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A C Moore  W S Agnew  M A Raftery 《Biochemistry》1982,21(24):6212-6220
Biochemical properties of a detergent-solubilized tetrodotoxin binding component from Electrophorus electricus have been examined and compared with those found for the membrane-bound protein. The toxin binding component was solubilized with high efficiency by a variety of nonionic detergents and with lower efficiency by sodium cholate and deoxycholate. Detergent-solubilized preparations bound tetrodotoxin and saxitoxin tightly and specifically, and this binding was observed to be rapidly and irreversibly blocked by carboxylate-modifying reagents. Inactivation by carbodiimide and glycine ester or by a trimethyloxonium salt could be prevented by tetrodotoxin occupancy of the binding site. Tetrodotoxin binding activity in both solubilized preparations and in membranes was found to be highly resistant to proteases. In contrast, the activity was extremely sensitive to the action of phospholipase A2. The biochemical properties of the tetrodotoxin binding component solubilized in mixed lipid-detergent micelles are similar to those found in native membranes, with respect to the characteristics of equilibrium toxin binding and to the sensitivity of toxin binding activity to chemical modification and degradative enzymes. There were some differences with respect to the kinetics of tetrodotoxin binding. In addition, the tetrodotoxin binding component from eel is shown to behave as a glycoprotein, being selectively absorbed to resins coupled to concanavalin A, wheat germ agglutinin, Lens culinaris lectin, and ricin with the appropriate glycoside.  相似文献   

Radioactive azide derivatives of tetrodotoxin (TTX) were synthesized using 2-nitro-4-azidephenyl-[3H]beta alanine for the purpose of photolabeling of the Na channel. Three azide derivatives, N1, N2 and N3, were separated by ion exchange chromatography on Bio-Rex 70 resin and reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography. N3 was more stable and obtained at a higher yield than the other two derivatives. Bioactivity of N3 was one-twentieth of that of TTX. N3 showed reversible binding to membranes of Electrophorus electricus electroplax in the dark with Kd = 30 nM and B max = 5.2 pmol/mg protein. By photoirradiation, irreversible binding of N3 to the membranes was observed. A N3 binding component was solubilized by lubrol PX and partially purified from the electroplax membranes by Sephadex G25 and Sepharose 6B column chromatography. The component, purified 500 fold from the starting membranes, showed molecular weight of 10,000.  相似文献   

Summary Membranes were isolated from the main electric organ of Electrophorus electricus and studied by means of cytochemistry and freezefracture. The membrane fractions consisted of vesicles inside-in as determined by localization of anionic sites using colloidal iron and cationized ferritin particles. The anionic sites were not homogeneously distributed on the surface of the vesicle. Freeze-fracture showed the presence of intramembranous particles associated with either protoplasmic (P) or extracellular (E) faces of the membrane. Regions of the membrane without particles were observed. The results are discussed in relation to the existence of association between intramembranous particles and membrane receptors.For all correspondence  相似文献   

The effects of phospholipase A2 treatment on the tetrodotoxin receptors in Electrophorus electricus was studied. (1) The binding of [3H]tetrodotoxin to electroplaque membranes was substantially reduced by treatment of the membranes with low concentrations of phospholipase A2 from a number of sources, including bee venom, Vipera russelli and Crotalus adamanteus and by beta-bungarotoxin. (2) Phospholipase A2 from bee venom and from C. adamanteus both caused extensive hydrolysis of electroplaque membrane phospholipids although the substrate specificity differed. Analysis of the phospholipid classes hydrolyzed revealed a striking correlation between loss of toxin binding and hydrolysis of phosphatidylethanolamine but not of phosphatidylserine. (3) The loss of toxin binding could be partially reversed by treatment of the membranes with bovine serum albumin, conditions which are known to remove hydrolysis products from the membrane. (4) Equilibrium binding studies on the effects of phospholipase A2 treatment of [3H]tetrodotoxin binding showed that the reduction reflected loss of binding sites and not a change in affinity. (5) These results are interpreted in terms of multiple equilibrium states of the tetrodotoxin-receptors with conformations determined by the phospholipid environment.  相似文献   

