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The activity‐regulated cytoskeleton‐associated protein (Arc, also known as Arg3.1) regulates glutamatergic synapse plasticity and has been linked to neuropsychiatric illness; however, its role in behaviors associated with mood and anxiety disorders remains unclear. We find that stress upregulates Arc expression in the adult mouse nucleus accumbens (NAc)—a brain region implicated in mood and anxiety behaviors. Global Arc knockout mice have altered AMPAR‐subunit surface levels in the adult NAc, and the Arc‐deficient mice show reductions in anxiety‐like behavior, deficits in social novelty preference, and antidepressive‐like behavior. Viral‐mediated expression of Arc in the adult NAc of male, global Arc KO mice restores normal levels of anxiety‐like behavior in the elevated plus maze (EPM). Consistent with this finding, viral‐mediated reduction of Arc in the adult NAc reduces anxiety‐like behavior in male, but not female, mice in the EPM. NAc‐specific reduction of Arc also produced significant deficits in both object and social novelty preference tasks. Together our findings indicate that Arc is essential for regulating normal mood‐ and anxiety‐related behaviors and novelty discrimination, and that Arc's function within the adult NAc contributes to these behavioral effects.  相似文献   

Attachment styles are established soon after birth and form the basis for a healthy psychological life during adulthood. Here, we investigated whether genetic background (i.e. isogenic strains: C57BL/6N and BALB/c) and parent‐of‐origin (i.e. reciprocal hybrids) epigenetic effects influence attachment‐like styles in mice. We discovered that a specific genetic and epigenetic assortment exerts a role on the development of a secure or insecure attachment‐like style. In particular, when biological mothers raise their pups, the attachment‐like style is mainly secure, independently of the genetic background. However, when foster mothers raise pups, the attachment‐like style can be either secure or insecure, depending on the particular genetic background, and this effect is paternally transmitted. Finally, we observed that secure attachment‐like in mice leads to greater sociability during adulthood, while insecure attachment‐like leads to reduced sociability. Our study sheds light on gene‐environment interactions that shape the attachment‐like style early in development and pave the way for a healthy psychological life.  相似文献   

Social and genetic factors can influence smoking behavior. Using olfactogustatory stimuli as the sensory cue for intravenous nicotine self‐administration (SA), we previously showed that social learning of nicotine contingent odor cue prevented rats from developing conditioned taste aversion and allowed them to instead establish stable nicotine SA. We hypothesized that genetic factors influenced socially acquired nicotine SA. A heterogeneous stock (HS; N/NIH) of outbred rats was trained to self‐administer nicotine using the social learning protocol. Both male and female HS rats acquired nicotine SA, but females self‐administered more nicotine than males. After extinction, the context previously paired with nicotine SA, in conjunction with socially transmitted drug cues, was sufficient to cause reinstatement of drug‐seeking behavior. Wide variation in both nicotine intake and reinstatement was observed. Using multiple regression analysis, we found that measures of social interaction were significant predictors of nicotine intake and reinstatement of drug seeking in both males and females. Furthermore, measures of depression were predictors of nicotine intake in both males and females, anxiety was a predictor only in males and response to novelty was a predictor only in females. In males, measures of both depression and anxiety predicted nicotine reinstatement. Together, these data supported the ideas that genetically determined propensities for emotional and social phenotypes are significant determinants for nicotine‐reinforced behavior, and that the HS rat is a suitable tool for dissecting genetic mechanisms that may underlie the interaction between social behavior, anxiety, depression and smoking .  相似文献   

Mice deficient in the neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) show behavioral abnormalities as adults, including altered exploratory behavior, deficits in spatial learning, and increased intermale aggression. Here, we report increased anxiety‐like behavior of homozygous (NCAM−/−) and heterozygous (NCAM+/−) mutant mice in a light/dark avoidance test, independent of genetic background and gender. Anxiety‐like behavior was reduced in both NCAM+/+ and NCAM−/− mice by systemic administration of the benzodiazepine agonist diazepam and the 5‐HT1A receptor agonists buspirone and 8‐OH‐DPAT. However, NCAM−/− mice showed anxiolytic‐like effects at lower doses of buspirone and 8‐OH‐DPAT than NCAM+/+ mice. Such increased response to 5‐HT1A receptor stimulation suggests a functional change in the serotonergic system of NCAM−/− mice, likely involved in the control of anxiety and aggression. However, 5‐HT1A receptor binding and tissue content of serotonin and its metabolite 5‐hydroxyindolacetic acid were found unaltered in every brain area of NCAM−/− mice investigated, indicating that expression of 5‐HT1A receptors as well as synthesis and release of serotonin are largely unchanged in NCAM−/− mice. We hypothesize a critical involvement of endogenous NCAM in serotonergic transmission via 5‐HT1A receptors and inwardly rectifying K+ channels as the respective effector systems. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 40: 343–355, 1999  相似文献   

