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The eye imaginal disc of Manduca sexta is created early in the final larval instar from the adult eye primordium, which is composed of fully differentiated cells of the larval head capsule epidermis. Concomitant with the down-regulation of the larval epidermal program, expression of broad, a marker of pupal commitment, is activated in the primordium. The cells then detach from the cuticle, fold inward, and begin to proliferate at high levels to produce the inverted, eye imaginal disc. These and other events that begin on the first day of the final larval instar appear to mark the initiation of metamorphosis. Little is known about the endocrine control of the initiation of metamorphosis in any insect. The hemolymph titer of juvenile hormone (JH) declines to low levels during this period and the presence of JH is sufficient to repress development in cultured eye primordia. However, maintenance of JH at high levels in vivo by treatment with long-lasting JH mimics has no apparent effect on early steps in eye imaginal disc development. We discuss our findings in the context of the endocrine control of metamorphosis. The initiation of metamorphosis in Manduca, and perhaps a wide range of insect species, appears to involve the overcoming of JH repression by an unidentified, nutrient-dependent, hormonal factor.  相似文献   

At the beginning of the final larval (fifth) instar of Manduca sexta, imaginal precursors including wing discs and eye primordia initiate metamorphic changes, such as pupal commitment, patterning and cell proliferation. Juvenile hormone (JH) prevents these changes in earlier instars and in starved final instar larvae, but nutrient intake overcomes this effect of JH in the latter. In this study, we show that a molecular marker of pupal commitment, broad, is up-regulated in the wing discs by feeding on sucrose or by bovine insulin or Manduca bombyxin in starved final instar larvae. This effect of insulin could not be prevented by JH. In vitro insulin had no effect on broad expression but relieved the suppression of broad expression by JH. This effect of insulin was directly on the disc as shown by its reduction in the presence of insulin receptor dsRNA. In starved penultimate fourth instar larvae, broad expression in the wing disc was not up-regulated by insulin. The discs became responsive to this action of insulin during the molt to the fifth instar together with the ability to become pupally committed in response to 20-hydroxyecdysone. Thus, the Manduca bombyxin acts as a metamorphosis-initiating factor in the imaginal precursors.  相似文献   

The morphostatic actions of juvenile hormone   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The maintenance of "status quo" in larvae by juvenile hormone (JH) involves both the programming of ecdysteroid-dependent synthesis during the molt and the suppression of morphogenetic growth during the intermolt. The latter morphostatic action does not require ecdysteroids, and has been studied in the formation of imaginal discs in Manduca sexta. Preultimate larval instars have both invaginated discs and imaginal primordia, both of which grow isomorphically with the larva. In the last instar, the young discs/primordia initiate the morphogenesis and patterning that results in a mature disc. JH suppresses both the initiation and progression of the signaling that transforms immature discs or primordia into a fully patterned imaginal disc. This transformation normally occurs in the context of the rapid growth of the last larval stage, and nutrient-dependent factors appear to be able to override the JH suppression. The morphostatic action of JH may have been important for the evolution of the larval stage. Studies on embryos of basal, hemimetabolous insects show that their premature exposure to JH can truncate patterning programs and cause precocious tissue maturation, factors essential for organizing a novel larval form. This suppression of embryonic patterning then results in embryonic fields that remain dormant as long as JH is present. These are the primordia that can transform into imaginal discs once JH disappears in preparation for metamorphosis.  相似文献   

When final (5th) instar larvae of Precis coenia were treated with the juvenile hormone analog (JHA) methoprene, they underwent a supernumerary larval molt, except for certain regions of their imaginal disks, which deposited a normal pupal cuticle. Evidently those regions had already become irreversibly committed to pupal development at the time JHA was applied. By applying JHA at successively later times in the instar, the progression of pupal commitment could be studied. Pupal commitment in the proboscis, antenna, eye, leg and wing imaginal disks occurred in disk-specific patterns. In each imaginal disk there were distinct initiation sites where pupal commitment began during the first few hours of the final larval instar, and from which commitment spread across the remainder of the disk over a 2- to 3-day period. The initiation sites were not always located in homologous regions of the various disks. As a rule, pupal commitment also spread from imaginal disk tissue to surrounding epidermal tissue. The regions of pupal commitment in all disks except those of the wings, coincided with the regions of growth of the disk. Only portions of the disk that had undergone cell division and growth underwent pupal commitment. Shortening the growth period did not prevent pupal commitment in the wing imaginal disk, indicating that, in this disk at least, a normal number of cell divisions was not crucial in reprogramming of disk cells for pupal cuticle synthesis. The apparent growth spurt of imaginal disks that occurs during the last part of the final larval instar is merely the final stage of normal and constant exponential growth. Juvenile hormone (JH) and ecdysteroids appeared to play little role in the regulation of normal imaginal disk growth. Instead, growth of the disks may be under intrinsic control. Interestingly, even though endogenous fluctuation in JH titers do not affect imaginal disk growth, exogenous JHA proved able to inhibit both pupal commitment, cell movement, and growth of the disks during the last larval instar. This function of JH could be important under certain adverse conditions, such as when metamorphosis is delayed in favor of a supernumerary larval molt.  相似文献   

