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Alteration of cellular calcium metabolism as primary cause of hypertension   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the pathogenesis of hypertension, the importance of intracellular calcium is increasing. Clinical and experimental studies of essential hypertension indicate a pathological increase of intracellular Ca2+ in this disease. In the past, changes in cellular Na+ and its transport mechanisms were considered the triggering factors and Na+-Ca2+ exchange was attributed a decisive influence on intracellular homeostasis. Recently, a reduced Ca2+-binding capacity of the cellular membrane was observed in hypertension, which could have been due to a defect of the Ca2+-ATPase or its control. It is therefore necessary to establish the hypothesis that changes in the cellular Ca2+ metabolism associated with an increase in the intracellular Ca2+ concentration may be the primary cause of hypertension. Disorders of Na+ transport can also be traced to the increase in intracellular Ca2+ and were thus a consequence but not the cause of the increased intracellular Ca2+ concentration.  相似文献   

Alterations of calcium metabolism in hypertensive disease have been increasingly observed, although the specific manner in which these alterations contribute to the increased blood pressure remains unclear. We have studied calcium metabolism in essential hypertension and have adopted an approach based on analysis of renin system activity, which emphasizes the heterogeneity of human hypertensive disease. With this approach we have defined parallel deviations of plasma renin activity, circulating ionized calcium, and calcium-regulating hormones, which suggest a calcium deficiency in some hypertensives and, an excess of calcium in others. These deviations can be used to predict and may mediate the blood pressure sensitivity of hypertensives to dietary salt, and may also target those individuals most likely to benefit from oral calcium supplementation. Calcium itself has enhanced antihypertensive effects in low renin subjects, having lower ionized calcium and higher endogenous 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D values, and in subjects on higher dietary salt intakes. Calcium may alter pressure, at least in part, by suppressing endogenous vitamin D metabolites and by stimulating calcitonin secretion. We hypothesize that calcium-regulating hormones participate in the physiology of the renin-angiotensin system and in the pathophysiology of human hypertension.  相似文献   

K Lau  D Thomas  B Eby 《Federation proceedings》1986,45(12):2752-2757
Abnormalities in Ca metabolism in genetic hypertension have been suggested by studies of the spontaneously hypertensive rat and of humans with essential hypertension. A state of relative Ca deficiency in genetic hypertension was previously hypothesized to explain the reduced serum ionized Ca, increased serum parathyroid hormone levels, and the association between oral Ca loading and mild reduction in blood pressure. Renal Ca leak, reduced intestinal Ca absorption, and diminished Ca intake were further postulated to account for the Ca deficient state. This hypothesis, however, is not supported by the following lines of evidence in genetic hypertension: the absence of fasting hypercalciuria owing to intrinsic tubular defects, increased net Ca absorption in vivo despite greater Ca retention before and during established hypertension, increased intracellular free Ca concentrations, the failure to aggravate the hypertension by 50% reduction in dietary Ca intake, and the failure to ameliorate the hypertension by maneuvers that augment Ca balance (parenteral Ca administration, a high Mg diet, and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 injections). The available literature may be explained by the alternative hypothesis that genetic hypertension is characterized by generalized membrane defects in Ca regulation, resulting in a relative increase in cytosolic free Ca. The mechanism (or mechanisms) and physiological consequences of the disturbances in Ca homeostasis, however, remain to be defined.  相似文献   

Dopamine plays an important role in the pathogenesis of hypertension by regulating epithelial sodium transport and by interacting with vasoactive hormones/humoral factors, such as aldosterone, angiotensin, catecholamines, endothelin, oxytocin, prolactin pro-opiomelancortin, reactive oxygen species, renin, and vasopressin. Dopamine receptors are classified into D(1)-like (D(1) and D(5)) and D(2)-like (D(2), D(3), and D(4)) subtypes based on their structure and pharmacology. In recent years, mice deficient in one or more of the five dopamine receptor subtypes have been generated, leading to a better understanding of the physiological role of each of the dopamine receptor subtypes. This review summarizes the results from studies of various dopamine receptor mutant mice on the role of individual dopamine receptor subtypes and their interactions with other G protein-coupled receptors in the regulation of blood pressure.  相似文献   

