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Five different artificial associations of cyanobacterial cells with the cells or tissues of nightshade and rauwolfia were studied. The associations grown on nitrogen-containing media produced heterocysts. Cyanobacterial cells in the associations retained their ability to take up bound nitrogen from the medium, to store it in the form of cyanophycin granules, and to use them in the process of symbiotic growth. The synthesis and degradation of cyanophycin granules in cyanobacterial cells were more active in the associations than in monocultures. In the symbiotic associations of Chlorogloeopsis fritschii ATCC 27193 with Solanum laciniatum cells and of Nostoc muscorum CALU 304 with the Rauwolfia serpentina callus, heterocysts were produced at 3- to 30-fold higher cyanophycin contents than in cyanobacterial monocultures. In contrast, in the association of N. muscorum CALU 304 with the Solanum dulcamara callus, heterocysts were produced at lower cyanophycin contents than in the N. muscorum CALU 304 monoculture. The degradation of cyanophycin granules in N. muscorum CALU 304 cells grown in associations with plant tissues or cells was subjected to mathematical analysis. The activation of cyanophycin degradation and heterocyst production in the associations N. muscorum CALU 304-R. serpentina and C. fritschii-S. laciniatum was accompanied by an enhanced synthesis of the nitrogen-containing alkaloids in plant cells. The data obtained suggest that an integrated system of nitrogen homeostasis can be formed in symbiotic associations. Depending on the growth stage of an association, its plant member can either stimulate the accumulation of bound nitrogen in vegetative cyanobacterial cells in the form of cyanophycin granules, or activate their degradation, or initiate the formation of heterocysts independently of the cyanobacterial sensory-signalling system.  相似文献   

Sodium affects the metabolism of eukaryotes and prokaryotes in several ways. This review collates information on the effects of Na+ on the metabolism of cyanobacteria with emphasis on the N2,fixing filamentous species. Na+ is required for nitrogenase activity inAnabaena torulosa, Anabaena L-31 andPlectonema boryanum. The features of this requirement have been mainly studied inAnabaena torulosa. The need for Na+ is specific and cannot be replaced by K+, Li+, Ca 2 + or Mg2+. Processes crucial for expression of nitrogenase such as molybdenum uptake, protection of the enzyme from oxygen inactivation and conformational activation of the enzyme are not affected by Na+. Mo-Fe protein and Fe protein, the two components of nitrogenase are synthesized in the absence of Na+ but the enzyme complex is catalytically inactive. Photoevolution of O2 and CO2 fixation, which are severely inhibited in the absence of Na+, are quickly restored by glutamine or glutamate indicating that Na+ deprivation affects photosynthesis indirectly due to deficiency in the products of N2 fixation. Na+ deprivation decreases phosphate uptake, nucleoside phosphate pool and nitrogenase activity. These effects are reversed by the addition of Na+ suggesting that a limitation of available ATP caused by reduced phosphate uptake results in loss of nitrogenase activity during Na+ starvation. Na+ influx inAnabaena torulosa andAnabaena L-31 is unaffected by low K+ concentration, is carrier mediated, follows Michaelis-Menten kinetics and is modulated mainly by membrane potential. Treatments which cause membrane depolarisation and hyperpolarisation inhibit and enhance Na+ influx respectively. These cyanobacteria exhibit rapid active efflux of Na+, in a manner different from the Na+/H+ antiporter mechanism found inAnacystis nidulans. Na+ requirement in nitrogen metabolism including nitrate assimilation, synthesis of amino acids and proteins, in respiration and oxidative phosphorylation, in transport of sugars and amino acids, cellular distribution of absorbed sodium, physiological basis of salt tolerance and prospects of reclamation of saline soils by cyanobacteria are the other aspects discussed in this review.  相似文献   

