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The impact of infectious diseases in natural ecosystems is strongly influenced by the degree of pathogen specialization and by the local assemblies of potential host species. This study investigated anther‐smut disease, caused by fungi in the genus Microbotryum, among natural populations of plants in the Caryophyllaceae. A broad geographic survey focused on sites of the disease on multiple host species in sympatry. Analysis of molecular identities for the pathogens revealed that sympatric disease was most often due to co‐occurrence of distinct, host‐specific anther‐smut fungi, rather than localized cross‐species disease transmission. Flowers from sympatric populations showed that the Microbotryum spores were frequently moved between host species. Experimental inoculations to simulate cross‐species exposure to the pathogens in these plant communities showed that the anther‐smut pathogen was less able to cause disease on its regular host when following exposure of the plants to incompatible pathogens from another host species. These results indicate that multi‐host/multi‐pathogen communities are common in this system and they involve a previously hidden mechanism of interference between Microbotryum fungi, which likely affects both pathogen and host distributions.  相似文献   

Host sympatry provides opportunities for cross‐species disease transmission and compounded disease effects on host population and community structure. Using the Silene–Microbotryum interaction (the castrating anther smut disease), eleven Himalayan Silene species were assessed in regions of high host diversity to ascertain levels of pathogen specificity. We also investigated disease prevalence, seasonal dynamics of infection and flowering patterns in five co‐blooming Silene species. We identified several new Microbotryum lineages with varying degrees of specialization that is likely influenced by degrees of host divergence and ecological similarities (i.e. shared pollinator guilds). Affected species had 15%–40% of plants infected by anther smut. Flowering was seasonally overlapping among host species (except for the species pair S. asclepiadea and S. atrocastanea), but diseased flowering onset was earlier than healthy plants, leading to dramatic seasonal shifts in observed disease prevalence. Overlapping distributions and flowering provides opportunities for floral pathogen movement between host species, but host specialization may be constrained by the plant phylogenetic relatedness, adaptation to micro‐habitats and difference in pollinator/vector guilds.  相似文献   

The evolution of separate males and females is an important evolutionary transition that has occurred multiple times in flowering plants. While empirical studies have stressed the potential importance of natural enemies and organismal interactions in the evolution of separate sexes, there has been no treatment of natural enemies in the theoretical literature. We investigated the effects of disease on the evolution of females in gynodioecious populations composed of females and hermaphrodites, where sex is determined by the interaction of cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) and nuclear restorer genes. When females are significantly more resistant than hermaphrodites, disease drives an increase in the frequency of females and sex determination becomes nuclear, creating the pre-conditions for the evolution of separate males and females. However, when females are only moderately more resistant, disease drives changes in the frequency of CMS and restorer alleles, but has little effect on the frequency of females. We discuss our results in the context of the evolution of mating systems and cyto-nuclear epistasis.  相似文献   

Understanding the factors determining the distribution of parasites and pathogens in natural systems is essential for making predictions about the spread of emerging infectious disease. Here, we report the distribution of the fungal anther‐smut disease, caused by Microbotryum spp., on populations of the European wildflower Silene vulgaris over a range of elevations. A survey of several geographically distinct mountains in the southern French alps found that anther‐smut disease was restricted to high elevations, rarely observed below 1300 m despite availability of hosts below this elevation. Anther smut causes host‐sterility, and is recognized as a model system for natural host–pathogen interactions, sharing common features with vector‐borne and sexually‐transmitted disease in animals. In such systems, many biotic and abiotic factors likely to change over ecological gradients can influence disease epidemiology, including host spatial structure, pathogen infectivity, host resistance, and vector behavior. Here, we tested whether host population size, density, or connectivity also declined across elevation, and whether these epidemiologically relevant factors explained the observed disease distribution. We found that while none of these factor means changed across elevation, disease was significantly more likely to occur at both higher elevations and in larger populations, the majority of which were found above 1300 m. The break in disease incidence was also associated with an apparent scarcity of these larger host populations between 1000 and 1300 m in elevation. Examining variation in climatic factors among host populations, we also showed that the probability of disease was higher in areas with historically colder, wetter, and more stable conditions. The restricted distribution of anther‐smut disease in high‐elevation S. vulgaris provides an opportunity for empirical study on range limits and disease distribution in natural alpine communities that are considered particularly sensitive to the effects of climate change.  相似文献   


