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Mitomycin C induces both MC-mono-dG and cross-linked dG-adducts in vivo. Interstrand cross-linked (ICL) dG-MC-dG-DNA adducts can prevent strand separation. In Escherichia coli cells, UvrABC repairs ICL lesions that cause DNA bending. The mechanisms and consequences of NER of ICL dG-MC-dG lesions that do not induce DNA bending remain unclear. Using DNA fragments containing a MC-mono-dG or an ICL dG-MC-dG adduct, we found (i) UvrABC incises only at the strand containing MC-mono-dG adducts; (ii) UvrABC makes three types of incisions on an ICL dG-MC-dG adduct: type 1, a single 5′ incision on 1 strand and a 3′ incision on the other; type 2, dual incisions on 1 strand and a single incision on the other; and type 3, dual incisions on both strands; and (iii) the cutting kinetics of type 3 is significantly faster than type 1 and type 2, and all of 3 types of cutting result in producing DSB. We found that UvrA, UvrA + UvrB and UvrA + UvrB + UvrC bind to MC-modified DNA specifically, and we did not detect any UvrB- and UvrB + UvrC–DNA complexes. Our findings challenge the current UvrABC incision model. We propose that DSBs resulted from NER of ICL dG-MC-dG adducts contribute to MC antitumor activity and mutations.  相似文献   

Repair of DNA cross-links by mitomycin C (MMC) was studied in mammalian cells. Skin cells from a patient with Fanconi's anemia (FA9 cells) were about 6 times as sensitive to MMC killing as HeLa S3 cells with normal excision repair ability, while excision-reduced mouse L and human xeroderma pigmentosum (XP2OS) cells were more resistant to it than HeLa S3 cells. Alkaline sucrose sedimentation of DNA revealed that perhaps half-excision of cross-links and its repair occurred efficiently until 4 h of post-MMC time in L-cells and, though more slowly, in HeLa S3 cells. Thus, the excision repair pathway is the first step of the cross-link repair in mammalian cells, but it seems different from the uvrA-dependent pathway in E. coli, since XP2OS cells survived MMC almost normally. Contrarily, FA9 DNA sedimented much faster at 4 h of post-MMC time, suggesting a possible impairment in FA cell's ability to unhook cross-links.  相似文献   

Repair of DNA in mammalian cells   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
B S Strauss 《Life sciences》1974,15(10):1685-1693

Repair of DNA alkylation adducts in mammalian cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Carcinogenic alkylating agents, including nitrosamines, are able to alkylate DNA at various sites. This review presents evidence of the high degree of specificity in the type of DNA damage induced by various N-nitroso compounds and in the DNA repair processes among tissues or cells of different species. The O6-alkylguanine DNA alkyltransferase activity in various human and rodent tissues is discussed as well as the detection of O6-methylguanine in human DNA, using monoclonal antibodies and radioimmunoassay. The relevance of these findings to the mechanisms of cancer induction by nitrosamines is discussed.  相似文献   

A fluorometric procedure is described that can be used in the alkaline elution technique for the measurement of DNA damage in cells whose DNA is not, or cannot be, radioactively labeled. The procedure can be used for the measurement of DNA single-strand breaks, DNA-protein crosslinking, and DNA interstrand crosslinking, and possibly other DNA lesions produced in unlabeled cells. Although developed for the measurement of DNA damage in tissue-cultured cells, the technique is applicable to the measurement of DNA damage in cells isolated from tissues exposed to DNA damaging agents in vivo.  相似文献   