Y‐ and W‐chromosomes offer a theoretically powerful way for sexual dimorphism to evolve. Consistent with this possibility, Drosophila melanogaster Y‐chromosomes can influence gene regulation throughout the genome; particularly immune‐related genes. In order for Y‐linked regulatory variation (YRV) to contribute to adaptive evolution it must be comprised of additive genetic variance, such that variable Ys induce consistent phenotypic effects within the local gene pool. We assessed the potential for Y‐chromosomes to adaptively shape gram‐negative and gram‐positive bacterial defence by introgressing Ys across multiple genetic haplotypes from the same population. We found no Y‐linked additive effects on immune phenotypes, suggesting a restricted role for the Y to facilitate dimorphic evolution. We did find, however, a large magnitude Y by background interaction that induced rank order reversals of Y‐effects across the backgrounds (i.e. sign epistasis). Thus, Y‐chromosome effects appeared consistent within backgrounds, but highly variable among backgrounds. This large sign epistatic effect could constrain monomorphic selection in both sexes, considering that autosomal alleles under selection must spend half of their time in a male background where relative fitness values are altered. If the pattern described here is consistent for other traits or within other XY (or ZW) systems, then YRV may represent a universal constraint to autosomal trait evolution.  相似文献   

Post‐traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is an anxiety disorder that develops in predisposed individuals following a terrifying event. Studies on isogenic animal populations might explain susceptibility to PTSD by revealing associations between the molecular and behavioural consequences of traumatic stress. Our study employed four inbred mouse strains to search for differences in post‐stress response to a 1.5‐mA electric foot shock. One day to 6 weeks after the foot shock anxiety, depression and addiction‐like phenotypes were assessed. In addition, expression levels of selected stress‐related genes were analysed in hippocampus and amygdala. C57BL/6J mice exhibited up‐regulation in the expression of Tsc22d3, Nfkbia, Plat and Crhr1 genes in both brain regions. These alterations were associated with an increase of sensitized fear and depressive‐like behaviour over time. Traumatic stress induced expression of Tsc22d3, Nfkbia, Plat and Fkbp5 genes and developed social withdrawal in DBA/2J mice. In 129P3/J strain, exposure to stress produced the up‐regulation of Tsc22d3 and Nfkbia genes and enhanced sensitivity to the rewarding properties of morphine. Whereas, SWR/J mice displayed increase only in Pdyn expression in the amygdala and had the lowest conditioned fear. Our results reveal a complex genetic background of phenotypic variation in response to stress and indicate the SWR/J strain as a valuable model of stress resistance. We found potential links between the alterations in expression of Tsc22d3, Nfkbia and Pdyn, and different aspects of susceptibility to stress.  相似文献   

The study of hybrid inviability reveals cryptic divergence between the genetic interactions that maintain stable phenotypes in the pure species . We characterized the effects of natural variation on the penetrance of hybrid inviability phenotypes in crosses between Drosophila melanogaster and two species of the D. simulans subcomplex, D. simulans and D. sechellia. Using a panel of wild‐caught lines, we studied the levels of genetic variance present in D. simulans and D. sechellia affecting prezygotic and post‐zygotic isolation in hybridizations with D. melanogaster females. We observed extensive variability in the viability of hybrid individuals, dependent on the genotype of the parents, suggesting that intraspecific natural variation manifests directly in hybrid phenotypes. Furthermore, we found that genetic background significantly affects the penetrance of a well‐studied determinant of hybrid inviability: the interaction between Hmrmel–Lhrsim. Our results suggest that hybrid inviability – and reproductive isolation generally – can be modified by polymorphisms at multiple loci segregating within the parental species. Just as the penetrance of most mutant phenotypes can be modified by the genetic background within the pure species, the penetrance of hybrid inviability phenotypes is highly influenced by the parental genotypes.  相似文献   

