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报道福建省种子植物分布新记录1属4种,即袋果草属Peracarpa,袋果草Peracarpa carnosa (Wall.) Hook. f. et Thoms.、阔萼凤仙花Impatiens platysepala Y. L. Chen、尖喙隔距兰Cleisostoma rostratum (Lodd. ex Lindl.) Garay、多裂黄鹌菜Youngia rosthornii (Diels) Babcock et Stebbins。标本保存于福建农林大学植物标本馆(FAFU)。  相似文献   

海南兰科植物新资料   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
报道了中国兰科Orchidaceae植物一新记录属和3个中国新记录种及5个海南新记录种。其中小囊兰属Micropera Lindl.、红花小囊兰Microperapoilanei(Guill.)Garay、疏花羊耳蒜Liparis sparsiflora Aver.和美丽云叶兰Nephelaphyllum pulchrum Bl.为中国新记录;平卧曲唇兰Panisea cavalerei Schltr.、云南曲唇兰Panisea yunnanensis S.C.Chen&Z.H.Tsi、束花石斛Dendrobium chrysanthum Wallichex Lindl.、滇南翻唇兰Hetaeria rubens (Lindl.)Benth.ex J.D.Hook.f和毛叶芋兰Nervilia plicata(Andrews)Schltr.为海南新记录种。  相似文献   

湖南的新记录植物(六)   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
报道了湖南植物分布新记录, 其中新记录属2 个, 即假木豆属(Dendrolobium(Wight etArn.)Benth.)和排钱树属(Phyllodium Desv.);新记录种20 个, 即鹰爪花(Artabotrys hexapetalus(Linn.f.)Bhandari)、岩生碎米荠(Cardamine calcicola W.W.Smith.)、山芥碎米荠(Cardamine griffithii Hook.f.et Thons.)、白花碎米荠(Cardamine leucantha (Tausch)O.E.Schulz)、紫彩绣球(Hydrangea sargentiana Rehd.)、狭叶黄檀(Dalbergia stenophylla Prain)、假木豆(Dendrolobium triangulare(Retz.)Schindl.)、排钱树(Phyllodium pulchellum (L.)Desv.)、华野豌豆(Vicia chinensis Franch.)、绿萼凤仙花(Impatiens chlorosepala Hand.-Mazz.)、岩谷杜鹃(Rhododendron rupivalleculatum Tam.)、革叶铁榄(Sinosideroxylon wightianum (Hook.et Arn.)Aubr.)、宁波木犀(Osmanthus cooperi Hemsl.)、天人草(Comanthosphace japonica (Miq.)S.Moore)、华南野靛棵(Mananthes austrosinensis (H.S.Lo)C.Y.Wu et C.C.Hu)、东亚磨芋(Amorphophallus kiusianus (Makino)Makino)、齿唇兰(Anoectochilus lanceolatus Lindl.)、圆叶石豆兰(Bulbophyllum drymoglossum Maxim.ex Okubo)、毛杓兰(Cypripedium franchetii E.H.Wilson)、绿花斑叶兰(Goodyyera viridiflora (Bl.)Bl.);新记录变种1 个, 即异果崖豆藤(Millettia dielsiana Harms var.heterocarpa (Chun ex T.Chen)Z.Wei)。  相似文献   

弓莉  罗建  林玲 《西北植物学报》2019,39(7):1325-1328
报道了西藏兰科植物6种分布新记录种,分别为石斛属( Dendrobium Sw.)的单葶草石斛( D. porphyrochilum Lindl.)、曲唇兰属[ Panisea (Lindl.) Steud.]的云南曲唇兰( P. yunnanensis S. C. Chen et Z. H. Tsi)、苹兰属( Pinalia Lindley)的长苞苹兰[ Pi. obvia (W. W. Smith) S. C. Chen & J. J. Wood]、白点兰属( Thrixspermum Lour.)的长轴白点兰[ T. saruwatarii (Hayata) Schltr.]和石豆兰属( Bulbophyllum Thou.)的柄叶石豆兰( B. apodum J. D. Hooker)、细柄石豆兰[ B. striatum (Griff.) Rchb. f.],并附有新记录种的描述及特征照片。凭证标本保存于西藏高原生态研究所标本室(XZE)。  相似文献   

