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In the mature mouse lung, the proximal-distal (P-D) axis is delineated by two distinct epithelial subpopulations: the proximal bronchiolar epithelium and the distal respiratory epithelium. Little is known about the signaling molecules that pattern the lung along the P-D axis. One candidate is Bone Morphogenetic Protein 4 (Bmp4), which is expressed in a dynamic pattern in the epithelial cells in the tips of growing lung buds. Previous studies in which Bmp4 was overexpressed in the lung endoderm (Bellusci, S., Henderson, R., Winnier, G., Oikawa, T. and Hogan, B. L. M. (1996) Development 122, 1693-1702) suggested that this factor plays an important role in lung morphogenesis. To further investigate this question, two complementary approaches were utilized to inhibit Bmp signaling in vivo. The Bmp antagonist Xnoggin and, independently, a dominant negative Bmp receptor (dnAlk6), were overexpressed using the surfactant protein C (Sp-C) promoter/enhancer. Inhibiting Bmp signaling results in a severe reduction in distal epithelial cell types and a concurrent increase in proximal cell types, as indicated by morphology and expression of marker genes, including the proximally expressed hepatocyte nuclear factor/forkhead homologue 4 (Hfh4) and Clara cell marker CC10, and the distal marker Sp-C. In addition, electron microscopy demonstrates the presence of ciliated cells, a proximal cell type, in the most peripheral regions of the transgenic lungs. We propose a model in which Bmp4 is a component of an apical signaling center controlling P-D patterning. Endodermal cells at the periphery of the lung, which are exposed to high levels of Bmp4, maintain or adopt a distal character, while cells receiving little or no Bmp4 signal initiate a proximal differentiation program.  相似文献   

Choi KS  Lee C  Maatouk DM  Harfe BD 《PloS one》2012,7(5):e37826
Outgrowth and patterning of the vertebrate limb requires a functional apical ectodermal ridge (AER). The AER is a thickening of ectodermal tissue located at the distal end of the limb bud. Loss of this structure, either through genetic or physical manipulations results in truncation of the limb. A number of genes, including Bmps, are expressed in the AER. Previously, it was shown that removal of the BMP receptor Bmpr1a specifically from the AER resulted in complete loss of hindlimbs suggesting that Bmp signaling in the AER is required for limb outgrowth. In this report, we genetically removed the three known AER-expressed Bmp ligands, Bmp2, Bmp4 and Bmp7 from the AER of the limb bud using floxed conditional alleles and the Msx2-cre allele. Surprisingly, only defects in digit patterning and not limb outgrowth were observed. In triple mutants, the anterior and posterior AER was present but loss of the central region of the AER was observed. These data suggest that Bmp ligands expressed in the AER are not required for limb outgrowth but instead play an essential role in maintaining the AER and patterning vertebrate digits.  相似文献   

Myosin phosphatase targeting subunit 1 (Mypt1) is the regulatory subunit of myosin phosphatase which dephosphorylates the light chain of myosin II to inhibit its contraction. Although biochemical properties of Mypt1 have been characterized in detail, its biological functions in organisms are not well understood. The zebrafish mypt1 sq181 allele was found defective in the ventral pancreatic bud and extrapancreatic duct development, resulting in dysplasia of exocrine pancreas. In mypt1 sq181 mutant, the early growth of the ventral pancreatic bud was initiated but failed to expand due to impaired cell proliferation and increased cell apoptosis. As Mypt1 is essential for cell migration, the loss‐of‐function of Mypt1 in the mutant disrupted the lateral plate mesoderm migration during gut looping, therefore, altering the Bmp2a expression pattern within it, and eventually leading to impaired Bmp signaling in the adjacent exocrine pancreas. Overexpression of bmp2a could rescue the development of exocrine pancreas, suggesting that the impaired Bmp2a signaling is responsible for the pancreatic development defects. Bmp2a has been reported to promote the early specification of the ventral pancreatic bud, and our study reveals that it continues to serve as a cell proliferation/survival signal to ensure pancreatic bud growth properly in zebrafish.  相似文献   

