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以重组DNA技术为核心的现代生物技术蓬勃发展,在农、牧、食品加工、医药卫生等方面,已经产生了巨大的经济效益和社会效益。但是,现代生物技术对生态环境和人类健康带来的潜在危害,使得人们开始关注生物安全。狭义的生物安全问题,是指现代生物技术的研究、开发、应用以及转基因生物的跨国越境转移可能对生物多样性、生态环境和人类健康产生潜在的不利影响。特别是各类转基因活生物体释放到环境中,可  相似文献   

在转基因生物全球化形势下,我国十分重视转基因生物安全管理及转基因生物安全性风险交流。通过建设转基因生物相关平台,可以加强我国转基因生物安全评价、转基因生物检测、风险交流及信息的整理和共享,拓宽我国转基因生物安全管理服务和信息交流渠道。平台主要由五部分组成,即:转基因生物安全性评价数据库、转基因生物安全检测方法数据库、转基因生物安全管理政策法规数据库、转基因生物检测服务子平台、公众风险交流子平台。平台的访问界面友好、美观、实用,能方便快捷地为用户提供信息查询和浏览等服务。平台可于此地址浏览:http://www.shgmo.org/。  相似文献   

我国转基因水稻商品化应用的潜在环境生物安全问题   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
转基因水稻的研发和商品化应用将为提高我国水稻的生产力提供新的机遇,并缓解我国的粮食安全问题.转基凶水稻的人规模环境释放和商品化生产可能会带来一定的环境生物安全问题,处理不好会影响转基因水稻的进一步研究和发展.通常所指的环境生物安全问题主要包括以下几个方面:(1)抗生物胁迫转基因对非靶标生物的影响及效应;(2)外源基因向非转基因作物和野生近缘种逃逸及其可能带来的生态后果;(3)转基因作物对农业生态系统、土壤微生物以及生物多样性的潜在影响;(4)抗生物胁迫转基因的长期使用导致靶标生物对转基因产生抗性等.为了安全有效和持续利用转基因生物技术及其产品,有必要对转基因水稻的环境生物安全性进行科学评价.基于风险评价的原则,本文对转基因水稻在我国商品化生产和大规模种植可能带来的环境生物安全问题进行了理性分析,希望为我国转基因水稻商品化应用的决策和生物安全评价提供科学依据.  相似文献   

正转基因产品的安全评价、监测和管理是否都在严格的法规和法律框架下进行?国际上以及各个国家是否都有与转基因技术及其产品评价和监管相关的法规或条文?转基因生物安全监管的国际法规国际上最具权威的与转基因生物安全监管相关的文件是《卡塔赫纳生物安全议定书》,该议定书是在《生物多样性公约》框架下的一个专门针对生物技术培育的转基因生物活体(LMO)越境转移而制定的安全议定书。该议  相似文献   

转基因生物安全是当代科学技术的前沿课题,也是国际贸易中的敏感问题.本书根据“以人为本”和可持续科学发展观,概述了当代生物技术的兴起及其应用领域;严肃地提出了生物技术所修饰的改性活生物体是祸福相倚的“双刃剑”;介绍了卡塔赫纳《生物安全议定书》的宗旨、原则和相关内容以及各国对生物安全的基本态度;从战略高度论述了转基因生物环境影响评价的重要性;  相似文献   

大豆转基因育种及产业化发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
转基因技术是现代生物技术研究的热点之一,转基因作物种植已经成为全球普及最为迅速的生物技术.转基因大豆是目前种植区域最广、种植面积最大的转基因作物,已成为世界大豆主产国大豆产业发展的主要动力.中国的大豆产量居世界第四位,但转基因大豆育种的研究尚处于起步阶段,在转基因大豆产业化发展方面潜力巨大.我国应该充分利用现代生物技术的成果,借鉴国外转基因大豆的发展经验,立足本国实际,在农业转基因生物安全管理相关法律法规下,建立和健全我国转基因大豆育种及其产业化发展体系,大力发展转基因大豆,提升我国大豆产业的市场竞争力.本文概述了我国转基因大豆的研究现状以及国际转基因大豆的研发趋势,分析了我国转基因大豆发展所面临的挑战并提出了应对策略.  相似文献   

