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Björn Söderbäck 《Oecologia》1994,100(3):229-235
Two freshwater crayfish species, Astacus astacus L. and Pacifastacus leniusculus Dana, co-occur in some Swedish lakes. Observational studies indicate that the introduced, North American species P. leniusculus may gradually replace the native A. astacus, but the mechanism behind the replacement is not known. This study examined the direct effects of interspecific competition between the crayfish, and indirect effects of competitive interactions and fish (European perch, Perca fluviatilis L.) predation. Three different experiments with young-of-the-year (YOY) crayfish were performed. P. leniusculus was strongly dominant over similar-sized A. astacus in interference competition for shelter in a laboratory experiment. However, in a 35-day experiment in outdoor pools, A. astacus growth and survival were about equally affected by interactions with conspecifics and P. leniusculus. In contrast, P. leniusculus was significantly more affected by intraspecific competition than by competition with A. astacus, suggesting asymmetric competition between the two species. The presence of perch in outdoor ponds with mixed-species groups of the two crayfish species resulted in considerably higher predation rates on A. astacus than on P. leniusculus. Both species showed strong antipredator responses to perch by increasing refuge use. I suggest that higher perch predation rates on A. astacus originate from P. leniusculus being the superior species in interspecific competition for shelter. Because of displacement from refuges, A. astacus individuals become more exposed to the predator. This indirect effect of interactions among the two cray-fish species and the predator may be important in the observed in situ replacement of A. astacus by P. leniusculus.  相似文献   

Summary The predatory gastropod Nucella lapillus, commonly preys upon the mussel, Mytilus edulis, and is thought to control the distribution and abundance of mussels on the rocky shores of New England, USA. In this study, done in Maine, USA, not only the presence of Nucella lapillus but also the roughness of the experimental surface and the presence of the herbivorous gastropod, Littorina littorea, were manipulated. Four types of surfaces were used as recruitment substrata for mussels: smooth bare granite, aggregations of the barnacle, Semibalanus balanoides, fiberglass resin castings of smooth bare granite and resin castings of aggregations of S. balanoides. To ensure that caged N. lapillus were not starving, barnacles were provided as alternative prey. Experiments showed no detectable effect of N. lapillus on the recruitment of M. edulis. Mussel recruitment was enhanced by surface rugosity and depressed by the activities of L. littorea. Analysis of covariance, using the number of algal species as the covariate, suggested that L. littorea reduced the number of newlyrecruited mussels by removing algae that provided recruitment sites, but no manipulations were done to test this conjecture. It is likely that previous reports of N. lapillus controlling mussel abundance are attributable to N. lapillus preying upon barnacles, which increase surface rugosity and enhance mussel recruitment. Review of literature on feeding preferences of N. lapillus supports this view. When handling times and prey availability are taken into account, Nucella shows a clear preference for barnacles over mussels.  相似文献   

Direct and indirect effects in microcosm communities of protists   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Sharon P. Lawler 《Oecologia》1993,93(2):184-190
Increased complexity in biological communities can increase the variety of interactions among species, but the relative strengths and long-term consequences of various direct and indirect interactions require further investigation. I studied interactions among four species of protists by monitoring their population dynamics when they were cultured either together or in seven different subset communities. Two protists were bacterivores (Chilomonas and Tetrahymena) and two were predators (Actinosphaerium and Euplotes). Actinosphaerium was omnivorous, and could eat both predatory Euplotes and bacterivores. Three indirect effects occurred among the four species of protists, including indirect facilitation of one predator by the other, apparent competition between bacterivores, and indirect facilitation of one bacterivore by the omnivorous predator. Community structure and invasibility depended on both direct and indirect effects; thus both can be mechanisms for assembly rules.  相似文献   

Predation risk and the structure of freshwater zooplankton communities   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary Many predators inflict substantial mortality on their prey. The prey respond to these selective pressures with changes in their spatial and temporal overlap with the predator (density risk responses), or with changes in their vulnerability to the predator (prey vulnerability responses). Here we develop a simple predation model that permits quantification of the basic response types of the prey in nature. We then test the hypothesis that prey response will be proportional to the intensity of the predation mortality relative to all other sources of mortality and decreased natality acting on the prey. A significant regression relationship is obtained for the prey vulnerability response but not for any of the density risk responses. The individual response values and regression statistics are used to interpret the relative importance of the different response types and to assess the predator's influence on prey community structure.Supported by Lehigh University Environmental Studies Center  相似文献   

