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Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from patients with ataxia-telangiectasia (A-T) were studied for their capacity to proliferate and to generate influenza virus-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) after in vitro stimulation with influenza A/Hong Kong (A/HK (H3N2)) virus. PBMC from 11 patients proliferated poorly to A/HK and 10 of the 11 patients failed to exhibit significant CTL effector activity when tested on influenza A/HK virus-infected autologous target cells. In contrast, PBMC from each of 18 simultaneously studied, unrelated normal individuals proliferated to A/HK and generated influenza-immune CTL. In each of the 10 A-T patients, deficient CTL activity was shown to be due to a lack of generation of CTL and not to target cell resistance to lysis, because the virtually infected target cells of the patients were lysed by parental influenza-immune CTL. Determinations of T cell numbers and existing serum antibody titers to H3N2 influenza virus suggest this nonresponsiveness cannot be simply explained by a lack of T cells or the absence of exposure to type A (H3N2) influenza virus. Studies in which CTL were generated in A-T plasmas and during co-culture of PBMC from an A-T patient and an MHC-matched sibling failed to demonstrate either plasma or cellular suppression as a mechanism for the lack of CTL production in A-T patients. This immune defect in the production of cytotoxic effector T cells may be a cause of the increased frequency of infections and neoplasms observed in A-T patients.  相似文献   

Augmented auto-anti-idiotypic antibody production was effectively achieved by immunization of mice with haptenated myeloma protein in the presence of hapten-reactive helper T lymphocytes. Hapten-reactive helper T-lymphocyte activities were raised in BALB/c mice by immunization with para-azobenzoate (PAB)-derived mouse gamma globulin (MGG) prepared by amidination reaction (PABim-MGG). Helper T cell activity was effectively enhanced by pretreatment of mice with a PAB-derived nonimmunogenic copolymer of D-glutamic acid and D-lysine (D-GL) (PAB-D-GL) 3 days before priming with PABim-MGG; PAB-D-GL is a potent tolerogen of both PAB-specific suppressor T lymphocytes and PAB-specific B cells. After induction of these enhanced PAB-reactive helper T lymphocytes, mice were immunized with PAB-coupled TEPC-15 myeloma protein (PABim-T-15), which was also prepared by amidination reaction. Mice immunized in this way manifested strikingly enhanced titers of auto-anti-idiotypic antibodies, specific for the T-15 idiotype, as compared to control mice which had not been preimmunized with PABim-MGG. The ability of PABim-MGG preimmunization to facilitate auto-anti-idiotypic antibody production was due to the activity of PAB-reactive helper T cells since PAB-specific B cells had been abolished by prior treatment with PAB-D-GL. The implications of this model for future studies on immunological engineering the analysis of idiotype network phenomena are discussed.  相似文献   

Influenza-specific immune cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) populations maintain a constant level of in vitro cytolytic activity. This is demonstrable with both heterogeneous populations of anti-viral CTL from immune donors and long-term CTL clones derived from primed CTL precursors. Cytolytic machinery is stably expressed by these CTL populations under a variety of in vitro cultivation conditions. This finding is in contrast to results with alloreactive CTL generated by stimulation of primed CTL precursors that lose cytolytic activity on a per cell basis with time after stimulation. The results indicate that virus-specific, cloned CTL that stably express cytolytic activity are representative of the heterogeneous populations from which they are derived and further suggest a qualitative difference in the regulation and expression of cytolytic machinery between heterogeneous populations of influenza-specific CTL and alloreactive CTL.  相似文献   

The induction of T cell tolerance in vitro was investigated by using HGG-specific murine helper T cell (Th) clones and cell lines. It was found that exposure of Th to monomeric HGG (tolerogen) for 18 hr rendered the Th unable to reconstitute the PFC response of HGG-primed B cells. The tolerant state was not a result of Th cell death, as up to 100% of Th could be recovered after exposure to the monomer, and in addition, the recovered cells proliferated in response to IL2. B cells were shown not to be significantly affected by the presence of monomeric HGG in amounts calculated to be carried over from the tolerization cultures into the assay cultures. Consequently, it was concluded that interaction between Th and monomeric HGG induced unresponsiveness at the T cell level. A comparison of the tolerogenic potential of monomeric, soluble, and aggregated HGG revealed that only the monomer could induce tolerance in Th. Monomeric HGG was also shown to induce tolerance in an antigen-specific manner. Th reactive to HGG could be tolerized by monomeric HGG, but not Th reactive to FGG or OVA. Helper function of Th was also shown to be antigen specific in that HGG-reactive Th helped only HGG-primed B cells. Certain HGG-specific Th clones were found to be refractory to tolerization with monomeric HGG, whereas other clones derived from the same uncloned cell line were tolerizable.  相似文献   

