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In central Europe, both brown trout Salmo trutta and European grayling Thymallus thymallus are threatened native salmonid species with high value in recreational angling and nature conservation. On the other hand, rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss and brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis are intensively stocked non-native species of high angling value but no value for nature conservation. This study tested if harvest rates of native salmonids are negatively correlated to intensive stocking and harvest rates of non-native salmonids in inland freshwater recreational fisheries. Data were collected from 250 fishing sites (river and stream stretches) over 13 years using mandatory angling logbooks. Logbooks were collected from individual anglers by the Czech Fishing Union in the regions of Prague and Central Bohemia, Czechia (central Europe) and processed by the author of this study. In result, anglers harvested 200,000 salmonids with total weight of 80 tons over 13 years. Intensive stocking of multiple salmonid species lead to slightly lower harvests of native salmonids. Inversely, intensive harvests of multiple salmonid species lead to slightly higher harvest of native salmonids. Recapture rates of stocked salmonids were relatively low (0.6%–3.7%), proving fish stocking moderately ineffective. Since the effects of non-native salmonid stocking and harvest rates on native salmonid harvest were significant but not strong, it is suggested that rivers and streams that support fishing for non-native salmonids still support fishing for native salmonids. However, this idea does not apply for fishing sites with really high intensity of non-native salmonid stocking – harvest rates of natives were very low on these fishing sites.  相似文献   

Hatchery‐reared fish are commonly stocked into freshwaters to enhance recreational angling. As these fishes are often of high trophic position and attain relatively large sizes, they potentially interact with functionally similar resident fishes and modify food‐web structure. Hatchery‐reared barbel Barbus barbus are frequently stocked to enhance riverine cyprinid fish communities in Europe; these fish can survive for over 20 years and exceed 8 kg. Here, their trophic consequences for resident fish communities were tested using cohabitation studies, mainly involving chub Squalius cephalus, a similarly large‐bodied, omnivorous and long‐lived species. These studies were completed over three spatial scales: pond mesocosms, two streams and three lowland rivers, and used stable isotope analysis. Experiments in mesocosms over 100 days revealed rapid formation of dietary specializations and discrete trophic niches in juvenile B. barbus and S. cephalus. This niche partitioning between the species was also apparent in the streams over 2 years. In the lowland rivers, where fish were mature individuals within established populations, this pattern was also generally apparent in fishes of much larger body sizes. Thus, the stocking of these hatchery‐reared fish only incurred minor consequences for the trophic ecology of resident fish, with strong patterns of trophic niche partitioning and diet specialization. Application of these results to decision‐making frameworks should enable managers to make objective decisions on whether cyprinid fish should be stocked into lowland rivers according to ecological risk.  相似文献   

Exploitation can modify the characteristics of fish populations through the selective harvesting of individuals, with this potentially leading to rapid ecological and evolutionary changes. Despite the well‐known effects of invasive fishes on aquatic ecosystems generally, the potential effects of their selective removal through angling, a strategy commonly used to manage invasive fish, are poorly understood. The aim of this field‐based study was to use the North American pumpkinseed Lepomis gibbosus as the model species to investigate the consequences of selective removal on their population characteristics and juvenile growth rates across 10 populations in artificial lakes in southern France. We found that the maximal individual mass in populations decreased as removal pressure through angling increased, whereas we did not observed any changes in the maximal individual length in populations as removal pressure increased. Total population abundance did not decrease as removal pressure increased; instead, here was a U‐shaped relationship between removal pressure and the abundance of medium‐bodied individuals. In addition, population biomass had a U‐shaped curve response to removal pressure, implying that invasive fish populations can modulate their characteristics to compensate for the negative effects of selective removals. In addition, individual lengths at age 2 and juvenile growth rates decreased as removal pressure through angling increased, suggesting a shift toward an earlier size at maturity and an overall slower growing phenotype. Therefore, these outputs challenge the efficiency of selective management methods, suggesting the use of more proactive strategies to control invasive populations, and the need to investigate the potential ecological and evolutionary repercussions of nonrandom removal.  相似文献   