The barnacle, Balanus glandula has recently invaded along the Pacific coast of eastern Hokkaido, Japan. To evaluate the direct and indirect effects of endemic seaweeds, barnacles, and invertebrate predators on the abundance of B. glandula on the rocky intertidal coast of eastern Hokkaido, we conducted a field experiment from June 2011 to October 2012 in which we manipulated the presence or absence of these factors. Seaweeds showed no significant effect on the abundance of B. glandula. The endemic barnacle Chthamalus dalli and the invertebrate predator Nucella lima reduced the abundance of B. glandula. However, the simultaneous influence of N. lima and C. dalli was compensative rather than additive, probably due to keystone predation. These findings suggest that competition by the endemic barnacle C. dalli and predation by the invertebrate predator N. lima decreased the abundance of B. glandula, but that N. lima predation on C. dalli weakened the negative influence of C. dalli on B. glandula. The implications of these findings are twofold: the endemic competitor and invertebrate predator may have played important roles in decreasing the abundance of B. glandula in natural habitats, and conservation of endemic invertebrate predators may be crucial to impede the establishment and survival of introduced barnacles in rocky intertidal habitats.  相似文献   

Predation can have strong direct and indirect effects on the behavior of prey. We investigated whether predation by chain pickerel (Esox niger) caused adult eastern mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki) to alter their habitat use and whether pickerel predation influenced survival of adult and neonate mosquitofish. The number of adult mosquitofish using the riskier of three habitats was lowest when two predators occupied the risky habitat, intermediate in the treatment with one predator, and highest when no predators occurred there. More mosquitofish neonates survived high predation treatments than treatments lacking pickerel. We conclude that pickerel predation causes adult mosquitofish to shift to refuge habitats. The pattern of neonate survival suggests that adult habitat use may create a refuge from cannibalism for neonate mosquitofish, resulting in higher neonate survival in treatments with more pickerel. Hence, pickerel predation has a direct effect on adult mosquitofish behavior and a strong indirect effect on neonate survival. Both interspecific and intraspecific predation can effect prey populations and can interact to produce important indirect effects.  相似文献   

We tested the relative and combined effects of prey density and patch size on the functional response (number of attacks per unit time and duration of attacks) of a predatory reef fish (Cheilodactylus nigripes (Richardson)) to their invertebrate prey. Fish attacked prey at a greater rate and for longer time in large than small patches of prey, but large patches had naturally greater densities of prey. We isolated the effects of patch size and prey density by reducing the density of prey in larger patches to equal that of small patches; thereby controlling for prey density. We found that the intensity at which fish attacked prey (combination of attack rate and duration) was primarily a response to prey density rather than the size of patch they occupied. However, there was evidence that fish spent more time foraging in larger than smaller patches independent of prey density; presumably because of the greater total number of prey available. These experimental observations suggest that fish can distinguish between different notions of prey abundance in ways that enhance their rate of consumption. Although fish may feed in a density dependent manner, a critical issue is whether their rate of consumption outstrips the rate of increase in prey abundance to cause density dependent mortality of prey.  相似文献   

A laboratory experiment was conducted to determine whether the sea star Asterias forbesi and the naticid gastropod Euspira heros feed on surfclams, Spisula solidissima, in an additive or non-additive manner. Predators were allowed to feed on clams with conspecifics and in the presence of the other predator species. Clam mortality (measured as the rate of decline of clam number) and predator feeding rates were noted. To determine the effects of temperature on interactions among the predators, the experiment was conducted at three different temperatures. At all temperatures, feeding rate of each predator was not affected by the presence of the other species, and clam mortality in the presence of both predators was predictable from mortality in the presence of a single predator species. These additive interactions are most likely a result of habitat partitioning between the predators, with naticid snails being infaunal and sea stars being epifaunal. Previous studies in a variety of systems show no clear pattern of occurrence of non-additive interactions. Relatively small differences in predator or prey behavior may be responsible for the presence or absence of non-additive interactions. Received: 6 August 1998 / Accepted: 25 January 1999  相似文献   