A monoclonal H-2d-specific antibody markedly inhibits target-cell lysis mediated by two influenza virus A/JAP/57-specific, H-2K d -restricted cloned CTL lines. Three other A/JAP/57-specific, H-2 d -restricted CTL clones (two of which are also restricted to H-2K d in target-cell recognition) are only minimally inhibited by this monoclonal antibody. The inhibitory effect of the antibody is not due to selective binding to certain cloned CTL lines but rather is due to blocking of a determinant on the target cell. The monoclonal antibody produces partial inhibition of lysis mediated by a heterogeneous population of A/JAP/57-specific, H-2 d -restricted CTL. Likewise the profound, selective inhibition of cytolysis produced by the H-2d-specific monoclonal antibody could not be reproduced with a conventional H-2d alloantiserum. These observations suggest that more than one site on a particular H-2K or H-2D molecule can serve as a determinant for H-2-restricted CTL recognition. They furthermore imply that there is more than one recognition structure (receptor) for self MHC products clonally distributed among a population of H-2-restricted CTL directed to a particular antigen.  相似文献   

We intended to investigate whether the suppression of antigen-induced antibody responses in vitro in man by T suppressor cells required contact of T suppressor cells with target cells or whether this effect was mediated by factors released by T suppressor cells. To this end supernatants of antigen-induced T suppressor cells were tested (by a plaque forming cell assay) for their capacity to suppress antibody responses of autologous and allogeneic human peripheral blood lymphocytes. We have shown that supernatants of antigen-specific T suppressor cells, designated as TsF24: a) can suppress an antibody response of autologous but not allogeneic lymphocytes to the inducing antigen; b) are antigen-specific in their effect; and 3) are produced by radiosensitive T cells. Furthermore, the target of the factor is a radiosensitive T cell. These findings taken together indicate that, in the generation of T-effector suppressor cells in man, T-T interactions occur, and in addition, that cellfree factors may be involved in these interactions.  相似文献   

Cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) against autologous EBV-transformed B lymphoblastoid cell line (LCL) were induced in vitro by culturing peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) of healthy donors together with mitomycin C-treated autologous LCL for 6 days. The cytotoxic cells developed only from the E-rosette-positive fraction but not from the negative fraction of PBL. These CTL killed autologous LCL but not PWM-stimulated autologous PBL. In addition, the CTL killed allogeneic LCL when at least 1 of the HLA-A antigens was identical with that of the LCL of CTL donor. However, identity of HLA-B and HLA-C antigens was not enough for a significant killing of allogeneic LCL. The specificity of the CTL was also confirmed by a cold target inhibition test. These results indicated that the CTL induced specifically recognized EBV-transformed cells with HLA restriction.  相似文献   

This report demonstrates the expression of strong MIs locus MIsd) recognition by a cloned line of H-2-restricted influenza virus-specific CTL. This clone of F1 (H-2b/d; MIsb) origin was found to specifically proliferate in response to uninfected cells of CBA/J (H-2k, MIsd) origin but not to uninfected B10.BR or CBA/CaJ cells (H-2k, MIsb). In addition, proliferation by this cTL line was observed in response to histocompatible cells expressing cross-reactive MIsa determinants (DBA/2, NZB; H-2d, MIsa). This recognition was observed only at the level of CTL proliferation. The CTL line exhibited no cytotoxic activity for target cells of these MIs types. These observations are contrasted with the response of another cloned H-2-restricted influenza-specific CTL line that simultaneously exhibits alloreactivity for H-2k. The significance of these results for T lymphocyte recognition is discussed.  相似文献   

