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The concentrative nucleoside transporter (CNT) protein family in humans is represented by three members, hCNT1, hCNT2, and hCNT3. hCNT3, a Na+/nucleoside symporter, transports a broad range of physiological purine and pyrimidine nucleosides as well as anticancer and antiviral nucleoside drugs, and belongs to a different CNT subfamily than hCNT1/2. H+-dependent Escherichia coli NupC and Candida albicans CaCNT are also CNT family members. The present study utilized heterologous expression in Xenopus oocytes to investigate the specificity, mechanism, energetics, and structural basis of hCNT3 cation coupling. hCNT3 exhibited uniquely broad cation interactions with Na+, H+, and Li+ not shared by Na+-coupled hCNT1/2 or H+-coupled NupC/CaCNT. Na+ and H+ activated hCNT3 through mechanisms to increase nucleoside apparent binding affinity. Direct and indirect methods demonstrated cation/nucleoside coupling stoichiometries of 2:1 in the presence of Na+ and both Na+ plus H+, but only 1:1 in the presence of H+ alone, suggesting that hCNT3 possesses two Na+-binding sites, only one of which is shared by H+. The H+-coupled hCNT3 did not transport guanosine or 3'-azido-3'-deoxythymidine and 2',3'-dideoxycytidine, demonstrating that Na+- and H+-bound versions of hCNT3 have significantly different conformations of the nucleoside binding pocket and/or translocation channel. Chimeric studies between hCNT1 and hCNT3 located hCNT3-specific cation interactions to the C-terminal half of hCNT3, setting the stage for site-directed mutagenesis experiments to identify the residues involved.  相似文献   

The Na+/nucleoside cotransporters hCNT1 (650 residues) and hCNT2 (658 residues) are 72% identical in amino acid sequence and contain 13 putative transmembrane helices (TMs). Both transport uridine and adenosine but are otherwise selective for pyrimidine (system cit) and purine (system cif) nucleosides, respectively. Previously, we used site-directed mutagenesis and functional expression in Xenopus oocytes to identify two pairs of adjacent residues in TMs 7 and 8 of hCNT1 (Ser319-Gln320 and Ser353-Leu354) that, when converted to the corresponding residues in hCNT2 (Gly-Met and Thr-Val, respectively), changed the permeant selectivity of the transporter from cit to cif. We now report an investigation of the effects of corresponding mutations in TM 8 alone and demonstrate unique S353T- and L354V-induced changes in nucleoside specificity and cation coupling, respectively. hCNT1 mutation S353T produced a profound decrease in cytidine transport efficiency (Vmax/Km ratio) and, in combination with L354V (S353T/L354V), resulted in a novel uridine-preferring transport phenotype. In addition, the L354V mutation markedly increased the apparent affinity of hCNT1 for Na+ and Li+. Both hCNT1 TM 8 residues exhibited uridine-protectable inhibition by p-chloromercuribenzene sulfonate when converted to Cys, suggesting that they occupy positions within or closely adjacent to a common cation/nucleoside translocation pore.  相似文献   

Human concentrative nucleoside transporter 1 (hCNT1), the first discovered of three human members of the SLC28 (CNT) protein family, is a Na+/nucleoside cotransporter with 650 amino acids. The potential functional roles of 10 conserved aspartate and glutamate residues in hCNT1 were investigated by site-directed mutagenesis and heterologous expression in Xenopus oocytes. Initially, each of the 10 residues was replaced by the corresponding neutral amino acid (asparagine or glutamine). Five of the resulting mutants showed unchanged Na+-dependent uridine transport activity (D172N, E338Q, E389Q, E413Q, and D565N) and were not investigated further. Three were retained in intracellular membranes (D482N, E498Q, and E532Q) and thus could not be assessed functionally. The remaining two (E308Q and E322Q) were present in normal quantities at cell surfaces but exhibited low intrinsic transport activities. Charge replacement with the alternate acidic amino acid enabled correct processing of D482E and E498D, but not of E532D, to cell surfaces and also yielded partially functional E308D and E322D. Relative to wild-type hCNT1, only D482E exhibited normal transport kinetics, whereas E308D, E308Q, E322D, E322Q, and E498D displayed increased K50(Na+) and/or Km(uridine) values and diminished Vmax(Na+) and Vmax(uridine) values. E322Q additionally exhibited uridine-gated uncoupled Na+ transport. Together, these findings demonstrate roles for Glu-308, Glu-322, and Glu-498 in Na+/nucleoside cotransport and suggest locations within a common cation/nucleoside translocation pore. Glu-322, the residue having the greatest influence on hCNT1 transport function, exhibited uridine-protected inhibition by p-chloromercuriphenyl sulfonate and 2-aminoethyl methanethiosulfonate when converted to cysteine.  相似文献   