To address the patterning function of the Bmp2, Bmp4 and Bmp7 growth factors, we designed antisense morpholino oligomers (MO) that block their activity in Xenopus laevis. Bmp4 knockdown was sufficient to rescue the ventralizing effects caused by loss of Chordin activity. Double Bmp4 and Bmp7 knockdown inhibited tail development. Triple Bmp2/Bmp4/Bmp7 depletion further compromised trunk development but did not eliminate dorsoventral patterning. Unexpectedly, we found that blocking Spemann organizer formation by UV treatment or beta-Catenin depletion caused BMP inhibition to have much more potent effects, abolishing all ventral development and resulting in embryos having radial central nervous system (CNS) structures. Surprisingly, dorsal signaling molecules such as Chordin, Noggin, Xnr6 and Cerberus were not re-expressed in these embryos. We conclude that BMP inhibition is sufficient for neural induction in vivo, and that in the absence of ventral BMPs, Spemann organizer signals are not required for brain formation.  相似文献   

Glypicans represent a family of six cell surface heparan sulfate proteoglycans in vertebrates. Although no specific in vivo functions have thus far been described for these proteoglycans, spontaneous mutations in the human and induced deletions in the mouse glypican-3 (Gpc3) gene result in severe malformations and both pre- and postnatal overgrowth, known clinically as the Simpson-Golabi-Behmel syndrome (SGBS). Mice carrying mutant alleles of Gpc3 created by either targeted gene disruption or gene trapping display a wide range of phenotypes associated with SGBS including renal cystic dysplasia, ventral wall defects, and skeletal abnormalities that are consistent with the pattern of Gpc3 expression in the mouse embryo. Previous studies in Drosophila have implicated glypicans in the signaling of decapentaplegic, a BMP homolog. Our experiments with mice show a significant relationship between vertebrate BMP signaling and glypican function; GPC3-deficient animals were mated with mice haploinsufficient for bone morphogenetic protein-4 (Bmp4) and their offspring displayed a high penetrance of postaxial polydactyly and rib malformations not observed in either parent strain. This previously unknown link between glypican-3 and BMP4 function provides evidence of a role for glypicans in vertebrate limb patterning and skeletal development and suggests a mechanism for the skeletal defects seen in SGBS.  相似文献   

Embryonic stem (ES) cells are pluripotent and can differentiate into every cell type of the body. Next to their potential in regenerative medicine, they are excellent tools to study embryonic development. In this work the processes of neural induction and neural patterning along the antero‐posterior (A/P) body axis are studied and evidence suggests a two step mechanism for these events. First, neural induction occurs by default in the primitive ectoderm, forming anterior neural tissue and thereafter, a series of factors can posteriorize this anterior neurectoderm. In a gain‐of‐function/loss‐of‐function approach using mouse ES cells, we show that Fgf2 has the strongest caudalizing potential of all Fgfs tested. Furthermore, Bmp4 and Wnt3a, but not Wnt1, can caudalize the neurectodermal cells. The effect of the antagonists of these factors was also examined and though Dkk1 and Noggin clearly have an effect that opposes that of Wnt3a and Bmp4 respectively, they fail to anteriorize the neurectoderm. The patterning effect of SU5402, an Fgf receptor inhibitor, was rather limited. These data confirm that in the mouse, two steps are involved in neural patterning and we show that while Fgf4, Fgf8 and Wnt1 have no strong patterning effect, Fgf2, Wnt3a and Bmp4 are strong posteriorizing factors.  相似文献   

The apical ectodermal ridge (AER) in the vertebrate limb is required for limb outgrowth and patterning. To investigate the role BMP ligands expressed in the AER play in limb development we selectively inactivated both Bmp2 and Bmp4 in this tissue. The autopods of mice lacking both of these genes contained extra digits, digit bifurcations and interdigital webbing due to a decrease in programmed cell death and an increase in cell proliferation in the underlying mesoderm. Upon removal of Bmp2 and Bmp4 in the AER, no defects in proximal-distal patterning were observed. At the molecular level, removal of Bmp2 and Bmp4 in the AER caused an increase in Fgf expression, which correlated with an increase in both the width and length of the AER. Investigation of Engrailed-1 (En1) expression in the AER of limb buds in which Bmp2 and Bmp4 had been removed indicated that En1 expression was absent from this tissue. Our data suggests that AER expression of Bmp2 and Bmp4 is required for digit and dorsal-ventral patterning but surprisingly not for limb outgrowth.  相似文献   

