single origin of the chromalveolate plastids, although the phylogeny of chromalveolate host lineages (and potentially Rhizaria) remain to be reconciled with this plastid data.  相似文献   

Despite their importance to evolution, ecology, and cell biology, eukaryotes that acquired plastids through secondary endosymbiosis remain poorly studied from a genomic standpoint. Chromalveolata, a eukaryotic supergroup proposed to have descended from a heterotrophic eukaryote that acquired a red algal plastid by secondary endosymbiosis, includes four major lineages (alveolates, cryptophytes, haptophytes, and heterokonts). The chromalveolates exhibit remarkable diversity of cellular organization, and the available data suggest that they exhibit equal diversity in their genome organization. One of the most obvious differences in cellular organization is the retention of a highly reduced red algal nucleus in cryptophytes (also known as cryptomonads), but there are other major differences among chromalveolate lineages, including the loss of photosynthesis in multiple lineages. Although the hypothesis of chromalveolate monophyly is appealing, there is limited support for the hypothesis from nuclear genes, and questions have even been raised about the monophyly of chromalveolate plastids. Evidence for the chromalveolate hypothesis from large‐scale nuclear data sets is reviewed, and alternative hypotheses are described. The potential for integrating information from chromalveolate genomics into functional genomics is described, emphasizing both the methodological challenges and the opportunities for future phylogenomic analyses of these groups.  相似文献   

Most photosynthetic dinoflagellates harbour the peridinin plastid. This plastid is surrounded by three membranes and its characteristic pigments are chlorophyll c and the carotenoid peridinin. The evolutionary origin of this peculiar plastid remains controversial and is hotly debated. On the recently published tree of concatenated plastid-encoded proteins, dinoflagellates emerge from within the Chromista (clade containing cryptophytes, heterokonts, and haptophytes) and cluster specifically with Heterokonta. These data inspired a new version of the ‘chromalveolate’ model, according to which the peridinin plastid evolved by ‘descent with modification’ from a heterokont-like plastid that had been acquired from a rhodophyte by an ancestral chromalveolate. However, this model of plastid evolution encounters serious obstacles. Firstly, the heterokont plastid is surrounded by four membranes, which means that the ancestral peridinin plastid must have lost one of these primary membranes. However, such a loss could be traumatic, because it could potentially disturb protein import into and/or within the plastid. Secondly, on the phylogenetic tree of Dinoflagellata and Heterokonta, the first to diverge are not plastid, but heterotrophic, aplastidal taxa. Thus, when accepting the single origin of the heterokont and peridinin plastids, we would have to postulate multiple plastid losses, but such a scenario is highly doubtful when the numerous non-photosynthetic functions of plastids and their existence in heterotrophic protists, including parasitic lineages, are considered. Taking these obstacles into account, we suggest an alternative interpretation of the concatenated tree of plastid-encoded proteins. According to our hypothesis, the peridinin plastid evolved from a heterokont alga through tertiary endosymbiosis.  相似文献   

The chromalveolate hypothesis proposed by Cavalier-Smith (J Euk Microbiol 46:347–366, 1999) suggested that all the algae with chlorophyll c (heterokonts, haptophytes, cryptophytes, and dinoflagellates), as well as the ciliates, apicomplexans, oomycetes, and other non-photosynthetic relatives, shared a common ancestor that acquired a chloroplast by secondary endosymbiosis of a red alga. Much of the evidence from plastid and nuclear genomes supports a red algal origin for plastids of the photosynthetic lineages, but the number of secondary endosymbioses and the number of plastid losses have not been resolved. The issue is complicated by the fact that nuclear genomes are mosaics of genes acquired over a very long time period, not only by vertical descent but also by endosymbiotic and horizontal gene transfer. Phylogenomic analysis of the available whole-genome data has suggested major alterations to our view of eukaryotic evolution, and given rise to alternative models. The next few years may see even more changes once a more representative collection of sequenced genomes becomes available.  相似文献   