hCNT1 and hCNT2 mediate concentrative (Na(+)-linked) cellular uptake of nucleosides and nucleoside drugs by human cells and tissues. The two proteins (650 and 658 residues, 71 kDa) are 72% identical in sequence and contain 13 putative transmembrane helices (TMs). When produced in Xenopus oocytes, recombinant hCNT1 is selective for pyrimidine nucleosides (system cit), whereas hCNT2 is selective for purine nucleosides (system cif). Both transport uridine. We have used (i) chimeric constructs between hCNT1 and hCNT2, (ii) sequence comparisons with a newly identified broad specificity concentrative nucleoside transporter (system cib) from Eptatretus stouti, the Pacific hagfish (hfCNT), and (iii) site-directed mutagenesis of hCNT1 to identify two sets of adjacent residues in TMs 7 and 8 of hCNT1 (Ser(319)/Gln(320) and Ser(353)/Leu(354)) that, when converted to the corresponding residues in hCNT2 (Gly(313)/Met(314) and Thr(347)/Val(348)), changed the specificity of the transporter from cit to cif. Mutation of Ser(319) in TM 7 of hCNT1 to Gly enabled transport of purine nucleosides, whereas concurrent mutation of Gln(320) to Met (which had no effect on its own) augmented this transport. The additional mutation of Ser(353) to Thr in TM 8 converted hCNT1/S319G/Q320M, from cib to cif, but with relatively low adenosine transport activity. Additional mutation of Leu(354) to Val (which had no effect on its own) increased the adenosine transport capability of hCNT1/S319G/Q320M/S353T, producing a full cif-type transporter phenotype. On its own, the S353T mutation converted hCNT1 into a transporter with novel uridine-selective transport properties. Helix modeling of hCNT1 placed Ser(319) (TM 7) and Ser(353) (TM 8) within the putative substrate translocation channel, whereas Gln(320) (TM 7) and Leu(354) (TM 8) may exert their effects through altered helix packing.  相似文献   

The SLC28 family of concentrative nucleoside transporter (CNT) proteins in mammalian cells contains members of two distinct phylogenic subfamilies. In humans, hCNT1 and hCNT2 belong to one subfamily, and hCNT3 to the other. All three CNTs mediate inwardly-directed Na(+)/nucleoside cotransport, and are either pyrimidine nucleoside-selective (hCNT1), purine nucleoside-selective (hCNT2), or broadly selective for both pyrimidine and purine nucleosides (hCNT3). While previous studies have characterized cation interactions with both hCNT1 and hCNT3, little is known about the corresponding properties of hCNT2. In the present study, heterologous expression in Xenopus oocytes in combination with radioisotope flux and electrophysiological techniques has allowed us to undertake a side-by-side comparison of hCNT2 with other hCNT family members. Apparent K (50) values for Na(+) activation were voltage-dependent, and similar in magnitude for all three transporters. Only hCNT3 was also able to couple transport of uridine to uptake of H(+). The Na(+)/nucleoside stoichiometry of hCNT2, as determined from both Hill coefficients and direct charge/flux measurements, was 1:1. This result was the same as for hCNT1, but different from that of hCNT3 (2:1). The charge-to-(22)Na(+) uptake stoichiometry was 1:1 for all three hCNTs. In parallel with their division into two separate CNT subfamilies, hCNT2 shares common cation specificity and coupling characteristics with hCNT1, which differ markedly from those of hCNT3.  相似文献   