Reported improvements in the muskellunge angling fishery on Lake of the Woods, Ontario over the last two decades have paralleled an increase in the practice of catch and release angling, and an increase in minimum size regulations for this species. The overall status of muskellunge populations in this large, complex lake has proven difficult to monitor using standard assessment methods. A volunteer muskellunge angler diary program, established in 1988, has provided a cost effective method of gathering a large amount of information with which to track this fishery and associated populations. Results from angling diaries indicated increased angling effort, catch and success rates for muskellunge on Lake of the Woods since the early 1990s. Although the month of July accounted for the majority of angling effort and catch, angling success rates and sizes of fish reported in diaries improved monthly into the late fall. Angling success rates were consistently higher in angling diaries than from creel surveys, but both survey types showed similar long-term trends in the fishery. Angler diary data, incorporating both the numbers of fish caught and/or seen by anglers, were used to calculate catch equality indices which proved to be sensitive to changes in population abundance. Increased minimum length regulations for muskellunge during 1987–2001 have been largely responsible for a decline in harvest rates from an estimated 36% in 1986 to 0% since 1999. Although higher size limits have yet to produce more quality-sized fish in angler catches, diary survey data, supported by recent improvements in catch rates from assessment gill nets, would indicate that muskellunge recruitment has increased. This article concludes with a brief review of how muskellunge angler diary data has been used in the past, including recommendations to minimize biases associated with this survey method.  相似文献   

Acoustic telemetry was employed to resolve seasonal and daily movement patterns of adult red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) in the northern Indian River Lagoon system, Florida. From May 2006 to September 2008, 44 tagged fish were tracked within an array of 34 autonomous receivers with individuals detected for up to 654 days. Most red drum exhibited strong site fidelity from winter through early summer with movement rates increasing significantly during fall spawning months. While some fish migrated to the nearest ocean inlet at this time, the majority remained within the lagoon year-round suggesting that true estuarine reproduction, a behavior uncommon or poorly documented elsewhere is the dominant life history strategy locally. Diel movement patterns were also pronounced and indicated changing depth preferences over a 24 h period. Despite a harvest prohibition on large red drum, long-term estuarine residency coupled with high angling pressure (41% recapture rate in 50 months) suggest that post-release angling mortality and sub-lethal effects to growth and reproduction may strongly influence the strength of adult size classes.  相似文献   

The extreme body sizes of megafishes associated with their high commercial values and recreational interests have made them highly threatened in their native range worldwide by human-induced impacts such as overexploitation. Meanwhile, some megafishes have been introduced outside of their native range. A notable example is the European catfish (Silurus glanis), one of the few siluriforms native to Eastern Europe. It is among the 20 largest freshwater fish worldwide, attaining a total length over 2.7 m and a documented mass of 130 kg. Its distinct phylogeny and extreme size imply many features that are rare among other European fish, including novel behaviours (massive aggregations, beaching), consumption of large bodied prey, fast growth rates, long lifespan, high fecundity, nest guarding and large egg sizes. The spread of the species is likely to continue due to illegal introductions, primarily for recreational angling, coupled with natural range extension associated with climate change. Here, the most recent knowledge on the current distribution and the ecology of the species are reviewed. A series of key research questions are identified that should stimulate new research on this intriguing, yet largely unknown, species and, more generally, on the ecology of freshwater invaders.  相似文献   



We used comparative phylogeography of two intestinal parasites of freshwater fish to test whether similarity in life cycle translates into concordant phylogeographical history. The thorny‐headed worms Pomphorhynchus laevis and P. tereticollis (Acanthocephala) were formerly considered as a single species with a broad geographical and host range within the Western Palaearctic.


Central and eastern parts of Northern Mediterranean area, Western and Central Europe, Ponto‐Caspian Europe.


A mitochondrial marker (COI) was sequenced for 111 P. laevis and 50 P. tereticollis individuals and nuclear ITS1 and ITS2 sequences were obtained for 37 P. laevis and 21 P. tereticollis. Genetic divergence, phylogenetic relationships and divergence time were estimated for various lineages within each species, and their phylogeographical patterns were compared to known palaeogeographical events in Western Palaearctic. Biogeographical histories of each species were inferred.