Takishita K  Ishida K  Maruyama T 《Protist》2004,155(4):447-458
Although most photosynthetic dinoflagellates have plastids with peridinin, the three dinoflagellate genera Karenia, Karlodinium, and Takayama possess anomalously pigmented plastids that contain fucoxanthin and its derivatives (19′-hexanoyloxy-fucoxanthin and 19′-butanoyloxy-fucoxanthin) instead of the peridinin. This pigment composition is similar to that of haptophytes. All peridinin-containing dinoflagellates investigated so far have at least two types of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH): cytosolic and plastid-targeted forms. In the present study, we cloned and sequenced genes encoding cytosolic and plastid-targeted GAPDH proteins from three species of the fucoxanthin derivative-containing dinoflagellates. Based on the molecular phylogeny, the plastid-targeted GAPDH genes of the fucoxanthin derivative-containing dinoflagellates were closely related to those of haptophyte algae rather than to the peridinin-containing dinoflagellates, while one of several cytosolic versions from the peridinin- and the fucoxanthin derivative-containing dinoflagellates are closely related to each other. Considering a previously reported theory that the plastid-targeted GAPDH from the peridinin-containing dinoflagellates originated by a gene duplication of the cytosolic form before the splitting of the dinoflagellate lineage, it is highly likely that the plastid-targeted GAPDH gene of the peridinin-containing dinoflagellates is original in this algal group and that in the fucoxanthin-containing dinoflagellates, the original plastid-targeted GAPDH was replaced by that of a haptophyte endosymbiont during a tertiary endosymbiosis. The present results strongly support the hypothesis that the plastids of the peridinin- and the fucoxanthin derivative-containing dinoflagellates are of separate origin.  相似文献   

Sedoheptulose-1,7-bisphosphatase (SBPase) and fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase (FBPase) are essential nuclear-encoded enzymes involved in land plant Calvin cycle and gluconeogenesis. In this study, we cloned seven SBP and seven FBP cDNAs/genes and established sequences from all lineages of photosynthetic eukaryotes, in order to investigate their origin and evolution. Our data are best explained by a single recruitment of plastid-targeted SBP in Plantae after primary endosymbiosis and a further distribution to algae with complex plastids. While SBP is universally found in photosynthetic lineages, its presence in apicomplexa, ciliates, trypanosomes, and ascomycetes is surprising given that no metabolic function beyond the one in the plastid Calvin cycle is described so far. Sequences of haptophytes, cryptophytes, diatoms, and peridinin-containing dinoflagellates (complex red lineage) strongly group together in the SBP tree and the same assemblage is recovered for plastid-targeted FBP sequences, although this is less supported. Both SBP and plastid-targeted FBP are most likely of red algal origin. Including phosphoribulokinase, fructose bisphosphate aldolase, and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, a total of five independent plastid-related nuclear-encoded markers support a common origin of all complex rhodoplasts via a single secondary endosymbiosis event. However, plastid phylogenies are incongruent with those of the host cell, as illustrated by the cytosolic FBP isoenzyme. These results are discussed in the context of Cavalier-Smith's far-reaching chromalveolate hypothesis. In our opinion, a more plausible evolutionary scenario would be the establishment of a unique secondary rhodoplast and its subsequent spread via tertiary endosymbioses.  相似文献   

