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王菲  赵华斌 《兽类学报》2023,(6):644-651
短耳犬蝠(Cynopterus brachyotis)是栖息在城市的典型蝙蝠物种。已发表的研究表明,短耳犬蝠的遗传多样性显著降低与快速城市化紧密相关,但该物种适应城市环境的遗传学基础仍缺乏研究。本研究基于已发表的短耳犬蝠历史样本(1931年)和当代样本(2011—2012年)的群体基因组重测序数据,通过位点突变频率、基于群体遗传分化的选择信号检测方法、基于单倍型的选择信号检测方法和受选择基因座检测方法,探究了快速城市化对短耳犬蝠的影响及其适应城市化的遗传学基础。研究结果表明:短耳犬蝠历史群体中鉴定到669个受选择基因,基因功能富集主要集中在视觉和嗅觉等通路;在当代群体中鉴定到2 013个受选择基因,这些基因除了参与视觉和嗅觉相关通路外,还在免疫、味觉和听觉等通路中发挥作用。该结果提示,快速城市化可能影响短耳犬蝠的感官系统和免疫系统;为了适应快速城市化,短耳犬蝠可能在免疫、味觉和听觉等功能方面发生了适应性演化。  相似文献   

四川南充高坪机场秋冬季节鸟类多样性与鸟撞预防   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2006年9月-2007年2月,对四川南充高坪机场及其周围4种生境(草地、农耕区、村囤、松林)的鸟类进行调查,并进行鸟类多样性指数分析.结果共记录到鸟类81种,隶属于13目37科;秋冬季农耕区和村囤的鸟类密度、数量明显比草地和松林高;机场草地冬季鸟类的密度明显比秋季高.结合鸟类的生活习性及其栖息生境、Ⅳ值、分布广度和在各生境中的优势密度和总范围里的密度,秋季对鸟撞最具危险的是白鹭、家鸽、山斑鸠、白鹡鸰、白头鹎、小云雀、小鹀等;冬季对鸟撞最具威胁的是家鸽、小云雀、小鹀、金翅雀、白头鹎、水鹨等.并相应提出了相应一些的预防措施,如减少结实的植物、剪草降低草高、控制土壤动物的密度等.  相似文献   

短耳鹗(Asio flammeus Pontoppidan)隶属鹗形目、鸱鹗科、耳鹗属,猛禽,又名“短耳猫头鹰”、“小耳木兔”、“田猫王”,群众称之为“猫头鹰”。此鸟在苏北分布数量不多,较为罕见,笔者于1983—1986年5月,在江都、高邮等地对短耳鸦进行了观察,现将短耳鹗冬季生态简要报道如下。一、越冬期短耳鸮是苏北地区的冬候鸟,一般在10月下旬至11月上旬迁来,翌年3月中、下旬至4月上旬迁离,1984年10月27日,曾在江都三周乡的爱民村见到6只,1985年11月16日,在江  相似文献   

北京市区越冬长耳的食性分析   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
2004年11月至2005年4月,采用食团分析法对北京市区内天坛生物制药厂和国子监公园内栖息越冬的长耳鸮(Asiootus)的食物组成进行了分析。发现天坛生物制药厂长耳鸮的食物中啮齿类占41.0%,翼手类占29.5%,鸟类占29.3%,食虫类占0.2%;国子监长耳鸮的食物组成中翼手类占53.8%,啮齿类占21.5%,鸟类占24.7%。翼手目主要种类有山蝠(Nyctalus noctula)和普通伏翼(Pipistrellus abramus)等。长耳鸮三类主要食物所占比例的逐月变化显示,翼手类所占百分比不断上升,啮齿类所占比例先上升而到翌年1、2月开始下降,鸟类所占百分比一直在下降。蝙蝠大量出现于温带冬季鸮类的食物中属首次发现。  相似文献   