中国兰科植物资料增补   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
报道了中国兰科Orchidaceae植物4个新种——短距叉柱兰Cheirostylis calcarata X. H. Jin & S. C. Chen、麻栗坡叉柱兰C. malipoensis X. H. Jin & S. C. Chen、膜翅盆距兰Gastrochilus alatus X. H. Jin & S. C. Chen、麻栗坡盆距兰G. malipoensis X. H. Jin & S. C. Chen和7个新记录种——高山卷瓣兰Bulbophyllum rolfei、卵唇石豆兰Bulbophyllum ovatilabellum、三脊毛兰Eria cristata、二脊盆距兰Gastrochilus affinis、三裂对叶兰Listera micrantha、紫唇钗子股Luisia macrotis、圆柱叶鸢尾兰Oberonia teres。短距叉柱兰C. calcarata与扇唇叉柱兰C. spathulata相似, 但本种的根状茎直立, 唇瓣具距, 蕊柱附属物长于蕊喙等与后者区别; 麻栗坡叉柱兰C. malipoensis与云南叉柱兰C. yunnanensis相似, 不同之处在于该种的根状茎节间两端收狭, 后唇具纵向的隔膜, 蕊柱附属物短于蕊喙; 膜翅盆距兰G. alatus与列叶盆距兰G. distichus形态上相似, 但以花黄色, 前唇宽、膜质并且中部具纵向的脊而易与列叶盆距兰区别; 麻栗坡盆距兰G. malipoensis与盆距兰G. calceolaris相似, 但该种具总状花序, 前唇光滑并为半圆形而易与后者进行分别。高山卷瓣兰Bulbophyllum rolfei的中萼片为侧萼片的一半长, 花序与叶等长或超过叶长, 侧萼片至少有一部分贴生; 卵唇石豆兰Bulbophyllum ovatilabellum中萼片的侧脉分叉, 唇瓣具一U形的胼胝体; 三脊毛兰Eria cristata的花苞片紫色反折, 唇瓣白色到乳黄色并具3条褶片; 二脊盆距兰Gastrochilus affinis的前裂片边缘具齿, 并具2条从基部到顶部的脊; 三裂对叶兰Listera micrantha的唇瓣前部三裂; 紫唇钗子股Luisia macrotis的侧萼片与唇瓣等长, 花瓣不宽于5 mm, 唇瓣紫色, 前唇心形; 圆柱叶鸢尾兰Oberonia teres叶子圆柱形, 唇瓣中裂片先端2裂.  相似文献   

湖南的新记录植物(五)   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
报道了湖南植物分布新记录,其中新记录种10个,即短茎淫羊藿(Epimedium brachyrrhizum Steam)、婺源凤仙花(Impatiens wuyuanensis Y.L.Chen)、滑叶猕猴桃(Actinidia laevissima C.F.Liang)、江浙狗舌草(Tephroseris pierotii(Miq.)Holub)、卵叶韭菜(Allium ovalifolium Hand.-Mzt.)、细花虾脊兰(Calanthe mannii Hook.f.)、银带虾脊兰(Calanthe argenteo-striata C.Z.Tang et S.J.Cheng)、乐昌虾脊兰(Calanthe lechangensis Z.H.Tsi et T.Tang)、大花羊耳蒜(Liparis distans C.B.Clarke)和牛虱草(Eragrostis unioloides(Retz.)Nees ex Steud.);新记录变种1个,即多裂荷青花(Hylomecon japonica vat.dissecta(Franch.et Savat.)Fedde)。  相似文献   