Chifu Huang  Andrew Sih 《Oecologia》1991,85(4):530-536
Summary We used a complete block design to experimentally study direct and indirect interactions in a three trophic-level freshwater system consisting of a top predator, the green sunfish, Lepomis cyanellus, an intermediate predator, small-mouthed salamander larvae, Ambystoma barbouri, and prey, hatchling isopods, Lirceus fontinalis. This system occurs naturally in small stream pools in central Kentucky; experiments were done in laboratory pools. Salamander larvae ate isopods and thus had a direct, negative effect on isopod survival. Accordingly, isopods responded to the presence of salamander larvae by increasing their tendency to bury themselves in the sand substrate. Fish ate salamanders and thus had a direct, negative effect on salamander survival. Salamanders responded to fish presence by increasing their time spent under plexiglass plates that simulate refuge rocks. The overall effect of fish on isopods depended on the presence of salamanders. In the absence of salamanders, fish predation on isopods had a direct, negative effect on isopod survival; isopods thus responded to the presence of fish by burying themselves in the sand. With salamanders present, fish had a positive overall effect on isopod survival; i.e., direct, negative effects of fish on isopods were outweighed by indirect, positive effects. Indirect positive effects of fish on isopods came through a reduction in salamander predation rates on isopods in the presence of fish. The mechanism involved both a decrease in the number of salamanders (a trophic-linkage indirect effect; cf. Miller and Kerfoot 1987) and a reduction in the feeding rate of individual salamanders on isopods (a behavioral indirect effect). The decrease in individual salamander feeding rates on isopods was due to reductions in both salamander activity and in spatial overlap between salamanders and isopods in the presence of fish. The latter effect reflected the fact that salamanders and isopods used different refuges from fish; salamanders went under refuge plates, whereas isopods primarily buried themselves in sand. Estimates of the relative importance of various direct and indirect effects of sunfish on isopods suggested that positive, behavioral indirect effects were of roughly the same magnitude as direct, negative effects, both of which were more important than were trophic-linkage indirect effects. Contrary to expectations, the presence of isopods did not affect the refuge use or survival of salamanders in the presence of fish.  相似文献   

A series of laboratory experiments was conducted to determine the effect of interspecific differences on prey defensive behavior on the susceptibility of two aphid species (Acyrthosiphon pisum and A. kondoi) to a ground-foraging predator, Harpalus pennsylvanicus, and a foliar-foraging predator, Coccinella septempunctata. These organisms are representative of a biologically and economically important predator/prey system in alfalfa. The primary defensive behavior of both aphid species toward C. septempunctata was to “drop” from the plant. Both aphid species were significantly more likely to drop from the plant in the presence of C. septempunctata. However, when C. septempunctata was present, a significantly lower proportion of A. kondoi individuals dropped (0.42 ± 0.07) compared to A. pisum (0.73 ± 0.08). As a result of their lower propensity to drop from the plant A. kondoi individuals are significantly more likely to be consumed by C. septempunctata. Conversely, the higher propensity of A. pisum individuals to drop increased their susceptibility to ground-foraging predators. When A. pisum was the prey species, ground-foraging predators made a significant contribution to overall aphid suppression and there was a significant synergistic interaction between ground and foliar-foraging predators. When A. kondoi was the prey there was no interaction between the predator species. As either a cause or consequence of its higher propensity to drop, A. pisum seems to be more adapted for survival and dispersal off the plant. In comparison to A. kondoi individuals, A. pisum individuals relocate plants more quickly (63 ± 41 s vs. 164 ± 39 s), disperse farther (18 ± 1.7 cm vs. 13 ± 0.66 cm), and survive longer (37 ± 2.0 h vs. 25 ± 2.0) off the plant. This study demonstrates the importance of prey defensive behavior in determining the susceptibility of a prey species to a multiple-predator complex. Received: 24 February 1997 / Accepted:17 December 1997  相似文献   

Mathematical modelling and laboratory experiments were used to study how exploitative competition and predation influence the species structure in cladoceran community. For five species of Cladocera (Sida crystallina, Daphnia magna, Simocephalus vetulus, Daphnia longispina, and Diaphanosoma brachyurum), representing a gradient of body size, population characteristics were described as functions of food concentration. Abundance dynamics were simulated in mixed species cultures and invasion experiments under different levels of food supply corresponding to oligo-, meso-, and eutrophic conditions. Separate simulations were also run including and excluding (fish) predation. The competitive ability of each species was estimated as the values of the population equilibrium food concentration. Simulation results showed that for the no-predator scenario, increases in the level of food supply promoted species coexistence while under lower food concentrations only one species remained at the end of the simulation runs. When predation was allowed, the number of species that coexisted at the end of the simulations increased up to four species, indicating that predator pressure facilitated species coexistence because it shortened periods of food depletion. Simulation results were verified in laboratory experiments which suggested that population equilibrium food concentration can be used as an estimate of competitive ability. Finally, species structure and relative abundance in Lake Naroch (Belarus) during the summer of 2004 was found to be consistent with our results from computer simulation and laboratory experiments with regard to competition and predation impacts on zooplankton community. Handling editor: S. I. Dodson  相似文献   