Excess dietary salt is a major cause of hypertension. Nevertheless, the specific mechanisms by which salt increases arterial constriction and peripheral vascular resistance, and thereby raises blood pressure (BP), are poorly understood. Here we summarize recent evidence that defines specific molecular links between Na(+) and the elevated vascular resistance that directly produces high BP. In this new paradigm, high dietary salt raises cerebrospinal fluid [Na(+)]. This leads, via the Na(+)-sensing circumventricular organs of the brain, to increased sympathetic nerve activity (SNA), a major trigger of vasoconstriction. Plasma levels of endogenous ouabain (EO), the Na(+) pump ligand, also become elevated. Remarkably, high cerebrospinal fluid [Na(+)]-evoked, locally secreted (hypothalamic) EO participates in a pathway that mediates the sustained increase in SNA. This hypothalamic signaling chain includes aldosterone, epithelial Na(+) channels, EO, ouabain-sensitive α(2) Na(+) pumps, and angiotensin II (ANG II). The EO increases (e.g.) hypothalamic ANG-II type-1 receptor and NADPH oxidase and decreases neuronal nitric oxide synthase protein expression. The aldosterone-epithelial Na(+) channel-EO-α(2) Na(+) pump-ANG-II pathway modulates the activity of brain cardiovascular control centers that regulate the BP set point and induce sustained changes in SNA. In the periphery, the EO secreted by the adrenal cortex directly enhances vasoconstriction via an EO-α(2) Na(+) pump-Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchanger-Ca(2+) signaling pathway. Circulating EO also activates an EO-α(2) Na(+) pump-Src kinase signaling cascade. This increases the expression of the Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchanger-transient receptor potential cation channel Ca(2+) signaling pathway in arterial smooth muscle but decreases the expression of endothelial vasodilator mechanisms. Additionally, EO is a growth factor and may directly participate in the arterial structural remodeling and lumen narrowing that is frequently observed in established hypertension. These several central and peripheral mechanisms are coordinated, in part by EO, to effect and maintain the salt-induced elevation of BP.  相似文献   

Methylation demand: a key determinant of homocysteine metabolism   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Elevated plasma homocysteine is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease and Alzheimer's disease. To understand the factors that determine the plasma homocysteine level it is necessary to appreciate the processes that produce homocysteine and those that remove it. Homocysteine is produced as a result of methylation reactions. Of the many methyltransferases, two are, normally, of the greatest quantitative importance. These are guanidinoacetate methyltransferase (that produces creatine) and phosphatidylethanolamine N-methyltransferase (that produces phosphatidylcholine). In addition, methylation of DOPA in patients with Parkinson's disease leads to increased homocysteine production. Homocysteine is removed either by its irreversible conversion to cysteine (transsulfuration) or by remethylation to methionine. There are two separate remethylation reactions, catalyzed by betaine:homocysteine methyltransferase and methionine synthase, respectively. The reactions that remove homocysteine are very sensitive to B vitamin status as both the transsulfuration enzymes contain pyridoxal phosphate, while methionine synthase contains cobalamin and receives its methyl group from the folic acid one-carbon pool. There are also important genetic influences on homocysteine metabolism.  相似文献   

Bacteriorhodopsin (BR) and halorhodopsin (HR) are light-driven outward proton and inward chloride pumps, respectively. They have similar protein architecture, being composed of seven-transmembrane helices that bind an all-trans-retinal. BR can be converted into a chloride pump by a single amino acid replacement at position 85, suggesting that BR and HR share a common transport mechanism, and the ionic specificity is determined by the amino acid at that position. However, HR cannot be converted into a proton pump by the corresponding reverse mutation. Here we mutated 6 and 10 amino acids of HR into BR-like, whereas such multiple HR mutants never pump protons. Light-induced Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy revealed that hydrogen bonds of the retinal Schiff base and water are both strong for BR and both weak for HR. Multiple HR mutants exhibit strong hydrogen bonds of the Schiff base, but the hydrogen bond of water is still weak. We concluded that the cause of nonfunctional conversion of HR is the lack of strongly hydrogen-bonded water, the functional determinant of the proton pump.  相似文献   

