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When confronted by signals of predators presence, many aquatic organisms modify their phenotype (e.g., behaviour or morphology) to reduce their risk of predation. A principal means by which organisms assess predation risk is through chemical cues produced by the predators and/or prey during predation events. Such responses to predation risk can directly affect prey fitness and indirectly affect the fitness of species with which the prey interacts. Accurate assessment of the cue will affect the adaptive nature, and hence evolution, of the phenotypic response. It is therefore, important to understand factors affecting the assessment of chemical cues. Here I examined the effect of the age of chemical cues arising from an invertebrate predator, a larval dragonfly (Anax junius), which was fed bullfrog tadpoles, on the behavioural response (activity level and position) of bullfrog tadpoles. The bullfrog response to chemical cues declined as a function of chemical cue age, indicating the degradation of the chemical cue was on the order of 2–4 days. Further, the decay occurred more rapidly when the chemical cue was placed in pond water rather than well water. These results indicate a limitation of the tadpoles to interpret factors that affect the magnitude of the chemical cue and hence accurately assess predation risk. These findings also have implications for experimental design and the adaptation of phenotypic responses to chemical cues of predation risk.  相似文献   

Queens of the slave-making ant, Polyergus breviceps, take over nests of adult Formica workers when establishing new colonies. Although naïve to slave-maker brood, the usurped Formica rear Polyergus offspring and nests containing both host and parasite species forms. Host worker acceptance of parasite brood has been attributed to the similarity of brood tending signals between these closely related taxa and/or the presence of an attractive pheromone in the slave-maker brood. By presenting single-species groups of Formica occulta and Formica gnava (two host species of P. breviceps) with a choice of Formica pupae of both species or with a choice of P. breviceps pupae from both types of mixed-species nests, it seems that neither close phylogenetic relatedness nor an attractive brood odor alone can account for the propensity of host workers to adopt slave-maker pupae. Significantly greater numbers of P. breviceps pupae were adopted by enslaved workers than by free-living workers, and within the enslaved groups and the free-living F. gnava group, greater numbers of P. breviceps pupae were adopted if they were from nests where the host species was conspecific to workers used in tests. When presented with F. gnava and F. occulta pupae, Formica workers adopted conspecific pupae almost exclusively and ignored or consumed pupae of the other host species. Taken together, these results imply that P. breviceps pupae have both a species-specific odor and a general brood-tending pheromone, upon which a host odor may be imposed. The disparate requirements of immatures at different stages of development for cue specificity or generality in maintaining nest exclusivity and maximizing inclusive fitness are discussed.  相似文献   