The expression of sodium potassium chloride cotransporter 1 (NKCC1) was studied in different liver cell types. NKCC1 was found in rat liver parenchymal and sinusoidal endothelial cells and in human HuH-7 hepatoma cells. NKCC1 expression in rat hepatic stellate cells increased during culture-induced transformation in the myofibroblast-like phenotype. NKCC1 inhibition by bumetanide increased alpha(1)-smooth muscle actin expression in 2-day-cultured hepatic stellate cells but was without effect on basal and platelet-derived-growth-factor-induced proliferation of the 14-day-old cells. In perfused rat liver the NKCC1 made a major contribution to volume-regulatory K(+) uptake induced by hyperosmolarity. Long-term hyperosmotic treatment of HuH-7 cells by elevation of extracellular NaCl or raffinose concentration but not hyperosmotic urea or mannitol profoundly induced NKCC1 mRNA and protein expression. This was antagonized by the compatible organic osmolytes betaine or taurine. The data suggest a role of NKCC1 in stellate cell transformation, hepatic volume regulation, and long-term adaption to dehydrating conditions.  相似文献   

The Na+/glucose cotransporter (SGLT1) is a membrane protein that couples the transport of two Na+ ions and one glucose molecule using the so-called alternating access mechanism. According to this principle, each cotransporter molecule can adopt either of two main conformations: one with the binding sites accessible to the extracellular solution and one with the binding sites facing the intracellular solution. The turnover rate (TOR) is the number of complete cycles that each protein performs per second. Determination of the TOR has important consequences for investigation of the cotransport mechanism, as none of the rate constants involved in mediating transport in a given direction (conformational changes and binding and unbinding reactions) can be slower than the TOR measured under the same conditions. In addition, the TOR can be used to estimate the number of cotransporter molecules involved in generating a given ensemble activity. In this study, we obtain an independent estimation of the TOR for human SGLT1 expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes applying the ion-trap technique. This approach detects the quantity of ions released in or taken up from the restricted space existing between the oocyte plasma membrane and the tip of a large ion-selective electrode. Taking advantage of the fact that hSGLT1 in the absence of Na+ can cotransport glucose with protons, we used a pH electrode to determine a TOR of 8.00 ± 1.3 s−1 in the presence of 35 mM α-methyl-glucose at −150 mV (pH 5.5). For the same group of oocytes, a TOR of 13.3 ± 2.4 s−1 was estimated under near-Vmax conditions, i.e., in the presence of 90 mM Na+ and 5 mM α-methyl-glucose. Under these circumstances, the average cotransport current was −1.08 ± 0.61 μA (n = 14), and this activity was generated by an average of 3.6 ± 0.7 × 1011 cotransporter molecules/oocyte.  相似文献   

In a previous work, we have shown that overexpression of the Na(+)/K(+)/Cl(-) cotransporter (NKCC1) induces cell proliferation and transformation. We investigate in the present study the role of the NKCC1 in the mitogenic signal transduction. We show that overexpression of the cotransporter gene (NKCC1) in stablely transfected cells (Balb/c-NKCC1), resulted in enhanced phosphorylation of the extracellular regulated kinase (ERK) to produce double phosphorylated ERK (DP-ERK). Furthermore, the level of DP-ERK was reduced by 50-80% following the addition of bumetanide, a specific inhibitor of the Na(+)/K(+)/Cl(-) cotransporter, in quiescent as well as in proliferating cultures of the Balb/c-NKCC1 clone. In order to explore further the role of the Na(+)/K(+)/Cl(-) cotransporter in mitogenic signal transduction, we measured the effect of the two specific inhibitors of the cotransporter; bumetanide and furosemide, on DP-ERK level in immortalized non-transformed cells. In Balb/c 3T3 fibroblasts stimulated with FGF, bumetanide, and furosemide inhibited 50-60% of the ERK 1/2 phosphorylation. The inhibitor concentration needed for maximal inhibition of ERK 1/2 phosphorylation was similar to the concentration needed to block the K(+) influx mediated by the Na(+)/K(+)/Cl(-) cotransporter in these cells. To analyze whether the Na(+)/K(+)/Cl(-) cotransporter has a role in the mitogenic signal of normal cells, we measured the effect of bumetanide on ERK phosphorylation in human peripheral blood lymphocytes. The phosphorylation of ERK 1/2 in resting human lymphocytes, as well as in lymphocytes stimulated with phytohemagglutinin (PHA) was inhibited by bumetanide. The effect of bumetanide on ERK 2 phosphorylation was much lower than that of ERK 1 phosphorylation. The finding that the Na(+)/K(+)/Cl(-) cotransporter controls the ERK/MAPK (mitogen-activated protein kinase) signal transduction pathway, support our hypothesis that Na(+) and K(+) influxes mediated by this transporter plays a central role in the control of normal cell proliferation. Exploring the cellular ionic currents and levels, mediated by the Na(+)/K(+)/Cl(-) cotransporter, should lead to a better comprehension of cell proliferation and transformation machinery.  相似文献   

