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25-Acetyl-petrosaspongiolide M (PMAc) (1), a mild non-covalent PLA(2) inhibitor, unexpectedly recovers, after incubation with bvPLA(2), the ability to covalently modify the enzyme target. This study demonstrates the catalytic effect of bvPLA(2) in converting 1 in its deacetylated congener petrosaspongiolide M (PM) (2), a strong covalent PLA(2) inhibitor whose molecular mechanism of inhibition has already been clarified. Moreover, our findings outline the potential role of PMAc as anti-inflammatory pro-drug, by virtue of its ability of delivering the active PM agent at the site of inflammation, functioning as a suicide inhibitor.  相似文献   

Ribosomal “stalk” protein L12 is known to activate translational GTPases EF-G and EF-Tu, but not much is known about its role in relation to other two translational G factors, IF2 and RF3. Here, we have clarified the role of L12 in IF2-mediated initiation of bacterial protein synthesis. With fast kinetics measurements, we have compared L12-depleted 50S subunits with the native ones in subunit association, GTP hydrolysis, Pi (inorganic phosphate) release and IF2 release assays. L12 depletion from 50S subunit slows the subunit association step significantly (∼ 40 fold) only when IF2·GTP is present on the 30S preinitiation complex. This demonstrates that rapid subunit association depends on a specific interaction between the L12 stalk on the 50S subunit and IF2·GTP on the 30S subunit. L12 depletion, however, did not affect the individual rates of the subsequent steps including GTP hydrolysis on IF2 and Pi release. Thus, L12 is not a GTPase activating protein (GAP) for IF2 unlike as suggested for EF-G and EF-Tu.  相似文献   

The bacteriophytochrome Agp1 was reconstituted with a locked 5Zs-biliverdin in which the C(4)=C(5) and C(5)-C(6) bonds of the methine bridge between rings A and B are fixed in the Z and syn configuration/conformation, respectively. In Agp1-5Zs the photoconversion proceeds via the Lumi-R intermediate to Meta-R(A), but the following millisecond-transition to Meta-R(C) is blocked. Consistently, no transient proton release was detected. The photoconversion of Agp1-5Zs is apparently arrested in a Meta-R(A)-like intermediate, since the subsequent syn to anti rotation around the C(5)-C(6) bond is prevented by the lock. The Meta-R(A)-like photoproduct was characterized by its distinctive CD spectrum suggesting a reorientation of ring D.  相似文献   

We have recently concluded from the heat-induced denaturation studies that polyols do not affect deltaG(D) degrees (the Gibbs free energy change (deltaG(D)) at 25 degrees C) of ribonuclease-A and lysozyme at physiological pH and temperature, and their stabilizing effect increases with decrease in pH. Since the estimation of deltaG(D) degrees of proteins from heat-induced denaturation curves requires a large extrapolation, the reliability of this procedure for the estimation of deltaG(D) degrees is always questionable, and so are conclusions drawn from such studies. This led us to measure deltaG(D) degrees of ribonuclease-A and lysozyme using a more accurate method, i.e., from their isothermal (25 degrees C) guanidinium chloride (GdmCl)-induced denaturations. We show that our earlier conclusions drawn from heat-induced denaturation studies are correct. Since the extent of unfolding of heat- and GdmCl-induced denatured states of these proteins is not identical, the extent of stabilization of the proteins by polyols against heat and GdmCl denaturations may also differ. We report that in spite of the differences in the structural nature of the heat- and GdmCl-denatured states of each protein, the extent of stabilization by a polyol is same. We also report that the functional dependence of deltaG(D) of proteins in the presence of polyols on denaturant concentration is linear through the full denaturant concentration range. Furthermore, polyols do not affect the secondary and tertiary structures of the native and GdmCl-denatured states.  相似文献   

