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目的:研究不同浓度孕酮( PRO)暴露对雌性食蚊鱼( Gambusia affinis)的形态雄性化生物学效应。方法将性未成熟的雌性食蚊鱼个体分别静水暴露于0.5、5、50和500 nmol/L不同浓度的PRO实验组中,并设置对照组和平行组。持续暴露42 d后观察与测定食蚊鱼的体长、体重、臀鳍第3鳍条和第14,15,16椎肋骨形态雄性化变化等指标,同时观察卵巢发育状况。结果食蚊鱼暴露42 d后,与对照组相比,50和500 nmol/L实验组食蚊鱼的体长( BL)有极显著减少(分别P<0.01);无论是低浓度组还是高浓度组,暴露实验后体重( BW)都有显著性或极显著下降(P<0.05或P<0.01);PRO暴露对食蚊鱼身体健康指数(CF)的影响,只有在5 nmol/L浓度时差异有显著性(P<0.05);500 nmol/L浓度处理后,第3臀鳍条分节数(FJ)、长度(FL)和最宽处宽度(FW)差异有显著性(P<0.05),表明形态雄性化变化明显;其他浓度组则无明显区别(P>0.05);500 nmol/L PRO实验组中,雌性食蚊鱼的第14,15,16椎肋骨的L值、D值和L:D值都出现极显著性差异(分别P<0.01),表明形态雄性化变化明显;组织切片观察揭示,暴露组食蚊鱼卵巢中的卵母细胞发育受到不同程度的抑制,II、III时相卵母细胞胞核发生肿胀现象。结论孕激素暴露诱导雌性食蚊鱼形态雄性化的生物效应十分明显。  相似文献   

稀有鮈鲫生命早期的己烯雌酚暴露对生长发育与繁殖的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
研究了己烯雌酚(DES)对稀有鲫(Gobiocypris rarus)生命早期暴露的影响。经10μg/L和100μg/L己烯雌酚暴露26d后,稀有鲫死亡率升高,生长发育迟缓,鱼体内卵黄蛋白原(VTG)的诱导明显。经过一段时间清水养殖后,暴露组中雌鱼比例增加,雌雄鱼生长较对照组有显著变化。雌鱼性腺发育及产卵量与对照组相比虽无显著差异,但暴露组成鱼所繁育后代与对照组相比受精率、孵化率显著下降,死亡率、畸形率明显上升。这些结果说明己烯雌酚生命早期暴露影响稀有鲫的生长发育及生殖,稀有鲫生命早期暴露实验可以用于评价水生态系统中内分泌干扰物的生态影响。  相似文献   

目的 研究雌二醇(E2)、壬基酚(NP)、多氯联苯(PCBs)、镉(Cd2+)和锌(Zn2+)单独以及联合暴露对唐鱼体内SOD酶活力的影响.方法设计不同浓度的单一物质及混合物对唐鱼14 d暴露染毒,定量测定7、14d体内SOD酶活力的变化.结果 ①低浓度E2处理唐鱼7d可诱导SOD活性显著上升,时间延长、浓度升高时SOD活性无明显变化;②低浓度NP对SOD活性没有明显的影响,高浓度NP使SOD活性极显著上升;③中高浓度组PCBs处理7、14 d,低浓度组PCBs处理14 d时SOD活性被抑制,抑制程度随着时间的延长和浓度的升高有增强的趋势;④Cd2+、Zn2+各浓度组都对唐鱼体内的SOD活性产生了一定的抑制作用,并且抑制程度随着时间的延长而加深.结论 E2、NP、PCBs、Cd2+、Zn2+对唐鱼的SOD酶活力有明显影响,它们单独作用时的SOD活性与暴露浓度之间存在良好的剂量-效应关系.联合作用效应与暴露时间和(或)各物质浓度有关,大部分表现为毒性增强.  相似文献   

The effects of male and female body size, and correlated characteristics, on male mating behaviour were investigated in the western mosquitofish Gambusia affinis . Because larger females typically have larger broods in Gambusia sp., it was predicted that males would attempt more copulations with larger females. Two-way ANOVA showed that female body size was a significant predictor of male mating behaviour but male size was not. The effects of a suite of additional traits (both male and female) on male mating attempts were also tested. In a stepwise multiple regression, female standard length ( L S), size of the female gravid spot and male testes mass were significant predictors of male mating attempts, accounting for c. 27% of variation in male mating. Path analysis showed that differences between male and female L S, male body condition and male testes mass were significant predictors of male mating attempts, and also accounted for 27% of the variation in male mating attempts. The two statistical models were very similar in their predictive power, but differed slightly in significant predictor variables. Results confirm that factors other than female size are important predictors of male mating behaviour in the western mosquitofish.  相似文献   