报道广东省兰科新记录1属2种——双唇兰属(Didymoplexis Griff.)双唇兰(Didymoplexis pallens Griff.)及腐生齿唇兰[Odontochilus saprophyticus (Aver.) Ormerod.],皆发现于广东省仁化县丹霞山国家级自然保护区,证实了该地区地貌的气候条件及植物区系形成的独特性,也对腐生齿唇兰及双唇兰地理分布区完整性进行了补充。  相似文献   

海南兰科植物研究杂记(Ⅰ)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道了海南野生兰科植物新记录属1个,即坚唇兰属(Stereochilus Lindley);新记录种7个,即短轴坚唇兰(Stereochilus brevirachis Christenson)、齿瓣石豆兰(Bulboph yllum levinei Schlechter)、香港带唇兰(Tainia hongkongensis Rolfe)、黄花线柱兰(Zeuxine flava(Wallich ex Lindley) Trimen)、歌绿斑叶兰(Good yera seikoomontana Yamamoto)、长轴白点兰(Thrixspermum saruwatarii (Hayata) Schlechter)和南华竹茎兰(Tropidia nanhuae W.M.Lin,Kuo Huang et T.P.Lin).其中,长轴白点兰和南华竹茎兰均仅记载在台湾有自然分布.  相似文献   

报道了湖北兰科植物1个新记录属:菱兰属(Rhomboda Lindley);4个新记录种:贵州菱兰(Rhomboda fanjingensis Ormerod),大根兰(Cymbidium macrorhizon Lindley),西南齿唇兰(Odontochilus elwesii C. B. Clarke ex Hook. f.)和多叶斑叶兰〔Goodyera foliosa (Lindl) Benth. ex Clarke〕。相关的凭证标本保存于吉首大学植物标本馆(Herbarium of Jishou University,JIU),副份保存于后河国家级自然保护区标本馆(Herbarium of Houhe National Nature Reserve,HHE)。  相似文献   

国产开唇兰属(兰科)新植物   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本种与西南齿唇兰A.elwesii(Charke ex Hook.f.)King et Pantl,相近,区别点在于  相似文献   

中国清风藤属Sabia Colebr.(清风藤科)的订正   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
归并了清风藤属5个名称,Sabia campanulata Wall.ex Roxb.var,kingiana Nayar et Majumder处理为S.campanulata Wall.ex Roxb。的异名,S.metcalfiana L.Chen处理为S.leptandra Hook.f.et Thoms.的异名,S.longruiensis X.X.Chen et D.R,Ling和S.swinhoei Hemsl.ex Forbes et Hemsl.ex FOrb.et Hemsl。的异名,S.nervosa Chun ex Y.F.Wu处理为S.coriacea Rehd.et Wils.的异名,订正了缅甸清风藤S.burmania L.chen在中国有分布的错误报道。  相似文献   

报道海南岛4种新记录植物,包括广防己Aristolochia fangchi Y.C.Wu ex L.D.Chow et S.M.Hwang、花叶秋海棠Begonia cathayana Hemsl.、细梗香草Lysimachia capillipes Hemsl.和毛萼山珊瑚Galeola lindleyana(Hook.f.etThoms.)Rchb.f.。引用的标本全部存放在中国科学院华南植物园标本馆(IBSC)。  相似文献   

报道海南岛4种新记录植物,包括广防己Aristolochia fangchi Y.C.Wu ex L.D.Chow et S.M.Hwang、花叶秋海棠Begonia cathayana Hemsl.、细梗香草Lysimachia capillipes Hemsl.和毛萼山珊瑚Galeola lindleynan (Hook.f.et Thoms.)Rchb.f.。引用的标本全部存放在中国科学院华南植物园标本馆(IBSC)。  相似文献   