The mammalian auditory sensory epithelium (the organ of Corti) contains a number of unique cell types that are arranged in ordered rows. Two of these cell types, inner and outer pillar cells (PCs), are arranged in adjacent rows that form a boundary between a single row of inner hair cells and three rows of outer hair cells (OHCs). PCs are required for auditory function, as mice lacking PCs owing to a mutation in Fgfr3 are deaf. Here, using in vitro and in vivo techniques, we demonstrate that an Fgf8 signal arising from the inner hair cells is the key component in an inductive pathway that regulates the number, position and rate of development of PCs. Deletion of Fgf8 or inhibition of binding between Fgf8 and Fgfr3 leads to defects in PC development, whereas overexpression of Fgf8 or exogenous Fgfr3 activation induces ectopic PC formation and inhibits OHC development. These results suggest that Fgf8-Fgfr3 interactions regulate cellular patterning within the organ of Corti through the induction of one cell fate (PC) and simultaneous inhibition of an alternate fate (OHC) in separate progenitor cells. Some of the effects of both inhibition and overactivation of the Fgf8-Fgfr3 signaling pathway are reversible, suggesting that PC differentiation is dependent upon constant activation of Fgfr3 by Fgf8. These results suggest that PCs might exist in a transient state of differentiation that makes them potential targets for regenerative therapies.  相似文献   

In the developing limb, Bmp4 is expressed in the apical ectodermal ridge (AER) and underlying mesoderm. Insight into the function of Bmp4 in limb development has been hampered by the early embryonic lethality of Bmp4 null embryos. We directly investigated Bmp4 using a conditional null allele of Bmp4 and the Prx1(cre) transgene to inactivate Bmp4 in limb bud mesoderm. The limb bud mesoderm of Prx1(cre);Bmp4 mutants was defective in production of Bmp4 but still competent to respond to Bmp signaling. Prx1(cre);Bmp4 mutant embryos had defective digit patterning including hindlimb preaxial polydactyly with posterior digit transformations. The Prx1(cre);Bmp4 mutants also had postaxial polydactyly with digit five duplications. Bmp4 mutant limbs had delayed induction and maturation of the AER that resulted in expanded Shh signaling. Moreover, the AER persisted longer in the Bmp4 mutant limb buds exposing the forming digits to prolonged Fgf8 signaling. Our data show that Bmp4 in limb mesoderm regulates AER induction and maturation and implicate signaling from the AER in regulation of digit number and identity.  相似文献   