2006年9月—2007年2月,对四川南充高坪机场及其周围4种生境(草地、农耕区、村囤、松林)的鸟类进行调查,并进行鸟类多样性指数分析。结果共记录到鸟类81种,隶属于13目37科;秋冬季农耕区和村囤的鸟类密度、数量明显比草地和松林高;机场草地冬季鸟类的密度明显比秋季高。结合鸟类的生活习性及其栖息生境、IV值、分布广度和在各生境中的优势密度和总范围里的密度,秋季对鸟撞最具危险的是白鹭、家鸽、山斑鸠、白鹡鸰、白头鹎、小云雀、小鹀等;冬季对鸟撞最具威胁的是家鸽、小云雀、小鹀、金翅雀、白头鹎、水鹨等。并相应提出了相应一些的预防措施,如减少结实的植物、剪草降低草高、控制土壤动物的密度等。  相似文献   

冀中农区大草蛉(Chrysopa septempunctata)栖息地选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴专  吕小红  胡德夫  陈合志  李凯 《生态学报》2007,27(8):3379-3383
大草蛉(Chrysopa septempunctata)是华北农区的主要天敌昆虫,研究了作物主要生长季节大草蛉的分布动态及其对栖息地的选择取向,结果表明,(1)大草蛉对栖息生境有较强的选择性,明显趋向于田间杂草地生境;(2)大草蛉在田间草地带上的栖息较为稳定,且受田间草地带宽度的直接影响,宽度1m左右的草地带有更高的大草蛉密度;(3)林带对大草蛉分布显示出积极作用,其效应范围因林带结构不同表现各异;(4)作物生长后期林带逐渐成为大草蛉栖息的重要场所。  相似文献   

吴专  吕小红  胡德夫  陈合志  李凯 《生态学报》2007,27(8):3379-3383
大草蛉(Chrysopa septempunctata)是华北农区的主要天敌昆虫,研究了作物主要生长季节大草蛉的分布动态及其对栖息地的选择取向,结果表明,(1)大草蛉对栖息生境有较强的选择性,明显趋向于田间杂草地生境;(2)大草蛉在田间草地带上的栖息较为稳定,且受田间草地带宽度的直接影响,宽度1 m左右的草地带有更高的大草蛉密度;(3)林带对大草蛉分布显示出积极作用,其效应范围因林带结构不同表现各异;(4)作物生长后期林带逐渐成为大草蛉栖息的重要场所。  相似文献   

李晓娟  周材权  万强 《四川动物》2008,27(2):253-258
2006年5月~2006年8月,使用固定样线法对南充高坪机场及附近5种生境8条样带进行了32次调查,共记录夏季鸟类51种,分属10目30科.东洋种27种(52.9%);古北种12种(23.5%);不易归类的种类12种(23.5%).繁殖鸟类中,东洋种27种(54%);古北种11种(22%).留鸟25种(49.0%);夏侯鸟25种(49.0%).根据IV值,对鸟撞影响最大的鸟为金腰燕、家燕、棕背伯劳、白鹭、白鹡鸰、珠颈斑鸠、家鸽、白颊噪鹛、黑尾蜡嘴雀等9种.根据鸟类的分布生境系数,广性分布型鸟类为31种;优势种(D>10)3种,分别为金腰燕、家鸽和棕背伯劳.根据D值,IV值、ADC值等综合因素分析,并结合高坪机场的具体情况提出了一系列防治措施.  相似文献   

了解草地退化的分布、特征、变化趋势及持续性,揭示草地退化机理,可为有效管理和保护草地提供重要的科学依据。本研究选择草地覆盖度作为草地退化的遥感监测指标,建立了草地退化遥感监测和评价指标体系,对青藏高原草地退化现状(2016—2020年)进行了评价,利用线性回归和Hurst指数分析了长时间序列尺度上(1982—2020年)草地覆盖度变化的趋势及持续性,并且基于草地覆盖度与气候因子的偏相关分析,研究了气候因子对草地退化的影响。结果表明: 2016—2020年,平均草地退化面积达24.3%,主要表现为轻度退化和中度退化,主要分布在低海拔和高植被覆盖地区。1982—2020年,草地覆盖度在青藏高原北部、西部和西南部地区呈增加趋势,在东部和中部地区呈减少趋势。98.1%的地区草地覆盖度的Hurst指数小于0.5,草地覆盖度变化表现出反持续性。草地覆盖度与降水量的偏相关系数(0.096)整体高于其与温度的偏相关系数(-0.033),温度占主导地位的面积占比为16.0%,主要分布在青藏高原的中部和东南部,降水量占主导地位的面积占比为12.2%,主要分布在青藏高原东北部和西部。  相似文献   