本文利用形态解剖、孢粉学及化石资料,讨论了金粟兰科的系统;并对其起源、演化和现代分布格局形成等问题做了合理推测,主要结果如下:(l)Sarcandra和chloranthus的亲缘关系最接近,而Ascarina和Hedyosmum的系统位置最靠近.Sarcandra是金粟兰科中最原始的属,而Hedyosmum则是最进化的属。(2)金粟兰科可能于白垩纪最早期起源于木质部无导管的、具简单两性虫媒花的祖先,从这个祖先分化出虫媒两性花的Sarcandra和Chloranthus和风媒单性花Ascarina和Hedyosmum。(3)印度支那植物区和马来西亚植物区包含了金粟兰科的全部属和大部分原始种类,是金粟兰科的现代分布中心;也可能是其起源地。(4)金粟兰科起源较早容易扩散到各个大陆,随大陆解体而被带到各大洲。并随古气候、古地理的演变而发展或衰退、消亡而形成今天的分布格局。  相似文献   

The genus Cyananthus is distributed in the Himalayan Floristic Subregion. In the early years, it was treated as a member of Polemoniaceae, but it is now generally regarded as a natural group of Campanulaceae. Made in this paper were a comprehensive comparative morphological study, a biometrical analysis of quantitative characters and an analysis of distribution pattern. The systematic position of the genus is discussed based on the evidence from pollen morphology, chromosome number and external morphology. Finally the classification of the genus is revised. As a result of the character analysis, the evolutionary trends of the characters in Campanulaceae are suggested: superior ovary is a primitive state; the pollen grains have evolved from long-multicolpal to short-colpal, then to multiporate; the basic chromosome numbers have changed from 7 to 8 or 9, from which the groups with x=17 are derived (see Fig. 2), Fig. 2 illustrates that Cyananthus is the most primitive genus in the Gampanulaceae, closely related to Codonopsis, Platycodon, Leptocodon and Campanumoea. All these genera are relatively primitive in the family. The genus Cyananthus is distributed in S. E. Gansu (Zhugqu), W. Sichuan, S. and E. Xizang, S. Qinghai and N. W. Yunnan, extending westwards to Kashmir along the Himalayas. Therefore, the genus is strictly limited to the Hengduan Mountains and the Himalayas. That is to say, it occupies the whole Sino-Himalayan Floristic Subregion (Fig. 3). This is of great importance for determining the limits of the floristic subregion, and for drawing a more acurate line between the Sino-Japanese Subregion and the Sine-Himalayan Floristic Subregion. The analysis of distribution patterns of species shows that the Hengduan Mountains is the distribution centre of the two major groups of Cyananthus, Sect. Stenolobi Franch. and Sect. Annui (Lian) Hong et L. M. Ma. In these two groups, only four out of 12 species, i. e. C. incanus Hook. f. et Thoms., C. macrocalyx Franch., C. hookeri C. B. Cl. and C. inflatus Hook. f. et Thoms., extend their areas westwards to Sikkim and Nepal. The other section, Sect. Cyananthus also exists in the west of the Hengduan Mountains. Although in the Himalayas occur three major groups of the genus, only the last-mentioned group-Sect. Cyananthus is mainly distributed in the area (Fig. 4). According to the fact, we tend to infer that the Hengduan Mountains is both the frequency and diversity centers of the genus Cyananthus. The genera of Campanulaceae, which are relatively primitive and the closest relatives of Cyananthus, all occur in SW China and the adjacent regions. Therefore, the region may well be the preserved center of the primitive genera, or even may be the original center of the Campanulaceae. All data accumulated demonstrate that the genus is very old but still under intensive differentiation. With few diagnostic qualitative characters, the characters used in classifications are mostly quantitative ones. The following characters were usually used for classification of the genus: habit, plant size, leaf shape, leaf size, hairs on the leaf, corolla colour, petiole length, corolla length and hairs on the calyx, etc. Among them, only habit, corolla colour and hairs belong to qualitative characters, and all of the others are quantitative ones. Because variation ranges of quantitative characters have never been thoroughly studied in the previous classifications, some named taxa are artificial. An extensive statistical analysis of quantitative characters were carried out in the work to reveal their variation ranges. Based on this, 5 specific names are reduced as synonyms: C. microrhombeus C. Y. Wu is reduced to C. delavayi Franch.; C. argenteus Marq. to C. longiflorus Franch.; C. pseudo-inflatus Tsoong to C. inflatus Hook. f. et Thoms.; and both C. neurocalyx C. Y. Wu and C. leiocalyx (Franch.) Cowan to C. macrocalyx Franch., while C. montanus C. Y. Wu and C. Petiolatus Franch. are treated as subspecies in C. flavus Marq. and C. incanus Hook. f. et Thoms. respectively. As a result of the revision, 19 species and 2 subspecies are recognized in the present paper, with 7 species names and 15 variety names reduced. The genus is divided into three sections according to habit, corolla lobes and hairy types on calyx: Sect. Cyananthus, Sect. Stenolobi Franch. and Sect. Annui (Lian) Hong et L. M. Ma. In the present paper the chromosome number of the genus Cyananthus is reported for the first time, C. inflatus Hook. f. et Thoms. from Yadong, S. Tibet, being found to have 2n=14. And pollen morphology of the genus Leptocodon was first examined under SEM and is shownin Plate 1.  相似文献   