Properties of the cytoplasmic binding sites of the rabbit Na(+)/glucose cotransporter, SGLT1, expressed in Xenopus oocytes were investigated using the giant excised patch clamp technique. Voltage and substrate dependence of the outward cotransport were studied using alpha-methyl D-glucopyranoside (alphaMDG) as a substrate. The apparent affinity for alphaMDG depends on the cytoplasmic Na(+) concentration and voltage. At 0 mV the K(M) for alphaMDG is 7 mM at 110 mM Na(+) and 31 mM at 10 mM Na(+). The apparent affinity for alphaMDG and Na(+) is voltage dependent and increases at positive potentials. At 0 mV holding potential the outward current is half-maximal at about 70 mM. The results show that SGLT1 can mediate sugar transport out of the cell under appropriate concentration and voltage conditions, but under physiological conditions this transport is highly improbable due to the low affinity for sugar.  相似文献   

A truncated human Na(+)/glucose cotransporter (C(5), residues 407-664) was expressed and purified from Escherichia coli using a GST fusion vector and glutathione affinity chromatography. The truncated transporter (C(5)) was cleaved from GST-C(5) by Factor Xa proteolysis and purified by gel filtration chromatography. Up to 1 mg of purified GST-C(5) was obtained from 1 l bacterial culture. Reconstitution of both GST-C(5) and C(5) proteins into lipid vesicles resulted in 2.5-fold higher initial uptake rates of [(3)H]D-glucose into C(5)-proteoliposomes than into liposomes. Transport was stereospecific, saturable, and inhibited by phloretin. These properties are similar to those obtained for C(5) in Xenopus laevis oocytes, and provide additional evidence that the five C-terminal transmembrane helices in SGLT1 form the sugar translocation pathway.  相似文献   

Neurons contain a high-affinity Na(+)/dicarboxylate cotransporter for absorption of neurotransmitter precursor substrates, such as alpha-ketoglutarate and malate, which are subsequently metabolized to replenish pools of neurotransmitters, including glutamate. We have isolated the cDNA coding for a high-affinity Na(+)/dicarboxylate cotransporter from mouse brain, called mNaDC-3. The mRNA coding for mNaDC-3 is found in brain and choroid plexus as well as in kidney and liver. The mNaDC-3 transporter has a broad substrate specificity for dicarboxylates, including succinate, alpha-ketoglutarate, fumarate, malate, and dimethylsuccinate. The transport of citrate is relatively insensitive to pH, but the transport of succinate is inhibited by acidic pH. The Michaelis-Menten constant for succinate in mNaDC-3 is 140 microM in transport assays and 16 microM at -50 mV in two-electrode voltage clamp assays. Transport is dependent on sodium, although lithium can partially substitute for sodium. In conclusion, mNaDC-3 likely codes for the high-affinity Na(+)/dicarboxylate cotransporter in brain, and it has some unusual electrical properties compared with the other members of the family.  相似文献   