The influence of several environmental factors on the phycobiliprotein content of two phycoerythrin-rich nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria has been studied in order to maximize pigment production. Total phycobiliprotein content was enhanced when either temperature within the optimum range for growth or cell density of the culture was increased. The phycobiliprotein level increased also in response to a decrease in irradiance. In all cases the effect was more marked for C-phycoerythrin than for C-phycocyanin and allophycocyanin. The cellular content in C-phycoerythrin was also preferentially enhanced when cultures were irradiated with green light. On the other hand, red light induced an increase in the C-phycocyanin content, but the C-phycoerythrin level decreased considerably.  相似文献   

氮作为构成蛋白质的主要成分, 是植物生长的必要营养物质。陆地生态系统普遍存在土壤氮缺乏的现象, 混交种植模式中固氮植物可以将生物固定的氮转移给非固氮植物, 是满足非固氮植物氮需求的途径之一。明确固氮和非固氮植物间氮转移的影响因素有助于恢复退化生态系统, 构建稳定群落, 增加生态系统生产力。为了量化环境及生物等因素对氮转移的影响, 该研究采用文献调研法, 对118组氮转移比例(氮转移量占非固氮植物氮含量的比值, Ptransfer)文献和实验数据(包括21种固氮植物和23种非固氮植物)进行了线性混合模型分析。结果表明土壤pH是影响Ptransfer变化的最主要因素(解释量为44.04%), 其次为年平均温度(解释量为9.14%)以及固氮与非固氮植物生物量比值(解释量为2.95%), 而作为随机因素的固氮和非固氮植物物种差异的解释量为16.52%。此外, 碱性土壤中Ptransferr显著高于酸性土壤。在酸性土壤中, 年平均温度(解释量为12.49%)和土壤总氮含量(解释量为11.72%)是影响Ptransfer差异的主要因素, Ptransfer随着年平均温度和土壤总氮含量的增加而显著增加。而在碱性土壤中, Ptransfer差异主要受到固氮与非固氮植物生物量比值(解释量为13.29%)、年降水量(解释量为10.73%)和土壤总氮含量(解释量为9.33%)的调控。相对于酸性土壤, 碱性土壤能够显著增加固氮与非固氮植物生物量比值进而增加Ptransfer。同时, 在碱性土壤中Ptransfer与年降水量和土壤总氮含量呈显著正相关关系。这些结果对提高固氮和非固氮植物间的氮转移, 有效缓解土壤氮对非固氮植物生长的限制以及构建稳定群落具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Eleven species of nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria belonging to six genera (Cylindrospermum, Anabaena, Nostoc, Calothrix, Scytonema, and Westiellopsis) tolerate different concentrations of NaCl (from 0.05 to 0.35 M). Wide variation in the chlorophyll (Chl) a content of the species of the same genus and between genera in presence of NaCl was observed. The least tolerant (Cylindrospermum sp., Cy 6), the maximum tolerant (Westiellopsis sp., We 1), and the intermediate tolerant (Westiellopsis sp., We 6) species of cyanobacteria were selected, and their response to various concentrations of NaCl (growth, nitrogen-fixing capacity, and production of extracellular substances) was studied. Nitrogen fixing capacity of both the We 1 and We 6 was greatly impaired in comparison to the decrease in their Chl a content in the NaCl containing media. Cellular and extracellular saccharide and extracellular amino acid contents of the cyanobacteria species in the NaCl supplemented cultures were increased suggesting that presence of saccharides and amino acids enabled the cyanobacterial species to thrive under salt stress. Further, the We 1 did not adapt to the salt whereas Cy 6 showed adaptation to low concentrations of NaCl suggesting that the species which tolerate high concentrations of the salt may not possess the ability to adapt to NaCl. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Abstract The enzyme activities responsible for the evolution and consumption of hydrogen in three unicellular cyanobacteria were investigated. Gloeothece sp. 6909 and Cyanothece sp. 7822 performed an oxygen-tolerant nitrogen fixation, whereas the nitrogenase activity of Synechococcus sp. 7425 was much more sensitive to oxygen. While in Gloeothece the net hydrogen production during nitrogen fixation was relatively low due to recycling by an uptake hydrogenase, little hydrogen consumption was detected in Cyanothece and Synechococcu . On the other hand a reversible hydrogenase was demonstrated in the latter strains. However, only Cyanothece shows hydrogenase-catalysed hydrogen production in vivo under anaerobic conditions in the dark. It is suggested that hydrogen is a fermentation product, and that the physiological function of this reversible hydrogenase is the removal of excess reduction equivalents under such conditions.  相似文献   