农业转基因生物安全管理条例公布施行国务院总理朱钅容基 2 0 0 1年 5月 2 3日签署第 30 4号中华人民共和国国务院令 ,公布了《农业转基因生物安全管理条例》 ,《条例》自公布之日起施行。《条例》旨在加强农业转基因生物安全管理 ,保障人体健康和动植物、微生物安全 ,保护生态环境 ,促进农业转基因生物技术研究 ,共 8章 5 6条。《条例》规定 ,国务院农业行政主管部门负责全国农业转基因生物安全的监督管理工作。国家对农业转基因生物安全实行分级管理评价制度 ,建立农业转基因生物安全评价制度 ,对农业转基因生物实行标识制度。单位和个人…  相似文献   

《生物多样性公约》缔约国,为了现代生物技术生产的活性转基因生物(LMO)的安全转移和使用,保护人类健康和生物多样性,经过5年的艰苦谈判,于2000年初通过了《卡塔赫纳生物安全议定书》,成为第一部有关LMO的国际法。该《议定书》确认了预先防范原则,允许缔约方禁止或限制LMO进境,并要求含有LMO的货物附有标签。作者预测了《议定书》对转基因农产品国际贸易和生物技术发展的影响,并对我国应采取的对策提出了  相似文献   

澳大利亚是世界上重要的农产品生产国和出口国,本文对澳大利亚转基因生物安全监管从基因工程安全管理立法历程、转基因监管体系及职责、转基因日常监管与执法、转基因标识管理、生物育种新技术研究和监管等方面进行了综述。以澳大利亚转基因生物安全管理经验为启示,结合我国转基因生物安全管理的现状,提出如下建议:对我国现有转基因管理体系、法规制度体系和技术支撑体系等进行完善,严格监管执法,落实相关责任,提高公众参与度、加大信息公开力度,并尽快明确基因编辑等生物育种新技术的监管原则。  相似文献   

转基因的逃逸及生态风险   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
转基因技术的发展为提高农作物产量和解决全球人口不断增长而引发的粮食问题带来了无限的机遇,但生物技术的应用和转基因作物的环境释放也带来了一系列生物安全问题.转基因产品是否会对植物、动物、人类健康、遗传资源和环境带来危害已成为公众关注的焦点.诸多生物安全问题中最引人注目的问题之一就是转基因的逃逸及其可能导致的生态风险.文中就转基因逃逸的可能性和逃逸的不同途径、转基因逃逸后可能导致的各种生态风险、转基因逃逸的不同控制方法以及转基因作物安全距离设立应该考虑的因素等问题进行了讨论,旨在了解转基因作物的环境释放和外源基因的逃逸可能导致的生物安全问题,以及如何控制和避免转基因逃逸.  相似文献   

As with modern organisms, the spatial and temporal distribution of fossil communities was controlled by both the physical setting in which the organisms lived and by the organisms' physiology and interactions. By studying the sedimentological and geochemical context of fossil communities, it is possible to assess the relative importance of the physical setting and the organisms' physiology. Comparison of Pennsylvanian brachiopod associations with changing sedimentological context (water depth/facies) and nutrient availability indicates that body size is a function of water depth and nutrient availability for most spire-bearing (athyridids and spiriferids) brachiopods but rarely for productid brachiopods. Spire-bearing brachiopods dominate the associations in high-nutrient settings, and productid brachiopods dominate the associations in low-nutrient settings. This difference suggests that physiological differences between brachiopod orders, such as lophophore filtering efficiency, play an important role in controlling their distribution.  相似文献   

