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The early history of Panorpidae (Mecoptera) is poorly known due to sparse fossil records. Up to date, only nine fossil species have been described, all from the Paleogene, except the Early Cretaceous Solusipanorpa gibbidorsa Lin, 1980. However, we suggest S. gibbidorsa is too incompletely preserved to permit even family classification. A new genus with two new species, Jurassipanorpa impunctata gen. et sp. n. and Jurassipanorpa sticta sp. n., are described based on four well-preserved specimens from the late Middle Jurassic Jiulongshan Formation of Daohugou, Inner Mongolia, China. These two new species are the earliest fossil records of Panorpidae. The new genus is erected based on a combination of forewing characters: both R1 and Rs1 with two branches, 1A reaching posterior margin of wing distad of the forking of Rs from R1, and no crossveins or only one crossvein between veins of 1A and 2A. In all four specimens, long and robust setae ranging from 0.09 to 0.38 mm in length and pointing anteriorly, are present on anal veins of forewings. The function of these setae is enigmatic.  相似文献   

Abstract: Two new genera with six new species of hangingflies (Mecoptera: Raptipedia: Cimbrophlebiidae) are described. They were collected from the Middle Jurassic nonmarine sedimentary strata of the Jiulongshan Formation in Daohugou, Inner Mongolia, north‐eastern China. This report of Cimbrophlebiidae from the Yanliao Biota provides detailed morphological information and evidence of a broad diversity of Cimbrophlebiidae during the Middle Jurassic. A key to the known species of Cimbrophlebiidae is provided.  相似文献   

Two new species of Mongolbittacus Petrulevičius, Huang & Ren, 2007, Mongolbittacus speciosus sp. n. and Mongolbittacus oligophlebius sp. n., and two new species of Exilibittacus Yang, Ren & Shih, 2012, Exilibittacus foliaceus sp. n. and Exilibittacus plagioneurus sp. n., in the family Bittacidae, are described and illustrated based on five well-preserved fossil specimens. These specimens were collected from the late Middle Jurassic Jiulongshan Formation of Daohugou, Inner Mongolia, China. These new findings enhance our understanding of the morphological characters of early hangingflies and highlight the diversity of bittacids in the Mid Mesozoic ecosystems.  相似文献   

Documentation of fossil lichens is rare, despite the fact that lichenization in fungi is believed to be ancient and many paleoecosystems should have provided ample suitable habitats for these organisms. Impression fossils of a cm-sized thalloid organism, Daohugouthallus ciliiferus nov. gen. et spec., are described from a Middle Jurassic deposit nearby Daohugou village, Inner Mongolia, China. The thallus comprises elongate primary axes from which extend lateral and terminal branches that fork once to repeatedly. Extending from all branches (mostly from the lateral margins and tips) are filiform appendages that closely resemble the cilia of certain extant lichens. Some branch tips appear ruptured and covered by minute irregularities, and appear similar to lichen soralia. One specimen is associated with a small seed cone and suggestive of epiphytic growth. The structural similarities with extant lichens, close association with land plants, and the environment in which the organism lived, suggest that the affinity of D. ciliiferus is with the lichens.  相似文献   

The oldest webspinners, Sinembia rossi gen. et sp. nov. and Juraembia ningchengensis gen. et sp. nov. , are described in the new family Sinembiidae fam. nov. from the Middle Jurassic of Inner Mongolia, China. They differ from the Cretaceous and more recent Embiodea in several plesiomorphic characters, namely they have a long ovipositor, three‐segmented cerci, eyes situated on the posterolateral angles of the head, and the prothoracic prescutum is absent: these characters suggest habits that strongly differ from those of the recent taxa. The loss of the ovipositor and the reduction in the number of cerci can no longer be considered as synapomorphies of the ((Embiodea + Zoraptera) + Plecoptera) and (Embiodea + Zoraptera) clades, respectively.  相似文献   

