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and 1986. The chemical stimuli of human skin surface for the attachment response of S mansoni cercariae. International Journal for Parasitology 16: 575–579. The stimuli for the S. mansoni attachment response were analysed by offering skin extracts and chemicals to cercariae through Millipore filters. The attachment stimulating components were contained in the hydrophilic skin extract. Whereas sugars had no stimulating activity, a mixture of electrolytes, lactate and urea had a weak, and amino acids a very strong, effect. The amino acids of the hydrophilic skin extract were qualitatively and quantitatively identified and their effectivity as pure chemicals compared with that of the skin extract. The acid amino acids and histidine and ornithine had a weak effect, whereas arginine alone stimulated as intensely as the whole hydrophilic skin extract. The specialization on arginine as the main attachment trigger could be interpreted as adaptation to the fact that creeping and penetrating cercariae secrete arginine with the contents of their post acetabular glands. Thus they might communicate their successful host identification to further cercariae.  相似文献   

ATPdiphosphohydrolases (ATPDases) are ubiquitous enzymes capable ofhydrolyzing nucleoside di- and triphosphates. Although a number ofpossible physiological roles have been proposed for ATPDases, detailedstudies on structure-function relationships have generally been hamperedby the lack of specific inhibitors of these enzymes. We have previouslycharacterized a Ca2+-activated ATPDase on the external surface ofthe tegument of Schistosoma mansoni, the etiologic agent of humanschistosomiasis. In the present work, we have examined the effectsof thapsigargin, a sesquiterpene lactone known as a high affinityinhibitor of sarco-endoplasmic reticulum calcium transport (SERCA)ATPase, on ATPDase activity. Whereas other lactones tested had littleor no inhibitory action, thapsigargin inhibited ATP hydrolysis by theATPDase (K i20 M). Interestingly, hydrolysis of ADP was notinhibited by thapsigargin. The lack of inhibition of ATPase activityby orthovanadate, a specific inhibitor of P-type ATPases, and theinhibition of the Mg2+-stimulated ATP hydrolysis by thapsigarginruled out the possibility that the observed inhibition of the ATPDaseby thapsigargin could be due to the presence of contaminating SERCAATPases in our preparation. Kinetic analysis indicated that a singleactive site in the ATPDase is responsible for hydrolysis of both ATPand ADP. Thapsigargin caused changes in both V max and K m for ATP,indicating a mixed type of inhibition. Inhibition by thapsigarginwas little or not affected by changes in free Ca2+ or Mg2+concentrations. These results suggest that interaction of thapsigarginwith the S. mansoni ATPDase prevents binding of ATP or its hydrolysisat the active site, while ADP can still undergo catalysis.  相似文献   

In this work, two synthetic aurones revealed moderate schistosomicidal potential in in vitro and in vivo assays. Aurones ( 1 ) and ( 2 ) promoted changes in tegument integrity and motor activity, leading to death of adult Schistosoma mansoni worms in in vitro assays. When administered orally (two doses of 50 mg/kg) in experimentally infected animals, synthetic aurones ( 1 ) and ( 2 ) promoted reductions of 56.20 % and 57.61 % of the parasite load and stimulated the displacement towards the liver of the remaining adult worms. The oogram analysis revealed that the treatment with both aurones interferes with the egg development kinetics in the intestinal tissue. Seeking an action target for compounds ( 1 ) and ( 2 ), the connection with NTPDases enzymes, recognized as important therapeutic targets for S. mansoni, was evaluated. Molecular docking studies have shown promising results. The dataset reveals the anthelmintic character of these compounds, which can be used in the development of new therapies for schistosomiasis.  相似文献   

Introduction: Praziquantel (PZQ) is the only commercially available drug for schistosomiasis. The current shortage of alternative effective drugs and the lack of successful preventive measures enhance its value. The increase in the prevalence of PZQ resistance under sustained drug pressure is, therefore, an upcoming issue.Objective: To overcome the tolerance to PZQ using nanotechnology after laboratory induction of a Schistosoma mansoni isolate with reduced sensitivity to the drug during the intramolluscan phase.Materials and methods: Shedding snails were treated with PZQ doses of 200 mg/kg twice/ week followed by an interval of one week and then repeated twice in the same manner. The success of inducing reduced sensitivity was confirmed in vitro via the reduction of cercarial response to PZQ regarding their swimming activity and death percentage at different examination times.Results: Oral treatment with a single PZQ dose of 500 mg/kg in mice infected with cercariae with reduced sensitivity to PZQ revealed a non-significant reduction (35.1%) of total worm burden compared to non-treated control mice. Orally inoculated PZQ- encapsulated niosomes against S. mansoni with reduced sensitivity to PZQ successfully regained the pathogen’s sensitivity to PZQ as evidenced by measuring different parameters in comparison to the non-treated infected animals with parasites with reduced sensitivity to PZQ. The mean total worm load was 1.33 ± 0.52 with a statistically significant reduction of 94.09% and complete eradication of male worms. We obtained a remarkable increase in the percentage reduction of tissue egg counts in the liver and intestine (97.68% and 98.56%, respectively) associated with a massive increase in dead eggs and the complete absence of immature stages.Conclusion: PZQ-encapsulated niosomes restored the drug sensitivity against laboratory- induced S. mansoni adult worms with reduced sensitivity to PZQ.  相似文献   