国际转基因食品安全评价政策及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
转基因技术作为现代生物技术的核心之一,在保障粮食安全、保护生态安全、拓展农业功能等方面发挥了重要作用,但同时,也带来了潜在的安全性问题。为此,世界上主要国家和国际组织都制定了与转基因生物安全管理相关的法律法规,加强管理。通过对国际食品法典委员会(Codex Alimentarius Commission, CAC)、经济合作与发展组织(Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, OECD)的转基因食品安全评价体系与评价政策进行介绍分析,总结其现实积极作用及价值,指出其缺陷或不足,以期为健全我国转基因食品安全评价体系、完善监管措施,提供理论政策及法律规范方面的参考性建议。  相似文献   

The information provided by completely sequenced genomes can yield insights into the multi-level organization of organisms and their evolution. At the lowest level of molecular organization individual enzymes are formed, often through assembly of multiple polypeptides. At a higher level, sets of enzymes group into metabolic networks. Much has been learned about the relationship of species from phylogenetic trees comparing individual enzymes. In this article we extend conventional phylogenetic analysis of individual enzymes in different organisms to the organisms' metabolic networks. For this purpose we suggest a method that combines sequence information with information about the underlying reaction networks. A distance between pathways is defined as incorporating distances between substrates and distances between corresponding enzymes. The new analysis is applied to electron-transfer and amino acid biosynthesis networks yielding a more comprehensive understanding of similarities and differences between organisms. Received: 14 August 2000 / Accepted: 4 January 2001  相似文献   

Biomechanical forces govern the behaviors of organisms and their environment and examining these behaviors to understand the underlying phenomena is an important challenge. One experimental approach for probing these interactions between organisms and their biomechanical environment uses biologically-inspired, artificial surrogates that reproduce organic mechanical systems. For the case of complex, multicellular organisms, robot surrogates have been particularly effective, such as in the analysis of the fins of fish and insects' wings. This biologically-inspired approach is also exciting when examining cell-scale responses as multicellular organisms' behavior is directly influenced by the integrated interactions of smaller-scale components (i.e., cells). In this review, we introduce the burgeoning field of engineering of artificial cells, which focuses on developing cell-scale entities replicating cellular behaviors. We describe both a bottom-up approach to constructing artificial cells, using molecular components to directly assemble artificial cells, as well as a top-down approach, in which living cells are encapsulated in a single entity whose behavior is determined by its constituent members. In particular, we discuss the potential role of these artificial cells as implantable controllers, designed to alter the mechanical behavior of a host organism. Eventually, artificial cells designed to function as small-scale controllers may help alter organisms' phenotypes.  相似文献   

Biological control of agricultural pests by phytoseiid predators has been achieved through classical introductions, conservation of indigenous and established foreign species, and augmentation of both introduced and indigenous species. Laboratory selection of phytoseiids has produced several strains that have been mass reared and released for pest management programs in glasshouses and agricultural cropping systems. Concerns over risks of classical biological control have developed recently. The development of recombinant DNA (rDNA) techniques for the genetic manipulation of crops and microorganisms also has inaugurated a debate on the safety of releasing transgenic organisms into the environment. This debate will extend to the release of phytoseiids that have been manipulated with rDNA techniques. Risks associated with releasing phytoseiids for augmentation or classical biological control programs are minimal and the benefits are great. Research initiated to answer questions about the risks of releasing transgenic phytoseiids into the environment provides opportunities to expand our understanding of the ecological impact of phytoseiids in agricultural and natural environments and could lead to improved pest management tactics.  相似文献   