The ontogeny of kin recognition and influence of social environment on the development of kin recognition behaviour was experimentally investigated in tadpoles of Bufo melanostictus that lived in aggregations and showed low larval dispersion. Embryos and tadpoles of the toad were reared as (i) kin only, (ii) with kin and non-kin (separated by a mesh screen), and (iii) in isolation. They were tested for the ability to discriminate between (i) familiar siblings and unfamiliar non-siblings, (ii) familiar siblings and familiar non-siblings and, (iii) unfamiliar siblings and unfamiliar non-siblings. All tadpoles were fed on boiled spinach before conducting trials. Preference of test tadpoles to associate near the end compartments whether empty or containing members of specific stimulus groups was assessed using a rectangular choice tank. When tested in tanks with empty end compartments, the test tadpoles showed random distribution and thus no bias for the apparatus or the procedure. In the presence of kin/non-kin in the end compartments a significantly greater number of test tadpoles spent the majority of the time near familiar or unfamiliar kin rather than near familiar or unfamiliar non-kin. Kin discrimination ability persisted throughout larval development. Familiarity with siblings is not required for discriminating kin from non-kin, and kin discrimination ability is not modified following exposure to non-kin. Also, involvement of dietary cues is unlikely to be the prime mechanism of kin recognition inB. melanostictus unlike in some other anurans.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of monoamine oxidase (MAO) in the brain of Xenopus laevis tadpoles (stage 52–56) was studied histochemically with a modified Glenner's tryptamine-tetrazolium method. A moderate activity was observed in fibre regions of the striatum and septum (including the medial and lateral forebrain bundles), in the neuropil of the nucleus amygdalae, in the commissura anterior and commissura hippocampi, in the fibre regions of the diencephalon (including the optic chiasma), in the fibre regions of the tectum opticum and the tegmentum of the mesencephalon and in the white substance of the ventral half of the medulla oblongata. A greater MAO activity was found in the neuropil of the entire nucleus praeopticus. In the partes anterior and magnocellularis of this nucleus, MAO positive fibres are present in close contact with the perikarya, indicating a monoaminergic innervation of these neurons. The perikarya themselves did not show MAO activity. In the neurons of the nucleus praeopticus epichiasmaticus, the paraventricular organ (PVO) and nucleus infundibularis dorsalis (NID), only a slight MAO activity has been demonstrated in the perikarya, whereas a strong MAO positivity was found in the intraventricular protrusions and the neuropil. These data indicate the aminergic character of the neurons of these nuclei. From the postoptic fibre region a MAO positive tract was observed towards the developing median eminence and pars intermedia of the hypophysis. The pars nervosa and some cells of the pars distalis also contained MAO. Along the border of the aquaeduct of Silvius and the fourth ventricle, MAO positive liquor-containing neurons are also present.The distribution of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) was investigated in the hypothalamohypophysial region. AChE activity was found in the neuropil of the nucleus praeopticus magnocellularis, in the fibres of the optic chiasma and in the postoptic fibre region. The neurons of the PVO and NID were AChE negative. An AChE positive tract could be traced from the postoptic fibre region to the developing median eminence and pars nervosa. The pars distalis did not show AChE activity. However, in tadpoles reaching the metamorphic climax, ChE activity appeared in certain cells of the pars distalis; this might be related to degenerative phenomena in the acidophilic cells. The absence of AChE activity in the pars intermedia indicates a regulation of MSH release by peptidergic nerves to be unlikely.The stimulating interest and helpful advice of Prof. Dr. P. G. W. J. van Oordt is gratefully acknowledged. Thanks are also due to Mr. H. van Kooten and his co-workers for making the photographs.  相似文献   

The introduction of non-native predators is thought to have important negative effects on native prey populations. The susceptibility of native prey to non-native or introduced predators may depend on their ability to respond appropriately to the presence of these non-native predators. We conducted a laboratory based behavioral experiment to examine the response of American toad (Bufo americanus) and bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) tadpoles to the presence of cues from the introduced mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis), a potential tadpole predator. Neither the American toad tadpoles nor the bullfrog tadpoles responded behaviorally to the presence of mosquitofish cues. If tadpoles are unable to respond to the presence of mosquitofish cues appropriately, then their ability to avoid predation by mosquitofish may be compromised and this may contribute to the impacts of mosquitofish on some tadpole populations.  相似文献   

Slave-making ants are social parasites that exploit the labor of workers from their host species by keeping them captive in the slave-maker nest. Slave-makers vary in their degree of specialization, ranging from obligate slave-makers that cannot survive without captives, to facultative slave-makers, which are often found living independently. Our study system included one obligate slave-maker, Polyergus breviceps, two facultative slave-makers, Formica puberula and F. gynocrates, and two hosts, F. occulta and F. sp. cf. argentea. We observed all raids conducted during two raiding seasons by seven P. breviceps colonies, two F. puberula colonies, and two F. gynocrates colonies. We report on raiding frequency, average raid distances, and then compare the probability of being raided multiple times in a single raiding season for the two host species. We also report on the spatial distribution of slave raids, which suggests that slave-makers avoid raiding in areas used by other slave-maker colonies. This is the first report of raiding activity for P. breviceps in this location, and the first report of raiding activity of any kind for F. puberula and F. gynocrates.  相似文献   