Eco-physiological responses of nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria to light   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The eco-physiological responses of three nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria (N-fixing cyanobacteria), Aphanizomenon gracile, Anabaena minderi, and Ana. torques-reginae, to light were assessed under nutrient saturation. The N-fixing cyanobacteria were isolated into monocultures from a natural bloom in a shallow colored lake and their growth irradiance parameters and pigment composition were assessed. The different ecological traits related to light use (μmax, α, I k) suggest that these N-fixing cyanobacteria are well adapted to low light conditions at sufficient nutrients, yet interspecific differences were observed. Aphanizomenon gracile and Anabaena minderi had high relative growth rates at low irradiances (ca. 70% of those in high light), low half saturation constant for light-limited growth (I k < 9.09 μmol photon m−2 s−1) and high efficiency (α < 0.11 day−1 μmol photon−1 m2 s). Conversely, Ana. torques-reginae showed poorer light competitiveness: low relative growth rates at low irradiances (ca. 40% of those in high light), low α (0.009 day−1 μmol photon−1 m2 s) and higher I k (35.5 μmol photon m−2 s−1). Final densities in Aphanizomenon gracile and Anabaena minderi reached bloom densities at irradiances above 30 μmol photon m−2 s−1 with different hierarchy depending on irradiance, whereas Ana. torques-reginae never achieved bloom densities. All species had very low densities at irradiances ≤17 μmol photon m−2 s−1, thus no N-fixing blooms would be expected at these irradiances. Also, under prolonged darkness and at lowest irradiance (0 and 3 μmol photon m−2 s−1) akinetes were degraded, suggesting that in ecosystems with permanently dark sediments, the prevalence of N-fixing cyanobacteria should not be favored. All species displayed peaks of phycocyanin, but no phycoeritrin, probably due to the prevailing red light in the ecosystem from which they were isolated.  相似文献   

Transport of Na+ and its relationship with membrane potential (delta psi m) was examined in Anabaena L-31 (a fresh water cyanobacterium) and Anabaena torulosa (a brackish water cyanobacterium) which require Na+ for diazotrophic growth. The data on the effect of N,N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide indicated that delta psi m was generated by electrogenic proton extrusion predominantly mediated by ATPase(s). In addition, operation of a plasmalemmabound, non-ATP-requiring, H+-pumping terminal oxidase was suggested by the sensitivity of delta psi m to anaerobiosis, cyanide and azide, all of which inhibit aerobic respiration. The response of delta psi m to external pH and external Na+ or K+ concentrations indicated that a diffusion potential of Na+ or K+ may not contribute significantly to delta psi m. Kinetic studies showed that Na+ influx was unlikely to be a result of Na+/NA+ exchange but was a carrier-mediated secondary active transport insensitive to low concentrations (less than 10 mM) of external K+. There was a close correspondence between changes in delta psi m and Na+ influx; all the treatments which caused depolarisation (such as low temperature, dark, cyanide, azide, anaerobiosis, ATPase inhibitors) lowered Na+ influx whereas treatments which caused hyperpolarisation (such as 2,4-dinitrophenol, nigericin) enhanced Na+ influx. Remarkably low intracellular Na+ concentrations were maintained by these cyanobacteria by means of active efflux of the cation. The basic mechanism of Na+ transport in the fresh water and the brackish water cyanobacterium was similar but the latter demonstrated less influx, more efficient efflux, more affinity of carriers for Na+ and less accumulation of Na+, all attributes favouring salt tolerance.  相似文献   