Glutamyl-tRNA synthetases (GluRS) provide Glu-tRNA for different processes including protein synthesis, glutamine transamidation and tetrapyrrole biosynthesis. Many organisms contain multiple GluRSs, but whether these duplications solely broaden tRNA specificity or also play additional roles in tetrapyrrole biosynthesis is not known. Previous studies have shown that GluRS1, one of two GluRSs from the extremophile Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans, is inactivated when intracellular heme is elevated suggesting a specific role for GluRS1 in the regulation of tetrapyrrole biosynthesis. We now show that, in vitro, GluRS1 activity is reversibly inactivated upon oxidation by hemin and hydrogen peroxide. The targets for oxidation-based inhibition were found to be cysteines from a SWIM zinc-binding motif located in the tRNA acceptor helix-binding domain. tRNAGlu was able to protect GluRS1 against oxidative inactivation by hemin plus hydrogen peroxide. The sensitivity to oxidation of A. ferrooxidans GluRS1 might provide a means to regulate tetrapyrrole and protein biosynthesis in response to extreme changes in both the redox and heme status of the cell via a single enzyme.  相似文献   

We quantified the effect of Mg(2+) on thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP) binding to TPP-dependent thiA riboswitch RNA. The association constant of TPP binding to the riboswitch at 20 degrees C increased from 1.2 x 10(6) to 50 x 10(6) M(-1) as the Mg(2+) concentration increased from 0 to 1 mM. Furthermore, circular dichroic spectra under various conditions showed that 1 mM Mg(2+) induced a local structural change of the riboswitch, which might be pivotal for TPP binding. These results indicate that a physiological concentration of Mg(2+) can regulate TPP binding to the thiA riboswitch.  相似文献   

MazG is a homodimeric α-helical protein that belongs to the superfamily of all-α NTP pyrophosphatases. Its function has been connected to the regulation of the toxin-antitoxin module mazEF, implicated in programmed growth arrest/cell death of Escherichia coli cells under conditions of amino acid starvation. The goal of the first detailed biophysical study of a member of the all-α NTP pyrophosphatase superfamily, presented here, is to improve molecular understanding of the unfolding of this type of proteins. Thermal unfolding of MazG monitored by differential scanning calorimetry, circular dichroism spectroscopy, and fluorimetry at neutral pH in the presence of a reducing agent (dithiothreitol) can be successfully described as a reversible four-state transition between a dimeric native state, two dimeric intermediate states, and a monomeric denatured state. The first intermediate state appears to have a structure similar to that of the native state while the final thermally denatured monomeric state is not fully unfolded and contains a significant fraction of residual α-helical structure. In the absence of dithiothreitol, disulfide cross-linking causes misfolding of MazG that appears to be responsible for the formation of multimeric aggregates. MazG is most stable at pH 7-8, while at pH < 6, it exists in a molten-globule-like state. The thermodynamic parameters characterizing each step of MazG denaturation transition obtained by global fitting of the four-state model to differential scanning calorimetry, circular dichroism, and fluorimetry temperature profiles are in agreement with the observed structural characteristics of the MazG conformational states and their assumed functional role.  相似文献   

Joseph S. Markson 《FEBS letters》2009,583(24):3938-421
The circadian clock of the cyanobacterium Synechococcuselongatus PCC 7942 is governed by a core oscillator consisting of the proteins KaiA, KaiB, and KaiC. Remarkably, circadian oscillations in the phosphorylation state of KaiC can be reconstituted in a test tube by mixing the three Kai proteins and adenosine triphosphate. The in vitro oscillator provides a well-defined system in which experiments can be combined with mathematical analysis to understand the mechanism of a highly robust biological oscillator. In this Review, we summarize the biochemistry of the Kai proteins and examine models that have been proposed to explain how oscillations emerge from the properties of the oscillator’s constituents.  相似文献   

An NMR spectroscopy study ((31)P, (1)H, (13)C) of the postulated crosslinking mechanism of sodium trimetaphosphate (STMP) on polysaccharides is reported using methyl alpha-D-glucopyranoside as a model. In a first step, reaction of STMP with Glc-OMe gives grafted sodium tripolyphosphate (STPP(g)). On the one hand, STTP(g) can react with a second alcohol functionality to give a crosslinked monophosphate. On the other hand, a monophosphate (grafted phosphate) could be obtained by alkaline degradation of STPP(g). NMR spectroscopy allows to detect the various species formed and to obtain the crosslinking density of STMP-polysaccharides hydrogels.  相似文献   