Members of the fungal genus Microbotryum are well‐known parasites on eudicotyledonous plant hosts. However, recent studies focused exclusively on Microbotryum species being parasites in the anthers of Caryophyllaceae in which strong host‐specificity was confirmed by molecular analyses. Consequently, species numbers have risen considerably as multi‐host parasites were split up in so‐called cryptic species. We subjected three non‐caryophyllaceous Microbotryum groups to molecular phylogenetic analyses to see whether we would confirm multi‐host morphospecies or if host‐specific cryptic species in these selected groups could be revealed as well (i.e. a group of non‐caryophyllaceous anther smuts, parasites on different Fallopia species, and parasites on Polygonum bistorta and Polygonum vi‐viparum). We applied a multiple analysis strategy to correct for varying alignment effects on a two‐locus dataset (ITS and LSU rDNA). The results obtained by the different approaches are uniform; high host‐specificity exists in the non‐ caryophyllaceous anther smuts, but overlapping host ranges occur in the parasites of Fallopia species. Results for the parasites of Polygonum are similar, with Microbotryum bistortarum being separated into three lineages and M. marginale forming a lineage on P. bistorta which apparently is conspecific with M. bistortarum p.p. Our study shows that phylogenetic patterns within Microbotryum are much more complicated than deduced from morphological observations alone. Even though Microbotryum species are highly host‐specific, it is impossible to identify species based solely on host taxa affiliation. Species status is reinstated for the anther smut on Salvia pratensis.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of females and hermaphrodites within gynodioecious populations is expected to exert considerable selective pressure on gender fitness through pollen limitation of seed set. If pollen flow is predominantly local, seed set in individual plants may be sensitive to the proximity of pollen donors; pollen limitation of seed set may occur if hermaphrodites are locally rare. Under such circumstances, female fitness will be negatively frequency dependent and hermaphrodite fitness will be positively frequency dependent. Given local seed dispersal, a nonrandom clumped distribution of the genders is expected in gynodioecious populations due to the heritability of gender in gynodioecious species. If gender fitness is frequency dependent, such structure should favor hermaphrodites and select against females. To test this hypothesis, I quantified the distribution of the genders in terms of nearest neighbors and neighborhood sex ratio in two populations of gynodioecious Sidalcea malviflora malviflora. I then measured the effect of neighborhood sex ratio on open-pollinated seed set and pollen limitation in both manipulated and unmanipulated neighborhoods. Results indicate that the genders have a patchy distribution and that both genders are pollen limited and show an increase in seed set with an increase in neighborhood hermaphrodite frequency. The observed population sex structure favors hermaphrodites and disadvantages females. These results highlight the importance that population-level traits can have in determining individual fitness and the evolution of sex ratios in gynodioecious species.  相似文献   

Plants are notoriously variable in gender, ranging in sex allocation from purely male through hermaphrodite to purely female. This variation can have both a genetic and an adaptive plastic component. In gynodioecious species, where females co‐occur with hermaphrodites, hermaphrodites tend to shift their allocation towards greater maleness when growing under low‐resource conditions, either as a result of hermaphrodites shifting away from an expensive female function, or because of enhanced siring advantages in the presence of females. Similarly, in the androdioecious plant Mercurialis annua, where hermaphrodites co‐exist with males, hermaphrodites also tend to enhance their relative male allocation under low‐resource conditions. Here, we ask whether this response differs between hermaphrodites that have been evolving in the presence of males, in a situation analogous to that supposed for gynodioecious populations, vs. those that have been evolving in their absence. We grew hermaphrodites of M. annua from populations in which males were either present or absent under different levels of nutrient availability and compared their reaction norms. We found that, overall, hermaphrodites from populations with males tended to be more female than those from populations lacking males. Importantly, hermaphrodites' investment in pollen and seed production was more plastic when they came from populations with males than without them, reducing their pollen production at low resource availability and increasing their seed production at high resource availability. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that plasticity in sex allocation is enhanced in hermaphrodites that have likely been exposed to variation in mating opportunities due to fluctuations in the frequency of co‐occurring males.  相似文献   