Pupal commitment of the wing imaginal disc of the silkworm, Bombyx mori, is completed shortly after the final (fifth) larval ecdysis. Pupal commitment was induced by in vitro culture with 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E). Shortly after the head capsule slippage (HCS) that occurs approximately 24 h before the final larval ecdysis, the discs become competent to respond to 20E, indicating that the process of pupal commitment begins in the late penultimate (fourth) instar. The simultaneous presence of methoprene (JHA) with 20E suppressed the pupal commitment at 4 ng/ml for the discs at 12 h after HCS and at 240 ng/ml for the discs at the ecdysis. Thus, the discs rapidly lose their sensitivity to JH at the end of the fourth instar. Day 0 fourth wing discs were not pupally committed by 20E when freshly dissected discs were exposed to 20E. By contrast, exposure to 20E after a pre-culture in a hormone free medium induced the pupal commitment. In those discs, the effective JHA concentration to suppress the 20E effects was 0.1 ng/ml. The present data suggest that pupal commitment proceeds through two stages from a reversible state that begins at around HCS to an irreversible state early in the fifth instar. The loss of sensitivity to JH is the primary impetus to begin the process and 20E is the factor that drives the discs to enter the reversible state.  相似文献   

The timing of pupal commitment of the forewing imaginal discs of the silkworm, Bombyx mori, was determined by a transplantation assay using fourth instar larvae. The wing discs were not pupally committed at the time of ecdysis to the fifth instar. Pupal commitment began shortly after the ecdysis and was completed in 14 h. When the discs of newly molted larvae (0-h discs) were cultured in medium containing no hormone, they were pupally committed in 26 h. In vitro exposure of 0-h discs to 20-hydroxyecdysone accelerated the progression of pupal commitment. Methoprene, a juvenile hormone analog (JHA), did not suppress the change in commitment in vitro at physiological concentrations. Thus the wing discs at the time of the molt have lost their sensitivity to JH, and 20E is not a prerequisite for completion of pupal commitment. These results suggest that the change in commitment in the forewing discs may begin before the last larval molt.  相似文献   

Expression of Manduca Broad-Complex (BR-C) mRNA in the larval epidermis is under the dual control of ecdysone and juvenile hormone (JH). Immunocytochemistry with antibodies that recognize the core, Z2, and Z4 domains of Manduca BR-C proteins showed that BR-C appearance not only temporally correlates with pupal commitment of the epidermis on day 3 of the fifth (final) larval instar, but also occurs in a strict spatial pattern within the abdominal segment similar to that seen for the loss of sensitivity to JH. Levels of Z2 and Z4 BR-C proteins shift with Z2 predominating at pupal commitment and Z4 dominant during early pupal cuticle synthesis. Both induction of BR-C mRNA in the epidermis by 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E) and its suppression by JH were shown to be independent of new protein synthesis. For suppression JH must be present during the initial exposure to 20E. When JH was given 6 h after 20E, suppression was only seen in those regions that had not yet expressed BR-C. In the wing discs BR-C was first detected earlier 1.5 days after ecdysis, coincident with the pupal commitment of the wing. Our findings suggest that BR-C expression is one of the first molecular events underlying pupal commitment of both epidermis and wing discs.  相似文献   

Ecdysone haemolymph levels and in vivo development of imaginal wing discs have been studied during the last larval instar of Pieris brassicae.During this period, β-ecdysone variations show two successive peaks, the first one related to the induction of wandering stage, and the second (main) one to pupal cuticle synthesis. The observed situation is very similar to that of Manduca sexta. Imaginal wing disc growth is composed of several genetically programmed steps that need the presence of ecdysone, but do not appear very closely linked to circulating hormone levels. It seems that ecdysone haemolymph peaks should be considered as periods where ecdysone levels are above a threshold value.  相似文献   