and 1988. Homosexual male pairing in Schistosoma mansoni.International Journal for Parasitology 18: 1115–1117. To see whether male worms within the gynecophoral canal of another male worm would become feminized (i.e. express vestigial female-associated genes), we established homosexual pairs by twice exposing mice to male cercariae with a 4 or 6-week interval, and perfusing 3–5 weeks later. From 13 to 34% of these worms were found in pairs, compared with 0 to 7% in singly exposed controls. ‘Inner’ males in homosexual pairs showed no histological evidence of female reproductive structures, but were stunted, had poorly developed testes, and the high nuclear density characteristic of mature females. More vitelline follicles occurred in unpaired unisexual males than in homosexually paired males, fewest in bisexually paired males. Uptake of tyrosine, an indicator of vitelline development, occurred in the same relative order. The gynecophoral microenvironment often led to stunting, probably through starvation induced by the relative inaccessibility of host blood to homosexually clasped males.  相似文献   

In his hypothesis on the coevolution of Asian schistosomes and snails, Davis implies that the ancestors of the Schistosoma japonicum and S. indicum species group were African and arrived in Asia via the Indian plate. This paper briefly reviews molecular phylogenetic relationships among species of the genus Schistosoma to test Davis’ theory about the origin and evolution of S. japonicum. All analyses using DNA base sequences, mitochondrial genome gene order and C-banding patterns suggest that Schistosoma originated in Asia and not Africa.  相似文献   

The ability of microsatellite loci to reveal genetic diversity within the trematode Schistosoma japonicum is demonstrated. Eleven novel microsatellite markers were isolated, assessing variability within 80 S. japonicum individuals from three Chinese and one Philippine population. Novel primers were also tested upon S. mansoni and S. haematobium. Eight primers showed polymorphic amplification from all S. japonicum groups, three amplified S. mansoni DNA, but none amplified S. haematobium DNA. Only six of 27 previously isolated S. mansoni‐specific primers amplified S. japonicum DNA. Allelic diversity and observed heterozygosity ranged from 4 to 21 and 0.05 to 0.82, respectively, suggesting high variability.  相似文献   

, , and 1992. Cross-reactivity between Necator americanns and Schistosoma mansoni in mice. International Journal for Parasitology 22: 1143–1149. Poly-parasitism is common in endemic communities and reactivity of sera from hookworm-infected patients against schistosomular antigens has been reported. Protective cross-immunity between N. americanus and S. mansoni was investigated in NIH and BALB/c mice. Protective resistance to homologous challenge with both parasites was confirmed in this model, however, functional immunity to heterologous challenge was not demonstrated. Sera from animals which had received homologous challenge with N americanus and from hookworm-infected mice, which had previously been exposed to radiation-attenuated S. mansoni, exhibited an enhanced IgGAM response to infective stage N. americanus somatic antigens. The implications of these results with respect to serodiagnosis are discussed.  相似文献   

As part of a search for good animal models for human schistosomiasis, two miniature pigs of the CLAWN strain (C-1, C-2) were inoculated percutaneously with 200 Schistosoma japonicum cercariae of the Chinese strain, and the subsequent infection was monitored parasitologically, pathologically and serologically. Egg excretion into feces began at 5 weeks post-infection (p.i.) and became pronounced from 8 weeks to 17–20 weeks p.i. The average number of eggs in 1 g feces of each pig at the peak period between 8 and 20 weeks were 288 and 277, respectively. C-1 and C-2 were killed and perfused at 27 and 47 weeks p.i. and adult worm numbers recovered were 35 and 15, respectively. C-2 had at least four pairs of viable mature worms but no detectable fecal eggs for a month before perfusion, suggesting that any produced eggs were not excreted into the feces during this period. Egg deposits associated with inflammatory reactions were observed by histological examination of the liver, spleen, pancreas, mesenteric lymph nodes, lung, and small intestine. This suggests that reduced fecal excretion of eggs into the feces did not correlate to reduced parasite numbers in the chronic phase of schistosomiasis. This is the first report showing the miniature pig to be a potential model for human S. japonicum infection.  相似文献   