(1) The systematic positions of Clematis potaninii Maxim., C . heynei Rau, C. trichotoma Nakai, C. apiculata Hook. f. & Thoms, C. theobromina Dunn, C. sigensis Engler,C. hedysarifolia DC., and C. dissecta Baker, and the specific status of C. trifida Hook, C.pimpinellifolia Hook., C. oligophylla Hook., and Clematopsis lineariloba Hutch. are discussed; (2) New classifications for Clematis parviloba Gardn. & Champ., C. puberula Hook. f. & Thoms., and sect. Naraveliopsis Hand.-Mazz. are provided; (3) Clematis subsect. Potaninianae M. Johnson, C. heynei M. Johnson, C. petelotii Gagnep. and some other names are reduced to synonymy; (4) Two subsections, 4 series, 4 species, and 4 varieties are described as new; (5)Four new ranks and 4 new combinations are made.  相似文献   

在光学显微镜下研究了湖北产紫堇属(Corydalis DC.)15种及2变型的种子形态特征。结果表明,其种子小,近圆形、扁圆形或肾形,黑色或深棕色,具油质体。油质体帽状、扇形、条形或不规则,紧贴种子表面或分离。根据种子表面形态,种子可分为4种类型:(1)表面光滑,如大叶紫堇(C.temulifolia Franch.)、川东紫堇(C.acuminata Franch.)、巴东紫堇(C.hemsleyana Franch.ex Prain)、北岭黄堇(C.fargesii Franch.)、鄂西黄堇(C.shennongensis H.Chuang)和小药八旦子(C.caudata(Lam.)Pers.);(2)表面具刺或疣状突起,如阜平黄堇(C.wilfordii Regel)、小花黄堇(C.racemosa(Thunb.)Pers.)、地锦苗(C.sheareri S.Moore)和珠芽地锦苗(C.sheareri S.Moore f.bulbillifera Hand.-Mazz.);(3)表面具凹点状印痕,如刻叶紫堇(C.incisa(Thunb.)Pers.)、紫堇(C.edulis Maxim.)、地柏枝(C.cheilanthifolia Hemsl.)、蛇果黄堇(C.ophiocarpa Hook.f.et Thoms.)、北越紫堇(C.balansae Prain)和延胡索(C.yanhusuo(Y.H.Chou et C.C.Hsu)W.T.Wang ex Z.Y.Su et C.Y.Wu);(4)表面具凹点状印痕,并被有疣状突起,如伏生紫堇(C.decumbens(Thunb.)Pers.)。种子大小、形状和表面形态以及油质体形态在种内相对稳定,对一些物种的划分具有较重要的意义。  相似文献   

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