E75A and E75B, isoforms of the E75 orphan nuclear receptor, are sequentially up-regulated in the abdominal epidermis of the tobacco hornworm Manduca sexta by 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E) during larval and pupal molts, with E75A also increasing at pupal commitment (Zhou et al., Dev. Biol. 193, 127-138, 1998). We have now cloned E75C and show that little is expressed in the epidermis during larval life with trace amounts seen just before ecdysis. Instead, E75C is found in high amounts during the development of the adult wings as the ecdysteroid titer is rising, and this increase was prevented by juvenile hormone (JH) that prevented adult development. By contrast, E75D is expressed transiently during the larval and pupal molts as the ecdysteroid titer begins to decline and again just before ecdysis, but in the developing adult wings is expressed on the rise of 20E. Removal of the source of JH had little effect on either E75C or E75D mRNA expression during the larval and pupal molts. At the time of pupal commitment, in vitro experiments show that 20E up-regulates E75D and JH prevents this increase. Neither E75A nor E75D mRNA was up-regulated by JH alone. Thus, E75C is primarily involved in adult differentiation whereas E75D has roles both during the molt and pupal commitment.  相似文献   

In the last larval instar of Lepidoptera, ecdysteroid in the absence of juvenile hormone (JH) is believed to cause the shift from larval to pupal development. In Manduca sexta, tissues such as the Verson's gland and crochet epidermis become pupally committed before the earliest pulse of ecdysteroid that occurs on day 2. What causes the change in commitment in these tissues? First it was necessary to determine at what stage these tissues become competent to express the pupal program. Last instar larvae of different ages were induced to molt prematurely by feeding the ecdysteroid analog RH5992 and Verson's gland proteins were analyzed by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Glands became competent to make pupal proteins between 24 and 32 h after the last larval ecdysis. Next, hormonal regulation of competence was examined in ligated abdomens of 12h last instar larvae. Treatment with JH II acid or methoprene acid plus a low dose (1/50th of the molt inducing dose) of RH5992 induced competence, whereas RH5992 alone, methoprene acid alone or methoprene plus RH5992 did not. Verson's glands maintained in vitro produced pupal proteins in response to methoprene acid together with RH5992 but not with RH5992 alone. Likewise, crochet epidermis lost the ability to make crochets (metamorphic change) only in isolated abdomens treated with JH II acid or methoprene acid and low doses of RH5992. In conclusion, JH acid in the presence of basal levels of ecdysteroid induces tissue competence for metamorphosis. Metamorphic competence is followed by commitment, induced by a small pulse of ecdysteroid in the absence of JH, and finally by expression caused by a high titer of ecdysteroid. It is proposed that JH acid is an essential metamorphic hormone.  相似文献   

The sequential synthesis and deposition of larval cuticular proteins was followed during the final larval molt and the final larval instar of the tobacco hornworm Manduca sexta and correlated with changes in cuticular structure. On the final day of feeding (Day 3) before the onset of metamorphosis many endocuticular proteins were no longer synthesized and new isoelectric variants of 27,000-Da polypeptides were deposited into the cuticle coincident with the formation of lamellae 5- to 10-fold thinner than those previously deposited. Application of a juvenile hormone analog methoprene on Day 1 prevented this change in protein synthesis and in lamellar structure by preventing the observed rise in the intermolt ecdysteroid titer on Day 2. These changes could be induced in vitro by 25-100 ng/ml 20-hydroxyecdysone in the absence of juvenile hormone. Thus, the intermolt change in the lamellar assembly process appears to result from hormone-induced changes in cuticular protein synthesis.  相似文献   

Summary Juvenile hormone III content and ecdysteroid titer were analyzed for larval and pupal development of the stingless bee,Scaptotrigona postica depilis. Castespecific differences in juvenile hormone III content were detected at three developmental phases: at the transition from the fourth to the fifth larval stadium, in the spinning phase of the fifth larval stadium, and shortly after the imaginal moult. During the fifth larval stadium, juvenile hormone content closely reflects corpora allata activity. Juvenile hormone synthesis may thus be responsible for the elevated hormone titer in spinning-phase queen larvae, a phase of known sensitivity for induction of queen characters by exogenous juvenile hormone. For ecdysteroids, two phases of caste-specific differences were found: in the pre-pupal phase, and shortly after the imaginal moult. In both periods the titer in queens is distinctly higher compared to workers.Abbreviations Im imago 1 day after eclosion - L3, L4, L5 larval instars 3, 4, and 5 - L5F1, L5F2 substages of feeding phase in fifth larval instar - L5S1, L5S2, L5S3 substages of spinning phase in fifth larval instar - PP1, PP2 substages of prepupal phase - Pw white eyed pupa - Pp pink eyed pupa - Pr red eyed pupa - Pd dark eyed pupa - Pdl, Pdm, Pdd dark eyed pupa with progressive tanning of cuticle - RIA radioimmunoassay  相似文献   