M. Mogi  H. S. Yong 《Oecologia》1992,90(2):172-184
Summary The structure and organization of aquatic arthropod communities in Nepenthes ampullaria pitchers were studied at two sites (M in Malacca and K in Kuching) in Malaysia. The communities consisted mainly of aquatic dipteran larvae. Community M was dominated by a filter feeder, Tripteroides tenax, which reached a high density despite a strongly aggregated distribution. Community K had five trophic groups: carrion feeders, filter feeders, detritus feeders, nipping predators and hooking predators, each including multiple species. The summed density of filter feeders in Community K remained much below the level attained by filter feeders in Community M. Niche differentiation within each trophic group with regard to pitcher age and feeding behaviour was not sufficient to allow species coexistence through niche separation alone. Aggregated distributions directly reduced interspecific encounters. Nevertheless, species belonging to the same trophic group commonly shared the same pitcher, because of high occurrence probabilities of dominant species and positive associations between some taxa (due mainly to similar occupancies by pitcher age). Predator coexistence in Community K may have been facilitated by self-limitation of the large predators through intraspecific cannibalism strengthened by aggregation. Prey coexistence, on the other hand, may have relied more on population suppression by predation, especially the selective removal of old instar Tripteroides.  相似文献   

Models in which all hosts respond in the same fashion to challenge by disease make a number of clear predictions regarding the ameliorating effect of predation on disease burden in prey populations. However, natural populations are typically exposed to a broad spectrum of stressors, some of which can induce changes in an individual's susceptibility to infection and transmission, as well as vulnerability to mortality once infected. When only a subset of the population is exposed to these other factors, host populations will express some heterogeneity in resistance to disease. Here I investigate the influence that such heterogeneity can have on the predicted beneficial epidemiological effect of predators on certain homogeneous prey populations. Results show that, under some conditions, predation can exacerbate disease burden in the heterogeneous prey population. I conclude that such a possibility might have implications for wild and domesticated animal management programs.  相似文献   

Almany GR 《Oecologia》2004,141(1):105-113
Greater structural complexity is often associated with greater abundance and diversity, perhaps because high complexity habitats reduce predation and competition. Using 16 spatially isolated live-coral reefs in the Bahamas, I examined how abundance of juvenile (recruit) and adult (non-recruit) fishes was affected by two factors: (1) structural habitat complexity and (2) the presence of predators and interference competitors. Manipulating the abundance of low and high complexity corals created two levels of habitat complexity, which was cross-factored with the presence or absence of resident predators (sea basses and moray eels) plus interference competitors (territorial damselfishes). Over 60 days, predators and competitors greatly reduced recruit abundance regardless of habitat complexity, but did not affect adult abundance. In contrast, increased habitat complexity had a strong positive effect on adult abundance and a weak positive effect on recruit abundance. Differential responses of recruits and adults may be related to the differential effects of habitat complexity on their primary predators. Sedentary recruits are likely most preyed upon by small resident predators that ambush prey, while larger adult fishes that forage widely and use reefs primarily for shelter are likely most preyed upon by large transient predators that chase prey. Increased habitat complexity may have inhibited foraging by transient predators but not resident predators. Results demonstrate the importance of habitat complexity to community dynamics, which is of concern given the accelerated degradation of habitats worldwide.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of the rhizome galling fly, Eurosta comma (Wiedemann), on rhizome mass and nitrogen allocation in a clone of its goldenrod host plant, Solidago missouriensis Nutt. In comparison to ungalled ramets, galled ramets initiated significantly fewer new rhizomes, and allocated less mass to leaves and stems and more to roots. Galled ramets had lower concentrations of nitrogen in roots and rhizomes but leaf and stem nitrogen concentrations were not affected. In the second year of our study, outbreaks of the leaf-eating beetle, Trirhabda canadensis (Kirby), occurred in three of our four study clones, removing ∼20%, ∼50%, and 100% of leaf area from clones 2–4, respectively. In the most heavily grazed clones, the influence of rhizome galls on plant resource allocation was least pronounced. Despite the overwhelming immediate impact of grazing, the presence of a gall population may be important because they decrease the ability of S. missouriensis clones to initiate new rhizomes and hence to recover from defoliation. Received: 28 December 1997 / Accepted: 28 December 1998  相似文献   