The origin and subsequent spread of plastids by endosymbiosis had a major environmental impact and altered the course of a great proportion of eukaryotic biodiversity. The ancestor of dinoflagellates contained a secondary plastid that was acquired in an ancient endosymbiotic event, where a eukaryotic cell engulfed a red alga. This is known as secondary endosymbiosis and has happened several times in eukaryotic evolution. Certain dinoflagellates, however, are unique in having replaced this secondary plastid in an additional (tertiary) round of endosymbiosis. Most plastid proteins are encoded in the nucleus of the host and are targeted to the organelle. When secondary or tertiary endosymbiosis takes place, it is thought that these genes move from nucleus to nucleus, so the plastid retains the same proteome. We have conducted large-scale expressed sequence tag (EST) surveys from Karlodinium micrum, a dinoflagellate with a tertiary haptophyte-derived plastid, and two haptophytes, Isochrysis galbana and Pavlova lutheri. We have identified all plastid-targeted proteins, analysed the phylogenetic origin of each protein, and compared their plastid-targeting transit peptides. Many plastid-targeted genes in the Karlodinium nucleus are indeed of haptophyte origin, but some genes were also retained from the original plastid (showing the two plastids likely co-existed in the same cell), in other cases multiple isoforms of different origins exist. We analysed plastid-targeting sequences and found the transit peptides in K.micrum are different from those found in either dinoflagellates or haptophytes, pointing to a plastid with an evolutionarily chimeric proteome, and a massive remodelling of protein trafficking during plastid replacement.  相似文献   

Translocation of proteins across the multiple membranes of complex plastids.   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Secondary endosymbiosis describes the origin of plastids in several major algal groups such as dinoflagellates, euglenoids, heterokonts, haptophytes, cryptomonads, chlorarachniophytes and parasites such as apicomplexa. An integral part of secondary endosymbiosis has been the transfer of genes for plastid proteins from the endosymbiont to the host nucleus. Targeting of the encoded proteins back to the plastid from their new site of synthesis in the host involves targeting across the multiple membranes surrounding these complex plastids. Although this process shows many overall similarities in the different algal groups, it is emerging that differences exist in the mechanisms adopted.  相似文献   

The photosynthetic origin of apicomplexan parasites was proposed upon the discovery of a reduced non-photosynthetic plastid termed the apicoplast in their cells. Although it is clear that the apicoplast has evolved through a secondary endosymbiosis, its particular origin within the red or green plastid lineage remains controversial. The recent discovery of Chromera velia, the closest known photosynthetic relative to apicomplexan parasites, sheds new light on the evolutionary history of alveolate plastids. Here we review our knowledge on the evolutionary history of Apicomplexa and particularly their plastids, with a focus on the pathway by which they evolved from free-living heterotrophs through photoautotrophs to omnipresent obligatory intracellular parasites. New sequences from C. velia (histones H2A, H2B; GAPDH, TufA) and phylogenetic analyses are also presented and discussed here.  相似文献   

Plastids in heterokonts, cryptophytes, haptophytes, dinoflagellates, chlorarachniophytes, euglenoids, and apicomplexan parasites derive from secondary symbiogenesis. These plastids are surrounded by one or two additional membranes covering the plastid-envelope double membranes. Consequently, nuclear-encoded plastid division proteins have to be targeted into the division site through the additional surrounding membranes. Electron microscopic observations suggest that the additional surrounding membranes are severed by mechanisms distinct from those for the division of the plastid envelope. In heterokonts, cryptophytes and haptophytes, the outermost surrounding membrane (epiplastid rough endoplasmic reticulum, EPrER) is studded with cytoplasmic ribosomes and connected to the rER and the outer nuclear envelope. In monoplastidic species belonging to these three groups, the EPrER and the outer nuclear envelope are directly connected to form a sac enclosing the plastid and the nucleus. This nuclear-plastid connection, referred to as the nucleus-plastid consortium (NPC), may be significant to ensure the transmission of the plastids during cell division. The plastid dividing-ring (PD-ring) is a conserved component of the division machinery for both primary and secondary plastids. Also, homologues of the bacterial cell division protein, FtsZ, may be involved in the division of secondary plastids as well as primary plastids, though in secondary plastids they have not yet been localized to the division site. It remains to be examined whether or not dynamin-like proteins and other protein components known to function in the division of primary plastids are used also in secondary plastids. The nearly completed sequencing of the nuclear genome of the diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana will give impetus to molecular and cell biological studies on the division of secondary plastids.  相似文献   