The imaginal male of mosquitoes bears a combination of organs and appendages that make it morphologically distinctive. Its reproductive organs produce sperm cells, convey and extrude them, provide accessory fluids, and insure copulation and insemination. In Aedes stimulans (Walker) these organs are derived from one of the two sets of primordia provided by the embryo. The second set of primordia is capable of producing the feminine reproductive system under unusual circumstances. Testes are derived from two compact ovoid masses of cells suspended in the hemocoel of abdominal segment 6. Each enlarges slowly throughout larval instars 1–3 and elongates very rapidly late in instar 4. Specialization of the cellular mass into sperm cells proceeds forward from the caudal end early in pupal life. From the beginning, a sheath of nutritive cells or fatbody encases each gonad, and no tracheation of the mass is evident although one small trachea sends branches to the encasing fatbody late in larval life. The efferent canal from each testis is derived from a tenuous filament extending caudally from each gonad to the venter of segment 9 and a small cluster of cells in the wall of the hemocoel on the ental surface of imaginal disc 9. Early in pupal life the filaments become the tubular vasa efferentia. The caudal clusters are primordial terminal parts of the lateral tract that become vasa deferentia, seminal vesicles and associated accessory glands. The ejaculatory canal comes from a short pouch derived from the median genital plate of disc 9. All external parts except the paraprocts are products of disc 9. The bilateral buds begin to proliferate in larval instar 4 and become the basistyles, dististyles and claspettes of the gonapophyses during pupal life. The phallosome is derived from the median genital plate. Primordia of a possible feminine reproductive system and cerci remain undifferentiated and disappear early in pupal life in the normal course of events. Primordia that were recognizable include those of ovaries, parts of lateral oviducts, median genital tract and cerci.  相似文献   

Flow cytometric analyses of imaginal disc and brain nuclei of Drosophila melanogaster have been made throughout the third larval instar. In wing, haltere, and leg discs the proportion of cells in the G2M phase of the cell cycle (tetraploid cells) increases with larval age. In contrast, in the eye disc and in brain the proportion of tetraploid cells, already low at the outset of the instar, declines further. Measurement of growth rates for disc and brain tissue during the same developmental period was carried out by the cell counting procedure of Martin (1982). Our results are consistent with the conclusion that imaginal discs grow exponentially with an apparent doubling time of 5–10 hr from the resumption of cell division (in the first or second larval instar) until about 95 hr, when the apparent doubling time increases. Cell numbers increase until at least 5 hr after formation of white prepupae (122 hr), but during the preceding 10 hr the rate of increase is low. Thus, for wing and leg discs, but not for the eye disc and brain, the declining growth rate is associated with an increase in the proportions of tetraploid cells. In conjunction with cell counts and flow cytometry, fluorometric determination of disc DNA content at 112 hr indicated that the diploid DNA content of imaginal disc nuclei is 0.45 pg.  相似文献   

During the fifth larval instar of Manduca sexta the commitment of the epidermis to the synthesis of pupal cuticle is presumably affected by a small increase in ecdysteroid titre when juvenile hormone levels are minimal. Two sequential rounds of DNA synthesis without an intervening mitosis occur at about this time, resulting in polyploidy of the epidermis. There is a definite temporal correlation between the first peak of ecdysone and the second round of DNA synthesis and indirect evidence has been presented which suggests that this small increase in ecdysteroid titre actually initiates the second period of DNA synthesis. Further, it appears that large doses of ecdysteroids do not elicit the same response as smaller doses at a specific developmental stage, indicating that the different physiological effects of ecdysteroids (reprogramming and apolysis) may be dependent upon the relative concentration of the hormone. Following mitosis which takes place on approximately day 6 of the last instar, the epidermis undergoes apolysis and secretes pupal cuticle, expressing the commitment made 4.5 days earlier. These results support the ‘quantal mitosis’ theory of cytodifferentiation since the covert differentiative event occurs during a period of DNA synthesis and since mitosis precedes the expression of that event.  相似文献   

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