To study the interaction of voltage-sensitive Na+-channels with membrane lipids, the phospholipid and fatty acid composition of highly purified membrane fragments from the remarkably differentiated plasma membrane of Electrophorus electricus has been analyzed. After density gradient fractionation and carrier free electrophoresis, fractions with up to 30 pmol tetrodotoxin binding/mg protein can be obtained, which may correspond to a 50% pure preparation of the extrasynaptic part of the excitable face. Phospholipid classes and cholesterol are separated by one-dimensional thin-layer chromatography in acidic and alkaline solvent systems. The following mean molar contents are found: 40% phosphatidylcholine, 23% phosphatidylserine, 30% phosphatidylethanolamine and 7% sphingomyelin. In a series of 11 animals, significant deviations from these mean values have been observed. The fatty acid composition of the phospholipids has been determined by gas chromatography. Phosphatidylcholine contains more than 50% 16:0, and about 20% unsaturated fatty acids in the C-18 group. Compared to other plasma membrane fractions, this phospholipid is the least differentiated. By contrast, phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylserine show many characteristics in different membrane fractions, especially in their unsaturated components representing more than 50%. 22:6, as the major constituent in these fractions, accounts for a quarter to a third of all fatty acids in these fractions. 18:0 is the main saturated component in these two phospholipids with abundances of typically a quarter or less of all fatty acids. Knowledge of the lipid composition of these excitable membranes may help to conserve binding and structural properties when analyzing lipid-sensitive Na+-channels in vitro. It is also useful as a guideline for systematic reconstitution studies.  相似文献   

In efforts to understand the molecular properties of ion channels in biomembranes, we have investigated the interaction of substituted guanidines with the Na+ channel site in membranes isolated from Electrophorus electricus. This interaction was measured by equilibrium competitive binding studies with [3H]tetrodotoxin ([3H]TTX); TTX has been shown to bind specifically to the Na+ channel in electrically excitable membranes. Although guanidine and small substituted guanidines such as methylguanidine or aminoguanidine competed with [3H]TTX for the membrane binding site, the apparent KI values for these derivatives were nearly seven orders of magnitude higher than the Kd for TTX. On the other hand, the binding of the guanidines was considerably enhanced by introducing a substituent aromatic ring or aliphatic chain. Detailed analysis of the binding of aliphatic guanidines of varying chain length clearly demonstrated the contribution made by hydrophobic interactions. These results suggest that the channel site may include a hydrophobic region in close proximity to the carboxylate previously postulated to be involved in TTX binding.  相似文献   

The cAMP receptor on the surface of aggregation competent Dictyostelium discoideum cells specifically binds [3H]cAMP in an oscillatory manner with a periodicity of 2 min. The oscillatory cAMP-binding component is developmentallly regulated and has the nucleotide specificity expected for recognition of chemotactic signals. The concentration dependence of the peak amplitudes of cAMP binding exhibit an apparent threshold at 10(-8) M cAMP. The threshold concentration for cAMP binding that we measure is consistent with the concentration dependence of signal relay (cAMP secretion) and the chemotactic response. The kinetic data of binding and dissociation are very rapid, consistent with the time course of oscillations in receptor capacity (affinity). Specific binding oscillations are destroyed by heat or chymotrypsin but are insensitive to trypsin or glycosidase. A plasma membrane localization of receptor is supported by enrichment of cAMP binding in a plasma membrane preparation from differentiated cells. Receptor oscillations with a 2-min period are preserved in the membrane preparations, and the peak amplitudes are increased about 10-fold consistent with the enrichment of other plasma membrane markers. The alternating change in the receptor's binding capacity for cAMP may be the basis of the relay refractory period as well as the primary oscillator involved in the generation of postreceptor events such as stimulation of adenylate cyclase, cAMP secretion, and cellular movement, all of which have been previously shown to oscillate.  相似文献   

