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远程会诊和远程教育是对医疗卫生工作的重要拓展和补充。通过分析北京大学肿瘤医院675例远程会诊案例,阐述了医院运用远程医学平台开展远程会诊和远程教育工作的方法、流程和特点,探索医院促进远程医疗工作的方法。  相似文献   

远程医疗会诊作为一种新的医学服务模式,与传统的医疗手段相比较,发展迅速,在医学领域中已充分显示出优越性.我国地域辽阔,医疗资源分布非常不平均,边远地区极其缺乏高端医疗人才和器材.皮肤病有发病率高、直观性强等特点,非常适合开展远程会诊.现通过医院在建设皮肤病远程会诊系统过程中产生的问题,对皮肤病远程会诊进行一些讨论.  相似文献   

伴随远程会诊在国内的普及和社会接受度的提升,改变影响会诊建立效率的调度方式对于提升服务水平十分必要。研究者通过借鉴医院门诊所采用的预约挂号方式,结合远程会诊与基于互联网的远程会诊平台结合紧密的特点,建立远程会诊预约挂号新模式。新模式缓解了会诊申请量大与医疗资源协调难之间的矛盾,更加适应医患需求。研究不仅形成了有效的远程会诊分诊调度新方法,也为远程医学行业内的平台升级及服务优化提供了新思路。  相似文献   

目的 分析安徽省县级公立医院信息化基本建设情况、医务人员参加远程会诊的意愿及其影响因素,为推进远程会诊持续发展提供意见。方法 通过文献复习,初步设计了远程会诊调查表,以无记名方式对安徽省8家开展远程会诊的县级公立医院进行调查。结果 (1)8家县级医院的信息化建设各不相同。(2)8家县级医院医务人员对远程会诊知晓率为76.2%。(3)对远程会诊相关问题理解不同,使用远程会诊意愿也不用。结论 从提高县级医院信息化平台建设,加强远程会诊宣传工作,以点带面,推进远程会诊发展,创新远程会诊服务模式等方面入手,提高县级公立医院和医务人员的参与度。  相似文献   

目的 总结和回顾多年来远程会诊工作开展情况,探索提高远程医疗效率的方法。方法 对完成的139例远程会诊的相关资料统计分析。结果 目前远程会诊主要承担的是偏远地区、不方便外出就诊的患者,近90%是为病情急危患者组织的急诊会诊,60%是常见病、多发病中的复杂难治病例。结论 提高远程会诊质量和效率,有利于节约医疗资源,使更多基层患者得到救治,开展远程疑难病例、死亡病例讨论及远程查房等方式,开辟远程会诊的新领域。  相似文献   

在基层医疗机构,医学影像学检查存在检测技术水平有限,缺乏人才培养机制等问题。本文基于远程会诊应用模式,针对我市沙坪坝区的医疗资源分布不均的现状,构建区域远程影像信息系统,有效提高了资源利用率,为患者提供了更便捷的区域化医疗服务。  相似文献   

一台如缝纫机大小、可方便移动的“非典型肺炎专用专家远程会诊系统,日前由二医大附属新华医院副院长、39岁的孙锟率领的研究小组研制成功,并已分别安放在市传染病医院和肺科医院。该系统是通过应用最新的计算机网络技术和无线通信技术,在高保真的前提下远程获取诊断与鉴别诊断所  相似文献   

作为一种成熟的通信技术,统一通信正逐步被国内大型医院所采用。在医院这个特殊的应用场景里,统一通信在方便医护人员沟通的同时,也能在咨询预约、医疗会诊、远程医疗、护士紧急呼叫、病房探视等面为病患提供帮助。  相似文献   

目的:研究黑龙江省不同医疗机构之间新型协同服务模式,加强垦区各级医疗机构的信息化基础建设,建立基于医学影像存档与通信传输系统(Picture Archiving and Communications System,PACS)的数字化医疗区域。方法:将哈尔滨医科大学附属第四医院现有的影像数据归档,集成到IMPAX PACS数据中心(Internet Data Center,IDC),作为整个区域医疗的影像中心。通过IDC交换平台的延伸覆盖,以及医院信息系统(Hospital Information System,HIS)与XERO集成,可经网络调阅IDC中的影像,实现远程影像会诊。结果:建立基于IMPAX PACS的区域医疗;工程覆盖1家省会大医院和垦区2家综合性医院、5家二级医院、11家农场医院,实现联网医院间的影像学远程会诊。结论:PACS区域远程医疗系统的建立为基层百姓就医提供方便,影像学远程会诊可有效避免影像学重复检查,双向转诊、信息共享给患者带来更多的便利和实惠,具有巨大的社会效益。  相似文献   




The provision of effective emergency telemedicine and home monitoring solutions are the major fields of interest discussed in this study. Ambulances, Rural Health Centers (RHC) or other remote health location such as Ships navigating in wide seas are common examples of possible emergency sites, while critical care telemetry and telemedicine home follow-ups are important issues of telemonitoring. In order to support the above different growing application fields we created a combined real-time and store and forward facility that consists of a base unit and a telemedicine (mobile) unit. This integrated system: can be used when handling emergency cases in ambulances, RHC or ships by using a mobile telemedicine unit at the emergency site and a base unit at the hospital-expert's site, enhances intensive health care provision by giving a mobile base unit to the ICU doctor while the telemedicine unit remains at the ICU patient site and enables home telemonitoring, by installing the telemedicine unit at the patient's home while the base unit remains at the physician's office or hospital. The system allows the transmission of vital biosignals (3–12 lead ECG, SPO2, NIBP, IBP, Temp) and still images of the patient. The transmission is performed through GSM mobile telecommunication network, through satellite links (where GSM is not available) or through Plain Old Telephony Systems (POTS) where available. Using this device a specialist doctor can telematically "move" to the patient's site and instruct unspecialized personnel when handling an emergency or telemonitoring case. Due to the need of storing and archiving of all data interchanged during the telemedicine sessions, we have equipped the consultation site with a multimedia database able to store and manage the data collected by the system. The performance of the system has been technically tested over several telecommunication means; in addition the system has been clinically validated in three different countries using a standardized medical protocol.  相似文献   