Safety Evaluation of Transgenic Tilapia with Accelerated Growth   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Recent advances in modern marine biotechnology have permitted the generation of new strains of economically important fish species through the transfer of growth hormone genes. These transgenic fish strains show improved growth performance and therefore constitute a better alternative for aquaculture programs. Recently, we have obtained a transgenic tilapia line with accelerated growth. However, before introducing this line into Cuban aquaculture, environmental and food safety assessment was required by national authorities. Experiments were performed to evaluate the behavior of transgenic tilapia in comparison to wild tilapia as a way to assess the environmental impact of introducing transgenic tilapia into Cuban aquaculture. Studies were also conducted to evaluate, according to the principle of substantial equivalence, the safety of consuming transgenic tilapia as food. Behavior studies showed that transgenic tilapia had a lower feeding motivation and dominance status than controls. Food safety assessment indicated that tilapia growth hormone has no biological activity when administered to nonhuman primates. Furthermore, no effects were detected in human healthy volunteers after the consumption of transgenic tilapia. These results showed, at least under the conditions found in Cuba, no environmental implications for the introduction of this transgenic tilapia line and the safety in the consumption of tiGH-transgenic tilapia as an alternative feeding source for humans. These results support the culture and consumption of these transgenic tilapia. Received: March 9, 1998; accepted June 25, 1998.  相似文献   

酵母过氧化物体生物合成缺陷突变株的诱变、筛选和鉴定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
过氧化物体对生物的生长和发育非常重要,人类很多疾病就是由于过氧化物体生物合成缺陷引起。以解脂耶氏酵母E122为出发菌,采用硫酸二乙酯诱变,获得了两株过氧化物体生物合成缺陷突变株,其中一株为温度敏感的突变株。在正常生长条件下,突变株的免疫荧光分析显示弥散的染色模式,且在电镜下观察不到过氧化物体的形态结构。将克隆于表达载体pINA445上的目前所发现的与过氧化物体生物合成有关的基因转化这两株突变株,发现它们均不能恢复其在含油酸的培养基上的生长,表明这两个突变株是由与过氧化物体生物合成相关的新基因的突变引起。这两个突变株的获得为参与过氧化物体生物合成的新基因的发现奠定了基础。  相似文献   

转Bt基因抗虫水稻的研究进展与生态安全评价   总被引:17,自引:3,他引:14  
表达杀虫蛋白的转Bt基因植物正在改革着现代农业.综述了国内外转Bt基因水稻及其抗虫性的研究进展及水稻害虫对Bt水稻的抗性风险及抗性管理策略,提出了对转基因Bt水稻进行生态安全风险评价的具体内容.  相似文献   

A computational theory of selection by consequences [McDowell, J.J, 2004. A computational model of selection by consequences. J. Exp. Anal. Behav. 81, 297-317] was tested by studying the responding of virtual organisms that were animated by the theory on random interval schedules of reinforcement. The theory generated responding by applying principles of selection, reproduction, and mutation to a population of potential behaviors that evolved in response to the selection pressure exerted by reinforcement. The organisms' equilibrium response rates were well described by the modern version of the Herrnstein hyperbola, which includes an exponent on reinforcement rate. Under strong selection pressure this exponent decreased with increasing mutation rate from a value near 1.0 at 1% mutation to an asymptotic value of 0.83 at mutation rates of 10% and greater. This asymptotic value is consistent with values obtained by fitting the equation to data from live organisms responding on single schedules, and with the value of about 0.80 that is expected on the basis of extensive research with live organisms responding on concurrent schedules. These results show that the computational theory is consistent with the modern theory of matching [McDowell, J.J, 2005. On the classic and modern theories of matching. J. Exp. Anal. Behav. 84, 111-127], and that it is a viable candidate for a mathematical dynamics of behavior.  相似文献   

转基因生物及其产品检测技术和标准化   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
随着转基因生物及其产品的大规模商业化以及消费者对其安全性的担心,很多国家和地区纷纷出台包括转基因产品标签制度在内的转基因生物安全管理的法律法规,为保障转基因产品标签制度的实施以及消费者知情权和选择权,转基因产品检测分析方法及其标准化研究受到人们广泛重视。目前,国内外常用的转基因产品检测方法主要包括针对转基因产品中的目的核酸DNA分子或者其编码的蛋白质分子,本文将对转基因生物及其产品检测方法及其标准化的进展及发展趋势做一概述。  相似文献   

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