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樟叶蜂的生物学和防治   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
樟叶蜂是樟树幼苗的主要害虫之一。田间世代重叠。在广州,室内饲养年1—7代,以老熟幼虫于土中茧内越冬。卵单个地散产于嫩叶组织内,幼虫取食嫩叶,对樟树幼苗造成严重损害。幼虫老熟时下地入土结茧。两性或孤雌生殖。幼虫四龄。预蛹期常滞育。 室内试验表明:对2—3龄幼虫喷射90%敌百虫晶体100,000倍或200,000倍液;80%敌敌畏乳剂100,000倍液:40%乐果乳剂30,000倍液;50%杀螟松乳剂10,000或20,000倍液:50%马拉松乳剂10,000或20,000倍液;80%易卫杀可溶性粉5,00或10,000倍液;25%可湿性西维因2,000或4,000倍液;20%除虫菊脂乳剂2,000或4,000倍液;以及27.5%杀虫双乳剂10,000或20,000倍液或25%杀虫净乳剂2,000或4,000倍液(加洗衣粉0.025%)均有良好效果。  相似文献   

樟树新害虫——窃达刺蛾的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
窃达刺蛾是樟树新害虫,在福建一年发生3代,以幼虫在叶背越冬。翌年3月上旬化蛹,4月上旬成虫出现并产卵,4月中旬幼虫孵出,5月中旬陆续化蛹.6月上旬成虫羽化,6月中旬第二代幼虫开始出现,8月下旬第三代幼虫出现。在幼虫三龄前,喷洒5%辛硫磷,40%氯化乐果乳剂或80%敌敌畏乳剂1000倍液,均可收到良好效果。  相似文献   

首次报道双线雀天蛾是磨芋的主要害虫之一。其幼虫取食叶片,对磨芋造成严重危害,在皖南一年发生二代,危害二次。幼虫期五龄,预蛹期1─1.5天。试验表明,90%敌百虫1000─1500倍液或80%敌敌畏乳剂2000倍液对幼虫有较好的防治作用。  相似文献   

试验了一些药剂对考氏白眉蚧的防治效果。对初孵若虫及2、3龄若虫室内均以40%氧化乐果乳油、50%乐果乳剂、20%中西除虫菊酯乳剂、40%水胺硫磷乳剂的1000倍液及60%柴油乳剂30倍液效果较好。对雌成虫室外试验以60%柴油乳剂30倍液、40%氧化乐果乳油、40%水胺硫磷乳剂1000倍液及50%杀螟松乳剂600倍液效果较好。  相似文献   

日本竹长蠢(Dinoderus japonicus Lesne)是重要的竹材蛀虫之一,主要蛀食已砍伐的刚竹、毛竹和苦竹以刚竹被害最为严重。日本竹长蠢在江西铅山和甫昌一年发生一代,少数为不完整的二代,以成虫和少数幼虫在竹材隧道内越冬。翌年4月中旬,当气温升高到21℃以上时,越冬成虫离开越冬陈竹,转到新竹蛀孔为害。雌虫于5月上旬开始产卵于竹材隧道内组织间隙,每雌一生最多可产142粒、最少32粒。产卵期长约60天。成虫寿命最长可达200天左右;幼虫寿命100天左右;前蛹期3—5天;蛹期为10天左右。 水温50℃经浸渍10分钟、90%敌百虫1,000倍液浸渍6—8小时、50%多灭磷乳剂2,000—3,300倍液浸渍6—8小时或500—1000倍液浸渍1—2小时均可杀死蛀入刚竹内的全部成虫和幼虫。大量堆放竹材的竹器厂,冬季清理被蛀虫源竹,把害虫消灭在越冬阶段,在防治上也是一项非常重要的措施。  相似文献   

杨木蠹蛾是杨树的主要蛀干害虫,广泛分布于青海省东部河谷地区,为害性很大。 据观察,其在西宁地区三年一代,但需跨经四个年度。幼虫计有16个龄期,于树干内生活约25个月,老龄幼虫脱孔入土栖居约10个月,共历期35个月左右,其间要越冬三次。蛀害阶段分作三大龄群,即新产群、第二年群和第三年群,各龄群逐年演替。其蛀害活动也可大致区别为:边材期、心材期和脱蛀期。成虫夜间活动,趋光性弱,喜择树皮裂伤处产卵,树干1—1.5米的高度内着卵较集中,因而蛀害指数也较大。 药剂防治主要应“卡—关(侵蛀),堵—头(蛀害)”。试验证明,用以下剂量的农药作适期防治,可获较好的防效:(1)5—10月间,幼虫蛀害活动时,用40%乐果乳剂25—50倍液,注孔一次,熏杀中老龄幼虫。(2)6月中下旬至7月下旬,成虫产卵期间,用50%可湿性DDT粉剂25—50倍液或50%倍硫磷乳剂400—500倍液,喷布树干胸段2—3次,触杀初孵幼虫。  相似文献   