Experimental studies manipulating diet and exercise have shown varying effects on metabolic syndrome components in both humans and rodents. To examine the potential interactive effects of diet, exercise and genetic background, we studied mice from four replicate lines bred (52 generations) for high voluntary wheel running (HR lines) and four unselected control lines (C). At weaning, animals were housed for 60 days with or without wheels and fed either a standard chow or Western diet (WD, 42% kcal from fat). Four serial (three juvenile and one adult) blood samples were taken to measure fasting total cholesterol (TC), high‐density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL‐C), triglycerides and glucose. Western diet was obesogenic for all mice, even after accounting for the amount of wheel running and kilojoules consumed. Western diet significantly raised glucose as well as TC and HDL‐C concentrations. At the level of individual variation (repeatability), there was a modest correlation (r = 0.3–0.5) of blood lipids over time, which was reduced with wheel access and/or WD. Neither genetic selection history nor wheel access had a statistically significant effect on blood lipids. However, HR and C mice had divergent ontogenetic trajectories for body mass and caloric intake. HR mice also had lower adiposity, an effect that was dependent on wheel access. The environmental factors of diet and wheel access had pronounced effects on body mass, food consumption and fasting glucose concentrations, interacting with each other and/or with genetic strain. These data underscore the importance (and often unpredictable nature) of genotype‐by‐environment and environment‐by‐environment interactions when studying body weight regulation.  相似文献   

Objective: We aimed to characterize further the Lou/C (LOU) and Fischer 344 (F344) rat strains for nutritional traits to validate their use as contrasting strains for molecular genetic studies. Research Methods and Procedures: Five batches of LOU and F344 rats were used to measure caloric intake, weight gain, and body composition when fed a chow diet, a self‐selection diet (together with the study of preferences for macronutrients), hypercaloric diets, and a chow diet in a cold environment. Results: Despite a higher caloric intake when fed a chow diet, LOU rats showed a lower weight gain, final body weight, and percentage of fat tissue, together with a higher percentage of carcass weight, than F344 rats. When fed a self‐selection diet, LOU males ingested less protein and more fat than F344 males, and the reverse was observed for females. In this condition, feed efficiency was reduced in LOU but increased in F344 rats compared with the chow diet. Diet‐induced obesity was observed in F344 rats but not in LOU rats fed hypercaloric diets. In a cold environment, both LOU and F344 rats displayed an increased percentage of brown adipose tissue compared with control groups, together with a higher caloric intake. Discussion: The study shows robust nutritional differences between the LOU rat, a lean strain with a low feed efficiency and resistant to diet‐induced obesity, and the contrasting F344 rat strain. It also shows the interest in these strains for studying the genetic components of resistance to obesity.  相似文献   

1. Life history trade‐offs emerge when limited resources are allocated to multiple functions of an organism. Under highly competitive conditions trade‐offs can result in alternative phenotypes that differ morphologically and physiologically. Such is the case in insect species that grow under high densities, where competition for resources but also the risk of disease contagion is high, prompting important adjustments in immune response and melanic cuticular pigmentation, with consequent sacrifices in other fitness‐related traits. 2. In the present study, the potential trade‐offs between total‐ and active phenoloxidase (PO), body size and body pigmentation in Sepsis thoracica black scavenger flies that show alternative male morphs differing in cuticular pigmentation, and body size were evaluated. 3. As expected, small/dark (obsidian) males showed higher total‐PO activity than larger/orange (amber) males. A negative relationship was found between total‐PO activity and body size in females and obsidian but not amber males, suggesting that growth and immunity are more costly for the former. In contrast, density did not affect PO activity, as predicted by the density‐dependent prophylaxis hypothesis, which had not been tested in dipterans before. However, rearing density did affect the body size negatively in females and amber but not obsidian males, showing that male morph is largely determined by condition‐dependent plasticity rather than genes. 4. This study provides good evidence that trade‐offs between different life‐history traits can result in alternative resource allocation strategies, even within one species. These strategies can produce strikingly different alternative phenotypes, evincing that there is not only one optimal solution to address fitness optimisation.  相似文献   