Although the deleterious effects of ice on water-soluble proteins are well established, little is known about the freeze stability of membrane proteins. Here we explore this issue through a combined kinetic and spectroscopic approach using micellar-purified plasma membrane calcium pump as a model. The ATPase activity of this protein significantly diminished after freezing using a slow-cooling procedure, with the decrease in the activity being an exponential function of the storage time at 253 K, with t½ = 3.9 ± 0.6 h. On the contrary, no significant changes on enzyme activity were detected when a fast cooling procedure was performed. Regardless of the cooling rate, successive freeze-thaw cycles produced an exponential decrease in the Ca2+-ATPase activity, with the number of cycles at which the activity was reduced to half being 9.2 ± 0.3 (fast cooling) and 3.7 ± 0.2 (slow cooling). PAGE analysis showed that neither degradation nor formation of SDS-stable aggregates of the protein takes place during protein inactivation. Instead, the inactivation process was found to be associated with the irreversible partial unfolding of the polypeptide chain, as assessed by Trp fluorescence, far UV circular dichroism, and 1-anilino-naphtalene-8-sulfonate binding. This inactive protein undergoes, in a later stage, a further irreversible transformation leading to large aggregates.  相似文献   

Delayed neuronal death following prolonged (10-15 min) stimulation of Glu receptors is known to depend on sustained elevation of cytosolic Ca(2+) concentration ([Ca(2+)](i)) which may persist far beyond the termination of Glu exposure. Mitochondrial depolarization (MD) plays a central role in this Ca(2+) deregulation: it inhibits the uniporter-mediated Ca(2+) uptake and reverses ATP synthetase which enhances greatly ATP consumption during Glu exposure. MD-induced inhibition of Ca(2+) uptake in the face of continued Ca(2+) influx through Glu-activated channels leads to a secondary increase of [Ca(2+)](i) which, in its turn, enhances MD and thus [Ca(2+)](i). Antioxidants fail to suppress this pathological regenerative process which indicates that reactive oxygen species are not involved in its development. In mature nerve cells (>11 DIV), the post-glutamate [Ca(2+)](i) plateau associated with profound MD usually appears after 10-15 min Glu (100 microM) exposure. In contrast, in young cells (<9 DIV) delayed Ca(2+) deregulation (DCD) occurs only after 30-60 min Glu exposure. This difference is apparently determined by a dramatic increase in the susceptibility of mitochondia to Ca(2+) overload during nerve cells maturation. The exact mechanisms of Glu-induced profound MD and its coupling with the impairment of Ca(2+) extrusion following toxic Glu challenge is not clarified yet. Their elucidation demands a study of dynamic changes in local concentrations of ATP, Ca(2+), H(+), Na(+) and protein kinase C using novel methodological approaches.  相似文献   

In this work, using a PAM-fluorimetry technique, we have compared effects of plant adaptation to the light or dark conditions on the kinetics of chlorophyll a fluorescence yield in Tradecantia leaves of several species (Tradescantia albiflora, Tradescantia fluminensis, Tradescantia navicularis, and Tradescantia sillamontana), which represent plants of different ecotypes. Two fluorescence parameters were used to assess photosynthetic performance in vivo: non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) of chlorophyll fluorescence (qNPQ) determined by energy losses in the light-harvesting antenna of photosystem 2 (PS2), and PS2 operating efficiency (ΦPSII). Comparative study of light-induced changes in qNPQ and ΦPSII has demonstrated that shade-tolerant Tradecantia species (T. albiflora Kunth, T. fluminensis Vell.) reveal higher capacities for NPQ and demonstrate slower transitions between the ‘light-adapted’ and ‘dark-adapted’ states than succulent species T. navicularis and T. sillamontana, which are typical habitats of semi-deserts. We analyze the photosynthetic performance of Tradescantia species in the context of their adaptabilities to variable environment conditions. The ability of shade-tolerant plants to retain a relatively long-term (∼40-60 min) ‘memory’ for illumination history may be associated with the regulatory mechanisms that provide the flexibility of photosynthetic apparatus in response to fluctuations of light intensity.  相似文献   