Summary Young tadpoles of the toad,Bufo melanostictus (Schneider), were immersed in 15 IU/ml vitamin-A palmitate solution for 3 days, only prior to amputation through the shank. In more than 65% of cases the resultant regenerates were whole limbs containing the skeletal elements from femur to phallanges; in several of them a new girdle had also differentiated. In others regenration had progressed only up to the blastema stage and postblastemic development was inhibited. Opposite results were obtained when treatment was extended to another 3 days after amputation. A normal control-type regenerate consisting of parts distal to amputation level was not obtained in any case treated in either manner. The removed distal part of the shank was not restored in any treated case. It appears that, if suitably administered, vitamin A can make the limb regeneration blastema of amphibians completely equivalent to the original limb bud, probably by intensifying dedifferentiation of its cells. It is suggested that this chemical can be a useful tool to investigate the biochemical and genetic changes which occur during dedifferentiation and also whether through this process differentiated cells can really revert to a pluripotent state.  相似文献   

Summary For the study of the hypothalamo-hypophysial system of Xenopus laevis tadpoles, hypothalamic lesions were made by means of the electrocoagulation technique. Lesioning of the ventral region of the preoptic nucleus resulted in a decrease of the number of ACTH cells in the pars distalis of the pituitary gland and in a diminution of the PAS-positive reaction of these cells. In addition, regeneration of the neurosecretory cells of the ventral region of the preoptic nucleus observed 6 weeks after lesioning was accompanied by the reappearance of normal PAS-positive ACTH cells in the pars distalis. It is suggested that the neurosecretory cells of the ventral region of the preoptic nucleus of Xenopus laevis tadpoles are related to the ACTH synthesizing cells, probably by producing CRF.Dedicated to Prof. Dr. med. W. Bargmann on the occasion of his 70th birthdayThe authors thank Prof. Dr. J.C. van de Kamer for his interest, Prof. Dr. P.G.W.J. van Oordt for his many helpful comments, and Messrs. H. van Kooten, E. van der Vlist, J.J. van der Vlis and M.C.A. van Pinxteren for preparing the illustrations  相似文献   

We measured the rate at which the metabolic enzymes lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), citrate synthase (CS), and cytochrome c oxidase (CCO) acclimate in the response to lowered temperature in the axial muscle of tadpoles of Limnodynastes peronii (Anura: Myobatrachidae) over 6 weeks. In addition, we measured growth rates of the tadpoles kept at both temperatures and examined the activities of these enzymes in the liver tissue of the control group and cold-acclimated group at the end of the experiment. We found that LDH acclimates in axial muscle; the differences between the control and cold-acclimated group became apparent after 21 days. After 42 days, the activity of LDH in axial muscle in the cold-acclimated group was 30% greater than the control group. Growth rates were maintained at 0.7 mm/week within both treatments despite the 10 degrees C difference in temperature between experimental groups. Both LDH and CS were increased in activity in the liver (5 and 1.3 times greater, respectively, in the cold-acclimated group). The thermal sensitivity (Q(10)) of LDH was between 20 and 30 degrees C in the cold-acclimated group (1.2+/-0.01) when compared to the control group (1.6+/-0.15). The rate at which acclimation in this species occurs is appropriate for seasonal changes in temperature, and these animals may not be able to respond to a rapid drop in temperature.  相似文献   

Regional differences in potential difference and short-circuit current between the body (dorsal) and the tail skin during metamorphosis of Rana catesbeiana tadpoles were investigated. In body skin, the potential difference and the short-circuit current across the skin develop in two successive steps. At stage XX, the potential difference and the short-circuit current across the body skins were amiloride-insensitive (1st step). At stage XXII, however, amiloride-sensitive potential difference and the short circuit current appeared (2nd step). By contrast, in tail skin the potential difference and the short-circuit current remained amiloride-insensitive (1st step) even at stage XXIII. Since the tail regresses after stage XXIII, the appearance of the second step could not be followed in vivo. To determine whether or not the second step can be induced in the tail, tail skin was cultured under conditions where the skin survives for a much longer period than it does in normally developing tadpoles. Such cultured tail skin generated the amiloride-sensitive potential difference and the short-circuit current and cultured body skin also generated them. Therefore, development of the 2nd step in the tail skin may be delayed in vivo. To characterize the differences between body and tail skin, skins were mutally grafted between body and tail at stage XIII–XV. The body skin grafted on the tail underwent both the 1st and 2nd steps by stage XXII, whereas the tail skin grafted on the body only showed the 1st step by the same stage. These results suggest that the regional specificity of the skin is already established before the prometamorphic stage.Abbreviations CMFS Ca2+- and Mg2+-free saline - CTS charcoal-treated serum - EDTA ethylene diamine tetra-acetate - I current - PD potential difference - R skin resistance - SCC short-circuit current  相似文献   