Human genetic association and brain expression studies, and mouse behavioral and molecular studies implicate a role for the histidine triad nucleotide‐binding protein 1 (HINT1) in schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression and anxiety. The high comorbidity between smoking and psychiatric disorders, schizophrenia in particular, is well established. Associations with schizophrenia and HINT1 are also sex specific, with effects more predominant in males; however, it is unknown if sex differences associated with the gene extend to other phenotypes. Thus, in this study, using a battery of behavioral tests, we elucidated the role of HINT1 in acute nicotine‐mediated behaviors using male and female HINT1 wild‐type (+/+) and knockout (?/?) mice. The results show that male HINT1 ?/? mice were less sensitive to acute nicotine‐induced antinociception in the tail‐flick, but not hot‐plate test. At low nicotine doses, male and female HINT1 ?/? mice were less sensitive to nicotine‐induced hypomotility, although the effect was more pronounced in females. Baseline differences in locomotor activity observed in male HINT1 +/+ and ?/? mice were absent in females. Nicotine did not produce an anxiolytic effect in male HINT1 ?/? mice, but rather an anxiogenic response. Diazepam also failed to induce an anxiolytic response in these mice, suggesting a general anxiety phenotype not specific to nicotine. Differences in anxiety‐like behavior were not observed in female mice. These results further support a role for HINT1 in nicotine‐mediated behaviors and suggest that alterations in the gene may have differential effects on phenotype in males and females.  相似文献   

Maternal and environmental factors are important sources of phenotypic variation because both factors influence offspring traits in ways that impact offspring and maternal fitness. The present study explored the effects of maternal factors (maternal body size, egg size, yolk‐steroid allocation, and oviposition‐site choice) and seasonally‐variable environmental factors on offspring phenotypes and sex ratios in a multi‐clutching lizard with environmental sex determination (Amphibolurus muricatus). Maternal identity had strong effects on offspring morphology, but the nature of maternal effects differed among successive clutches produced by females throughout the reproductive season (i.e. maternal identity by environment interactions). The among‐female and among‐clutch variation in offspring traits (including sex ratios) was not mediated through maternal body size, egg size, or variation in yolk steroid hormones. This lack of nongenetic maternal effects suggests that phenotypic variation may be generated by gene by environment interactions. These results demonstrate a significant genetic component to variation in offspring phenotypes, including sex ratios, even in species with environmental sex determination. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 95 , 256–266.  相似文献   

Perinatal development represents a critical period in the life of an individual. A common cause of poor development is that which comes from undernutrition or malnutrition. In particular, protein deprivation during development has been shown to have deep deleterious effects on brain's growth and plasticity. Early‐life stress has also been linked with an increased risk to develop different psychopathologies later in life. We have previously shown that perinatal protein malnutrition in mice leads to the appearance of anxiety‐related behaviors in the adulthood. We also found evidence that the female offspring was more susceptible to the development of depression‐related behaviors. In the present work, we further investigated this behavior together with its molecular bases. We focused our study on the hippocampus, as it is a structure involved in coping with stressful situations. We found an increase in immobility time in the forced swimming test in perinatally malnourished females, and an alteration in the expression of genes related with neuroplasticity, early growth response 1, calcineurin and c‐fos. We also found that perinatal malnutrition causes a reduction in the number of neurons in the hippocampus. This reduction, together with altered gene expression, could be related to the increment in immobility time observed in the forced swimming test.  相似文献   

While the genetic and environmental contributions to developmental dyslexia (DD) have been studied extensively, the effects of identified genetic risk susceptibility and of specified environmental hazardous factors have usually been investigated separately. We assessed potential gene‐by‐environment (GxE) interactions on DD‐related reading, spelling and memory phenotypes. The presence of GxE effects were investigated for the DYX1C1, DCDC2, KIAA0319 and ROBO1 genes, and for seven specified environmental moderators in 165 nuclear families in which at least one member had DD, by implementing a general test for GxE interaction in sib‐pair‐based association analysis of quantitative traits. Our results support a diathesis‐stress model for both reading and memory composites: GxE effects were found between some specified environmental moderators (i.e. maternal smoke during pregnancy, birth weight and socio‐economic status) and the DYX1C1‐1259C/G marker. We have provided initial evidence that the joint analysis of identified genetic risk susceptibility and measured putative risk factors can be exploited in the study of the etiology of DD and reading‐related neuropsychological phenotypes, and may assist in identifying/preventing the occurrence of DD.  相似文献   