The two species show very different phylogeographical patterns. Five lineages were identified in P. laevis, partially matching several major biogeographical regions defined in the European riverine fish fauna. The early stages of P. laevis diversification occurred in the peri‐Mediterranean area, during the Late Miocene. Subsequent expansion across Western Europe and Russia was shaped by dispersal and vicariant events, from Middle Pliocene to Middle Pleistocene. By contrast, P. tereticollis has differentiated more recently within the Western and Central parts of Europe, and shows weak geographical and genetic structuring.


Our study highlights weak to moderate similarity in the phylogeographical pattern of these acanthocephalan parasites compared to their amphipod and fish hosts. The observed differences in the timing of dispersion and migration routes taken may reflect the use of a range of final hosts with different ecologies and dispersal capabilities. By using a group underrepresented in phylogeographical studies, our study is a valuable contribution to revealing the biogeography of host–parasite interactions in continental freshwaters.  相似文献   

Biogeographical barriers formed by natural forces over billions of years have been substantially disrupted by human activity, particularly in recent centuries. In response to these anthropogenic changes, global homogenization of biota is observed at an ever‐increasing rate, causing environmental and economic losses as well as emerging health risks. Identifying factors underlying alien species richness is essential for prevention of future introductions and subsequent spread. In this study, we examined the effects of environmental and human‐related factors on distribution of alien animal species richness in the Czech Republic (Central Europe). We compiled a set of maps showing the level of invasion of six categories of alien animal species in each of 628 grid cells (ca. 12.0 × 11.1 km) covering the Czech Republic. Relationships between alien species richness and 12 variables characterizing climatic conditions, topography, land cover, and human population size were calculated using the generalized least squares method. Species richness of all alien species, of invertebrates, and of terrestrial species showed the strongest positive relationship with mean annual temperature, while the number of black and grey (proposed prominent invaders) and aquatic species was most closely related to the presence of large rivers. Alien vertebrates showed a strong negative relationship with annual precipitation. The highest alien animal species richness was found in and near large population centers and in agricultural landscapes in warm and dry lowlands. The gateways for alien aquatic species are rather large rivers over sport fishing and aquaculture import. Compiled maps create a powerful visual communication tool, useful in development of programs to prevent future introductions.  相似文献   

Human activities reduce biodiversity but may also drive diversification by modifying selection. Urbanization alters stream hydrology by increasing peak water velocities, which should in turn alter selection on the body morphology of aquatic species. Here, we show how urbanization can generate evolutionary divergence in the body morphology of two species of stream fish, western blacknose dace (Rhinichthys obtusus) and creek chub (Semotilus atromaculatus). We predicted that fish should evolve more streamlined body shapes within urbanized streams. We found that in urban streams, dace consistently exhibited more streamlined bodies while chub consistently showed deeper bodies. Comparing modern creek chub populations with historical museum collections spanning 50 years, we found that creek chub (1) rapidly became deeper bodied in streams that experienced increasing urbanization over time, (2) had already achieved deepened bodies 50 years ago in streams that were then already urban (and showed no additional deepening over time), and (3) remained relatively shallow bodied in streams that stayed rural over time. By raising creek chub from five populations under common conditions in the laboratory, we found that morphological differences largely reflected genetically based differences, not velocity–induced phenotypic plasticity. We suggest that urbanization can drive rapid, adaptive evolutionary responses to disturbance, and that these responses may vary unpredictably in different species.  相似文献   