Three HSV type 1 (HSV-1) and HSV type 2 (HSV-2) common ("HSV-type common") and three HSV-1 specific CTL clones, which were CD3+, CD4+, CD8-, 4B4+, and 2H4-, were established. These clones proliferated in response to stimulation with HSV in the presence of autologous APC. The HSV type specificity of the proliferative response was identical with that of the cytotoxic activity of the clones. The cytotoxic activity and the proliferative response were both inhibited by addition of anti-HLA-DR mAb to the culture. After culture of these CTL clones with autologous B cells and macrophages followed by HSV Ag stimulation, anti-HSV antibody was detected in the culture supernatant. The HSV type specificity of the helper function for antibody production was identical with that of the cytotoxicity, i.e., HSV-type common clones, upon stimulation with either HSV-1, or HSV-2, and HSV-1-specific clones, upon stimulation with HSV-1 but not with HSV-2, showed helper activity for anti-HSV antibody production by autologous B cells. Moreover, it was found that these clones produced humoral factors which help autologous B cells to produce antibody. The helper factors were produced by T cell clones in an HSV-type-specific manner. These data suggest that some CD4+ T cells can simultaneously manifest both specific cytotoxicity and helper activity for Ag-specific antibody production by B cells, and that these multifunctional T cells might play an important role in protection against viral infection.  相似文献   

The antigenic requirements for in vitro proliferation of several cloned continuous lines of H-2-restricted influenza virus-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) has been examined. The cloned CTL lines were established from individual splenic CTL precursors obtained from A/JAPAN/305/57 (H2N2)-immune F1 (C57BL/6 X BALB/c) donors. The lines were isolated (by limiting dilution in liquid culture) and expanded in the presence of A/JAPAN/305/57-infected irradiated syngeneic (F1) spleen cells and T cell growth factor (TCGF) of rat spleen origin. Optimal proliferation (and long-term in vitro cultivation) of these H-2-restricted CTL lines required both specific antigenic stimulation in the form of virus-infected syngeneic spleen cells and an exogenous source of TCGF. In addition, the antigenic requirements for proliferation of these lines directly reflected the pattern of H-2-restricted influenza virus-specific recognition at the level of target cell recognition and lysis.  相似文献   

HIV promoter activity in primary antigen-specific human T lymphocytes   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Human retroviruses, such as the HIV, infects human T cells, and efficient HIV replication occurs primarily in activated T cells rather than resting cells. Increased HIV production is likely caused by the activation of the retroviral promoter, and the HIV promoter may be regulated by intracellular signals induced during immune stimulation. To examine the regulation of retroviral promoter activity in normal, Ag-specific primary T lymphoblasts, a heterogeneous population of primary human T cells was transfected with either the HIV promoter or a promoter from a different retrovirus, Rous sarcoma virus (RSV) by protoplast fusion technique. Transfected T cells responded normally to Ag or mitogen stimulation, and activation of these T cells increased both the HIV and RSV promoter activity. Promoter activity was assessed by using transient expression assays after the T cells were restimulated with Ag, mitogen, or IL-2. In situ hybridization of transfected human T cells showed that 68 to 95% of activated lymphocytes expressed CAT mRNA directed by HIV or RSV. Thus, protoplast transfection of primary T cells was efficient in that the majority of cells expressed CAT message. By deletion of different regions of the HIV promoter, the enhancer region was identified as necessary for effective HIV promoter activity. In addition these deletion studies identified a region that negatively affects HIV promoter activity in primary T cells. Cotransfection of the HIV promoter with the HIV transactivator protein, tat, increases HIV promoter activity in both resting and activated primary human T cells only when the tat target sequences were present.  相似文献   