To examine the in vivo functions of protein kinase N (PKN), one of the effectors of Rho small guanosine triphosphatases (GTPases), we used the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans as a genetic model system. We identified a C. elegans homologue (pkn-1) of mammalian PKN and confirmed direct binding to C. elegans Rho small GTPases. Using a green fluorescent protein reporter, we showed that pkn-1 is mainly expressed in various muscles and is localized at dense bodies and M lines. Overexpression of the PKN-1 kinase domain and loss-of-function mutations by genomic deletion of pkn-1 resulted in a loopy Unc phenotype, which has been reported in many mutants of neuronal genes. The results of mosaic analysis and body wall muscle-specific expression of the PKN-1 kinase domain suggests that this loopy phenotype is due to the expression of PKN-1 in body wall muscle. The genomic deletion of pkn-1 also showed a defect in force transmission. These results suggest that PKN-1 functions as a regulator of muscle contraction-relaxation and as a component of the force transmission mechanism.  相似文献   

The ubiquitous Hsp90 is critical for protein homeostasis in the cells, stabilizing “client” proteins in a functional state. Hsp90 activity depends on its ability to bind and hydrolyze ATP, involving various conformational changes that are regulated by co-chaperones, posttranslational modifications and small molecules. Compounds like geldanamycin (GA) and radicicol inhibit the Hsp90 ATPase activity by occupying the ATP binding site, which can lead client protein to degradation and also inhibit cell growth and differentiation in protozoan parasites. Our goal was to produce the recombinant Hsp90 of Leishmania braziliensis (LbHsp90) and construct of its N-terminal (LbHsp90N) and N-domain and middle-domain (LbHsp90NM), which lacks the C-terminal dimerization domain, in order to understand how Hsp90 works in protozoa. The recombinant proteins were produced folded as attested by spectroscopy experiments. Hydrodynamic experiments revealed that LbHsp90N and LbHsp90NM behaved as elongated monomers while LbHsp90 is an elongated dimer. All proteins prevented the in vitro citrate synthase and malate dehydrogenase aggregation, attesting that they have chaperone activity, and interacted with adenosine ligands with similar dissociation constants. The LbHsp90 has low ATPase activity (kcat = 0.320 min− 1) in agreement with Hsp90 orthologs, whereas the LbHsp90NM has negligible activity, suggesting the importance of the dimeric protein for this activity. The GA interacts with LbHsp90 and with its domain constructions with different affinities and also inhibits the LbHsp90 ATPase activity with an IC50 of 0.7 μM. All these results shed light on the LbHsp90 activity and are the first step to understanding the Hsp90 molecular chaperone system in L. braziliensis.  相似文献   

The chemical denaturation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa cytochrome c(551) variants was examined at pH 5.0 and 3.6. All variants were stabilized at both pHs compared with the wild-type. Remarkably, the variants carrying the F34Y and/or E43Y mutations were more stabilized than those having the F7A/V13M or V78I ones at pH 5.0 compared with at pH 3.6 by ~3.0-4.6 kJ/mol. Structural analyses predicted that the side chains of introduced Tyr-34 and Tyr-43 become hydrogen donors for the hydrogen bond formation with heme 17-propionate at pH 5.0, but less efficiently at pH 3.6, because the propionate is deprotonated at the higher pH. Our results provide an insight into a stabilization strategy for heme proteins involving variation of the heme electronic state and introduction of appropriate mutations.  相似文献   

In many vertebrate tissues, cytosolic 5'-nucleotidase II (cN-II) either hydrolyses or phosphorylates a number of purine (monophosphorylated) nucleosides through a scheme common to the Haloacid Dehalogenase superfamily members. It possesses a pivotal role in purine cellular metabolism and it acts on anti-tumoural and antiviral nucleoside analogues, thus being of potential therapeutic importance. cN-II is Mg2+-dependent, regulated and stabilised by several factors such as allosteric effectors ATP and 2,3-DPG, although these are not directly involved in the reaction stoichiometry. We review herein the experimental knowledge currently available about this remarkable enzymatic activity.  相似文献   

