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During morphogenesis, tissues undergo extensive remodeling to get their final shape. Such precise sculpting requires the application of forces generated within cells by the cytoskeleton and transmission of these forces through adhesion molecules within and between neighboring cells. Within individual cells, microtubules together with actomyosin filaments and intermediate filaments form the composite cytoskeleton that controls cell mechanics during tissue rearrangements. While studies have established the importance of actin-based mechanical forces that are coupled via intercellular junctions, relatively little is known about the contribution of other cytoskeletal components such as microtubules to cell mechanics during morphogenesis. In this review the focus is on recent findings, highlighting the direct mechanical role of microtubules beyond its well-established role in trafficking and signaling during tissue formation.  相似文献   

紫鸭跖草是一种高耐铜的超积累植物,本研究首次应用RNA-Seq技术对其转录组进行分析。通过全长转录组分析组装了紫鸭跖草耐铜相关候选基因,通过转录组分析,共获得82 471条N50长度为2 299 bp的高质量unigene,为紫鸭跖草的进一步研究提供了丰富的数据。对照组(CK)、300 μmol/L胁迫组(CT1)和1 000 μmol/L胁迫组(CT2)的测序数据已保存在NCBI的SRA数据库中,登录号为SAMN11265427。CT1相比于CK,共有5 028条unigene在根组织中有显著性差异表达,约占全部unigene的6.10%,其中富集上调和下调的基因分别为3 138和1 890条;CT2相比于CT1,根中共有6 813个unigene富集差异表达,占所有unigene的8.26%。其中富集上调和下调的基因分别为2 555和4 258。随机选取10个基因进行qRT-PCR荧光定量分析,结果与Illumina测序数据一致,验证了基因数据差异表达的有效性。上述实验从分子水平上为研究铜胁迫下铜耐受的分子机制提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

以甘草属2种耐盐植物胀果甘草、乌拉尔甘草为材料,用不同浓度(50、100、150、200、250mmol·L-1)NaCl处理幼苗21d后,分析其生物量和根、茎、叶中的Na+、K+含量以及K+/Na+,计算根的离子选择吸收和运输系数,并应用光学显微镜观察比较二者的维管组织结构变化,以揭示2种药用甘草幼苗根对Na+的响应及其维管组织结构的变化特征,探讨甘草的耐盐机理。结果表明:(1)NaCl胁迫使2种甘草幼苗生物量均下降,在NaCl浓度为250mmol·L-1时,胀果甘草、乌拉尔甘草幼苗生物量分别是对照的53.34%、46.21%,胀果甘草耐盐性强于乌拉尔甘草。(2)随着NaCl浓度上升,2种甘草根积累的Na+显著增多,其中胀果甘草在所有盐处理下,根Na+含量均高于其它器官,说明其根对吸收的Na+具有显著截留效应;而乌拉尔甘草只在0~150mmol·L-1 NaCl范围内,根Na+含量显著高于叶片,当NaCl为200、250mmol·L-1时,叶片Na+含量显著高于根,说明乌拉尔甘草根对Na+的截留能力有限。(3)在相同盐处理下,胀果甘草离子选择吸收系数SAK,Na、离子运输系数STK,Na均大于乌拉尔甘草,胀果甘草根抑制Na+、促进K+向地上部运输的能力强于乌拉尔甘草。(4)乌拉尔甘草在NaCl为150、200mmol·L-1、胀果甘草在250mmol·L-1时,根结构对盐胁迫产生应激性响应,维管组织比例显著上升,有助于提高根向上的运输能力,减少盐害。研究表明,2种药用甘草根对Na+截留作用和向上运输时促K+抑Na+能力的差异,是导致其耐盐能力不同的主要原因,根对Na+的积累和截留作用的差异与根的结构响应相吻合,能较好地解释二者的耐盐性差异。  相似文献   

During development, progenitors and post-mitotic neurons receive signals from adjacent territories that regulate their fate. The floor-plate is a group of glial cells lining the ependymal canal at ventral position. The floor-plate expresses key morphogens contributing to the patterning of cell lineages in the spinal cord. At later developmental stages, the floor-plate regulates the navigation of axons in the spinal cord, acting as a barrier to prevent the crossing of ipsilateral axons and controlling midline crossing by commissural axons1. These functions are achieved through the secretion of various guidance cues. Some of these cues act as attractants and repellents for the growing axons while others regulate guidance receptors and downstream signaling to modulate the sensitivity of the axons to the local guidance cues2,3. Here we describe a method that allows investigating the properties of floor-plate derived signals in a variety of developmental contexts, based on the production of Floor-Plate conditioned medium (FPcm)4-6. We then exemplify the use of this FPcm in the context of axon guidance. First, the spinal cord is isolated from mouse embryo at E12.5 and the floor-plate is dissected out and cultivated in a plasma-thrombin matrix (Figure 1). Second two days later, commissural tissue are dissected out from E12.5 embryos, triturated and exposed to the FPcm. Third, the tissue are processed for Western blot analysis of commissural markers.  相似文献   

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