Jason E. Jannot 《Oecologia》2009,161(2):267-277
The majority of plants are involved in symbioses with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), and these associations are known to have a strong influence on the performance of both plants and insect herbivores. Little is known about the impact of AMF on complex trophic chains, although such effects are conceivable. In a greenhouse study we examined the effects of two AMF species, Glomus intraradices and G. mosseae on trophic interactions between the grass Phleum pratense, the aphid Rhopalosiphum padi, and the parasitic wasp Aphidius rhopalosiphi. Inoculation with AMF in our study system generally enhanced plant biomass (+5.2%) and decreased aphid population growth (−47%), but there were no fungal species-specific effects. When plants were infested with G. intraradices, the rate of parasitism in aphids increased by 140% relative to the G. mosseae and control treatment. When plants were associated with AMF, the developmental time of the parasitoids decreased by 4.3% and weight at eclosion increased by 23.8%. There were no clear effects of AMF on the concentration of nitrogen and phosphorus in plant foliage. Our study demonstrates that the effects of AMF go beyond a simple amelioration of the plants’ nutritional status and involve rather more complex species-specific cascading effects of AMF in the food chain that have a strong impact not only on the performance of plants but also on higher trophic levels, such as herbivores and parasitoids.  相似文献   

A non-pigmented, unicellular alga isolated from the faeces of British anuran tadpoles and which is associated with growth inhibition in these tadpoles, was described and identified using cytological, ultrastructural, nutrient assimilation and immunological studies. The alga possessed all the distinctive morphological features of the genus Prototheca, it grew weakly on Prototheca Isolation Medium (PIM), it required thiamine for continued growth and replication, and it could assimilate the five major substrates used to speciate the protothecans. All of these characteristics, together with previous nucleic acid hybridisation studies, indicated that the microorganism belonged to the genus Prototheca. There are currently five species recognised as valid (Pore, 1985 & 1986): Prototheca zopfii Kruger, 1884, P. wickerhamii Tubaki & Soneda, 1959, P. moriformis Kruger, 1884, P. stagnora Cooke, 1968 and P. ulmea Pore, 1986.The immunology showed that the new species was related to two of the protothecans, but overall it showed that the alga was antigenically distinct from the other protothecans tested in the immunoassay. This, together with its inability to grow strongly on PIM, its ability to assimilate a wide rage of carbon substrates and its ability to mediate growth inhibition in anuran tadpoles, indicated a new species of Prototheca. We therefore propose the name Prototheca richardsi sp. n.  相似文献   

Nuchal glands are unique organs known in only twelve Old World natricine species (three genera) including Rhabdophis tigrinus tigrinus. The glands of R. t. tigrinus contain a toxic secretion that may be derived from its toxic toad diet. A series of peculiar antipredator behaviors, for example neck arch, neck butt, and dorsal-facing posture, are exhibited by R. t. tigrinus, and a functional association between this behavior and the nuchal glands has been suggested. To investigate the ubiquitousness of these putatively unique displays among snakes, antipredator responses of 27 taxa of natricine snakes, both with and without nuchal glands, were studied using a common testing procedure. Three of four taxa with nuchal glands exhibited neck arch, neck butt, and dorsal-facing posture. None of the remaining 23 taxa, which do not possess the glands, showed neck arch and neck butt. Principal-components analysis indicated the association of the above three displays along with the behaviors termed neck flatten and head elevation, confirming the presence of a series of nuchal gland-related behaviors. These results support the assumption that the suite of peculiar displays is associated with the deterrent effects of the nuchal gland secretion.  相似文献   