Abstract Scarabaeoidea are known from the Lower Jurassic and may have originated in the Triassic based on fossil evidence and phylogenetic research. However, the early diversification of Scarabaeoidea remains unclear due to the lack of high‐quality fossil evidence. Here we describe an exceptionally well‐preserved new fossil of Scarabaeoidea, Alloioscarabaeus cheni gen. et sp. nov from the Middle Jurassic Jiulongshan Formation of Inner Mongolia, China. Based on a morphometric analysis using 17 landmarks of the hind wing of Alloioscarabaeus and 10 scarabaeoid families, we found that Alloioscarabaeus cheni gen. et sp. nov clearly does not belong to any of the known scarabaeoid families and, consequently, is a new family, Alloioscarabaeidae fam. nov., was erected. The discovery of Alloioscarabaeus brought further evidence for the early diversification of major scarab lineages which could allow more detail in the palaeobiogeography of the Scarabaeoidea and Northeast of China which might be one of the originating places or an important radiation place during the evolution of Scarabaeoidea. Alloioscarabaeidae were very likely not good diggers and might have fed on decaying organic materials. Based on the evidence we have now, we tend to believe that most families and some subfamilies of Scarabaeoidea were present in the Jurassic period.  相似文献   

A new genus of Panorpidae, Megapanorpa gen. nov. , is erected for five new species, Megapanorpa grandis sp. nov. (type species), M. absens sp. nov. , M. gaokaii sp. nov. , M. jiangorum sp. nov. and M. wanghongjiani sp. nov. This genus is similar to Cerapanorpa Gao et al., 2016 in a single anal horn on the sixth tergum of male, but can be differentiated from the latter by the following characters: the seventh abdominal segment of male is constricted and stalk‐like at base, the subgenital plate of female with a pair of lateral plates, and the medigynium of female with a concealed axis. Keys to genera of Panorpidae and species of Megapanorpa gen. nov. are presented. The morphology and function of anal horns in different genera and species have been discussed.  相似文献   

The genus Epimesoplecia Zhang, 2007 of Protopleciidae is revised based on five new species, Epimesoplecia plethora sp. n., Epimesoplecia prosoneura sp. n., Epimesoplecia stana sp. n., Epimesoplecia macrostrena sp. n., and Epimesoplecia ambloneura sp. n., described and illustrated from the Jiulongshan Formation of China. These new species, with clearly preserved characters of (1) compound eyes connected in males; (2) antennae, filiform or moniliform, with 16 segments; (3) r-m reaching the middle of the wing; (4) R4+5 ending very close to wing apex; (5) ratio of bRs/dRs ranging from 1.6 to 10.5; (6) M2 more than 3 times as long as dM1+2; (7) legs thin and long, femur slender, almost equal to tibia; (8) tibial spurs minute; and (9) male genitalia (previously unknown), enable us to emend the diagnosis of Epimesoplecia Zhang, 2007. In addition, all described species of Epimesoplecia are characterized, their features summarized, and a key to Epimesoplecia species is given.  相似文献   

Choristopsychidae, established by Martynov in 1937 with a single isolated forewing, is a little known extinct family in Mecoptera. Since then, no new members of this enigmatic family have been described. Based on 23 well-preserved specimens with complete body and wings from the Middle Jurassic of northeastern China, we report one new genus and three new species of Choristopsychidae, two new species of the genus Choristopsyche Martynov, 1937: Choristopsyche perfecta sp. n. and Choristopsyche asticta sp. n.; one new species of Paristopsyche gen. n.: Paristopsyche angelineae sp. n.; and re-describe Choristopsyche tenuinervis Martynov, 1937. In addition, we emend the diagnoses of Choristopsychidae and Choristopsyche. Analyzing the forewing length/width ratios of representative species in Mecoptera, we confirm that choristopsychids have the lowest ratio of forewing length/width, meaning broadest forewings. These findings, the first fossil choristopsychids with well-preserved body structure and the first record of Choristopsychidae in China, shed light on the morphology of these taxa and broaden their distribution from Tajikistan to China, while increasing the diversity of Mesozoic Mecoptera in China.  相似文献   

Four new species of Chironomidae with well-developed elongate proboscises are described from a Late Jurassic site Shar Teg in SW Mongolia. These are named Cretaenne rasnicyni sp. n., Podonomius blepharis sp. n., Podonomius macromastix sp. n., ?Podonomius robustus sp. n.  相似文献   