The tegument of the adult blood fluke Schistosoma japonicum is in direct contact with the host blood and immune systems. A comprehensive understanding of the ultrastructure of the tegument is crucial to the understanding of how the parasite maintains itself within the mammalian host. Important functions such as nutritional uptake and immune evasion are suspected functions of the tegument and this review discusses these aspects and presents some insights into some of these crucial functions. Transmission electron microscopy has allowed the identification of ultrastructural features of the adult S. japonicum, some of which differ from the reported features of other schistosome species. Morphological differences within the tegument of the adult S. japonicum are noted between sexes, among different regions of the worms and between aspects along the length of the parasite. Differences included variations in the ultrastructure, size and number of tegumental bodies and mitochondria within the matrix, and differences in the relative area of the apical surface of the tegument. Functions of the various components of the tegument matrix and specialised functions of different regions of the male and female parasites are discussed based on ultrastructural findings and previously reported biochemical and molecular data.  相似文献   

两种血吸虫病DNA疫苗的候选抗原基因研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:以日本血吸虫基因SjFABP和SjGST原核表达产物检测二价DNA疫苗pVIVO2-SjFABP-SjGST在体内诱发的特异性抗体。方法:克隆日本血吸虫抗原基因SjFABP和sjGST,构建重组原核表达载体pET30a-SjFABP、pET30a-SjGST及真核表达载体pVIVO2-SjFABP-SjGST;将pET30a-SjFABP和pET30a-sjGST进行原核表达,并将表达产物用镍亲和柱分离纯化;采用Western印迹对日本血吸虫DNA疫苗pVIVO2-SjFABP-SjGST免疫4周后的BALB/c小鼠血清进行特异性抗体检测。结果:克隆了日本血吸虫抗原基因SjFABP(399bp)和町GST(657bp),并构建了pET30a-SjFABP、pET30a-SjGST及pVIVO2-SjFABP-SjGST重组质粒;经Western印迹检测,pET30a-SjFABP及pET30a-SjGST原核表达的抗原蛋白均能够与经日本血吸虫二价DNA疫苗pVIVO2-SjFABP-SjGST免疫的小鼠的血清产生特异性免疫反应。结论:日本血吸虫町尉即和町GST基因的原核表达系统成功建立;原核表达的抗原蛋白具有免疫原性;以原核表达产物可检测日本血吸虫DNA疫苗pVIVO2-SiFABP-SiGST在体内诱发的特异性抗体。  相似文献   

The formation of granulomas in host tissues in response to trapped Schistosoma japonicum eggs is central to the etiology of schistosomiasis. However, analysis of the host hypersensitivity reactions that result in granuloma formation, in schistosome infection, is not without difficulty. This is due, in part, to the fact that the parasites continuously deposit their eggs as clusters. In order to synchronize host reactions, we established an experimental model of hepatic granuloma formation whereby in vitro laid schistosome eggs are implanted directly into normal and cytokine-deficient mice livers. This model, validated by comparison with an infection model, was used to analyze cytokine regulation of granuloma formation around S. japonicum eggs. Combined models of implantation and cercarial infection were also studied. With special reference to IL-4, IL-13, IFN-γ and IL-18, our in vitro schistosome egg implantation model has shed new light on the roles of cytokines in both the acute and chronic stages of schistosome egg-induced granuloma formation.  相似文献   

Aims:  To investigate amino acid and dipeptide utilization by Lactobacillus plantarum N4 isolated from orange peel, in a nutritionally depleted medium based on MRS (Mann, Rogosa, Sharpe).
Methods and Results:  In MRS with 0·1 g l−1 of meat extract and without peptone and yeast extract, growth increased when essential and stimulatory amino acids and nonessential amino acid were added to the medium. Replacement of the essential amino acid, leucine, and the nonessential amino acid, glycine, by leucyl-leucine (Leu-Leu) and/or glycyl-glycine (Gly-Gly) significantly enhanced growth. Essential amino acids were mainly consumed and the dipeptides were almost completely used at the end of growth. Leucine and glycine accumulated internally from the peptides were higher than from the free amino acids. Glucose utilization increased in the media containing dipeptides compared with the medium containing free amino acids.
Conclusions:  In a N-depleted medium, Leu-Leu and/or Gly-Gly were more effective than the respective amino acids in supporting growth of the micro-organism. The more efficient internal accumulation of glycine and especially leucine from dipeptides confirmed the ability of the strain to assimilate mainly complex nitrogen molecules rather than simple ones.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  The ability of Lact. plantarum N4 to efficiently use dipeptides could contribute to spoilage development in the natural medium of the organism, orange juice.  相似文献   