《Journal of Ornithology》2010,151(4):923-932
European birds have been significantly affected by dramatic environmental changes during the last decades. The effects of these changes on species richness and distribution in particular countries are still poorly understood because of a lack of high-quality, large-scale data standardized over time. This is especially true in Central and Eastern Europe. On a model group of birds in the Czech Republic (countrywide atlas mapping data), we examined whether long-term changes of species richness and distribution between 1985–1989 and 2001–2003 differed among groups of species defined by their habitat requirements, type of distribution in Europe, migratory strategy and the degree of national legal protection. Further, we investigated the effects of colonizers and local extinctions on these changes. Whereas the number of species in the whole country remained the same in both periods (208 species), species composition had changed. Increasing occupancy (i.e., number of occupied mapping squares) was observed in species of forest and wetland habitats, in short-distance migrants and in non-protected species. Southern species also positively changed their occupancy, but this pattern disappeared after the inclusion of six species dependent on extensively cultivated farmland that went extinct between mappings. The overall occupancy of all species together showed positive changes after excluding colonizers and extinct species. We suggest that the improvement of environmental conditions after 1990 caused the stability of or increased the distribution of common birds in the Czech Republic, and it was the disappearance of specific farmland practices that might have caused the loss of several species.  相似文献   

为考察不同垂钓强度对鲤科鱼类易钓性和生长的影响, 研究以鲫(Carassius auratus)幼鱼为实验对象, 在实验(26.9±0.1)℃条件下对大小相近和机体健康的3个处理组[高强度组(1d垂钓1次)、中强度组(2d垂钓1次)和低强度组(4d垂钓1次)]进行垂钓实验; 每个垂钓处理组均设3个平行组, 每个平行组包括40尾鱼, 每个组在垂钓10h后则停止该组的垂钓活动, 记录成功垂钓每尾鱼的时间、序号和电子标签信息, 计算垂钓比例、单尾被钓时间、平均垂钓序号、变异系数和实验期间(9d)的生长率。研究发现: 3个垂钓强度组的垂钓比例均随着垂钓次数的增加而呈现下降的变化趋势, 单尾被钓时间呈现增加的变化趋势, 导致垂钓比例与单尾被钓时间呈负相关。除低强度组外, 高、中垂钓强度组的平均垂钓序号随着被钓次数的增加均呈现减小的变化趋势, 并且该2个强度组平均垂钓序号的变异系数随着被钓次数的增多均呈增大的变化趋势; 3个垂钓强度组的平均垂钓序号与其变异系数呈负相关。3个垂钓强度组在实验期间的特定生长率均出现负值情况, 但3个组之间无差异。研究表明: 高强度的垂钓活动会降低鲫幼鱼的易钓性, 并且导致个体生长表现出一定的负面效应, 表明高强度垂钓活动可能影响鱼类野外种群易钓性及其相关的其他表型的进化轨迹。  相似文献   

Phenological changes have been observed globally for marine, freshwater and terrestrial species, and are an important element of the global biological ‘fingerprint’ of climate change. Differences in rates of change could desynchronize seasonal species interactions within a food web, threatening ecosystem functioning. Quantification of this risk is hampered by the rarity of long‐term data for multiple interacting species from the same ecosystem and by the diversity of possible phenological metrics, which vary in their ecological relevance to food web interactions. We compare phenological change for phytoplankton (chlorophyll a), zooplankton (Daphnia) and fish (perch, Perca fluviatilis) in two basins of Windermere over 40 years and determine whether change has differed among trophic levels, while explicitly accounting for among‐metric differences in rates of change. Though rates of change differed markedly among the nine metrics used, seasonal events shifted earlier for all metrics and trophic levels: zooplankton advanced most, and fish least, rapidly. Evidence of altered synchrony was found in both lake basins, when combining information from all phenological metrics. However, comparisons based on single metrics did not consistently detect this signal. A multimetric approach showed that across trophic levels, earlier phenological events have been associated with increasing water temperature. However, for phytoplankton and zooplankton, phenological change was also associated with changes in resource availability. Lower silicate, and higher phosphorus, concentrations were associated with earlier phytoplankton growth, and earlier phytoplankton growth was associated with earlier zooplankton growth. The developing trophic mismatch detected between the dominant fish species in Windermere and important zooplankton food resources may ultimately affect fish survival and portend significant impacts upon ecosystem functioning. We advocate that future studies on phenological synchrony combine data from multiple phenological metrics, to increase confidence in assessments of change and likely ecological consequences.  相似文献   