The SLC13 gene family includes sodium-coupled transporters for citric acid cycle intermediates and sulfate. The present study describes the sequence and functional characterization of a SLC13 family member from Xenopus laevis, the high-affinity Na+/dicarboxylate cotransporter xNaDC-3. The cDNA sequence of xNaDC-3 codes for a protein of 602 amino acids that is 70% identical to the sequences of mammalian NaDC-3 orthologs. The message for xNaDC-3 is found in the kidney, liver, intestine, and heart. The xNaDC-3 has a high affinity for substrate, including a Km for succinate of 4 µM, and it is inhibited by the NaDC-3 test substrates 2,3-dimethylsuccinate and adipate. The transport of succinate by xNaDC-3 is dependent on sodium, with sigmoidal activation kinetics, and lithium can partially substitute for sodium. As with other members of the family, xNaDC-3 is electrogenic and exhibits inward substrate-dependent currents in the presence of sodium. However, other electrophysiological properties of xNaDC-3 are unique and involve large leak currents, possibly mediated by anions, that are activated by binding of sodium or lithium to a single site. SLC13 gene family; citric acid cycle intermediate; lithium  相似文献   

Na(+)/K(+)/Cl(-) cotransporter activity is stimulated in early G(1) phase of the cell cycle and this stimulation was shown to be an essential event in fibroblast cell proliferation. In order to elucidate further the role of the Na(+)/K(+)/Cl(-) cotransporter in cell proliferation, we overexpressed the gene encoding the Na(+)/K(+)/Cl(-) cotransporter in mouse fibroblasts, and analyzed cellular phenotypic changes. Mouse Balb/c 3T3 cells were stably transfected with the cDNA of the shark rectal gland Na(+)/K(+)/Cl(-) cotransporter gene (NKCC1), and expressed in a mammalian vector under the cytomegalovirus promoter (Balb/c-NKCC1 cells). The transfected cells exhibited up to 10-fold greater bumetanide-sensitive Rb(+) influx compared to the control cells. The Balb/c-NKCC1 cells have acquired a typical transformation phenotype indicated by: (1) Loss of contact inhibition exhibited by growth to a higher cell density in confluent cultures, and formation of cell foci; (2) proliferation in low serum concentrations; and (3) formation of cell colonies in soft agar. The control cells transfected with the NKCC1 gene inserted in the opposite orientation in the vector retained their normal phenotype. Furthermore, the two specific inhibitors of the Na(+)/K(+)/Cl(-) cotransporter activity; bumetanide and furosemide inhibited the clonogenic efficiency in the NKCC1 transfected cells. These control experiments indicate that the apparent transformation phenotype acquired by the Balb/c-NKCC1 cells was not merely associated with the process of transfection and selecting for the neomycin-resistant clones, but rather with the overexpression of the Na(+)/K(+)/Cl(-) cotransporter gene. In order to ascertain that the regulated and normal expression of the Na(+)/K(+)/Cl(-) cotransporter control cell proliferation, the effect of bumetanide a specific inhibitor of the cotransporter, was tested on Balb/c 3T3 cell proliferation, induced by fibroblasts growth factor (FGF) and fetal calf serum (FCS). Bumetanide inhibited synchronized Balb/c 3T3 cell exit from the G(0)/G(1) arrest and entering S-phase. The inhibition was reversible, as removal of bumetanide completely released cell proliferation. Taken together, these results propose that the NKCC1 gene is involved in the control of normal cell proliferation, while its overexpression results in apparent cell transformation, in a manner similar to some protooncogenes.  相似文献   