A tetrodotoxin receptor-rich preparation of membrane fragments from the electric organ of Electrophorus electricus is described. The specific binding of neurotoxins and freeze-fracture electron microscopy are used as tools to identify and to characterize membrane fractions. Freeze-fracture electron micrographs of the electric organ demonstrate a high density of membrane particles in the extrasynaptic regions. Density gradient fractions show a broad distribution of [3H]tetrodotoxin, [3H]saxitoxin and 125I-labelled bungarotoxin binding in the range of 1.04--1.15 g/ml sucrose densities, with specific neurotoxin binding up to approx. 5 pmol/mg protein. Carrier-free column electrophoresis of density gradient fractions yields a subfraction with tetrodotoxin and alpha-neurotoxin binding up to 30 pmol/mg protein. The major part of the membrane fragments forms vesicles, which are separated by lectin chromatography into an outside-out and inside-out population. The latter represents at least 50% of the material of a density gradient fraction. For the association of tetrodotoxin, a bimolecular kinetic constant kf greater than or equal to 3.10(5) M-1.s-1 is determined. The dissociation constant is k'b = 2.5.10(-2)s-1. These data are in agreement with a thermodynamic dissociation constant of Kd = 20 nM as determined earlier for E. electricus membrane fragments by equilibrium methods (Grünhagen, H.H., Rack, M., St?mpfli, R., Fasold, H. and Reiter, P. (1981) Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 206, in the press). However, these association kinetics of tetrodotoxin binding in vitro are significantly different from kinetics determined electrophysiologically in Rana (Wagner, H.H. and Ulbricht, W. (1975) Pflügers Arch. 359, 297--315) or Xenopus (Schwarz, J.R., Ulbricht, W. and Wagner, H.H. (1973) J. Physiol. 233, 167--194).  相似文献   

Summary The cytoplasm of the electrocyte of Electrophorus electricus possesses a meshwork of 7-nm thick filaments distributed throughout the cell. Observation of stereopairs of transmission electron micrographs shows association of the filaments with the plasma membrane and the membranes of cytoplasmic organelles. Intense fluorescence, indicative of the presence of actin, was observed in the cytoplasm of electrocytes incubated in the presence of NBD-phallacidin or anti-actin antibodies.  相似文献   

The veratridine/tetrodotoxin-sensitive sodium influx was measured in membrane fractions isolated from the electric organ of Electrophorus electricus. The fractions were characterized, and the main biochemical markers and their acetylcholine receptor content were determined. The innervated and noninnervated faces of the electroplax were separated. The different biochemical criteria used indicate that the pre- and postsynaptic membranes of the innervated face were isolated. Sodium influx increased by veratridine and blocked by tetrodotoxin was found in fractions from the presynaptic membrane. Because some of the vesicles in this fraction are in the inside-out conformation, tetrodotoxin had to be applied to both faces of the vesicles so that sodium influx was blocked completely. The fractions from the innervated face of the electroplax contained sodium channels with sensitivities to tetrodotoxin and veratridine similar to those of fractions from other nerve membrane preparations.  相似文献   

Muscle from the electric eel Electrophorus electricus contains acetylcholine receptors at 50 times the concentration of normal mammalian muscle and fully one-tenth the concentration of receptors in its electric organ tissue. Receptor is organized much more diffusely over the surface of Electrophorus muscle cells than is the case in normally innervated mammalian skeletal muscle. Receptor was purified from Electrophorus muscle by affinity chromatography on cobra toxin-agarose and found to contain subunits which correspond immunochemically to the alpha, beta, gamma, and delta subunits of receptor from electric organ tissue of Torpedo californica. Receptor purified from Electrophorus muscle appears virtually identical with receptor purified from Electrophorus electric organ tissue.  相似文献   

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