In gynodioecious plant species with nuclear‐cytoplasmic sex determination, females and hermaphrodites plants can coexist whenever female have higher seed fitness than hermaphrodites. Although the effect of self fertilization on seed fitness in hermaphrodites has been considered theoretically, this effect is far from intuitive, because it can either increase the relative seed fitness of the females (if it leads hermaphrodites to produce inbred, low quality offspring) or decrease it (if it provides reproductive assurance to hermaphrodites). Hence, empirical investigation is needed to document whether relative seed fitness varies with whether pollen is or is not limiting to seed production. In the current study, we measured fruit set and seed production in both females and hermaphrodites and the selfing rate in hermaphrodites in two experimental patches that differed in sex ratios in the gynodioecious plant Silene nutans. We found an impact of plant gender, patch, and their interaction, with females suffering from stronger pollen limitation when locally frequent. In the most pollen‐limited situation, the selfing rate of hermaphrodites increased and provided hermaphrodites with a type of reproductive assurance that is not available to females. By integrating both the beneficial (reproductive assurance) and costly effects (through inbreeding depression) of self‐pollination, we showed that whether females did or did not exhibit higher seed fitness depended on the degree of pollen limitation on seed production.  相似文献   

Gynodioecious populations consist of separate hermaphroditic and female individuals. Females are at a selective disadvantage because they contribute genes to the next generation only through ovules, while hermaphrodites contribute genes through ovules and pollen. For females to be maintained in populations they must have some compensating selective advantage. The outcrossing hypothesis postulates that females are maintained because their progeny result from obligate outcrossing, whereas some of the progeny of hermaphrodites result from self-fertilization and are less fit because of inbreeding depression. If correct, the frequency of females should be positively correlated with selfing rates of hermaphrodites in populations. We found a strong positive correlation between female frequency and selfing rates of hermaphrodites (r = 0.91, P < 0.01) in eight gynodioecious populations of Hawaiian species of Bidens. Our results confirm that the obligate outcrossing of females is a major factor maintaining females in gynodioecious populations. However, the observed selfing rates are insufficient by themselves to account for the frequency of females in these populations.  相似文献   

Gynodioecy, the phenomenon of having both hermaphrodite and female (i.e. male‐sterile) individuals within the same population, is an important intermediate step in the evolution of separate sexes in flowering plants. In this study, we investigated the floral micromorphology and microsporogenesis of the gynodioecious herb Glechoma longituba from four natural populations in Korea. The floral micromorphological characters of the different sex morphs were examined and compared using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and the ultrastructure of microspores during microsporogenesis was studied. We also examined the development of anthers and pollen grains in the three sexual morphs (i.e. hermaphrodites, females, and gynomonoecious, i.e. individuals with a mixture of female and hermaphroditic flowers) by embryological investigation. The major difference in anther development between the three phenotypes was the early disintegration of the tapetal cells in the anthers of female flowers. While mature fertile pollen grains were found in both hermaphrodite and gynomonoecious phenotypes, females did not produce any pollen grains. In addition, both fertile and sterile pollen grains in gynomonoecious phenotypes were frequently observed. The results of the present study indicate that floral micromorphological characters were not distinct between sexual morphs of G. longituba, except for the structure of the inner cell surfaces of the anther. The observed tapetum abnormalities and degeneration of pollen grains in both gynomonoecious phenotypes and females may be the consequence of inbreeding depression in hermaphrodites.  相似文献   