Aquatic vertebrates that emerge onto land to spawn, feed, or evade aquatic predators must return to the water to avoid dehydration or asphyxiation. How do such aquatic organisms determine their location on land? Do particular behaviors facilitate a safe return to the aquatic realm? In this study, we asked: will fully-aquatic mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis) stranded on a slope modulate locomotor behavior according to body position to facilitate movement back into the water? To address this question, mosquitofish (n = 53) were placed in four positions relative to an artificial slope (30° inclination) and their responses to stranding were recorded, categorized, and quantified. We found that mosquitofish may remain immobile for up to three minutes after being stranded and then initiate either a “roll” or a “leap”. During a roll, mass is destabilized to trigger a downslope tumble; during a leap, the fish jumps up, above the substrate. When mosquitofish are oriented with the long axis of the body at 90° to the slope, they almost always (97%) initiate a roll. A roll is an energetically inexpensive way to move back into the water from a cross-slope body orientation because potential energy is converted back into kinetic energy. When placed with their heads toward the apex of the slope, most mosquitofish (>50%) produce a tail-flip jump to leap into ballistic flight. Because a tail-flip generates a caudually-oriented flight trajectory, this locomotor movement will effectively propel a fish downhill when the head is oriented up-slope. However, because the mass of the body is elevated against gravity, leaps require more mechanical work than rolls. We suggest that mosquitofish use the otolith-vestibular system to sense body position and generate a behavior that is “matched” to their orientation on a slope, thereby increasing the probability of a safe return to the water, relative to the energy expended.  相似文献   

Endocrine‐disrupting chemicals are a major public health problem throughout the world. In the human body, these compounds functionalize the same as sexual hormones, inducing precocious puberty, gynecomastia, etc. To help prevent this occurrence, a simple detection system is needed. In this study, a nonylphenol ethoxylate (NPE)‐specific aptamer was selected by reduced graphene oxide‐systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment. A random ssDNA library was incubated with rGO for adsorption, followed by elution with the target molecule. As a result of screening, a DNA aptamer was found that specifically bounds to the target with high binding affinity (Kd = 100.9 ± 13.2 nM) and had a low limit of detection (LOD = 696 pM). Furthermore, this NPE‐binding aptamer bounds selectively to the target. Characterization of the aptamer was confirmed by measuring the fluorescence signal recovery from rGO. In addition, detection of NPE was performed with several water samples, and the detection accuracy was 100 ± 10%. From these results, we expect that this aptamer could be applied to an on‐site detection system for NPE in industrial sites or domestic fields.  相似文献   

In the oligohaline Alloway Creek watershed of the upper Delaware Bay, invasive Phragmites australis (Common reed; hereafter Phragmites) has been removed in an attempt to restore tidal marshes to pre‐invasion form and function. In order to determine the effects of Phragmites on nekton use of intertidal creeks and to evaluate the success of this restoration, intertidal creek nekton assemblages were sampled with weirs from May to November for 7 years (1999‐2005) in three marsh types: natural Spartina alterniflora (Smooth cordgrass; hereafter Spartina), sites treated for Phragmites removal (hereafter referred to as Treated), and invasive Phragmites marshes. Replicate intertidal creek collections in all three marsh types consisted primarily of resident nekton and were dominated by a relatively low number of ubiquitous intertidal species. The Treated marsh nekton assemblage was distinguished by greater abundances of most nekton, especially Fundulus heteroclitus (Mummichog). Phragmites had little impact on nekton use of intertidal creeks over this period as evidenced by similar nekton assemblages in the Spartina and Phragmites marshes for most years. Long‐term assemblage‐level analyses and nekton abundances indicated that the Treated marsh provided enhanced conditions for intertidal creek nekton. The response of intertidal creek nekton suggests that the stage of the restoration may influence the results of comparisons between the marsh types and should be considered when evaluating marsh restorations.  相似文献   

Although some studies have been completed on genetic variation in relation to tolerance to heavy metals, none have considered pesticide pollution. This study examines the relationship between genotypes at the glucose phosphate isomerase ( Pgi ) locus in Gambusia and susceptibility to the organophosphate insecticide chlorpyrifos. Laboratory toxicity tests show significant differences in genotype frequencies between susceptible and tolerant groups offish from one site but not at others. A field survey examined genotype frequencies and levels of pesticide in the fish at seven sites. No chlorpyrifos was found at any of the sites, but a number of organochlorines were recorded. Significant correlations were found between three organochlorines (DDT/DDD, DDE and lindane) and frequences of particular genotypes. There were also significant differences in tolerance between populations and between size classes. These results are discussed in relation to previous work with heavy metals.  相似文献   

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