目前,藏羚羊分布区估计约100万平方千米,主要集中在我国西藏、青海和新疆三省(区),四川也有少量分布。藏羚羊在西藏栖息面积占其栖息地总面积的57.7%,主要栖息于藏北的羌塘地区。其中,繁殖地面积占栖息地面积的40.6%。该区域自然条件恶劣,草地沙化严重,藏羚羊栖息范围内牧民牧草地面积占到分布区总面积的69%,过度放牧、采挖虫草和盗猎是藏羚羊栖息地遭受威胁的主要因素。  相似文献   

V. Wendland 《Ibis》1984,126(3):284-295
A population of 17 to 20 pairs of Tawny Owls was studied from 1959–79 in Grunewald forest, West Berlin. The breeding success of the Owls (21–77% of pairs raising young per year) and the proportion of yellow-necked field mice Apodenzus flavicollis in their pellets (13–48% of prey items each year) exhibited the same three-year cycle. Long-term trends in the diet of the Owls were apparent and reasons for these are discussed.  相似文献   

The diet of Bubo ascalaphus in Qatar was assessed based on pellets collected from the first known nesting site of the species in the country. The pellets contained a total of 68 prey items, representing 9 different species: 4 mammals, 1 bird, 1 reptile, and at least 3 scorpions. Mammals clearly comprised the major food source (89.7% and 97.7% in frequency and biomass respectively). Our data suggest that Pharaoh Eagle Owls are opportunistic predators that feed on a variety of prey depending on their temporal/spatial availability, which is consistent with previous studies. A literature review clearly suggests that Eagle Owls in arid to semi-arid environments are opportunistic predators with small mammals being their main prey. Predation on migrating Blue-cheeked Bee-eaters Merops persicus supports this hypothesis.  相似文献   

Summary In two forest areas of West Berlin the population-changes in three mouse species have been investigated over 28 years (1952–1979). Significant changes in absolute density have been established for the Short-Tailed Vole (Microtus agrestis) at 5-year intervals, for the Common Vole (Microtus arvalis) at 4-year intervals, and for the Yellow-Necked Field Mouse (Apodemus flavicollis) at 3-year intervals. The investigations were based on a total of 43,535 small vertebrates, 90% of which had been found in the pellets of breeding Tawny Owls. The remaining 10% belonged to pellets collected in the territories of breeding Long-Eared Owls. It is assumed that, for those prey animals whose percentage in the total prey of a predator is fairly high, the percentage proportionally approximates the real fluctuations in their (absolute) density.  相似文献   

Short Notes     
Food of the Common Gull on grassland in autumn and winter, by J. D. R. Vernon

Prey taken by Short-eared Owls at British breeding sites and winter quarters, by David E. Glue

The bill-lengths of Dunlins, by John Griffiths

The timing of the moults of the Pied Wagtail, by G. K. Baggott

Iris colour in the Hen Harrier, by E. Balfour

Sexing Oystercatchers from bill measurements, by P. B. Heppleston and D. F. Kerridge

Swallows in Wing-moult in Southern Spain, by S. L. Pimm  相似文献   

乌鲁木齐市区越冬期长耳鸮的食性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2009~2011年间,利用食团分析法对乌鲁木齐市越冬长耳鸮(Asio otus)的食性进行分析。3年累计收集长耳鸮食团683份,辨认出1 132只猎物。分析结果表明,长耳鸮在冬季共捕食小型哺乳类6种,鸟类2种。小家鼠(Mus musculus)是最常见的食物,占总捕食量的53.45%。小型哺乳类是长耳鸮的主要食物,它在食物组成中出现的总频率为88.16%,以生物量计,小型哺乳类占食物构成的95.13%。长耳鸮的食物组成年度间差异显著,与当地猎物资源多样性和可获得性密切相关,表明长耳鸮可能采用机会主义者的捕食策略。  相似文献   