Cyanophycin [multi-L-arginyl-poly(L-aspartic acid) (CGP)] was, for the first time, produced in yeast. As yeasts are very important production organisms in biotechnology, it was determined if CGP can be produced in two different strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The episomal vector systems pESC (with the galactose-inducible promoter GAL1) and pYEX-BX (with the copper ion-inducible promoter CUP1) were chosen to express the cyanophycin synthetase gene from the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. strain PCC 6308 (cphA(6308)) in yeast. Expression experiments with transgenic yeasts revealed that the use of the CUP1 promoter is much more efficient for CGP production than the GAL1 promoter. As observed by electrophoresis of isolated CGP in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels, the yeast strains produced two different types of polymer: the water-soluble and the water-insoluble CGP were observed as major and minor forms of the polymer, respectively. A maximum CGP content of 6.9% (wt/wt) was detected in the cells. High-performance liquid chromatography analysis showed that the isolated polymers consisted mainly of the two amino acids aspartic acid and arginine and that, in addition, a minor amount (2 mol%) of lysine was present. Growth of transgenic yeasts in the presence of 15 mM lysine resulted in an incorporation of up to 10 mol% of lysine into CGP. Anti-CGP antibodies generated against CGP isolated from Escherichia coli TOP10 harboring cphA(6308) reacted with insoluble CGP but not with soluble CGP, if applied in Western or dot blots.  相似文献   

Chen PC  Almon H  Böger P 《Plant physiology》1989,89(4):1035-1038
Four species of nitrogen-fixing heterocystous cyanobacteria were compared with respect to induction of hydrogenase activity. Two of the strains contained phycoerythrin and built up high levels of carbohydrate storage material when grown in batch culture under nitrogen-fixing conditions and continuous illumination. These strains did not exhibit hydrogenase activity. Lack of activity in the phycoerythrin-containing species was determined by cell-free assays measuring both hydrogen-evolving and hydrogen-uptake activities. Apparently, expression of hydrogenase is negatively correlated with the carbohydrate pool present and concurrent respiration. Furthermore, there is an apparent relationship between the presence of phycoerythrin, carbohydrate accumulation, and the absence of hydrogenase activity.  相似文献   

We analyzed the amount of polyamines in a variety of cyanobacteria including nitrogen-fixing and nonfixing species. All the cyanobacteria capable of fixing nitrogen, contained sym-homospermidine as the major polyamine. The concentration of putrescine, spermidine and spermine was extremely low in these cyanobacteria. The cyanobacteria which normally fail to fix nitrogen contained spermidine as the major polyamine, while the sym-homospermidine content was very low or under the limits of detection. Apparently there is a close relationship between the sym-homospermidine content and the ability to fix nitrogen in cyanobacteria.  相似文献   

Forest management with N-fixing trees can improve soil fertility and tree productivity, but have little information regarding belowground carbon processes and microbial properties. We aimed to evaluate the effects of three forest management regimes, which were Erythrophleum fordii (N-fixing tree), Pinus massoniana (non-N-fixing tree), and their mixed forest, on soil respiration and microbial community composition in subtropical China, using Barometric Process Separation and phospholipid fatty acid profiles, respectively. We found that the inclusions of N-fixing species in forests significantly increased the soil respiration, but have no effects on SOC and ecosystem total C stock. In addition, soil microbial communities were obviously different among the three forest management regimes. For instance, total and bacterial PLFAs were higher in the E. fordii and mixed forest than in the P. massoniana forest. Conversely, fungal PLFAs in the P. massoniana forest were elevated versus the other two forests. Soil total N, nitrate-N and pH were the key determinants shaping the microbial community composition. Our study suggests that variations in soil respiration in the studied forests could be primarily explained by the differences of root biomass and soil microbial biomass, but not soil organic carbon. Although soil fertility and microbial biomass were promoted, N-fixing plantings also brought on increased CO2 emissions in laboratory assays. The future decision of tree species selection for forest management in subtropical China therefore needs to consider the potential influences of tree species on CO2 emissions.  相似文献   