A distinctive pattern of oviposition lesions occurs on a ginkgoalean seed, Yimaia capituliformis,which likely was inflicted by a kalligrammatid lacewing with a long,sword-like,plant-piercing ovipositor.This newly recorded oviposition type,DT272, occurs in the 165 million-year-old Jiulongshan Formation,of Middle Jurassic age,in Northeastern China.DT272 consists from three to seven,approximately equally spaced lesions with surrounding callus tissue,the fabricator of which targeted fleshy outer and inner tissues ofa ginkgophyte fruit.This distinctive damage also is known from the fleshy attachment pad surfaces of basal bennettitalean bracts.Examination of the life history of this probable ginkgoalean-kalligrammatid oviposition interaction indicates that the spacing of the eggs in substrate tissues disfavored inter-larval contact,but little cart be said of defense and counterdefense strategies between the plant host and the newly hatched imrnatures.  相似文献   

A new genus and species Linqibinia panae of paracymatophlebiid hawker dragonfly is described from the Middle Jurassic Haifanggou Formation (Inner Mongolia, China). Previously only known from Karatau in Kazakhstan, the discovery of another member of this family extends its range across Central Asia. It confirms that the Aeshnoptera was among the most diverse odonatan clades during the Middle-Late Jurassic.  相似文献   

Silicified coniferous wood was collected from the Lanqi Formation (late Middle Jurassic in age) at Shebudaigou Village, Liaoning Province, China. Three taxa are identified, namely Pinoxylon dacotense Knowlton, Xenoxylon phyllocladoides Gothan, and Araucariopitys sp. Based on these new data, and those of other fossil plants reported previously from the same formation, we consider the climate during the deposition of the Lanqi Formation was subtropical, humid and seasonal. In this respect the Lanqi flora differs from the coeval Shimengou and Longmen floras from North China. The Longmen flora was deposited during more humid, subtropical conditions, while the Shimengou Formation indicates that the climate was warm temperate and dry. Our data would suggest that the Late Jurassic climatic pattern was initiated as early as the late Middle Jurassic.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of fossil Glaphyridae, Cretohypna cristata gen. et sp. n., is described and illustrated from the Mesozoic Yixian Formation. This new genus is characterized by the large body; large and strong mandibles; short labrum; elytra without longitudinal carina; and male meso- and possible metatibia apically modified. A list of described fossil glaphyrids of the world is provided. This significant finding broadens the known diversity of Glaphyridae in the Mesozoic China.  相似文献   

毛蚊科是双翅目长角亚目的一类昆虫,其种类丰富,广布世界各地.毛蚊化石记录较为丰富,但往往都是保存于湖相沉积地层中,琥珀中的化石较为罕见.本文根据缅甸北部克钦地区产出的白垩纪中期琥珀中保存的昆虫标本建立了 1新属新种——缅甸白垩叉毛蚊(Cretpenthetria burmensis gen.et sp.nov.),归入...  相似文献   

Jurocercopis grandis, a new genus and species belonging to Procercopidae (Hemiptera: Cercopoidea), is described, based on seven specimens from the Middle Jurassic of Daohugou, China. It differs distinctly from other genera as follows: body and wings obviously large; pronotum with posterior margin straight; tegmen with costal margin convex at about basal 0.4 wing length; hind basitarsomere with a row of apical small teeth.  相似文献   

Selden PA  Shih C  Ren D 《Biology letters》2011,7(5):775-778
Nephila are large, conspicuous weavers of orb webs composed of golden silk, in tropical and subtropical regions. Nephilids have a sparse fossil record, the oldest described hitherto being Cretaraneus vilaltae from the Cretaceous of Spain. Five species from Neogene Dominican amber and one from the Eocene of Florissant, CO, USA, have been referred to the extant genus Nephila. Here, we report the largest known fossil spider, Nephila jurassica sp. nov., from Middle Jurassic (approx. 165 Ma) strata of Daohugou, Inner Mongolia, China. The new species extends the fossil record of the family by approximately 35 Ma and of the genus Nephila by approximately 130 Ma, making it the longest ranging spider genus known. Nephilidae originated somewhere on Pangaea, possibly the North China block, followed by dispersal almost worldwide before the break-up of the supercontinent later in the Mesozoic. The find suggests that the palaeoclimate was warm and humid at this time. This giant fossil orb-weaver provides evidence of predation on medium to large insects, well known from the Daohugou beds, and would have played an important role in the evolution of these insects.  相似文献   

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