H. N. Southern 《Ibis》1969,111(3):293-299
The diet of Tawny Owls during the breeding seasons 1949-52 in Wytham Woods, near Oxford, was determined (a) from analysis of pellets collected, (b) from observation at night, by the use of a red floodlight, of prey brought to the nest and (c) from records of prey left in the nest made during daily visits to weigh the young.
Analysis of pellets showed an increase in the proportion of moles and beetles (mainly cockchafen) in the diet after the first week of May (the time when, on average, the young owls are about half grown) and a decrease in the proportion of mice and voles.
These changes were confirmed in a more emphatic way from observations of food being brought to the nest and from records of prey left in the nest.
This greater emphasis suggests that tho food brought to the young may differ from that which the adults eat themselves.
The fact that no moles were observed being brought to nests at night, wherean many were recorded as surplus prey in the nest, showed that diurnal hunting is regular during the breeding reaaon.
A true assessment of prey taken by Tawny Owls during the breeding season should be based both on analyeis of pellets cast by the adults and on records of food brought to the nest throughout 24 hours. Such records could best be obtained with an automatic camera and flash and a design of nest-box which is described.  相似文献   

Except for a few studies in the eastern United States, little has been published on hemoparasites in owls. We surveyed the blood parasites of 108 Northern Saw-whet Owls (Aegolius acadicus) and 24 Flammulated Owls (Otus flammeolus) in Idaho during autumn migration in 1999 and 2000. We also surveyed 15 Flammulated Owls (FLOW) during breeding season in Utah from 2000. Leucocytozoon ziemanni, Haemoproteus syrnii, Haemoproteus noctuae, and Trypanosoma avium were identified. The overall prevalence of infection was 53% (78/147) and for the combined species, prevalences of Haemoproteus, Leucocytozoon, and Trypanosoma species were 20%, 39%, and 4%, respectively. Northern Saw-whet Owls (NSWO) had an overall prevalence of 51% (55/108), with prevalences of 6%, 47%, and 4% by hemoparasite genus, respectively. Flammulated Owls had an overall prevalence of 59% (23/39), with prevalences of 56%, 18%, and 5% by genus, respectively. This study provides baseline hematozoa information for two boreal owl species.  相似文献   

Prevalence of Toxoplasma gondii in raptors from France   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Little is known about the prevalence or importance of Toxoplasma gondii infections in raptors. Sera from Eurasian Buzzards (Buteo buteo, n=14), Tawny Owls (Strix aluco, n=12), Barn Owls (Tyto alba, n=18), Eurasian Sparrowhawk (Accipiter nisus, n=1), and Common Kestrels (Falco tinnunculus, n=8) were examined for agglutinating antibodies using the modified agglutination test at 1:25 dilution. Antibodies were not detected in Common Kestrels and the Eurasian Sparrowhawk but were detected in 11 Eurasian Buzzards (79%), six Tawny Owls (50%), and two Barn Owls (11%). Toxoplasma gondii, genotype II, was isolated from the brain of an adult Tawny Owl.  相似文献   

The three subspecies of Spotted Owl (Northern, Strix occidentalis caurina; California, S. o. occidentalis; and Mexican, S. o. lucida) are all threatened by habitat loss and range expansion of the Barred Owl (S. varia). An unaddressed threat is whether Barred Owls could be a source of novel strains of disease such as avian malaria (Plasmodium spp.) or other blood parasites potentially harmful for Spotted Owls. Although Barred Owls commonly harbor Plasmodium infections, these parasites have not been documented in the Spotted Owl. We screened 111 Spotted Owls, 44 Barred Owls, and 387 owls of nine other species for haemosporidian parasites (Leucocytozoon, Plasmodium, and Haemoproteus spp.). California Spotted Owls had the greatest number of simultaneous multi-species infections (44%). Additionally, sequencing results revealed that the Northern and California Spotted Owl subspecies together had the highest number of Leucocytozoon parasite lineages (n = 17) and unique lineages (n = 12). This high level of sequence diversity is significant because only one Leucocytozoon species (L. danilewskyi) has been accepted as valid among all owls, suggesting that L. danilewskyi is a cryptic species. Furthermore, a Plasmodium parasite was documented in a Northern Spotted Owl for the first time. West Coast Barred Owls had a lower prevalence of infection (15%) when compared to sympatric Spotted Owls (S. o. caurina 52%, S. o. occidentalis 79%) and Barred Owls from the historic range (61%). Consequently, Barred Owls on the West Coast may have a competitive advantage over the potentially immune compromised Spotted Owls.  相似文献   

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