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A new assay for biotin binding capacity of Streptavidin (SA) is presented in this work. The assay is based on the large decrease in the extinction coefficient at 493 nm that accompanies binding of biotin-4-fluorescein (B4F) to SA. This decrease is attributed to formation of a charge transfer complex between the B4F-donor and one or more SA residues. We show that one may observe the stoichiometric binding via monitoring the absorbance at 493 nm using either SA or B4F as the titrant. The sensitivity of the assay is at the lower end of similar fluorimetric and photometric assays. Though the sensitivity is not substantially lower than other comparable techniques, this assay allows one added flexibility in working range and instrumentation, since the same stock solutions may be used for this new photometric assay or the fluorescence assay for which this ligand was first developed.  相似文献   

The combination of various evanescent optical methods such as surface plasmon spectroscopy, waveguide mode spectroscopy and an integrated optical Mach-Zehnder-interferometer are used to characterize biotinylated self-assembled monolayers as well as the binding of streptavidin to these labels. The aim of designing a highly specific and sensitive, re-usable affinity sensor for antigens on the basis of an integrated optical Mach-Zehnder interferometer is based on a proper understanding of the characteristics of the entire binding matrix architecture. Therefore, a variety of biotin-derivatives immobilized in a monolayer are investigated with respect to their affinity to streptavidin and the possibility to remove the steptavidin layer specifically. The density of the streptavidin layer as well as the optical constants of the involved molecules are measured. Finally the integrated optical Mach-Zehnder interferometer is tested with respect to the sensitivity to an antigen-antibody binding reaction. An attempt to further increase the sensitivity by simultaneous detection of a fluorescence signal failed due to bleaching effects.  相似文献   

Interest in accurate measurement of biotin concentrations in plasma and urine has been stimulated by recent advances in the understanding of biotin-responsive inborn errors of metabolism and by several reports describing acquired biotin deficiency during parenteral alimentation. This paper presents a biotin assay utilizing radiolabeled avidin in a sequential, solid-phase method; the assay has increased sensitivity compared to previous methods (greater than or equal to 10 fmol/tube), correlates with expected trends in biotin concentrations in blood and urine in a rat model of biotin deficiency, and can utilize commercially available radiolabeled avidin.  相似文献   

A monovalent streptavidin with a single femtomolar biotin binding site   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Streptavidin and avidin are used ubiquitously because of the remarkable affinity of their biotin binding, but they are tetramers, which disrupts many of their applications. Making either protein monomeric reduces affinity by at least 10(4)-fold because part of the binding site comes from a neighboring subunit. Here we engineered a streptavidin tetramer with only one functional biotin binding subunit that retained the affinity, off rate and thermostability of wild-type streptavidin. In denaturant, we mixed a streptavidin variant containing three mutations that block biotin binding with wild-type streptavidin in a 3:1 ratio. Then we generated monovalent streptavidin by refolding and nickel-affinity purification. Similarly, we purified defined tetramers with two or three biotin binding subunits. Labeling of site-specifically biotinylated neuroligin-1 with monovalent streptavidin allowed stable neuroligin-1 tracking without cross-linking, whereas wild-type streptavidin aggregated neuroligin-1 and disrupted presynaptic contacts. Monovalent streptavidin should find general application in biomolecule labeling, single-particle tracking and nanotechnology.  相似文献   

We recently demonstrated that most band compressions (>70%) on DNA sequencing gels result from the presence of a single sequence motif, 5'-YGN1-2AR-3', where Y and R indicate base-pairing pyrimidine and purine residues, respectively. This finding raised the possibility that the use of 7-deaza-dATP instead of dATP in chain termination sequencing reactions would resolve most of the band compressions. Thus, we examined the effects of 7-deaza-dATP on DNA sequencing using thermostable DNA polymerases. The results indicate that the replacement of dATP with 7-deaza-dATP in conventional cycle sequencing reactions can successfully eliminate most band compressions without sacrificing sequencing performance.  相似文献   

1. The reaction between avidin and biotin was found to be exothermic, ΔH being −20·3kcal./mole of biotin bound. The corresponding value of ΔH for streptavidin was −23kcal./mole. 2. The heat evolved was independent of the pH (between 5 and 9), of the buffer (borate or ammonia) and of the fractional saturation of the avidin with biotin. 3. The entropy change for the reaction was zero, and it is suggested that the entropy increase to be expected from hydrophobic interactions was counterbalanced by a decrease in entropy accompanying the formation of buried hydrogen bonds. 4. Modification of the potential hydrogen-bonding sites of the imidazolidone ring led to a decreased heat output and a positive entropy of reaction.  相似文献   