Plant mating systems are known to influence population genetic structure because pollen and seed dispersal are often spatially restricted. However, the reciprocal outcomes of population structure on the dynamics of polymorphic mating systems have received little attention. In gynodioecious sea beet (Beta vulgaris ssp. maritima), three sexual types co‐occur: females carrying a cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) gene, hermaphrodites carrying a non‐CMS cytoplasm and restored hermaphrodites that carry CMS genes and nuclear restorer alleles. This study investigated the effects of fine‐scale genetic structure on male reproductive success of the two hermaphroditic forms. Our study population was strongly structured and characterized by contrasting local sex‐ratios. Pollen flow was constrained over short distances and depended on local plant density. Interestingly, restored hermaphrodites sired significantly more seedlings than non‐CMS hermaphrodites, despite the previous observation that the former produce pollen of lower quality than the latter. This result was explained by the higher frequency of females in the local vicinity of restored (CMS) hermaphrodites as compared to non‐CMS hermaphrodites. Population structure thus strongly influences individual fitness and may locally counteract the expected effects of selection, suggesting that understanding fine scale population processes is central to predicting the evolution of gender polymorphism in angiosperms.  相似文献   

 A valuable approach to understanding the evolution of gender dimorphism involves studies of single species that exhibit intraspecific variation in sexual systems. Here we survey sex ratios in 35 populations of Wurmbea biglandulosa, previously described as hermaphroditic. We found pronounced intraspecific variation in sexual systems; populations in the northeastern part of the species' range were hermaphroditic, whereas other populations were gynodioecious and contained 2–44% females. Populations with lower annual rainfall were more likely to be gynodioecious, supporting the view that gender dimorphism evolves more frequently in harsher environments. In gynodioecious populations, however, female frequency was not related to either annual rainfall or habitat, indicating that other factors are important in determining sex ratio variation. Females had smaller flowers and shorter stems than did hermaphrodites, potentially providing a basis for resource compensation. A female fecundity advantage may contribute to the maintenance of females in populations because females produced more ovuliferous flowers and had more ovules per flower than did hermaphrodites. Received March 2, 2001 Accepted February 25, 2002  相似文献   

One evolutionary pathway from plants with combined male and female functions (hermaphroditism) to those with separate sexes (dioecy) involves females coexisting with hermaphrodites (gynodioecy). The research presented here explores sex allocation in Fragaria virginiana (a gynodioecious wild strawberry), within the context of theory on the gynodioecy–dioecy transition. By growing clonally replicated plants in the greenhouse and surveying six populations in situ, I evaluated the effects of plant size, genotype, sexual identity, population of origin and female frequency on sex allocation. I found significant positive effects of plant size on most sex allocation traits studied. In addition to strong sex-specific allocation patterns, I found significant broad-sense heritabilities for all traits, suggesting that plants could respond to selection. Moreover, there was a negative genetic correlation between pollen production and fruit set per flower within hermaphrodites, lending support to a basic assumption of sex allocation theory. On the other hand, several sex allocation traits, namely pollen and ovules per flower in hermaphrodites, were positively genetically correlated, suggesting that they may act to constrain the evolution of sexual dimorphism. Populations differed in the frequency of females, and females were more prevalent on sites with lower soil moisture and where hermaphrodites were least likely to produce fruit, suggesting that females’ seed fitness relative to that of hermaphrodites may be strongly environment-dependent in this species.  相似文献   