Telepathology as a demanding branch of telemedicine poses a real challenge to experts. The introduction of telepathology in underprivileged countries with poor infrastructure and low health-care budget is a difficult task. On the other hand these countries would mostly benefit by introducing telemedicine/telepathology. In our experience it is possible to build an efficient telepathology/teleradiology network using analogue telephone links and still image transmission, and a store and forward mode of operation. This experience is based on the application of telepathology in Croatia for seven years leading to a national teleradiology network. In this paper the ideas, development and software solutions in the process of establishing a national telepathology and teleradiology network are highlighted.  相似文献   

目的 了解西部农村地区就诊患者对网络医疗的需求与利用,分析网络医疗在西部农村地区的发展前景。方法 从云南省某县3家县级医疗机构随机抽取400例患者进行问卷调查,对网络医疗需求进行影响因素分析和标准化处理,估算网络医疗潜在市场规模。结果 校正年龄、职业、学历等影响因素后,目前西部农村地区患者对网络医疗的需求比例为28.5%,利用比例为3.1%。云南、贵州、四川三省农村地区的网络医疗潜在市场规模可达1 760万人次,潜在经济规模约4.0亿元。结论 网络医疗的发展对提高我国西部农村地区优质医疗资源可及性有重要意义,目前网络医疗在我国西部农村地区存在较大的市场需求,应重视和鼓励我国西部农村地区网络医疗的建设和发展。  相似文献   

提出了一种基于省级平台的远程医疗系统的设计方案,主要从系统整体架构设计、网络结构设计、功能规划以及系统的业务流程设计几个方面进行了详细分析。通过建立省级远程医疗服务平台,可完成省内各医院之间远程医疗服务的统一调度和费用结算,各医院所建立的远程医疗业务平台完成医院间的各种远程医疗服务,系统可实现省内其他医院和省外医院的无缝接入。  相似文献   

医患关系的建立与认定在网络医疗中关乎医患双方合法权益的维护,对网络医疗的规范与发展有重要意义。通过文献分析、专家咨询等方法,分析网络医疗医患关系建立与认定上存在的障碍,借鉴美国实践经验,提出基于我国国情的建议。网络医疗带来了医患关系主体、建立条件、认定方式的变化,对通过挂号建立与认定医患关系的传统模式带来了挑战。应在承认线上医患关系及医疗行为的基础上,制定符合我国法律法规、严于线下诊疗标准的网络医疗医患关系建立标准。同时,应从法律手段与技术手段两方面加强网络医疗医患关系的认定,保障网络医疗中医患双方的合法权益。  相似文献   

Objective To examine the financial and organizational characteristics, demand for services, and satisfaction outcomes of a growing telemedicine program serving both urban or suburban and rural populations. Design Retrospective review of 1,000 consecutive telemedicine consultations in the University of California (UC) Davis Telemedicine Program. Setting Telemedicine videoconferencing units, used to integrate care in the UC Davis Health System among the UC Davis Medical Center and several urban or suburban primary care clinics, rural hospitals, and clinic affiliates. Subjects A total of 657 consecutive patients who consented to a telemedicine consultation. Main outcome measures Demographic information about the patient population, the rural and urban or suburban clinics, the types of specialty consultations, and telemedicine equipment used in the UC Davis Health System. Patient and physician satisfaction were measured on a 5-point Likert scale. Results Patients and primary care physicians reported high levels of satisfaction. Rural clinics requested more and a greater variety of specialist consultations than urban or suburban clinics. Conclusion Although referring physicians and patients indicate a high level of satisfaction with telemedicine services and insurers are negotiating reimbursement policies, additional research must investigate the reasons why some payers, patients, and providers resist participation in these services.  相似文献   



The impact of telemedicine application on the management of diabetes patients is unclear, as the results are not consistent among different studies. The objective of this study is to conduct a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) assessing the impact of telemedicine interventions on change in hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c), blood pressure, LDL cholesterol (LDL-c) and body mass index (BMI) in diabetes patients.


Electronic databases MEDLINE, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials and LILACS were searched to identify relevant studies published until April 2012, supplemented by references from the selected articles. Study search and selection were performed by independent reviewers. Of the 6.258 articles retrieved, 13 RCTs (4207 patients) were included. Random effects model was applied to estimate the pooled results.


Telemedicine was associated with a statistically significant and clinically relevant absolute decline in HbA1c level compared to control (mean difference -0.44% [-4.8 mmol/mol] and 95% confidence interval [CI] -0.61 to -0.26% [-6.7 to -2.8 mmol/mol]; p<0.001). LDL-c was reduced in 6.6 mg/dL (95% CI -8.3 to -4.9; p<0.001), but the clinical relevance of this effect can be questioned. No effects of telemedicine strategies were seen on systolic (-1.6 mmHg and 95% CI -7.2 to 4.1) and diastolic blood pressure (-1.1 mmHg and 95% CI -3.0 to 0.8). The 2 studies that assessed the effect on BMI demonstrated a tendency of BMI reduction in favor of telemedicine.


Telemedicine strategies combined to the usual care were associated with improved glycemic control in diabetic patients. No clinical relevant impact was observed on LDL-c and blood pressure, and there was a tendency of BMI reduction in diabetes patients who used telemedicine, but these outcomes should be further explored in future trials.  相似文献   

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