While the binding of biotin by streptavidin does not appear to be cooperative in the traditional sense of altered binding strength, it has been suggested that it may be cooperative in terms of differential structural changes in the protein. In this work we present intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence data as evidence of a cooperative structural change. The technique involves examination of the differences in fluorescence emission corresponding to distinct tryptophan populations accompanying protein-ligand binding. Specifically we note that the 335 nm emission population (i.e. more hydrophobic) saturates prior to the saturation of the 350 nm emission population commonly used in the standard binding activity assay. We also note that the wavelength of maximum emission, total integrated fluorescence emission and full width at half maximum during the titration of ligand into streptavidin also reach saturation before the expected 4:1 stoichiometric end point. This suggests that the binding of the first 3 biotins effect greater structural changes in the protein than the final ligand.  相似文献   

Western blotting remains a central technique in confirming identities of proteins, their quantitation and analysis of various isoforms. The biotin-avidin/streptavidin system is often used as an amplification step to increase sensitivity but in some tissues such as kidney, "nonspecific" interactions may be a problem due to high levels of endogenous biotin-containing proteins. The EnVision system, developed for immunohistochemical applications, relies on binding of a polymeric conjugate consisting of up to 100 peroxidase molecules and 20 secondary antibody molecules linked directly to an activated dextran backbone, to the primary antibody. This study demonstrates that it is also a viable and sensitive alternative detection system in Western blotting applications.  相似文献   

Autolytic activity and nucleic loss from Clostridium perfringens 10543 A was demonstrated during successive cell washes in hypotonic TES buffer. Autolysis increased nearly sixfold and nucleic acid loss nearly twofold when 10 mM EDTA was added to 0.3 M Tris-sucrose buffer. Attempts to minimize both autolysis and nucleic acid loss from C. perfringens during routine washing steps were unsuccessful when the effects of sucrose concentration, pH, CaCl2 addition, or wash temperature were examined independently. However, autolytic activity was eliminated and nucleic acid loss reduced to less than 5% when C. perfringens cells were washed at 4 or 25 degrees C in 1.0 M sucrose, 50 mM Tris--HCl, and 25 mM CaCl2 at pH 5.7.  相似文献   

A circularly permuted streptavidin (CP51/46) has been designed to remove the flexible polypeptide loop that undergoes an open to closed conformational change when biotin is bound. The original termini have been joined by a tetrapeptide linker, and four loop residues have been removed, resulting in the creation of new N- and C-termini. Isothermal titration calorimetric studies show that the association constant has been reduced approximately six orders of magnitude below that of wild-type streptavidin to 10(7) M(-1). The deltaH degrees of biotin association for CP51/46 is reduced by 11.1 kcal/mol. Crystal structures of CP51/46 and its biotin complex show no significant alterations in the binding site upon removal of the loop. A hydrogen bond between Ser45 and Ser52 found in the absence of biotin is broken in the closed conformation as the side-chain hydroxyl of Ser45 moves to hydrogen bond to a ureido nitrogen of biotin. This is true in both the wild-type and CP51/46 forms of the protein, and the hydrogen bonding interaction might thus help nucleate closure of the loop. The reduced entropic cost of binding biotin to CP51/46 is consistent with the removal of this loop and a reduction in entropic costs associated with loop closure and immobilization. The reduced enthalpic contribution to the free energy of binding is not readily explainable in terms of the molecular structure, as the binding contacts are nearly entirely conserved, and only small differences in solvent accessible surfaces are observed relative to wild-type streptavidin.  相似文献   