Dioecy, a breeding system where individual plants are exclusively male or female, has evolved repeatedly. Extensive theory describes when dioecy should arise from hermaphroditism, frequently through gynodioecy, where females and hermaphrodites coexist, and when gynodioecy should be stable. Both pollinators and herbivores often prefer the pollen‐bearing sex, with sex‐specific fitness effects that can affect breeding system evolution. Nursery pollination, where adult insects pollinate flowers but their larvae feed on plant reproductive tissues, is a model for understanding mutualism evolution but could also yield insights into plant breeding system evolution. We studied a recently established nursery pollination interaction between native Hadena ectypa moths and introduced gynodioecious Silene vulgaris plants in North America to assess whether oviposition was biased toward females or hermaphrodites, which traits were associated with oviposition, and the effect of oviposition on host plant fitness. Oviposition was hermaphrodite‐biased and associated with deeper flowers and more stems. Sexual dimorphism in flower depth, a trait also associated with oviposition on the native host plant (Silene stellata), explained the hermaphrodite bias. Egg‐receiving plants experienced more fruit predation than plants that received no eggs, but relatively few fruits were lost, and egg receipt did not significantly alter total fruit production at the plant level. Oviposition did not enhance pollination; egg‐receiving flowers usually failed to expand and produce seeds. Together, our results suggest that H. ectypa oviposition does not exert a large fitness cost on host plants, sex‐biased interactions can emerge from preferences developed on a hermaphroditic host species, and new nursery pollination interactions can arise as negative or neutral rather than as mutualistic for the plant.  相似文献   

We investigated the sex morphs and frequency of females in 24 natural populations of the clonal, gynodioecious species Glechoma longituba. In addition to the presence of hermaphrodites and females, there were some individuals with intermediate sex expression that could not be categorized as either morph. The majority of populations contained a predominance of hermaphrodites, although female frequency varied from 0 to 100%. The sexual expression of individual ramets did not change over three consecutive years or when ramets were transplanted to different populations, but it did change over the course of a flowering season. Seeds from females weighed more than those from hermaphrodites. The seed set of hermaphrodites was relatively constant across populations; the seed set of females was higher than that of hermaphrodites in most populations, but lower in populations in which females occurred at a very high frequency because of pollen limitation. This led to a negative correlation being detected between the seed set of females and the frequency of females in a population. We postulated that the adjustment of sex expression within seasons could be an adaptive mechanism of reproductive assurance in this system.  相似文献   

In many gynodioecious species, sex determination involves both cytoplasmic male‐sterility (CMS) genes and nuclear genes that restore male function. Differences in fitness among genotypes affect the dynamics of those genes, and thus that of gynodioecy. We used a molecular marker to discriminate between hermaphrodites with and without a CMS gene in gynodioecious Raphanus sativus. We compared fitness through female function among the three genotypes: females, hermaphrodites with the CMS gene and those without it. Although there was no significant difference among the genotypes in seed size, hermaphrodites without the CMS gene produced significantly more seeds, and seeds with a higher germination rate than the other genotypes, suggesting no fitness advantage for females and no benefit to bearing the CMS gene. Despite the lack of fitness advantage for females in the parameter values we estimated, a theoretical model of gynodioecy shows it can be maintained if restorer genes impose a cost paid in pollen production. In addition, we found that females invest more resources into female reproduction than hermaphrodites when they become larger. If environmental conditions enable females to grow larger this would facilitate the dynamics of CMS genes.  相似文献   

Summary A multilocus procedure was used to estimate outcrossing rates in ten roadside populations of Trifolium hirtum in California. Three groups of populations were studied: cultivars, hermaphroditic, and gynodioecious (sexually dimorphic) populations. The multilocus outcrossing rate (tm) varied from 0.05 to 0.43 among populations. Population level tm estimates were significantly correlated with the observed heterozygosity in gynodioecious populations but not in hermaphroditic populations. The outcrossing rate of hermaphrodites and females was estimated in three gynodioecious populations; the estimates of tm varied from 0.09 to 0.23 for hermaphrodites and from 0.73 to 0.80 for females. The distribution of outcrossing rates in gynodioecious populations is bimodal. Our results indicate that for the levels of selfing observed among hermaphrodites, inbreeding depression is likely to be a major factor in the maintenance of females in gynodioecious populations.  相似文献   