Increasing NaCl concentration (0, 50, 100 and 150 mM) progressively decreased growth and seed yield of clusterbean (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba Taub.) which was associated with decreased concentrations of potassium and calcium and increased concentration of sodium in the shoots. Supplemental calcium (2.5 and 5.0 mM) significantly ameliorated the adverse effects of NaCl due to enhanced Ca and K uptake and reduced Na uptake. Calcium also alleviated the negative effects of NaCl on activities of nitrogen metabolism enzymes as well as on contents of soluble protein and free amino acids. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

In mineralocorticoid hypertension in the rat, calcium metabolism was disturbed. A positive correlation was found during the onset of hypertension between, urinary calcium and arterial pressure. After several weeks, when hypertension was sustained, calcium parameters returned to control values.  相似文献   

MG53 is a member of tripartite motif family (TRIM) that expressed most abundantly in striated muscle. Using rodent models, many studies have demonstrated the MG53 not only facilitates membrane repair after ischemia reperfusion injury, but also contributes to the protective effects of both pre- and post-conditioning. Recently, however, it has been shown that MG53 participates in the regulation of many metabolic processes, especially insulin signaling pathway. Thus, sustained overexpression of MG53 may contribute to the development of various metabolic disorders in striated muscle. In this review, using cardiac muscle as an example, we will discuss muscle metabolic disturbances associated with diabetes and the current understanding of the underlying molecular mechanisms; in particular, the pathogenesis of diabetic cardiomyopathy. We will focus on the pathways that MG53 regulates and how the dysregulation of MG53 leads to metabolic disorders, thereby establishing a causal relationship between sustained upregulation of MG53 and the development of muscle insulin resistance and metabolic disorders. This article is part of a Special issue entitled Cardiac adaptations to obesity, diabetes and insulin resistance, edited by Professors Jan F.C. Glatz, Jason R.B. Dyck and Christine Des Rosiers.  相似文献   

Lactate-related factors as a critical determinant of endurance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Many interrelated physiological and/or morphological factors have been demonstrated to influence endurance exercise performance. Some of these factors include skeletal musculature, running economy, maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max), maximal steady state (MSS), onset of blood lactate accumulation (OBLA), onset of plasma lactate accumulation (OPLA), and anaerobic (or lactate) threshold (AT or LT). The present paper focuses mainly on VO2max, MSS, OBLA, OPLA and LT, all of which have been postulated as a prerequisite in endurance exercise success. This paper consists of: (1) significance of La-related variables, (2) longitudinal studies, (3) comments, and (4) conclusion. Briefly, it is suggested that estimation of endurance exercise potential could be obtained with relatively high precision using laboratoriously measured La-related variables. The most critical determinant of endurance exercise performance such as marathon time is considered running velocity (V) at which LT is detected (V / LT), VO2 / LT, or V / MSS, while V / OBLA appears to be the best predictor of performance in endurance events of 16 km or shorter distances.  相似文献   

Patterns of word use both reflect and influence a myriad of human activities and interactions. Like other entities that are reproduced and evolve, words rise or decline depending upon a complex interplay between their intrinsic properties and the environments in which they function. Using Internet discussion communities as model systems, we define the concept of a word niche as the relationship between the word and the characteristic features of the environments in which it is used. We develop a method to quantify two important aspects of the size of the word niche: the range of individuals using the word and the range of topics it is used to discuss. Controlling for word frequency, we show that these aspects of the word niche are strong determinants of changes in word frequency. Previous studies have already indicated that word frequency itself is a correlate of word success at historical time scales. Our analysis of changes in word frequencies over time reveals that the relative sizes of word niches are far more important than word frequencies in the dynamics of the entire vocabulary at shorter time scales, as the language adapts to new concepts and social groupings. We also distinguish endogenous versus exogenous factors as additional contributors to the fates of words, and demonstrate the force of this distinction in the rise of novel words. Our results indicate that short-term nonstationarity in word statistics is strongly driven by individual proclivities, including inclinations to provide novel information and to project a distinctive social identity.  相似文献   

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