福州地区桑白蚧发生动态和药剂防治试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
桑白蚧在福州地区一年发生4代.以雌成虫在寄主枝干上越冬.越冬代(第4代)一雌虫产卵量多的达278粒.少的36粒,平均171粒,比第2代产卵量多2.6倍.比第3代多4.5倍.药剂防治试验结果,在2龄幼蚧高峰期,用25%扑虱灵可温性粉剂1500倍液,40%氧化乐果乳油800-1000倍液和95%机油乳剂50—100倍液喷雾.防治效果可达90%左右.用25%扑虱是可湿性粉剂1000-1500倍液.喷酒幼蚕触杀试验和喷洒桑叶喂蚕胃毒试验结果.对幼蚕安全.用扑虱灵防治桑树上的桑白蚧,对养蚕业无不良影响。  相似文献   

甘蓝夜盗虫的老龄幼虫(5—6龄),白天都潜伏在植株附近的表土下或大的枯叶下,只在晚上8点以后出来取食。于是,就本着敢想敢干的精神以25%DDT乳剂200倍液破例的在夜间进行了施药防治的尝试。防治的结果令人满意,兹将经过介绍如下: 1.施药前的准备工作:先于白天在田间按每2垧地划分一片,并准备好药剂、喷雾器、标记以及其施  相似文献   

靳永  谢玉  张波涛  邵永  杨列芳 《昆虫知识》2007,44(5):734-736
茶黑刺粉虱Aleurocanthus spiniferus Quaintance是茶树的主要害虫之一。该虫在山东省薛城1年发生4代,以幼虫在叶片中越冬。对成虫、初孵幼虫和越冬幼虫的田间化学防治试验,结果显示,分别选用1.8%阿维菌素2500倍液或2.5%吡虫啉2000倍液防治成虫或幼虫效果较好。  相似文献   

【目的】矿物油乳剂因其安全性好、杀虫谱广、不易产生抗性等优点,被广泛用于果蔬、农作物、园林害虫的防治,但有关其对害虫天敌烟蚜茧蜂的安全性尚不明确。因此,本文研究矿物油乳剂对烟蚜茧蜂不同发育阶段的安全性,为更好地协调蚜虫的化学防治和生物防治提供理论依据。【方法】在实验室条件下采用药膜法和浸渍法测定了不同浓度(150、250、350、450倍液)矿物油乳剂对烟蚜茧蜂各发育阶段的影响。【结果】矿物油乳剂对烟蚜茧蜂成虫的影响较小,无明显胃毒作用,但有一定的触杀作用,以最高浓度150倍液(4986.960 mg·L-1)处理24 h后的存活率依然高达92%;矿物油乳剂对烟蚜茧蜂寄生蚜有较高的致死率,LC50为859.541 mg·L-1,该浓度远远低于此次供试的最低浓度450倍液(1662.320 mg·L-1),说明矿物油乳剂对烟蚜茧蜂卵和幼虫的安全性较差;矿物油乳剂对烟蚜茧蜂蛹期羽化率的影响较显著,处理组的僵蚜与对照组的僵蚜相比,羽化高峰期均滞后1 d,且羽化率随着处理浓度的增大而下降(450倍液时羽化率为81.25%,150倍液时仅为47.75%)。【结论】当蚜虫发生严重时,可考虑在烟蚜茧蜂成虫期协调使用矿物油乳剂进行联合控制,但矿物油乳剂的使用浓度和施用时间还有待进一步确定。  相似文献   

日本菟丝子(Cuscuta japonica)吸取不同寄主植物的营养,经过营养代谢其机体内的过氧化物酶同工酶的活性或酶带数发生变化,从而改变了它对胶孢炭疽菌菟丝子专化型[Col-letotrichum gloeosporioides(Penz.)Sacc.f.sp.Cuscutael]同一菌株的抗性,以此为依据,采用寄生在不同植物上的日本菟丝子做为鉴定寄主,可以鉴别出胶孢炭疽菌菟丝子专化型中不同菌株的致病力差异。 初步认为:龙眼、桂花、柚子和冬青上的紫色菟丝子及泡桐、桂花和冬青上的黄色菟丝子可以作为鉴定寄主。  相似文献   