Maes M  Loyter A  Friedler A 《The FEBS journal》2012,279(16):2795-2809
HIV-1 integrase (IN) is one of the key enzymes in the viral replication cycle. It mediates the integration of viral cDNA into the host cell genome. IN activity requires interactions with several viral and cellular proteins, as well as IN oligomerization. Inhibition of IN is an important target for the development of anti-HIV therapies, but there is currently only one anti-HIV drug used in the clinic that targets IN. Several other small-molecule anti-IN drug leads are either undergoing clinical trials or in earlier stages of development. These molecules specifically inhibit one of the IN-mediated reactions necessary for successful integration. However, small-molecule inhibitors of protein-protein interactions are difficult to develop. In this review, we focus on peptides that inhibit IN. Peptides have advantages over small-molecule inhibitors of protein-protein interactions: they can mimic the structures of the binding domains within proteins, and are large enough to competitively inhibit protein-protein interactions. The development of peptides that bind IN and inhibit its protein-protein interactions will increase our understanding of the IN mode of action, and lead to the development of new drug leads, such as small molecules derived from these peptides, for better anti-HIV therapy.  相似文献   

Sodium-independent binding of gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) to receptor-like sites in mammalian brain homogenates was much greater in membrane fractions which had been thoroughly washed with buffer, or detergent, and frozen and thawed several times, than in fresh unwashed membranes. As previously shown (Greenlee, Van Ness, & Olsen, Life Sciences 22, 1653 (1978), the washing procedure removed endogenous inhibitors of GABA binding which led to an apparent improvement in GABA binding affinity to a low affinity class of sites (KD ? 170 nM), and, additionally, the appearance of a high affinity (KD ? 10 nM) class of sites. This endogenous inhibitory material was found to inhibit both classes of GABA binding sites, but with greater potency towards the high affinity sites for GABA. Biochemical characterization of the inhibitor fraction revealed that the activity was heat-stable, insensitive to trypsin and disulfide reducing compounds, dialyzeable through membrane sieves which would retain molecules with a molecular weight of 5000, and eluted 100% from a molecular sieve column in the position of small molecules (salt volume), clearly separated from a 16,000 molecular weight marker. The inhibitor was over 80% inactivated by the enzyme GABAse, indicating that most, and perhaps all of the endogenous inhibitor of GABA binding was indeed GABA itself. The difficulty in removing endogenous GABA from brain membranes must be considered in studies on benzodiazepine receptors (since they are affected in vitro by GABA) and in any comparison of GABA or benzodiazepine receptors in human neuropsychiatric disorders, drug treatment or lesion studies.  相似文献   

Influenza A virus infection is a major source of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Current means of control for influenza are based on prophylaxis by vaccines and on treatment by the available specific influenza neuraminidase inhibitor drugs. The approach taken in the present study is to prevent and/or ameliorate influenza infection by site-specific blocking of the viral binding to host cell receptors. We describe a novel oligonucleotide, known also as an aptamer, which has been designed to complement the receptor-binding region of the influenza hemagglutinin molecule. It was constructed by screening a DNA library and processing by the selective evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment (SELEX) procedure. We show that this DNA aptamer is indeed capable of inhibiting the hemagglutinin capacity of the virus, as well as in the prevention of viral infectivity in vitro, in tissue culture. Furthermore, it inhibits viral infection by different influenza strains in an animal model, as manifested by 90-99% reduction of virus burden in the lungs of treated mice. The mode of action of this aptamer is by blocking the binding of influenza virus to target cell receptors and consequently prevention of the virus invasion into the host cells.  相似文献   

Myasthenia gravis (MG) and its animal model, experimental autoimmune (EA) MG, are caused by T cell-dependent autoantibodies that react with the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (AChR) on muscle and interfere with neuromuscular transmission. Thus, selective inactivation of CD4(+) AChR-specific T helper cells should lower AChR Ab levels and ameliorate disease. In the Lewis rat model of EAMG, alpha chain residues 100-116 of the AChR represent the dominant T cell epitope, which is important in helping Ab responses to this autoantigen. In the present report, we have applied a new design technique that requires no knowledge of Ag receptor sequences on errant T cells in order to develop a synthetic peptide vaccine against T cells reactive with the aforementioned T cell epitope. Immunization with the peptide 1) induced polyclonal and monoclonal Ab, which inhibited AChR 100-116 stimulation of AChR-sensitized lymphocytes and recognized Vbeta15 containing T cell receptors on AChR 100-116-specific T cell lines and clones; 2) lowered AChR Ab levels; 3) reduced the loss of muscle AChR; and 4) lessened the incidence and severity of EAMG. These findings suggest a new strategy for the functional abrogation of epitope-specific T cells that could have potential application to human autoimmune diseases.  相似文献   

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