The efficiency of cloned class I MHC restricted CTL specific for the nucleoprotein or glycoprotein of lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus in either mediating virus clearance or immunopathologic disease in mice during acute infection was quantitated. Cloned CTL specific for either an internal (nucleoprotein) or surface (glycoprotein) protein of lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus, when administered intracerebrally 5 days after the initiation of infection induced fatal immunopathology, indicating that both internal and surface viral Ag play a role in immune mediated disease in vivo. Dose-response analysis indicated that only 10(2) to 10(3) cloned CTL injected intracerebrally were required to induce mortality in 50% of inoculated syngeneic mice. Thus relatively few virus-specific CTL are required to induce an acute immunopathologic disease in the central nervous system. In contrast, if cloned CTL are adoptively transferred at the time of initiation of viral infection they provide protection as demonstrated by their ability to eliminate virus from the brain and thus terminate the acute infection.  相似文献   

This study describes the effects of human recombinant IFN-alpha 2 on antibody production in vitro. Whereas the inclusion of IFN-alpha 2 in cultures for 7 days had a relatively minor effect on pokeweed mitogen (PWM)-induced antibody production, it resulted in a dose-related enhancement of a hapten-specific primary antibody response. Comparison of PWM and IFN-induced [3H]thymidine uptake indicated that the observed IFN activation was not polyclonal. Pretreatment of T cells with IFN for 1 hr before recombination with untreated autologous B lymphocytes increased the anti-TNP response four-fold, whereas similar pretreatment of B lymphocytes had no effect. Furthermore, 2000 R x-irradiation of T cells before coculture with autologous B lymphocytes and IFN abrogated the TNP-specific response. These results indicate that IFN modulates TNP-specific antibody production via a radiosensitive T-helper function. Further subfractionation by panning suggests that the enhancement is mediated by the Leu-3a+ helper/inducer T cell subset. Evidence that a 1-hr exposure to IFN was sufficient to modulate antibody production prompted the examination of T cells for possible receptor mechanisms. Scatchard analysis of 125I-IFN-alpha 2 binding revealed approximately 65 high affinity IFN receptors per cell with an apparent dissociation constant (Kd) of 4.4 X 10(-10) M. This paper is the first demonstration of the role of T cells in mediating the effects of recombinant IFN-alpha 2 on human primary antibody responses in vitro. These data further suggest that the observed modulation of hapten-specific antibody production in vitro by IFN may involve the binding of IFN to specific cellular receptors expressed by T lymphocytes.  相似文献   

T lymphocytes were cloned directly from the cerebrospinal fluid of a patient with mumps meningitis by limiting dilution in the presence of irradiated feeder cells and T cell growth factor. Of 84 colonies analyzed, 41 were cytotoxic, as shown by their ability to exert phytohemagglutinin-dependent killing. Of these, 39 showed specificity for the autologous mumps-virus infected target cells. The cytotoxic T cell colonies showed the same pattern of HLA restriction as bulk cultures of CSF lymphocytes. This study shows that it is possible to perform functional assays on inflammatory exudate cells at the clonal level. The data also suggest that recruitment of effector cells from the peripheral compartment into the meningeal spaces in mumps meningitis is highly antigen-specific.  相似文献   

Two different endpoints, sister-chromatid exchange and micronucleus induction, were measured in human peripheral blood lymphocytes stimulated to divide in short-term in vitro cultures. The cultures were exposed to sulphasalazine and 6 of its metabolites for 72 h in the absence of any exogenous metabolic activation system. Analysis of the sister-chromatid exchange and micronuclei frequencies clearly indicates that sulphasalazine itself is capable of inducing both sister-chromatid exchange and micronuclei while sulphapyridine and its acetylated metabolites only induce sister-chromatid exchange. 5-Aminosalicylic acid, the therapeutic moiety of sulphasalazine, and its acetylated metabolite did not induce either sister-chromatid exchange or micronuclei at the concentrations tested. The data from these in vitro experiments are discussed in relation to the previously reported elevations in sister-chromatid exchange and micronucleus frequencies in inflammatory bowel disease patients receiving sulphasalazine therapy.  相似文献   