黑水虻幼虫和预蛹的饲料价值研究进展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
黑水虻Hermetia illucens L.是一种全世界广泛分布的资源昆虫,幼虫在自然界以动物粪便、腐烂的有机物,如腐肉、腐烂的水果、蔬菜和植物性垃圾为食,能够被用于畜禽粪便的无害化处理。黑水虻幼虫在将粪便转化成昆虫生物量的同时,减少了粪便的污染。利用畜禽粪便饲养的黑水虻幼虫干重达到42%~43%,其中粗蛋白含量占干重的42%~44%,脂肪含量占干重的31%~35%,灰份占干重的11%~15%,钙质占干重的4.8%~5.1%,磷占干重的0.60%~0.63%。使用粪便饲养的幼虫和预蛹,含有丰富的必需氨基酸和矿物质,是家禽、家畜和鱼类养殖的良好饲料来源。文章综述利用不同动物粪便饲养的黑水虻幼虫和预蛹的饲料价值及其幼虫和预蛹用于鸡、猪和鱼类饲料添加剂的研究进展。  相似文献   

A high proportion of nonreproductive (NR) Varroa destructor Anderson & Trueman (Mesostigmata: Varroidae), is commonly observed in honey bee colonies displaying the varroa sensitive hygienic trait (VSH). This study was conducted to determine the influence of brood removal and subsequent host reinvasion of varroa mites on mite reproduction. We collected foundress mites from stages of brood (newly sealed larvae, prepupae, white-eyed pupae, and pink-eyed pupae) and phoretic mites from adult bees. We then inoculated these mites into cells containing newly sealed larvae. Successful reproduction (foundress laid both a mature male and female) was low (13%) but most common in mites coming from sealed larvae. Unsuccessful reproductive attempts (foundress failed to produce both a mature male and female) were most common in mites from sealed larvae (22%) and prepupae (61%). Lack of any progeny was most common for mites from white-eyed (83%) and pink-eyed pupae (92%). We also collected foundress mites from sealed larvae and transferred them to cells containing newly sealed larvae, prepupae, white-eyed pupae, or pink-eyed pupae. Successful reproduction only occurred in the transfers to sealed larvae (26%). Unsuccessful reproductive attempts were most common in transfers to newly sealed larvae (40%) and to prepupae (25%). Unsuccessful attempts involved the production of immature progeny (60%), the production of only mature daughters (26%) or the production of only a mature male (14%). Generally, lack of progeny was not associated with mites having a lack of stored sperm. Our results suggest that mites exposed to the removal of prepupae or older brood due to hygiene are unlikely to produce viable mites if they invade new hosts soon after brood removal. Asynchrony between the reproductive status of reinvading mites and the developmental stage of their reinvasion hosts may be a primary cause of NR mites in hygienic colonies. Even if reinvading mites use hosts having the proper age for infestation, only a minority of them will reproduce.  相似文献   

Yue  Yuanzheng  Li  Ling  Li  Yuli  Li  Haiyan  Ding  Wenjie  Shi  Tingting  Chen  Gongwei  Yang  Xiulian  Wang  Lianggui 《Plant Molecular Biology Reporter》2020,38(2):314-330
Plant Molecular Biology Reporter - Sweet osmanthus (Osmanthus fragrans) is an evergreen aromatic woody tree widely used in landscaping. However, O. fragrans is very sensitive to cold stress, which...  相似文献   

Summary The hormonal control of evagination of the imaginal leg discs of the fleshflySarcophaga crassipalpis was studied by means of ectopic transplantation of discs from mature larvae or prepupae onto prepupal hosts. Evagination was influenced by the age of the donor and the developmental commitment of the host. Discs from non-diapuse as well as diapause-committed donors did not differ in their capacity to evaginate and differentiate. Mature larval discs from either type of donor could evaginate only when transplanted onto non-diapause hosts; they failed to evaginate on diapause-committed hosts even though host discs evaginated in situ about 40 h after transplantation. Discs from white prepupae evaginated whether transplanted onto non-diapause or onto diapause-committed hosts.  相似文献   