Records of the predaceous diving beetles of the genus Eretes Laporte, 1833 (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) in Central Europe are summarised. While old records from the beginning of the twentieth century from the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Romania belong to Eretes griseus (Fabricius, 1781), a species which has not been recaptured in Central Europe for nearly the last hundred years, recently collected specimens from Hungary and Slovakia belong to E. sticticus (Linnaeus, 1767) and represent its first records in these countries as well as in Central Europe. The first specimens were collected at light during hot summer nights and may document a recent spreading of the species from the Mediterranean. In addition, the occurrence of E. sticticus is formally confirmed in Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Israel, Libya, South European Territory of Russia, and Tunisia.  相似文献   

This paper consolidates and summarizes information on Ontario muskellunge, Esox masquinongy, sport fisheries derived from angler diary programs sponsored by the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources (OMNR) and Muskies Canada Incorporated (MCI) from 1979 to 2004. Interest in muskellunge as a sport fish has increased substantially over the past 10–15 years. Muskellunge catches were found to be highly correlated with angling effort. Catch rates, expressed in terms of catch-per-unit-of-effort (CUE), have improved over the past decade to the point where, in 2001, the provincial CUE was 0.119. The long term catch rate is 0.069. This improvement in angling quality is attributed to new minimum size limit regulations and increased catch-and-release angling practices. Over the period from 1979–2004, release rates by muskellunge anglers have averaged 94%. Based on a sample size of 9,499 fish, the mean size of angled muskellunge over the past 26 years was 37.0 inches (94 cm). Numerous fish exceeding 50 inches (127 cm) are angled from Ontario waters each year. The incidence of lymphosarcoma, a highly contagious, malignant blood cancer, has averaged only 2% since 1979. Based on an analysis of this information, Ontario’s muskellunge fisheries appear to be stable and sustainable. Volunteer angler diary programs provide an accurate and cost-effective means to monitor the status of muskellunge fisheries in Ontario.  相似文献   

  • Calcareous grasslands belong to the most species‐rich and endangered habitats in Europe. However, little is known about the origin of the species typically occurring in these grasslands. In this study we analysed the glacial and post‐glacial history of Sanguisorba minor, a typical plant species frequently occurring in calcareous grasslands.
  • The study comprised 38 populations throughout the whole distribution range of the species across Europe. We used molecular markers (AFLP) and applied Bayesian cluster analysis as well as spatial principal components analysis (sPCA) to identify glacial refugia and post‐glacial migration routes to Central Europe.
  • Our study revealed significant differences in the level of genetic variation and the occurrence of rare fragments within populations of S. minor and a distinct separation of eastern and western lineages. The analyses uncovered traditional southern but also cryptic northern refugia and point towards a broad fronted post‐glacial recolonisation.
  • Based on these results we postulate that incomplete lineage sorting may have contributed to the detected pattern of genetic variation and that S. minor recolonised Central Europe post‐glacially from Iberia and northern glacial refugia in France, Belgium or Germany. Our results highlight the importance of refugial areas for the conservation of intraspecific variation in calcareous grassland species.

Population change is regulated by vital rates that are influenced by environmental conditions, demographic stochasticity, and, increasingly, anthropogenic effects. Habitat destruction and climate change threaten the future of many wildlife populations, and there are additional concerns regarding the effects of harvest rates on demographic components of harvested organisms. Further, many population managers strictly manage harvest of wild organisms to mediate population trends of these populations. The goal of our study was to decouple harvest and environmental variability in a closely monitored population of wild ducks in North America, where we experimentally regulated harvest independently of environmental variation over a period of 4 years. We used 9 years of capture–mark–recapture data to estimate breeding population size during the spring for a population of wood ducks in Nevada. We then assessed the effect of one environmental variable and harvest pressure on annual changes in the breeding population size. Climatic conditions influencing water availability were strongly positively related to population growth rates of wood ducks in our study system. In contrast, harvest regulations and harvest rates did not affect population growth rates. We suggest efforts to conserve waterfowl should focus on the effects of habitat loss in breeding areas and climate change, which will likely affect precipitation regimes in the future. We demonstrate the utility of capture–mark–recapture methods to estimate abundance of species which are difficult to survey and test the impacts of anthropogenic harvest and climate on populations. Finally, our results continue to add to the importance of experimentation in applied conservation biology, where we believe that continued experiments on nonthreatened species will be critically important as researchers attempt to understand how to quantify and mitigate direct anthropogenic impacts in a changing world.  相似文献   