The extracellular matrix is crucial for organogenesis. It is a complex and dynamic component that regulates cell behavior by modulating the activity, bioavailability and presentation of growth factors to cell surface receptors. Here, we determined the role of the extracellular matrix protein Nephronectin (Npnt) in heart development using the zebrafish model system. The vertebrate heart is formed as a linear tube in which myocardium and endocardium are separated by a layer of extracellular matrix termed the cardiac jelly. During heart development, the cardiac jelly swells at the atrioventricular (AV) canal, which precedes valve formation. Here, we show that Npnt expression correlates with this process. Morpholino-mediated knockdown of Npnt prevents proper valve leaflet formation and trabeculation and results in greater than 85% lethality at 7 days post-fertilization. The earliest observed phenotype is an extended tube-like structure at the AV boundary. In addition, the expression of myocardial genes involved in cardiac valve formation (cspg2, fibulin 1, tbx2b, bmp4) is expanded and endocardial cells along the extended tube-like structure exhibit characteristics of AV cells (has2, notch1b and Alcam expression, cuboidal cell shape). Inhibition of has2 in npnt morphants rescues the endocardial, but not the myocardial, expansion. By contrast, reduction of BMP signaling in npnt morphants reduces the ectopic expression of myocardial and endocardial AV markers. Taken together, our results identify Npnt as a novel upstream regulator of Bmp4-Has2 signaling that plays a crucial role in AV canal differentiation.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that fetal lung mesenchyme can reprogram embryonic rat tracheal epithelium to express a distal lung phenotype. We have also demonstrated that embryonic rat lung epithelium can be induced to proliferate and differentiate in the absence of lung mesenchyme. In the present study we used a complex growth medium to induce proliferation and distal lung epithelial differentiation in embryonic tracheal epithelium. Day-13 embryonic rat tracheal epithelium was separated from its mesenchyme, enrobed in growth factor-reduced Matrigel, and cultured for up to 7 days in medium containing charcoal-stripped serum, insulin, epidermal growth factor, hepatocyte growth factor, cholera toxin, fibroblast growth factor 1 (FGF1), and keratinocyte growth factor (FGF7). The tracheal epithelial cells proliferated extensively in this medium, forming lobulated structures within the extracellular matrix. Many of the cells differentiated to express a type II epithelial cell phenotype, as evidenced by expression of SP-C and osmiophilic lamellar bodies. Deletion studies showed that serum, insulin, cholera toxin, and FGF7 were necessary for maximum growth. While no single deletion abrogated expression of SP-C, deleting both FGF7 and FGF1 inhibited growth and prevented SP-C expression. FGF7 or FGF1 as single additions to the medium, however, were unable to induce SP-C expression, which required the additional presence of serum or cholera toxin. FGF10, which binds the same receptor as FGF7, did not support transdifferentiation when used in place of FGF7. These data indicate that FGF7 is necessary, but not sufficient by itself, to induce the distal rat lung epithelial phenotype, and that FGF7 and FGF10 play distinct roles in lung development.  相似文献   

Little is known about the regulation of cell fate decisions that lead to the formation of five pairs of mammary placodes in the surface ectoderm of the mouse embryo. We have previously shown that fibroblast growth factor 10 (FGF10) is required for the formation of mammary placodes 1, 2, 3 and 5. Here, we have found that Fgf10 is expressed only in the somites underlying placodes 2 and 3, in gradients across and within these somites. To test whether somitic FGF10 is required for the formation of these two placodes, we analyzed a number of mutants with different perturbations of somitic Fgf10 gradients for the presence of WNT signals and ectodermal multilayering, markers for mammary line and placode formation. The mammary line is displaced dorsally, and formation of placode 3 is impaired in Pax3ILZ/ILZ mutants, which do not form ventral somitic buds. Mammary line formation is impaired and placode 3 is absent in Gli3Xt-J/Xt-J and hypomorphic Fgf10 mutants, in which the somitic Fgf10 gradient is shortened dorsally and less overall Fgf10 is expressed, respectively. Recombinant FGF10 rescued mammogenesis in Fgf10(-/-) and Gli3Xt-J/Xt-J flanks. We correlate increasing levels of somitic FGF10 with progressive maturation of the surface ectoderm, and show that full expression of somitic Fgf10, co-regulated by GLI3, is required for the anteroposterior pattern in which the flank ectoderm acquires a mammary epithelial identity. We propose that the intra-somitic Fgf10 gradient, together with ventral elongation of the somites, determines the correct dorsoventral position of mammary epithelium along the flank.  相似文献   

Heat shock proteins are generally regarded as intracellular proteins acting as molecular chaperones; however, Hsp72 is also detected in the extracellular compartment. Hsp72 has been identified in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) of patients with acute lung injury. To address whether Hsp72 directly activated airway epithelium, human bronchial epithelial cells (16HBE14o-) were treated with recombinant Hsp72. Hsp72 induced a dose-dependent increase in IL-8 expression, which was inhibited by the NF-kappaB inhibitor parthenolide. Hsp72 induced activation of NF-kappaB, as evidenced by NF-kappaB trans-activation and by p65 RelA and p50 NF-kappaB1 binding to DNA. Endotoxin contamination of the Hsp72 preparation was not responsible for these effects. Next, BALB/c mice were challenged with a single intratracheal inhalation of Hsp72 and killed 4 h later. Hsp72 induced significant up-regulation of KC, TNF-alpha, neutrophil recruitment, and myeloperoxidase in the BALF. A similar challenge with Hsp72 in TLR4 mutant mice did not stimulate the inflammatory response, stressing the importance of TLR4 in Hsp72-mediated lung inflammation. Last, cultured mouse tracheal epithelial cells (MTEC) from BALB/c and TLR4 mutant and wild-type mice were treated ex vivo with Hsp72. Hsp72 induced a significant increase in KC expression from BALB/c and wild-type MTEC in an NF-kappaB-dependent manner; however, TLR4 mutant MTEC had minimal cytokine release. Taken together, these data suggest that Hsp72 is released and biologically active in the BALF and can regulate airway epithelial cell cytokine expression in a TLR4 and NF-kappaB-dependent mechanism.  相似文献   