Intraperitoneal immunization of mice with liver influenza virus was shown to induce helper T (TH) cells with specificity for the hemagglutinin (HA). The interaction of virus-primed TH cells with purified HA was studied independently of B cell reactivity to the same antigen by using the generation of nonspecific help as an index of activation of HA-specific TH cells. TH cells from mice primed with any of the H3 viruses A/Aichi/68 X A/Bel/42 (H3N1), A/Memphis/102/72 X A/Bel/42 (H3N1) or A/Port Chalmers/73 (H3N2) were strongly cross-reactive towards HA of other strains within the H3 subtype. In addition, several examples of cross-reactivity towards HA of a different subtype were observed, usually of a lower magnitude. TH cells from mice primed to any of the H3 viruses above or to A/Bel/42 (H1N1) virus cross-reacted with the HA of A/Japan/305/57 (H2); furthermore, priming with A/Bel/42 or with A/Jap/305/57 X A/Bel/42 (h2N1) virus yielded TH cells that cross-reacted with certain of the H3 HA preparations. The cross-reactivity observed between subtypes was not due to the common chicken host carbohydrate component of HA, since no response to the purified type A HA preparations was obtained with T cells from mice primed with egg-grown influenza B/Hong-Kong/8/73 virus. The results indicate that HA of different subtypes may share cross-reactive antigenic determinants recognized by TH cells. Within a subtype, HA are highly cross-reactive with respect to tH cell recognition.  相似文献   

Culture supernatants generated by alloantigenic or lectin stimulation of a cloned helper T lymphocyte, designated L2, contain interleukin 2 (IL 2), granulocyte/macrophage colony-stimulating factor (CSF), B cell stimulating factor (BCSF), macrophage (Ia+)-recruiting factor (MIRF), (Ia+)-inducing activity, gamma-interferon, Fc receptor-enhancing activity, macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF), macrophage activation factor (MAF), interleukin 3 (IL 3), and a factor responsible for prolonging the synthesis and secretion of the fourth and second components of complement by guinea pig peritoneal macrophages. Erythropoietin was not detected. A spontaneously arising variant of L2, designated L2V, produces much lower quantities of macrophage-stimulating activities, IL 2, and interferon. However, when compared to L2, L2V produces much higher levels of BCSF, equivalent amounts of IL 3, and slightly smaller amounts of CSF. Unlike L2V, a cytolytic clone, designated L3, secretes lymphokines that primarily affect macrophage function. The time course of lymphokine production by L2 cells indicates that for the six lymphokine activities studied there are three different times at which maximal or near maximal levels are reached, as follows: 1) IL 2, 12 to 24 hr; 2) IL 3 and CSF, 24 to 48 hr; and 3) (Ia+)-inducing activity, MAF, and interferon, 48 hr or later. Only IL 2 activity disappears during the 8-day culture cycle. The time course data and the differential production of activities by the three types of lymphocyte clones suggest that at least four terminal effector lymphokine molecules account for the ten biologic activities tested.  相似文献   

Immortalized clones of virally transformed OVA-specific T cells produce antigen-specific helper factor upon stimulation in vitro. The helper factor activate DNP-primed B cells to multiply and synthesize IgG anti-DNP antibodies. The trigger of the helper clone is antigen specific and the B cell-stimulating hapten must be coupled to the specific T cell carrier in order to transfer the help signal from the activated T clone to the B lymphocytes. Activation of the helper clone is performed by antigen-pulsed macrophages and cannot be achieved by the free soluble antigen. However, cell-free supernatant of the antigen-pulsed macrophages can stimulate the helper cells. Thus the antigenic determinant must be presented to the helper cell in the form of macrophage-processed antigen. These requirements for antigenic stimulation and the activity of the secreted helper factor demonstrate that the immortalized helper clone preserved the cellular components which control the antigen-specific immune function of the normal T lymphocyte.  相似文献   

Propagation of antigen-specific T cell helper function in vitro.   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Antigen-induced proliferation of primed lymph node cells was abrogated by treatment with anti-Ly 1 serum and complement (C) but not with anti-Ly 2 serum and C. Lymph node cells from animals primed to ovalbumin were activated with antigen in vitro, followed by propagation in an antigen-free supernatant fluid obtained from lectin-induced normal spleen cells. T cells processed in this manner displayed a stepwise enrichment of helper activity for antibody production as measured in a secondary hapten-carrier response. The sequential increase in antigen-specific help was paralleled by a rise in the antigen-induced proliferative response, a phenomenon whose expression was dependent on the presence of syngeneic or semi-syngeneic irradiated filler cells.  相似文献   

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