3种水稻土中7株固氮蓝细菌的分离与特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【背景】蓝细菌是水生和陆地生态系统中生物固氮的主要贡献者。【目的】增加对稻田土壤固氮蓝细菌的了解,获得用于进一步研究的可培养固氮蓝细菌菌株。【方法】选择3种具有不同固氮能力的水稻土,采用BG11-N培养基分离培养固氮蓝细菌菌株,对新分离菌株进行形态特征观察,通过基因组DNA的nifH基因扩增明确其固氮潜力,进一步采用乙炔还原法和~(15)N_2示踪法定量测定其固氮能力,通过基因组DNA的16SrRNA基因序列比对进行鉴定。【结果】在光照培养条件下,采用BG11-N培养基共分离纯化得到自养菌株7株,细胞呈圆形或椭圆形、单列、无分枝、丝状和念珠状,在固体培养基上形成团垫状菌落。新分离菌株在BG11-N培养基中生长状况良好,以基因组DNA为模板可扩增出nifH基因,乙炔还原法和~(15)N_2示踪法测定结果显示具有较高固氮能力,同时具有铁载体生成能力。结合16S rRNA基因序列比对和形态特征,7株菌被初步鉴定隶属于念珠藻科(Nostocaceae)。【结论】从水稻土中分离到在稻田生物固氮中发挥重要作用的蓝细菌(念珠藻科)菌株,可培养固氮蓝细菌菌株固氮能力较高,兼具铁载体生成能力,可作为进一步深入研究的微生物资源,具有潜在的研究应用价值。  相似文献   

Two marine, unicellular aerobic nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria, Cyanothece strain BH63 and Cyanothece strain BH68, were isolated from the intertidal sands of the Texas Gulf coast in enrichment conditions designed to favor rapid growth. By cell morphology, ultrastructure, a GC content of 40%, and aerobic nitrogen fixation ability, these strains were assigned to the genus Cyanothece. These strains can use molecular nitrogen as the sole nitrogen source and are capable of photoheterotrophic growth in the presence of 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea and glycerol. The strains demonstrated a doubling time of 10 to 14 h in the presence of nitrate and 16 to 20 h under nitrogen-fixing conditions. Rapid growth of nitrogen-fixing cultures can be obtained in continuous light even when the cultures are continuously shaken or bubbled with air. Under 12-h alternating light and dark cycles, the aerobic nitrogenase activity was confined to the dark phase. The typical rates of aerobic nitrogenase activity in Cyanothece strains BH63 and BH68 were 1,140 and 1,097 nmol of C2H2 reduced per mg (dry weight) per h, respectively, and nitrogenase activity was stimulated twofold by light. Ultrastructural observations revealed that numerous inclusion granules formed between the photosynthetic membranes in cells grown under nitrogen-fixing conditions. These Cyanothece strains posses many characteristics that make them particularly attractive for a detailed analysis of the interaction of nitrogen fixation and photosynthesis in an aerobic diazotroph.  相似文献   

Apte  Shree Kumar  Thomas  Joseph 《Plant and Soil》1997,189(2):205-211
A brackish-water, nitrogen-fixing cyanobacterium, Anabaena torulosa, could successfully grow and fix nitrogen on moderately saline Kharland soils (soil conductivity 5 to 8.50 dS m-1), typical of Indian coastline. During five weeks of growth under laboratory as well as field conditions, the cyanobacterium exhibited high rates of nitrogen fixation and substantially enriched the nitrogen status of saline soils (43-76%), although the fixed nitrogen remained confined to the cyanobacterial biomass. Most (>90%) of the cell-bound Na+ remained extracellularly trapped in the mucopolysaccharide sheath of A. torulosa; traces of the cation that permeated cyanobacterial cells were found to exist in an osmotically active, free state. No evidence was found for the incorporation of Na+ into any biomolecule, especialty proteins or carbohydrates. Therefore, permanent removal of Na+ from saline soils using cyanobacteria may not be possible, since Na+ is released back into the soil subsequent to the death and decay of cyanobacteria. Removal of top soil containing cyanobacterial mats significantly decreased the soil salinity (between 26-38%). But such a practice removes all the fixed nitrogen and carbon and also does not seem feasible on a large scale. Amelioration of soil salinity by simultaneous application of A. torulosa during crop growth seems to be an attractive possibility, especially since it can also supplement the nitrogen requirement of the crop.  相似文献   