Analysis of the skeletal phenotypes caused by the genetic inactivation of individual Bmps, along with the study of their expression patterns, suggest possible functional redundancy of these molecules. To investigate the effect on skeleton development of the combined absence of some Bmp genes expressed in the same areas, we have intercrossed heterozygous Bmp7 mice with Bmp2+/−, Bmp4+/−, or Bmp5+/− animals. Bmp2/7 and Bmp5/7 double heterozygous animals do not present with any abnormalities. In contrast, Bmp4/7 double heterozygotes develop minor defects in two restricted areas of the skeleton, the rib cage, and the distal part of the limbs. In the ribs, Bmp4 and Bmp7 seem to act in the same pathway to assure proper guidance of mesenchymal condensations of the ribs extending toward the sternum. In the limbs, these molecules appear to play a similar role in controlling digit number, possibly through induction of apoptosis in the interdigital and anterior mesenchyme. Dev. Genet. 22:340–348, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Bmp4 and Fgf10 play opposing roles during lung bud morphogenesis   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Morphogenesis of the mouse lung involves reciprocal interactions between the epithelial endoderm and the surrounding mesenchyme, leading to an invariant early pattern of branching that forms the basis of the respiratory tree. There is evidence that Fibroblast growth factor 10 (Fgf10) and Bone Morphogenetic Protein 4 (Bmp4), expressed in the distal mesenchyme and endoderm, respectively, play important roles in branching morphogenesis. To examine these roles in more detail, we have exploited an in vitro culture system in which isolated endoderm is incubated in Matrigel(TM) substratum with Fgf-loaded beads. In addition, we have used a Bmp4(lacZ) line of mice in which lacZ faithfully reports Bmp4 expression. Analysis of lung endoderm in vivo shows a dynamic pattern of Bmp4(lacZ) expression during bud outgrowth, extension and branching. In vitro, Fgf10 induces both proliferation and chemotaxis of isolated endoderm, whether it is derived from the distal or proximal lung. Moreover, after 48 hours, Bmp4(lacZ) expression is upregulated in the endoderm closest to the bead. Addition of 30-50 ng/ml of exogenous purified Bmp4 to the culture medium inhibits Fgf-induced budding or chemotaxis, and inhibits overall proliferation. By contrast, the Bmp-binding protein Noggin enhances Fgf-induced morphogenesis. Based on these and other results, we propose a model for the combinatorial roles of Fgf10 and Bmp4 in branching morphogenesis of the lung.  相似文献   

Branching morphogenesis in the lung serves as a model for the complex patterning that is reiterated in multiple organs throughout development. Beta-catenin and Wnt signaling mediate critical functions in cell fate specification and differentiation, but specific functions during branching morphogenesis have remained unclear. Here, we show that Wnt/beta-catenin signaling regulates proximal-distal differentiation of airway epithelium. Inhibition of Wnt/beta-catenin signaling, either by expression of Dkk1 or by tissue-specific deletion of beta-catenin, results in disruption of distal airway development and expansion of proximal airways. Wnt/beta-catenin functions upstream of BMP4, FGF signaling, and N-myc. Moreover, we show that beta-catenin and LEF/TCF activate the promoters of BMP4 and N-myc. Thus, Wnt/beta-catenin signaling is a critical upstream regulator of proximal-distal patterning in the lung, in part, through regulation of N-myc, BMP4, and FGF signaling.  相似文献   

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