cis-Diamminedichloroplatinum(II) (cis-DDP) has a broad clinical application as an effective anticancer drug. However, development of resistance to the cytotoxic effects is a limiting factor. In an attempt to understand the mechanism of resistance, we have employed a host cell reactivation assay of DNA repair using a cis-DDP-damaged plasmid vector. The efficiency of DNA repair was assayed by measuring the activity of an enzyme coded for by the plasmid vector. The plasmid expression vector pRSVcat contains the bacterial gene coding for chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) in a configuration which permits expression in mammalian cells. The plasmid was transfected into repair-proficient and -deficient Chinese hamster ovary cells, and CAT activity was subsequently measured in cell lysates. In the repair-deficient cells, one cis-DDP adduct per cat gene was sufficient to eliminate expression. An equivalent inhibition of CAT expression in the repair-proficient cells did not occur until about 8 times the amount of damage was introduced into the plasmid. These results implicate DNA intrastrand cross-links as the lesions responsible for the inhibition of CAT expression. This assay was used to investigate the potential role of DNA repair in mediating cis-DDP resistance in murine leukemia L1210 cells. The parent cell line L1210/0 resembled repair-deficient cells in that about one adduct per cat gene eliminated expression. In three resistant L1210 cell lines, 3-6-fold higher levels of damage were required to produce an equivalent inhibition. This did not correlate with the degree of resistance as these cells varied from 10- to 100-fold resistant.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Mitomycin C requires reductive activation to cross-link DNA and express anticancer activity. Reduction of mitomycin C (40 microm) by sodium borohydride (200 microm) in 20 mm Tris-HCl, 1 mm EDTA at 37 degrees C, pH 7.4, gives a 50-60% yield of the reactive intermediate mitomycin C hydroquinone. The hydroquinone decays with first order kinetics or pseudo first order kinetics with a t(12) of approximately 15 s under these conditions. The cross-linking of T7 DNA in this system followed matching kinetics, with the conversion of mitomycin C hydroquinone to leuco-aziridinomitosene appearing to be the rate-determining step. Several peroxidases were found to oxidize mitomycin C hydroquinone to mitomycin C and to block DNA cross-linking to various degrees. Concentrations of the various peroxidases that largely blocked DNA cross-linking, regenerated 10-70% mitomycin C from the reduced material. Thus, significant quantities of products other than mitomycin C were produced by the peroxidase-mediated oxidation of mitomycin C hydroquinone or products derived therefrom. Variations in the sensitivity of cells to mitomycin C have been attributed to differing levels of activating enzymes, export pumps, and DNA repair. Mitomycin C hydroquinone-oxidizing enzymes give rise to a new mechanism by which oxic/hypoxic toxicity differentials and resistance can occur.  相似文献   

The effect of mitomycin C on the accumulation of specific mRNAs was studied in asynchronously growing Swiss 3T3 cells, as well as in synchronously growing serum stimulated ts13 cells (a temperature-sensitive mutant from the BHK cell line). It was observed that the steady-state level of p53 RNA experienced some increase in 3T3 cells treated for 24 h with the drug. In addition, mitomycin when applied to serum stimulated ts13 cells increased the level of p2F1 RNA. Mitomycin diminished the level of core histone H3 RNA, a finding consistent with the inhibitory action of this compound on DNA replication.  相似文献   

Mitomycin C (MMC), a quinone-containing antitumor drug, has been shown to alkylate DNA and to form DNA cross-links. The ability of MMC to alkylate O6-guanine and to form interstrand cross-links (ISC) has been studied using Mer+ and Mer- human embryonic cells. Mer+ (IMR-90) cells have been reported to contain an O6-alkylguanine transferase enzyme and are, in general, more resistant to alkylating agents than the Mer- (VA-13) cell line, which is deficient in the repair of O6-lesions in DNA. Studies reported here show that MMC is more cytotoxic to VA-13 cells compared to IMR-90 cells. The alkaline elution technique was used to quantify MMC-induced ISC, and double strand breaks (DSB) in these cells. The drug-dependent formation of DSB was significantly lower in IMR-90 cells than in VA-13 cells. In contrast, no significant difference in cross-linking could be detected at the end of 2-h drug treatment. Although a small increase in cross-link frequency was observed in the VA-13 cell line relative to the IMR-90 cell line 6 h post drug treatment, it is not clear whether monoalkylated adducts at the O6-position are formed, and contribute to cross-link formation for differential cytotoxicity in VA-13 cells. Electron spin resonance and spin-trapping technique were used to detect the formation of hydroxyl radical from MMC-treated cells. Our studies show that MMC significantly stimulated the formation of hydroxyl radical in VA-13 cells, but not in the IMR-90 cells. The formation of the hydroxyl radical was inhibited by superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase. In addition, the presence of these enzymes partially protected VA-13 cells from MMC toxicity but not IMR-90 cells. Further studies indicated that the decreased free radical formation and resistance to MMC may be due to the increased activities of catalase and glutathione transferase in the IMR-90 cell line. These results suggest that MMC-dependent DNA damage (alkylation and DNA DSB) and the stimulation of oxy-radical formation may play critical roles in the determination of MMC-induced cell killing.  相似文献   

The enhancing effect of tetrandrine, an antisilicosis, antitumor and antiinflammatory drug, on the genotoxic activity of two known mutagens, mitomycin C (MMC) and cigarette-smoke condensate (CSC), has been studied using cultured Chinese hamster lung (V79) cells. The sister-chromatid exchange (SCE) was used as genetic endpoint to measure genotoxicity. One-day cultured cells were exposed to the test chemicals for 3 h with or without metabolic activation. The results show that the frequencies of SCE induced by MMC or CSC were enhanced by tetrandrine. The percent of enhancement was dependent on the concentration of tetrandrine.  相似文献   