目的研究东方田鼠感染日本血吸虫后肝、肺组织病理改变及相关基因表达差异,为进一步研究东方田鼠抗血吸虫机制提供依据。方法东方田鼠感染日本血吸虫尾蚴(2000条/只),取对照组东方田鼠和感染血吸虫后第6、10、15、20、30天肺、肝组织样品,HE染色后进行病理观察,并提取肺和肝总RNA,对Lyz、RT1-Db1、Cd74、C1qa、Thra、Igf1基因进行实时荧光定量PCR检测,比较其在肝脏和肺脏的动态表达水平。结果东方田鼠感染血吸虫后6~10d,肺部有大量出血点,肝细胞空泡变性,肝窦高度扩张,肺和肝组织内血管周围及管腔均有大量嗜酸性粒细胞及少量中性粒细胞、巨噬细胞等炎性细胞浸润,至第20天逐渐恢复。从感染后第6天开始,Lyz、RT1-Db1、Cd74基因在肺和肝内表达均明显上调,在第20天后逐渐恢复,C1qa基因在肺内表达上调,Thra基因在肺内表达下调,Igf1基因肝内表达下调。结论在东方田鼠抗血吸虫感染的过程中,嗜酸性粒细胞发挥了非常重要的作用,相关基因在东方田鼠抗血吸虫感染的过程中可能发挥一定的作用。  相似文献   

A pool of nuclear proteins from adult worms of Schistosoma mansoni was analyzed for amino acid composition and found to be compatible with high mobility group (HMG) proteins. One of the schistosome HMG proteins was identified as HMG 2 by one-dimensional and two-dimensional PAGE. Stage-specific differences in the HMG-like protein composition were encountered when adult worms were compared to schistosomula, the larval form. Immobilization of the adult male and female nuclear proteins onto nitrocellulose, followed by hybridization against 32P-F-10, a schistosome sex specific gene encoding a major egg shell protein, revealed distinct banding patterns. On the other hand, a synthetic oligonucleotide, derived from the 3' untranslated end of the F-10 gene and possibly containing one regulatory element of the gene, bound mainly to male low MW proteins.  相似文献   

血吸虫病是严重危害人类健康的人兽共患病之一,在全球范围内,血吸虫病曾在76个国家和地区流行,有超过2亿人感染了血吸虫病。目前,世界上采取了一些人畜同步治疗等综合防治措施,虽取得了一定的成效,但仍面临着成本高、再感染率高等一系列问题。因此,寻找新的治疗药物、疫苗候选分子以及开发高度特异且敏感的标准化免疫诊断试剂是当前日本血吸虫病基础研究的重要内容。主要对WHO提出的最具潜力的疫苗候选分子血吸虫GST蛋白以及参与血吸虫许多生物学功能的14-3-3蛋白的最新研究进展进行一些阐述。  相似文献   

Summary Although the cause of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) remains unknown, biological findings suggest that the excitatory amino acid glutamate contributes to the pathogenesis of ALS. In previous studies of ALS, the therapeutic effect of the branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) leucine, valine and isoleucine has been evaluated. The present study aimed at investigating the acute effect of BCAAs on plasma glutamate levels in ALS patients. Following two oral doses of BCAAs, significantly increased plasma levels were seen for valine (500%), isoleucine (1,377%) and leucine (927%), however the plasma level of glutamate was not affected. The plasma level of several other amino acids (tryptophan, tyrosine, phenylalanine and methionine) were found decreased after oral BCAAs, which may indicate a diminution in the rate of degradation of muscle protein and/or an increase in tissue disposal of amino acids.  相似文献   

, , , and 1992. Cloning and partial nucleotide sequence of Schistosoma japonicum paramyosin: a potential vaccine candidate against schistosomiasis. International Journal for Parasitology 22: 1187–1191. Paramyosin from the blood fluke, Schistosoma mansoni, has shown promise as a vaccine candidate for schistosomiasis mansoni. Here we report the cloning and partial nucleotide sequence of a cDNA encoding paramyosin from the related human parasite, Schistosoma japonicum. Affinity purified antibodies to this clone recognized a S. japonicum antigen of molecular weight 97 kDa, equivalent to the reported size of S. mansoni paramyosin. Alignment of the cDNA sequence with that of S. mansoni paramyosin revealed 90% identity. Comparison of the predicted amino acid sequences revealed 95% identity. Although these two parasites differ in many characteristics, the substantial homology demonstrated here between S. mansoni and S. japonicum paramyosin could have important implications for the development of a S. japonicum vaccine.  相似文献   

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