The puffing pattern of polytene chromosomes in salivary glands from Chironomus pallidivittatus larvae and prepupae has been studied in glutaraldehyde-acetic acid fixed, lactic acid flattened preparations. Some observations were also made on F1 hybrid species C. pallidivittatus X C. tentans. Concerning the situation of puffing in Balbiani rings (BR), 2.783 chromosomes IV from 188 animals were scored. In standard 4th instar larvae, BR2 appears expanded, BR3 smaller but not collapsed and BRI either reduced of collapsed. During the first days following the red-head stage, which signals the beginning of the 4th instar, larvae show a large BR1; later it reduces and tends to collapse. At the end of the 4th instar, prepupae again may present an expanded BR1. On the contrary, the size of BR2 and BR3 remains unchanged from the red-head stage to the prepupa. A variable accumulation of droplets has been observed to occur in BR2 and BR1 from dated larvae and prepupae.--A characteristic pattern of puffing was found in prepupae, which consisted in the appearance of conspicuous puffs at regions I-6B, I-7B, I-7B, I-18C, III-9B and IV-4B. Puffs at I-2B, I-3B, I-9A,I-11C,II-4A, and IV-4B were observed during most of the 4th larval instar, as well as in late larvae and prepupae. Among all these puffs, those at I-7B, I-9A, I-17B, and IV-4B frequently showed variable amounts of droplets.  相似文献   

Polytene chromosome sections 63E1-6 of 3L in Drosophila melanogaster were studied by 3H-uridine and 3H-thymidine autoradiography in late third instar larvae and prepupae. In late third instar larvae 63E does not incorporate 3H-uridine. In prepupae, however, a large puff is formed in 63E which is most active in RNA synthesis. — 3H-thymidine labeling patterns and frequencies of regions 61A-64C were analysed and the non-puffed and puffed 63E sections were compared with reference sections. Both in late third instar larvae and in prepupae 63E shows late replication behavior. It is concluded that the decondensation of chromosome bands does not necessarily entail earlier and/or faster DNA replication.  相似文献   

The emerald ash borer, Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire (Coleoptera: Buprestidae), a phloem-feeding insect from Asia, was identified in 2002 as the cause of widespread ash (Fraxinus sp.) mortality in southeastern Michigan and Essex County, Ontario. Most larvae overwinter as nonfeeding prepupae in the outer sapwood or thick bark of large trees. In a series of studies, we evaluated effects of grinding, chipping, and heat treatment on survival of A. planipennis prepupae in ash material. Heavily infested ash bolts containing roughly 8,700 prepupae were processed by a horizontal grinder with either a 2.5- or 10-cm screen. There was no evidence of A. planipennis survival in chips processed with the 2.5-cm screen, but eight viable prepupae were recovered from chips processed with the 10-cm screen. We chiseled additional sentinel chips with prepupae from ash logs and buried 45 in each chip pile. In total, six prepupae in sentinel chips survived the winter, but we found no sign of adult A. planipennis emergence from the processed chips. Subsequently, we assessed prepupal survival in chips processed by a chipper or a horizontal grinder fit with 5-, 10-, or 12.7-cm screens. An estimated 1,565 A. planipennis prepupae were processed by each treatment. Chips from the chipper were shorter than chips from the grinder regardless of the screen size used. No live prepupae were found in chips produced by the chipper, but 21 viable prepupae were found in chips from the grinder. Infested wood and bark chips chiseled from logs were held in ovens at 25, 40, or 60 degrees C for 8, 24, or 48 h. Prepupal survival was consistently higher in wood chips than bark chips at 40 degrees C, whereas no prepupae survived exposure to 60 degrees C for eight or more hours. In a second study, prepupae in wood chips were exposed to 40, 45, 50, 55, or 60 degrees C for 20 or 120 min. Some prepupae survived 20 min of exposure to all temperatures. No prepupae survived exposure to 60 degrees C for 120 min, but 17% survived exposure to 55 degrees C for 120 min, suggesting that some fraction of the population may survive internationally recognized phytosanitary standards (ISPM-15) for treatment of wood packing material.  相似文献   

In late third instar larvae and prepupae of Drosophila melanogaster there is a complex change in puffing patterns in the salivary gland chromosomes. There are two peaks of activity in this period. The first, in larvae, is known to be under the control of the moulting hormone ecdysone. The second, in prepupae, is now shown by the in vitro culture of prepupal glands to be under the specific control of β-ecdysone in a manner similar to the first. A new class of puffs, active between these two peaks, whose induction is inhibited by ecdysone in vitro, is described. The behaviour of these puffs, exemplified by 75CD and 63E, suggests a period of very low ecdysone titre in vivo. The developmental significance of the role of ecdysone during prepupal development is discussed.  相似文献   

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