Drought and the organization of tree-hole mosquito communities   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary In southeastern North America (North Florida, USA), the duration, frequency, and timing of drought differentially affect the survivorship of pre-adult tree-hole mosquitoes. Drought affects survivorship both by the direct action of dehydration on developing larvae and pupae and by the indirect modulation of predation. The drought-susceptible species, Toxorhynchites rutilus, Orthopodomyia signifera, and Anopheles barberi co-occur in more permanent holes that are larger, with larger, more vertical openings, lower down in larger trees, and contain darker water with higher conductivity, pH, and tannin-lignin content than the holes occupied by Aedes triseriatus that has drought-resistant eggs and rapid larval development. Ovipositing mosquitoes cue on physical and chemical attributes of tree holes independently of host tree species. These same attributes differ among drought-prone and drought-resistant holes but mosquitoes track these attributes more faithfully than the attributes predict tree-hole stability.  相似文献   

Intraguild (IG) predator density can alter its effects on intraguild prey populations through several mechanisms, including density-dependent processes that affect IG predator traits such as size or growth that enhance or limit its predatory abilities. We examined whether intraspecific density-dependence altered IG predator traits, as well as the subsequent interspecific effects among its intraguild prey within a larval salamander guild. Four densities of ringed salamanders (Ambystoma annulatum), the IG predator, were combined with the presence/absence of spotted salamanders (A. maculatum), the IG prey, within experimental mesocosms. We modeled the effects of A. annulatum density on both conspecific and heterospecific responses that would be indicative of density-dependent competition and predation, respectively. We also modeled the reciprocal interspecific effects of A. maculatum on A. annulatum. We found that increasing intraspecific density negatively affected morphological traits but not survival of A. annulatum. No interspecific effects of A. maculatum on A. annulatum were observed. Alternatively, traits of A. maculatum showed nonlinear relationships with increasing A. annulatum density. Thinning effects of A. annulatum on A. maculatum were observed, as survival was positively and size negatively related for A. maculatum with IG predator density. The temporal overlap of the IG predator and prey also increased nonlinearly with IG predator density, intensifying the potential encounter rate of the two species. Overall, this study shows that density-dependent processes in IG predators can significantly affect traits of both themselves, as well as IG prey, which could ultimately change whether competition or predation occurs between the two groups.  相似文献   

Impact of a parasitic plant on the zonation of two salt marsh perennials   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Animal, fungal, and bacterial consumers can have dramatic effects on the structure of plant communities, often by consuming dominant competitors and indirectly increasing the abundance of inferior competitors. We investigated the role of a consumer plant, the parasite Cuscuta salina, on plant zonation in a western salt marsh. Cuscuta had a strong host species preference in experiments, disproportionally infecting Salicornia virginica, the dominant competitor in most of the marsh. In plots with Cuscuta, which infected 18% of our study area over a 3-year period, Salicornia cover decreased and the cover of Arthrocnemum increased substantially in comparison to plots without Cuscuta. Deep in the Salicornia zone, the cover of Arthrocnemum in Cuscuta-infected plots increased by 558% in 1 year relative to uninfected plots. At the ecotone, the cover of Arthrocnemum in Cuscuta-infected plots increased by only 41% during the same time interval. These data suggest that the relative benefit of a consumer to a less-preferred, subordinate competitor may be strongest where competition is the most asymmetrical as predicted by recent theoretical models. By weakening the competitive dominant, which in the absence of the parasite can create virtual monocultures, Cuscuta enhanced community diversity and altered the ecotone between Salicornia and Arthrocnemum. Cuscuta patches were highly dynamic at the ecotone between Salicornia and Arthrocnemum, and thus the changes we measured in our sample plots were likely to be representative of large portions of the marsh. Our findings emphasize the importance of trophic interactions in salt marsh structure and zonation. Received: 23 April 1997 / Accepted: 10 October 1997  相似文献   

A Lotka-Volterra system for a multiple species community with two trophic levels is analyzed to illustrate how community structure is reorganized upon invasions of predators. The lower trophic level is assumed to consist of interfering competing species, some of which are preferentially consumed by invading predators. Effects of invading predators on the lower trophic level are investigated in terms of predator-mediated coexistence and predator-induced instability. Competitive interactions between species in the lower trophic level result in indirect mutualism or indirect competition between predators depending on which competitors are preyed upon.  相似文献   

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