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The D region of the H-2 d haplotype contains five class I genes: H-2D d , D2 d , D3 d , D4 d and H-2L d . Although previous studies have suggested the presence of D-end encoded class I molecules in addition to H-2Dd and H-2Ld, segregation of genes encoding such molecules has not been demonstrated. In this report we have used cãtotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) to examine the D region of the H-2 d haplotype for the presence of additional class I molecules. CTL generated in (C3H × B6.K1)F1 (K k D k , K b D b ) mice against the hybrid class I gene product Q10d/Ld expressed on L cells cross-react with H-2Ld but not H-2Dd molecules, as determined by lysis of transfected cells expressing H-2Ld but not H-2Dd. Although H-2Ld-specific monoclonal antibodies (mAb) completely inhibit H-2Ld-specific CTL from killing B10.A(3R) (K b D d L d ) target cells, only partial inhibition of anti-Q10 CTL-mediated lysis was observed, suggesting the presence of an additional D-end molecule as a target for these latter CTL. To identify the region containing the gene encoding the Q10 cross-reactive molecule, we show that anti-Q10 CTL lyse target cells from a D-region recombinant strain B10.RQDB, which has H-2D d , D2 d , D3 d , D4 d , and H-2D b but not the H-2L d H-2 d , and H-2L d (including D2 d , D3 d , and D4 d , lacks this anti-Q10 CTL target molecule. Together, these data demonstrate that a class I gene mapping between H-2D d and H-2L d encodes an antigen recognozed by anti-Q10 CTL. A likely candidate for this gene is D2 d , D3 d or D4 d .  相似文献   

Structure of a class I gene from Syrian hamster   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Syrian hamsters possess a multigene class I family yet fail to perform several associative immunologic functions. In an attempt to determine whether representative hamster genes are structurally functional, we have cloned two closely linked class I-like genes and determined the complete sequence of the 5' member. Its exon organization is similar to that seen in mouse and man, although only two intracytoplasmic domains are encoded instead of the usual three. Comparison of the predicted amino acid sequence and the 3' untranslated region to mouse and human genes suggest along with the linkage data that the hamster gene may be related to either or both K and Qa region genes but probably not to D and L region genes.  相似文献   

The sequence of a feline class I pseudogene and its comparison with class I genes from other species is presented. The gene isolated is a pseudogene because of the presence of four stop codons and two frame shift mutations in the first-and second-domain encoding exons, as well as a mutation in a splice acceptor site in the third intron. By sequence comparison with the other class I sequences determined to date, theFLA pseudogene is most closely related to theHLA-A locus products (88% nucleotide identity). The nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper have been submitted to the GenBank nucleotide sequence database and have been assigned the accession number M27192.  相似文献   

Structure and expression of a chicken MHC class I gene   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

The nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper have been submitted to the GenBank nucleotide sequence database and have been assigned the accession numbers M34961-2.  相似文献   

The JY328 clone was identified in a human genomic library using cDNA corresponding to mRNA for HLA-B7 as a probe. The L/328 cell line was established by cotransformation of mouse Ltk cells with the herpes thymidine kinase gene and clone JY328. On Northern blots, RNA from,L/328 strongly hybridized to an HLA class I probe, and an antigen was recognized by an anti-HLA class I framework antibody on the cell surface. A DNA probe corresponding to a segment of intron 7 was developed by comparing the nucleotide sequence of clone JY328 with that of other HLA class I-type genes. Using the radiolabeled probe to screen Southern blots of DNA from families with siblings exhibiting intra-HLA recombinations, a restriction fragment length polymorphism was revealed —a 1.4 kb BstE II band not present in all individuals. A corresponding fragment was apparent in the base sequence of clone JY328. The occurrence of this band on Southern blots established that JY328 maps distinct from and centromeric to the HLA-C locus and near to the HLA-B locus. Antibody absorption studies and cytotoxicity tests indicated that the JY328 gene product was not an HLA-B antigen but that it did specifically absorb CW7-specific antibody. In sum, these results suggest a novel, polymorphic HLA class I gene which expresses a product serologically similar to HLA-Cw7 but which does not map within the corresponding locus.  相似文献   

Various chitinases have been identified in plants and categorized into several groups based on the analysis of their sequences and domains. We have isolated a tobacco gene that encodes a predicted polypeptide consisting of a 20-amino acid N-terminal signal peptide, followed by a 245-amino acid chitinolytic domain. Although the predicted mature protein is basic and shows greater sequence identity to basic class I chitinases (75%) than to acidic class II chitinases (67%), it lacks the N-terminal cysteine-rich domain and the C-terminal vacuolar targeting signal that is diagnostic for class I chitinases. Therefore, this gene appears to encode a novel, basic, class II chitinase, which we have designated NtChia2;B1. Accumulation of Chia2;B1 mRNA was induced in leaves in association with the local-lesion response to tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) infection, and in response to treatment with salicylic acid, but was only slightly induced by treatment with ethephon. Little or no Chia2;B1 mRNA was detected in roots, flowers, and cell-suspension cultures, in which class I chitinase mRNAs accumulate to high concentrations. Sequence comparisons of Chia2;B1 with known tobacco class I and class II chitinase genes suggest that Chia2;B1 might encode an ancestral prototype of the present-day class I and class II isoforms. Possible mechanisms for chitinase gene evolution are discussed.  相似文献   