Abstract In gynodioecious plants, hermaphrodite and female plants co‐occur in the same population. In these systems gender typically depends on whether a maternally inherited cytoplasmic male sterility factor (CMS) is counteracted by nuclear restorer alleles. These restorer alleles are often genetically dominant. Although plants of the female morph are obligatorily outcrossing, hermaphrodites may self. This selfing increases homozygosity and may thus have two effects: (1) it may decrease fitness (i.e. result in inbreeding depression) and (ii) it may increase homozygosity of the nuclear restorer alleles and therefore increase the production of females. This, in turn, enhances outcrossing in the following generation. In order to test the latter hypothesis, experimental crosses were conducted using individuals derived from four natural populations of Silene vulgaris, a gynodioecious plant. Treatments included self‐fertilization of hermaphrodites, outcrossing of hermaphrodites and females using pollen derived from the same source population as the pollen recipients, and outcrossing hermaphrodites and females using pollen derived from different source populations. Offspring were scored for seed germination, survivorship to flowering and gender. The products of self‐fertilization had reduced survivorship at both life stages when compared with the offspring of outcrossed hermaphrodites or females. In one population the fitness of offspring produced by within‐population outcrossing of females was significantly less than the fitness of offspring produced by crossing females with hermaphrodites from other populations. Self‐fertilization of hermaphrodites produced a smaller proportion of hermaphroditic offspring than did outcrossing hermaphrodites. Outcrossing females within populations produced a smaller proportion of hermaphrodite offspring than did crossing females with hermaphrodites from other populations. These results are consistent with a cytonuclear system of sex determination with dominant nuclear restorers, and are discussed with regard to how the mating system and the genetics of sex determination interact to influence the evolution of inbreeding depression.  相似文献   

Females of gynodioecious species need to have reproductive advantages to compensate for their lack of male function and assure their maintenance in natural populations. Females may be more fecund than hermaphrodites because they reallocate resources from male to female function, avoid selfing and inbreeding depression, or produce higher quality offspring by screening arriving pollen better. A novel type of female advantage is proposed that may be important for several species of gynodioecious Caryophyllaceae. The anther smut fungus Microbotryum violaceum generally sterilizes its infected hosts but even without infection, spore deposition can negatively affect the reproduction of healthy individuals. In Gypsophila repens, flowers of hermaphrodite plants experimentally pollinated with both fungal spores and pollen produced significantly fewer fruits and seeds than those that received pollen alone, whereas female reproduction was unaffected by spore deposition. This unexplored reproductive advantage of females is probably due to the larger stigmatic surface in pistillate flowers, that allows pollen germination despite the presence of spores. Because longer stigmas may also lead to increased spore deposition, these results raise questions regarding the infection probability for each sex, possible sex-specific defense mechanisms, and the general role of pathogens in the maintenance of females in natural gynodioecious populations.  相似文献   

Gynodioecy, the co‐occurrence of females and hermaphrodites, is arguably the most common angiosperm gender polymorphism in many florae. Females’ ability to invade and persist among hermaphrodites depends, in part, on pollinators providing adequate pollination to females. We directly measured diurnal and nocturnal pollinators’ contributions to female and hermaphrodite seed production in artificial populations of gynodioecious Silene vulgaris by experimentally restricting pollinator access. We found that female relative seed production in this system depended strongly on pollination context: females produced more than twice as many seeds as hermaphrodites in the context of abundant, nectar‐collecting moths. Conversely, females showed no seed production advantage in the context of pollen‐collecting syrphid flies and bees due to acutely hermaphrodite‐biased visitation. We infer that variation in pollinator type, behaviour and abundance may be important for achieving the female relative fitness thresholds necessary for the maintenance of gynodioecy. Generally, our study illustrates how pollinator‐mediated mechanisms may influence the evolution of breeding systems and associated suites of floral traits. Segments of a pollinator community may facilitate gynodioecy by selecting for plant characteristics that increase the attractiveness of both sexes to pollinators, such as nectar rewards. Conversely, discriminating visitors in search of pollen may restrict gynodioecy in associated plant lineages by reducing male steriles’ fitness below threshold levels.  相似文献   

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