Schizophrenia patients are often obese or overweight and poor dietary choices appear to be a factor in this phenomenon. Poor diet has been found to have complex consequences for the mental state of patients. Thus, this study investigated whether an unhealthy diet [i.e. high fat diet (HFD)] impacts on the behaviour of a genetic mouse model for the schizophrenia risk gene neuregulin 1 (i.e. transmembrane domain Nrg1 mutant mice: Nrg1 HET). Female Nrg1 HET and wild‐type‐like littermates (WT) were fed with either HFD or a control chow diet. The mice were tested for baseline (e.g. anxiety) and schizophrenia‐relevant behaviours after 7 weeks of diet exposure. HFD increased body weight and impaired glucose tolerance in all mice. Only Nrg1 females on HFD displayed a hyper‐locomotive phenotype as locomotion‐suppressive effects of HFD were only evident in WT mice. HFD also induced an anxiety‐like response and increased freezing in the context and the cued version of the fear conditioning task. Importantly, CHOW‐fed Nrg1 females displayed impaired social recognition memory, which was absent in HFD‐fed mutants. Sensorimotor gating deficits of Nrg1 females were not affected by diet. In summary, HFD had complex effects on the behavioural phenotype of test mice and attenuated particular cognitive deficits of Nrg1 mutant females. This topic requires further investigations thereby also considering other dietary factors of relevance for schizophrenia as well as interactive effects of diet with medication and sex.  相似文献   

Chronic stress in rodents was shown to induce structural shrinkage and functional alterations in the hippocampus that were linked to spatial memory impairments. Effects of chronic stress on the amygdala have been linked to a facilitation of fear conditioning. Although the underlying molecular mechanisms are still poorly understood, increasing evidence highlights the neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) as an important molecular mediator of stress‐induced structural and functional alterations. In this study, we investigated whether altered NCAM expression levels in the amygdala might be related to stress‐induced enhancement of auditory fear conditioning and anxiety‐like behavior. In adult C57BL/6J wild‐type mice, chronic unpredictable stress resulted in an isoform‐specific increase of NCAM expression (NCAM‐140 and NCAM‐180) in the amygdala, as well as enhanced auditory fear conditioning and anxiety‐like behavior. Strikingly, forebrain‐specific conditional NCAM‐deficient mice (NCAM‐floxed mice that express the cre‐recombinase under the control of the promoter of the α‐subunit of the calcium‐calmodulin‐dependent protein kinase II), whose amygdala NCAM expression levels are reduced, displayed impaired auditory fear conditioning which was not altered following chronic stress exposure. Likewise, chronic stress in these conditional NCAM‐deficient mice did not modify NCAM expression levels in the amygdala or hippocampus, while they showed enhanced anxiety‐like behavior, questioning the involvement of NCAM in this type of behavior. Together, our results strongly support the involvement of NCAM in the amygdala in the consolidation of auditory fear conditioning and highlight increased NCAM expression in the amygdala among the mechanisms whereby stress facilitates fear conditioning processes.  相似文献   

Psychiatric phenotypes are multifactorial and polygenic, resulting from the complex interplay of genes and environmental factors that act cumulatively throughout an organism's lifetime. Adverse life events are strong predictors of risk for a number of psychiatric disorders and a number of studies have focused on gene–environment interactions (GxEs) occurring at genetic loci involved in the stress response. Such a locus that has received increasing attention is the gene encoding FK506 binding protein 51 (FKBP5), a heat shock protein 90 cochaperone of the steroid receptor complex that among other functions regulates sensitivity of the glucocorticoid receptor. Interactions between FKBP5 gene variants and life stressors alter the risk not only for mood and anxiety disorders, but also for a number of other disease phenotypes. In this review, we will focus on molecular and system‐wide mechanisms of this GxE with the aim of establishing a framework that explains GxE interactions. We will also discuss how an understanding of the biological effects of this GxE may lead to novel therapeutic approaches .  相似文献   