The cyanophycin (CGP) synthetase gene (cphANE1) of the transposon-induced argL mutant NE1 of the cyanobacterium Nostoc ellipsosporum, which exhibits a CGP-leaky phenotype during diazotrophical growth, was cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli strain TOP10. Its amino acid sequence exhibited high similarities to CphAs of other cyanobacteria. Recombinant cells of E. coli, which harbored a fragment comprising the complete cphANE1 gene plus 400 bp of its downstream region in colinear orientation to the lacZ promoter, accumulated CGP up to 17 and 8.5% (wt/wt) of cellular dry matter (CDM) if cultivated in complex medium in the presence or absence of isopropyl-beta-D-thiogalactopyranoside, respectively. Two truncated CphAs, lacking 31 (CphANE1del96) or 59 (CphANE1del180) amino acids of the C-terminal region, were derived from cphANE1 by deleting 96 or 180 bp from its 3' region through the introduction of stop codons. In comparison to the wild-type gene, cphANE1del96 conferred about 2.1- to 2.2-fold-higher enzyme activity (up to 5.75 U/mg protein) on E. coli. Furthermore, these cells accumulated about twofold more CGP (up to 34.5% [wt/wt] of CDM) than cells expressing the wild-type gene. An engineered CphA possessing significantly enhanced activity and conferring the highest CGP content on E. coli is demonstrated. In contrast, CphANE1del180 was inactive and did not confer CGP accumulation on E. coli. Interestingly, a short conserved stretch of 4 to 5 hydrophobic amino acids is located in the protein region present in CphANE1del96 but absent in CphANE1del180. In addition, CphANE1 and CphANE1del96 are, besides CphA from Acinetobacter baylyi, the only CphAs exhibiting rigid substrate specificities that do not enable the incorporation of lysine instead of arginine into CGP.  相似文献   

The effect of simultaneous N2 fixation and light limitation on the growth of two strains of Anabaena sp. Bory de St. Vincent and Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (L.) Ralfs was investigated using continuous cultures. Under severely light-limited conditions, Aphanizomenon showed a broader absorption spectrum (due to the presence of phycoerythrin), a higher maximum efficiency of photosynthesis, a higher steady-state N2 fixation activity and a higher growth affinity for light than did Anabaena . On the other hand, under light saturation, Anabaena showed a higher maximum rate of O2 production and a higher maximum specific growth rate than Aphanizomenon . These monoculture results characterize Anabaena and Aphanizomenon , in relative terms, as a 'sun' and a 'shade' species respectively, and are in accordance with field observations. The difference between the two species in their acclimatory response is discussed in terms of a species-specific alteration of the PSI:PSII stoichiometry. Besides the species-specific modulation of the accessory pigments, such an acclimation would provide a biochemical basis for the observed physiological differences. The monoculture results were used to differentiate the niches of the two species and suggested that Aphanizomenon would competitively displace Anabaena under N2-fixing, light-limited conditions. However, when both species were grown together, Anabaena became dominant and seemed to be the superior competitor for light. In order to explain this finding, the possible effects of release of allelopathic compounds, or dynamic aspects of light supply, are discussed.  相似文献   

Nitrate reductase activity from filamentous, heterocyst-forming cyanobacteria showed a biphasic kinetic behavior with respect to nitrate as the variable substrate. Two kinetic components were detected, the first showing a higher affinity for nitrate (Km, 0.05-0.25 mm) and a lower catalytic activity and the second showing a lower affinity for nitrate (Km, 5-25 mm) and a higher (3- to 5-fold) catalytic activity. In contrast, among unicellular cyanobacteria, most representatives studied exhibited a monophasic, Michaelis-Menten kinetic pattern for nitrate reductase activity. Biphasic kinetics remained unchanged with the use of different assay conditions (i.e. cell disruption or permeabilization, two different electron donors) or throughout partial purification of the enzyme.  相似文献   

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