Various chitinases have been identified in plants and categorized into several groups based on the analysis of their sequences and domains. We have isolated a tobacco gene that encodes a predicted polypeptide consisting of a 20-amino acid N-terminal signal peptide, followed by a 245-amino acid chitinolytic domain. Although the predicted mature protein is basic and shows greater sequence identity to basic class I chitinases (75%) than to acidic class II chitinases (67%), it lacks the N-terminal cysteine-rich domain and the C-terminal vacuolar targeting signal that is diagnostic for class I chitinases. Therefore, this gene appears to encode a novel, basic, class II chitinase, which we have designated NtChia2;B1. Accumulation of Chia2;B1 mRNA was induced in leaves in association with the local-lesion response to tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) infection, and in response to treatment with salicylic acid, but was only slightly induced by treatment with ethephon. Little or no Chia2;B1 mRNA was detected in roots, flowers, and cell-suspension cultures, in which class I chitinase mRNAs accumulate to high concentrations. Sequence comparisons of Chia2;B1 with known tobacco class I and class II chitinase genes suggest that Chia2;B1 might encode an ancestral prototype of the present-day class I and class II isoforms. Possible mechanisms for chitinase gene evolution are discussed. Received: 25 May 1998 / Accepted: 29 June 1998  相似文献   

Regulated expression of a murine class I gene in transgenic mice.   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
The major histocompatibility complex class I genes play an essential role in the immune presentation of aberrant cells. To gain further insight into the regulation of the expression of these class I genes and to better define the functions of their protein products, we made use of the technique of gene transfer into the germ line of inbred mice. With the use of locus-specific DNA probes, we observed that a transgenic class I gene was expressed in a tissue-dependent fashion analogous to that of an endogenous class I gene. In addition, the level of expression of the transgenic gene was substantially higher that that of the endogenous gene. The availability of transgenic mice properly expressing a foreign murine class I gene provides a unique system to further define the role of the class I antigens in the maturation of the immune response and in determining the malignant and metastatic phenotypes of tumor cells.  相似文献   

We present the complete nucleotide sequence and the deduced amino acid sequence of the H-2Dp class I gene. This gene, which was cloned from a B10.P genomic DNA library, encodes and intact, functional H-2Dp molecule. Comparative analysis of the Dp sequence with other class I sequences reveals both similarities and differences. This analysis also shows that these genes exhibit D region-specific, locus-specific, as well as allele-specific sequences. The H-2Dp nucleotide sequence is greater than 90% homologous to the H-2Ld and H-2Db genes and only approximately 85% homologous to the H-2Dd gene. The K region and Qa region genes are less homologous. The 3' noncoding sequences appear to be region-specific. All of the previously described D region genes, Db, Ld, and Dd, possess the B2-SINE Alu-like repetitive sequence, as does Dp. Thus, this B2 repeat is a region-specific marker present in all D region genes studied so far. The additional polyadenylation site found in the H-2Dp gene starting at nucleotide 4671, which is homologous to non-D region sequences, as well as unique protein Dp coding sequences, make this gene an interesting model for studying the evolution of polymorphism and structure/function relationships in the class I gene family.  相似文献   

Cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) recognition sites on class I major histocompatibility complex molecules have been investigated by several laboratories by using cloned genes expressed on mouse L cells by DNA-mediated gene transfer. Recombinant genes, constructed by restriction endonuclease treatment of cloned H-2Dd and Ld genes and exchange of the N and C1 exons (exon shuffling) have provided an additional tool. These hybrid H-2 molecules expressed on L cells have been used as targets to achieve more precise localization of site(s) recognized by allospecific and virus-specific CTLs. CTL systems were chosen that limit recognition to either the Dd or Ld alloantigen or to virus and Dd or Ld complexes. Using this approach, we were able to map essential restricting site(s) to the N and/or C1 domains. Additional evidence is presented that the cytoplasmic tail of H-2 may be involved in interactions with some viral antigens and effect the formation of an immunogenic complex.  相似文献   

Functional defects in ATPase class I type 8B membrane 1 (ATP8B1 or familial intrahepatic cholestasis 1, FIC1) lead to cholestasis by mechanism(s) that are not fully understood. One proposed pathophysiology involves aberrant signaling to the bile acid sensor, the farnesoid X receptor (FXR), via protein kinase C ζ (PKCζ). The following cell line-based studies investigated whether phospholipase D2 may transduce a signal from FIC1 to FXR. PLD2 gain of function led to activation of the bile salt export pump (BSEP) promoter, a well-characterized FXR response. BSEP activation by PLD2 could be blocked by abrogating either PKCζ or FXR signaling. PLD2 loss of function led to a reduction in BSEP promoter activity. In addition, a variety of proteins that are activated by FXR, including BSEP, were reduced in HepG2 cells treated with PLD2 siRNA. Similar effects were observed in freshly isolated human hepatocytes. Activation of BSEP by FIC1 gain of function was blocked when PLD2 but not PLD1 was silenced. Overexpression of wild-type but not Byler mutant FIC1 led to an increase in membrane associated PLD activity. An intermediate level of activation of PLD activity was induced when a benign recurrent intrahepatic cholestasis FIC1 mutant construct was expressed. These studies show that FIC1 signals to FXR via a signaling pathway including PLD2 and PKCζ.  相似文献   

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