Adduct-induced conformational heterogeneity complicates the understanding of how DNA adducts exert mutation. A case in point is the N-deacetylated AF lesion [N-(2'-deoxyguanosin-8-yl)-2-aminofluorene], the major adduct derived from the strong liver carcinogen N-acetyl-2-aminofluorene. Three conformational families have been previously characterized and are dependent on the positioning of the aminofluorene rings: B is in the "B-DNA" major groove, S is "stacked" into the helix with base-displacement, and W is "wedged" into the minor groove. Here, we conducted (19)F NMR, CD, T(m), and modeling experiments at various primer positions with respect to a template modified by a fluorine tagged AF-adduct (FAF). In the first set, the FAF-G was paired with C and in the second set it was paired with A. The FAF-G:C oligonucleotides were found to preferentially adopt the B or S-conformers while the FAF-G:A mismatch ones preferred the B and W-conformers. The conformational preferences of both series were dependent on temperature and complementary strand length; the largest differences in conformation were displayed at lower temperatures. The CD and T(m) results are in general agreement with the NMR data. Molecular modeling indicated that the aminofluorene moiety in the minor groove of the W-conformer would impose a steric clash with the tight-packing amino acid residues on the DNA binding area of the Bacillus fragment (BF), a replicative DNA polymerase. In the case of the B-type conformer, the carcinogenic moiety resides in the solvent-exposed major groove throughout the replication/translocation process. The present dynamic NMR results, combined with previous primer extension kinetic data by Miller & Grollman, support a model in which adduct-induced conformational heterogeneities at positions remote from the replication fork affect polymerase function through a long-range DNA-protein interaction.  相似文献   

Jia Y  Liu H  Bao W  Weng M  Chen W  Cai Y  Zheng Z  Zou G 《FEBS letters》2010,584(23):4789-4796
Here, we show that during in vivo folding of the precursor, the propeptide of subtilisin nattokinase functions as an intramolecular chaperone (IMC) that organises the in vivo folding of the subtilisin domain. Two residues belonging to β-strands formed by conserved regions of the IMC are crucial for the folding of the subtilisin domain through direct interactions. An identical protease can fold into different conformations in vivo due to the action of a mutated IMC, resulting in different kinetic parameters. Some interfacial changes involving conserved regions, even those induced by the subtilisin domain, blocked subtilisin folding and altered its conformation. Insight into the interaction between the subtilisin and IMC domains is provided by a three-dimensional structural model.  相似文献   

Low concentrations of urea and GuHCl (2 M) enhanced the activity of endoglucanase (EC from Aspergillus aculeatus by 2.3- and 1.9-fold, respectively. The Km values for controls, in the presence of 2 M urea and GuHCl, were found to be 2.4 ± 0.2 × 10−8 mol L−1, 1.4 ± 0.2 × 10−8 mol L−1, and 1.6 ± 0.2 × 10−8 mol L−1, respectively. The dissociation constant (Kd) showed changes in the affinity of the enzyme for the substrate with increases in the Kcat suggesting an increased turnover number in the presence of urea and GuHCl. Fluorescence studies showed changes in the microenvironment of the protein. The increase in the activity of this intermediate state was due to conformational changes accompanied by increased flexibility at the active site.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of Bifidobacterium longum phosphoketolase, a thiamine diphosphate (TPP) dependent enzyme, has been determined at 2.2 Å resolution. The enzyme is a dimer with the active sites located at the interface between the two identical subunits with molecular mass of 92.5 kDa. The bound TPP is almost completely shielded from solvent except for the catalytically important C2-carbon of the thiazolium ring, which can be accessed by a substrate sugar through a narrow funnel-shaped channel. In silico docking studies of B. longum phosphoketolase with its substrate enable us to propose a model for substrate binding.

Structured summary

MINT-7985878: PKT (uniprotkb:Q6R2Q7) and PKT (uniprotkb:Q6R2Q7) bind (MI:0407) by X-ray crystallography (MI:0114)  相似文献   

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