Predaceous Heteroptera are important components of natural and managed habitats. The extent of predatory habits among taxa ranges from those that are totally (or nearly totally) predaceous to those that are nearly totally phytophagous, but occasionally feed on arthropod prey. Because of that variability in predatory habit, the contributions of heteropteran taxa to management of pest species will vary greatly. The late Robert (Bob) J. O’Neil (1955–2008) added significantly to understanding the roles of and benefits from facultatively predaceous Heteroptera. His focus on behavioral and physiological attributes that permitted facultatively predaceous species to persist in agricultural habitats demonstrated that facultative predators could help prevent pest outbreaks, but were less effective at reducing numbers of species already considered above economic thresholds.  相似文献   

The threat-sensitivity hypothesis predicts that prey species assess and adjust their behavior in accordance with the magnitude of the threat posed by a predator. A largely overlooked characteristic of a prey that will affect its sensitivity to predators is its history of autotomy. We studied threat-sensitive behavior to fish kairomones in larvae of Ischnura elegans damselflies, which had undergone autotomy, from a fishpond and from a fishless pond. In agreement with their higher perceived risk, larvae from the fishpond showed fewer rigid abdomen bends, foraged less and walked more slowly than larvae from the fishless pond. In line with their higher vulnerability to predators, larvae without lamellae spent less time foraging than larvae with lamellae. There was a decrease in swimming activity in the presence of fish kairomones except for larvae with lamellae from the fishless pond. This may reflect differences in vulnerability of larvae without lamellae between pond types. Such context-dependent responses in activity to kairomones should be kept in mind when evaluating the ability of a prey to recognize kairomones.  相似文献   

Behavioral responses of the predatory stink bug Eocanthecona furcellata (Wolff) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) towards Spodoptera litura (Fabricius) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) larvae were observed in olfactometers. In single-and dual-tube olfactometers, adult bugs were observed to approach and stretch their proboscis toward the odor source. These types of behavior were also observed toward the control odor source in the dual-tube olfactometer. However, the frequency of these phases toward the control odor was significantly lower than that toward the odors from intact or dead larvae. The solvent extracts of larvae elicited these similar behavioral phases significantly more frequently and for significantly longer duration than the control. In a linear track olfactometer, E. furcellata nymphs were observed to be attracted to the fraction eluted with hexane from silica gel chromatography but proboscis-protruding behavior was not observed. The other fraction, 15%-ether-in-hexane from silica gel chromatography, elicited the proboscis-protruding behavior by a simple behavioral assay using a Pasteur pipette. These findings therefore indicate the presence of at least two different chemical cues in prey location.  相似文献   

Nestmate recognition in social insects generally involves matching a label to the template that is acquired through the early learning of non-volatile cuticular hydrocarbon cues. However, a possible role of the volatile chemical cues that exist in the nest, and which may also affect template formation, has not been studied. We investigated this possibility using experimental mixedspecies groups composed of the two ant species Manica rubida and Formica selysi. The experimental set-up either allowed full contact between workers of the two species or interspecific contact was hindered or prohibited by a single or a double mesh. After three months, workers of M. rubida ants were selected as focal ants for aggression tests including the following target ants: F. selysi workers from the same mixed-species group (for each of the three rearing conditions) or from a single-species group (control). Workers of M. rubida were always amicable towards their group-mates, irrespective of the experimental group (contact, single or double mesh). However, M. rubida that were not imprinted on F. selysi, expressed high levels of aggression towards the non-familiar F. selysi workers. The finding that F. selysi workers in the mixed-species groups appeared familiar to their M. rubida group-mates even without physical contact between them, suggests that the volatile cues produced by F. selysi affected nestmate recognition in M. rubida. In an attempt to identify these volatile cues we performed SPME analysis of the head space over groups of F. selysi workers. The findings revealed that F. selysi Dufour’s gland constituents, with undecane as the major product, are released into the head space, rendering them likely candidates to affect template formation in M. rubida. Analysis of Dufour’s gland secretion of F. selysi revealed a series of volatile alkanes, including undecane as a major product. These alkanes were not present in the glandular secretion of M. rubida, whose secretion was mainly composed of isomers of farnesene. We therefore hypothesize that callow M. rubida workers in the mixed-species groups had become imprinted by the above alkanes (in particular undecane, being the major heterospecific volatile in the head space) and incorporated them into their own template. Received 18 October 2007; revised 2 January 2008; accepted 7 January 2008.  相似文献   

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