We record here the introduction of the African catfish Clarias gariepinus into the Guaraguaçu River basin in Paraná State, Brazil, an area with an extremely rich endemic fish fauna, including many catfishes. C. gariepinus was introduced as escapees from ponds built for recreational angling. These catfishes are very large and hard predators, thus posing serious potential for impact on the native fish fauna. The impact of C. gariepinus needs study with emphasis on finding means for controlling its spread.  相似文献   

Several freshwater mussel species represent some of the most problematic invasive species and have considerably altered ecosystems worldwide. Their invasion potential has been partially attributed to their free-living larvae, which have a high dispersal capability. We investigated the invasion potential of Anodonta (Sinanodonta) woodiana, a species of East Asian unionid mussel established worldwide despite having an obligatory parasitic stage (glochidium), which must encyst on host fish. The invasion success of A. woodiana has been attributed to the success of worldwide introductions of its sympatric fish hosts. We experimentally found, however, that A. woodiana is a broad host generalist, which can complete its development on all eight fish species tested, both coinvasive and native. Subsequently, we used a data on the occurrence and relative abundance of potential hosts in river habitats in the Czech Republic to project scenarios of the effect of host availability on A. woodiana invasion. We found that host availability does not constitute a major limit for A. woodiana to colonise most aquatic habitats in Central Europe. In addition, we investigated seasonal dynamics of A. woodiana reproduction and did not detect any limitations of its reproduction by ambient water temperatures typical of a Central European lowland river. Consequently, we predict that A. woodiana may further increase the speed and range of its invasion and we discuss possible consequences to native habitats and communities, especially to the endangered species of unionid mussels.  相似文献   

The European catfish, Silurus glanis, is native to eastern Europe and western Asia and is among the largest freshwater fish in the world. Despite its increasing economic importance and its frequent introductions, the ecology and life-history of this species is poorly known due to the difficulty of sampling such a large species in large rivers and standing waters. Our study provides the first data on age and growth of this species in Turkish waters, where it is native. We report the length-weight relationships and age and size structure of this population, which were significantly different between females and males. A marginal increment analysis indicated that annulus formation occurred between May and June. The estimates of three growth functions (von Bertalanffy, logistic and Gompertz) are reported, with the von Bertalanffy growth providing a better fit and more realistic parameter estimates. Growth rates were significantly higher in males than in females and were overall higher compared to other native populations but similar to introduced populations of similar latitude.  相似文献   

Atlantic salmon populations are reported to be declining throughout its range, raising major management concerns. Variation in adult fish abundance may be due to variation in survival, growth, and timing of life history decisions. Given the complex life history, utilizing highly divergent habitats, the reasons for declines may be multiple and difficult to disentangle. Using recreational angling data of two sea age groups, one‐sea‐winter (1SW) and two‐sea‐winter (2SW) fish originated from the same smolt year class, we show that sea age at maturity of the returns has increased in 59 Norwegian rivers over the cohorts 1991–2005. By means of linear mixed‐effects models we found that the proportion of 1SW fish spawning in Norway has decreased concomitant with the increasing sea surface temperature experienced by the fish in autumn during their first year at sea. Furthermore, the decrease in the proportion of 1SW fish was influenced by freshwater conditions as measured by water discharge during summer months 1 year ahead of seaward migration. These results suggest that part of the variability in age at maturity can be explained by the large‐scale changes occurring in the north‐eastern Atlantic pelagic food web affecting postsmolt growth, and by differences in river conditions influencing presmolt growth rate and later upstream migration.  相似文献   

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