The glucocorticoid‐induced receptor (GIR) is a stress‐responsive gene that is abundantly expressed in forebrain limbic regions. Glucocorticoid‐induced receptor has been classified as a Neuropeptide Y‐like receptor, however, physiological attributes have not been investigated. In this study, mice lacking GIR (?/?) were screened in various paradigms related to stress, anxiety, activity, memory, fear and reward. GIR ?/? mice elicited behavioral insensitivity to the anxiogenic effects of restraint stress. However, hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis response to stress was not impacted by GIR deficiency. Increased preference for sucrose was observed in GIR ?/? mice suggestive of modulation of reward‐associated behaviors by the receptor. A delayed acquisition of spatial learning was also observed in GIR ?/? mice. There were no effects of genotype on the modulation of anxiety‐like behavior, activity, fear‐conditioning and extinction. Our data extend previous studies on GIR regulation by glucocorticoids and provide novel evidence for a role of GIR in reward, learning and the behavioral outcomes of stress .  相似文献   

Serotonin1A receptor (5‐HT1AR) deficiency has been associated with anxiety and depression and mice with genetic receptor inactivation exhibit heightened anxiety. We have reported that 5‐HT1AR is not only a genetic but also a maternal ‘environmental’ factor in the development of anxiety in Swiss‐Webster mice. Here, we tested whether the emergence of maternal genotype‐dependent adult anxiety is preceded by early behavioral abnormalities or whether it is manifested following a normal emotional development. Pups born to null or heterozygote mothers had significantly reduced ultrasonic vocalization (USV) between postnatal day (P) 4 and 12, indicating an influence of the maternal genotype. The offspring's own genotype had an effect limited to P4. Furthermore, we observed reduced weight gain in the null offspring of null but not heterozygote mothers, indicating that a complete maternal receptor deficiency compromises physical development of the offspring. Except a short perinatal deficit during the dark period, heterozygote females displayed normal maternal behavior, which, with the early appearance of USV deficit, suggests a role for 5‐HT1AR during pre‐/perinatal development. Consistent with this notion, adult anxiety in the offspring is determined during the pre‐/perinatal period. In contrast to heterozygote females, null mothers exhibited impaired pup retrieval and nest building that may explain the reduced weight gain of their offspring. Taken together, our data indicate an important role for the maternal 5‐HT1AR in regulating emotional and physical development of their offspring. Because reduced receptor binding has been reported in depression, including postpartum depression, reduced 5‐HT1AR function in mothers may influence the emotional development of their offspring.  相似文献   

Growth hormone (GH) and insulin-like growth factor (IGF) signaling regulates lifespan in mice. The modulating effects of genetic background gained much attention because it was shown that life-prolonging effects in Snell dwarf and GH receptor knockout vary between mouse strains. We previously reported that heterozygous IGF-1R inactivation (IGF-1R+/−) extends lifespan in female mice on 129/SvPas background, but it remained unclear whether this mutation produces a similar effect in other genetic backgrounds and which molecules possibly modify this effect. Here, we measured the life-prolonging effect of IGF-1R+/− mutation in C57BL/6J background and investigated the role of insulin/IGF signaling molecules in strain-dependent differences. We found significant lifespan extension in female IGF-1R+/− mutants on C57BL/6J background, but the effect was smaller than in 129/SvPas, suggesting strain-specific penetrance of longevity phenotypes. Comparing GH/IGF pathways between wild-type 129/SvPas and C57BL/6J mice, we found that circulating IGF-I and activation of IGF-1R, IRS-1, and IRS-2 were markedly elevated in 129/SvPas, while activation of IGF pathways was constitutively low in spontaneously long-lived C57BL/6J mice. Importantly, we demonstrated that loss of one IGF-1R allele diminished the level of activated IGF-1R and IRS more profoundly and triggered stronger endocrine feedback in 129/SvPas background than in C57BL/6J. We also revealed that acute oxidative stress entails robust IGF-1R pathway activation, which could account for the fact that IGF-1R+/− stress resistance phenotypes are fully penetrant in both backgrounds. Together, these results provide a possible explanation why IGF-1R+/− was less efficient in extending lifespan in C57BL/6J compared with 129/SvPas.  相似文献   

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