When measuring Na(+)/glucose cotransporter (SGLT1) activity in Xenopus oocytes with the two-electrode voltage-clamp technique, pre-steady-state currents dissipate completely in the presence of saturating alpha-methyl-glucose (alphaMG, a nonhydrolyzable glucose analog) concentrations. In sharp contrast, two SGLT1 mutants (C255A and C511A) that lack a recently identified disulfide bridge express the pre-steady-state currents in the presence of alphaMG. The dose-dependent effects of alphaMG on pre-steady-state currents were studied for wild-type (wt) SGLT1 and for the two mutants. Increases in alphaMG concentration reduced the total transferred charge (partially for the mutants, totally for wt SGLT1), shifted the transferred charge versus membrane potential (Q-V) curve toward positive potentials, and significantly modified the time constants of the pre-steady-state currents. A five-state kinetic model is proposed to quantitatively explain the effect of alphaMG on pre-steady-state currents. This analysis reveals that the reorientation of free transporter is the slowest step for wt SGLT1 either in the presence or in the absence of alphaMG. In contrast, the conformational change of the fully loaded mutant transporters constitutes their rate-limiting step in the presence of substrate and explains the persistence of pre-steady-state currents in this situation.  相似文献   

The Na(+)/dicarboxylate cotransporter of the renal proximal tubule, NaDC-1, reabsorbs Krebs cycle intermediates, such as succinate and citrate, from the tubular filtrate. Although long-term regulation of this transporter by chronic metabolic acidosis and K(+) deficiency is well documented, there is no information on acute regulation of NaDC-1. In the present study, the transport of succinate in Xenopus oocytes expressing NaDC-1 was inhibited up to 95% by two activators of protein kinase C, phorbol 12-myristate, 13-acetate (PMA) and sn-1, 2-dioctanoylglycerol (DOG). Activation of protein kinase A had no effect on NaDC-1 activity. The inhibition of NaDC-1 transport by PMA was dose-dependent, and could be prevented by incubation of the oocytes with staurosporine. Mutations of the two consensus protein kinase C phosphorylation sites in NaDC-1 did not affect inhibition by PMA. The inhibitory effects of PMA were partially prevented by cytochalasin D, which disrupts microfilaments and endocytosis. PMA treatment was also associated with a decrease of approximately 30% in the amount of NaDC-1 protein found on the plasma membrane. We conclude that the inhibition of NaDC-1 transport activity by PMA occurs by a combination of endocytosis and inhibition of transport activity.  相似文献   

We have cloned and functionally expressed a sodium-dependent human nucleoside transporter, hCNT2, from a CNS cancer cell line U251. Our cDNA clone of hCNT2 had the same predicted amino acid sequence as the previously cloned hCNT2 transporter. Of the several cell lines studied, the best hCNT2 transport function was obtained when transiently expressed in U251 cells. Na(+)-dependent uptake of [3H]inosine in U251 cells transiently expressing hCNT2 was 50-fold greater than that in non-transfected cells, and uptake in Na(+)-containing medium was approximately 30-fold higher than that at Na(+)-free condition. The hCNT2 displayed saturable uptake of [3H]inosine with K(m) of 12.8 microM and V(max) of 6.66 pmol/mg protein/5 min. Uptake of [3H]inosine was significantly inhibited by the purine nucleoside drugs dideoxyinosine and cladribine, but not by acyclic nucleosides including acyclovir, ganciclovir, and their prodrugs valacyclovir and valganciclovir. This indicates that the closed ribose ring is important for binding of nucleoside drugs to hCNT2. Among several pyrimidine nucleosides, hCNT2 favorably interacted with the uridine analogue floxuridine. Interestingly, we found that benzimidazole analogues, including maribavir, 5,6-dichloro-2-bromo-1-beta-D-ribofuranosylbenzimidazole (BDCRB), and 5,6-dichloro-1-beta-D-ribofuranosylbenzimidazole (DRB), were strong inhibitors of inosine transport, even though they have a significantly different heterocycle structure compared to a typical purine ring. As measured by GeneChip arrays, mRNA expression of hCNT2 in human duodenum was 15-fold greater than that of hCNT1 or hENT2. Further, the rCNT2 expression in rat duodenum was 20-fold higher than rCNT1, rENT1 or rENT2. This suggests that hCNT2 (and rCNT2) may have a significant role in uptake of nucleoside drugs from the intestine and is a potential transporter target for the development of nucleoside and nucleoside-mimetic drugs.  相似文献   

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