Mutations of oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes which activate mTOR through several downstream signaling pathways are common to cancer. Activation of mTOR when combined with inhibition of cell cycle progression or DNA replication stress has previously been shown to promote cell senescence. In the present study, we examined the conditions under which human non-small cell lung carcinoma A549 cells can undergo senescence when treated with the DNA alkylating agent mitomycin C (MMC). While exposure of A549 cells to 0.1 or 0.5 µg/ml of MMC led to their arrest in S phase of the cell cycle and subsequent apoptosis, exposure to 0.01 or 0.02 µg/ml for 6 d resulted in induction of cell senescence and near total (0.01 µg/ml) or total (0.02 µg/ml) elimination of their reproductive potential. During exposure to these low concentrations of MMC, the cells demonstrated evidence of DNA replication stress manifested by expression of γH2AX, p21WAF1 and a very low level of EdU incorporation into DNA. The data are consistent with the notion that enduring DNA replication stress in cells known to have activated oncogenes leads to their senescence. It is reasonable to expect that tumors having constitutive activation of oncogenes triggering mTOR signaling may be particularly predisposed to undergoing senescence following prolonged treatment with low doses of DNA damaging drugs.  相似文献   

Mutations of oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes which activate mTOR through several downstream signaling pathways are common to cancer. Activation of mTOR when combined with inhibition of cell cycle progression or DNA replication stress has previously been shown to promote cell senescence. In the present study, we examined the conditions under which human non-small cell lung carcinoma A549 cells can undergo senescence when treated with the DNA alkylating agent mitomycin C (MMC). While exposure of A549 cells to 0.1 or 0.5 µg/ml of MMC led to their arrest in S phase of the cell cycle and subsequent apoptosis, exposure to 0.01 or 0.02 µg/ml for 6 d resulted in induction of cell senescence and near total (0.01 µg/ml) or total (0.02 µg/ml) elimination of their reproductive potential. During exposure to these low concentrations of MMC, the cells demonstrated evidence of DNA replication stress manifested by expression of γH2AX, p21WAF1 and a very low level of EdU incorporation into DNA. The data are consistent with the notion that enduring DNA replication stress in cells known to have activated oncogenes leads to their senescence. It is reasonable to expect that tumors having constitutive activation of oncogenes triggering mTOR signaling may be particularly predisposed to undergoing senescence following prolonged treatment with low doses of DNA damaging drugs.  相似文献   

A new E. coli DNA polymerase I directed nick translation assay was used for measuring 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene-induced in situ DNA damage and repair in mouse mammary epithelial cells in monolayer culture. The nick translation assay was capable of detecting a DMBA-dose dependent significant increase of DNA damage, and the same assay also allowed monitoring of the DNA repair activity provoked by DMBA treatment of the epithelial cells. This relatively simple method thus provides a rapid assay for carcinogen-induced in situ DNA damage and repair in an epithelial cell tumorigenic system.  相似文献   

Aphidicolin is a potent inhibitor of both host cell DNA polymerase alpha and herpes simplex virus (HSV)-induced DNA polymerase but has no effect on DNA polymerases beta and gamma of host cells. By using an aphidicolin-resistant mutant (Aphr) of HSV, a possible involvement of DNA polymerase alpha in host cell reactivation of UV-damaged HSV was studied. Plaque formation by UV-irradiated Aphr was markedly inhibited by 1 microgram of aphidicolin per ml, which did not affect the plating efficiency of nonirradiated Aphr. Aphidicolin added before 12 h postinfection inhibited plaque formation by irradiated Aphr, which became aphidicolin insensitive after 36 h postinfection. The results strongly suggest that host cell DNA polymerase alpha is involved in the repair of UV-irradiated HSV DNA.  相似文献   

Malaria is transmitted through the bite of an infected mosquito, which introduces Plasmodium sporozoites into the mammalian host. Sporozoites rapidly reach the liver of the host where they are sequestered, a process probably mediated by circumsporozoite (CS) protein. Once in the liver, sporozoites migrate through several hepatocytes by breaching their plasma membranes before infecting a final hepatocyte with formation of a vacuole around the sporozoite, where development occurs into blood stage parasites. We propose that migration through several host cells activates sporozoites for ultimate productive invasion. This migration triggers sporozoite exocytosis, which is necessary for hepatocyte invasion, probably because it provides molecules, such as thrombospondin-related anonymous protein (TRAP), likely required for sporozoite invasion with the formation of a vacuole. How sporozoites migrate from the skin to the liver and invade hepatocytes remains unclear. Understanding this initial stage of malaria is crucial for the development of new approaches against the disease.  相似文献   

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