Chromist algae (stramenopiles, cryptophytes, and haptophytes) are major contributors to marine primary productivity. These eukaryotes acquired their plastid via secondary endosymbiosis, whereby an early-diverging red alga was engulfed by a protist and the plastid was retained and its associated nuclear-encoded genes were transferred to the host genome. Current data suggest, however, that chromists are paraphyletic; therefore, it remains unclear whether their plastids trace back to a single secondary endosymbiosis or, alternatively, this organelle has resulted from multiple independent events in the different chromist lineages. Both scenarios, however, predict that plastid-targeted, nucleus-encoded chromist proteins should be most closely related to their red algal homologs. Here we analyzed the biosynthetic pathway of carotenoids that are essential components of all photosynthetic eukaryotes and find a mosaic evolutionary origin of these enzymes in chromists. Surprisingly, about one-third (5/16) of the proteins are most closely related to green algal homologs with three branching within or sister to the early-diverging Prasinophyceae. This phylogenetic association is corroborated by shared diagnostic indels and the syntenic arrangement of a specific gene pair involved in the photoprotective xanthophyll cycle. The combined data suggest that the prasinophyte genes may have been acquired before the ancient split of stramenopiles, haptophytes, cryptophytes, and putatively also dinoflagellates. The latter point is supported by the observed monophyly of alveolates and stramenopiles in most molecular trees. One possible explanation for our results is that the green genes are remnants of a cryptic endosymbiosis that occurred early in chromalveolate evolution; that is, prior to the postulated split of stramenopiles, alveolates, haptophytes, and cryptophytes. The subsequent red algal capture would have led to the loss or replacement of most green genes via intracellular gene transfer from the new endosymbiont. We argue that the prasinophyte genes were retained because they enhance photosynthetic performance in chromalveolates, thus extending the niches available to these organisms. The alternate explanation of green gene origin via serial endosymbiotic or horizontal gene transfers is also plausible, but the latter would require the independent origins of the same five genes in some or all the different chromalveolate lineages.  相似文献   

Four eukaryotic lineages, namely, haptophytes, alveolates, cryptophytes, and heterokonts, contain in most cases photosynthetic and nonphotosynthetic members—the photosynthetic ones with secondary plastids with chl c as the main photosynthetic pigment. These four photosynthetic lineages were grouped together on the basis of their pigmentation and called chromalveolates, which is usually understood to imply loss of plastids in the nonphotosynthetic members. Despite the ecological and economic importance of this group of organisms, the phylogenetic relationships among these algae are only partially understood, and the so‐called chromalveolate hypothesis is very controversial. This review evaluates the evidence for and against this grouping and summarizes the present understanding of chromalveolate evolution. We also describe a testable hypothesis that is intended to accommodate current knowledge based on plastid and nuclear genomic data, discuss the implications of this model, and comment on areas that require further examination.  相似文献   

Current understanding of the plastid proteome comes almost exclusively from studies of plants and red algae. The proteome in these taxa has a relatively simple origin via integration of proteins from a single cyanobacterial primary endosymbiont and the host. However, the most successful algae in marine environments are the chlorophyll c-containing chromalveolates such as diatoms and dinoflagellates that contain a plastid of red algal origin derived via secondary or tertiary endosymbiosis. Virtually nothing is known about the plastid proteome in these taxa. We analyzed expressed sequence tag data from the toxic "Florida red tide" dinoflagellate Karenia brevis that has undergone a tertiary plastid endosymbiosis. Comparative analyses identified 30 nuclear-encoded plastid-targeted proteins in this chromalveolate that originated via endosymbiotic or horizontal gene transfer (HGT) from multiple different sources. We identify a fundamental divide between plant/red algal and chromalveolate plastid proteomes that reflects a history of mixotrophy in the latter group resulting in a highly chimeric proteome. Loss of phagocytosis in the "red" and "green" clades effectively froze their proteomes, whereas chromalveolate lineages retain the ability to engulf prey allowing them to continually recruit new, potentially adaptive genes through subsequent endosymbioses and HGT. One of these genes is an electron transfer protein (plastocyanin) of green algal origin in K. brevis that likely allows this species to thrive under conditions of iron depletion.  相似文献   

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