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Aim We examined phytogeographical patterns of West Indian orchids, and related island area and maximum elevation with orchid species richness and endemism. We expected strong species–area relationships, but that these would differ between low and montane island groups. In so far as maximum island elevation is a surrogate for habitat diversity, we anticipated a strong relationship with maximum elevation and both species richness and endemism for montane islands. Location The West Indies. Methods Our data included 49 islands and 728 species. Islands were classified as either montane (≥ 300 m elevation) or low (< 300 m). Linear and multivariate regression analyses were run to detect relationships between either area or maximum island elevation and species richness or the number of island endemic species. Results For all 49 islands, the species–area relationship was strong, producing a z‐value of 0.47 (slope of the regression line) and explaining 46% of the variation. For 18 relatively homogeneous, low islands we found a non‐significant slope of z = −0.01 that explained only 0.1% of the variation. The 31 montane islands had a highly significant species–area relationship, with z = 0.49 and accounting for 65% of the variation. Species numbers were also strongly related to maximum island elevation. For all islands < 750 km2, we found a small‐island effect, which reduced the species–area relationship to a non‐significant z = 0.16, with only 5% of the variation explained by the model. Species–area relationships for montane islands of at least 750 km2 were strong and significant, but maximum elevation was the best predictor of species richness and accounted for 79% of the variation. The frequency of single‐island endemics was high (42%) but nearly all occurred on just nine montane islands (300 species). The taxonomic distribution of endemics was also skewed, suggesting that seed dispersability, while remarkable in some taxa, is very limited in others. Montane island endemics showed strong species–area and species–elevation relationships. Main conclusions Area and elevation are good predictors of orchid species diversity and endemism in the West Indies, but these associations are driven by the extraordinarily strong relationships of large, montane islands. The species richness of low islands showed no significant relationship with either variable. A small‐island effect exists, but the montane islands had a significant relationship between species diversity and maximum elevation. Thus, patterns of Caribbean orchid diversity are dependent on an interplay between area and topographic diversity.  相似文献   

The distribution of tropical plant and animal diversity is still poorly documented, especially at spatial resolutions of practical use for conservation. In the present study, we evaluated the level to which geographical incomplete data availability of species occurrence affects the perception of biodiversity patterns (species richness and endemism) among pteridophytes in Bolivia. We used a data base of Bolivian pteridophytes (27,501 records), divided it into three time periods (1900–70, up to 1990 and up to 2006), and created grid-files at 15'-resolution for species richness and endemism. For each of these biodiversity properties we estimated the species richness (Chao 2) and the index of sampling completeness (C index) per grid, and then all these variables at both species richness and endemism were correlated. Patterns of richness were fairly consistent along all periods; the richest areas were placed along the humid-montane forest, even though they were strongly influenced by collecting intensity. Endemism had a lower degree of correlation with collecting intensity, but varied much more strongly through time than species richness. According to the C index, which gives the ratio between estimated (by Chao 2) and recorded values of species richness and endemism, both biodiversity properties tended to be undersampled in the richest grid cells. Inter-temporal correlations showed sharper differences of correlations for endemism than species richness. Consequently, already in 1970, botanists had a correct idea of the spatial distribution of pteridophyte richness in Bolivia (even though the magnitude was grossly underestimated). In contrast, patterns of endemism, which are of high conservation importance, may not even today be reliably known.  相似文献   

Background: For prioritising practical conservation measures in areas of high endemic plant diversity, a fine-scale hierarchy of sites needs to be established. In this context, conservation sites designed at local and regional levels are considered a network of interconnected areas.

Aims: The main aim was to identify two hierarchical levels of a network of conservation sites, called ‘micro hotspots’ and ‘nano hotspots’, and test their efficiency for achieving conservation objectives across the island of Sardinia, Mediterranean Basin.

Methods: We analysed the spatial distribution of endemic vascular plant species (EVPS) richness. Additionally, the area, perimeter, connectivity and surplus costs for the protection of all endemic plant populations were used as ranking criteria for a hierarchical classification.

Results: We identified eight micro hotspots and 82 nano hotspots. Amongst the three possible solutions compared, the integrated network of micro and nano hotspots resulted in more effective conservation than any of the single-level network solutions with only micro or nano hotspots, and it included 89% of all EVPS in a relatively small areal extent.

Conclusions: The identification of hotspot networks at the regional level allowed determining priority areas to implement conservation efforts for EVPS. The integration of micro hotspots with nano hotspots resulted in the most effective network from both conservation and economic perspectives. We suggest that our model may provide an effective tool for integrated and effective conservation actions in the Mediterranean Basin.  相似文献   

Aim To examine how parameters of the species–area curve and factors determining bird species richness are affected by seasonality. Location One hundred and thirty urban parks of the city of Valencia (Spain) ranging between 0.03 and 18.6 ha. Methods Bird censuses were conducted monthly during 1998 and 2004. For each park, 27 variables were recorded as measures of size, structure and isolation. Linear regression was used to test for patterns in species richness relative to independent variables. The results of each season were compared. Results Curves corresponding to the breeding period (spring–summer) had significantly higher intercepts, but slopes did not change across seasons. Turnover rates of resident species were dependent on patch size and isolation considering spring, but not autumn, from different years. Additionally, turnover rates in spring were lower in parks in close proximity to others than in isolated ones. In all seasons, the number of bird species showed a strong relationship with park area, which explained c. 60% of the variation in species numbers. Habitat variables and park isolation explained a small amount of the variation in species numbers. The data did not give support to the random placement hypothesis. Main conclusions The overall conclusions of this study give little support to the possible influence of seasonality on species–area relationship or on the three main hypotheses explaining it. This lack of influence of seasonality could be explained by the seasonal stability of the bird populations of the parks within the study area as a consequence of different factors, mainly the characteristics of the species pool, similarity in the features of the parks irrespective of their size, and stability of resources and conditions across seasons. The question of whether this lack of influence of seasonality on the species–area relationship occurs in those ecological systems that have a larger seasonal variation than the urban parks of the study area remains unresolved. Closer examination of the seasonal patterns reported in this study is likely to be useful in increasing our understanding of the species–area relationship.  相似文献   

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